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Wolves by Rebeka Woods

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Post on 12-Jan-2015




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Wolves by Rebeka Woods

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The scientific name for the Timber Wolf Canis Lupus

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Habitat/Range Map

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White tailed deer Moose Elk Caribou Smaller animals – rodents & fish

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Physical Description

5 to 5’5’’ long (15 to 19 in. tail) 2.5 feet high Adult males 75 lbs. Adult females 60 lbs. Silvery grey-brown fur Bushy tails Wolves tend to walk in a straight line

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Breeding Information

Alphas are usu. the ones to breed in the pack

February to March 1 litter Average 6 pups Live birth Birthplace-hollow cave , log , or den

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Special Behaviors

o Highly socialo Packs can have 20 memberso Alphas , Betas , Others , Omegaso Scent marking o Howling @ the moono Behavior convey mood

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Weird Facts

Largest of canines

Ancestors of dogs

They’ve helped prevent Chronic Wasting Disease

No longer endangered

Indians used 2 use them as guard & hunting dogs

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Wolf Graphs

Population Graph

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Timber wolves a.k.a. canis lupus are one of the most interesting animal species alive today. They’re hunters but will only attack humans if messed with or if there is a famine and food is scarce. These wolves are very social animals living in packs of up to 20.