
todiv anJ morrow VOL LXVHlXO 157 NEW YORK TUESDAY NOVEMBER 0 00COPYRIGHT 1000 BV THE SUN PRINTING AND IUBUSHIXG ASSOCIATION PRICE TO CENTS ID U r u u r r b C = TERMS CHINA MUST GRANT UKVAXDS WILL P 0MBM IAVK HXT WEEK Mllr A rrfd on Plan to Demand Special rorl loni In the w Treatlrl for Ihe Pr- irdlnn of Mli lo jl iDe thHrnleneefo- i0llnffu OfflrUII Chlnrie- Agulnit Condact of Allied troop tifitM CaVi Vtnatt lo TUB SCv IKKIN Nov 4 via Tnku nndSluinchAi SOl j Tho alllei nr not utiarimoim In the oVlnlon that cpiHlal ir twllon ihould e ixured for tho ml ln rl under the new riiirant e lo bo demanded of Chlnn Thlt will understood when It Ii recalled tit nt lea t oiitf of he nlliod I owes Inpan l not n Christian country while mother Hu li tnlssloiinrlw alllioujh hri tinnily- Thn Vnlted KtntH Kralnnl and hor- ewuntrlrt which Mnd mlMlonirle herr will pro imties utrontrer than thw m Hie- protectlnn Hie IV troiblt Ad ditlonnl kiiiiratitei It rled will bit necessary If Hie ini lonari are to their work In the Interior The countrips not repro ited h ml lon Biles may endeavor to put e qiietloii a liln- uniiiiporlnl Of lll ltlf s countries will denand eunrmitoew s n ennuch to protect tlidr buincss Inter s and it inlirht- le nririird tIm addiilotial kirnntec for the lnl lonirie nri neoded to protect for tiener who r In in thp Interior Iut for iincis tho leprise itiven ol thisn- 1owers iy nn liuiii I iro beyond treaty ports thrrefon hil tfuirntilPeit- ir them would be a u ilc eimllon from i Una Moreover the Mini s of tioninlsh- lcnuiry rounirh1 nritne that Ihey lire iniirittPl the whole matte hould be to future iipsotiailnn lv tlirdivldual na toiuvrnod Ton itt Sot 0 hip Inman IuI In pelda a lilt From A StAff CorrlllJQn4fll 1 h t I I1IItlnnnl 110111 fur lrlllt I rnl I oro I a lan lot I YsIIrrProtets has Ito the tIIk trIt detuind git IF WuIIIh 11 ti t ii ry ii till Ii cot tt Inuc ii Ijlti flu le > > > > lfIAMIK IN 1HK IEATV DIP Clunee always oxi n ay that they nre duo thrliliiro of local- oflldals to pcrlorni their dull When tint niifes hive occurred de- timtideil Ibnt lli oftleial who to pro fortlifliers pijhpd by Hi- t lunoro lovcrniuonl the ollcinU wire removed truth oflke of ibem wit laor appolnteil to bettiliin due intiiiice of this wn HIP cn e oL ipn iho notorious HiiliforeUtier wbo fljreportpil to hive Uiciile had lain tioxertior of Shantung hut boI- MIIM of iiunplilntt mud tha province on he M appointe- dSlilll I Pith which It In beea su iod would he Is In put dcflliie prrlfli HI In China mil Hie puiiihimiii f id oHlilnU- ie iioiii lbi foroiitruue tipiilatlh nature of Ihe puiMimeut to be Inlli ie forbid dln thai reappointnient of KUiltiUliiaU to term of yenrsnl Ireit vherH ner havi been klllrtl In ff thi p omelil Kiirlhcnnori ip f- tho trealle should eit to V und he Miouhl bo compelled tiiniillarizi with all their provion u ctatoit that nt pr pnt n lurce proportion oj hlneii- fllclal ore not neotialnled with tirotnlo i mid In trenlle and do not P their chlicatlonv With these stipulation In thp titrcntlos- nnd with proper orter from niicrr r for their enforcement It wlil bet lhlj fr r iheofllelaN in Hi futu pleis- of Icnornnre of the vllons fnr tin tet Ion of forekn A Brelt dinirulty i n t lia not only the 1 filclnls- nboiii inaty hut nKo ihi innen of ft opp who ncrjtilre their tHi irom the nrtlclnl If tin oft un- flfrMhd these Ihitiks tin pi lIe will linov- ilnir oblitntlon- fxirnti IIKMASD VBCFSIAIIT- It will IIP useless for Iho allies to nskihlnc- Ifitn unless precn I ijiniil Iftloy fnlltniiBriionthPBiiMH be rc n ot i iintr the liary woths Ii rliMusiotis of the Mlnitrt to reelll the flllliro tatlls of the- Ilmatftr and Ihe prorooil in AH- pliniiiii personnel have oi han i nail The latter IIIIHOII ip widi tin tiolntt ahoul tinrantil- iiideaithtiP There Is n ill cnrem e f l L n tn the nature if Iho t hiwo in ilenL- It i in likilj llOWPVlT 111 It till HeW t4 will lirit fulflS tin hope i of Ihe refenuL I I Ill I I h r 1 I I I 11 h lair prINI 111 I I trCat for fur n I thin In ignora I i1 rn I I rrmll China I ihitk I Inn 1 I wi 1 I I his I hl urI I ii l ii Iii i ailed IC lIlt hue till I uti I iIiliI hit ti 1 I i lvnilovej ahnuTt IluilITIg lii Lit t1 ar I i Viht1 r if 4 IIi uTect till t lie Pi4 lii hurtittu iar uflice I In trinaa 4 b hull sI311P ail Iii 11 allit Inn Iii idni itt trel t eras wall gir- l tat tnt lao < > > < > < < < > < < MIM1TI1 MUT AI OX NV Ip Mini lor vi hold anollier nueliL j Niv II Sjllei tlieir lust tnetlltf Ihi I bud man Infiit mnl ii ni rnlnc Hie M I r po Itih nniHilnir uiifo- nlin en nn t on main deiilj- v ill reiihed verv oon p siblv n t MI nut the Minitpr will then IIP rail tot KOHL their demand wbiHi will crobabbj- cliide tnosi rf Trench ThU acl of the millel Ioweni will have rffpct of an ultimatum but whether n tl limit will I et In vlilih Ih Chlne e KMiiply IT whether there will he a Ih- nIe event of niiiiiitmi hniii remains to Thosi who litiow the CMp say I if no time limit for oompliinw nnonipii- Hie rpiiuuid sent lo Hi Tlironi which niiroundvl tiv onerful iinilforeluiier II- vill be illlt lallvinc I ntliinrt to ev n rom n I UI t I ilk Oil tau tau Iii Iii uI < > > fljeto tiiefiict hunt she feared the lrocre ve- n ould Far control of t lieUovernmont throuch- il e Kim rr she siinniiarlly bihondcd n Truer Him In m making n n- Vs lint killing nther thus M imr- t e wide extent nf the reform movement him i t Mid ns niikus now tn check Hi lrogre lve and to trrnutrn her own lower which cnnnot dmie until fan Is- telftnhllslipd wlfi thP Power The revolt ill the neighborhood of iiton tml the riisttirb- unce In other part soft IP eni Ire nreevldenn- f refrTin tiociientMO- IIAMMKHAN lltVnlT Illltf tTKM l HIP correspnnihil of Tin Si x ln receii front CbimM sfiiirn s nn iitirf tiiik slaleuiint- which howrver as et birK confirmation I thoelTeil Hut n Miihaiiiineilitti iKim s threat eiid nearSincnr fi wlueli IMlian llie Hiroii- If ijlstnienent i true the moveaonl proniiH- nunplicate IirIrr n len Tung 1u INIang whn is m poiiinmd- he trncpi inrmii ing thin i in absi- ie coiiijil lie wa orlginnlly a Mohaiiiine- a Anal bended a ntr iu ti rn He wis iMing wliin li WH bingiit- T RIII the comniiind of n Chinese nriuy probably kiiow that the Power are iiiiindO- IK hl head for HIP jwirt he took In 1pku- trnjhle Hnd n limy be tint he i Stirling ii revolt thougli after he ivii bribed I fmuhl the itohauim dan llercely It U known that I Inn I I I c IiI I I I j < ii- I ii I I Pt lit a flit I I 11 t luau aI huh l I irii I rut uUiu Ii a I rot Ii 4 tin L a L > > > ho wai th chief otHcl l o advlvf HIP tllcht of the court to Sltiganfu which Is In his imtlvo province and where under iU control th replied to united demand of the for Indemnity for tho inaneri of nnllvi ClirUt Inn by declaring that It was Impossible France Is to i Hie only country that pressinc for the payment of such on Indemnity Knclmid opposixl to It llus la and Japan display tin Intvrest In ipiestion nnd thu United Slates almost noncommlttnl The cljivind that will be iriwentisl to the Chlnnsp will not ln lud that iimouiit of the Indeninltle or Biinrantw for tho opening of the country commercial treaties tu These will come after thiChlne p mree to the Principle of the pro pnt licinnnil Ii s lbly- Ister thero WIlt be u unlllcatlim of the other deiimtid OKItMAN VIllflB tV I MV The reiKirls cent out by Hie as to- Ihr turbulent conditions provalllnc hereabouts Bre iiniue llotiahi The dor mans are continually mnUIni complaint that their boats luau tired on between anit un nnd- TuiikChow Tint iennan reply by chtnitlnv a nuinber of Slnco the nd- vancii of the allied IV relief of Mo Chinamen boin alone IIP IVIho- It chanie that most has let niil that the vlclms tart cuulliM who tit work In the Hold This Is known to bo trim In many cw An si oftlcir hn oRUlnlly complained of tin promisctiou xhootln by the iermans nloni the river He ciio piiiflc CAM where Inno- cent Chinamen have been klllisl and he tho- ieiioral of the allies to present a ilemntid lo- Commandorln clief on Wolder o hilt tutu sort of work be topped While Ihe iermaiu rei irt that their boats have been tired on reppUillv not a ln le ran lm been roport of atnk on th ve eN of tho SLit Knclnnd or Japan clnce that relief of Iekin The people appear to bp very frienJly airl work whenever they art pirmlttei- to do sn cOlt Mid 14 I ant lath ha lot I nk I lie I lit > urn itt n icua rt jolt I iiu rut I uk Itt vi Tu nit I ru tifl itt llbha wet a Era I 1 i > < > > < < Th hinie condition prevail In Pekln Thin only shootlns Hint ha he n reported has been hi the Cerimin lion In that Amerlcnti unit lapnnei wclion wlilcli nio overcrowded- Iliero bus been nn trouble and business boinc- tniiHart without any ro On thn other the ierrinn Is neatly do thi Chinese hive not oponml their shops They they bivo tried to reunieI- II IIIP several time but the moment thoir place are opetie I the are by the o- diers who tenl everyhlnc they cnn lay their hands on The Chinese therefore ullerly- hepe 4 The shootlni Klnld Marhll Cniint- v n Vnldersees ndiUirters nt nlchi I neh- tlmt one of the nttai auld tolay thai H wi- ilincorou for nn tn Irk his Innd out of n window n lray bullet mltfht lilt him When Hi Clnnoe nre ordered tn hull they il not iindersinnd TIM are freiiuently Hlm- ldunii The attach A i iid if WM in the ierman section I M- Stratir tliiil It was not necessary In the other iltiirier of the citv HIP occupation- of Iekin the ipiarter now rontrolled by ttn American wn the inrehi l part of Now it I not iece ary to lire n siiikI shot to l p Iho acp Only twri Chinese have been killed In dllrlct since Its occilatoti by the Anvprin trfioiv Thin cnfldemiMllon of HIP Inntai or viiiciitl Treasurer of Inotincfu j y Hie niitiiint Yiimnlsslon nrd tne npprovnl of the dfith spntencM b Field Coiin von Mldersco In mused contei ialloti among- chlnr 11 Hung Chvig making in ofllrlnl ropo Plilallons tn OIIIP of lle foreign Minister In which he a li Hiem to us thai irll lence with the Commandorlnfhief lo hive- th sentence pondeft The nilwlnimrie assort that the FiiPtni wit rhledy re pcnllilo for till t IIP horror in Hint section nf the country during HIP ioer outbreak anl whllo It Is known thai iirtaln MiniTA think the evcr tinn if till oflMal Miri Itilerfere with tin i nop iipgotlati there little probability Ida Karl 11 iieit nlll bo g ran led II llnig iliang liis revived prntpst from i ncils of towns between Inotlngfiii- inil Iekin nrlnm the eonduct of the troops who took pan In HIP expedition to the former ilty Tlie e ntilclal declare that thin vllluen were looted burned the peopp killed and the fiitmtry lerrorlnil They add thai if riich floti T are not flopped tho country- vll IK depopiilatil for n clistuncn nf evenly 11 dilioul tveutvfoiir each lde of Iho route of the columns It HuimChriiig fur warded the prnnst to the Ministers today tiigetlur with n statement that FIICI conduct I hall a I r I hi ntTI rST1rr ulrms Pro Ih I I II u j utraf itt raet Inn art at a haul ej rat fl raIl ol a J IL t I heal l fair I hit ali v tw M a rail I tin a nit i oat > Vii tint warraniet ny thin rups of war or by law vhere no oppoiiin was otTorod- to Hie troops prayed the MltilMen to check the troops from iin ofllclal Chluesp soiirco iy- thenis no M of the return of tlioCoiirt- to before pritik nut u iiu I Itl Ii Ifl It jail ill Iuit a I Pali itt I n i I flit llniiEoo from Ihe rhlllpplnr and lrt- II Illle Vim llosTnN Nov l Theri n llnp on hoard ship I ln A lend wHeh Htrivnl- h tp nn Saiiidai from M inlln alter n live montlis VOJIIBP that rould not be bought iiiMderab money wn n time vhon4iiirt of that crew would hnvu ctin- trlhutedlmlf their wnce toBtt rid It Vhtn the hlp irom Mnnili d M n IAn nnd ninlnrln hnd taken hold of every white inHiiilr of the crew nnd the riiplaln t y- ami of Yarmouth dld Then the willor b van lo look nboiit tar thilonah and pon n llttl nionkoo MX snllors with in the tnley ioe ntcni IHI- n llipevenlncof June i to drive the ito tin sen IV T Ole of HIP six WHR billon Jut then the moritfiiov ivcaj the iiinin t v ri I llten the ll rs iTCnn tn tin rove In nml u i I t I I a i tuh flirt I Iii I air tilt Iiituhi t tiara I ii U pal t tat rains heath 1 I e ittuh via I I rrottt I roll Ii > > > < Ii tPtlng N IIO in the oIluT hliin i IIMMII MV the condition of Hie ctri Ire I i m- tliit the Throne Is irxlou to nciiro IIMIP ciiirkly n possible The Cnurl know Hit nrre t reviiilinc nnd nMer tin iiiiji lhe weir VHPI lovers Jt Lit- eiin tif ciiat of the Fmirp Pnwagrr h vn4mprhejmnt Pl Ir rl tlt I li II I hut alor iltl hII Ih IIf I r I rI f ljihHlw ut Clr a I I i I lie qtia ril la ti I a tar I luu hCitttuMI I I hIts j hat nliihIt t lsu I e itt bait eta a Iii a fair aI t I > < > Ktriwv v wtrn inns r Oblalnrrt lull II tin Nail rCFiinrr la 1 Amputate III foul IMru Mini Vv r I Muphy- ciigo 1 rociidit n blond dixiM Slot f si Inul iKrformed mi oper- Ihis nuriilng on suatnr Pavi fiHt It hnd haiti fircd it woii n oos anipulntp The dy nrm n stocking inn eul on a mm in nf- uxiisonlng Tiifri wns nn accumulation 1 in the solo of ihe font im an oienitifin to the The s heart I sound iind iho N no 1 Inliftion fcieinbers of the fntilly aro Ilnlntnlnln- giien an iitor Is ki piiK nn ITIIVI motiB Jkilreds of tneimi i iv was one fun McKu Vim Have In ITiill M ii I lin b for 1 rolling nc If neee- n pnprlul Lent it u n freeman nrnl i ratriof duv If yiire l i i yoi are entitled to HltifidMa- yllrri Milne U 1 i t I I Ih i I I I the 1 I nthJrr PtttaIpni or i r11 ni nrd tb Ih d tafoadeout 1lllhlln lartc on ulcr I 4 p tail ii flu i t tat alit Itgar airy ruh lay jut la utig utI rut ra I u Carat al liv I i lJatii U lut it ithulUIPly a 4 t I eteoi taut Citut U1 a tIP t E > STEP TOWARD FREE CUBA CO8TITl TIOMt MEETS l tf414Vl- Ilrlrtnlri Send heeling lo Pmldcnt lrjiratinr llon Iho Iuiniment of Thli- foTrrnnifnt Ilrdfti The Stirlon If- Uprnrd Hlth Sprrch by len Wood- S ful Dtipolili to Tilt fitN HAVANA Nov ConMltiitlonal Con- vention WIH opvned loday by iovernor flail mil Wood lolitf before that hour set a hir e crowd kHlhered In tbe vicinity of the Mnrll- Thvatre In which thai convention asiinblrd When were I ironn open building wn speedily Illhsl to Its utmost cnimclty the Ust class of tulmns being repre ente en Wood arrlvinl chortly after 2 oclock accompanied by Ilul Itlvcrn nnd followed by- Seftor Cl nero Secretary Vlllilon and other dehvato and his MalT Hen Wood nt ono wont to the platform did riot bit down during Iho elton limn wits In the theatre Kach delegate occiiphxl n neat nt otto of the llilrtyoiio little table placed In the theatre A number tif ladle wcre on the ftuKo while ien made the opening npnech every onn Its delivery den Wood ald- Ielett teo thelConstltiitlotinl Convention or culmdentlimen A Military Invirnor- of the Island repro entln Iresldent of the Inlted Stattx I call this convention to order It will be your duty first to triune nnd adopt n Constitution of Cubn and when that ha beea done to formulate what In your opin- ion ouslil to be relation between Cuba HIP htnt The Constitution imi t- he adequate to MKIITO a Ktable orderly nnd- frco covirnuiont When yuan have foriiuilntisl relation which In your opinion oueht to- exNI between Cuba nnd the fulled State HID iovornmcnt of the Inlted Stale will doubt i Tilt dUn at a The hit Woo cox IEV7ION able the doors I lie lIP t hit ii ltd Unit cd lit ¬ < ¬ lis lake such It purl a hnll lend tn a llnal nnd nuthoritnllve ncreement between that piople of the two muntrlp to the promo- tion of their common Interest All friend of Cuba will follow your dpllhern lions with tin deppc Interest parneMly dc- sirln Ilia you will nvtrli jtt t enneltNlnn nnd that by the dlsnliy Individual elfrcstrnlnt and wise coi ervatlm which shall chnncter lie your proceedings t ho capacity of the Cuban jvnpli for reprpsentillve eovernment may slcnally lliilratl The fimdflnientil d- tlnetlou betwepti true ripre entatlvp cov eminent nnd dictatorship Is that In the former every reprc entnivP of HIP people li what- ever i HH cotiiltiis liim olf strictly the limitof lilt wcliplnod power Without Midi re trilnt thert unit be no free ami coa j irovernmenl Under llnonlcr MMIT lo which you hive been elected ntul coi- veicd you have no duty nnd no authority to tak part In Ill promt covcriiment of tho Mind powers are strictly limited to the lirmsof tint order iii II I our ntt lain ott a Iii wi bin tuala i liar ¬ There was loud cheiTinsr when fSen Wood concluded hi formal otienlnu cpecch In he said I nominal the Situ Koerptiry of Male as temporary rlialrtnnn I have repipstid IP Chief lu ticc lo the oith to delkttes th form of which niiil be decided by theniMlves Wish true you a fpeedy find Ricce ful oincluslon- of your work I now withdraw He then loft the theatre Trip rieleeate cheered for Ihplnlled Males And for frrpfubi and lidrpiiidepciv- Tbo SubS orotirv of Slnto then a ked the deliv tte in procitd to rlrm up lemporarj- resulniioti for hit cijnUuct of IP conventlnn The delcKlli eleclel SeAir llorcnt lro dent In lioirut the olden deieaate and Hen ir- YilliiemU Swretan he beitut th jotineost They toolc their sen at thin priidential table the SubSecretary of Slate wlthdrnwin in thoir favor Until mad ppehp n Inc that tho deleciti hi 1 come with th Incle honel purpose to act pitrioticdly in nuklna a con for freo- fubi TIn lr ldent then called thin deesitfl to poni to the tavl when the Chief Ju ti Mvorp ili rn nil In toerther The form of oath wiih has b n ailnpte1 nt a preluninary mcet- Im MS n follow We thp dcleffnte elected by the people of Cubi fora Nntlonnl ton tliinlonil Convention sweir fnlthliilly to fullll the dilllc of our office Wo olcinnly and publicly renoutic all nllcclaiifp to or ci mpnct with any Stale or whether directly or Indirectly wearlne to Ihe novfrelpnly of the fret and Independent jeople of tuba nnd to p ppct the which convention may adopt UH well as the government established by It j thI hat rni a aa sad nat ii- I utica j a tin nan uia a 151 It itt liii I hal < > Seflor Alemnn proposed tutu the convention liolni a rontinunnco and outconip of the rovo hhould adopt the regulation nitnptnl- at Vayn This Is II town In Tuirlo I where fortyelitht lender hnd meetings In i w ThN motion was nccpjilcd Iml the delegates M OII Initial thom In a Ihe convention ltd Biirnpy Vnya regiilntlnn- Seftir jiieada propnsecl the nppolntinent of n iomnilfsnn in e nmlne th cntes Seftrr Saiikuilly proposed Hint com misloi n l of members one fr m each iariy eftor casti obncled to this on the irround thin ui uy of the dpleffati belonrpil no runt Scner Kald that the demanded thai commioim bo appointed by vntliiB- rrisldent IIoreniP at thin point declared hat he did not know what HIP Vnya regulation were Ncftir juoada xald that thin delegate utiCa within sacrid threshold of HIP oonvnt- liin thniihl not talk about parties This colled f tIlt lonil cheerltik from the public were railed in order by llre ienl Sniikllllly remarked thai tho mem- bers wen tint there t lonke nieiihe for cftVcl afar Capote KIII tlio liould tint break up deciding upon onielbliik No iviii p thould given being Kiild nkiln t Hn capiicily nf the ubaiis for I aaIiip t I hrp hull who I nn ttLtia Irlln hit loti I unit r in pattit lit als dull atiit hi tar lii a I Iii 11th Vii Ia I lie I hun Sofa at > fLa ¬ < > Siftir liiuriiTt ip nrol that lie croiit jipiii tlini ft uld briiitht dfiiiit the iiimiiiirrri of the deegMi would lie their Irivlni ailiUoxl n sot i rekiilatoi which they di I kli elvis IVPII ihe Irel dent confesel iulioriuice o them thirefiro n Hint convention jinirii until toiniriMw vfti HIP reguliilons would l forthcoming This motion wa cur rltd by II voto of i t ami tho convention I I thai lit ut I nUollrnrtl tjl ta I i pin t Ian ill lite fiti in iiiotlin in appoint n cnn nusiinn tn i f i uin wis- fhi n but kiii iii d Out IIP delcgaus- wre nrii li III tn nntte tlmmtli t in itut of Sffl r Xiyas uiii r- i n l n sliue iiat tho attrtidUico I i puill hklv tn Interfere with tie debate Tie ilclcLUtcs nl n the III manr CulilliH that HIP par would not be hidebound Mnnv of iWeifl invol of opinion This wn ixiinj lilliJ by iuilherto 01107 and other m i list Kislnn and aln by Si A S uitriiilli oii iliig Si n ir tome wiille tin Inn wn MiiptvrKd by f irtir U nidn The HMII by n luiioiity of th- oiHoii IHxent III ihe orary- of convention HID i ion a liiiurtid- Wi mri Thntln minnilttp nf thl n lo in iovcrior en- f il Wood In uiaiiTiut HIP sitl actioii wlu which HiertclfviiiiM hnvi isii tilii carry out tho I iolif lie tul loi inliiMinl in that I iho iiiio cfuiiuiittti era1 nnil loielojrriiph In 1roldcnt of ttu ii iiMe ted to the ConMllutional Conenil n a enibei nl their luwt lieu gnet with profound gratification thai lro ident the I Statp of Amer a niul Ibev ovpi their ikclNfiictlon with Imiifsiv fleinniKlratiHl till fulfilment if the tnnde hi favor III and lnileNindenci of thoCuhan people The poll r open front e thli morn IDB to i oclocktonlcbt earl it II 1 i r I OIr Il rat I via I r I It I I j r 1 IIIIILlIIII all I i I I Uttlttl j t L nfl t A Mt al G r n Iia utah nil a aria ala ati it lout thou p1 ii left h4 t au lwuIi La si all ha a tai 11 au its aha t W iia i tea giiri I nra h lila ataIilInht ii art t You Sot 1 PoIiCloe clock Vote > < < < OllEII TU VUrKHS AMt OllKKIlX- j Vote Iarlr Avoid ontrovery All Voter Mill He rotated I Tlc Hon llenjatnln II fidel Jr clinlrninn- of that llppuhllcan Conitnlttce end can dlilato for iovernor departed for hi homo III I night Ucforo he the Hlth Avenue lintel Mr Orlell ueil thin limit doiti inent of tho HI campnlgii IIM follow In view of thi rill nut by the Democratic party leudirw nnd thin Inles- tultfrances of that Chief of 1ollre of New Vorl 1 Imve deetned It wl i to ndvie avery to bo at thu poll early nid to alit his pocltion In lino until hi vote I taM I Ample provision have been inade In the city of Sew Vork and In Hrouklyn for Ihe protection of nil leglHninte voter and under the Hirer vision of tin County Committee legal aid will bo forthcoming at the ioquet nf tall who may- be In need of It I mrneMly request tail HIP Itepublican worker throughout tho oily find State lo re- I train from entering Into any uitrov t y with Hie Dernocrutle worker nrd to pay strict M- tentlon to the bisne s they are there getting out of the full Itepublican voto Any attempt to Intimidate will b rant by punishment which II deserves and It make no dincrvniti whiro thn Iniiinldatlon come from We are prepared lo IIP firm III ecurlnc our right to protect tint nnd also to alit In becurlnu tilt iunsiinent of Ihoso guilty of rriint ngaln t thai elniiou law tIT 7 KfiJTY VHTEnH A Ilrmorratlc liate lo Keep publicans Away hunt the roll A new rich to keep licptibllcnin away from- thepollscniiotollKhl yesterday V W Harden llrmiUlal editor of thu V ir York Com mi rein was ono of ninny lieptihllpnns upon whom It was played When he went to U apartment In the Pierreponl 41 West Thlitjsecond last evening for dinner he found the fail lowing litter nwnltltig him SATHXAI K Assncntd- Vo I MADISON AINI Nov t Hifi- IKM Situ Ayou nrereiHeteliiln a thirty day resil nt of the district I would suggest Hint viut t the oll day bv n rlcml who nil gvo hall lair you I understand there a wniiant out hair jintr jir- re IAMI P TliriMiox President It HInt met t tlpllltlll I dt I I Ptinii 4 New ittrg hi let t a a tan rricrottM us Ii eiuttbl lean unit I a I for t lie t lie a tail litwittjl bug eli Iiati a u pat rep hit Iii tieeaaflta iaIaaI tilt alcl tat its 4 < < > > Harden went to the Ilcrrepont In live on Oct A Hint innkesMinn thirtyday re rient of his elect lath dltrlct he dpi Idcdtolnvcsil- gate tin letter He learned Hint there I no nch organiratloii n the National Protective Assoriniinir1 and that there I tin lames Thompson Miidlon avenue which i HIM nddrotof the liepubllrati Nnthinl Commlttcp- Nntlonal niunllfoinnn lbb ild that letter wn merely n Tammany trie to r I t t ulr ta i nil itul atitaa IOKS ov- Irlendlr IrrtlnE of Ihe Illriil lradrr at the MnipilRn Clove ClttfAOii nv S The iMtlimil nnd SHIP- beadiairters of bath part have fiKPit work aid mmt ic canunlgii manager Imxe elthe govi hu to vnt or nw to leave Senior lorn md Mniser John on of the DcniiMtle Conn culled upon Sennlor IIinnii nt his room In th Auditorium- Aitie lit night Iordial greelinc apr ex chanced aid with warti clasps thi leaders of tin two minitPil Tho vit Wits e it rely bvs inor It mm- Siitnr IH rin left for hi homo In evelmd tonight In Saul ftr casting ballot ho will stiid HIP diy with President Hi will returi tn CIovonml Pi IVoiltiB irid will tike his eit by the of u Western Iniivi operator and rp elvoth election letirns it th wire ch ilrmri Jo es wll ior attempt to go to hi horn III Arkansis holding that hit vote will lot be to I iTn tv III He l nl Worth In llrprnent tonnreii- IMirlrt In llic ojiurr- Mnke It lively for ieorgo It Mnotlan- Crokers andldate for Cnnirros In the Twelfth dltrict today MO lellrn I tint n man whn Is- wirthy u iciiroent lily I otigre disttlct In state of the tnlon for tho reason that he riot been personally traigltfor ward with cither faction of the parly It is unpleasant in of Mr McCHlan this way for th rea on that hi p opl urn nice folk and lie ha nlway been considered up to the last thrrn or four years a pretty decent IUd II MrIIIIIt sal n Ill nil Ilk I Ill VVl cut iiePrl tug Xa ii ail itt as hit iii lain ins tafli ii lit I ti tint lit situ rout 1I tTiv tnt t i iii tim hits < > > of fellin Hut the record I acalnst him he collects funds from mid liemocrnts for Ids canvas Kiying that he with them heart nnd MU- Innd then HI the l hest of Croker and Ilryan- vtiten to d honor iho iinan lil Integrity of tniled State IKVKL IIKIMHT Ttn Vole for lllco nod Aitilinl Ooker- nnil dalr llrlnionl This I Hi div when mrnv thing will In- set right II i election diy The voter of the Thirteenth cmigr district art to level pniitieal aspirations of n I IHuiont- Croker cnndidaio Th of va t bailiwick under split In HIP llou of Iiiresinlntlves i they ate nwiiri that It lime that Mr Crokpf under tood thai till of this dls- trlit iro i to an Intelligent candidate for Congie s Vote against Ilelmonl Vote for William C Williox HP I the candidate of tin sound money taint nnd tin Hopuhllonns lllcnx n llrstilas I I I I I II liz lnll1 that itahtiaaatat titan I I hart I lao II Ita I lila t fully la tin tu reuta t hot yen at t rata ai It hal Cit lPIt < < > > Miv or nt Kiv Adtir- He l saId In llnve tlirlircd ill tntrnllnn to lie u I IOn bUle Again iMUAXAIntis Nov A report Is current here lint Mr llryin hi purpoe of never again being a catididil if lie I defeated tomorrow I enm- T It generally believed lhou li II innnut- be It said that the tnteiiicnt ratio stun on tin occasion of- Ho an ln t vl lt to thestnte- Mr Mnrtln wn epeiklng of the gain that the Democratoi Ilryan was nuction a to locnlitle which ho had taut vl iled Ho spoko of the nppatent of tho peoplo nnd e pressed niiilldenci in result hut teniiilfod- as tlioiigli dnuhtln the s io of tin struggle thiit he would never bo a nindldaio before that people ircaln- dlMitssinii the remark was a umed in mean Hint In would taut ii k another Ir tailed ol electioi this lime but he was not nsked to explain his meaning and hue wi dropped without conininil limn who have remark repealed ay Hint it i to iiean WIIK worn nut with tho cMTtlnMK he hint mail dint th il be Imply exiro id a fftllng ilni lulvht wfar away ict and ioiiip rntion- Mr Martin refuses lu iii cu s the subject help Ihe Snow Slilr of Ainrici inovn In Novem- ber no nttcrbutlil rKTnmhtilntlng- iiulsnixe Ihan beneath li dayH white tllcnt pall Why o Travel Way BrMUM pronpf loui clUe and irnwlnctowni Kttlvrd iwmfwhtif That hy we trarcl fcf Lbs New VoikUntial Tranlltr Aifc Imo rI I I to I I j III lIhJI IttlalIr I For n MAn 1CP like laeutlfuI and Utn Par SA icier t all hiIut tat tin at at fltiul ir t ton fi ii t i h1i uSa Ian Itinati uba rt I ii of I Ian I atilaa cut ml t tam to It t a Pal cal ta i ittii k a n nil ll t I I tag a art ii In Put ktiIaiii lao 1 it a iIiaaiIttt wit Ii I lii faa WOn flip nvlnnch t Iii a faa fit the be 1I < ¬ < j MR MJUNLEY SERENADED THE lUKSntKT SPEAKS ill- 1nnitun TO ins tnuiii i Wild KnlliDtliim on Election Kt it Canton lailge lr l et Mr McXInloi- ArhlrYrmrnlt and T l of Ihe Coming Victor The Prrtldent t Vote at CANTON Ohio No v VFor moro hunt wonts- flvoyeai McKlnloy- tu tnukn nn addre to liin fellow citizens nf- Iauloii on Die of ehclliui umt this year rather uncxpevtodly proved to no exception to rule When Im was II Congressman ntut later when h was Governor mill wo taking a speaking part In the campaign ho ulwnys- rliiMfl In Canton mid Hint tntax tinfilm In In I lit city polhicid demonstration nf Hit campaign Slncu been President hat refrained from partisan uddrnxoi rill iHnrt get him tn make nn addre In n huh HM H un- availing but was the ci e tnnlglit tint piMpIo have crowded to him niul would taut be- satlillod until ho Intel ald II word lo them TIlt felling fur tonight Ilttlo speech WH a Mrcnniln by Iraml Army band It was iiitlroly unannounced taut when the hand an- peareil on downtown streets word ijulikly- fproad that thu President wn to Io Horenided- An Impromptu parudn wn Immediately or- Vimlzcd mmll In number At first hut gain Intf every minute until when It reached the McICInley hom It numbeied thousands Score f HID paraUi ri secured red burning limn IXMIIX on hnnd plnved spveril olfHon Incltid lug n medley nf patriotic nir und nt ian elusion of each there were loud cheer and call liar Ireldcnt McKlnloy Hi wu In the hoit with MM MiKlnley unit a tiunil T of neighbor who were pending the evening with lhini Finillylienppprtridoii the porch Inwliifi to the crowds on nil slcle of him There were inoro cheers and rail for n speech In thin vpitlhiilo of the houo Mnnd thin clump brought by a T mi ort delegation In Soini It up curried it to Hit poroli nnd the ln lctint was prevailed In mount the sunup and address ppopi- ll poke briolj with wilillv riitlmitp Interruptions by HIP crowd und concluded liy Introdurlnir ludkn Day who hind oomo torch with Mm President Meilnlev 1 Inn It ha uteri hlatactiituiiu lttiet till IItat ha I hat II to t WI- Th I 111 Hay if aIr eta lie lao lid at t luau Ian II tIlts lii tutu t taak lug a ti I lit Ian I taut hit one I ajek od a nil hut I hit to- t I to <> > > > > < My Follow Citzn I am Kind to greet you once nn re nt my old home i that ii ytir when I uni ninklnir innln nuirrnw from rnl of this va i country in tin oilier tlP Anirrirnn i le will V voiej Ior W IImi MrKuiloi Tremendous nnd cheeri loii miitiue- nirl we miHt wait nnd III lit tlnr venilot I kn w you will lindad to heir a word from mr fellow lillii Jiidfi Wllllim It ln whn hat hill n fiin i lcmniH Ilneo In tin AdiiiiriiIr1 Ill 1rtII Ih n rnIal tPF 1 lila laP all ilhiu I tnt > over yon rillel IIH i Ifesioe in in i I 1iaiik you laud you tioiiiiiclii Tn i n re w i lieiriy friliir f r Imce Day n helnnk tin nt mpliitii I muiit of whir idd Diy cxike n fiiFnwt- My Fellow fltrn It hi lean my for- tune for n few month n of wlilrli It i one of the unwritten lnvilial l lnrunibiit haitI take IHI nrt In alumni ram I hnd IIR boil HIP irivlUCo of listenin lo the fircuirent Ihl fill I hope with mi irninrtlitl tint ludlrlnl nnd havlm It fur one to my mind made up nnd applause And rw you hive como a have before If testify In yniir loyally your deiotinii sinaI yiur our Iellnw towiiMiinii tho tint citlen cf the ITremeiidou You know and we all know with what ability wili whiit earnestness with hn riven hlmsolf tn thi duty wilih this upon Mm fair years ngo t ircnt applause man has more liar the country no man lid dana better for the has llllniu MeKlnley by IPS WM nnd able of the nlTnlrn of Joveniiiieii irea- lnpliiUfl Wo know with what reluotince tin iiti pfl tho wonl of wnr V know how Titli ovf fiir and h irnble he sought to ivoirl war ltiroit nnplau j Ve know whn itf iifnet earnpst inirpoi he dl niTnlrs of that decvo- MiiBgle to n urpp sfi roncliHoti A nut wo know how much lie hn coMtrihiit to claco this i in tIP foremost rnnk of tin nation of tlio cnrth with presug till over the world nail whnt Is rill better prosperity within thin of this country our own people 1 II t f lr r I Iou flit I rrar I 1111 J IIInl I I I tt laIt li tta all lat i I SI a tilt Ia fl 3 I I- ii lii ia ugh tar oIl aii- Va lIla lain I tt lint hut aai t ii that le rat Ii fl hits Pit it ai mteq tin Iii ti t cl Iii try ¬ < I know that no Initorofnient vlll he jrlvrn him hearty nnd unlrrivil I be lieve U will be lie floral Hint will be inorp i him hunt Hi- indor pinent that I think IH In Mure for him from hl old Irlcud nnd fellow who aro n emhlcd nnd will en to the i ills tomorrow irea Ihn tuaailauiut I ii ii pal nalulu i tat fltl ah alt Iot hera tnaug lit ¬ morp thought with till honor o thill exulted Ilon with nil that he hi- iuliliVe with till that hU rinlin1 Mntul for when he ir to Iho litnurrov Iii Yalta It will count for rut in nvici n mine nnd no m ire In whnt othrr country can It IK sfild that on one It the e t rri- of HIM twit privilege nf ennui wiflraKi all rnUe lnrliiriln ll Chief MiLl rIta Mntul with Piiinl rnch dolne Mi duty n In- MIS It for the l est of eoiintry ITritiifiidou p I Now my fellow I will tint ilrtnin you but I will only my hnvinir made up your ro lo polls earlv tomorrow dl rliiriiH your duly nnd when next meet I IlilnVi wp reir p In a victory nhlrli shfill be lor the best interels of nnd- l ronioti the welfare of fnrclittmit people nadli watu heiimd nvn oii of the lawn tiidiy The wn uboiit noon when a one hundred ivuplo- mnrrlnil up to have their tiik ii foreground hi hotne hit n background Included the County Central Committee ixeciilUp and tli county candidates Thorn wi no hut a ceneril exilnnce- if criplltR nnd much Ju t UN there won tonlirht after thin mu warn over Tonluht the crowd surrounded Ihe lre diTt on the n irch and IIP wa to hake with liundreds loforehiiiiuhiI- linke e to thp Thin liny cnller Included HIP Con u lo Ilvcr OD IntiHs who cnllocl to Niy fi nn for lo vote A rut I In- n t nllr nil I It lIlfl 0 II It I Tilt r nIl ri thin 1101 tate tim poll 4 otter I un alt I7etu Sta II t itt tlr g iir I run v o nell ri silt t hue I t lit ii tad the atiuut Iii nal hilt I ii a I Inns I tutu a tal it tot a < > < < < < < e who came merelv to IN hatul Tl fr rip if the hotM iold lvs hu y nil liv iiickl B ii and ceiling n ulv lo Iea for nl lui i ti iti MIHV I I tin and Mr MiK wiri Ty innii the jioiiip n eood tart of he day Tl re i ll every len of full rrnddenre III Hi result tOlliniToU fln tin e ftmut- 1ie lreeut it iillliijililain the roildtitp tint lia tiMrkiNl i he whole iiini alfn ul l ron T of i le nid a nieinl er- of lle Vatlonnl Conitillllee Is Iliielv to ifiini lucre with Senator Ilnnnn tnmorrmv to re Ivo II rotisrii with HIP rioldent The Ident will iro to the I IN nnrly It Hie tvorti Inu hut liemiil lout hr no i Intis tr i n 0- o ildriv vlth Mrs MeKlnley If tli went taut ioiiinii 4 fnvonible ldpt M Kll ent HIP following er vu Inr In a Iiiubllc1l nieetilur at Salem Ililo this 11V Chnirmnn Kriibtirtn Man Sato Hnin- Vour rntlii of the ipntlne tonjcht l re IVPd I would lo Bind to meet mv friend constituent of mid CnPnnlilitn- fininlr on oonlon but IliU in Is denied HIP I ran i foriw their tinvlel Inif- u in llepiihllraii and llielr s tn tn front iy lrs for Coner i in i to the pn nt Hum Phiie present to ihns iiwniblid my litloi nail trowl lsln MiKiVLKV- lltiMln l lluv Mnr ll lllr hlp tier h Mpi Spencer Kennnrdonp of the A nidlcan thelnrlsljipoltion I Ilrniteaiii lii Ki from llnvre lie wild that vlivod- n a whole thp 1arls hhow tint Infrrlor to the Chlcaeo fnlr UP learned on the voyaite from n trustworthy courcp that lus li In ended MHIII to rrdor flvp more battleshipH from firms In that Inltpd Stntp Dftrfaot HiD r Madecf the tender mf of tat yourrjork ft dalnUr t oard with Mkctrd k rcktfe l oner utol lmlmUo l5cmei Rh 1111 liii Ir 111 I lit lra II ci traat it taj hat ar ait I Iaaaualid a tiiitul of r alq tat i a I horn k I n I arc 1Il ritiir ira ut lit tItiai nail ian ha un lila aver tlVa t ii I iti Ii run It I a flthal lIiay 7a rat It ittJAi unini slain rs at rat at ai lay uI ia ii rat Iii Frerctli Iauia Flu I in wits Yam Ads 1111 a > < < > > > flEAIt SHSI- VrjIhfr llurviiu lrnllcl Cnnualh Wrathrr tier the niutlo minlr- V MVHON Nov 5 Tli Weilher llureii- tOdiy l ued tho follo ntiuelul foreen t for olocilon day Tho Him weather citidiliim of last nlitht ihatikol but little On the Inclllc ui In till loc y Mountain Siittx Dakotn- j Nohrikn IansiH Mlniii oia Iowa Mi sourl Vii nn Illinois Iiullain Ohio Kentiu ky- Mlvhliaii Tennessie the n i iiilf and w nth Allaiillo StntPH Maryland Vlrulnlii Vc t Ieiinsylvnnla Ne Ier ey nnd l ware the wiUher I certnlii in l iiiiiiuillyf- ltio with lear pkli hianl tumpera- ture Itt Nev Vork HIP wealher I ileir except loiidino i on Ihi1 lake where lUht ihoners occurred ln t lilsht There I u iis Ibllily of- Ihtht and uuiintiorlant shower ii the n lierti part of the state tonLli now ttlnc In und the wi alit to be fair and pleian Ill New jiiklaiidthenl nirii winds urn r almost r- eday slate which Is drifting iii iwiinl Iilr will prevail excent that lulit rain In Maine northern New IbimiMhln1 nul Vernmnt to- nlcht may coinlriuediiriiiira purlinnof iliy- Tileday The S r Itccd of linrrrrrtlllr X 1 Killed by a Coiiipunlon Hhlle IliinllnsT- liKXTox N 1 Nov r Tin lIne siplipn F- Jleid need HI wnt accidentally shot nnd killed this afternoon whileKunnlnu lie nt d ln t irTint front a Ihonhipienl nnd was llvitic with Ids parent Mr nnd Mrx- J Vilev Heed at lRvrencivllle Heed and John ntreil 10 vere w to- cether near n pond nt Lnnromo stntiiti- llahreiiber tried to hat down Hie hamtner- of gull when it Mippcd putt IJeeil recolveil the contents of weajou In the nbdomen- Hied lived only two hour nllor boinir Mr lieiil nmiTled lx iniiith neo a uleco- of lohn M Scinlder lr i ii tit o the 1int National Hank Hahrenburjf is III from urief- CHOUGH roin TO rrifssrofvrr- i irct It M Said In trirr Town To- morrow or Put rrlt air I tag Wi I tier hat n t fiat t Irgi hum ali tutu i hail I tl paaitlalarahiha eIutiahIt- aftau titular Ihia liuttuctiet al itta iarai aif luau liti a a t liar thin 711101OIlf ill tiuitrs urn tie Ira gradim iartl tin ry ILl Ii raamihiimrg I Ill tig I hula luau haut scat < < < > > > A poi onal friend of Mr Croker who dined with him a t nlcht nt that Urmocratlo cJub- snld Mr Croker with John ScnnniOl nnd Co- rpiMliiit outiMl XVhalen pxp l to leave town for fount Yilnrc day or Thurfnv Mr K nntiell and Mr BO n ahead but Mr later on I it t chess 3 4 luar tin W nIna inn rular t ill Jul ma I item 4 vEir iiiFoiir OF ninsTr s nnC- iihlr inslnrrri Thin1 They Hate Evidence of Suhniarlnr Irupllon- VEIU Cii Moxlro Nov VIt IsMievcd by who oil rcpalrinw the C7nlve ton Mejco able whlh w is broken by 1h ialvi ton liurriiHiie that the storm wa nccnmpini brn The evideace ol Ihi eruption is found in Hi twisted wndltlrn of tho cable Theh athlnK found oliai been rc- verxd and wIres blnJInu It to tlio core turrtd wrnnc w- ntn 111 iMMirnu it tv sitnnFiA- ttarkrd nl Miiht IhrrK tnknown Mm- Ville llnrry Monne of ITO Walton street AVilllntn hur r and Charles llorker who livi s at Mli Park avenue wen goIng nioii- iliroadway nn their way honiH farly ypi r1ay- niornlne tlini younc mutt confr inled them In a dark not nt McKlbbin Mrpot The nin attacked hloane And while two hold him the nlher Jnbhod thin sharp point nf a knife Into his rliht side Slonni fell nnd the assailants tied llpfnri lUrffer what had lint pcre1 the men nero niT an l Mcano lay n HIM sidewalk lierciTH slioutlni a jwllvinan wh- FunininiiPil an nuiinilanci nisd was talcn to hi Catherine llospiln wlwri the wound was Mild lo hp i inn ti Id the Hep he c Uldlit Imagine who asnllntils cMild he HP tliciuhl they him lor Minebody a the arightipets a aiihtiuuat tie ariu In tIme the tat Wita itape nit I teal hl hi hit it hut k dc < ATTlCHKIt Ity 1 1 S Slacrc Knorkril Srn rlr IVhllr llrlrlnj on Mulrn llind- T S Mntee who Is with Ilorrpr- ft Co nt 45 Hroadwny wa nltiiikid bv foot pnds at n lonely spot beiween llpinonl nnd Hur ceavenuc Ve t New Krluhioti Stilrn I lnml while returnlnk from n lute diivi on Saturday nltfht Hi Mrtiil from behlnil with a sharp in trument which cu through Ills collar and the Ilish hU k and rendered him un coiiMiou ISefor rolld secure nnytbinu of ahe Mr Miifce liore boiled Mr Mnkvi ii n iiiu iii nfter the IIOIM haul itonu about twn mlie I drove In a doctorV where hi wound w dre vd- rrovoiniK Hfvs nr rl- ohn Shnw lit Oivnrr nnd n Iollrrruti thou Jlmlilni lladlr DniUfrcl- tdin Kiinw a inineir n oiilh Icrome nvemie nhiy in I iiitimiibile- wh n nl nwh street the Hlifrint fir jrol out f ordT Itofire In ioiili shut ir id puner HIP machine ran Into a trolley polf thrnniiu him out One of Hi wheels was knorlfd U HIP machine and In thi It MHIIIM- Idlnconally ncro the ctreel In tlin was of the Alexander avenue elation McCarthy imXi rlenreil In HIP ways of thought tint by krabbiiik the the runaway would top He was thrown Into euttT and HIP ran fpiii ulTrnr the lo of another wl nnd Ihe dinhhoard Mr Shaw reolvod a beat scalp wound iilii run mo ruortii anti tici nil sit of t Ito I Fat iayurail ii iiI 1 1 lip 1 cIt rut tin atanal haiti nit y attOititil Ii 11tn rt tint iiiu unit lit at u TI21 t1 < < > > < < The irnrirr He t COWMII la Sllnntr Cunmiuiilpmv tn M irorgr Therewa lively bxttiiij In tIn ofnesof thp- ti iticdeiurinient of the lf ki Vnlley hull r3j ind liiltliiireniil i h o ltallronl o Sntu- rdivontlii r ull of the race bptwein the rc- Mitlv tiuinat of Hie loiwepn tie Viiiutiiiniinw iocti and j t iimr i intin I len se of tin lihl Ii Va r iilroiiaii l tli I OWMI of te a Htnorpiuiil- ulilo Kiilruid ca h with nn imply ear fl at M lit i to c vcr tin in IP Hi n- on imir arid untIe inlnut Die iei Won In I hour HJ Th Cowan was twelve i liMii s behind These tin are eew and abnl m fVioio ri h A to Honk and r turn wil he irri i ud race fvm- rw llir rormrd In ihr lnn lUrbor- UlVfMiix Tex ov 5 Tho trlli h- Rlenm iii I oiind for HHMI en went acroiind this nfirrnoon ona bar ear the and WHS Honied in the evenltik wlthniit in this knnn bar nnotlcr vcwl Kroiiidml n few diys aim The Inr was lrncd illume n recent The Irllow Mill Vnlr j The other fellow will lilt Vblu nil tijiial two If you lefriiln from SOnar nl SlHclilnnw Clli j MACKINAW CITV M nit Nov i I ho first MH WKiiirl nf ilioMMxoii rninilodny wlhii 11 LM I tins bi ii lliihl I Iliac IVnrll piiiciU nre the last cpawii of tlipliue devil Kick them mittif lmolh A blue pencil mark will InralhlntH millet rintti Chlnrldrt DltlnfrrUnl- wmmcndtd u Jaw vkM nnj funllr mr d hit > i ci itt iil nIaa lit I lull Iii a ill i t I r iou itul Sat hiram an fair i h I lit r tot I w a r at ui ira itt I it al fl lit lather suit a Sat I fig ad Ft hi ua ha a uajaih Il arauadmig ha ret ct I 115 dayuuglit a hum hat liul lirua tally a a > > < > Compels the Mayor to Call Off ORDER TO POLICE REVOKED Mayors Own Head Was in Peril Chief DC very Indicted iieclion Will vcrfil 1 m- n Coiirtrr VIllaBf Van Wk Irom e- Illrrrti llfliri unit the Chief Illrrri f i Men lo CuoiirratP Huh 3IUui jh Inder UIIHIU Hall fur lnrffrliig Hlf- Che Nuiirrlnlrndenl of iievll iCoiirt I- nilit e lriirr aId VMJ- iov Iooscvt took n hand y ierday an I sent a grim letter lo Mayor Vmi Wyok police Inlerferciico wilh Suiit McCulliki An It Niild on ti ndvlco of Mr frokir tho Mavor c iininaiidp I Ctilef of Iolito Ilpyrry O revolfr order cf Sunday nnd to reiiulrc of the polIte forte u- liiMrly ii liberation still Supt McCiillagir men init out thin new order late la nicht Tho rletrtion today promises tn be the Nime pcicoful trait that It tisiiilly Is a- New Vork city 0n1h1xojhi ENDS ii 119 In hal ii ire n I I Ill Caa la tan a 1 rib t unit I t rt4i1 ta art Imt g lila f I Inter I A > > lull tiooMivolt sent three letter from Oyster liar One wn to thai Mayor one to SherlT- irell and thou third to District Attorney Cinrdlner Here they are inn KiVKiiNor TO inn MAYCII- ITn Iht Mtiynr nf Ihr fitii of Vcir Ilirfc Sin My attention has been called to oflirial order Issued by Hi Chief of Iolir- Ievery III which lie direct his HibordltMte to dircgnrd the chlo nf ih ii i I hi bra Stain liiirean John McCullagh arid lila deputic Inless you have already nikon ulepn- in Hciiro that recall of order It I necessary for me to p ilnt out that I filmll bo obliged lo bold you reK nlbl n Ih head of the city govern nient for the action of the Chief of Police if It hould result in any breach of the pivice nn I Intimidation or tiny crime whatever airiiln i thin election laws The Stnte and city authori- ties nhould work together I will not full to call to Mimmary account either Htule or city nuthnrlty In the event of pithier hatIng guilty of IntImidation or connivance at fraud or of failure to protect every legal voter In hi riirht I Ihereforn hereby of any wrongdoing following upon the fnllurn immediately to recall Chit PeveryVi order or upon any notion or Inoctlon on thepnrtof Chief I must necesunrlly call you to account Vourf Ac TiirononK HoonrvrLT OVSTKH flAy Nov 5- iETTrn TO nr siirniFp- Tn fhrriff til the Countv nf V IT York Silt My attention ha l en culled lo the official order Issued iy Chief nf Iollco llevery in wlilcli he lilreet hu ubordlnato lo dis- regard the Chief of the State KlTtlon llurrau John JlcCullngh and hl dcputle Itlsyourduty ton5 rlveriforc inPut of the hw Anti I shall 1 you lrlctly- roponMblp for any breach of the public PMCO within your county or for any failure on your part to do your lull duty in clrnectlon with the election tomorrow Vour truly ItdOSKV KlT- MTTEri TO TIIK IMhTIIICT AlTllllNFV- To ic IHtrirl Mlnrnry nt Ml Cuunly lit Vcir hark sin My ha bien cnlliil to otllrial order i uiil by t hlef of 1ollce I lever 111 which t III uhorihnilo to Biint tin Chief of HIP Sta e MlnMlun lohn Mi1ullikh nnd hi d putio- tn view of this ord r I c ll nur to the fact tlmt It Is ynur to osl in ih orderly itiforcement nf the law unit Ihcfe mnt hun no tilt part lo do uur full di- In the matter Vour trul ntsTriiiiKti nv in iirnini The fiovcrtior tni ngi Vnn WycU was brought up from Oystir by th iov- ernor inessei got Mr Waldron Mr drnii found out Hint the Mayor would probnhly- be nt the Pcmicriitic nnd nt 9 orliKk- IIH In gut to Fifth avenue letter In hnnd He sent word in the Mnyor IIP haul n nminuiiiciHnn taut him nnd Van Wyck met him In the reception room Tin nipxenger banded the document In Mnyor Vim Wyck whn broke the and rend It Pii you vl h tn end nry wnrd buick to iovernor nked Unldron t hi lit 1 I k 1 Il I 4 a i t Dover 1 a a Pit I f 1 II l a lit had i iI Ilt mt Vita ha nt I iit lain a t lie faa iii ill at a r lii arena at lit j thai I tilltira tutu Tmi haulia ati fltaaua tt itT 41- lull tat ulii o r Itt y Wail I a hat tVtti I tug tit 7 t taut t hilt I I i pal I the t > > ¬ ¬ > < > > < > > no eNclalind the Mayor very gruffly HP went hnck Into the club and hnd n long talk with Mr roller niul the lion John K Carroll who beside being the deputy leader of Tarn many Hall I Mnyor Van Vyi ks closest polit- ical friend WaldPni went away After the Mayor had hnd hi talk with Mr- Croker and Mr iiiioll hn h ft the club A lie went out n rejKirter with whom he i otopjed hitu The Mayor shook tmnd with butt but when the ned him about the leller from the iovernor he wild X imi n word not H wotd nnd walked out of ihilub- f MPIKTI t ittiKMifn TO TIIK noviiNOK- Thi Mnynr arrived Ioliie Headjuartrrs- nt BII urlofk lint iilklil He CHIIII on foot Chief Deviry had been In hi i nil e for iin hour then Thf Mnyor wn with tin hlef liar about an hour Then the teportcrs vert miniioneil- lo tjii I lilfTV odlco anal a copy nl this Irllrt was given In them Uiiiii S 1 Kuril CAuf ul Wiir- hlir VoiMvlll al onie revoke HO older MII- Iliheil in thaI niornlngV news n ir anti IhMie- dInin your rfllioiii De nil int nt S V I M- ilntivo to Ihe diitlis l Hi pdho forir in- iiMinii dn anal you wiil U ui Iniiindlatey urdiM ii will eiliire your lib TiiHtes to iiioiraie and i t In the MI nnd cnioieoicni i un Metroimllian- liw iir COof thol lv- HIMI AX Mayor r the reporter hid taken eople nf this letter the Mnyor nld 1 U e only that there 11- 1tluiidation orvlolence the etectlii n Nai I t la actpl hrt cal P tah art Pr ta tat 4 C allah I ira Iaar I itt lit ata uiiid iauitai t ILK II to nay lii ¬ > >

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Post on 09-Feb-2019




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todiv anJ morrow


ID U r




b C=



Mllr A rrfd on Plan to Demand Special

rorl loni In the w Treatlrl for Ihe Pr-

irdlnn of Mli lo jl iDe thHrnleneefo-i0llnffu OfflrUII Chlnrie-

Agulnit Condact of Allied trooptifitM CaVi Vtnatt lo TUB SCv

IKKIN Nov 4 via Tnku nndSluinchAi SOlj Tho alllei nr not utiarimoimIn the oVlnlon that cpiHlal ir twllon ihoulde ixured for tho ml ln rl under the new

riiirant e lo bo demanded of Chlnn Thltwill understood when It Ii recalled titnt lea t oiitf of he nlliod I owes Inpan l notn Christian country while mother Hu li

tnlssloiinrlw alllioujh hri tinnily-

Thn Vnlted KtntH Kralnnl and hor-

ewuntrlrt which Mnd mlMlonirle herr will

proimties utrontrer than thw m Hie-

protectlnn Hie IV troiblt Ad

ditlonnl kiiiiratitei It rled will bitnecessary If Hie ini lonari are to

their work In the InteriorThe countrips not repro ited h ml lon

Biles may endeavor to put e qiietloii a liln-

uniiiiporlnl Of lll ltlf s countrieswill denand eunrmitoew s n ennuch toprotect tlidr buincss Inter s and it inlirht-

le nririird tIm addiilotial kirnntec for thelnl lonirie nri neoded to protect fortiener who r In in thp InteriorIut for iincis tho leprise itiven ol thisn-1owers iy nn liuiii I iro beyondtreaty ports thrrefon hil tfuirntilPeit-

ir them would be a u ilc eimllon fromi Una Moreover the Mini s of tioninlsh-lcnuiry rounirh1 nritne that Ihey lireiniirittPl the whole matte hould beto future iipsotiailnn lv tlirdivldual na




hipInman IuI In pelda a


From A StAff CorrlllJQn4fll




I1IItlnnnl 110111


lrllltI rnl I oro







has Ito


tIIk trIt detuind git IF

WuIIIh 11 ti t ii ryii till Ii

cot tt Inuc

ii Ijlti flu



> >



DIP Clunee always oxi n aythat they nre duo thrliliiro of local-

oflldals to pcrlorni their dull When tintniifes hive occurred de-

timtideil Ibnt lli oftleial who to profortlifliers pijhpd by Hi-

t lunoro lovcrniuonl the ollcinUwire removed truth oflke of ibemwit laor appolnteil to bettiliin dueintiiiice of this wn HIP cn e oL ipn ihonotorious HiiliforeUtier wbo fljreportpil tohive Uiciile had laintioxertior of Shantung hut boI-

MIIM of iiunplilntt mud tha

province on he M appointe-dSlilll I

Pith which It In beea su iod wouldhe Is In put dcflliie prrlfli HI

In China mil Hie puiiihimiii f id oHlilnU-ie iioiii lbi foroiitruue tipiilatlh natureof Ihe puiMimeut to be Inlli ie forbiddln thai reappointnient of KUiltiUliiaU to

term of yenrsnl Ireit vherHner havi been klllrtl In

ff thi p omelil Kiirlhcnnori ip f-

tho trealle should eit to V

und he Miouhl bo compelled tiiniillariziwith all their provion u ctatoit

that nt pr pnt n lurce proportion oj hlneii-fllclal ore not neotialnled with tirotnlo i

mid In trenlle and do not P theirchlicatlonv

With these stipulation In thp titrcntlos-nnd with proper orter from niicrr rfor their enforcement It wlil bet lhlj

fr r iheofllelaN in Hi futu pleis-of Icnornnre of the vllons fnr tin tet Ionof forekn A Brelt dinirulty i n t

lia not only the 1 filclnls-

nboiii inaty hut nKo ihi innenof ft opp who ncrjtilre theirtHi irom the nrtlclnl If tin oft un-

flfrMhd these Ihitiks tin pi lIe will linov-ilnir oblitntlon-


It will IIP useless for Iho allies to nskihlnc-Ifitn unless precn I

ijiniil Iftloy fnlltniiBriionthPBiiMHbe rcn ot

i iintr


liary woths

Ii rliMusiotis of the Mlnitrt toreelll the flllliro tatlls of the-

Ilmatftr and Ihe prorooil in AH-

pliniiiii personnel have oi hani nail The latter IIIIHOII

ip widi tin tiolntt ahoul tinrantil-

iiideaithtiP There Is n ill cnrem e f l Ln tn the nature if Iho t hiwo in ilenL-

It i in likilj llOWPVlT 111 It till HeW t4will lirit fulflS tin hope i of Ihe refenuL



Ill I

I h r 1



11 hlair prINI

111 I

I trCat for

fur n





Ii1 rn


I rrmll China I




I wi1



his I hl

urI I


l ii Iiii ailed

IC lIlt hue

till I uti

I iIiliI hit ti 1 I ilvnilovej

ahnuTt IluilITIg lii Lit

t1 arI i Viht1 r if

4 IIiuTect till t lie

Pi4 lii hurtittu iar

uflice I

In trinaa4




ail Iii

11 allit Inn

Iii idni itt

trel t eras wall gir-l tat tnt







< <

< >



MIM1TI1 MUT AI OX NVIp Mini lor vi hold anollier nueliL j

Niv II Sjllei tlieir lust tnetlltf Ihi Ibud man Infiit mnl ii ni rnlnc Hie MI r po Itih nniHilnir uiifo-nlin en nn t on main deiilj-v ill reiihed verv oon p siblv n t MI

nut the Minitpr will then IIP rail totKOHL their demand wbiHi will crobabbj-cliide tnosi rf Trench

ThU acl of the millel Ioweni will haverffpct of an ultimatum but whether n tl

limit will I et In vlilih Ih Chlne eKMiiply IT whether there will he a Ih-nIe event of niiiiiitmi hniii remains to

Thosi who litiow the CMp say I

if no time limit for oompliinw nnonipii-Hie rpiiuuid sent lo Hi Tlironi whichniiroundvl tiv onerful iinilforeluiier II-

vill be illlt lallvinc I ntliinrt to ev

n rom





I ilkOil







fljeto tiiefiict hunt she feared the lrocre ve-

n ould Far control of t lieUovernmont throuch-il e Kim rr she siinniiarlly bihondcd n

Truer Him In m making n n-

Vs lint killing nther thus M imr-

t e wide extent nf the reform movement himi t Mid ns niikus now tn checkHi lrogre lve and to trrnutrn her ownlower which cnnnot dmie until fan Is-

telftnhllslipd wlfi thP Power The revolt illthe neighborhood of iiton tml the riisttirb-unce In other part soft IP eni Ire nreevldenn-

f refrTin tiociientMO-

IIAMMKHAN lltVnlT Illltf tTKM l

HIP correspnnihil of Tin Si x ln receiifront CbimM sfiiirn s nn iitirf tiiik slaleuiint-which howrver as et birK confirmation I

thoelTeil Hut n Miihaiiiineilitti iKim s threateiid nearSincnr fi wlueli IMlian llie Hiroii-If ijlstnienent i true the moveaonl proniiH-

nunplicate IirIrr n

len Tung 1u INIang whn is m poiiinmd-he trncpi inrmii ing thin i in absi-ie coiiijil lie wa orlginnlly a Mohaiiiine-a Anal bended a ntr iu t i rn

He wis iMing wliin li WH bingiit-T RIII the comniiind of n Chinese nriuy

probably kiiow that the Power are iiiiindO-IK hl head for HIP jwirt he took In 1pku-trnjhle Hnd n limy be tint he i Stirling iirevolt thougli after he ivii bribed I fmuhlthe itohauim dan llercely It U known that











< ii-

I ii I I Pt lita flit


I 11 t luau

aI huh

lI irii

Irut uUiu Ii a I


4 tin






ho wai th chief otHcl l o advlvf HIP tllcht ofthe court to Sltiganfu which Is In his imtlvoprovince and where under iU control threplied to united demand of thefor Indemnity for tho inaneri of nnllvi ClirUtInn by declaring that It was Impossible

France Is to i Hie only country thatpressinc for the payment of such on IndemnityKnclmid opposixl to It llus la and Japandisplay tin Intvrest In ipiestion nnd thuUnited Slates almost noncommlttnl

The cljivind that will be iriwentisl to theChlnnsp will not ln lud that iimouiit of theIndeninltle or Biinrantw for tho openingof the country commercial treaties tuThese will come after thiChlne p mree to thePrinciple of the pro pnt licinnnil Ii s lbly-Ister thero WIlt be u unlllcatlim of the otherdeiimtid

OKItMAN VIllflB tV I MVThe reiKirls cent out by Hie as to-

Ihr turbulent conditions provalllnc hereaboutsBre iiniue llotiahi The dormans are continually mnUIni complaint thattheir boats luau tired on between anit un nnd-TuiikChow Tint iennan reply bychtnitlnv a nuinber of Slnco the nd-

vancii of the allied IV relief ofMo Chinamen boin alone IIP IVIho-It chanie that most haslet niil that the vlclms tartcuulliM who tit work In the Hold

This Is known to bo trim In many cw Ansi oftlcir hn oRUlnlly complained of tin

promisctiou xhootln by the iermans nlonithe river He ciio piiiflc CAM where Inno-cent Chinamen have been klllisl and he tho-ieiioral of the allies to present a ilemntid lo-

Commandorln clief on Wolder o hilt tutusort of work be topped

While Ihe iermaiu rei irt that their boatshave been tired on reppUillv not a ln le ranlm been roport of atnk on th ve eN oftho SLit Knclnnd or Japan clnce thatrelief of Iekin The people appear to bp veryfrienJly airl work whenever they art pirmlttei-to do sn


Mid 14



lathha lot








urn itt n

icua rt jolt

I iiu rut

I uk Itt

viTu nit I ru

tifl itt llbhawet a


1 i


< >




Th hinie condition prevail In Pekln Thinonly shootlns Hint ha he n reported has beenhi the Cerimin lion In that Amerlcnti unitlapnnei wclion wlilcli nio overcrowded-Iliero bus been nn trouble and business boinc-tniiHart without any ro On thnother the ierrinn Is neatly do

thi Chinese hive not oponml theirshops They they bivo tried to reunieI-II IIIP several time but the moment thoir

place are opetie I the are by the o-

diers who tenl everyhlnc they cnn lay theirhands on The Chinese therefore ullerly-hepe 4

The shootlni Klnld Marhll Cniint-v n Vnldersees ndiUirters nt nlchi I neh-tlmt one of the nttai auld tolay thai H wi-ilincorou for nn tn Irk his Innd outof n window n lray bullet mltfht lilt himWhen Hi Clnnoe nre ordered tn hull theyil not iindersinnd TIM are freiiuently Hlm-ldunii The attach A i iid ifWM in the ierman section I M-Stratir tliiil It was not necessary In the otheriltiirier of the citv HIP occupation-

of Iekin the ipiarter now rontrolled by ttnAmerican wn the inrehi l part ofNow it I not iece ary to lire n siiikI shot tol p Iho acp Only twri Chinese have beenkilled In dllrlct since Its occilatoti bythe Anvprin trfioiv

Thin cnfldemiMllon of HIP Inntai orviiiciitl Treasurer of Inotincfu j y Hieniitiiint Yiimnlsslon nrd tne npprovnl of thedfith spntencM b Field Coiin von

Mldersco In mused contei ialloti among-chlnr 11 Hung Chvig making in

ofllrlnl ropo Plilallons tn OIIIP of lle foreignMinister In which he a li Hiem to us thaiirll lence with the Commandorlnfhief lo hive-th sentence pondeft The nilwlnimrieassort that the FiiPtni wit rhledy re pcnllilofor till t IIP horror in Hint section nf the countryduring HIP ioer outbreak anl whllo It Isknown thai iirtaln MiniTA think the evcrtinn if till oflMal Miri Itilerfere with tini nop iipgotlati there little probabilityIda Karl 11 iieit nlll bo g ran led

II llnig iliang liis revived prntpst fromi ncils of towns between Inotlngfiii-

inil Iekin nrlnm the eonduct of the troopswho took pan In HIP expedition to the formerilty Tlie e ntilclal declare that thin vllluenwere looted burned the peopp killedand the fiitmtry lerrorlnil They add thaiif riich floti T are not flopped tho country-vll IK depopiilatil for n clistuncn nf evenly11 dilioul tveutvfoiir each lde of Ihoroute of the columns It HuimChriiig furwarded the prnnst to the Ministers todaytiigetlur with n statement that FIICI conduct





I hi

ntTI rST1rr ulrmsPro

Ih I



u j utraf ittraet Inn

art at

a haul ej


fl raIl ol

a J IL t I heal

l fair

I hit ali v



a rail

I tin

a nit

i oat


Vii tint warraniet ny thin rups of war or bylaw vhere no oppoiiin was otTorod-

to Hie troops prayed the MltilMen tocheck the troops

from iin ofllclal Chluesp soiirco iy-

thenis no M of the return of tlioCoiirt-to before pritik

nut u iiu



Ii Ifl It jail


Iuit a


Pali itt

I n i I

flit llniiEoo from Ihe rhlllpplnr and lrt-II Illle Vim

llosTnN Nov l Theri n llnp onhoard ship I ln A lend wHeh Htrivnl-h tp nn Saiiidai from M inlln alter n livemontlis VOJIIBP that rould not be boughtiiiMderab money wn ntime vhon4iiirt of that crew would hnvu ctin-trlhutedlmlf their wnce toBtt rid It

Vhtn the hlp irom Mnnili d M nIAn nnd ninlnrln hnd taken hold of every whiteinHiiilr of the crew nnd the riiplaln t y-

ami of Yarmouth dld Then the willorb van lo look nboiit tar thilonah andpon n llttl nionkoo MX snllors with

in the tnley ioe ntcni IHI-n llipevenlncof June i to drive theito tin sen IV T Ole of HIP six WHR billonJut then the moritfiiov ivcaj

the iiinin t v ri I llten thell rs iTCnn tn tin rove In nml u i






i tuh flirt I


I airtilt Iiituhi t tiara

I ii U pal



rains heath 1 I e

ittuh via I


rrotttI roll Ii




Ii tPtlng N IIO

in the oIluT hliin i IIMMIIMV the condition of Hie ctri Ire I i m-

tliit the Throne Is irxlou to nciiro IIMIPciiirkly n possible The Cnurl know Hitnrre t reviiilinc nnd nMer tin iiiiji

lhe weirVHPI lovers Jt Lit-

eiin tif ciiat

of the Fmirp Pnwagrr h vn4mprhejmnt

Pl Ir rltlt I li II


alor iltl hII Ih IIf I

r I rI f ljihHlw ut Clra I I i

I lie qtia ril la ti I a tar I luu hCitttuMII I hIts j hat nliihIt

t lsu I e ittbait

eta a Iii a fairaI t I




Ktriwv v wtrn innsr Oblalnrrt lull II tin Nail rCFiinrr la


Amputate III foulIMru Mini Vv r I Muphy-ciigo 1 rociidit n blond dixiM

Slot f si Inul iKrformed mi oper-Ihis nuriilng on suatnr Pavi fiHtIt hnd haiti fircd it woii n oos

anipulntp The dy nrm n stockinginn eul on a mm in nf-uxiisonlng Tiifri wns nn accumulation1 in the solo of ihe font im an oienitifin

to the Thes heart I sound iind iho N no1 Inliftion

fcieinbers of the fntilly aro Ilnlntnlnln-giien aniitor Is ki piiK nn ITIIVI motiBJkilreds of tneimi i ivwas one fun McKu

Vim Have In ITiill M iiI lin b for 1 rolling nc If neee-

n pnprlul Lent it u n freemannrnl i ratriof duv If yiire

l i i yoi are entitled to


yllrri Milne U







I the1 I

nthJrr PtttaIpni or i

r11ninrd tb Ih

d tafoadeout 1lllhllnlartc on ulcrI

4p tail


flu i t tat alit Itgar

airy ruh lay jut la utigutI

rut ra I u Carat

al livI i lJatii


lutitithulUIPly a 4t I eteoi taut CitutU1 a






Ilrlrtnlri Send heeling lo Pmldcntlrjiratinr llon Iho Iuiniment of Thli-foTrrnnifnt Ilrdfti The Stirlon If-

Uprnrd Hlth Sprrch by len Wood-

S ful Dtipolili to Tilt fitNHAVANA Nov ConMltiitlonal Con-

vention WIH opvned loday by iovernor flailmil Wood lolitf before that hour set a hir ecrowd kHlhered In tbe vicinity of the Mnrll-Thvatre In which thai convention asiinblrdWhen were I ironn open buildingwn speedily Illhsl to Its utmost cnimclty theUst class of tulmns being repre ente

en Wood arrlvinl chortly after 2 oclockaccompanied by Ilul Itlvcrn nnd followed by-Seftor Cl nero Secretary Vlllilon and otherdehvato and his MalT Hen Wood nt onowont to the platform did riot bit downduring Iho elton limn wits In the theatreKach delegate occiiphxl n neat nt otto of thellilrtyoiio little table placed In the theatreA number tif ladle wcre on the ftuKo whileien made the opening npnech every onn

Its delivery den Wood ald-

Ielett teo thelConstltiitlotinl Conventionor culmdentlimen A Military Invirnor-of the Island repro entln Iresldent of theInlted Stattx I call this convention to order

It will be your duty first to triune nndadopt n Constitution of Cubn and when thatha beea done to formulate what In your opin-

ion ouslil to be relation between CubaHIP htnt The Constitution imi t-

he adequate to MKIITO a Ktable orderly nnd-

frco covirnuiont When yuan have foriiuilntislrelation which In your opinion oueht to-

exNI between Cuba nnd the fulled State HID

iovornmcnt of the Inlted Stale will doubt










the doors I lie


t hit

ii ltd Unit cd





lis lake such It purl a hnll lend tna llnal nnd nuthoritnllve ncreement betweenthat piople of the two muntrlp to the promo-tion of their common Interest

All friend of Cuba will follow your dpllhernlions with tin deppc Interest parneMly dc-

sirln Ilia you will nvtrli jtt t enneltNlnn nndthat by the dlsnliy Individual elfrcstrnlntand wise coi ervatlm which shall chnncterlie your proceedings t ho capacity of the Cubanjvnpli for reprpsentillve eovernment may

slcnally lliilratl The fimdflnientil d-

tlnetlou betwepti true ripre entatlvp coveminent nnd dictatorship Is that In the formerevery reprc entnivP of HIP people li what-ever i HH cotiiltiis liim olf strictlythe limitof lilt wcliplnod power WithoutMidi re trilnt thert unit be no free ami coa j

irovernmenl Under llnonlcrMMIT lo which you hive been elected ntul coi-veicd you have no duty nnd no authority totak part In Ill promt covcriiment of thoMind powers are strictly limited tothe lirmsof tint order

iii II I


ntt lain ott



wi bin

tuala i liar


There was loud cheiTinsr when fSen Woodconcluded hi formal otienlnu cpecch In

he said I nominal the SituKoerptiry of Male as temporary rlialrtnnnI have repipstid IP Chief lu ticc lo

the oith to delkttes th form ofwhich niiil be decided by theniMlves Wishtrue you a fpeedy find Ricce ful oincluslon-of your work I now withdraw

He then loft the theatre Trip rieleeatecheered for Ihplnlled Males And for frrpfubiand lidrpiiidepciv-

Tbo SubS orotirv of Slnto then a ked thedeliv tte in procitd to rlrm up lemporarj-resulniioti for hit cijnUuct of IP conventlnnThe delcKlli eleclel SeAir llorcnt lrodent In lioirut the olden deieaate and Hen ir-

YilliiemU Swretan he beitut th jotineostThey toolc their sen at thin priidential tablethe SubSecretary of Slate wlthdrnwin in thoirfavor

Until mad ppehp n Inc that tho delecitihi 1 come with th Incle honel purpose to actpitrioticdly in nuklna a con for freo-

fubi TIn lr ldent then called thin deesitflto poni to the tavl when the Chief Ju tiMvorp ili rn nil In toerther The form of oathwiih has b n ailnpte1 nt a preluninary mcet-Im MS n follow

We thp dcleffnte elected by the people ofCubi fora Nntlonnl ton tliinlonil Conventionsweir fnlthliilly to fullll the dilllc of ouroffice Wo olcinnly and publicly renouticall nllcclaiifp to or ci mpnct with any Stale or

whether directly or Indirectlywearlne to Ihe novfrelpnly of the fret and

Independent jeople of tuba nnd to p ppctthe which convention mayadopt UH well as the government establishedby It


thI hat rni a aa

sad nat ii-

I utica



tin nan uia

a 151 It itt liii I hal



Seflor Alemnn proposed tutu the conventionliolni a rontinunnco and outconip of the rovo

hhould adopt the regulation nitnptnl-at Vayn This Is II town In Tuirlo

I where fortyelitht lender hndmeetings In i w ThN motion

was nccpjilcd Iml the delegates M OII Initialthom In a Ihe conventionltd Biirnpy Vnya regiilntlnn-

Seftir jiieada propnsecl the nppolntinent ofn iomnilfsnn in e nmlne thcntes Seftrr Saiikuilly proposed Hint commisloi n l of members one fr meach iariy eftor casti obncled to this onthe irround thin ui uy of the dpleffati belonrpil

no runt Scner Kald that thedemanded thai commioim bo

appointed by vntliiB-rrisldent IIoreniP at thin point declared

hat he did not know what HIP Vnya regulationwere Ncftir juoada xald that thin delegateutiCa within sacrid threshold of HIP oonvnt-liin thniihl not talk about parties Thiscolled f tIlt lonil cheerltik from the public

were railed in order by llre ienlSniikllllly remarked thai tho mem-

bers wen tint there t lonke nieiihe for cftVcl

afar Capote KIII tlio liould tintbreak up deciding upon onielbliikNo iviii p thould given beingKiild nkiln t Hn capiicily nf the ubaiis for




I hrp




nn ttLtia


hit lotiI unit r

in pattit lit

als dull atiit hitar lii


I Iii

11th Vii Ia

I lie

I hun

Sofa at






Siftir liiuriiTt ip nrol that liecroiit jipiii tlini ft uld briiitht dfiiiitthe iiimiiiirrri of the deegMi would lietheir Irivlni ailiUoxl n sot i rekiilatoi whichthey di I kli elvis IVPII ihe Ireldent confesel iulioriuice o them

thirefiro n Hint conventionjinirii until toiniriMw vfti HIP reguliilonswould l forthcoming This motion wa currltd by II voto of i t ami tho convention




lit ut


nUollrnrtl tjl

ta I


pint Ian

illlite fiti in iiiotlin in appoint n cnn

nusiinn tn i f i uin wis-fhi n but kiii iii d Out IIP delcgaus-wre nrii li III tn nntte tlmmtli

t in itut of Sffl r Xiyas uiii r-

i n l n sliue iiat tho attrtidUicoI i puill hklv tn Interfere

with tie debate Tie ilclcLUtcs nl nthe III manr CulilliH that HIP par

would not be hidebound Mnnv ofiWeifl invol of opinion This

wn ixiinj lilliJ by iuilherto 01107 andother m i list Kislnn and aln by

Si A S uitriiilli oii iliig Si n ir tome wiilletin Inn wn MiiptvrKd by firtir U nidnThe HMII by n luiioiity of th-oiHoii IHxent III ihe orary-

of convention HID i iona liiiurtid-

Wi mri Thntln minnilttp nf thl nlo in iovcrior en-

f il Wood In uiaiiTiut HIP sitl actioii wluwhich HiertclfviiiiM hnvi isii tilii carry out tho

I iolif lie tul loi inliiMinl in thatI iho iiiio cfuiiuiittti

era1 nnil loielojrriiph In 1roldcnt of ttuii

iiMe ted to the ConMllutionalConenil n a enibei nl their luwtlieu gnet with profound gratification thailro ident the I Statp of Amer

a niul Ibev ovpi their ikclNfiictlon withImiifsiv fleinniKlratiHl till fulfilment

if the tnnde hi favor IIIand lnileNindenci of thoCuhan people

The poll r open front e thli mornIDB to i oclocktonlcbt earl

it II



r I

OIr Il rat I






jr 1 IIIIILlIIII all








nfl t A Mt al G r n

Iia utah


a aria ala

ati it lout

thoup1 ii left

h4 t au lwuIi La si all ha a tai11


ahat W iia



giiri I

nra h

lilaataIilInht ii

art t

You Sot 1 PoIiCloeclock




< <


j Vote Iarlr Avoid ontrovery All VoterMill He rotated

ITlc Hon llenjatnln II fidel Jr clinlrninn-

of that llppuhllcan Conitnlttce end candlilato for iovernor departed for hi homo III

I night Ucforo he the HlthAvenue lintel Mr Orlell ueil thin limit doitiinent of tho HI campnlgii IIM follow

In view of thi rill nutby the Democratic party leudirw nnd thin Inles-tultfrances of that Chief of 1ollre of New Vorl

1 Imve deetned It wl i to ndvie averyto bo at thu poll early nid to

alit his pocltion In lino until hi vote I taMI Ample provision have been inade In the city

of Sew Vork and In Hrouklyn for Ihe protectionof nil leglHninte voter and under the Hirervision of tin County Committee legal aid willbo forthcoming at the ioquet nf tall who may-be In need of It

I mrneMly request tail HIP Itepublicanworker throughout tho oily find State lo re-

I train from entering Into any uitrov t y withHie Dernocrutle worker nrd to pay strict M-

tentlon to the bisne s they are theregetting out of the full Itepublican voto

Any attempt to Intimidate will b rant bypunishment which II deserves and It make

no dincrvniti whiro thn Iniiinldatlon comefrom

We are prepared lo IIP firm III ecurlnc ourright to protect tintnnd also to alit In becurlnu tilt iunsiinent ofIhoso guilty of rriint ngaln t thai elniioulaw


A Ilrmorratlc liate lo Keep publicans Awayhunt the roll

A new rich to keep licptibllcnin away from-thepollscniiotollKhl yesterday V W HardenllrmiUlal editor of thu V ir York Com mi reinwas ono of ninny lieptihllpnns upon whom Itwas played When he went to U apartmentIn the Pierreponl 41 West Thlitjsecond

last evening for dinner he found the faillowing litter nwnltltig him

SATHXAI K Assncntd-Vo I MADISON AINI Nov t Hifi-

IKM Situ Ayou nrereiHeteliiln a thirtyday resil nt of the district I would suggestHint viut t the ollday bv n rlcml who nil gvo hall lair you I

understand there a wniiant out hair jintr jir-re

IAMI P TliriMiox President






I dt





New ittrg hi let t

aa tan rricrottM us

Ii eiuttbl lean unit I a


for t lie

t lie

a tail litwittjl bug eli Iiati a


pat rep


Iii tieeaaflta iaIaaI tilt alcl tatits






Harden went to the Ilcrrepont In live onOct A Hint innkesMinn thirtyday rerient of his elect lath dltrlct he dpi Idcdtolnvcsil-gate tin letter He learned Hint there I no

nch organiratloii n the National ProtectiveAssoriniinir1 and that there I tin lamesThompson Miidlon avenue which i HIM

nddrotof the liepubllrati Nnthinl Commlttcp-Nntlonal niunllfoinnn lbb ild that

letter wn merely n Tammany trie to



t t


i nil itul


IOKS ov-

Irlendlr IrrtlnE of Ihe Illriil lradrr at theMnipilRn Clove

ClttfAOii nv S The iMtlimil nnd SHIP-beadiairters of bath part have fiKPit workaid mmt ic canunlgii manager Imxeelthe govi hu to vnt or nw toleave

Senior lorn md Mniser John on of theDcniiMtle Conn culled uponSennlor IIinnii nt his room In th Auditorium-Aitie lit night Iordial greelinc apr exchanced aid with warti clasps thi leadersof tin two minitPil Tho vit Witse it rely bvs inor It mm-

Siitnr IH rin left for hi homo In evelmdtonight In Saul ftr casting ballot howill stiid HIP diy with President

Hi will returi tn CIovonml PiIVoiltiB irid will tike his eit by the of uWestern Iniivi operator and rp elvoth electionletirns it th wire

ch ilrmri Jo es wll ior attempt to go to hihorn III Arkansis holding that hit vote willlot be to I

iTn tv IIIHe l nl Worth In llrprnent tonnreii-

IMirlrt In llic ojiurr-Mnke It lively for ieorgo It Mnotlan-

Crokers andldate for Cnnirros In the Twelfthdltrict today MO lellrn I tint n man whn Is-

wirthy u iciiroent lily I otigre disttlct Instate of the tnlon for tho reason

that he riot been personally traigltforward with cither faction of the parly It isunpleasant in of Mr McCHlan thisway for th rea on that hi p opl urn nicefolk and lie ha nlway been considered upto the last thrrn or four years a pretty decent



MrIIIIIt sal






Ill VVl


iiePrl tug

Xa ii ail itt a s

hit iii

lain ins

tafli ii


I ti tint litsitu


1I tTivtnt


i iii tim



> >

of fellinHut the record I acalnst him he collects

funds from mid liemocrnts for Ids canvasKiying that he with them heart nnd MU-Innd then HI the l hest of Croker and Ilryan-vtiten to d honor iho iinan lil Integrity oftniled State

IKVKL IIKIMHT TtnVole for lllco nod Aitilinl Ooker-

nnil dalr llrlnionlThis I Hi div when mrnv thing will In-

set right II i election diy The voter ofthe Thirteenth cmigr district art to level

pniitieal aspirations of n I IHuiont-Croker cnndidaio

Th of va t bailiwick under

split In HIP llou of Iiiresinlntlvesi they ate nwiiri that It lime that Mr

Crokpf under tood thai till of this dls-

trlit iro i to an Intelligent candidatefor Congie s

Vote against Ilelmonl Vote for WilliamC Williox HP I the candidate of tin soundmoney taint nnd tin Hopuhllonns lllcnx

n llrstilas






lizlnll1 that itahtiaaatat titan




I lao



I lila tfully la tin tu reuta

t hotyen

at t rata ai

It hal

Cit lPIt





Miv or nt Kiv Adtir-He l saId In llnve tlirlircd ill tntrnllnn

to lie u I IOn bUle AgainiMUAXAIntis Nov A report Is current

here lint Mr llryinhi purpoe of never again being a catididilif lie I defeated tomorrow I enm-

T It generally believed lhou li II innnut-be It said that the tnteiiicnt

ratiostun on tin occasion of-

Ho an ln t vl lt to thestnte-Mr Mnrtln wn epeiklng of the gain that

the Democratoi Ilryanwas nuction a to locnlitlewhich ho had taut vl iled Ho spoko of thenppatent of tho peoplo nnd epressed niiilldenci in result hut teniiilfod-as tlioiigli dnuhtln the s io of tin strugglethiit he would never bo a nindldaio before thatpeople ircaln-

dlMitssinii the remark was a umed in meanHint In would taut ii k another Ir

tailed ol electioi this lime but he was notnsked to explain his meaning and huewi dropped without conininil limn whohave remark repealed ay Hint it i

to iiean WIIK wornnut with tho cMTtlnMK he hint mail dint th il beImply exiro id a fftllng ilni lulvht wfaraway ict and ioiiip rntion-

Mr Martin refuses lu iii cu s the subject

help Ihe Snow Slilrof Ainrici inovn In Novem-

ber no nttcrbutlil rKTnmhtilntlng-iiulsnixe Ihan beneath li dayH white tllcntpall

Why o Travel WayBrMUM pronpf loui clUe

and irnwlnctowniKttlvrd iwmfwhtif That hy we trarcl fcf LbsNew VoikUntial Tranlltr Aifc

Imo rI





jIII lIhJI IttlalIr


For n

MAn1CP like laeutlfuI

and Utn ParSA


t all hiIut tat

tin at at fltiul irt

ton fi iit i h1i uSa Ian Itinati uba rt I ii of I Ian I atilaa

cut ml t tam to It t a

Pal cal ta i ittii k a n nil ll tI I tag a art ii In

Put ktiIaiiilao

1 it a iIiaaiIttt wit Ii I lii



flip nvlnncht Iii a faa


the be







1nnitun TO ins tnuiii i

Wild KnlliDtliim on Election Kt it Cantonlailge lr l et Mr McXInloi-

ArhlrYrmrnlt and T l of Ihe ComingVictor The Prrtldent t Vote at

CANTON Ohio No v VFor moro hunt wonts-flvoyeai McKlnloy-tu tnukn nn addre to liin fellow citizens nf-

Iauloii on Die of ehclliui umt this yearrather uncxpevtodly proved to no exceptionto rule When Im was II Congressman ntutlater when h was Governor mill wo taking aspeaking part In the campaign ho ulwnys-rliiMfl In Canton mid Hint tntax tinfilm

In In I lit citypolhicid demonstration nf Hit campaign Slncu

been President hat refrained frompartisan uddrnxoi rill iHnrt get him

tn make nn addre In n huh HM H un-

availing but was the ci e tnnlglit tintpiMpIo have crowded to him niul would taut be-

satlillod until ho Intel ald II word lo themTIlt felling fur tonight Ilttlo speech WH

a Mrcnniln by Iraml Army band It wasiiitlroly unannounced taut when the hand an-peareil on downtown streets word ijulikly-fproad that thu President wn to Io Horenided-An Impromptu parudn wn Immediately or-

Vimlzcd mmll In number At first hut gainIntf every minute until when It reached theMcICInley hom It numbeied thousands Score

f HID paraUi ri secured red burning limnIXMIIX on

hnnd plnved spveril olfHon Incltidlug n medley nf patriotic nir und nt ianelusion of each there were loud cheer andcall liar Ireldcnt McKlnloy Hi wu In thehoit with MM MiKlnley unit a tiunil T ofneighbor who were pending the eveningwith lhini Finillylienppprtridoii the porchInwliifi to the crowds on nil slcle of him Therewere inoro cheers and rail for n speech Inthin vpitlhiilo of the houo Mnnd thin clumpbrought by a T mi ort delegation InSoini It up curried it to Hitporoli nnd the ln lctint was prevailedIn mount the sunup and address ppopi-ll poke briolj with wilillv riitlmitpInterruptions by HIP crowd und concludedliy Introdurlnir ludkn Day who hind oomo

torch with Mm President Meilnlev



It ha uteri hlatactiituiiu

lttiet till IItat





t WI-Th




if aIr



lid at t luau Ian I I tIlts

lii tutut taak lug a


I lit


I taut


one I ajek od a nilhut

I hit


t I to

< >


> >



My Follow Citzn I am Kind togreet you once nn re nt my old homei that ii ytir when I uni ninklnir innlnnuirrnw from rnl of this va i country intin oilier tlP Anirrirnn i le will

V voiej Ior W IImi MrKuiloi Tremendousnnd cheeri loii miitiue-

nirl we miHt wait nnd III

lit tlnr venilot I kn w you willlindad to heir a word from mr fellowlillii Jiidfi Wllllim It ln whn hat hilln fiin i lcmniH Ilneo In tin AdiiiiriiIr1


1rtII Ih



1 lila


all ilhiu I

tnt >

over yon rillel IIH i Ifesioe in in iI 1iaiik you laud you tioiiiiiclii Tn

i n re w i lieiriy friliir f r Imce Dayn helnnk tin nt mpliitii I

muiit of whir idd Diy cxike nfiiFnwt-

My Fellow fltrn It hi lean my for-tune for n few month nof wlilrli It i one of the unwritten lnvilial llnrunibiit haitI take IHI nrt In alumni ram

I hnd IIR boil HIPirivlUCo of listenin lo the fircuirent Ihlfill I hope with mi irninrtlitl tintludlrlnl nnd havlm It fur one

to my mind madeup nnd applause And rwyou hive como a have

before If testify In yniir loyally yourdeiotinii sinaI yiur ourIellnw towiiMiinii tho tint citlen cf the

ITremeiidouYou know and we all know with what

ability wili whiit earnestness withhn riven hlmsolf tn thi duty

wilih this upon Mm fair yearsngo t ircnt applause man hasmore liar the country no man lid dana betterfor the has llllniu MeKlnley byIPS WM nnd ableof the nlTnlrn of Joveniiiieii irea-lnpliiUfl

Wo know with what reluotince tiniiti pfl tho wonl of wnr V know howTitli ovf fiir and h irnble he soughtto ivoirl war ltiroit nnplau j Ve know

whn itf iifnet earnpst inirpoi he dlniTnlrs of that decvo-MiiBgle to n urpp sfi roncliHoti A nut wo

know how much lie hn coMtrihiit to clacothis i in tIP foremost rnnk of tin nationof tlio cnrth with presug till over the worldnail whnt Is rill better prosperity within thin

of this country our own people



t f lrr I

Iou flit

I rrar I

1111 J




tt laIt li

tta all lat i I


a tilt Ia fl


I I-

ii lii iaugh tar

oIl aii-Va lIla



tt linthut


t iithat le rat Ii fl


Pitit ai

mteq tin

Iii t it cl Iii




I know that no Initorofnient vlll he jrlvrnhim hearty nnd unlrrivil I believe U will be lie floralHint will be inorp i him hunt Hi-indor pinent that I think IH In Mure for himfrom hl old Irlcud nnd fellow

who aro n emhlcd nndwill en to the i ills tomorrow ireaIhn


I ii ii pal

nalulu i tat fltl ah

alt Iot hera tnaug lit


morp thought with till honoro thill exulted Ilon with nil that he hi-iuliliVe with till that hU rinlin1 Mntul forwhen he ir to Iho litnurrov

Iii Yalta It will count forrut in nvici n minennd no m ire In whnt othrr countrycan It IK sfild that on one It the e t rri-of HIM twit privilege nf ennui wiflraKi allrnUe lnrliiriln ll Chief MiLl rIta Mntulwith Piiinl rnch dolne Mi duty n In-

MIS It for the l est of eoiintryITritiifiidou p I

Now my fellow I will tint ilrtninyou but I will only my hnvinir made up yourro lo polls earlv tomorrow dl

rliiriiH your duly nnd when next meetI IlilnVi wp reir p In a victory nhlrli shfillbe lor the best interels of nnd-l ronioti the welfare of fnrclittmit people

nadli watu heiimd nvn oiiof the lawn tiidiy The wn uboiit noonwhen a one hundred ivuplo-mnrrlnil up to have their tiik ii

foreground hi hotnehit n background Included the CountyCentral Committee ixeciilUpand tli county candidates Thorn wi no

hut a ceneril exilnnce-if criplltR nnd much Ju t UN

there won tonlirht after thin muwarn over Tonluht the crowd surroundedIhe lre diTt on the n irch and IIP wato hake with liundreds loforehiiiiuhiI-linke e to thp

Thin liny cnller Included HIP Con u loIlvcr OD IntiHs who cnllocl to Niyfi nn for lo vote

A rutI

In-n t

nllr nil I




II It ITilt r




tate tim



otterI un

alt I7etu


I I t itt tlrg iir I

run v o nell risilt

t hue I t lit ii tad



Iii nalhilt I ii


I Inns I tutu a tal it tot a








e who came merelv to IN hatul Tlfr rip i f the hotM iold lvs hu y

nil liv iiickl B ii and ceiling n ulv lo Ieafor nl lui i ti iti MIHV I I tin

and Mr MiK wiri Ty innii thejioiiip n eood tart of he dayTl re i ll every len of full rrnddenre

III Hi result tOlliniToU fln tin e ftmut-1ie lreeut it iillliijililain the roildtitptint lia tiMrkiNl i he whole iiini alfn ul

l ron T of i le nid a nieinl er-of lle Vatlonnl Conitillllee Is Iliielv to ifiinilucre with Senator Ilnnnn tnmorrmv to re

Ivo II rotisrii with HIP rioldent TheIdent will iro to the I IN nnrly It Hie tvorti

Inu hut liemiil lout hr no i Intis tr i n 0-o ildriv vlth Mrs MeKlnley If tli went tautioiiinii 4 fnvonibleldpt M Kll ent HIP following er vuInr In a Iiiubllc1l nieetilur at Salem Ililo this

11V Chnirmnn Kriibtirtn ManSato Hnin-Vour rntlii of the ipntlne tonjcht l re

IVPd I would lo Bind to meet mv friendconstituent of mid CnPnnlilitn-

fininlr on oonlon but IliU in Isdenied HIP I ran i foriw their tinvlel Inif-

u in llepiihllraii and llielrs tn tn front iy lrs

for Coner i in i to the pn nt Hum Phiiepresent to ihns iiwniblid my litloi nailtrowl lsln MiKiVLKV-

lltiMln l lluv Mnr ll lllr hlp tierh Mpi Spencer Kennnrdonp of the A nidlcan

thelnrlsljipoltion I

Ilrniteaiii lii Kifrom llnvre lie wild that vlivod-

n a whole thp 1arls hhow tint Infrrlor tothe Chlcaeo fnlr UP learned on the voyaitefrom n trustworthy courcp that lus li Inended MHIII to rrdor flvp more battleshipH

from firms In that Inltpd Stntp

Dftrfaot HiD rMadecf the tender mf of tat yourrjorkft dalnUr t oard with Mkctrd krcktfe l oner utol lmlmUo

l5cmeiRh 1111 liii Ir 111


lit lra

I I ci traat it taj hat ar aitI Iaaaualid a tiiitul of


alq tat



I horn k



I arc

1Il ritiirira ut lit


nail ian ha unlila

avertlVa t iiI iti Ii run It I a flthal lIiay


It ittJAi

unini slain rs at rat at

ai lay uI ia ii rat Iii FrerctliIauia Flu I in




1111 a








VrjIhfr llurviiu lrnllcl CnnualhWrathrr tier the niutlo minlr-

V MVHON Nov 5 Tli Weilher llureii-tOdiy l ued tho follo ntiuelulforeen t for olocilon day

Tho Him weather citidiliim of last nlithtihatikol but little On the Inclllc ui

In till loc y Mountain Siittx Dakotn-j Nohrikn IansiH Mlniii oia Iowa Mi sourl

Vii nn Illinois Iiullain Ohio Kentiu ky-

Mlvhliaii Tennessie the n i iiilf and w nthAllaiillo StntPH Maryland Vlrulnlii Vc t

Ieiinsylvnnla Ne Ier ey nnd lware the wiUher I certnlii in l iiiiiiuillyf-ltio with lear pkli hianl tumpera-ture

Itt Nev Vork HIP wealher I ileir exceptloiidino i on Ihi1 lake where lUht ihoners

occurred ln t lilsht There I u iis Ibllily of-

Ihtht and uuiintiorlant shower ii the n liertipart of the state tonLlinow ttlnc In und the wialit to be fair and pleian

Ill New jiiklaiidthenl

nirii winds urnr almost r-


slate which Is drifting iii iwiinl Iilrwill prevail excent that lulit rain In Mainenorthern New IbimiMhln1 nul Vernmnt to-

nlcht may coinlriuediiriiiira purlinnof iliy-Tileday

The S r Itccd of linrrrrrtlllr X 1

Killed by a Coiiipunlon Hhlle IliinllnsT-

liKXTox N 1 Nov r Tin lIne siplipn F-

Jleid need HI wnt accidentally shot nnd killedthis afternoon whileKunnlnu lient d ln t irTint front a Ihonhipienlnnd was llvitic with Ids parent Mr nnd Mrx-

J Vilev Heed at lRvrencivllle Heed andJohn ntreil 10 vere w to-

cether near n pond nt Lnnromo stntiiti-llahreiiber tried to hat down Hie hamtner-of gull when it Mippcd putt IJeeil recolveilthe contents of weajou In the nbdomen-Hied lived only two hour nllor boinir

Mr lieiil nmiTled lx iniiith neo a uleco-of lohn M Scinlder lr i ii tit o the 1intNational Hank Hahrenburjf is III from urief-

CHOUGH roin TO rrifssrofvrr-i irct It M Said In trirr Town To-

morrow or Put


I tag Wi I tier

hat n

t fiat


Irgi hum ali



hailI tl

paaitlalarahiha eIutiahIt-

aftau titular Ihia liuttuctiet al itta iarai aif luau litia a t liar


711101OIlf ill tiuitrs urntie

Ira gradim

iartl tin ry

ILl Ii raamihiimrg I Ill tigI









> >

A poi onal friend of Mr Croker who dinedwith him a t nlcht nt that Urmocratlo cJub-snld

Mr Croker with John ScnnniOl nnd Co-rpiMliiit outiMl XVhalen pxp l to leavetown for fount Yilnrcday or Thurfnv Mr K nntiell and Mr

BO n ahead but Mrlater on

I it t chess 3 4 luar tinW nIna

inn rular t ill Jul ma I item


vEir iiiFoiir OF ninsTr s nnC-

iihlr inslnrrri Thin1 They Hate Evidenceof Suhniarlnr Irupllon-

VEIU Cii Moxlro Nov VIt IsMievcd bywho oil rcpalrinw the C7nlve ton

Mejco able whlh w is broken by 1h ialviton liurriiHiie that the storm wa nccnmpinibrn The evideace ol Ihieruption is found in Hi twisted wndltlrn of thocable Theh athlnK found oliai been rc-

verxd and wIres blnJInu It to tlio coreturrtd wrnnc w-

ntn 111 iMMirnu it tv sitnnFiA-

ttarkrd nl Miiht IhrrK tnknown Mm-

Ville llnrry Monne of ITO Walton streetAVilllntn hur r and Charles llorker wholivi s at Mli Park avenue wen goIng nioii-iliroadway nn their way honiH farly ypi r1ay-niornlne tlini younc mutt confr inled them Ina dark not nt McKlbbin Mrpot The ninattacked hloane And while two hold him thenlher Jnbhod thin sharp point nf a knife Into hisrliht side Slonni fell nnd the assailants tiedllpfnri lUrffer what had lint pcre1 themen nero niT an l Mcano lay n HIM sidewalklierciTH slioutlni a jwllvinan wh-FunininiiPil an nuiinilanci nisd was talcnto hi Catherine llospiln wlwri the woundwas Mild lo hp i inn ti Id the Hephe c Uldlit Imagine who asnllntils cMild heHP tliciuhl they him lor Minebody


the arightipetsa

aiihtiuuat tie ariu In



tatWita itape

nit I teal

hl hihit

it hut kdc



1 S Slacrc Knorkril Srn rlr IVhllr llrlrlnjon Mulrn llind-

T S Mntee who Is with Ilorrpr-ft Co nt 45 Hroadwny wa nltiiikid bv footpnds at n lonely spot beiween llpinonl nnd Hurceavenuc Ve t New Krluhioti Stilrn I lnmlwhile returnlnk from n lute diivi on Saturdaynltfht Hi Mrtiil from behlnil with asharp in trument which cu through Ills collarand the Ilish hU k and rendered him uncoiiMiou ISefor rolld securennytbinu of ahe Mr Miifce liore boiledMr Mnkvi ii n iiiu iii nfter theIIOIM haul itonu about twn mlie I droveIn a doctorV where hi wound w dre vd-

rrovoiniK Hfvs nr rl-

ohn Shnw lit Oivnrr nnd n Iollrrruti thouJlmlilni lladlr DniUfrcl-

tdin Kiinw a inineir n oiilhIcrome nvemie nhiy in I iiitimiibile-

wh n nl nwh street the Hlifrint fir jrol outf ordT Itofire In ioiili shut ir id puner

HIP machine ran Into a trolley polf thrnniiuhim out One of Hi wheels was knorlfd U

HIP machine and In thi It MHIIIM-Idlnconally ncro the ctreel In tlin was

of the Alexander avenueelation McCarthy imXi rlenreil In HIPways of thought tint by krabbiiikthe the runaway would top He wasthrown Into euttT and HIP ranfpiii ulTrnr the lo of another wlnnd Ihe dinhhoard Mr Shaw reolvod a beatscalp wound

iilii run mo


anti tici nil


oft Ito

IFat iayurail

ii iiI


1 lip

1 cIt ruttin

atanal haiti

nit yattOititil Ii 11tn rt

tint iiiuunit

lit at u

TI21 t1

< <





The irnrirr He t COWMII la SllnntrCunmiuiilpmv tn M irorgr

Therewa lively bxttiiij In tIn ofnesof thp-ti iticdeiurinient of the lf ki Vnlley hullr3j ind liiltliiireniil i h o ltallronl o Sntu-rdivontlii r ull of the race bptwein the rc-

Mitlv tiuinat of Hie loiwepntie Viiiutiiiniinw iocti and j t iimr i intinI len se of tin lihl Ii Var iilroiiaii l tli I OWMI of te a Htnorpiuiil-ulilo Kiilruid ca h with nn imply ear fl at

M lit i to c vcr tin in IP Hi n-on imir arid untIe inlnut Die ieiWon In I hour HJ Th Cowan wastwelve i liMii s behind These tin are eewand abnl m fVioio ri h A toHonk and r turn wil he irri i udrace fvm-

rw llir rormrd In ihr lnn lUrbor-UlVfMiix Tex ov 5 Tho trlli h-

Rlenm iii I oiind for HHMI enwent acroiind this nfirrnoon ona bar ear the

and WHS Honied in theevenltik wlthniit in this knnn barnnotlcr vcwl Kroiiidml n few diys aim TheInr was lrncd illume n recent

The Irllow Mill Vnlr j

The other fellow will lilt Vblu nil tijiialtwo If you lefriiln from

SOnar nl SlHclilnnw Clli j

MACKINAW CITV M nit Nov i I ho firstMH WKiiirl nf ilioMMxoii rninilodny wlhii

11 LM I tins bi ii

lliihl I Iliac IVnrllpiiiciU nre the last cpawii of tlipliue

devil Kick them mittif lmolh Ablue pencil mark will InralhlntH millet

rintti Chlnrldrt DltlnfrrUnl-wmmcndtd u Jaw vkM nnj funllr mr d


> i ci itt iil nIaa

lit I

lull Iii

a ill i t

I r iou itulSat hiram

an fair

ih I lit r tot I w a r at

ui ira itt I it al fl lit

lathersuit a

Sat I fig

ad Ft hi ua ha a uajaih Ilarauadmig ha ret ct I 115 dayuuglit


hat liul lirua


a a


> <


Compels the Mayor to Call



Mayors Own Head Was in PerilChief DC very Indicted

iieclion Will vcrfil 1 m-

n Coiirtrr VIllaBf Van Wk Irom e-

Illrrrti llfliri unit the Chief Illrrri f iMen lo CuoiirratP Huh 3IUui jhInder UIIHIU Hall fur lnrffrliig Hlf-Che Nuiirrlnlrndenl of iievll iCoiirt I-

nilit e lriirr aId VMJ-

iov Iooscvt took n hand y ierday an I

sent a grim letter lo Mayor Vmi Wyokpolice Inlerferciico wilh Suiit McCulliki

An It Niild on tindvlco of Mr frokir tho Mavor c iininaiidp I

Ctilef of Iolito Ilpyrry O revolfr order cfSunday nnd to reiiulrc of the polIte forte u-

liiMrly ii liberation still Supt McCiillagirmen init out thin new order late lanicht Tho rletrtion today promises tn bethe Nime pcicoful trait that It tisiiilly Is a-

New Vork city

0n1h1xojhi ENDS ii

119In hal ii ire n



Ill Caa la tan a


rib t

unit I t rt4i1 ta art Imt g

lila f

I Inter



> >

lull tiooMivolt sent three letter from Oysterliar One wn to thai Mayor one to SherlT-irell and thou third to District Attorney

Cinrdlner Here they areinn KiVKiiNor TO inn MAYCII-

ITn Iht Mtiynr nf Ihr fitii of Vcir IlirfcSin My attention has been called to

oflirial order Issued by Hi Chief of Iolir-Ievery III which lie direct his HibordltMteto dircgnrd the chlo nf ih ii i




Stainliiirean John McCullagh arid lila deputicInless you have already nikon ulepn-in Hciiro that recall of orderIt I necessary for me to p ilnt outthat I filmll bo obliged lo bold youreK nlbl n Ih head of the city governnient for the action of the Chief of Police ifIt hould result in any breach of the pivice nn IIntimidation or tiny crime whatever airiiln ithin election laws The Stnte and city authori-ties nhould work together I will not full tocall to Mimmary account either Htule or citynuthnrlty In the event of pithier hatIng guiltyof IntImidation or connivance at fraud or offailure to protect every legal voter In hi riirhtI Ihereforn herebyof any wrongdoing following upon the fnllurnimmediately to recall Chit PeveryVi orderor upon any notion or Inoctlon on thepnrtofChief I must necesunrlly call you toaccount Vourf Ac

TiirononK HoonrvrLTOVSTKH flAy Nov 5-

iETTrn TO nr siirniFp-Tn fhrriff til the Countv nf V IT York

Silt My attention ha l en culled lo theofficial order Issued iy Chief nf Iollco lleveryin wlilcli he lilreet hu ubordlnato lo dis-regard the Chief of the State KlTtlon llurrauJohn JlcCullngh and hl dcputle

Itlsyourduty ton5 rlveriforcinPut of the hw Anti I shall 1 you lrlctly-roponMblp for any breach of the public PMCOwithin your county or for any failure on yourpart to do your lull duty in clrnectlon withthe election tomorrow Vour truly


MTTEri TO TIIK IMhTIIICT AlTllllNFV-To ic IHtrirl Mlnrnry nt Ml Cuunly lit Vcir

harksin My ha bien cnlliil to

otllrial order i uiil by t hlef of 1ollce I lever111 which t III uhorihnilo toBiint tin Chief of HIP Sta e MlnMlunlohn Mi1ullikh nnd hi d putio-

tn view of this ord r I c ll nur tothe fact tlmt It Is ynur to osl in ihorderly itiforcement nf the law unit Ihcfe mnthun no tilt part lo do uur full di-In the matter Vour trul

ntsTriiiiKti nv in iirniniThe fiovcrtior tni ngi Vnn WycU

was brought up from Oystir by th iov-

ernor inessei got Mr Waldron Mrdrnii found out Hint the Mayor would probnhly-be nt the Pcmicriitic nnd nt 9 orliKk-IIH In gut to Fifth avenue letterIn hnnd He sent word in the MnyorIIP haul n nminuiiiciHnn taut him nndVan Wyck met him In the reception roomTin nipxenger banded the document In MnyorVim Wyck whn broke the and rend It

Pii you vl h tn end nry wnrd buick toiovernor nked Unldron

t hi lit


I k


Il I

4 a






Pit I f


II l




Ilt mt Vita ha

nt I iit lain a t lie

faa iii ill at a rlii arena

at lit j

thai I

tilltira tutu

Tmi haulia ati fltaaua tt itT41-


tat ulii o r

Itt y



a hat

tVtti I tug tit 7

t taut

t hilt II


pal I







< >

> <

> >

no eNclalind the Mayor very grufflyHP went hnck Into the club and hnd n long talkwith Mr roller niul the lion John K Carrollwho beside being the deputy leader of Tarnmany Hall I Mnyor Van Vyi ks closest polit-

ical friend WaldPni went awayAfter the Mayor had hnd hi talk with Mr-

Croker and Mr iiiioll hn h ft the club A liewent out n rejKirter with whom he

i otopjed hitu The Mayor shook tmnd withbutt but when the ned him about theleller from the iovernor he wild

X imi n word not H wotd nnd walked outof ihilub-f MPIKTI t ittiKMifn TO TIIK noviiNOK-Thi Mnynr arrived Ioliie Headjuartrrs-

nt BII urlofk lint iilklil He CHIIII on footChief Deviry had been In hi i nil e for iin hourthen Thf Mnyor wn with tin hlef liar aboutan hour Then the teportcrs vert miniioneil-lo tjii I lilfTV odlco anal a copy nl this Irllrtwas given In themUiiiii S 1 Kuril CAuf ul Wiir-

hlir VoiMvlll al onie revoke HO older MII-Iliheil in thaI niornlngV news n ir anti IhMie-dInin your rfllioiii De nil int nt S V I M-

ilntivo to Ihe diitlis l Hi pdho forir in-iiMinii dn anal you wiil U ui Iniiindlatey

urdiM ii will eiliire your libTiiHtes to iiioiraie and i t In the MI

nnd cnioieoicni i un Metroimllian-liw iir COof thol lv-

HIMI AX Mayorr the reporter hid taken eople nf this

letter the Mnyor nld1 U e only that there 11-

1tluiidation orvlolence the etectlii n



la actpl hrt cal P

tah art Pr





allah I ira Iaar

I itt

litata uiiid iauitai


to nay lii


