annexure-iii-r & r policy


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   àñVm{dV  àñVm{dV  àñVm{dV  àñVm{dV  àñVm{dV   Zdr _w§~B© Am§Vaamï´>r` {d_mZVi àH$ënm_wio  Zdr _w§~B© Am§Vaamï´>r` {d_mZVi àH$ënm_wio  Zdr _w§~B© Am§Vaamï´>r` {d_mZVi àH$ënm_wio  Zdr _w§~B© Am§Vaamï´>r` {d_mZVi àH$ënm_wio  Zdr _w§~B© Am§Vaamï´>r` {d_mZVi àH$ënm_wio

  ~mYrV hmoUmè`m ì`º$s¨À`m nwZd©gmhV   ~mYrV hmoUmè`m ì`º$s¨À`m nwZd©gmhV   ~mYrV hmoUmè`m ì`º$s¨À`m nwZd©gmhV   ~mYrV hmoUmè`m ì`º$s¨À`m nwZd©gmhV   ~mYrV hmoUmè`m ì`º$s¨À`m nwZd©gmhV  d  d  d  d  d 

  nwZd©gZmMo YmoaU   nwZd©gZmMo YmoaU   nwZd©gZmMo YmoaU   nwZd©gZmMo YmoaU   nwZd©gZmMo YmoaU 

  OyZ 2007  OyZ 2007  OyZ 2007  OyZ 2007  OyZ 2007

n[adhZ d g§ Mma {d^mJ 

 {gS>H$mo {gS>H$mo {gS>H$mo {gS>H$mo {gS>H$mo


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Sr. No. Particulars Page No.

1. MM}   Mm _gwXm - _amR>r  1 to 28

2. Draft for Discussion - English 29 to 58

3. Maps

Navi Mumbai International Airport - Environs 59

Navi Mumbai Internationall Airport - Master Plan 60

R & R Plan for NMIA - Resettlement Village and 61

Identified Site for Resettlement.


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 H«$. dU©   Z nmZ H«$.

1 nw d©   {nR>rH$m

2 YmoaU Hw$Umg bmJy hmoVo 02

3 C{Ôï>o 02

4 VÎdo 03

5 d{J©   H$aU d AmamIS>m 03

6 ì`m»`m 05

7 {d_mZVi àH$ënJ«ñV / {d_mZVi  àH$ënJ« ñV Hw$Qw>§ ~o `m§ Mr nmÌVm 


8 nw Zd©  gZ d nw Zd©gmhVgmR>r ~§ X hmo Ê`mMr  Vm[aI 


9 nw Zd©  gmhVgmR>r OmJo  Mr {ZdS> 08

10 nwZd©  gZ d nw Zd©gmhVgmR>r g§KQ>Zo  Mr R>odU 08

11 {Z`mo OZ d A§ _b~OmdUrMr àH«$s`m 10

12 hŠH$ / A{YH$ma 12

13 {d_mZVi àH$ënm_w io ~mYrV ì`º$s / Hw$Qw>§ ~m§Mo  nw Zd©  gZ d nw Zd©gmhV h¸$


14 J¥h ñWimÀ`m hñVm§ VaU/{dëho  dmQ>rda _`m©Xm 16

15 e§H$m§Mo {ZamH$aU 16

16 hŠH$ AmamIS>m 17 - 28


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AË`§ V JmonZr` MM}Mm _gw  Xm  

 àñVm{dV Zdr _w§~B© Am§VaamQ´>r>` {d_mZVi àH$ënm_wio ~mYrV hmoUmè`m 

 ì`º$s¨À`m nwZd©gmhV d nwZd©gZmÀ`m YmoaUmMm _gwXm  

1) nw  d©{nR>rH$m 

 _hmamï > emgZmZo, _hmamï> ehao d Am¡  Úmo{JH$ {dH$mg _hm_§S>i _`m©{XV À`m  _mÜ`_mVw  Z _w § ~B© jo  ÌmH$arVm Zdr _w §  ~B© Am§Vaamï >r` {d_mZVi (EZ E_ Am` E) `m ZmdmZo  Xwgè`m {d_mZVimMr C^maUr H$aÊ`mMo R>a{dbo. ^maV gaH$maÀ`m ZmJar {d_mZ CÈ>mU 

 _§  Ìmb`mZo {ZYm©   arV Ho$bo  ë`m nwU©   V`: ZdrZ {d_mZVi C^maÊ`mgmR>r {d_mZVi nm`m y  V  gw  {dYm Am{U nÕVtMo _mJ©   Xe©H$ YmoaUmg AZwgê$Z {dH$mg H$aÊ`mMo EZ E_ Am` E Zo  àñVm{dV Ho$bo Amho. EZ E_ Am` E Mm {dH$mg gmd©   O{ZH$ d ImOJr ^m{JXmar nÕVrZo  H$amd`mMo àñVm{dV H$aÊ`mV Ambo Agy  Z Ë`mgmR>r ñnoeb nanO ìho BH$b H§$nZr (Eg nr ìhr)  JR>rV H$aÊ`mV oUma Amho Á`mV {gS>H$mo Am{U ^maVr` {d_mZVi àm{YH$aU 26% n ª  V  g_^mJ R>odVrb Am{U Cd©  arV ImOJr {dH$mgH$mH$S>o Ago b. gXa Eg nr ìhr H§$nZr {d_mZVi  àH$ënmMm AmamIS>m V`ma H$aob, Ë`mgmR>r Amdí`H$ ómoV EH$Ì H$ao b, gw  Q>rÀ`m H$mbI§ S>mV  {d_mZVimMo ~m§YH$m_, H$m`m©Ýd`Z Am{U ì`dñWmnZ H$aÊ`mgmR>r A{^`m§{ÌH$s àmárH$aU  H§$ÌmQ> Omar H$ao  b Am{U gaVoeodQ>r Jw § VdUw  H$sMr dgwbr Pmë`mda {d_mZVimMr _mb_Îmm 

emgZmg naV H$ao b. EZ E_ Am` E g H|$Ð emgZmMr _mÝ`Vm {_imdr Ago à`ËZ gwé Amho V Am{U _mÝ`Vm {_imë`mda {gS>H$mo àH$ënmÀ`m C^maUrgmR>r Amdí`H$ Vmo Aä`mg H$ê$Z 2012-13 n ª   V EZ E_ Am` E H$m`m©   Ýd`rV ìhmdm `mÑï>rZo àH$ën {dH$mgH$mMr {ZdS> H$aÊ`mgmR>r XoH$ma Q>ßß`mV AmUo b.

 EZ E_ Am` E àH$ënm_wio AZoH$ Hw$Qw>§ ~o, bKw  ì`dgm` Am{U {d_mZVi n[ajoÌmVrb ~m§YH$m_o   ~mYrV hmo  Uma AmhoV Am{U AWm©   VM Ë`m gdmªMr nwZd©   gmhV H$aUo Amdí`H$ R>aUma Amho.  àH$ënmMr ~mYrV ì`º$s¨  Mr nwZd©   gmhV hm EZ E_ Am` E àH$ënmMm A§  J yV ^mJ AgUo Amdí`H$ Amho. àmW{_H$ A§ XmOm§  Zwgma A§ XmOo 3000 Vo 4000 Hw$Qw>§ ~m§  Mr EZ E_ Am` E  àH$ënm_w io nw Zd©gmhV H$amdr bmJob. Ë`m_wio M _hmamï > emgZmMo nw Zd©  gZ d nw Zd©gmhV Ymo aU Am{U 2003 Mo àH$ën ~mYrV Hw$Qw>~m§~ÔbMo amï>r` nw Zd©  gmhV d nw Zd©gZ YmoaU `m§ g AZw gê$Z  EZ E_ Am` E àH$ënmgmR>r nw Zd©gmhV d nw Zd©  gZ Ymo aU {ZpíMV H$aÊ`mV Ambo bo AgyZ Ë`mV  {d_mZVimer g§~§YrV ñdën H$m_m§ Mmhr A§V^m©d Amho.


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2. bmJy Ymo aU :

  gXa nwZd©   gmhV d nw Zd©   gZ YmoaU ho Zdr _w  §~B© Am§Vaamï >r>` {d_mZVi àH$ën d  Ë`mg§ ~§Yr {d_mZVimÀ`m {dH$mgmer {ZJS>rV H$m } Ogo H$s añVo, añË`mdarb CÈ>mU nyb, nw bmImbrb añVm ( y  `mar _mJ© ), dmhVw H$ gwYmaUm `mo OZm, Vgo M bmoh_mJ© d ObdmhVwH$

  àH$ën `m§À`mer {ZJS>rV Amho. `m YmoaUmA§VJ©V àH$ënmÀ`m nwZd©   gmhV d nw Zd©gZ ^mJmn¡ H$s {d{dY H$m } nw d©  V`mar, A§_b~OmdUr d nwZd©  gmhV níMmV Aem VrZ Q>ßß`mV  nma nmS>br OmVrb.

3. C{Ôï>o :

YmoaUmMr C{Ôï>o Imbrbà_mUo Amho V:

A) {H$_mZ {dñWmnZ KS>{dUo d {dñWmnZmMr JaO Zgbobo qH$dm {dñWm{nVm§Mr g§»`m  H$_rV H$_r Ago b Aem n`m© m§Mm emoY KoUo.

 ~) àH$ën ~mYrV Hw$Qw>§~m§ À`m nwZd©  gmhV d nwZd©  gZmMo {Z`mo OZ H$aUo.

 H$) {d_mZVi àH$ënJ« ñVm§ Zm amhUr_mZmMm A{YH$ Mm§ Jbm XOm© CnbãY H$ê$Z Xo Uo.

  S>) nw  Zd©gmhV `mo  OZoMm {dH$mg d A§  _b~OdUr Aem àH$mao H$aUo H$s Oo Uo H$ê$Z  {dñWmnrVm§ Zm Ë`m§ À`m nw Za©  MZm _w ë`mVM ^anmB© {_iob.

  B) {d_mZVi àH$ënJ«  ñV / {d_mZVi àH$ënJ«  ñV Hw$Qw>§~m§  Zm Ë`m§À`m nw Zd©gmhVrÀ`m  {R>H$mUrM O{_ZrMm ^mS>o nÅ>m h¸$ àXmZ H$ê$Z gw `mo½` KamMo A{YH$ma Xo Uo.

 \$) gm_m{OH$ g§ñWm§er g§~§Y àñWmnrV H$ê$Z g_mOmÀ`m gH«$s` gh^mJmVy   Z nw Zd©  gmhV 

 H$m ©  H«$_ am~{dUo, Am{U; O) nwZd©  gmhV d nw Zd©gZ àH«$s oV g§ nyU© nmaXe©H$Vm d Ý`m` `m§Mr {ZpíMVr H$aUo.

4. VÎdo :

  ~mYrV ì`º$s àH$ënm_wio n{hë`mnojm {~H$Q>> n[apñWVrV T>H$bbo OmD$ Z o  V `m  VÎdmda nwZd©  gmhV d nw Zd©gZ Ymo aU AmYmarV Amho. nwZd©  gZ d nw Zd©gmhV YmoaUmMm   gmMm Aem àH$mao V`ma Ho$ë`mZo àH$ënmg OZVoMm Mm§Jbm à{VgmX {_iy   Z Ë`mÀ`m  n[aUm_H$maH$ A§_b~OmdUrgmR>r ghH$m © {_iÊ`mMr ImÌr hmo B©b.


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4.1 gm_mÝ` VÎdo :

A. àH$ën ~mYrV ì`º$s / Hw$Qw>§~m§ Mo Imbrbà_mUo dJ©  dmar Ho$br OmB©b:

1) Zm_YmaH$ (Q>m`Q>bhmo ëS>a)

2) Zmd Zgbo bo (Zm°  Z Q>m`Q>bhmoëS>a)  ~. àH$ënm_w io ~mYrV bmoH$m§darb ZH$mamË_H$ n[aUm_ Q>mibm dm KQ>{dbm OmB©  b.

  H$. Á`m {R>H$mUr ZH$mamË_H$ n[aUm_ AQ>i AmhoV, Ë`m {R>H$mUr àH$ën~m{YV ì`qº$Zm  Ë`m§ Mo OrdZ_mZ naV {_idyZ XoÊ`mgmR>r ghmæ` H$aÊ`mV o B©  b.

  S>. nw Zd©gmhVo Mr V`mar Am{U A§_b~OmdUr `m§Mr gd©Vmo nar gd© g§ ~§ {YVm§gmR>r CKS> Ho$br  OmB©b Am{U àH$ënmMr `mo OZm am~{dÊ`mV d Ë`mMr A§_b~OmdUr H$aÊ`mÀ`m H$m_mV  bmoH$m§Mm gh^mJ J¥ hrV YaÊ`mV Ambm Amho.

  B. {d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YV ì`{º$/{d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YV Hw$Qw>§~m§  Zm nw Zd©gmhV 

 qH$_Vrà_mUo ZwH$gmZJ«ñV _mb_Îmo  gmR>r ZwH$gmZ^anmB© XoÊ`mV oB©   b Am{U  ZwH$gmZ^anmB© _mb_ÎmoMm Vm~m Ko Ê`mnydu ZwH$gmZ^anmB© AXm H$aÊ`mV o B©b.

  \$. àH$ën~m{YV bmoH$m§À`m doJdo Jiçm dJ©  dmargmR>r ì`mnH$ A{YH$mam§  Mr Mm¡H$Q> {ZYm©  arV   H$aÊ`mV Ambo  br Amho Am{U A{YH$mam§  À`m AmamIS>çmZw  gma Vr Xo  Ê`mV o  B©b. ~§X  hmo  Ê`mÀ`m VmaIog AZwgéZ {d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YV ì`{º$/{d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YV  Hw$Qw>§ ~m§Mo gd}jU/_mo OXmX H$aÊ`mV o B©  b.

  O. C{MV H$maUmgmR>r _hm_§ S>imÀ`m ñVamda XwéñVr V§ ÌmMm Adb§ ~ H$aÊ`mV o B©  b.

  h. {d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YV ì`{º$/{d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YV Hw$Qw>§~m§ ~amo  ~a hmoUmè`m 

  g„m_gbVrMo XñVEo  dOrH$aU H$éZ R>o  dÊ`mV oB©   b. nw Zd©   gmhV Am{U nw Zd©  gZ  H$m_m§À`m A§ _b~OmdUr Xaå`mZ g„m_gbV H$m`_ gwé amhrb.

5. dJ©  dmar Am{U ~m§YH$m_ 

  àH$ënmÀ`m H$m_m_w  io ~m{YV hmo Umao H$mo  UVohr ~m§YH$m_ àH$ën~m{YV ~m§YH$m_ åhUyZ (nrEEg) J«  mhç YaÊ`mV o  B©b. _mbH$s h¸$, O{_ZrMm dmna Am{U Imbr Z_y  X 

 H$aÊ`mV Amboë`m Vnerbmà_mUo ~m§YH$m_mMm àH$ma `m§ Mm {dMma H$éZ àH$ën~m{YV  ~m§YH$m_mMr dJ©dmar H$aÊ`mV oB©  b.


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A) _mbH$s h¸$ :

- EH$mM ì`{º$À`m _mbH$sMr Agbo br O{_Z d B_maV.

- O{_Z EH$mÀ`m _mbH$sMr d B_maV ^mS>onÅ>çmZo ({bO) ^mS>o H$ê$bm {Xbo br.

- O{_Z d B_maV XmoÝhr ^mS>onÅ>çmZo ({bO) ^mS>oH$ê$bm {Xbo br.- O{_Z d B_maV hr d¡Ym{ZH$, ^mS>oH$éZm {Xbo br d {OWo _mbH$ hm ahmV Agob 

 qH$dm Zgo b Aer OmJm.

- H$mo UË`mhr H$m`Xoera hŠH$m{edm` nXnWmdarb a{hdmem§ Zr Vmã`mV KoVbobr  O{_Z.

  ~) O{_Z dmna :

1) O{_Z :

- eo Vr, ~mJm`V B.gmR>r dmnaÊ`mV o Umar.

- gmR>m, JmS>r Xw éñVr Am{U nmH$sªJ B. Iwë`m dmnamgmR>r dmnaÊ`mV oUmar.

- {H«$S>m§JU, gm§ ñH¥${VH$ H$m } , Ym{_©  H$ H$m ©  H«$_ B. gmR>r dmnaÊ`mV o Umar.

2) ~m§YH$m_ :

- {Zdmgr CÔoemgmR>r dmna.

- ì`mdgm{`H$ d {Zdmgr CÔoemgmR>r dmna.- ì`mdgm{`H$ CÔoemgmR>r dmna.

- Am¡ Úmo{JH$ CÔoemgmR>r dmna.

- gm_m{OH$ CÔoemgmR>r dmna.

  H$) ~m§YH$m_mMm àH$ma :

1) AZoH$ _Oë`m§Mo Amagrgr/nmo bmX/bmH$S>r Mm¡ H$Q>rMo n¸o$ ~m§YH$m_.

2) AmagrgrMo Nß>na qH$dm bmXçm qH$dm nÌo qH$dm Or.Am`. nÍ`m§ Zr Ho$bobo  Vi_Oë`mMo n¸o$ ~m§YH$m_.

3) AmagrgrMo N>ßna qH$dm bmXçm qH$dm nÌo qH$dm Or.Am`. nÍ`m§ Zr Ho$bobo  Vi_Oë`mMo AY} nŠHo$ ~m§YH$m_.

4) AmagrgrMo N>ßna qH$dm bmXçm qH$dm nÌo qH$dm Or.Am`. nÍ`m§ Zr Ho$bobo  Vi_Oë`mMo H$ƒo ~m§YH$m_.

5) EH$_Obr ~m§YH$m_ Agbo ë`m Pmo nS>çm.


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6) ì`m»`m : 

  {d_mZVi àH$ënmÀ`m g§X^m©V, ""àH$ën~m{YV àXoe'' åhUOo, {d_mZVi  àH$ënmA§ VJ©  V àH$ën~m{YV àXoemMo jo Ì A§ V y  ©  V H$aÊ`mgmR>r _hm_§S>imÀ`m dVrZo `m YmoaUmA§VJ©V Kmo fUm H$aÊ`mV Ambo br JmdR>mUo.

""JmdR>mU"", åhUOo, dmS>çm/dñË`m AWdm nmS>o Agbo  br qH$dm AmOy   ~mOyg dñVr Agbobr OmJm.

""{d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YV ì`{º$/Hw$Qw>§ ~ ({d_mZVi àH$ënJ« ñV/{d_mZVi àH$ënJ« ñV  Hw$Qw>§  ~o) åhUOo, {d_mZVi àH$ënmÀ`m CÔoemgmR>r Agboë`m YmoaUmA§VJ©V àñVm{dV  g§nmXZmgmR>rÀ`m àH$ën~m{YV jo ÌmVrb O{_ZrMo qH$dm ~m§YH$m_mghrV O{_Z Agbobo gd© ^moJdQ>mXma.

 ñnï>rH$aU :

  {d_mZVi àH$ënm_w io ~m{YV Pmbo  ë`m Hw$Qw>§~mVrb gd© ì`{º$, H$m_Jmam§ À`m  g_mdoemghrV ì`mdgm{`H$ g§  ñWm Am{U O{_Z qH$dm ~m§YH$m_ Agbo  br O{_Z  `mgmaIr _mb_Îmm Agbo bo YmaH$ `m§ Mm g_mdoe {d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YV ì`{º$/Hw$Qw>§ ~ (EnrEnr/EnrEE\$) g_Obo OmVrb Am{U (eoVH$ar d ~mJm`VXma `m§À`mghrV)

 O{_ZXma, ^mS>o  nÅ>çmZo XoUmao, d¡Ym{ZH$ ^mS>oH$é Am{U nXnWmdarb a{hdmgr `m§ Mmhr  g_mdoe Amho. `m CÔoemA§ VJ©V Hw$Qw>§ ~mVrb gd© ì`{º$ åhUOo Ka/~amH$s/Pmo nS>r `m_Ü o  amhUmao gd© nwéf/{ó`m, Hw$Qw>§ ~mVrb AÝ` gXñ` Am{U ZmVodmB©  H$ hmo `.

""eo V_Oy   a'', åhUOo ~m{YV jo Ìm_Ü o H$mo  UVohr ~m§YH$m_ Zgbo  br na§ Vw OrMm amoOJma 

  gmYmaUV: VrZ dfmª  §  nojm H$_r Zmhr Aem H$mbmdYrgmR>r ~m{YV àXoem_Ü o amhUmar   ì`{º$ na§Vw Omo ñdV:Mr CnOr{dH$m VËdV: eo  V O{_Zrda H$aVmo, Ë`m_w  io Aem  Kmo fUo  Z§Va Omo Vm~S>Vmo~ ñdV:À`m CnOr{dHo$bm H$m`_Mm _w  H$Uma Amho Aer ì`º$s  åhUOoM ""eo V_Oya'' hmo .

""eo  V O_rZ''_Ü o ~mJmBVrgmR>r dmnabr OmUmar {H§$dm dmnabr OmÊ`mMr j_Vm Agbobr O_rZ qH$dm H¥$fr Xw ½Y{dH$mg, Hw$¸w$Q> nmbZ, _mem§Mr n¡Xmg qH$dm Xw Ë`mMr 

 OZmdao qH$dm amondm{Q>H$m, qH$dm Am¡  fYr amo nQ>çm§  Mo g§dY©Z qH$dm Jmo g§  dY©Z `m§gmR>r   dmnamV Agbo  ë`m O{_ZtMm g_mdoe Amho _mÌ bmHw$S>VmoS>rgmR>r dmnaë`m OmUmè`m  O{_ZrMm g_mdoe Zmhr.

""_hm_§S>i'' åhUOo eha d Am¡Úmo{JH$ {dH$mg _hm_§S>i (_hmamï>) _`m©  {XV 

""gaH$ma'' åhUOo _hmamï > emgZ.

  {d_mZVi àH$ën åhUOo àH$ën Á`m_Ü o ~m§YH$m_, {dñVmarH$aU, gwYmaUm qH$dm  {dH$mg `mg§~§YrV H$mo UVohr H$m_, Oo hdmB© dmhVw H$sÀ`m gw{dYm nw a{dÊ`mgmR>r Amdí`H$


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Am{U {d_mZVi àH$ënmÀ`m AZwfm§  {JH$ Am°\$gmB©   Q> nm`m y   V gw  {dYm `m§Mmhr Á`m_Ü o g_mdoe Ago b.

""àH$ën àm{YH$mar '' åhUOo A{YH$mar Á`mÀ`m hmVmV àH$ën A§ _b~OmdUrMo EH§$XarV  {Z §  ÌU d AYrjU AgVo Ë`mgh A{YH$mar Á`mbm _hm_§S>i gm_mÝ` qH$dm {deof 

AmXoemZo àH$ën àm{YH$mar åhUy  Z {Z w º$ H$aVo.""Hw$Qw>§ ~m''_Ü o ì`º$sMm qH$dm {VMm Omo  S>rXma (Zdam qH$dm ~m`H$mo) H$m`Xoera ÑîQ>çm AkmZ _w bo, A{ddm{hV _w br, H$m`Xoera ÑîQ>çm AkmZ ^mD$ qH$dm A{ddm{hV ~{hUr AmXtMm g_mdoe hmo  Vmo. dS>rb, AmB©, {H§ dm Ë`mÀ`mgh amhUmao d CnOr{dHo$gmR>r 

 Ë`mÀ`mda Adb§ ~w Z AgUmao gXñ`.

"" {d^º$ Hw$Qw>§  ~'' åhUOo ì`º$s, Ë`mMm {VMm Omo  S>rXma (Zdam qH$dm ~mo `H$mo) d  H$m`Xoera ÑîQ>çm AkmZ _w bo AmXr.

""{~JaeoVr H$m_Jma'' åhUOo eoVr H$m_Jma Zgbobm nU gmYmaUnU gXa {d^mJmÀ`m 

 Kmo fUo À`m AmYr VrZ dfmªnojm A{YH$ H$mi ~m{YV {d^mJmV dmñVì` H$aUmam _mÌ Omo   gXa {d^mJmÀ`m Kmo fUo  À`m AmYr VËdV: Hw$eb / AY©  Hw$eb H$m_Jma åhUy   Z qH$dm   J«m_rU hñVì`dgm`r åhUy   Z Ë`mMr CnOr{dH$m MmbVo d ~m{YV {d^mJm_Ü o Omo  ñdV:À`m CnOr{dHo$bm H$m`_Mm _w H$bobm Amho.

""A{Ygy  MZm'' åhUOo A{YH¥$V n[anÌH$mV à{gX²Y H$aÊ`mV Ambobr gy  MZm.

""nwZd©  gmhV d nw Zd©gZmgmR>r àemgH$'' åhUOo àH$ën ~m{YV Hw$Qw>§~m§ À`m nwZd©  gVrH$aU  d nw Zd©  gZmgmR>r _hm_§ S>imZo {Z w º$ Ho$bobm A{YH$mar 

""ghì`dñWmnH$s` g§  MmbH$'' Mm AW© _hm_§ S>imH$Sy >Z ghì`dñWmnH$s` g§ MmbH 

 åhUyZ {Z w º$ Pmbo br H$mo UVrhr ì`º$s Agm hmo B©b.""ì`dñWmnH$s` g§ MmbH$'' Mm AW© _hm_§ S>imMm ì`dñWmnH$s` g§  MmbH åhUy  Z {Z w º$

 Pmbobr H$mo UVrhr ì`º$s Agm hmoB©  b.

""g§  MmbH$ _§S>imMm'' AW© g§X^m©Zw  gma _hm_§ S>imMo g§  MmbH$ EH${ÌVnUo qH$dm  {Z`_mZw  gma ~mo bmdbo  br d nma nS>bobr g§MmbH$m§  Mr ~¡  R>H$ qH$dm _§S>im_Ü o EH$Ì  Pmbo bo g§ MmbH$ Agm hmo B©  b.

""{dH${gV O_rZ''Mm AW©  nwZd©   gmhV nQ² >Q>çmVrb O{_Z, Á`mÀ`m_Ü o Zmo S>bXOm©À`m   gd© gw  {dYm {dH${gV Ho$bo  ë`m AgVrb d g§  nmXrV H$amd`mÀ`m JmdR>mUm_Ü o

ApñVËdmV Agboë`m gd© gw{dYm `m§ Mmhr Ë`m_Ü o gd_mdoe Agob.""XrK© H$amamÀ`m ^mS>o nÅ>mda Agbo bo''Mm AW© ì`{º$ qH$dm g§  ñWm Á`m§ Zm R>am{dH$ hám 

  qH$dm ^mS>çmÀ`m ~Xë`mV BZñQ>_o  §Q>> {H§$dm H$amamA§VJ©V R>am{dH$ doimgmR>r  _mbH$mH$Sy >Z ({d_mZVi àH$ënJ«ñV / {d_mZVi àH$ënJ«ñV Hw$Qw>§  ~o) ^mS>o nQ²>Q>çmZo {Xbo ë`m _mb_Îmo Mm Vm~m d dmna H$aÊ`mg {_iVmo.


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""g§ d¡Ym{ZH$ ^mS>o  H$ê$'' åhUOo ì`{º$ qH$dm g§ñWm Á`m§  Zm ^mS>o  nÅ>m qH$dm H$ama qH$dm  H$m`ÚmZo g§a{jV VËg_ ì`dñWoA§ VJ©   V ^mS>çmÀ`m ~Xë`mV _mbH$mMr (EnrEnr ({d_mZVi àH$ënJ«  ñV / {d_mZVi àH$ënJ«ñV Hw$Qw>§~o) _mb_Îmm Vmã`mV R>o dÊ`mMm A{YH$ma AgVmo.

""nwZ:ñWmnZo  Mm IM© '' hr g§  nmXrV Ho$bobr O_rZ d AÝ` gw{dYm, B_maV AmXtÀ`m   ~Xë`mV ~m{YV ì`º$sZo Xw  garH$S>o Ho$boë`m Vw  bZmË_H$ _mb_Îmo  À`m IaoXrMo _yë` AgVo. ~m§YH$m_m§ gh g§ nmXrV Ho$boë`m O{_ZrÀ`m ~Xë`mV XoÊ`mV Ambobr ^anmB©  hr 

 ~m{YV ì`º$sZo XwgarH$S>o Ho$boë`m Vw bZmË_H$ _mb_Îmo À`m Iao XrgmR>r nw aoer Agmdr.

""{dZm-erf©H$ YmaH$''. àH$ënm_w io {dn[aV n[aUm_ Pmbo ë`m O_rZ, ~m§YH$m_o d AÝ`  _mb_Îmm§Zm H$m`Xoera erf©H$ Zgbo br {d_mZVi ~m{YV ì`º$s / Hw$Qw>§~o. XrK© H$amamÀ`m ^mS>o nQ² >Q>çmda Agbo bo ^mS>o H$ê$ d nXnWmda amhUmè`m ì`º$s BË`mXtMm g_mdoe {dZm-erf©  H$ YmaH$_Ü o hmo Vmo.

""nXnWmda amhUmar ì`º$s'' åhUOo _hm_§S>imÀ`m O{_Zrda / gaH$mar O{_Zrda qH$dm  _hm_§  S>imH$Sy>Z g§nmXrV H$aÊ`mMr à{H«$`m gw  ê$ Agbo  ë`m O{_Zrda AZ{YH¥$VnUo d  nadmZJr{edm` ñWm{`H$ Pmbo br CnOr{dH$m H$aUmar d dmñVì` H$aUmar ì`º$s.

""erf©H$ YmaH$''. àH$ën ~m{YV {d^mJmVrb ~m§YH$m_o d AÝ` _mb_Îmm§  gh O{_Zrg  H$m`Xoera erf©  H$ Agbobr {d_mZVi ~m{YV ì`º$s / Hw$Qw>§ ~o.

7. {d_mZVi àH$ënJ«ñV / {d_mZVi àH$ënJ«ñV Hw$Qw >§~o `m§ Mr nmÌVm :

A) nw Zd©   gZ d nw  Zd©gmhV YmoaUmZw  gma A§Vr_ _w XVrn ª   V {d_mZVi àH$ënm_w io 

  ~m{YV Pmboë`m O_rZ d B_maV ~m§YH$m_mgh O_rZ YmaH$ àma§ rH$ gd} jUmXaå`mZ JUbo Jo bo Agë`mg nwZd©  gZ d nwZd©  gmhV `m Ymo aUmA§ VJ©  V  bm^mg nmÌ R>aVrb.

  ~) àma§ rH$ gd}jUmZ§  Va nmÌ {d_mZVi àH$ënJ«  ñV / {d_mZVi àH$ënJ« ñV  Hw$Qw>§ ~o `m§ À`mV OÝ_ d {ddmh `m _mJm©  Zo gm_rb Pmbo bo gXñ` gXa nwZd©  gZ d  nw Zd©gmhV YmoaUmA§ VJ©  V nmÌ R>aVrb.

  H$) H$m`Xoera dmagXmam§ì`{V[aº$, àma§ rH$ gd}jU nyU©  Pmë`mZ§Va ~m§YH$m_o  hñVJV H$aUmao ~m§YH$m_ YmaH$ gXa nw  Zd©gmhV d nwZd©   gZ YmoaUmA§VJ©V 

 bm^m§ gmR>r nmÌ R>aUma ZmhrV.  S>) gXa nw  Zd©gZ d nw Zd©  gmhV Ymo aUm_Ü o AmIyZ {Xbo  ë`m nÕVrZo ~Z{dÊ`mV 

Amboë`m nw Zd©   gmhV H¥$Vr `moOZo  _Ü o gh^mJr hmoD$ Z BpÀN>Umao {d_mZVi  àH$ënJ« ñV / {d_mZVi àH$ënJ« ñV Hw$Qw>§ ~o nwZd©  gZmgmR>r nmÌ R>aUma ZmhrV d  Ë`m§Zm YmaU Ho$bo br OmJm ñdV: hmodyZM [aH$m_r H$amdr bmJob.


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8. nw  Zd©  gZ d nwZd©gmhV `m§ Mr A§Vr_ VmarI :

  àma§ rH$ gd} jU ny   U© hmo  Ê`mgmR>r Amdí`H$ H$mbmdYrgh JmdR>mU g§  nmXZ H$aÊ`mMm  hoVy  Xe©  dUmè`m yg§ nmXZ H$m`Xm 1984 À`m H$b_ 4 A§ VJ©  V, {d_mZVi àH$ënm_wio   ~m{YV Pmbo bo O_rZ d B_maV ~m§YH$m_mgh O{_ZrMo gd© YmaH$ A{Ygy   MZm Omar  Ho$ë`mÀ`m VmaIo nmgy  Z {ZYm©[aV Ho$bo OmVrb.

9. nw  Zd©  gmhV ñWmZmMr {ZdS> :

 nw  Zd©gmhV H¥$Vr `moOZm AmIUrMm EH$ ^mJ Agë`m_w  io Zmo  H$arÀ`m g§Yr, àË`j   nm`m yV gw{dYm d gm_m{OH$ go  dm AmXtn ª   V nmohmo  MÊ`mMr eŠ`Vm bjmV Ko D$Z, àH$ën ~m{YV ì`º$s / Hw$Qw>§~ `m§À`mgh MMm© H$ê$Z eŠ`Vm n`m©  `m§_Yy  Z nw Zd©  gmhVrMo  ñWmZ {ZdS>bo OmB©  b. Aem àH$mao {ZdS>bobo nwZd©  gmhVrMo ñWmZ ho nwZd©  gmhV {d^mJ  åhUyZ àH$ën ~m{YV Hw$Qw>§ ~m§ Mr nwZd©  gmhV d nwZd©  gZmMo ñWmZ Agë`mMo A{Ygy  MZoÛmao   Omhra H$aÊ`mV o B©   b. gm_m{OH$ n`m©   daUr` ì`dñWmnZ `mo OZm§  Mm ^mJ åhUyZ  nw Zd©gmhV ñWmZmMo n`m©daUr` _w ë`_mnZ Ho$bo OmB©b.

10. nw  Zd©gZ d nwZd©gmhV JQ>mgmR>r g§ñWmË_H$ _m§S>Ur :

A) {d_mZVi àH$ënmÀ`m g§ X^m©   V _hm_§ S>imZo, AmXoemZw  gma, {H$_mZ d[að> {dH$mg A{YH$mè`mÀ`m hþX²>ÚmÀ`m A{YH$mè`mMr {Z wº$s Ho$di nw  Zd©gmhV nw Zd©  gZmgmR>r 

 àemgH$ åhUy  Z H$amdr.

  ~) nw Zd©gmhV d nwZd©  gZ àemgH$mbm _hm_§S>imÀ`m VaVwXrZwgma A{YH$mar d H$_©  Mmè`m§ Zr  ghmæ` H$amdo.

  H$) nw Zd©  gZ d nwZd©  gmhVrÀ`m àemgH$mZo nw Zd©gZ d nw Zd©gmhV àH$ën ~m{YV Hw$Qw>§ ~m§gmR>r   {d_mZVi àH$ënmÀ`m g§ X^m©   V _hm_§  S>imÀ`m A{YjU _mJ©Xe©   Z Am{U {Z § ÌUmZwgma  `mo ½` Vr H$m ©dmhr H$amdr.

  S>) nw  Zd©gZ d nw  Zd©gmhV AmamIS>çmMr _m§S>Ur d {VMr A§_b~OmdUr `m§da EH§$Xa   {Z §ÌU d AYrjU _hm_§ S>imMo Agob.

  B) _hm_§ S>imÀ`m H$mo UË`mhr gmYmaU AmXoemÀ`m AmYrZ amhÿZ, nw Zd©gZ d nw Zd©gmhVrÀ`m  àemgH$mZo nw T>rb H$m_o / H$V©ì o ~OmdmdrV :

1) àH$ënmer g§ ~§YrVm§À`m gëë`mZo bmo H$m§ Mo ñWmZm§VaU Ý y  ZV_ H$aUo 

2) nw Zd©gZ d nw Zd©gmhV `mo OZm V`ma H$aVmZm àH$ën ~m{YV Hw$Qw>§ ~ / g{_Vr  `m§À`mer g„m_gbV H$aUo


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3) nw Zd©gZ d nw Zd©gmhVrgmR>r gXa YmoaUmda AmYm[aV _gwXm `mo OZm / AmamIS>m  V`ma H$aUo 

4) nw Zd©   gZ d nwZd©   gmhV `moOZo  À`m {d{dY _w X² >Úm§gmR>r A§Xm{OV IMm©gh AW©g§ H$ën V`ma H$aUo d gj_ àm{YH$aUmH$Sy >Z _mÝ`Vm {_idUo.

5) àH$ën ~m{YV Hw$Qw>§~m§ Zm O_rZ d _§Oy  a Ho$bobo bm^ Omar H$aUo

6) _hm_§ S>imZo do imodo ir boIr AmXoemZwgma Zo_y  Z {Xbo br BVahr AÝ` H$m_o nma  nmS>Uo.

  \$$) darb H$m_o/ H$V©ì o nma nmS>Ê`mgmR>r nw  Zd©gmhV d nwZd©   gZ `m§  À`m n«emgH$mZo nw Zd©gZ d nw Zd©gmhVÀ`m {d{dY H$m_m§ À`m A§_b~OmdUrgmR>r nwZd©  gZ d nwZd©  gmhV A§ _b~OmdUr {Z`_nw pñVH$m V`ma H$amdr.

  J) nw  Zd©gZ d nwZd©   gmhV àemgH$ Ë`mÀ`mH$S>o Zo _y   Z XoÊ`mV Ambo bo qH$dm gXa YmoaUmZw gma Ambo bo Aem àH$maMo àemgH$r` A{YH$ma d H$V©ì o bo Ir AmXoemZo {H$_mZ,

 {dH$mg A{YH$mar qH$dm VËg_ XOm©  À`m A{YH$mè`mda gmo ndy eH$Vmo.

  h) nw  Zd©gZ d nw Zd©   gmhV àemgH$ AÝ` A{YH$mar d H$_©  Mmè`m§  gh _hm_§ S>imÀ`m   ghì`dñWmnH$s` g§  MmbH$m§Mm Xw  æ`_ A{YH$mar Ago  b, Omo nw  Zd©gmhV d nw Zd©gZ AmamIS>m d `moOZo  À`m _m§  S>UrMo n ©dojU, gXa AmamIS>m d `moOZo  Mr {eñV~Õ A§  _b~OmdUr d n«  H$ën ~m{YV Hw$Qw>§~m§ H$Sy >Z àmá Pmboë`m VH«$ma AOmªÀ`m 

 {ZamH$aUmgmR>r `m H$m`m©b`mV H$j V`ma H$aUo `m§ gmR>r O~m~Xma Ago b.

1) _hm_§S>imZo AmXoemZw  gma XoIao  I d nwZd©   gZ d nw  Zd©gmhV `mo OZo À`m A§_b~OmdUrÀ`m àJVrMm AmT>mdm Ko Ê`mgmR>r Imbrb gXñ`m§ gh nw Zd©gZ d 

 nw Zd©gmhV g{_Vr V`ma H$amdr :2) ~m{YV {d^mJmV J« m_g o Zo {e\$mag Ho$ë`mà_mUo àË o H$ JmdmVrb à{V{ZYr 

3) ~m{YV {d^mJmVrb àË oH$ J« m_n§ Mm`VrMo gan§M 

4) ~m{YV {d^mJmVrb EZOrAmo (AemgH$s` g§ ñWm) qH$dm ñd § go dr g§ñWm 

5) ~m{YV {d^mJmVrb {dYmZg^m gXñ` 

6) ~m{YV {d^mJmV {Zdmg H$aUmè`m _{hbm§ Mr à{V{ZYr 

 B© ) H$mo UVohr àH$ën ~m{YV Hw$Qw>§~ YmoaUmA§VJ©V VaVw XrZw gma J«  mø nwZd©  gZ d nw Zd©gmhV  `m§  Mm bm^ Z {_imë`mZo nr{S>V Agë`mg, VH«$marÀ`m {ZdmaUmgmR>r `mo½` AO©  _hm_§  S>imÀ`m ì`dñWmnH$s` g§MmbH$m§ H$S>o gmXa H$ê$ eH$Vo, Á`m§  Mm {ZU©  ` A§ {V_ Agob.

  O) _hm_§  S>imÀ`m g§  MmbH$ _§ S>imZo ghì`dñWmnH$s` g§  MmbH$m§À`m gmXarH$aUmdê$Z  {d_mZVi n« H$ënmÀ`m nw Zd©  gmhV d nwZd©  gZ `moOZo Mm do imodo ir AmTmdm ¿`mdm.


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11. {Z`moOZ d A§_b~OmdUr à{H«$`m :

A) _hm_§  S>i O_rZ g§  nmXZ A{YH$mè`m_m\© $V A{YH¥$V amOnÌm_Ü o A{Ygy  MZo Ûmao  JmdR>mUmÀ`m n[agamMr àH$ën~mYrV joÌ åhUy   Z Kmo fUm H$aVo.

  ~) Aer Kmo  fUm ñWm{ZH$ d¥ÎmnÌm§ _Ü o àH$m{eV H$aÊ`mV `mdr Vgo  M A{YgyMZo  Mr àV  J«m_n§Mm`VtÀ`m gyMZm \$bH$m§da bmdÊ`mV `mdr.

  H$) O_rZ g§nmXZ A{YH$mè`mZo~m{YV {d^mJmVrb Jmdm§_Yy   Z y   g§nmXZ H$m`Xm 1894 Zwgma ^anmB© Xo D$Z O_rZ qH$dm ~m§YH$m_mgh O_rZ g§ nmXZ H$amdr.

  S>) Omhra Ho$ë`mZw  gma, nw  Zd©gZ d nw  Zd©gmhVÀ`m àemgH$mZo AemgH$s` g§ ñWo À`m (EZ.Or.Amo.) {ZH$Q> gh^mJmZo, nmÌ àH$ën ~m{YV ~m§YH$m_o, Kao, O{_Zr, Xw H$mZo,

  ì`mdgm{`H$ H$m_o AmoiIÊ`mgmR>r àma§ rH$ gd}jU hmVr ¿`mdo d àH$ën ~m{YV   {d^mJmVrb Z§  VaÀ`m àdoem g§  X^m©Vrb dmX{ddmX Q>miÊ`mgmR>r bmo H$m§  Mr _Vo {_idÊ`mgmR>r KmofUm H$aÊ`mÀ`m ho Vy  Zo darb _m{hVrMr `mXr V`ma H$amdr.

  E) àma§ rH$ gd} jUm_Ü o àH$ën ~m{YV Hw$Qw>§~m§  À`m nwT>rb Jmd{Zhm` _m{hVrMm g_mdoe Agmdm.

1) JmdR>mUm§ _Ü o H$m`_ñdénr dmñVì` H$arV Agbo bo, H$moUVmhr ì`dgm` qH$dm  CÚmo J H$aUmè`m Hw$Qw>§~m§ Mo gXñ` 

2) Amnbo Ka, amoOJma qH$dm CÚmo J J_mdUmè`m {d_mZVi àH$ën ~m{YV ì`º$s 

3) eo V_Oya d {~Ja eo V_Oy  a 

4) O_rZ, O_rZ ~m§YH$m_ _mbH$s, ~m§YH$m_ a{hdmgr, KaJwVr àWm, Kam§ Mr   gm_m{OH$ Am{W©H$ pñWVr, a{hdmgr/ì`mnmar ~m§YH$m_m§  _Yrb ^mS>o  H$ê$ {H$§ dm  H$_©  Mmar, ~m§YH$m_m§ Mr Q>m`nm°bm°  Or (Typology)BË`mXr.

  \$) A{YgyMZo À`m Kmo fUo À`m VmaIonmgy  Z 90 {Xdgm§ À`m H$mbmdYrV hmVr Ko Vbo bo àma§ rH$ gd}jU nyU© H$aÊ`mV oB©  b.

  J) gd}jU ny   U© Pmë`mda nwZd©   gZ d nwZd©   gmhVÀ`m àemgH$mZo {d_mZVi àH$ënJ« ñV   d {d_mZVi àH$ënJ«  ñV Hw$Qw>§ ~m§H$Sy >Z Amjo  n d gy   MZm Am_§[ÌV H$aÊ`mgmR>r,A{YgyMZo  Ûmao d ~m{YV hmo  Umè`m gd© ì`º$s¨ n ª   V nmo hmo Mo  b Aem Xw  gè`m nÕVrZo 

 gd}jUmÀ`m {ZîH$fmª  À`m VnerbmMm _gw Xm àH$m{eV H$aÊ`mV o B©  b.  h) àH$ënJ« ñV d {d_mZVi àH$ënJ« ñV Hw$Qw>§ ~m§À`m àemgH$mZo àH$meZmÀ`m VmaIo À`m XmoZ 

 _{hÝ`m§ _Ü o gd} jUmMm A§{V_ Vnerb {e\$magtgh ghì`dñWmnH$s` g§ MmbH$mH$S>oA{YH¥$V amOnÌmV àH$m{eV H$aÊ`mgmR>r g§  MmbH$ _§  S>imMr g§  _Vr KoÊ`mgmR>r gmXa 

 H$aÊ`mV o B©b.


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 B© ) àma§ rH$ gd} jUmVrb _m{hVrÀ`m AmYmao nw Zd©gZ d nw Zd©gmhVÀ`m àemgH$mZo nw Zd©gZ  d nw Zd©  gmhVgmR>rÀ`m O{_ZrMr Amdí`H$Vm {ZYm©  arV H$amdr d {d_mZVi àH$ënJ« ñV / {d_mZVi àH$ënJ«  ñV Hw$Qw>§~m§ H$Sy >Z nwZd©   gmhV d nwZd©   gZmgmR>r CnbãY O{_ZtMr 

 `mXr V`ma H$amdr.

  O) _hm_§ S>imZo O{_ZtMr `mXr nwZd©   gmhV {d^mJ åhUyZ darb n[aÀN>o Xm_Ü o A{YgyMZo Ûmam Kmo {fV H$amdr.

 Ho$) nw Zd©  gZ d nwZd©  gmhVÀ`m àemgH$mZo nwZd©  gZ d nwZd©  gmhV g{_Vrgh g„m_gbVrZo  {d_mZVi àH$ënJ« ñV / {d_mZVi àH$ënJ« ñV Hw$Qw>§ ~m§À`m nwZd©  gmhV d nw Zd©gZmgmR>r  _gy  Xm `mo OZm / AmamIS>m V`ma H$amdm.

  b) nw Zd©gZ d nw Zd©gmhVÀ`m `moOZm / AmamIS>çmMm IM© {d_mZVi àH$ënmÀ`m IMm©  Mm   EH$ ^mJ Agë`mMo nw  Zd©gZ d nw  ZdgmhVÀ`m àemgH$mZo {ZpíMV Ho$bo nm{hOo d  nw  Zd©gZ d nw  Zd©gmhV bm^m§  Mm EH§$Xa IM© d {d_mZVi àH$ënJ«ñV / {d_mZVi 

 àH$ënJ«  ñV Hw$Qw>§  ~mÀ`m nwZd©  gZ d nw Zd©gmhVgmR>rMm BVa IM© {d_mZVimÀ`m àH$ën  IMm©  VyZ AmH$mamdm.

  _) nw Zd©gZ d nwZd©  gmhVÀ`m àemgH$mZo `mo ½` bo Im døm d {ZYrÀ`m Zm| Xr R>o dmì`mV.

  Z) nw Zd©  gmhV d nwZd©  gZmÀ`m ~ZdÊ`mV Amboë`m àË oH$ _gwXm `mo OZm / AmamIS>çm_Ü o Imbrb _m{hVr Agmdr.

1) àH$ënmgmR>r Amdí`H$Vm Agbo bm ^mJ d g§ ~§ {YV JmdR>mUm§ Mr Zmdo 

2) {d_mZVi àH$ënJ« ñV / {d_mZVi àH$ënJ« ñV Hw$Qw>§ ~mMr JmdR>mU{Zhm` `mXr   d {dñWm{nV hmoUmè`m ~mYrV {d^mJmVrb Hw$Qw>§  ~{Zhm` ì`º$s¨  Mr `mXr d 

 O{_ZtMr ì`már d ñdê$n Am{U Ë`m§ À`m Vmã`mVrb ñWm`r _mb_Îmm 3) Aem {d^mJmVrb eoV _Ow am§  Mr `mXr d eoVH$s H$m_m§  da CnOr{dH$m Adb§ ~wZ 

AgUmè`m ì`º$s¨ À`m Zmdm§ Mr `mXr 

4) amo OJma qH$dm CnOr{dH$m J_mdbo ë`m qH$dm J_mdUmè`m ì`º$s Mr `mXr 

5) XrK© H$amamÀ`m ^mS>onQ² >Q>çmda Agbo bo (Lessee), H$m`Xoera ^mS>oH$ê$ d  nXnWmda amhUmè`m ì`º$s Mr `mXr 

6) ~m{YV hmo D$ eH$Umè`m emgH$s` B_maVt_Ü o g_m{dï> Agboë`m gm_m{OH$ d  gmd©O{ZH$ ~m~tMr Cn wº$Vm 

7) {d_mZVi àH$ënJ« ñV d {d_mZVi àH$ënJ« ñV Hw$Qw>§ ~m§ Mm {_iUmam bm^ d  n°  Ho$OMr gd©  g_mdoeH$ `mXr 

8) nwZd©  gmhVgmR>r nwa{dÊ`mÀ`m _y  b yV gw {dYm d nm`m y  V gw{dYm§ Mo Vnerb 

9) nw Zd©gmhV {d^mJmV {dñWm{nV Hw$Qw>§ ~m§Zm ñWbm§ Va d nw Zd©  gZ H$aÊ`mMo  doimnÌH$


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10) {d_mZVi àH$ënJ« ñV d {d_mZVi àH$ënJ« ñV Hw$Qw>§ ~m§À`m _m{hVrgmR>r  g_m{dï> H$aÊ`mg `mo ½` Agbobo BVa H$moUVo hr _w Ôo 

Amo) nw Zd©   gZ d nw  Zd©gmhVÀ`m àemgH$mZo gmXa Ho$bobm _gw  Xm nw  Zd©gZ d  nw  Zd©gmhVgmR>rÀ`m `mo  OZm / AmamIS>m, _hm_§S>imMr g§  _Vr d A[YH¥$V amOnÌmV 

 àH$meZmgmR>r gmXa Ho$ë`m nm{hOoV. A{YH¥$V A{Ygy  MZodê$Z `moOZm / AmamIS>o bmJy  ìhm`bm nm{hOo V.

12. hŠH$ A{YH$ma :

(A) A{YH$mam§gmR>rMr A§ Vr_ VmarI hr (1) ({ef©H$ YmaH$m§ gmR>r) gwYmarV y  g§nmXZ  H$m`Xm 1984 H$b_ 4 AÝd o A{YgyMZm Omar Pmbobr VmarI (2) ({~Zm- {ef©H$ YmaH$m§ gmR>r) àma§ rH$ gd} jU Á`m {Xder g§ nVo Vr VmarI.

(~) {d_mZVi àH$ënJ« ñV d {d_mZVi àH$ënJ« ñV Hw$Qw>§ ~m§ À`m {d{dY dJm©  Mr  nmÌVm nwZd©  gZ d nw Zd©gmhV Ymo aUmÀ`m AmamIS>çmZwgma amhrb.

(H$) Oo {d_mZVi àH$ënJ«  ñV d {d_mZVi àH$ënJ«ñV Hw$Qw>§  ~o Á`m§À`mH$S>o  OZJUZoZw  gma d gm_m{OH$-Am{W©   H$ gdo© jUm§Zw  gma JUbo Jobo bo ZmhrV nU A§{V_ VmaIo ny  du Ë`mMr / {VMr CnpñWVr {gÕ H$aÊ`mgmR>r {dídmgmh© nw amdm Amho, Vo VH«$ma {ZdmaU §ÌUo H$Sy >Z `mo½` A{YH$mè`m§ H$Sy >Z VnmgUrZ§ Va Ë`m§ Zm  {d_mZVi àH$ënJ«ñV d {d_mZVi àH$ënJ«ñV Hw$Qw>§~m§ À`m `mXr_Ü o g_m{dï> H$aVm o B©  b.

(S>) erf©  H$ YmaH$ ho ^anmB© Vgo M ghmæ`mgmR>r nmÌ AgVrb.

(B) {~Zm-erf©  H$ YmaH$ ho Vo amhV Agbo ë`m O{_ZrÀ`m ^anmB©  gmR>r nmÌ ZgVrb.

  _mÌ, Ë`m§  Zr ~m§YH$m_ AmXr O{_Zrda Ho$bo  ë`m Jw §VdUw  H$sMr ^anmB© Ë`m§ Zm  {_iy eHo$b.

(\$) àH$ën ~m{YV ì`º$s / Hw$Qw>§  ~mbm Ë`m§À`m ñdIMm©  Zo Ë`m§ Mo ~m§YH$m_ H$mTy >Z  Q>mH$Ê`mMr d gw Q>o Pmbo bo ^mJ VËjUr Ko D$Z OmÊ`mMr nadmZJr {Xbr OmB©b.

13. {d_mZVi àH$ën ~m{YV ì`º$s / Hw$Qw>§~mg nwZd©  gmhV d nw  Zd©  gZmMo A{YH$ma ({d_mZVi àH$ënJ« ñV / {d_mZVi àH$ënJ« ñV Hw $Qw >§ ~o)

 nw  Zd©gmhV d nw Zd©gZmMo bm^ gd©  {d_mZVi àH$ën ~m{YV ì`º$s / Hw$Qw>§~m§ n ªV  nmo hmo Mdbo nm{hOoV. Imbr dU©   Z Ho$ë`mà_mUo nwZd©   gZ d nwZd©   gmhV A{YH$ma Am{U 

 VŠË`m_Ü o Zo_Ho$ {dfX Ho$ë`mà_mUo {d_mZVi àH$ënJ« ñV / {d_mZVi àH$ënJ« ñV  Hw$Qw>§ ~o `m§ À`mn ª  V nmo hmo Mbo nm{hOoV.

A) n« m_w»`mZo {Zdmgr 

1. ~m§YH$m_mgh ñd_mbH$sMr O_rZ Agbobr {d_mZVi àH$ën ~m{YV H$moUVrhr ì`º$s   Á`mMr O_rZ d ~m§YH$m_ g§  nmXrV H$aÊ`mV Ambo bo Amho, Aem§Zm {dH${gV O{_Z  Vmã`mV KoVboë`m O{_ZrÀ`m jo ÌmMo àÎ`j ZwH$gmZ A{YH$ 50 Mm¡._r.n ª   V XhmÀ`m 


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  nQ>rVrb na§Vw H$_mb 100 Mm¡._r. O_rZ Zdr _w  §~B© jo  ÌmVrb nw  Zd©gmhV àXoem_Ü o  {Z:ew ëH$ dmQ>n Ho$br OmD$ eH$Vo.

  VWm{n, àÎ o  H$ {d^º$ Hw$Qw>§~mbm 10 Mm¡._r. O{_ZrÀ`m A{V[aº$ YmaUo  Mm A« {YH$ma  {Xbm OmB©  b.

  ~m§YH$m_mgh _moR>çm O{_ZrMo _mbH$ Agbo  ë`m {d_mZVi àH$ënJ«ñV / {d_mZVi  àH$ënJ« ñV Hw$Qw>§ ~o Zm, åhUOo M, H$_mb O_rZ YmaUonojm A{YH$ O{_Z AgUmè`m§Zm d   Á`m§Zm Ë`m§À`m {_imbo  ë`m O{_Zr{edm` OmñV O{_Z Iao  Xr H$amd`mMr Agë`mg  Ë`m§  Zm Á`m Zmo S>_Ü o wI§  S> Amho Ë`m ZmoS>À`m amIrd qH$_VrÀ`m 250% XamZo qH$dm  nw Zd©gmhV jo Ìmnmgy  Z gdm©  V OdiÀ`m Zmo S>À`m {H$_mZ amIrd qH$_Vrg {e„H$ O{_Z YmaUo EdT>r qH$dm 10 À`m nQ>rV 150 Mm¡. _r. À`m Odi o B©  b, Ë`mVrb Oo H$_r Agob 

 EdT>çm A{V[aº$ O{_Z Iao XrMr nadmZJr _hm_§S>imH$Sw>Z {Xbr OmB©b. VWm{n, EHy$U jo Ì 200 Mm¡._r.hÿZ A{YH$ dmT>Vm H$m_m Z o.

Aem dmQ>nYmaH$mg Ë`mg {Xbo  ë`m O{_Zrda Ka ~m§YÊ`mgmR>r é. 1.50 bmIm§ n ª  V  EH$aH$_r AW©  ghmæ` Ho$bo OmB©  b.

2. y   g§nmXZ H$m`Xm 1984 À`m H$b_-4 A§ VJ©   V A{Ygy   MZoÀ`m àH$meZmÀ`m VmaIo À`m AmYr gbJ 3 dfmªnojm A{YH$ H$mi dmñVì` Agboë`m àË o  H$ XrK© H$amamÀ`m ^mS>o nQ>çmda Agbobo d Á`m§ Mm ^mS>o H$ama 30 df© qH$dm A{YH$ H$mi Amho Ago Zdr _w§ ~B©  

  n[agamVrb nw  Zd©gmhV {d^mJm_Ü o, g§nmXZ Ho$bo  ë`m àË`j ~m§YH$m_mMo jo Ì\$i A{YH$ 50 Mm¡._r. Vo nw T>rb XhmÀ`m nQ>r_Ü o H$_mb 75 Mm¡._r. n ª  V {dH${gV Ho$boë`m 

 O{_ZrMo {Z:ew ëH$ dmQ>n Ho$bo OmD$ eH$Vo.

3. y   g§nmXZ H$m`Xm 1984 À`m H$b_-4 A§ VJ©   V A{Ygy   MZoÀ`m àH$meZmÀ`m VmaIo À`m 

AmYr gbJ 3 dfmªnojm A{YH$ H$mi dmñVì` Agbo ë`m àË oH$ H$m`Xoera ^mS>o H$ê$g,  Zdr _w §~B©  n[agamVrb nw Zd©   gmhV {d^mJm_Ü o, g§  nmXZ Ho$boë`m àË`j ~m§YH$m_mMojo Ì\$i A{YH$ 25 Mm¡._r. Vo nw T>rb XhmÀ`m nQ>r_Ü o H$_mb 50 Mm¡._r. n ª  V {dH${gV 

 Ho$bo ë`m O{_ZrMo {Z:ewëH$ dmQ>n Ho$bo OmD$ eH$Vo.

4. y  g§nmXZ H$m`Xm 1984 À`m H$b_-4 A§VJ©V, OmZo dmar 1995 nydu d A{Ygy  MZo À`m   àH$meZmÀ`m VmaIon ªV gVV dmñVì` H$aUmè`m àË o  H$ nXnW{Zdmgr Zdr _w§ ~B©    n[agamVrb nw Zd©   gmhV {d^mJm_Ü o, 1.0 MQ>B© joÌ\$i {ZX} em§H$mg{hV 20 Mm¡._r. EdT>çm {dH${gV Ho$bo ë`m O{_ZrMo {Z:ewëH$ dmQ>n Ho$bo OmD$ eH$Vo.

  nXnW {Zdmgr Ë`mÀ`m A{YH$mamì`{V[aº$ 20 Mm¡._r.n ª   V A{V[aº$ O_rZ IaoXr   H$aÊ`mg BÀNw>H$ Agë`mg, Ë`mbm yI§  S> Agbo  ë`m Zmo  S>À`m amIrd qH$_VrÀ`m 250%Zr qH$dm OdinmgÀ`m Zmo  S>À`m {H$_mZ amIrd qH$_Vr_Ü o A{V[aº$ O_rZ 

 Iao Xr H$aÊ`mMr nadmZJr Xo Ê`mV o B©b.


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5. àË o  H$ {d_mZVi àH$ën ~m{YV ì`º$sg Cnamo„oIrV {Zdmgr wI§  S>mMm Zdr _w §~B©   gm_mÝ` {dH$mg {Z §  ÌU {Z`_mdbr (GDCR) AZw  gê$Z {dH$mg H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma Amho.

  ~) àm_w»`mZo ì`mdgm{`H$

1)   Á`m H$moUË`mhr {d_mZVi àH$ën ~m{YV ì`º$sÀ`m _mbH$sMr {Zìdi ì`mdgm{`H$ ~m§YH$m_ Agbobr O_rZ d Á`mMr O_rZ d ~m§YH$m_ g§nmXrV H$aÊ`mV Ambo Ago b  Ë`mg Zdr _w § ~B© n[agamVrb nwZd©  gmhV {d^mJm_Ü o, g§ nm{XV Ho$boë`m àË`j Zw H$gmZ  Pmboë`m ~m§YH$m_mMo jo Ì\$i A{YH$ 30 Mm¡._r. Vo nwT>rb XhmÀ`m nQ>r_Ü o H$_mb 40 Mm¡._r. n ªV {dH${gV Ho$bo  ë`m O{_ZrMo {Z:ewëH$ dmQ>n Ho$bo OmD$ eH$Vo, Oa Ë`m§ Zr  g§nmXrV àË`j OmJo  À`m ZwH$gmZrÀ`m jo Ìmnojm OmñV OmJogmR>r Á`m Zmo S>_Ü o yI§ S>Ago b Ë`m Zmo S>À`m amIrd qH$_VrÀ`m 450 Q>ŠHo$ XamZo qH$dm OdiÀ`m ZmoS>À`m {H$_mZ 

 amIrd qH$_VrÀ`m XamZo _y  ë` ^abo Agë`mg.

2)  y  g§ nmXZ H$m`Xm 1984 À`m H$b_ 4 AÝd o Á`mÀ`m O{_Z d ~m§YH$m_mMo g§ nmXZ   H$aÊ`mV Ambo Amho Aem, A{YgwMZm à{gÕ Pmë`mÀ`m VmaIo nw  du gbJ 3 dfmª  À`m  H$mbmdYrnojm OmñV H$mi {Zìdi dm{UpÁ`H$ ñdénmMm ì`dgm` Mmb{dUmè`m àË o H$ XrK© _wXVrÀ`m ^mS>o H$ama YmaH$mg, Á`mMm ^mS>o H$ama hm 30 df} qH$dm Ë`mnojm A{YH$ H$mbmdYrMm Amho Ago Zdr _w§ ~B© n[agamVrb nwZd©  gmhV {d^mJm_Ü o, g§nm{XV Ho$bo ë`m   àË`j Zw  H$gmZ Pmbo  ë`m ~m§YH$m_mMo jo  Ì\$i A{YH$ 20 Mm¡._r. Vo nwT>rb XhmÀ`m  nQ>r_Ü o H$_mb 30 Mm¡. _r. n ª  V {dH${gV Ho$boë`m O{_ZrMo {Z:ew ëH$ dmQ>n Ho$bo OmD$eH$Vo, Oa Ë`m§ Zr g§ nmXrV àË`j OmJo À`m ZwH$gmZrÀ`m jo Ìmnojm OmñV OmJo gmR>r Á`m 

 Zmo S>_Ü o y  I§ S> Ago b Ë`m Zmo S>À`m amIrd qH$_VrÀ`m 450 Q>ŠHo$ XamZo qH$dm OdiÀ`m  Zmo S>À`m {H$_mZ amIrd qH$_VrÀ`m XamZo _yë` ^abo Agë`mg.

3)  y  g§ nmXZ H$m`Xm 1984 À`m H$b_ 4 AÝd o Á`mÀ`m O{_Z d ~m§YH$m_mMo g§ nmXZ   H$aÊ`mV Ambo Amho Aem, A{YgwMZm à{gÕ Pmë`mÀ`m VmaIo nw  du gbJ 3 dfmª  À`m  H$mbmdYrnojm OmñV H$mi {Zìdi dm{UpÁ`H$ ñdénmMm ì`dgm` Mmb{dUmè`m àË o H$ d¡Ym{ZH$ ^mS>oH$ê$g Á`m§Mm ^mS>oH$ama hm 30 df} qH$dm Ë`mnojm A{YH$ H$mimdYrMm Amho Ago Zdr _w§ ~B© n[agamVrb nwZd©  gmhV {d^mJm_Ü o, g§nm{XV Ho$bo ë`m àË`j ZwH$gmZ 

 Pmbo  ë`m ~m§YH$m_mMo jo  Ì\$i A{YH$ 20 Mm¡._r. Vo nw  T>rb XhmÀ`m nQ>r_Ü o H$_mb 30 Mm¡. _r. n ª  VÀ`m {dH${gV Ho$boë`m O{_ZrMo {Z:ewëH$ dmQ>n Ho$bo OmD$ eH$Vo, Oa 

 Ë`m§ Zr g§nmXrV àË`j OmJoÀ`m ZwH$gmZrÀ`m joÌmnojm OmñV OmJo gmR>r Á`m Zmo S>_Ü o 

y  I§S> Ago b Ë`m ZmoS>À`m amIrd qH$_VrÀ`m 450 Q>ŠHo$ XamZo qH$dm OdiÀ`m Zmo S>À`m  {H$_mZ amIrd qH$_VrÀ`m XamZo _yë` ^abo Agë`mg.

4) 1 OmZodmar 1995 nydunmgyZ Vo y  g§  nmXZ H$m`Xm 1984 À`m H$b_-4 AÝd o A{YgyMZm à{gÕ Pmë`mÀ`m VmaIon ªV gmVË`mZo Ho$di {d{UpÁ`H$ ñdénmMm 

 ì`dgm` Mmb{dUmè`m àË o H$ nXnW a{hdmgr `mg Zdr _w  §~B© n[agamVrb nw Zd©gmhV  {d^mJm_Ü o g§ nmXrV Ho$boë`m àË`j Zw H$gmZ Pmbo ë`m ~m§YH$m_mMo jo Ì\$i A{YH$ 10


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 Mm¡._r. Vo nwT>rb XhmÀ`m nQ>rV H$_mb 20 Mm¡._r. n ªV {dH${gV Ho$bo  ë`m O{_ZrMo  {Z:ewëH$ dmQ>n Ho$bo OmD$ eH$Vo, Oa g§ nmXrV Ho$bo ë`m àË`j OmJo À`m jo Ì\$imÀ`mnojm  OmñV OmJogmR>r àË oH$ nXnW {Zdmñ`m§Zr Á`m ZmoS>_Ü o Vmo yI§ S> Ago b Ë`m ZmoS>À`m  amIrd qH$_VrÀ`m 450 Q>ŠHo$ qH$dm gdm©V OdiÀ`m Zmo S>À`m {H$_mZ amIrd qH$_VrÀ`m 

 XamZo OmJo  Mr qH$_V Ë`mZo ^abr Ago  b. _mÌ Ë`mg H$moUË`mhr àH$maMo nw Zd©   gZ d  nw Zd©gmhV bm^ {Xbo OmUma ZmhrV.

5)  àË o H$ {d_mZVi àH$ën ~m{YV ì`º$sg Cnamo „o IrV dm{UpÁ`H$ wI§ S>mMm Zdr _w§ ~B©    gm_mÝ` {dH$mg {Z §  ÌU {Z`_mdbr (GDCR) AZw  gê$Z {dH$mg H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma Amho.

  H$) AÝ` nwZd©  gmhV d nwZd©  gZmMo A{YH$ma :

1)   àÎ oH$ {d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YV ì`{º$bm _wÐm§H$ ew  ëH$mMr àÎ`j qH$_V Am{U y  I§S>

 Zm| XUrgmR>r Xo ` Agbo bo AÝ` ewëH$, nmUrnw adR>m {dH$mg AmH$ma qH$dm H$mo UVohr Zm-  naVmdm ewëH$ Oo emgZmg qH$dm emgZmÀ`m g§ñWm `mZm Xo  ` Amho, `m§Mr ^anmB©   {ñdH$maÊ`mMm A{YH$ma XoÊ`mV Ambm Amho.

2)  àÎ oH$ {d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YV ì`{º$bm {Xë`m OmUmè`m y  I§ S>mMo dmQ>n ho nËZr d nVr Aem g§ w º$ Zmdo Agob.

3)   àÎ oH$ {d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YV Hw$Qw>§  ~mg ~m{YV àXoemVyZ nwZd©   gmhV àXoemn ª  V  Ë`m§  À`m gm_mZmÀ`m ñWbm§  VamgmR>r é. 10,000 n ªV dmhVy   H$ IM© åhUyZ Am{W©  H$ ghmæ` {Xbo OmB©  b.

4)   àÎ oH$ {d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YV ì`{º$ Ë`m§À`m CënÞmVyZ VgoM `m nw  Zd©gZ d  nw  Zd©gmhV Ymo aUmA§ VJ©   V pñdH$maÊ`mV Ambo  ë`m nwZd©   gZ d nw  Zd©gmhV \$m`Úm§ Zwgma  _hm_§ S>i d {d_mZVi àH$ënJ«ñV / {d_mZVi àH$ënJ« ñV Hw$Q>w  §~o `m§ À`m_Ü o Pmbo ë`m  H$amamÀ`m A§_b~OmdUrÀ`m VmaIonmgy  Z 12 (~mam) _{hÝ`m§ À`m AmV Ë`m§ Mr ~m§YH$m_o  C^maVrb.

5)  àH$ënm_wio Á`m§À`m amoOJmamMo ZwH$gmZ hmo  B©b, Aem nmÌ {d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YV  ì`{º$§  Zm Mmby {Oëhm XanÌH$mZw  gma (District Schedule of Rates) Hw$eb/ {Z_Hw$eb/AHw$eb H$m_Jma/J«m_rU H$mamJram§Zm bmJy Agbo bo {H$_mZ _Oy  arÀ`m 750 {Xdgm§Mo EH$ aH$_r AZw XmZ/ghmæ` {Xbo OmB©b.

6)  àH$ënm_wio Á`m§ À`m amo OJmamMo Zw H$gmZ hmoB©b, Aem àH$ën~m{YV ì`{º$§ Zm `mo ½`Vm d  CnbãYVo À`m AYrZ amhÿZ amoOJma XoÊ`mgmR>r _§ S>i gdm©  {YH$ à`ËZ H$aob.

7)   nmÌ {d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YVm§Zm gdm}ËH¥$ï> H$m_{JarÀ`m Omo  amda àH$ënm_Ü o ZmoH$ar   {_idÊ`mgmR>r qH$dm nw  Zd©gmhV àXoemÀ`m {R>H$mUr H$_©   Mmar åhUy   Z amo OJmamÀ`m  {dH$mgmgmR>r _hm_§S>imÀ`m IMm©  Zo Amdí`H$ à{ejU {Xbo OmB©  b.


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8)  nw  Zd©gmhV àXoem_Ü o añVo, drO, nmUrnw  adR>m Am{U gm§  S>nmUr {ZMam ì`dñWm Aem  _y  b y  V ^m¡ {VH$ nm`m y  V gw{dYm _hm_§S>i ñdIMm©Zo nw ado b.

9) Amdí`H$Vm ^mgë`mg, nwZd©   gmhV ^mJmVrb gÜ`m ApñVËdmV Agbo  ë`m ZmJar   nm`m yV gw {dYm§  À`m nw Zd©   gZmÀ`m OmoS>rbm Zì`m ZmJar nm`m yV gw  {dYm Imbrb 

 {ZH$fm§À`m AmYmao _hm_§ S>i ñdIMm©  Zo nw adob.1) Xa 1000 Hw$Qw>§ ~m§_mJo EH$ àmW{_H$ emim.

2) Xa 1000 Hw$Qw>§~m§ _mJo EH$ n§Mm`V Ka.

3) Xa 1000 Hw$Qw>§ ~m§_mJo EH$ é½Umb`.

4) Xa 500 Hw$Qw>§~m§  _mJo EH$ g_mO_§Xra.

5) Xa 500 Hw$Qw>§~m§ _mJo EH$ àmW©  ZmñWi.

6) Xa 1000 Hw$Qw>§ ~m§_mJo EH$ ñ_emZ y_r.

10) Zdr _w§ ~B© Am§ Vaamï >r` {d_mZVimÀ`m {deof CÔoe g§ñWoÀ`m dVrZo H$mT>Ê`mV Amboë`m 10 é. Xe©  Zr _yë`mÀ`m 100 n ª  V àmYmÝ` g_^mJm§Mo dmQ>n H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma. gXa 

  àmYmÝ` ^mJ n«  Ë oH$ J«m_ n§  Mm`VrgmR>r {d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YVm§À`m JQ>mÀ`m dVrZo V`ma H$aÊ`mV Ambo ë`m g§ñWo À`m dVrZo Omar H$aÊ`mV o Vrb.

14) J¥h ñWimÀ`m hñVm§VaU/{dëho dmQ>rda _`m©  Xm :

 nw Zd©gmhV àXoem_Ü o `m Ymo aUmA§ VJ©  V dmQ>n H$aÊ`mV Ambo br O{_Z Omo n ªV g§ nm{XV  O{_ZrMm Vm~m gmo S>V Zmhr Am{U dmQ>n H$aÊ`mV Amboë`m O{_Zrdarb nyU© Pmboë`m   ~m§YH$m_mMm Vm~m KoV Zmhr, Ë`m H$mbmdYrn ª   V {d_mZVi àH$ënJ«  ñV / {d_mZVi  àH$ënJ« ñV Hw$Q>w § ~o hñVm§VarV/{dëhodmQ> H$é eH$V Zmhr.

15)  e§ H$m§Mo {ZamH$aU :

YmoaUmÀ`m n[aUm_H$maH$Vo~m~V H$moUVrhr e§H$m CX²  dë`mg, Aem e§H$m§Mo  XñVEo dOrH$aU H$aÊ`mV o B©  b Am{U `m Ymo aUmÀ`m VÎd d CÔoem§ À`m AZw f§ JmZo Ë`m§ Mo g_mYmZ H$aÊ`mV o B©  b. AÝ`Wm, àg§JmZwgma _hm_§S>i g§MmbH$ _§ S>imÀ`m R>amdmÛmao Aem VaVw  Xr{Zer Ag§JV Zgbobo H$m{hhr H$ê$ eHo$b, Oo Aem e§Ho$Mo {ZamH$aU 

  H$aÊ`mgmR>r dm Ë`mda ËdarV H$m ©   dmhr H$aÊ`mgmR>r Amdí`H$ Agob, _mÌ `m  n[aÀN>o XmVrb g§ MmbH$ _§  S>imMm H$moUVmhr R>amd `m Ymo  aUmÀ`m bmJy hmo  Ê`mnmgyZ Xmo Z 

 dfmªÀ`m {d{eï> H$mbmdYrÀ`m eo dQ>mZ§ Va Ho$bo bm Agy Z o.


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A{YH$mam§Mm AmamIS>m A{YH$mam§Mm AmamIS>m A{YH$mam§Mm AmamIS>m A{YH$mam§Mm AmamIS>m A{YH$mam§Mm AmamIS>m 

16. Zdr _w § ~B© Am§ Vaamï >r` {d_mZVi àH$ënm~mYrVm§  gmR>rÀ`m A{YH$mam§ Mm Vnerbdma AmamIS>m Imbrb  VŠË`m_Ü o Xe©  dÊ`mV Ambm Amho.

1) àm_w»`mZo {Zdmgr 


   _   m   b   H   /   Z   m   _   Y   m   a   H   /   n   a   §   n   a   m   J   V   h   ¸ .     *

   ~   m   §   Y   H   m   _   m   g   h    r   V   O    {   _   Z    r   M    o    Zw    H   g   m   Z   (    {   Z   d   m   g    r   d   ì   `   m   d   g   m    {   `   H   )

   Hw $   Qw >   §   ~

   y    g   §   n   m   X   Z   H   m   `   Ú   m   Zw    g   m   a   ~   m   §   Y   H   m   _   m   g   h    r   V   O    {   _   Z    r   À   `   m   nw    Z  :   ñ   W   m   n   Z    o   M    r    q   H   _   V 1. 13.(A)(1) _Ü`o Z_y  X Ho $ë`mZw gma, H$_mb 100

  Mm¡. _r.À`m AYrZ amhÿZ àÎ`j ZwH$gmZrÀ`m AmH$mamhÿ  Z A{YH$ 50Mm¡._r. {dH${gV O{_ZrMm 

 Xo H$ma.2. 13.(A)(1) CVmam 2 _Ü`o Z_yX Ho$ë`mZwgma,

 àÎ`o H$ Mm¡ H$mo Zr Hw $Qw>§ ~mg 10 Mm¡ ._r. A{V[aº$ O{_Z  àXmZ H$aÊ`mV o B©  b.

3. 13.(H$)(3) _Ü`o Z_yX H o$ë`mZwgma, ñWmZm§ VaUmgmR>r é. 10,000 n`ª   V dmhVy  H$rgmR>r Am{W©  H$ ghmæ`.

4. 13.(H$)(1) _Ü o Z_y  X Ho$ë`mZw gma, emgZ qH$dm  {VÀ`m àemgH$s` g§ ñWo g/_§ S>img Xo ` Agbo ë`m  gd© Zm-naVmdm ew ëH$, AmH$ma, H$am§ Mr ^anmB© .

5. àË o H$ {d_mZVi àH$ën ~m{YV ì`º$sg Cnamo "o IrV  {Zdmgr w I§ S>mMm Zdr _w § ~B© gm_mÝ` {dH$mg {Z § ÌU  {Z`_mdbr (GDCR) AZw gê$Z {dH$mg H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma Amho.

6. 13.(A)(1) CVmam 4 _Ü`o Z_y  X Ho $ë`mZw gma, dmQ>n   H$aÊ`mV Amboë`m {dH${gV O{_Zrda KamMo ~m§YH$m_ H$aÊ`mgmR>r 1.5 bmI é.n ª  V EH$aH$_r AW©  ghmæ`.

7. nmS>bo ë`m ~m§YH$m_m_Yy  Z ~m§YH$m_ gm{hË` nw Ýhm  {_idÊ`mg nmÌ 

8. Xo Ê`mV Ambo ë`m O{_ZrMm 12.5% À`m dmQnmg bmJy 

Agbo  ë`m {dH$mg {Z`§ÌU H$m`ÚmZwgma {dH$mg  H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma.

9. Zdr _w § ~B© Am§ Vaamï >r` {d_mZVi _`m© .À`m dVrZo H$mT>Ê`mV Ambo ë`m 10 é. Xe©  Zr _y  ë`mÀ`m 100 n ª  V àmYmÝ` g_^mJm§ Mo dmQ>n H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma.  gXa àmYmÝ` ^mJ n«Ë`oH$ J«m_ n§Mm`VrgmR>r   {d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YVm§À`m JQ>mÀ`m dVrZo  V`ma H$aÊ`mV Amboë`m g§ñWoÀ`m dVrZo Omar  H$aÊ`mV o Vrb.

* na§ namJV h¸$ hm O{_Zrg§ X^m©  Vrb Hw $Qw>§ ~mVrb EHy $U gdmª  À`m {Z`{_V h¸$mer {ZJS>rV Amho Am{U Ë`mbm 

   A .

   H «  $ .

    {   d   _   m   Z   V   i   ~   m    {   Y   V

   b   m    o   H   m   §   M   m   d   J    ©

   Z w     H

   g   m   Z

    r   M   m

   à   H   m   a

    A    {   Y   H

   m   a   m   §   M    o    E   H   H

   H   m   `   X    o   e

    r   a

   Z w     H

   g   m   Z   ^   a   n   m   B    ©

 hŠH$/A{YH$ma AmH$mabr  OmUmar  qH$_V 





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1) àm_w»`mZo {Zdmgr 


   _   m   b   H   /   Z   m   _   Y   m   a   H   /   n   a   §   n   a   m   J   V   h   ¸

   (   _   m    o   R    r   Y   m   a   U   m   )

   ~   m   §   Y   H   m   _

   m   g   h    r   V   O    {   _   Z    r   M    o    Zw    H   g   m   Z   (    {   Z   d   m   g    r   d   ì   `   m   d   g   m    {   `   H   )

   Hw $   Qw >   §   ~

   y    g   §   n   m   X   Z   H   m   `   Ú   m   Zw    g

   m   a   ~   m   §   Y   H   m   _   m   g   h    r   V   O    {   _   Z    r   À   `   m   nw    Z  :   ñ

   W   m   n   Z    o   M    r    q   H   _   V 1. 13.(A)(1) _Ü`o Z_y  X Ho $ë`mZw gma, H$_mb 100

  Mm¡. _r.À`m AYrZ amhÿZ àÎ`j ZwH$gmZrÀ`m AmH$mamhÿ   Z A{YH$ 50Mm¡._r. {dH${gV O{_ZrMm 

 Xo H$ma.2. 13.(A)(1) CVmam 2 _Ü`o Z_yX Ho$ë`mZwgma,

 àÎ`o H$ Mm¡ H$mo Zr Hw $Qw>§ ~mg 10 Mm¡ ._r. A{V[aº$ O{_Z  àXmZ H$aÊ`mV o B©  b.

3. 13 (A)(1) CVmam 3 _Ü o Z_yX Ho$ë`mà_mUo, Vmã`mV Agbo  ë`m Vo  dT>çmM {e„H$ O{_Zrn ª  V  qH$dm 150 Mm¡._r., Or H$_r Ago b, Ë`m {ZYm©  arV  qH$_VrÀ`m 250 Q¸o$ A{V[aº$ O{_Z Iao XrMm Xo H$ma.  VWm{n, EHy $U jo Ì 200 Mm¡._r.hÿ  Z A{YH$ AgVm  H$m_m Z o.

4. 13.(H$)(3) _Ü`o Z_yX H o$ë`mZwgma, ñWmZm§ VaUmgmR>r é. 10,000 n`ª  V dmhVy  H$rgmR>r Am{W©  H$ ghmæ`.

5. 13.(H$)(1) _Ü o Z_y  X Ho$ë`mZw gma, emgZ qH$dm  {VÀ`m àemgH$s` g§ ñWo g/_§ S>img Xo ` Agbo ë`m  gd© Zm-naVmdm ew ëH$, AmH$ma, H$am§ Mr ^anmB© .

6. nmÌ {d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YVm§Zm Zdm CÚmoJ  {dH${gV H$aÊ`mgmR>r Amdí`H$ à{ejU.

7. 13.(A)(1) CVmam 4 _Ü`o Z_y  X Ho $ë`mZw gma, dmQ>n   H$aÊ`mV Amboë`m {dH${gV O{_Zrda KamMo ~m§YH$m_ H$aÊ`mgmR>r 1.5 bmI é.n ª  V EH$aH$_r AW©  ghmæ`.

8. nmS>bo ë`m ~m§YH$m_m_Yy  Z ~m§YH$m_ gm{hË` nw Ýhm  {_idÊ`mg nmÌ 

9. àË o H$ {d_mZVi àH$ën ~m{YV ì`º$sg Cnamo "o IrV  {Zdmgr w I§ S>mMm Zdr _w § ~B© gm_mÝ` {dH$mg {Z § ÌU  {Z`_mdbr (GDCR) AZw gê$Z {dH$mg H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma Amho.

10. Zdr _w § ~B© Am§ Vaamï >r` {d_mZVi _`m© .À`m dVrZo H$mT>Ê`mV Ambo ë`m 10 é. Xe©  Zr _y  ë`mÀ`m 100 n ª  V àmYmÝ` g_^mJm§ Mo dmQ>n H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma.  gXa àmYmÝ` ^mJ n«Ë`oH$ J«m_ n§Mm`VrgmR>r   {d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YVm§À`m JQ>mÀ`m dVrZo  V`ma H$aÊ`mV Amboë`m g§ñWoÀ`m dVrZo Omar  H$aÊ`mV o Vrb.

   A .   H «  $ .

    {   d   _   m   Z   V   i   ~   m    {   Y   V

   b   m    o   H   m   §   M   m   d   J    ©

   Z w     H   g

   m   Z    r   M


   à   H

   m   a

   A    {   Y   H   m   a   m

   §   M    o    E   H   H

   H   m   `   X

    o   e    r   a

   Z w     H

   g   m   Z

   ^   a   n   m   B    ©

 hŠH$/A{YH$ma AmH$mabr 

 OmUmar  qH$_V 





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1) àm_w»`mZo {Zdmgr 


   _   m   b   H   /   e    r   f    ©   H  -   (   ^   m   S

    o   n   Å   ç   m   Z    o    X    o   U   m   a   m   )

   ~   m   §   Y   H   m   _

   m   g   h    r   V   O    {   _   Z    r   M    o    Zw    H   g   m   Z   (    {   Z   d   m   g    r   d

   ì   `   m   d   g   m    {   `   H   )

   Hw $   Qw >   §   ~

   y    g   §   n   m   X   Z   H   m   `   Ú   m   Zw    g   m   a   ~   m   §   Y   H   m   _   m   g   h    r   V   O    {   _   Z    r   À   `   m   nw    Z  :   ñ   W   m   n   Z    o   M    r    q   H   _   V   A   m    {   U

   y    g   §   n   m   X   Z   H   m   `   Ú   m   Zw    g

   m   a   A   m   H   m   a   \   m    o   S 1. 13.(A)(2) _Ü`o Z_yX Ho$ë`mZwgma, H$_mb 

75 Mm¡. _r.À`m AYrZ amhÿ  Z àÎ`j Zw H$gmZrÀ`m AmH$mamhÿ   Z A{YH$ 50Mm¡._r. {dH${gV O{_ZrMm 

 Xo H$ma.2. 13.(A)(1) CVmam 2 _Ü`o Z_yX Ho$ë`mZwgma,

 àÎ`o H$ Mm¡ H$mo Zr Hw $Qw>§ ~mg 10 Mm¡ ._r. A{V[aº$ O{_Z  àXmZ H$aÊ`mV o B©  b.

3. 13.(H$)(3) _Ü`o Z_yX H o$ë`mZwgma, ñWmZm§ VaUmgmR>r é. 10,000 n`ª   V dmhVy  H$rgmR>r Am{W©  H$ ghmæ`.

4. 13.(H$)(1) _Ü o Z_y  X Ho$ë`mZw gma, emgZ qH$dm  {VÀ`m àemgH$s` g§ ñWo g/_§ S>img Xo  Agbo ë`m  gd© Zm-naVmdm ew ëH$, AmH$ma, H$am§ Mr ^anmB© .

5. nmÌ {d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YVm§Zm Zdm CÚmoJ  {dH${gV H$aÊ`mgmR>r Amdí`H$ à{ejU.

6. nmS>bo ë`m ~m§YH$m_m_Yy  Z ~m§YH$m_ gm{hË` nw Ýhm  {_idÊ`mg nmÌ 7. àË o H$ {d_mZVi àH$ën ~m{YV ì`º$sg Cnamo "o IrV 

 {Zdmgr w I§ S>mMm Zdr _w § ~B© gm_mÝ` {dH$mg {Z § ÌU  {Z`_mdbr (GDCR) AZw gê$Z {dH$mg H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma Amho.

8. Zdr _w § ~B© Am§ Vaamï >r` {d_mZVi _`m© .À`m dVrZo H$mT>Ê`mV Ambo ë`m 10 é. Xe©  Zr _y  ë`mÀ`m 100 n ª  V àmYmÝ` g_^mJm§ Mo dmQ>n H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma.  gXa àmYmÝ` ^mJ n«Ë`oH$ J«m_ n§Mm`VrgmR>r   {d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YVm§À`m JQ>mÀ`m dVrZo

  V`ma H$aÊ`mV Amboë`m g§ñWoÀ`m dVrZo Omar  H$aÊ`mV o Vrb.

   A .   H «  $ .

    {   d   _   m   Z   V   i   ~   m    {   Y   V

   b   m    o   H   m   §   M   m   d   J    ©

   Z w     H   g

   m   Z    r   M


   à   H

   m   a

   A    {   Y

   H   m   a   m   §   M    o    E   H   H

   H   m   `   X

    o   e    r   a

   Z w     H

   g   m   Z

   ^   a   n   m   B    ©

 hŠH$/A{YH$ma AmH$mabr  OmUmar  qH$_V 





8/6/2019 ANNEXURE-III-R & R POLICY 24/65

1) àm_w»`mZo {Zdmgr 


   _   m   b   H   /   e    r   f    ©   H  -   (   ^   m   S    o   H   é   )

   ~   m   §   Y   H   m   _

   m   g   h    r   V   O    {   _   Z    r   M    o    Zw    H   g   m   Z   (    {   Z   d   m   g    r   d

   ì   `   m   d   g   m    {   `   H   )

   Hw $   Qw >   §   ~

   y    g   §   n   m   X   Z   H   m   `   Ú   m   Zw    g   m   a   Z   m   _   Y   m   a   H   m   g   Ú   m   d   `   m   M    r   ~   m   §   Y   H   m   _   m   g

   h    r   V   O    {   _   Z    r   À   `   m

   nw    Z  :   ñ

   W   m   n   Z    o   M    r    q   H   _   V 1. 13.(A)(3) _Ü`o Z_y  X Ho$ë`mZw gma, H$_mb 50

  Mm¡. _r.À`m AYrZ amhÿZ àÎ`j ZwH$gmZrÀ`m AmH$mamhÿ   Z A{YH$ 25Mm¡._r. {dH${gV O{_ZrMm 

 Xo H$ma.2. 13.(A)(1) CVmam 2 _Ü`o Z_yX Ho$ë`mZwgma,

 àÎ`o H$ Mm¡ H$mo Zr Hw $Qw>§ ~mg 10 Mm¡ ._r. A{V[aº$ O{_Z  àXmZ H$aÊ`mV o B©  b.

3. 13.(H$)(3) _Ü`o Z_yX H o$ë`mZwgma, ñWmZm§ VaUmgmR>r é. 10,000 n`ª   V dmhVy  H$rgmR>r Am{W©  H$ ghmæ`.

4. 13.(H$)(1) _Ü o Z_y  X Ho$ë`mZw gma, emgZ qH$dm  {VÀ`m àemgH$s` g§ ñWo g/_§ S>img Xo ` Agbo ë`m  gd© Zm-naVmdm ew ëH$, AmH$ma, H$am§ Mr ^anmB© .

5. nmÌ {d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YVm§Zm Zdm CÚmoJ  {dH${gV H$aÊ`mgmR>r Amdí`H$ à{ejU.

6. àË o H$ {d_mZVi àH$ën ~m{YV ì`º$sg Cnamo "o IrV  {Zdmgr w I§ S>mMm Zdr _w § ~B© gm_mÝ` {dH$mg {Z § ÌU  {Z`_mdbr (GDCR) AZw gê$Z {dH$mg H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma Amho.

7. Zdr _w § ~B© Am§ Vaamï >r` {d_mZVi _`m© .À`m dVrZo H$mT>Ê`mV Ambo ë`m 10 é. Xe©  Zr _y  ë`mÀ`m 100 n ª  V àmYmÝ` g_^mJm§ Mo dmQ>n H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma.  gXa àmYmÝ` ^mJ n«Ë`oH$ J«m_ n§Mm`VrgmR>r   {d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YVm§À`m JQ>mÀ`m dVrZo  V`ma H$aÊ`mV Amboë`m g§ñWoÀ`m dVrZo Omar  H$aÊ`mV o Vrb.

   A .   H «  $ .

    {   d   _   m   Z   V   i   ~   m    {   Y   V

   b   m    o   H   m   §   M   m   d   J    ©

   Z w     H   g

   m   Z    r   M


   à   H

   m   a

   A    {   Y   H   m   a   m

   §   M    o    E   H   H

   H   m   `   X

    o   e    r   a

   Z w     H

   g   m   Z

   ^   a   n   m   B    ©



 OmUmar  qH$_V 





8/6/2019 ANNEXURE-III-R & R POLICY 25/65

1) àm_w»`mZo {Zdmgr 


   _   m   b   H   /   e    r   f    ©   H  -   (   n   X   n   W   d   m   g

    r   )

   ~   m   §   Y   H   m   _

   m   g   h    r   V   O    {   _   Z    r   M    o    Zw    H   g   m   Z   (    {   Z   d   m   g    r   d

   ì   `   m   d   g   m    {   `   H   )

   Hw $   Qw >   §   ~


w    H   g   m   Z   P   m   b    o   ë   `   m   ~   m   §   Y   H   m   _   m   À   `   m   nw    Z  :   ñ   W   m   n   Z    o   M    r    q   H   _   V 1. 13.(A)(4) CVmam 1 _Ü o Z_y  X Ho $ë`mZw gma, 1.00

 MQ>B© jo Ì {ZX} em§H$mgh 20 Mm¡._r. AmH$mamEdT>çm   {dH${gV O{_ZrMm Xo H$ma.

2. 13.(A)(4) CVmam 2 _Ü`o Z_yX H o$boë`m 

 qH$_VrZw gma, 25 Mm¡._r. A{V[aº$ O{_Z Iao Xr  H$aÊ`mMr n`m©  ` 

3. nmÌ {d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YVm§Zm Zdm CÚmoJ  {dH${gV H$aÊ`mgmR>r Amdí`H$ à{ejU.

4. XoÊ`mV Amboë`m O{_ZrMm Zdr _w§~B© {dH$mg  {Z § ÌU H$m`ÚmZw gma {dH$mg H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma.

5. Zdr _w § ~B© Am§ Vaamï >r` {d_mZVi _`m© .À`m dVrZo H$mT>Ê`mV Ambo ë`m 10 é. Xe©  Zr _y  ë`mÀ`m 100 n ª  V àmYmÝ` g_^mJm§ Mo dmQ>n H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma.

  gXa àmYmÝ` ^mJ n«Ë`oH$ J«m_ n§Mm`VrgmR>r   {d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YVm§À`m JQ>mÀ`m dVrZo  V`ma H$aÊ`mV Amboë`m g§ñWoÀ`m dVrZo Omar  H$aÊ`mV o Vrb.

AmH$ma`mo ½` A{V[aº$


   A .   H «  $ .

    {   d   _   m   Z   V   i   ~   m    {   Y   V

   b   m    o   H   m   §   M   m   d   J    ©

   Z w     H   g

   m   Z    r   M


   à   H

   m   a

   A    {   Y   H   m   a   m

   §   M    o    E   H   H

   H   m   `   X

    o   e    r   a

   Z w     H

   g   m   Z

   ^   a   n   m   B    ©

 hŠH$/A{YH$ma AmH$mabr 

 OmUmar  qH$_V 





8/6/2019 ANNEXURE-III-R & R POLICY 26/65

1) àm_w»`mZo ì`mdgm{`H$


   _   m   b   H   /   Z   m   _   Y   m   a   H   /   n   a   §   n   a   m   J   V   h   ¸ .     *

   ~   m   §   Y   H   m   _   m   g   h    r   V   O    {   _   Z    r   M    o    Zw    H   g   m   Z

   (   ì   `   m   d   g   m    {   `   H   )

   _   m   b   H

   y    g   §   n   m   X   Z   H   m   `   Ú   m   Zw    g

   m   a   ~   m   §   Y   H   m   _   m   g   h    r   V   O    {   _   Z    r   À   `   m   nw    Z  :   ñ   W   m   n   Z    o   M    r    q   H   _   V 1. 13.(~)(1) _Ü o Z_y  X Ho$ë`mZw gma, H$_mb 40 Mm¡ .

 _r.À`m AYrZ amhÿ  Z àÎ`j Zw H$gmZrÀ`m AmH$mamhÿ  Z A{YH$ 30Mm¡._r. {dH${gV O{_ZrMm Xo H$ma.

2. 13.(H$)(3) _Ü`o Z_yX H o$ë`mZwgma,

 ñWmZm§ VaUmgmR>r é. 10,000 n`ª   V dmhVy  H$rgmR>r Am{W©  H$ ghmæ`.

3. 13.(H$)(1) _Ü o Z_y  X Ho$ë`mZw gma, emgZ qH$dm  {VÀ`m àemgH$s` g§ ñWo g/_§ S>img Xo ` Agbo ë`m  gd© Zm-naVmdm ew ëH$, AmH$ma, H$am§ Mr ^anmB© .

4. nmÌ {d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YVm§Zm Zdm CÚmoJ  {dH${gV H$aÊ`mgmR>r Amdí`H$ à{ejU.

5. nmS>bo ë`m ~m§YH$m_m_Yy  Z ~m§YH$m_ gm{hË` nw Ýhm  {_idÊ`mg nmÌ 

6. XoÊ`mV Amboë`m O{_ZrMm Zdr _w§~B© {dH$mg  {Z`§ ÌU H$m`ÚmZw gma {dH$mg H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma.

7. Zdr _w § ~B© Am§ Vaamï >r` {d_mZVi _`m© .À`m dVrZo H$mT>Ê`mV Ambo ë`m 10 é. Xe©  Zr _y  ë`mÀ`m 100 n ª  V àmYmÝ` g_^mJm§ Mo dmQ>n H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma.  gXa àmYmÝ` ^mJ n«Ë`oH$ J«m_ n§Mm`VrgmR>r   {d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YVm§À`m JQ>mÀ`m dVrZo  V`ma H$aÊ`mV Amboë`m g§ñWoÀ`m dVrZo Omar  H$aÊ`mV o Vrb.

AmH$ma`mo ½`  _mo H$içm d  {e„H$ O{_ZrMo àÎ`j  Zw H$gmZ 

* na§ namJV h¸$ hm O{_Zrg§ X^m©  Vrb Hw $Qw>§ ~mVrb EHy $U gdmª  À`m {Z`{_V h¸$mer {ZJS>rV Amho Am{U Ë`mbm  Zm_YmaH$mÀ`m ~amo ~arZo M ñWmZ Xo Uo JaOo Mo Amho.

   A .   H «  $ .

    {   d   _   m   Z   V   i   ~   m    {   Y   V

   b   m    o   H   m   §   M   m   d   J    ©

   Z w     H   g

   m   Z    r   M


   à   H

   m   a

   A    {   Y   H   m   a   m

   §   M    o    E   H   H

   H   m   `   X

    o   e    r   a

   Z w     H

   g   m   Z

   ^   a   n   m   B    ©

 hŠH$/A{YH$ma AmH$mabr 

 OmUmar  qH$_V 





8/6/2019 ANNEXURE-III-R & R POLICY 27/65

1) àm_w»`mZo ì`mdgm{`H$


   ^   m   S    o   n   Å   ç   m   Z    o    X    o   U   m   a   m

   ~   m   §   Y   H   m   _   m   g   h    r   V   O    {   _   Z    r   M    o    Zw    H   g   m   Z

   (   ì   `   m   d   g   m    {   `   H   )

   ^   m   S    o   n   Å   ç   m   Z    o    X    o   U   m   a   m

   y    g   §   n   m   X   Z   H   m   `   Ú   m   Zw    g   m   a   ~   m   §   Y   H   m   _   m   g   h    r   V   O    {   _   Z   A   m    {   U   A   m   H   m   a   \   m    o   S    r   À   `   m   nw    Z  :   ñ   W   m   n   Z    o   M    r

    q   H   _   V 1. 13.(~)(2) _Ü o Z_y  X Ho$ë`mZw gma, H$_mb 30 Mm¡ .

 _r.À`m AYrZ amhÿ  Z àÎ`j Zw H$gmZrÀ`m AmH$mamhÿ  Z A{YH$ 20Mm¡._r. {dH${gV O{_ZrMm Xo H$ma.

2. 13.(H$)(3) _Ü`o Z_yX H o$ë`mZwgma,

 ñWmZm§ VaUmgmR>r é. 10,000 n`ª   V dmhVy  H$rgmR>r Am{W©  H$ ghmæ`.

3. 13.(H$)(1) _Ü o Z_y  X Ho$ë`mZw gma, emgZ qH$dm  {VÀ`m àemgH$s` g§ ñWo g/_§ S>img Xo ` Agbo ë`m  gd© Zm-naVmdm ew ëH$, AmH$ma, H$am§ Mr ^anmB© .

4. nmÌ {d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YVm§Zm Zdm CÚmoJ  {dH${gV H$aÊ`mgmR>r Amdí`H$ à{ejU.

5. nmS>bo ë`m ~m§YH$m_m_Yy  Z ~m§YH$m_ gm{hË` nw Ýhm  {_idÊ`mg nmÌ 

6. XoÊ`mV Amboë`m O{_ZrMm Zdr _w§~B© {dH$mg  {Z`§ ÌU H$m`ÚmZw gma {dH$mg H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma.

7. Zdr _w § ~B© Am§ Vaamï >r` {d_mZVi _`m© .À`m dVrZo H$mT>Ê`mV Ambo ë`m 10 é. Xe©  Zr _y  ë`mÀ`m 100 n ª  V àmYmÝ` g_^mJm§ Mo dmQ>n H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma.  gXa àmYmÝ` ^mJ n«Ë`oH$ J«m_ n§Mm`VrgmR>r   {d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YVm§À`m JQ>mÀ`m dVrZo  V`ma H$aÊ`mV Amboë`m g§ñWoÀ`m dVrZo Omar  H$aÊ`mV o Vrb.

AmH$ma`mo½`  _mo H$içm d  {e„H$ O{_ZrMo àÎ`j  ZwH$gmZ 

   A .   H «  $ .

    {   d   _   m   Z   V   i   ~   m    {   Y   V

   b   m    o   H   m   §   M   m   d   J    ©

   Z w     H   g

   m   Z    r   M


   à   H

   m   a

   A    {   Y   H   m   a   m

   §   M    o    E   H   H

   H   m   `   X

    o   e    r   a

   Z w     H

   g   m   Z

   ^   a   n   m   B    ©

 hŠH$/A{YH$ma AmH$mabr  OmUmar  qH$_V 





8/6/2019 ANNEXURE-III-R & R POLICY 28/65

1) àm_w»`mZo ì`mdgm{`H$


   ^   m   S    o   H   é

   ~   m   §   Y   H   m   _   m   g   h    r   V   O    {   _   Z    r   M    o    Zw    H   g   m   Z

   (   ì   `   m   d   g   m    {   `   H   )

   ^   m   S    o   H   é

   y    g   §   n   m   X   Z   H   m   `   Ú   m   Zw    g   m   a   _   m   b   H   m   g

   Ú   m   d   `   m   M    r   ~   m   §   Y   H   m   _   m   g   h    r   V   O    {   _   Z    r   À   `   m   nw    Z  :   ñ   W   m   n   Z    o   M    r

    q   H   _   V 1. 13.(~)(3) _Ü o Z_y  X Ho $ë`mZw gma, H$_mb 30

  Mm¡. _r.À`m AYrZ amhÿZ àÎ`j ZwH$gmZrÀ`m AmH$mamhÿ   Z A{YH$ 20Mm¡._r. {dH${gV O{_ZrMm 

 Xo H$ma.

2. nmÌ {d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YVm§Zm Zdm CÚmoJ  {dH${gV H$aÊ`mgmR>r Amdí`H$ à{ejU.

3. nmS>bo ë`m ~m§YH$m_m_Yy  Z ~m§YH$m_ gm{hË` nw Ýhm  {_idÊ`mg nmÌ 

4. XoÊ`mV Amboë`m O{_ZrMm Zdr _w§~B© {dH$mg  {Z`§  ÌU H$m`ÚmZw gma {dH$mg H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma.

5. Zdr _w § ~B© Am§ Vaamï >r` {d_mZVi _`m© .À`m dVrZo H$mT>Ê`mV Ambo ë`m 10 é. Xe©  Zr _y  ë`mÀ`m 100 n ª  V àmYmÝ` g_^mJm§ Mo dmQ>n H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma.

  gXa àmYmÝ` ^mJ n«Ë`oH$ J«m_ n§Mm`VrgmR>r   {d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YVm§À`m JQ>mÀ`m dVrZo  V`ma H$aÊ`mV Amboë`m g§ñWoÀ`m dVrZo Omar  H$aÊ`mV o Vrb.

AmH$ma`mo ½`  _mo H$içm d  {e„H$ O{_ZrMo àÎ`j  Zw H$gmZ 

   A .   H «  $ .

    {   d   _   m   Z   V   i   ~   m    {   Y   V

   b   m    o   H   m   §   M   m   d   J    ©

   Z w     H   g

   m   Z    r   M


   à   H

   m   a

   A    {   Y   H   m   a   m

   §   M    o    E   H   H

   H   m   `   X

    o   e    r   a

   Z w     H

   g   m   Z

   ^   a   n   m   B    ©

 hŠH$/A{YH$ma  AmH$mabr 

 OmUmar  qH$_V 





8/6/2019 ANNEXURE-III-R & R POLICY 29/65

1) àm_w»`mZo ì`mdgm{`H$


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 {Z`§ ÌU H$m`ÚmZw gma {dH$mg H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma.

4. Zdr _w § ~B© Am§ Vaamï >r` {d_mZVi _`m© .À`m dVrZo H$mT>Ê`mV Ambo ë`m 10 é. Xe©  Zr _y  ë`mÀ`m 100 n ª  V àmYmÝ` g_^mJm§ Mo dmQ>n H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma.  gXa àmYmÝ` ^mJ n«Ë`oH$ J«m_ n§Mm`VrgmR>r   {d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YVm§À`m JQ>mÀ`m dVrZo  V`ma H$aÊ`mV Amboë`m g§ñWoÀ`m dVrZo Omar 

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3) H$_©Mmar/amoOJmamMo ZwH$gmZ 


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 CnbãYVo À m AYrZ amhÿ  Z amo OJma H$m ©  H«$_.

3. nmÌ {d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YVm§Zm Zdm CÚmoJ  {dH${gV H$aÊ`mgmR>r Amdí`H$ à{ejU.

4. Zdr _w § ~B© Am§ Vaamï >r` {d_mZVi _`m© .À`m dVrZo H$mT>Ê`mV Ambo ë`m 10 é. Xe©  Zr _y  ë`mÀ`m 100 n ª  V àmYmÝ` g_^mJm§ Mo dmQ>n H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma.  gXa àmYmÝ` ^mJ nË`oH$ J«m_ n§Mm`VrgmR>r 

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    [   Z   a   §   H 1. 13 (H$)(5)_Ü o Z_y  X Ho$ë`mZw  gma, {Oëhm Xa   nÌH$mZwgma (District Schedule of rates)  _moR>çm à_mUmda gh^mJr Agboë`m Hw$eb/ {Z_Hw$eb/AHw$eb H$m_Jma/J«  m_rU H$mamJram§ Zm 

 bmJy Agbo bo {H$_mZ _Oy  arÀ`m 750 {Xdgm§ Mo EH$ aH$_r AZw XmZ/ghmæ` 

2. gdm}ËH¥$ï> H$m_{JarÀ`m AmYmamda `mo½`Vm d  CnbãYVo À m AYrZ amhÿ  Z amo OJma H$m ©  H«$_.

3. nmÌ {d_mZVi àH$ën~m{YVm§Zm Zdm CÚmoJ  {dH${gV H$aÊ`mgmR>r Amdí`H$ à{ejU.

4. Zdr _w § ~B© Am§ Vaamï >r` {d_mZVi _`m© .À`m dVrZo H$mT>Ê`mV Ambo ë`m 10 é. Xe©  Zr _y  ë`mÀ`m 100 n ª  V àmYmÝ` g_^mJm§ Mo dmQ>n H$aÊ`mMm A{YH$ma.

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2) Xa 1000 Hw$Qw>§ ~m§ _mJo EH$ n§ Mm`V Ka 

3) Xa 1000 Hw$Qw>§ ~m§ _mJo EH$ é½Umb` 

4) Xa 500 Hw$Qw>§ ~m§ _mJo EH$ g_mO_§ Xra 

5) Xa 500 Hw$Qw>§ ~m§ _mJo EH$ àmW©  ZmñWi 

6) Xa 1000 Hw$Qw>§ ~m§ _mJo EH$ ñ_emZ y  _r 

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8/6/2019 ANNEXURE-III-R & R POLICY 33/65



JUNE 2007

Transport & Communications Department



8/6/2019 ANNEXURE-III-R & R POLICY 34/65



1 Background 31

2 Policy Applicability 32

3 Objectives 32

4 Principles 32

5 Categorization & Structure 33

6 Definitions 34

7 Eligibility of APAP/APAF’s 36

8 Cut off date of R & R 37

9 Selection of Re-settlement site 37

10 Organizational set-up for R & R Cell 37

11 Planning & Implementation Procedure 39

12 Entitlements 41

13 R & R Entitlement to Airport project affectedperson/family (APAP/APAF):


14 Restriction on Transfer/Disposal of house site: 46

15 Removal of difficulties: 46

16 Entitlement Matrix 47-58


8/6/2019 ANNEXURE-III-R & R POLICY 35/65


Draft Policy for Re-settlement & Rehabilitation of persons affected by proposedNavi Mumbai International Airport Project

1. Background:

Govt. of Maharashtra (GoM) through City & Industrial Development Corporation of

Maharashtra Ltd., decided to develop second Airport for Mumbai Region at Navi Mumbai

called Navi Mumbai International Airport (NMIA). NMIA is proposed to develop in

accordance with “Policy of Airport Infrastructure and procedure guidelines for setting up the

greenfield airport” formulated by the Ministry of Civil Aviation (MOCA), Govt. of India (GoI)

NMIA is proposed to be developed on Public-Private partnership basis by setting up

Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) in which CIDCO & AAI will hold equity to the extent of 26%

and rest will be held by private Developer. The SPV will design the Airport project, raise

required resources, issue engineering procurement contract to build, operate and manage

the airport during the concession period and finally transfer back the airport asset to Govt.

after recovering their investment. Efforts are being made to obtain Union Govt.’s approval

for NMIA and upon approval, CIDCO would carry out the necessary studies to develop the

project to bring it bidding stage for selection of project developer for commissioning of

NMIA by 2012-13.

The NMIA project is going to affect number of households, minor business

activities and structures in the airport area and the same are required to be re-located. Re-

settlement of project affected person is required to be an integral part of NMIA project. A

preliminary estimates indicates that the approx. 3000 to 4000 families will have to be

re-located due to NMIA project. Accordingly, keeping in view R & R policy of GoM and

National Policy of Re-settlement & Rehabilitation (R&R) for project affected families-2003,

the following policy for Re-settlement and Rehabilitation has been formulated for NMIA

project including incidental works related to airport.


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2. Policy Applicability:

The Re-settlement & Rehabilitation Policy shall be applicable to Navi Mumbai

International Airport Project and the works incidental to the development of airport

including roads, road-over-bridge, road under bridge, traffic improvement scheme, as well

as rail and water transport project. Under this policy, the various activities under R & R

project cycle in three phases consisting preparatory, implementation and post re-settlement

shall be formulated.

3. Objectives:

The objectives of Policy are as follows:

a)  To minimize displacement and to identify non-displacing or least displacing


b)  To plan the R & R of Project Affected Families

c)  To provide better standard of living of APAP 

d)  To develop and execute re-settlement plan in such a manner that displaced

person are compensated for their losses at replacement cost.

e)  To accord formal housing right to APAP/APAFs at re-settlement site in the

form of lease hold right of the land.

f)  To carry out the re-settlement programme with active participation of

community by establishing link with Community based organizations, and;

g)  To ensure full transparency and justice in process for Re-settlement &


4. Principles:

The Resettlement & Rehabilitation policy is based on the principle that theaffected persons are not worse-off on account of the project than they were before. This

approach to frame the R&R Policy ensures greater acceptability of the project to the people

and is expected to facilitate its effective implementation.

4.1 General Principles

a.  Project Affected persons/families will be categorized as:

(i)  Titleholders; and

(ii) Non-titleholders


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c. Where the negative impacts are unavoidable, the project-affected persons will be

assisted in regaining their standard of living.

d. All information related to resettlement preparation and implementation will be disclosed

to all concerned, and people’s participation will be ensured in planning and

implementing the project.

e. The APAP/APAF will receive compensation for lost assets at replacement cost and the

compensation will be available prior to the taking over of assets.

f. Broad entitlement framework of different categories of project-affected people has been

assessed and is given in the entitlement matrix. APAP/APAF will be

surveyed/enumerated as of the cut – off date.

g. Appropriate grievance redressal mechanism will be established at the Corporation level.

h. All consultations with APAP/APPF shall be documented. Consultations will continue

during the implementation of resettlement and rehabilitation works. 

5. Categorization & Structure:

Any structure getting affected due to project activities shall be termed a Project

Affected Structure (PAS). The project affected structures shall be categorized by referring

to ownership, land use and type of construction as detailed below:

a) Ownership:-

-  Land and building owned by the same person.

-  Land owned by one person and building own by the lessees.

-  Land and building both leased to lessees.

-  Land and building occupied by statutory tenants with owner occupant or where

owner is an absentee.


  Land occupied by squatters without any legal title,b) Land Use:-

(i) Land:-

-  Used for farming, horticulture etc.

-  Used for open use such as; storage, vehicle repairing and parking etc.

-  Used for play field, community activities, religious purpose, etc.

(ii) Structure:

- Used for residential purpose


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-  Used for Commercial purpose.

-  Used for Industrial purpose.

-  Used for Social purpose.

c) Type of Structure:-

(i)  Multistoried RCC/Steel/Wooden frame pucca structure.

(ii)  Ground storeyed pucca structure with roof of RCC or tiles or A.C. sheet or G.I.


(iii)  Ground storeyed semi-pucca structure with roof of RCC or tiles or A.C. sheet or

G.I. Sheet.

(iv)  Ground storeyed kutcha structure with roof of tiles or A.C. Sheet or G.I. Sheet.

(v)  Hutments with ground storeyed structure.

6. Definitions:

“Affected Zone”, in relation to the airport project, means the gaothans declare under

this policy by the Corporation to constitute the area of the affected zone under the

airport project. 

“ Gaothan “ means land consisiting of settlements /hamlets or pada included within and

on its fringe. 

“ Airport Project Affected Person/Family ( APAP  /APAF)”, means all occupants of land or

land with building structure in the affected zone is required to be acquired under this

policy for the purpose of Airport Project.

Explanation :   Airport Project Affected Person/Family (APAP /APAF) includes

households, business units including their labour and owners of assets like land or

land with building structure affected by airport project shall be considered APAP/APAF

and may include land lord (including farmers and horticulturist); lessees, statutory 

tenants and squatters. Household for this purpose means all the males/females, their

family member and relative staying in a house/tenement/hut.

“Agriculture Labourer”  means a person normally resident in the affected zone for a

period of not less than three years immediately before the declaration of affected zone

who do not hold any structure in the affected zone but who earns his livelihood


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principally on agriculture land, therein immediately be such declaration and who

deprived of his livelihood.

“Agriculture Land”  includes land used or capable of being used for horticulture or

agriculture dairy farming, poultry farming, pisiciculture breeding or livestock, or nursery,

or growing medical herbs or the grazing of cattle; but does not include land used for

cutting of wood only.

“Corporation” means City and Industrial Development Corporation of Maharashtra Ltd.

“Government” means Government of Maharashtra.

“Airport Project”  means a project, that is to say, construction, extension, improvement

or development of any work for providing aviation facilities including off-site

infrastructure incidental to airport project.

“Project Authority” means an Officer in whom the overall control and superintendence

of the execution of the project and include an officer whom the Corporation may by

general or special order, designate to be Project Authority.

“ Family”  consisting of such persons, his or her spouse, minor sons, unmarried

daughters, minor brothers or unmarried sisters. Father, mother and members residing

with him and dependent on him for their livelihood.

“Nuclear Family” means a person, his/her spouse and minor children.

“Non-Agriculture Labour”  means a person who is not on agriculture labour but is

normally residing in the affected zone for a period of not less than three years

immediately before the declaration of affected zone but who earns his livelihood

principally as a skilled / semi skilled labour or rural artesan immediately before such

declaration and who has been deprived of earning his livelihood in affected zone.

“Notification” means a notification published in the official Gazette.

“Administrator for Re-settlement & Rehabilitation”  means an Officer appointed by he

Corporation for the purpose of re-settlement and rehabilitation of project affected


“Joint Managing Director” shall mean any person appointed as Joint Managing Director

of the Corporation.

“Managing Director”  shall mean any person appointed as Managing Director of the



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“Board”  shall mean as the case may be, the Directors of the Corporation referred to

collectively or a meeting of Directors duly called and constituted or Directors

assembled at a Board.

“Developed Land”  shall mean a land within the resettlement zone which is being

developed with amenities of nodal standards including all such amenities which existed

in the gaothan under acquisition.

“Lessee”  shall mean a person or entity who receives the use and possession of leased

property from landlord ( APAP/APAF) in exchange of permanent premium or rent for

considerable period of time under an instrument or agreement.

“Statutory Tenant ”  shall mean a person or entity who has the right to possess land

lord’s ( APAP/APAF) property in exchange of rent under a lease or agreement or

similar arrangement protected under ACT.

“Replacement Cost”: Replacement cost is the cost of purchasing comparable assets

elsewhere by the affected person in lieu of the acquired land and other amenities,

buildings etc. The compensation awarded for the acquired land with structures should

be adequate to enable purchase of comparable assets elsewhere by the affected


“Non-titleholder” : Airport Affected persons/families with no legal title to the land,

structures and other assets adversely affected by the project. Non-titleholders include

lessee, tenants and squatters, etc. 

‘Squatter ’ mean a person who has settled on corporation Land / Govt. Land or on the

Land under acquisition by the corporation without authority and permission and

deriving his livelihood and housing there.

“Titleholder” : Airport affected persons/families who have legal title to land with

structures and other assets in the affected zone.

7.  Eligibility of APAP/APAFs:-

a)  All occupants of land or land with building structure affected by Airport project up

to date of cutoff of R&R shall benefit under this R & R Policy, only if enumerated

during the base line survey.

b)  Member added to the eligible APAP/APAF by way of birth and marriage after the


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c)  The occupants of structure except legal heir who have acquired the structures after

completion of base line survey shall not be eligible for the benefits under this

R & R policy.

d)  APAP/APAF who do not wish to participate in the Re-settlement action plan (RAP)

prepared in the manner as laid down in this R & R Policy will not be eligible for

rehabilitation and will have to vacate the occupied space on their own.

8. Cut off date of R & R:-

All occupant of land or land with building structure affected by Airport Project shall

be determined from the date of publication of Notification under section 4 of the Land

Acquisition Act, 1984 indicating the intention of acquisition of gaothan including the period

required for completion of base line survey.

9. Selection of Re-settlement site:-

The site for re-settlement shall be selected out of the feasible options in

consultation with the project affected person/community being a part of Resettlement

Action Plan (RAP) preparation keeping in view access to employment opportunities,

physical infrastructure and social services. The re-settlement site so selected shall, by

notification, declare, the area for re-settlement and rehabilitation of project affected family

as re-settlement zone. The environmental assessment of re-settlement site shall be

carried out as part of community Environmental Management Plans.

10. Organizational set-up for R & R Cell:-

a)  The Corporation shall, by order, appoint an Officer not below the rank of Senior

Development Officer as exclusively as Administrator for R &.R. in respect of

Airport Project.

b)  The Administrator for Re-settlement & Rehabilitation shall be assisted by such

Officers and employee as the Corporation provides.

c)  The Administrator for R & R shall take all measures for R & R of Project affected

families in respect of airport project under the superintendence direction and

control of Corporation.

d)  The overall control and superintendence of the formulation of R&R plan and its

execution shall vest with Corporation.


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e)  Subjected to any general order of the Corporation, the Administrator for R & R shall

perform the following functions/duties:

i)  Minimize displacement of person in consultation with project concern.

ii)  Hold consultation with Project affected families / Committee while preparing R

& R Plan.

iii)  Prepare a draft Scheme/Plan for R & R based on this policy.

iv)  Prepare a budget including estimated expenditure for various components of

R & R plan and obtain the sanction from Competent Authority.

v)  Allot land and sanction benefit to project affected families.

vi)  Perform such other functions as the Corporation may, from time to time, by

order in writing, assign.

f)  To perform the above functions/duties, the Administrator for R & R shall prepare R

& R implementation manual for implementation of various R & R activities.

g)  Administrator for R & R may, by order in writing, delegate such of Administrative

power conferred and duties imposed on him or under this policy to any officer not

below the rank of Development Officer or equivalent.

h)  Administrator for R & R along with other Officers and employees shall be

subordinate to Joint Managing Director of the Corporation, who in turn shall be

responsible for supervising the formulation of re-settlement and rehabilitation plan

and schemes, orderly implementation of such plans/schemes and redressal of

grievances petition received from the project affected family by forming a cell in his


i)  The Corporation by an order shall constitute an R & R Committee to monitor and

review the progress of implementation of R& R plan by drawing the members from:

ii ) A representative from each village as recommended by gramsabha in the affected


iii) Sarpanch of each Gram-Panchayat in the affected zone.

iv)An NGO or Voluntary Organization affected zone.

v) MLA of area in the affected zone.

vi) A representative of Women residing in the affected zone.


8/6/2019 ANNEXURE-III-R & R POLICY 43/65

  j) Any Project Affected Family, if aggrieved, for not being offered the Admissible R & R

benefits as provided under this policy, may move an appropriate petition for redressal

of grievance to Managing Director of the Corporation whose decision will be final .

 j)  Board of Corporation shall periodically monitor the resettlement and rehabilitation

plan of airport project on submission made by Joint Managing Director.

11. Planning & Implementation Procedure:

a)  The Corporation through Land Acquisition Authority declares, by Notification in the

Official Gazette, area of Gaothans as affected zone of project.

b)  Such declaration shall be published in local newspaper as well as affixing a copy

of notification on the Notice Board of Gram-Panchayats.

c)  The Land Acquistion Authority shall acquire the land or Land with the structure

from the villages in the affected zone by granting the compensation as per the

Land Acquisition Act 1894

d)  Upon the declaration made, the Administrator for R & R shall undertake a base line

survey through close participation of NGO, for identification of eligible project

affected structures, households, lands, shops, business activities and prepare list

of above particulars for announcing the same for obtaining community

endorsement to avoid conflicts over subsequent entrance in project affected area.

e)  The base line survey shall contain the following villagewise information of the

project affected families.

i) Members of family who are permanently residing practicing any , occupation

or vocation in the Gaothans

ii)  Airport Project Affected person who are likely to be deprived of their house,

employment, or vocation.

iii)  Agriculture labours and non-agriculture labours.

iv)  Th details of land, land structure ownership, structure occupants house hold

practice, socio-economic characteristics of house-hold, tenants or employee

in residential/commercial establishment, Typology of structure, etc.

f)  The base line survey undertaken shall be completed within a period of 90 days

from the date of declaration of notification.


8/6/2019 ANNEXURE-III-R & R POLICY 44/65

g)  Upon completion of survey, the Administrator for R & R shall by notification, and in

such other manner so as to reach all person likely to be affected, publish a draft of

the details of findings of survey for inviting objections and suggestions from


h)  The Administrator of R & R within two months from the date of publication shall

submit the final details of Survey with recommendation to Joint Managing Director

for obtaining approval from the Board of Directors for publication of same in official


i)  Based on base line survey data, the Administrator R & R shall assess the land

requirement for R & R and draw up a list of lands which is available for re-

settlement and rehabilitation of APAP/APAF.

 j)  The Corporation shall, by notification, declare the listed land in above para as re-

settlement zone.

k)  The Administrator for R & R shall prepare a draft scheme/plan for resettlement

and rehabilitation of APAP/APAF in consultation with R & R Committee.

l)  The Administrator for R & R shall ensure that the cost of R & R Scheme/Plan

should be an integral part of airport project cost and the entire expenditure of R &

R benefits and other expenditure for R & R of APAP/APAF are to be charged to

the project cost of Airport.

m)  The Administrator for R & R shall keep proper books of accounts and record of


n)  Each draft scheme/plan of re-settlement and rehabilitation prepared shall contain

the following particulars viz.

i) The extent of area to be required for project and the names of corresponding


ii)  A Gaothan wise list of APAP/APAF and likely numbers of displaced persons,

family-wise and the extent and nature of land and immovable property in their

possession in the affected zone.

iii)  A list of agriculture labourers in such area and name of such persons where

livelihood depends on agriculture activities.

iv)  A list of persons who have lost or are likely to lose their employment or



8/6/2019 ANNEXURE-III-R & R POLICY 45/65

vi)  A list of social and public utilities included in Govt. building which are likely to

be affected.

vii)  A comprehensive list of benefit and packages which are to be provided to


viii) Details of the basic amenities and infrastructure facilities which are to be

provided to re-settlement.

ix)  The time schedule for shifting and re-settling the displaced families in re-

settlement zone.

x)  Any other particulars that may fit to be included for information of


o)  The Administrator of R & R shall submit draft plan/plans/schemes for R & R to the

Corporation for approval and publication in the official gazette. Upon official

notification of plans/schemes it shall come into force.

12. Entitlements:

(a)  The cut-off date for entitlement is the date (i) (for Titleholders) which notification is

issued U/s 4 of LA Act modified in 1984 (ii) (For Non – Titleholders) the date on which

the base line survey ends .

(b)  Eligibility of different categories of APAP/APAF will be as per the R & R Entitlement


(c)  APAP/APAF who could not be enumerated during census and socio-economic

surveys but has reliable evidence to prove his/her presence before the cut-off date

shall be included in the list of APAP/APAF after proper verification by the competent

authority with grievance redressal mechanism.

(d)  Titleholders would be eligible for compensation as well as assistance.

(e)  Non-Titleholders will not be eligible for compensation of the land occupied by them.

However, they will receive compensation for the investment made by them on the

land such as structures, etc.


8/6/2019 ANNEXURE-III-R & R POLICY 46/65

(f) Project Affected Person/Family will be permitted to dismantle their structure at their

own cost and in the first instance to take away the dismantled

13. R & R Entitlement to Airport project affected person/family (APAP/APAF):

The re-settlement and rehabilitation benefit shall be extended to all the Airport project

affected person/family. As described below the R & R Entitlement and detailed

precisely in the Annexure shall be extended to APPF/APAF.

a) Predominantly residential

I.  Any Airport project affected person owning land with structure and whose land

and structure have been acquired may be allotted free of cost, a developed land

to the extent of actual loss of area of acquired land plus 50 upto maximum

of 100 land rounded to next multiple of ten , within resettlement zone in

Navi Mumbai area.

However, every Nuclear Family shall be entitled to an additional entitlement of 10 of land.

In case of APAP/APAF owning large land with structure i.e. more than above

maximum entitlement land and willing to purchase additional land, in addition to

their entitlement shall be allowed to purchase the additional land @ 250% of the

reserved price of node in which the plot is situated or lowest reserve price of

nearest node, in the resettlement zone from the Corporation to the extent of

equivalent balance land holding or 150 whichever is less, rounded to next

multiple of 10. However, the total area shall not exceed more than 200

Such allottee shall also get one time lumpsum grant towards the construction of

dwelling unit on the land allotted to the extent of Rs.1.50 lakhs.

II.  Each lessee holding a lease of 30 years or more and residing continuously for a

period of more than 3 years preceeding the date of publication of notification under

section-4 of Land Acquisiton Act, 1984 may be allotted, free of cost a developed

land to the extent of actual loss of area of acquired structure plus 50 upto

maximum of 75 rounded to next multiple of ten, within resettlement zone in

Navi Mumbai area


8/6/2019 ANNEXURE-III-R & R POLICY 47/65

III.  Each statutory tenant holding tenancy rights of 30 years or more and enjoying

tenancy rights for 3 years continuously preceeding the date of publication of

notification under section-4 of Land Acquisiton Act, 1984 may be allotted, free of

cost a developed land to the extent of actual loss of area of acquired structure,

plus 25 upto maximum of 50 rounded to next multiple of ten, within

resettlement zone in Navi Mumbai area

IV.  Each squatter residing continuously before 01.01.1995 and upto the date of

publication of notification under section-4 of Land Acquisiton Act, 1984 may be

allotted, free of cost a developed land of 20 sqm with FSI 1.0, within resettlement

zone in Navi Mumbai area, with no other R & R benefit.

In case Squatterer willing to purchase additional land upto 20 in addition to

their entitlement ,will be allowed to purchase the additional land at 250% of

Reserve Price of Node in which the plot is situated or the lowest price of nearest


V.  Each airport project affected person shall be entitled to develop the above allotted

land as per the Development Control Regulations of the Corporation.

b) Predominantly Commercial

I.  Any Airport project affected person owning land with exclusively commercial

structure and whose land and structure have been acquired may be allotted free

of cost a developed land to the extent of actual loss of area of acquired land

plus 30 upto maximum of 40 land rounded to next multiple of ten ,

within resettlement zone in Navi Mumbai area subjected to payment of Land cost

for the portion of land in excess of actual loss of land acquired at the rate of 450%

of the reserve price of the node in which plot is situated or the lowest price of

nearest node.

II.  Each lessee running holding a lease of 30 years or more and residing

continuously for a period of more than 3 years preceeding the date of publication


8/6/2019 ANNEXURE-III-R & R POLICY 48/65

structures have been acquired may be allotted free of cost a developed land to

the extent of actual loss of area of acquired structure plus 20 upto maximum

of 30 rounded to next multiple of ten, within resettlement zone in Navi

Mumbai area subjected to payment of Land cost for the portion of land in excess

of actual loss of land acquired at the rate of 450% of the reserve price of the node

in which plot is situated or the lowest price of nearest node.

III.  Each statutory tenant running holding tenancy rights of 30 years or more and

enjoying tenancy rights for 3 years continuously preceeding the date of publication

of notification under section-4 of Land Acquisiton Act, 1984 may be allotted, free of

cost a developed land to the extent of actual loss of area of acquired structure,

plus 20 upto maximum of 30 rounded to next multiple of ten, within

resettlement zone in Navi Mumbai area subjected to payment of Land cost for the

portion of land in excess of actual loss of land acquired at the rate of 450% of the

reserve price of the node in which plot is situated or the lowest price of nearest


IV.  Each squatter running exclusively a commercial business continuously before

01.01.1995 and upto the date of publication of notification under section-4 of Land

Acquisiton Act, 1984 may be allotted, free of cost a developed land to the extent

of actual loss of area of acquired structure plus 10 upto maximum of 20 rounded to next multiple of ten, within resettlement zone in Navi Mumbai

area, with no other R & R benefit subjected to payment of Land cost for the portion

of land in excess of actual loss of land acquired at the rate of 450% of the reserve

price of the node in which plot is situated or the lowest price of nearest node.

V.  Each airport project affected person shall be entitled to develop the above allotted

commercial land as per the Navi Mumbai General Development Control



8/6/2019 ANNEXURE-III-R & R POLICY 49/65

c) Other R&R Entitlements :

I.  Each airport project affected person will be entitled to receive reimbursement of

actual cost towards the Stamp duty and other fees payable for Registration of plot,

water source development charge, or any non-refundable fees payable to

Government or its Institution/ Body.

II The allotment of land to each airport project affected person shall be in the joint

name of wife and husband.

III Each airport project affected person shall get a financial assistance to the tune of

Rs.10,000/- as Transportation cost for shifting of their belongings from the affected

zone to the resettlement zone.

IV Each airport project affected person shall construct their structures on the allotted

lands from their means as well as R&R benefits received under this R & R policy

within 12 ( Twelve) months from the date of execution of agreement between

the Corporation and APAP/APAF.

V The eligible airport project affected person who loses their employment

permanently due to project , will receive one time grant equivalent to 750 days of

minimum wages applicable to skilled/ semi skilled /unskilled labour or rural

artesan, prevailing in the District Schedule of Rates.

VI.  The Corporation will make best efforts to provide employment to the affected

persons who lose their employment due to project subject to availability and

suitability of the affected persons


VII.  The eligible airport project affected person shall be provided necessary training

facilities at the cost of Corporation for development of entrepreneurship to take up

the job in the project or as employment at the re-settlement zone on the best effort


VIII.  The Corporation at its own cost shall provide the basic physical infrastructure

facility in terms of road, power, water supply and sewerage in the re-settlement



8/6/2019 ANNEXURE-III-R & R POLICY 50/65

IX.  The Corporation at its own cost, if required, will provide the social infrastructure in

addition to rehabilitation of existing social infrastructure in the re-settlement zone

at the following norms.

i)  One primary school per 1000 families.

ii)  One Panchayat Ghar per 1000 families.

iii)  One Dispensary per 1000 families.

iv)  One Community Centre per 500 families.

v)  One Temple per 500 families.

vi)  One Crematorium per 1000 families.

X.  Each airport project affected person shall be entitled to allotment of Preferential

Share to the extent of 100 shares at the face value by the Special Purpose Company of

Navi Mumbai International Airport. The said preferential share will be issued to society to

be formed by group of APAP’s for each Gram panchayat. 

14. Restriction on Transfer/Disposal of house site:

No/APAP/APAF shall transfer/dispose off land allotted under this policy till the vacation

of their acquired structure and occupancy of structure built over allotted Land in the

resettlement zone. Thereafter, the transfer would be allowed as per the prevailing

Corporation policy of transfer of properties.

15.  Removal of difficulties:

If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this policy, such difficulties will be

documented and mitigated in accordance with the principle and objective of this policy.

Otherwise, the Corporation may, as occasion arises, by Board Resolution, do anything not

inconsistent with such provisions, which appears to it to be necessary or expedient for the

purpose of removing the difficulty; provided that no Board Resolution under this para shall be

made by the Corporation after the expiry of two years from the date of commencement of this



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Entitlement Matrix

16. The detail entitlement matrix for the Navi Mumbai International Airport Project is presented in

the table below:

   S   l .   N   o .

   C   a   t   e   g   o   r   y   o   f

   A   P   A   P

   T   y   p   e   o   f   L   o   s   s

   U   n   i   t   o   f

   E   n   t   i   t   l   e   m   e   n   t

   L   e   g   a   l

   C   o   m   p   e   n   s   a   t   i   o


EntitlementPrice to be


i) Predominantly Residential


   O   w   n   e   r   s   /   T   i   t   l   e  -   h   o   l   d   e   r   s   /   T   r   a   d   i   t   i   o   n   a   l   r   i   g   h   t .   *

   L   o   s   s   o   f

   L   a   n   d   w   i   t   h   s   t   r   u   c   t   u   r   e   (   R   e   s   i   d   e   n   t   i   a   l  -   c   u   m    C

   o   m

   m   e   r   c   i   a   l   )

   F   a   m   i   l   y

   R   e   p   l   a   c   e   m

   e   n   t   c   o   s   t   o   f   l   a   n   d   w   i   t   h   s   t   r   u   c   t   u   r   e   a   c   c   o   r   d   i   n   g   t   o   L   A   A   c   t . 1. Offer of developed land of size equivalent to

actual loss plus 50 subjected to maximum100 as defined in 13.(a)(I).

2. Every nuclear family shall be entitled toadditional land of 10, as defined in13(a)(I) para 2

3. Financial assistance to the tune of Rs.10,000/-towards transportation cost for shifting, asdefined in 13(c).(iii)

4. Reimbursement of all non-refundable fees,charges, duty payable to government or itsinstitution/body, as per 13(c)(I).

5. Necessary training for developingentrepreneurship to one eligible APAP.

6. One time financial grant to the extent of Rs.1.50lacs for construction of house on the allotteddeveloped land, as defined in 13.(a)(I) para-4

7. Eligible to salvage structural material from thedemolished structure.

8. Entitled to develop the alloted land as perDevelopment control regulations of theCorporation.

9.Entitled for allotment of preferential equityshare of to the extent of 100 shares at the facevalue of Rs. 10.00 by Navi Mumbai InternationalAirport Ltd., The said preferential share will beissued to society to be formed by group ofAPAP’s for each Gram panchayat.


*Traditional right refers to household with customary right to land and need to be treated as equivalent

to title holder 


8/6/2019 ANNEXURE-III-R & R POLICY 52/65

   S   l .

   N   o .

   C   a   t   e   g

   o   r   y   o   f

   A   P

   A   P

   T   y   p   e   o

   f   L   o   s   s

   U   n   i   t   o   f

   E   n   t   i   t   l   e   m   e   n   t

   L   e

   g   a   l

   C   o   m   p   e

   n   s   a   t   i   o   n


EntitlementPrice to be


i) Predominantly Residential


   O   w   n   e   r   s   /   T   i   t   l   e  -   h   o   l   d   e   r   s   /   T   r   a   d   i

   t   i   o   n   a   l   r   i   g   h   t   (   L   a   r   g   e   h   o   l   d   i   n   g   )

   L   o   s   s   o   f   L   a   n   d   w   i   t   h   s   t   r   u   c   t   u   r   e   (   R   e   s

   i   d   e   n   t   i   a   l  -   c   u   m  -   C   o   m   m   e   r   c   i   a   l   )

   F   a   m   i   l   y

   R   e   p   l   a   c   e   m   e   n   t   c   o   s   t   o   f   l   a   n   d   w   i   t   h   s   t   r   u

   c   t   u   r   e   a   c   c   o   r   d   i   n   g   t   o   L   A   A   c   t . 1.  Offer of developed land of size equivalent toactual

loss plus 50 subjected to Maximum 100 defined in 13.(a)(I).

2.  Every nuclear family shall be entitled to additionalland of 10, as defined in 13(a)(I)para 2.

3.  Offer to purchase additional land at 250 per cent of

reserved price, subjected to the extent of equivalentbalance land holding or 150 whichever is less.However, the total area should not exceed more than200 as defined in 13.(a)(I) para-3.

4.  Financial assistance to the tune of Rs.10,000/-towards transportation cost for shifting, as defined in13(c)(iii).

5.  Reimbursement of all non-refundable fees, charges,duty payable to government or its institution/body, asper 13(c)(I).

6.  Necessary training for developing entrepreneurship toone eligible APAP.

7.  One time financial grant to the extent of Rs.1.50 lacsfor construction of house on the allotted developedland, as defined in 13.(a)(I) para-4.

8.  Eligible to salvage structural material from thedemolished structure

9.  Entitled to develop the alloted land as perDevelopment control regulations of the Corporation.

10. Entitled for allotment of preferential equity share of tothe extent of 100 shares at the face value of Rs. 10.00by Navi Mumbai International Airport Ltd., The saidpreferential share will be issued to society to beformed by group of APAP’s for eachGram panchayat.

Additional landto be charged


8/6/2019 ANNEXURE-III-R & R POLICY 53/65

   S   l .   N   o .

   C   a   t   e   g   o   r   y   o   f

   A   P   A   P

   T   y   p   e   o   f

   L   o   s   s

   U   n   i   t   o   f

   E   n   t   i   t   l   e   m   e   n


   L   e   g   a   l

   C   o   m   p   e   n   s   a

   t   i

   o   n


EntitlementPrice to be


i) Predominantly Residential


   O   w   n   e   r   s   /   T   i   t   l   e  -   (   L   e   s   s   e   e   )

   L   o   s   s   o   f   L   a   n   d   w   i   t   h   s   t   r   u   c   t   u   r   e   (   R   e   s   i   d

   e   n   t   i   a   l  -   c   u   m  -   C   o   m   m   e   r   c   i   a   l   )

   F   a   m   i   l   y

   R   e   p   l   a   c   e   m   e   n   t   c   o   s   t   o   f   l   a   n   d

   w   i   t   h   s   t   r   u   c   t   u   r   e   a   c   c   o   r   d   i   n   g   t   o   L   A   A   c   t . .   a   n   d   a   p   p   o   r   t   i   o   n   a   s   p   e   r   L .   A .   A   c   t .

  1.Offer of developed land of size equivalent toactual loss plus 50 subjected to maximum75 as defined in 13.(a)(II).

2.Every nuclear family shall be entitled toadditional land of 10, as defined in 13(a)(I)para 2.

3.Financial assistance to the tune of Rs.10,000/-towards transportation cost for shifting, as definedin 13(c).(iii)

4.Reimbursement of all non-refundable fees,charges, duty payable to government or itsinstitution/body, as per 13(c)(I).

5.Necessary training for developingentrepreneurship to one eligible APAP

6.Eligible to salvage structural material from thedemolished structure

7.Entitled to develop the alloted land as perDevelopment control regulations of the


8.Entitled for allotment of preferential equity shareof to the extent of 100 shares at the face value ofRs. 10.00 by Navi Mumbai International Airport Ltd.,The said preferential share will be issued to societyto be formed by group of APAP’s for each Grampanchayat.


8/6/2019 ANNEXURE-III-R & R POLICY 54/65

   S   l .   N   o .

   C   a   t   e   g   o   r   y   o   f

   A   P   A   P

   T   y   p   e   o   f

   L   o   s   s

   U   n   i   t   o   f

   E   n   t   i   t   l   e   m   e   n   t

   L   e   g   a   l

   C   o   m   p   e   n   s   a   t   i

   o   n


EntitlementPrice to be


i) Predominantly Residential


   O   w   n   e   r   s   /   T   i   t   l   e  -   (   T   e   n   a   n   t   )

   L   o   s   s   o   f   L   a   n   d   w   i   t   h   s   t   r   u   c   t   u   r   e   (   R   e   s   i   d   e   n   t   i   a   l  -   c   u   m  -   c   o   m   m   e   r   c   i   a   l   )

   F   a   m   i   l   y

   R   e   p   l   a   c   e   m   e   n   t   c   o   s   t   o   f   l   a   n   d   w   i   t   h   s   t   r   u   c   t   u   r   e

   t   o   T   i   t   l   e   H   o   l   d   e   r   a   c   c   o   r   d   i   n   g   t   o   L   A   A   c   t . .   1.Offer of developed land of size equivalent to

actual loss plus 25 subjected to maximum50 as defined in 13.(a)(III).

2.Every nuclear family shall be entitled toadditional land of 10, as defined in 13(a)(I)para 2.

3.Financial assistance to the tune of Rs.10,000/-towards transportation cost for shifting, as definedin 13(c)(iii).

4.Reimbursement of all non-refundable fees,charges, duty payable to government or itsinstitution/body, as per 13(c)(I).

5.Necessary training for developingentrepreneurship to one eligible APAP.

6.Entitled to develop the alloted land as perDevelopment control regulations of the Corporation.

7. Entitled for allotment of preferential equity shareof to the extent of 100 shares at the face value ofRs. 10.00 by Navi Mumbai International AirportLtd., The said preferential share will be issued tosociety to be formed by group of APAP’s for eachGram panchayat.


8/6/2019 ANNEXURE-III-R & R POLICY 55/65

   S   l .   N   o .

   C   a   t   e   g   o   r   y   o   f

   A   P   A   P

   T   y   p   e   o   f

   L   o   s   s

   U   n   i   t   o   f

   E   n   t   i   t   l   e   m   e   n


   L   e   g   a   l

   C   o   m   p   e   n   s   a

   t   i

   o   n


EntitlementPrice to be


i) Predominantly Residential


   O   w   n   e   r   s   /   T   i   t   l   e  -   (   S   q   u   a   t   t   e   r   )

   L   o   s   s   o   f   L   a   n   d   w   i   t   h   s   t   r   u   c   t   u   r   e   (   R   e   s   i

   d   e   n   t   i   a   l  -   c   u   m  -   c   o   m   m   e   r   c   i   a   l   )

   F   a   m   i   l   y

   R   e   p   l   a   c   e

   m   e   n   t   c   o   s   t   o   f   l   o   s   t   s   t   r   u   c   t   u   r   e


1.Offer of developed land of size equivalent to20 sq.m with FSI 1.00 as per 13 ( a )(IV)para 1.

2. Option to purchase additional land of 25 ata price as per 13 (a )(IV) para2

3.Necessary training for developing

entrepreneurship to one eligible APAP

4.Entitled to develop the alloted land as per NewBombay Development control regulations .

5.Entitled for allotment of preferential equity shareof to the extent of 100 shares at the face value ofRs. 10.00 by Navi Mumbai International AirportLtd., The said preferential share will be issued tosociety to be formed by group of APAP’s foreach Gram panchayat.

Additional land tobe charged


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   C   a   t   e   g   o   r   y

   o   f

   A   P   A   P

   T   y   p   e   o   f

   L   o   s   s

   U   n   i   t   o   f

   E   n   t   i   t   l   e   m   e

   n   t

   L   e   g   a   l

   C   o   m   p   e   n   s

   a   t

   i   o   n


EntitlementPrice to be


i) Predominantly Commercial


   O   w   n   e   r   s   /   T   i   t   l   e  -

   h   o   l   d   e   r   s   /   T   r   a   d   i   t   i   o   n   a   l   r   i   g   h   t .   *

   L   o   s   s   o   f   L   a   n   d   w   i   t   h   s   t   r   u   c   t   u   r   e   (   C   o   m   m   e   r   c   i   a   l   )

   O   w   n   e   r

   R   e   p   l   a   c   e   m   e   n   t   c   o   s   t   o   f   l   a   n   d   w   i   t   h   s   t   r   u   c   t   u   r   e   a   c   c   o   r   d   i   n   g   t   o   L   A   A   c   t . 1.Offer of developed land of size equivalent to

actual loss plus 30 subjected to maximum40 as defined in 13.(b)(I).

2.Financial assistance to the tune of Rs.10,000/-towards transportation cost for shifting, as definedin 13(c)(iii).

3.Reimbursement of all non-refundable fees,charges, duty payable to government or itsinstitution/body, as per 13(c)(I).

4.Necessary training for developingentrepreneurship to one eligible APAP.

5.Eligible to salvage structural material from thedemolished structure.

6. Entitled to develop the alloted land as per NewBombay Development control regulations .

7. Entitled for allotment of preferential equity shareof to the extent of 100 shares at the face value ofRs. 10.00 by Navi Mumbai International AirportLtd., The said preferential share will be issued tosociety to be formed by group of APAP’s for eachGram panchayat.

Actual loss landon free andremaining to becharged

*Traditional right refers to household with customary right to land and need to be treated as equivalent

to title holder. 


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   C   a   t   e   g   o   r   y   o   f

   A   P   A   P

   T   y   p   e   o   f

   L   o   s   s

   U   n   i   t   o   f

   E   n   t   i   t   l   e   m   e   n   t

   L   e   g   a   l

   C   o   m   p   e   n   s   a   t

   i   o   n


EntitlementPrice to be


i) Predominantly Commercial


   L   e   s   s   e   e

   L   o   s   s   o   f   L   a   n   d   w   i   t   h   s   t   r   u

   c   t   u   r   e   (   C   o   m   m   e   r   c   i   a   l   )

   L   e   s   s   e   e

   R   e   p   l   a   c   e   m   e   n   t   c   o   s   t   o   f   l   a   n   d   w   i   t   h   s   t   r   u   c   t   u   r   e   a   n   d   a   p   p   o   r   t   i   o   n   e   d   a   c   c   o   r   d   i   n   g   t   o   L   A   A   c   t . 1. Offer of developed land of size equivalent to

actual loss plus 20 subjected to maximum30 as defined in 13.(b)(II).

2. Financial assistance to the tune of Rs.10,000/-towards transportation cost for shifting, as definedin 13(c)(iii).

3.Reimbursement of all non-refundable fees,charges, duty payable to government or itsinstitution/body, as per 13(c)(I).

4. Necessary training for developingentrepreneurship to one eligible APAP.

5. Eligible to salvage structural material from thedemolished structure.

6. Entitled to develop the alloted land as per New

Bombay Development control regulations .

7. Entitled for allotment of preferential equity shareof to the extent of 100 shares at the face value ofRs. 10.00 by Navi Mumbai International AirportLtd., The said preferential share will be issued tosociety to be formed by group of APAP’s for eachGram panchayat.

Actual loss landon free andremaining to becharged


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   C   a   t   e   g   o   r   y

   o   f

   A   P   A   P

   T   y   p   e   o   f

   L   o   s   s

   U   n   i   t   o   f

   E   n   t   i   t   l   e   m   e

   n   t

   L   e   g   a   l

   C   o   m   p   e   n   s

   a   t

   i   o   n


EntitlementPrice to be


i) Predominantly Commercial


   T   e   n   a   n   t

   L   o   s   s   o   f   L   a   n   d   w   i   t   h   s   t   r   u   c   t   u   r   e   (   C   o   m   m   e   r   c   i   a   l   )

   T   e   n   a   n   t

   R   e   p   l   a   c   e   m   e   n   t   c   o   s   t   o   f   l   a   n   d   w   i   t   h   s   t   r   u   c   t   u   r   e   a   c   c   o   r   d   i   n   g   t   o   L   A   A   c   t .   t   o   o   w   n   e   r 1.Offer of developed land of size equivalent to

actual loss plus 20 subjected to maximum30 as defined in 13.(b)(III).

2.Necessary training for developingentrepreneurship to one eligible APAP.

3.Eligible to salvage structural material from the

demolished structure.

4.Entitled to develop the alloted land as per NewBombay Development control regulations .

5.Entitled for allotment of preferential equity shareof to the extent of 100 shares at the face value ofRs. 10.00 by Navi Mumbai International AirportLtd., The said preferential share will be issued tosociety to be formed by group of APAP’s for eachGram panchayat.

Actual loss landon free andremaining to becharged


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   S   l .   N   o .

   C   a   t   e   g   o   r   y

   o   f

   A   P   A   P

   T   y   p   e   o   f

   L   o   s   s

   U   n   i   t   o   f

   E   n   t   i   t   l   e   m   e

   n   t

   L   e   g   a   l

   C   o   m   p   e   n   s

   a   t

   i   o   n


EntitlementPrice to be


i) Predominantly Commercial


   s   q   u   a   t   t   e   r

   L   o   s   s

   o   f   s   t   r   u   c   t   u   r   e   (   c   o   m   m   e   r   c   i   a   l   )

   s   q   u   a   t   t   e   r

   R   e   p   l   a   c   e   m   e

   n   t   c   o   s   t   o   f   l   o   s   t   s   t   r   u   c   t   u   r   e


1.Offer of developed land of size equivalent toactual loss plus 10 subjected to maximum20 as defined in 13.(b)(Iv).

2.Necessary training for developingentrepreneurship to one eligible APAP.

3.Entitled to develop the alloted land as per NewBombay Development control regulations .

4. Entitled for allotment of preferential equity shareof to the extent of 100 shares at the face value ofRs. 10.00 by Navi Mumbai International AirportLtd., The said preferential share will be issued tosociety to be formed by group of APAP’s for eachGram panchayat.

Actual loss landon free andremaining to becharged


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   S   l .   N   o .

   C   a   t   e   g   o   r   y   o   f

   A   P   A   P

   T   y   p   e   o   f

   L   o   s   s

   U   n   i   t   o   f

   E   n   t   i   t   l   e   m   e   n   t

   L   e   g   a   l

   C   o   m   p   e   n   s   a   t

   i   o   n



Price to becharged



   A   g   r   i   c   u   l   t   u   r   a   l   L   a   b   o   u   r

   L   o   s   s   o   f   L   i   v   e   l   i   h   o   o   d

   A   g   r   i   c   u   l   t   u   r   e   L   a   b   o   u   r

   N   I   L  

1.One time grant of 750 days of minimum wagesapplicable to skilled /semi-skilled/unskilledLabour/Rural artisan prevailing in the currentDistrict schedule of Rates as per 13 (C) (V)

2. Employment subjected to availability andsuitability on best effort basis.

3.Necessary training for developingentrepreneurship to one eligible APAP.

4.Entitled for allotment of preferential equity shareof to the extent of 100 shares at the face value ofRs. 10.00 by Navi Mumbai International AirportLtd., The said preferential share will be issued tosociety to be formed by group of APAP’s for eachGram panchayat.


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   S   l .   N   o .

   C   a   t   e   g   o   r   y   o   f

   A   P   A   P


   y   p   e   o   f

   L   o   s   s

   U   n   i   t   o   f

   E   n   t   i   t   l   e   m   e   n   t

   L   e   g   a   l

   C   o   m   p   e   n   s   a   t

   i   o   n


Entitlement Remarks



   N   o   n  -   A   g   r   i   c   u   l   t   u   r   a   l   L   a   b   o   u   r

   L   o   s   s   o   f   L   i   v   e   l   i   h   o   o   d

   /   E   m   p   l   o   y   m   e   n   t

   N   o   n  -

   A   g   r   i   c   u   l   t   u   r   e   L   a   b   o   u   r   /   E   m   p   l   o   y   e   e

   N   I   L  

1.One time grant of 750 days of minimum wagesapplicable to skilled /semi-skilled/unskilledLabour/Rural artisan prevailing in the currentDistrict schedule of Rates as per 13 (C) (V)

2. Employment subjected to availability andsuitability on best effort basis.

3.Necessary training for developing

entrepreneurship to one eligible APAP.

4.Entitled for allotment of preferential equity shareof to the extent of 100 shares at the face value ofRs. 10.00 by Navi Mumbai International AirportLtd., The said preferential share will be issued tosociety to be formed by group of APAP’s for eachGram panchayat.



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   S   l .   N   o .

   C   a   t   e   g   o   r   y   o   f

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   T   y   p   e   o   f

   L   o   s   s

   U   n   i   t   o   f

   E   n   t   i   t   l   e   m   e   n   t

   L   e   g   a   l

   C   o   m   p   e   n   s   a   t   i

   o   n

EntitlementPrice tocharged



   C   o   m   m   u   n   i   t   y

   L   o   s   s   o   f   s   o   c   i   a   l   I   n   f   r   a   s   t   r   u   c   t   u   r   e

   C   o   m   m   u   n   i   t   y

   R   e   p   l   a   c   e   m   e   n   t   t   o   c   o   m   m   u   n   i   t   y  

1.The Corporation at its own cost, if required, will provide

the social infrastructure in addition to rehabilitation of

existing social infrastructure in the re-settlement zone as

defined in 13 ( C ) (iX) and indicated

i)  One primary school per 1000 families.ii)  One Panchayat Ghar per 1000 families.

iii)  One Dispensary per 1000 families.

iv)  One Community Centre per 500 families.

v)  One Temple per 500 families.

vi)  One Crematorium per 1000 families


Any unforeseen loss not covered in this document will be documented and mitigated in accordancewith the principle of objective of policy



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