annotated bibliography


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Ashley HydeJessica Frogley English 2010Annotated Bibliography

1. Arrandale, Tom. “National Parks Under Pressure.” CQ Researcher, 6 Oct. 2006: 817-40. CQ Researcher. Web. 4 Sep. 2011

In his October report in 2006, Tom Arrandale covers the topic of Yellowstone National Park having to cut funds for one of the most celebrated biological experiments on wildlife in national parks. Wolf project manager must raise $250,000 a year from private foundations and business to place radio collars on the wolves that live in the national parks. For the past several presidential administrations, the park services have not received the funding that would be needed to do the three things national parks were created to do. 1. provide a quality visitor experience2. protect resources for the future3. have a productive relationship with the park interest groups.

After reading this report I do not consider it a good resource for my report. Although the topic is very interesting and concerning to me it in no way plays into the topic in which I will be covering in my report. This report was done over six years ago, hopefully the funding for the research is more directly funded.

2. Weeks, Jennifer. “Water Shortages.” CQ Researcher, 18 June 2010: 529-52. CQ Researcher. Web 4 Sept 2011

In her report in June of 2010, Jennifer Weeks states “humans cannot create or destroy water, but they can make it unusable.” Also that americans use more than 140 million gallons of water per day. Nearly half is consumed by electronic power plants to make steam to drive and cool generators. Irrigation of crops so the second largest use of water. As you can tell energy productions and agriculture far outweigh all other demands, including public water supply and direct industrial uses. Weeks also states that water levels have fallen as much as two-thirds in Lake Powell, due to sever droughts in the western states.

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This is a very interesting article to have come across. The article covers everything from local to national water issues. This is a recently published article that covers current topic that are a big issues in our daily lives. The article also cover topics that hit close to home here in Utah not just the United States in a whole. I will be using this information in my research paper.

3. Kling, Catherine,. Wilen, James E,. Weinberg, Marca. “Water Marks and Water Quality.” JSTOR, Vol. 75. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, May 1993. Web. 5 Dec 2011

In there publication in American Journal of Agricultural Economic the authors state that economist has proposed the introduction to water marks to improve the allocative efficiency of water use. Water markets may reduce irrigation-related water quality problems. This potential benefit is examined with a nonlinear programming model developed to simulate agricultural decision-making in a drainage problem area in California's San Joaquin Valley. Results indicate that a 30% drainage goal is achievable through improvements in irrigation practices and changes in cropping patterns induced by a water market. Although water markets will not generally achieve a least-cost solution, they may be a practical alternative to economically efficient, but informationally intensive, environmental policies such as Pigouvian taxes.

This journal entry was very helpful to me in the research process for the report. The information found was current and clear to the proper region in the Untied States where I can use the information through ought the report.

4. Stout, Linda. “Collective Visioning: How Groups Can Work Together For a Just and Sustainable Future.” Masterfile Premier, Futurist 45.5, 2011. Web. 4 Sep. 2011

In her book published in 2011 titled, “Collective Visioning: How Groups Can Work Together For a Just and Sustainable Future.” Linda Stout makes valid implications on visions for our future. And how the power of people working together to achieve a vision and make a dramatic difference. She makes points if people focus on what they want in their community to be rather than its problems that need to solved. It gives the people a new way of approaching

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problems, meanwhile learning how to be more sustainable using facebook and other networking tools.

I enjoyed reading this short article out of Linda’s book. It covers many close topics in my report but I do not consider it strong enough to be reliable source of information. she mentions the use of social networking sites as a way of communicating new visions of a sustainable future. I do not have a facebook, we will have to see what else there is.

5. Cooper, Mary H. “Population and the Environment.” CQ Researcher. 17 July 1998. Web. 12 Sept 2011

In the 1998 report Mary Cooper covers the topics of population and the environment and the growth through ought the world. This report covers an essay written by Thomas Robert Mathis, which states that humans reproduce raster than the resources we need to stay alive. More recently global population has mushroomed, growing from 1.6 billion to almost 6 billion in the 21 century alone. This reports also covers William Gadwins successors who say that the more people on earth humans will discover new ways to survive.

Although this was a very interesting and debatable report, I will not be using it in my research paper. The information is too broad. It cover the earths population and the environments. I am looking for information on just the Western United States and the sustainability of water resources.

6. Kenny, J.F., Barber, N.L., Hutson, S.S., Linsey, K.S., Lovelace, J.K., and Maupin, M.A., “Estimated use of water in the United States in 2005” U.S. Geological Survey Circular. 1344, 52 p. Web. 8 Dec. 2011

This report estimates water use in the United States indicate that about 410 billion gallons per day (Bgal/d) were withdrawn in 2005 for all categories summarized in this report. The total is slightly less than the estimate for 2000. About 5 percent less than total withdrawals in the peak year of 1980. Fresh groundwater withdrawals of 79.6 Bgal/day in 2005 were about 5 percent less than in 2000, and fresh surface-water withdrawals of 270 Bgal/day were about the same as in 2000. Withdrawals for thermoelectric-power generation and irrigation, the two largest uses of water, have stabilized or decreased since 1980. Withdrawals for public-supply and domestic uses have increased steadily since estimates began.

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This report was a great deal of help to me. I will be using it in my report due to the fact that is a reliable source of information about water usages in the United States. If gives my audience a better perspective of where out water goes.

7. Garvey, James. “Climate Change and the Casual Inefficacy: Why Go Green When it Makes No Difference?” EBSCOHOST. Web. 12 Oct. 2011

In this article James claims that a single individual making a green choice will make no difference in our world. Claiming that it is a teeny effect and will not matter a bit. He usses a moral obligation attitude that what is done to this planet is done. We see the effects everyday, in our gardens with our growing seasons and our water levels. It prompt people to take action but the action needs to be taken by the industrialization of America.

I will be using this information in my position paper. It gives a great amount of detail to a position on why it could not matter if people go green at all. People as individuals can/cannot make a difference.

8. Colleen Dwyer, U.S Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation. 2005 March. Web. 8 Dec. 2011

This web site currently reports that in Nevada, Arizona, and California, the use and distribution of Colorado River water is subject to laws, judicial rulings and decrees, contracts, interstate compacts and operating criteria. The "Law of the River," apportion available water between the western states and can establish certain priorities in use.

This is a very good website for information on the water in the western states surrounding Colorado. Using the Colorado River Basin as a focus point for water replenishment for the surrounding cities. I will be using this website for information in my papers.

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