annotated bibliography of animal testing

Mohammed Maidan  Annotate d Biblio graphy Of A nimal T e sting Professor R.Andrew Brown UWRT 110 0!"0#"1$  Annotate d Biblio graphy Of A nimal T e sting %&igley' (an. )Animal Testing.)  Animal Sciences. *d. Allan B. +obb. ,ol. 1. -ew or / Ma milla n Refe ren e U2A ' 00 . 345 0. Gale Virtual Reference Library . Web. 3 May 01$. UR6 https""librarylin/.&n.ed&"login7&rl8http""go.galegro&"ps"i.do7id89A6* :;++<5=00!000>?8.1>&8nli?e&nhet>it8r>p89,R6>sw8w>asid8df#=b =d1bb#e;b=f!a;ff0##003$ Summary: This artile shows the perspeti?e behind animal testing. Thro&gho&t the art i l e it is la ime d that anima l testi ng inreases the &nder sta nding of the biologial sienes and the wor/ of the body. Aording to the artile' animal testing helps in biomediine' by ser?ing in de?eloping more a&rate mediines with fewer side effets. @&rthermore' depending on the artile animal testing is also &sed for the protetion of the h&mans' to ha?e the least side effets as possible while testing on them. @or an eample' T homas *. 2tarl in the 1#$0s eperiened the organ transplant pioneer on dogs before h&mans. The artile showed that other alternati?es and s&ggestions ha?e been reommended for sientists' b&t may not be as feasible. Aording to the artile

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8/17/2019 Annotated Bibliography of Animal Testing 1/5

Mohammed Maidan

 Annotated Bibliography Of Animal Testing

Professor R.Andrew Brown

UWRT 110


 Annotated Bibliography Of Animal Testing

%&igley' (an. )Animal Testing.) Animal Sciences. *d. Allan B. +obb. ,ol. 1. -ewor/ Mamillan Referene U2A' 00. 3450. Gale Virtual Reference Library .Web. 3 May 01$.



This artile shows the perspeti?e behind animal testing. Thro&gho&t the

artile it is laimed that animal testing inreases the &nderstanding of the

biologial sienes and the wor/ of the body. Aording to the artile' animal

testing helps in biomediine' by ser?ing in de?eloping more a&rate mediines

with fewer side effets. @&rthermore' depending on the artile animal testing is

also &sed for the protetion of the h&mans' to ha?e the least side effets as

possible while testing on them. @or an eample' Thomas *. 2tarl in the 1#$0s

eperiened the organ transplant pioneer on dogs before h&mans.

The artile showed that other alternati?es and s&ggestions ha?e been

reommended for sientists' b&t may not be as feasible. Aording to the artile

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no sientist is r&el and or nasty to see/ the s&ffer of animals &nneessarily.

Cowe?er' the artile laims that it is ertain that eperiments on animals benefits

the h&mans by gi?ing more a&rate data than other method.


Personally' ( ome to belie?e that animal testing does help the

&nderstanding of the biologial sienes by eploring the animal body. Moreo?er'

( ome to find it reasonable that animal eperiments pro?ides plenty of 

information regarding the way a body reats to ertain mediine or treatment.

Cowe?er' ( ome also to deeply belie?e that animal eperiments and testing is so

r&el and nasty.

My religion ta&ght me to ha?e some sympathy to animals and treat them

good and with D&stie. Animals as h&mans they ha?e feelings and moti?es that

dri?e them. As h&mans they ha?e memory and feel pain. B&t &nli/e h&mans it is

hard for them to epress their feelings and defend themsel?es. ( thin/

determination and pratie leads to better res&lts. 6eads to perfetion. With

determination and pratie h&mans an de?elop the other methods and eeed

the animal testing res&lts.


)2a?e the Animals 2top Animal Testing.) 6one 2tar +ollege. -o?. 1=. Web. 03May 01$.


8/17/2019 Annotated Bibliography of Animal Testing 3/5

The Save The Animals: Stop The Animal Testing artile indiates that

animal testing is benefiialE it does help the h&mans to afford better tehnologies

and mediines. et' animal testing m&st be stopped and banned. The artile

shows the reasons behind the reF&ests of stopping animal testing. (t is belie?ed

and pro?en that animal testing ?iolates the animal rights within the artile.

(t is eplained that animals has no hoie or ?oie to epress their 

tho&ghts and hoies. Animals did not deide to sarifie their li?es for the benefit

of &s' h&mans. Animals probably are dri?en against their well. B&t they ha?e

nothing to do abo&t it. Most of the times animals are eposed to painf&l and

harmf&l eperiments and treatments. Also' the pain animals are eposed to in the

st&dies does not bring enormo&s good to h&mans. There is no need to

eperiment on animals while other alternati?es are a?ailable. Aording to the

artile se?eral ompanies ha?e released prod&ts witho&t the &se of animals and

ha?e hosen to test their prod&ts in different ways. Many thin/ that animal

testing is neessary and reasonable. B&t it is not while other alternati?es are



Conestly' ( ome to agree with the words and perspeti?e of the artile. (

do /now that animal testing is /ind of benefiial' and does bring some good to

the h&mans. et' ( belie?e that animal testing is not D&stified' and not f&lly


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@rom my perspeti?e' animal testing m&st be stopped for the sa/e of 

animals and their rights. G&ring eperiments animals are eposed to high le?el of 

pain. Animals are eposed to both' physial pain and mental pain.

The sad part that animals an not epress themsel?es and delare their 

opinion on the sit&ation. Moreo?er' an not defend themsel?es. All what animals

an do' is set down there and feel pain in loneliness. 2o ( belie?e animal testing

sho&ld be stopped and h&mans start &sing the other alternati?es and de?elop



Feder, Barnaby J. "Saving the Animals: New Ways to Test Prod!ts." The New or# 

Times. The New or# Times, $%%&. Web. %' (ay $%)*.


(n this artile' new tehniF&es and methods to test prod&ts are gi?en. The

new alternati?e method that is epeted to red&e the &sage of animal testing

method is /ind of omple. The tehnology is alled engineering tiss&e samples.

This tehnology reF&ires de?eloped omp&ters and software. Most probably this

alternati?e will need h&ge b&dget' and ta/es time to be f&lly de?eloped to gi?e

a&rate res&lts.

The main reason of this attempt' the effort to shift to other method of 

testing prod&ts is d&e to the many onerns that F&estion the benefiial of the

animal testing. 6ately the reliability of animal testing has been an iss&e' bea&se

twenty fi?e perent of the dr&gs that are being tested on animals ha?e failed.

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( belie?e bringing a new method to the table is way too good. Cowe?er' (

am not loo/ing for benefits to h&man in terms of money and better money

management. ( am eploring the method from different perspeti?e. ( am loo/ing

from the angle that loo/s for the benefit of animals. 2&h method wo&ld eliminate

animal testing or at least red&e animal testing. (f someone is loo/ing at the

sit&ation in terms of money and gathered data it is also benefiial to shift. The

engineering tiss&e samples wo&ld deli?er better res&lts and better mediines that

are less epeted to fail.