annotated front covers

Generic conventions in music magazines.

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Post on 22-Jul-2015




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Page 1: annotated front covers

Generic conventions in

music magazines.

Page 2: annotated front covers

Masthead, big bold and takes up the whole top of the page.

Central image. (black and white), gives a sense of old, classy and classic.

The gaze : looking into the distance away from the audience ( breaking the rules), also adds to the effect of a natrualpose.

Where is it shot:Outside with a car, looks more of natural pose.

There's a variety of fonts and font size, which shows importance to the bigger better stories.

Date, barcode and web address on the bottom left corner, quite small, is accessible to the shopkeeper and reader. Colour palette: mainly red white and black, very

basic and not too bright.Colour palette:

There's no secondary image, only the central image, which focuses all the attention on to the central image.

Page 3: annotated front covers

Masthead, large and takes up the whole of the top of the magazine. Also goes on top of the image. This gives makes it recognizable and gives it importance.

Secondary images, all the same size but a lot smaller then the central image. Doesn’t drag attention away from the central image.

shot in a studio, dark plain background, looks edgy and professional.

The gaze: the main star/model is staring directly at the reader, which captures the readers attention.

There is a variety of font size but the majority of text is in the same font, some is also in different colour. This shows importance to the bigger better articles.

The cover line is small and close to the masthead, easily visible to the reader.

The colour palette is mainly reds, white and black, which is quite basic.Colour palette:

Central image, close up of Lil Wayne, shows he's the main feature in this magazine.

Date, barcode and web address in the bottom right hand corner. Accessible to the reader and shopkeeper.

Straplines: small insights into articles in the magazine, gives small insight into what is expected in the rest of the magazine.

Feature article: Gives insight to the main story in the magazine, before reading it.

Page 4: annotated front covers

The central image, right in the middle and taking up most of the space, shows the main character/star has importance in the magazine.

Shot In a studio, plain white background with a shadow, looks professional and glamorous.

The gaze of the main model/star is looking down at the reader, gives them status.Cover line is smaller and close

to the masthead.

Masthead. Big bold and takes up the whole top of the cover, gives identity and importance to the magazine.

Variety of a fonts some bold some swirly,They're also different colours and different sizes, which helps focus on the main stories.

Colour palette: quite basic only black, red, white and a little bit of grey.Colour palette:

Date, barcode and web address are in the bottom right hand corner, quite small and neatly in the corner, advertise the website and makes the price accessible to the reader and shopkeeper.

Straplines: small stories about famous hip hop artists, gives an insight into what's in the magazine.

The feature article cover line: A quote from the Ciara (the main story)

Verbal communication: quote from the main star/model, sounds more personal and direct to the audience.

Page 5: annotated front covers

Central image: is usually the main model/star that the magazine is focusing on. There usually well known and appeal to a audience who listen to hip hop. In this case it’s A$AP ROCKY a well known hip hop artist. He takes up the majority of the front cover which shows his importance in the magazine and that he is getting most of the lime light. Central images are often in the middle of the page and the rest of the front cover conventions fit around it.

Date and barcode: the date and barcode is very important and has to be clear on the page to show the reader the price and date easily at a glance. It is most commonly found on the the bottom right hand corner, this is so it can be easily seen but not obstruct the image.

The mast head: The mast head gives the magazine identity, and makes it easily recognizable to customers. Its most often found on the top right or left corner of the magazine and is often much bigger then the surrounding text. This mast head uses a bright red color which is often used in hip hop magazines, It has connotations of masculinity , aggression and luxury.

Shot In a studio: This shows its quite a professional magazine that can afford a photoshootand shows they got to work with the artist which shows a relationship with them. This will appeal to the target market as it'll show the magazine is current and close with famous artists which which will encourage the reader to buy it.

The gaze : The main artist (A$AP ROCKY) is looking strait at the reader, ad is slightly looking down on them, This fives a sense of power and shows he's superior almost as if its his magazine. This is effective as people look up to him and aspire to be like him. The image is a close up of his face which helps the reader focus on his expression, he's showing off his ‘grills’ which also has connotations of power and respect.

Fonts : The use of different fonts, makes the page look exiting and different to other magazines. The different sizes of the fonts, for example the titles size, shows what's important and what the publisher would like the reader to notice first. The title features the main artists which accompany the image in the readers understanding of the content. The sub stories are still clear but are much smaller and in a more subtle font, this lest the reader know what's in the rest of the magazine without stealing the lime light from the main story (A$AP ROCKY).