annual convention 2018 -€¦ · billy sheehan. advertising: siobhán desmond....

Issue No. 24 Spring/Summer 2018 The journal of the Retired Teachers’ Association of Ireland Annual Convention 2018 (Above) Longford delegates Ms. Bridie McGuinness and Ms. Noleen Rooney (Le) Cork delegate Mr. Séan Radley

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Issue No. 24 Spring/Summer 2018

The journal of the Retired Teachers’ Association of Ireland

Annual Convention 2018

(Above) Longforddelegates Ms. Bridie

McGuinness andMs. Noleen Rooney

(Le) Cork delegateMr. Séan Radley

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3Spring/Summer 2018

Dear Members,Welcome to the Spring/Summer edition of Comhnasc.

The 2018 RTAI Convention was held in March so thisedition focuses on the key discussions of our annual gettogether. Our Convention has a dual focus. Firstly, we takea look back at the year gone by and assess how ourAssociation has been managed and our objectives pursuedsince we last met. An examination of our finances is centralto this review. Secondly, resolutions adopted by delegatesset out the Association’s policy objectives and form thework programme for the executive for the next 12 months.

This Convention marks a significant milestone for theAssociation as a resolution was adopted to incorporatethe Association as a Company Limited by Guarantee from1 July next. Incorporation as a CLG will secure theAssociation’s legal standing and will give greater protec-tion to our assets. This proposal which has been underdiscussion at all levels of the Association for almost twoyears, secured the unanimous support of delegates.

In recent years Comhnasc has concentrated on pensionmatters and this edition has the same emphasis. However,on this occasion there is positive news to report. Thursday25 Jan 2018 marks a red letter day for those who retired inthe past six years as an increase paid to serving teacherswas reflected in the pensions paid on that day. Furtherincreases to serving teachers under the Public ServiceStability Agreement will also transfer to this cohort ofretirees. The concern that pension parity was gone for ever

is now satisfactorily resolved, at least for the duration of thispay agreement. These increases will not apply at this pointto teachers who are retired longer than six years and thereason why this is the case is explained in a separate article.

The Public Service Pension Reduction – a tax onpensions first introduced in 2011 – came to an end formost of our members on 1 Jan 2018 and it will becompletely gone for all members by 1 Jan 2020.

The RTAI takes pride and satisfaction in these develop-ments which have been hard won. We have been very activein recent years in campaigning and lobbying on both theseissues in close cooperation with colleagues representingother retired public service workers. We have enjoyed thefull support of the INTO which has been a strong advocateon our behalf and we are grateful for this support.

The RTAI was pleased to have a visible presence at the150th Annual INTO Congress where we had an informa-tion stand in the trade centre. This initiative gave us anopportunity to talk to teachersapproaching retirement aboutour activities and to invite them tojoin our ranks!

I look forward to discussing allthese issues at the forthcomingbranch meetings

Editorial comment

RTAI to incorporate as CLGPension update

Comhnasc General Editor:Billy Sheehan.

Advertising: Siobhán Desmond.

Design: David Cooke

Photographs: Tommy Clancy

Printing: Mullen Print.

Correspondence to:The Editor, Comhnasc, R.T.A.I.,Vere Foster House,35 Parnell Square, Dublin 1,DO1 ET35.

Telephone: 01–2454130.Fax: 01–8749117.Email:Office: [email protected]: [email protected]

Website: www.rtaireland.ieOffice Hours: 9.00am – 4.30pmMonday – Friday

Comhnasc is published by theRetired Teachers’ Association ofIreland and distributed tomembers and interested parties.Comhnasc is the most widelycirculated magazine for RetiredTeachers in Ireland.

The views expressed in thisjournal are those of the individualauthors and are not necessarilyendorsed by the R.T.A.I. Whileevery care has been taken toensure that the informationcontained in this publication isup to date and correct, no

responsibility will be taken by theR.T.A.I. for any error which mightoccur.

Except where the RetiredTeachers’ Association of Irelandhas formally negotiatedagreements as part of its servicesto members, inclusion of anadvertisement does not imply anyform of recommendation. Whileevery effort is made to ensure thereliability of advertisers, theR.T.A.I. cannot accept liabilityfor the quality of goods andservices offered.

4 RTAI Comhnasc

RTAI notes

The Annual Convention of theAssociation was held on Tuesday 6March 2018 in the Gresham Hotel,O’Connell St. Dublin 1. RTAI PresidentMr. Luke McGinley chaired theConvention which was attended by133 delegates from all branches.

The General Secretary outlinedthe work of the NEC over the past12 months with particular referenceto progress made on pensionrestoration and pension parity. Hegave a detailed presentation on theAssociation’s current financialposition which continues to be in ahealthy state.

The Accounts of the Associationto year end 31 December 2017 wereapproved by delegates and Edward F.Molloy & Co. Certified Accountantswere appointed as the Association’sAccountants for 2018.

The General Secretary also made apresentation to delegates outliningthe NEC’s work programme for theyear ahead including as priorityitems, the continued development of

the Associations’ website and journalComhnasc and a review of thefunding of branches. New legislationto enhance the protection ofpersonal data is being introduced on25 May 2018 and a significant projectwill be undertaken in our office toensure that RTAI is fully compliantwith the new legislation.

In a very significant step for theAssociation delegates votedunanimously to incorporate the RTAIas a Company Limited by Guarantee(CLG) with effect from 1 July 2018. Inproposing the motion the GeneralSecretary stated that “This step willgive a corporate identity and legalstatus to RTAI. It will give greaterprotection to our employees, ourfinances and to our officers. It is notonly a practical and prudent move,but an essential step to future proofthe Association as it continues itsonward progression.” In secondingthe motion Mr. Mick Finn reassureddelegates that the transition to a CLGwill be seamless and that there will

be no visible difference from theperspective of ordinary members.

Twelve other resolutions wereadopted by delegates and these areoutlined on pages 14–16 of thisissue.

INTO President Mr. John Boyleaddressed the opening session ofConvention. Historian and author ofKindling the Flame Ms. NiamhPuirséil described how securingpension rights for teachers was oneof the key achievements of the INTOin its early years.

At the conclusion of AnnualConvention Ms. Sheelagh Coyle wasinstalled as President and Mr. MattReville as Vice-President for2018/2019. Ms. Charlotte Maye waselected as the NEC Representativefor District 1and Ms. Eileen McAuliffeas NEC Representative for District 8.

Tributes were paid to Mr. TomBurke and to Ms. Máire Clarke (in herabsence) as both concluded theirterms on the NEC aer many years ofdistinguished service.

Annual Convention 2018

Further progress has been made inreversing the cuts to public servicepensions first introduced on 1 Jan2011.

Since January last 80% of retiredpublic service workers are no longersubject to this levy on their pensions.Those who are exempt include:• all teachers who have retired

since 1 March 2012; and• teachers who retired prior to 1

March 2012 with pensions up to€34,132.

Those still subject to the pensionreduction are those who retiredprior to 1 March 2012 and whosepensions are over €34,132.

This year retirees in this cohortwill see up to €780 restored toannual pension as the exemptionthreshold has been raised to€30,000 i.e. in 2018 the levy of 12%applies to the amount of pensionover €30,000.

Legislation enacted in December2017 provides for two further

phases of pension restoration. From1 January 2019 the exemptionthreshold will rise to €39k andpension up to €54k will be exemptfrom 1 Jan 2020. At that point allretired teachers will have exitedPSPR as no teacher’s pension willexceed these thresholds.

Though the end of this pensionlevy is now in sight the NEC willcontinue to work through the Allianceto have the implementation datesfor full restoration brought forward.

5Spring/Summer 2018

The 25 January 2018 was a very signif-icant day for retired public servants asan increase to serving teachers wasapplied to the pensions of those whoretired since 1 March 2012.

The increase arises from theHaddington Road Agreement whichprovided for a flat increase of €1,000to the teachers’ pay scale, scheduledfor 1 September 2017 but broughtforward to 1 April 2017. This increasehas now been applied pro-rata to thepensions of those who retiredbetween 1 March 2012 and 1 April2017 (teachers who retired since 1April will already have this increasefactored into their pensions.)

The increase with arrears to 1September 2017 was included in thepension payment of 25 Jan 2018.

The real significance of thispayment is that it confirms that thepension/pay link between the retiredteacher and the serving teacher ispreserved. The €1,000 added to thepay scale was the first actual increasein the teachers’ scale since 2008 andit was essential that this increasewould be applied pro rata topensions if parity was to be secured.

Further increases will now followas the Public Service StabilityAgreement (PSSA) explicitly statesthat the pay increases provided for inthe agreement [see Table] will applyto the retired teachers linked to thatscale. We are awaiting confirmationfrom the DES of the date when thispayment will be reflected in pension.When the payment is issued it will bemade retrospective to 1 January2018.

Why is the increase only for thosewho retired since 1 March 2012?The PSSA confirms that the increasesto the scale for serving teachers willalso apply to pensions that are linkedto that scale. However, it is only teach-ers who retired since 1 March 2012whose pensions are linked to thecurrent teachers’ scale. Thesepensions are lower as they are calcu-lated on a salary scale that was subjectto a pay cut prior to retirement. Theinitial benefit will therefore apply tothe post-March 2012 retirees.

Teachers who retired before 1March 2012 have pensions linked tothe previous scale which is higher

than the current salary scale.Accordingly, no immediate benefitwill accrue for pre-March 2012retirees.

However, as the pensions of post-March 2012 retirees increaseprogressively, a point will come whenalignment is achieved between thepensions of pre-March and post-March 2012 retirees. Once alignmentis achieved any subsequentincrease(s) will apply to all pensions inpayment irrespective of the date ofretirement.

Alignment of pensions linked tosalaries of up to €70,000 will besecured during the term of the newagreement. However it will take afurther follow on pay agreementbefore full alignment is achieved (i.e.annual pension over €35,000 will notincrease before the end of 2020.)

Pension Parity

Public Service Pension Reduction [PSPR]

Table: PSSA -Salary Increases1 Jan 2018 1%1 Oct 2018 1%1 Jan 2019 1% (salaries up to €30k only)1 Sept 2019 1.75%1 Jan 2020 0.5% (salaries up to €32k only)1 Oct 2020 2%

6 RTAI Comhnasc

RTAI notes

Is there a limit to the amount ofsubstitute work a retired teachercan undertake?There is no set limit to the amount ofsubstitute work a retired teacher isallowed undertake. However, there isa limit on the amount of salary aretired teacher can earn withoutimpacting on his/her pension.

If earnings exceed a certain thresh-old a corresponding reduction inpension may follow. This is referred toas pension abatement. It is based ona principle that combined earningsfrom the DES, from substitute workand pension cannot be greater than ateacher’s income prior to retirement.

DES Circular 36/2009 states:“Abatement is a standard feature ofpublic service pension schemes andis the mechanism used to ensure thatthe combined earnings (pension pluspay) do not exceed the up-rated pay,on which the pension is based.”

In the past there was a rule ofthumb that the abatement pointwould be reached at around the 90day mark. At that time the rate of pay

for substitute work was significantlyhigher with the rate for non-casualwork (i.e. .more than 40 days subbing)linked to the top point of the scale.This is no longer the case as retiredteachers working as substitutes arenow treated as ‘new entrants’ and arepaid at a lower rate which is linked tothe first point of the scale. Because ofthe lower pay the 90 day rule ofthumb no longer applies.

It is still important however, thatteachers undertaking very substantialamounts of substitute work wouldmonitor their earnings to ensure thattheir pension and substitute earningscombined do not exceed their pre-retirement salary.

The pension abatement principlealso applies when a teacher is engagedin a fixed-term (temporary) capacity.

Rate of pay – Casual substitutedaily rateDES Circular 83/2017 sets outincreases to the salary scales from 1January 2018. There are two substi-tute rates. It is the following lower rate

that applies to retired teachers:€165.96 + €20.51 paid later as holi-

day pay, total €186.47.

Payment for public holidaysPayment in respect of a public holi-day can arise in circumstances wherea person has been employed for aspecified period in the run up to thepublic holiday. For example, if a payslip records a day’s pay for March 17this is not a mistake but signifies thatsufficient substitute work has beendone in the lead up to the public holi-day to warrant payment.

INTO membershipThe RTAI is not a Trade Union andaccordingly it cannot representmembers in relation to matters thatarise in the course of their employ-ment. We highly recommend thatmembers working in schools shouldtake out substitute membership of theINTO. Substitute membership costs€85 per year at present and this willensure access to the protections andservices which the INTO can provide.

Substitute Teaching

A meeting of the Association’s Solidarity Committee tookplace on 20 March last. The committee approved grantsranging from €800 to €3,000 to a total of ten projects.

The activities supported by these projects include theconstruction and refurbishment of classrooms, the provi-sion of school text books and equipment, projects tosupport the retention of vulnerable pupils at school andthe mentoring and training of teachers.

All of the projects have the direct involvement of anRTAI member(s) or are recommended to the Committeeby a member of the Association.

RTAI members will be pleased to note that worthycauses in the following locations will benefit from oursupport:• Mwapona Choma Primary school, Zambia

• Tiira, Busia, South East Uganda• Oltiasika primary school, Kajiado, Kenya• La Sainte Union, Port-au-Prince, Haiti• Hlalele, Lesotho, South Africa• Orphan Ministry, Pemba, Zambia• MFH primary school, Uganda• Haro Jila primary school, Sebeta, Ethiopia• Gambia Ireland Volunteers in Education• Kilkenny Dyslexia Workshop

The members of the Solidarity Committee on this occa-sion were Ms. Sheelagh Coyle (President), Ms. MarjorieMurphy (Dublin North Branch Secretary), Ms. Marian Ryan(Kilkenny Branch Secretary) and Mr. Billy Sheehan.

The criteria governing disbursements from the fund andthe application form are available from [email protected]

Solidarity Fund

7Spring/Summer 2018

The RTAI Bursary winners for 2018 were recentlyannounced. Bursaries are awarded in two categories. InCategory 1 two bursaries of €1,250 are awarded and threebursaries of up to €500 are awarded in Category 2.

The NEC is grateful to all the members who applied thisyear and would like to congratulate in particular the 2018Bursary recipients:

Category 1: Undergraduate/Post-Graduate Studies(2 bursaries)Ms. Noreen Buttimer, Cork. M.Ed. (UCC)Research Dissertation: Action research to exploreteachers understanding of dyslexia and the challengesthey face in identifying, assessing and providing

support for pupils with dyslexia.

Mr. Paddy Madden, Kildare. Ph.D. in Education (TCD)The Research Question: What is the state and status ofnature awareness, appreciation and education in theprimary school system?

Category 2: Other Courses of Study (3 bursaries)Ms. Emer Moran, Dublin. Diploma Person Centred ArtPsychotherapy (Dublin Art Therapy College)

Ms. Éilís Uí Bhraonaín, Kilkenny. Spanish Language &Culture (Instituto Cervantes)

Ms. Maria Doyle, Carlow. Meditation Skills(Drumcondra Education Centre)

RTAI Bursaries 2018

Head Office StaffOur office administrator Ms. SiobhánDesmond who has been with the As-sociation since 2010 is now workingon a part-time basis. Ms. PatriciaByrne has recently commenced workwith the Association also on a part-time basis. We would like to welcomePatricia to the team.

RTAI office hoursThe RTAI Office is open from 9.00 1.00 p.m. and from 2.00 p.m. to4.30 p.m. daily. Asrequested in the lastComhnasc we areasking members whowish to contact us bytelephone to ring inthe morning time. Bydoing so we will beable to respond toeach call on the day it isreceived.

The office will remain open until

4.30 p.m. each day but the priority inthe aernoon switches to other activ-

ities such as meetings withmembers and other agen-

cies and responding toletters and emails

from members.Telephone callsreceived in theaernoon may not

receive a responseuntil the following

morning. Avoid theanswering machine and ring

in the morning where possible!

Ms. Patricia Byrne

Please ring us early!

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9Spring/Summer 2018

RTAI notes

Useful information(a) Tax Rates & Bands 2018Single, widowed, surviving civil partner*: €34,550 @ 20% Balance @ 40%* (without qualifying children)Married or civil partnership (1 income) €43,550 @ 20% Balance @ 40%Married or civil partner (2 incomes) €43,550 @ 20% with increase of €25,550 max** Balance @ 40%** or to the amount of income of the spouse /civil partner with the

lower income.

Exemption LimitsThe income tax exemption limits for persons aged 65years and over are:

Single, widowed, surviving civil partner €18,000Married or civil partnership €36,000

(b) Main Tax CreditsSingle Person €1,650Married/Civil Partner €3,300PAYE credit €1,650Age Credit (from age 65) Single, widowed, surviving civil partner €245 Married or civil partnership €490

(c) USC Rates 2016 2017 2018First €12,012 1% First €12,012 0.5% First €12,012 0.5%Next €6,656 3% Next €6,760 2.5% Next €7,360 2%Next €51,376 5.5% Next €51,272 5% Next €50,672 4.75%Balance 8% Balance 8% Balance 8%

(d) Medical Cards/GP Visit CardsTo qualify for a medical card weekly income must bebelow certain limits.* There is also an income test to besatisfied for a GP Visit Card for persons under age 70.

Aged 70 upwards: Means assessment based on grossweekly income

Single Couple**Medical Card €500 or less €900 or lessGP Visit Card now available to all over 70s

Aged under 70: Means assessment based on net incomei.e. gross income less income tax, PRSI and USC

Single Couple**Medical Card up to age 65 €184 or less €266.50 or lessMedical Card 66-69 €201.50 or less €298 or less

GP Visit Card up to age 65 €276 €400GP Visit Card 66-69 €302 €447

* Income from savings/investments is also taken intoconsideration. However savings/investments of up to €36k for asingle person and €72k for a couple are disregarded.

** The assessment of a couple is based on the age of the olderperson.

Important NoteRTAI information note for guidance only.

For full details consult www.hse.ieor

National Executive Committee (NEC)2018/2019

The members of the NEC for2018/2019 are:

President: Ms. Sheelagh CoyleVice-President: Mr. Matt Reville

Ex-President: Mr. Luke McGinleyDistrict 1: Ms. Charlotte MayeDistrict 2: Ms. Mary KyneDistrict 3: Mr. Brian ManganDistrict 4: Mr. Pádraig S Ó Conaill

District 5: Mr. Joseph CashinDistrict 6: Ms. Mary McCarthyDistrict 7: Mr. Mick FinnDistrict 8: Ms. Eileen McAuliffeGeneral Secretary: Mr. Billy Sheehan

10 RTAI Comhnasc

RTAI Annual Convention 2018


Matt RevilleRTAIVice-President2018/2019

Matt graduated from St. Pat’sCollege, Drumcondra in 1968. Hespent the majority of his teachingcareer in St. Brigid’s BNS Foxrock,retiring as Deputy Principal in2008.

Matt was very active in theINTO throughout his career andwas a former Secretary andCathaoirleach of South Co DublinINTO. He is a member of the BoardOversight Committee, ComharLinn Credit Union.

Matt served as secretary of theRTAI Dublin (South) Branch untilthe recent AGM and he has been amember of the National ExecutiveCommittee for the past five years.

Ms. Sheelagh CoyleRTAI President 2018/2019

Mr. Matt RevilleCarlow delegates Ms. Angela Dunne and Ms. Margaret Keegan

Sheelagh was born in Athloneand attended the Convent ofMercy in Moate, Co. Westmeath.She was trained in CarysfortTraining College from 1966 –1968. She taught for brief periodsin Straffan N.S. Co. Kildare andSacred Heart N.S Roscrea, beforemoving to St. Joseph’s N.S.,Mountmellick where she taughtfrom 1974 -2006.

Sheelagh was a class teacher, aResource Teacher for Travellersand Deputy Principal. From 1998– 1999 she did the diplomacourse in Learning Support in St.Patrick’s College, Drumcondra.

Active in the INTO she waschairperson of Portlaoise INTObranch and represented District10 on the INTO EqualityCommittee until 2008.

Since retiring she has alsobeen active in the Laois RTAIbranch as a committee memberand chairperson of the branch.

She joined the executive of theRTAI in 2010.

Sheelagh has a daughter,Ursula and a son, Feargus. Herhusband, Leo Dunne, died in2012.

Ms. Sheelagh Coyle

11Spring/Summer 2018

Acknowledge experience ofretired teachersMs. Sheelagh Coyle’s first official en-gagement as RTAI President was toaddress the INTO Annual Congress inKillarney. In addition to briefing dele-gates on recent progress on pensionmatters she addressed pay equalityand the current shortage of substituteteachers. The following is an extractfrom her address:

“It is critical to the success of bothorganisations that solidarity and in-tergenerational support is main-tained. Our members have a keen in-terest in your campaign for pay equal-isation. We applaud your executive forwhat has been achieved to date andwe have full confidence that the INTOwill bring this vital campaign forequal treatment to a successful con-clusion.

There is a pay anomaly for ourmembers that I would like to bring toyour attention. Our Association isacutely aware of the current shortage

of substitute teachers. Many of ourmembers are being implored to helpout in this crisis. They understand thatthey must comply with registrationand vetting requirements and arehappy to do so.

However, they are dismayed whenthey receive payment to discover thatthey are treated as new graduates en-tering the profession with salarybased on the lower scale. It is not the

amount of money that is at issue butrather the fact that experience gainedover an entire career is simply ig-nored. If encouraging the return of re-tired colleagues is part of a temporarysolution to a staffing shortage then ac-knowledging their experience insalary terms is essential.”

Ms. Coyle’s full address to INTOCongress is available

Sheelagh Coyle addresses INTOAnnual Congress

Mr. Billy Sheehan, General SecretaryMs. Niamh Puirséil, historian and


Golf ‘n’ Tees

12 RTAI Comhnasc

RTAI Annual Convention 2018

INTO determined to progressbenchmarking

INTO President’s address to Convention In a comprehensive address to Convention INTOPresident Mr. John Boyle outlined the challenge facingthe INTO to secure full pay equality for recentgraduates. He also addressed the long outstandingpublic service benchmarking award:

“I am aware that retired principals in particular feelaggrieved that the independent award made by the

second public service benchmarking body was notpaid while they were in service. INTO is determined toprogress this issue and will strive to bring the benefitto retired principals and deputy principals. Lobbyingon this issue will come in to sharp focus before thesummer. We will appreciate your participation in thelobbying.”

Ms. Sheila Cahill, FinancialSupervisory Committee

INTO PresidentMr. John Boyle

Interested in joining a mixed primary teachers Golf Society?Catering for teachers and retired teachers.Ten outings per annum in the vicinity of Dublin.Away trips once a year.New members welcome.

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Ms. Eileen McManus Dublin South

13Spring/Summer 2018

Coloma College ClosureTo mark the 40th Anniversary of theclosure of Coloma College, a reunionin Croydon/West Wickham isplanned for Sat 29 Sept 2018.For further information pleasecontact Carmel on 086-2341864 orMaura on 087-9153729

Carysfort College ClosureTo mark the 30th Anniversary of theclosure of Carysfort College twoevents will take place on Sat 10November 2018. There will be anevent in the aernoon in Carysfortand a dinner that evening in theTalbot Hotel Stillorgan. Numbers willbe limited particularly for the dinnerthat evening. If you wish to attendeither or both events, please email an

expression of interest to [email protected] (Jim Dempsey &Tony Gallagher class of 1986.)

Carysfort Graduation class of 1968This year marks the Golden Jubilee ofour Graduation. If you are interestedin celebrating this occasion byattending a reunion in the Autumnplease contact: Bernie Sullivan (neeMoriarty) [email protected] or Kathleen [email protected] 086-8142612

Carysfort Reunion Class of 1971 –197345th Anniversary ReunionDate: Saturday 28 April 2018, meeting@ 3.30 p.m.Venue: Teachers’ Club,

Parnell Square Dublin.Class of 1970 and 1974 also mostwelcome to join us.For further details and to ascertainnumbers, please contactBernadette Murtagh @ 087-7561919or [email protected]

St. Patrick’s, Drumcondra Class of196850th Anniversary reunionDate: Wed, 10 October 2018Venue: Club na MúinteoiríFor further information, contact:[email protected] 31 May, 2018

Please enclose contact details,including email and phone contactnumber.


An Post Launches Stamp to Commemorate INTO 150An Post has launched a postage stampto mark 150 years (1868 – 2018) ofthe INTO. Representatives of the INTO,were at the GPO in Dublin for thelaunch.

The €1 stamp’s design references

the INTO’s anniversary in a piece ofcursive handwriting within the tradi-tional guide lines. INTO PresidentJohn Boyle said that the issuing of thestamp marked a welcome recognitionby the state of INTO’s work for teach-

ers and for education over 150 years.He said that the featuring of handwrit-ing in the design was a reminder ofthe commitment of INTO’s first Presi-dent, Vere Foster, to clarity of expres-sion.

14 RTAI Comhnasc

Company Limited by Guarantee(CLG)Convention notes:(a) that Annual Convention 2017

agreed that a resolution toestablish a Company Limited byGuarantee (CLG) should be put tothe 2018 Convention;

(b) that our legal advice recommendsthat incorporating the Associationas a Company Limited byGuarantee without share capital isthe most suitable approach forthe Association;

(c) that in order to comply with IrishCompany Law, the existing Rulesand Constitution has beenconverted to a Memorandum ofUnderstanding and Articles ofAssociation;

(d) that in addition to incorporatingour current Rules and Constitutionthe Memorandum and Articlescontain some additional non-discretionary provisions that arerequired by law; and

(e) that the existing Rules &Constitution will be retained asthe Association’s bye-laws togovern operational matters notcovered in the Articles &Memorandum;

and resolves:(i) that the Association incorporate

as a Company Limited byGuarantee (CLG) with effect from1 July 2018; and

(ii) that the delegates to AnnualConvention 2018 (with theirindividual agreement) wouldcomprise the initial membershipof the company.

Medical CardsConvention demands that, in thecontext of the ongoing phasedrestoration of benefits that wereremoved during the financialemergency, a full medical card beautomatically granted to allcitizens on reaching the age ofseventy.

Public Service BenchmarkingConvention:(a) calls on the RTAI/INTO to demand

the payment of the BenchmarkingAward, outstanding sinceSeptember 2008, to all Principalsand Deputy Principals includingretired Principals and DeputyPrincipals; and

(b) instructs the NEC to initiate andconduct a campaign, including apublicity campaign, inconjunction with the INTO, toachieve this.

Rights of Older CitizensAt a time when life expectancy isincreasing, with new needs andpossibilities for the older generation,

Annual Convention 2018

Mr. Mick Finn (NEC)

Mr. Derry Keogh (Cork)

Ms. Marjorie Murphy (Dublin N.) Mr. Pádraig Cunnane (Mayo)

15Spring/Summer 2018

Convention demands that theExecutive join with other PublicService retired groups to seek toinfluence national policies to meetthe needs of the older generation andto present a more positive image ofthe potential of older people tocontribute to society rather than thecurrent perception of being a drain onthe state’s resources.

Convention calls on the Minister forMental Health and Older People to:(a) address the need for greater

intergenerational and socialinteraction for people inretirement communities and inthe broader community; and

(b) urges the Minister to work withthe other relevant GovernmentDepartments in order to achievethis.

Association FinancesConvention instructs the NEC:(i) to establish a committee

representative of the NEC, FSCand Branches to review thefunding of branches including the

current model of allocating funds;(ii) to invite branches to make

submissions/proposals to thecommittee in regard to theirfunding requirements;

(iii) to seek a report andrecommendations from thecommittee for consideration atthe November 2018 NEC meeting;and

(iv) to submit motion(s) forConvention 2019 to implementany changes that may result fromthe review.

Convention demands that Rule 28Kbe amended to read: “All paymentsfrom branch funds shall be made bycheque or debit transaction, signedby 2 of 3 authorised signatories”.

Convention agrees that the allocationto the Solidarity Fund be increased totwo euro per member per annum.

Membership RecruitmentConvention demands that the RTAIundertake a vigorous recruitmentcampaign.

– Resolutions adopted

Ms. Julie O’Connor (Kerry) Ms. Eileen Burns (Westmeath)

Mr. Joe Cashin (NEC)

Mr. Frank Brennan (Offaly)

Mr . Brian Mangan (NEC)

16 RTAI Comhnasc

Ms. Doris Clements (Sligo) Mr. Luke McGinley Mr. Séamus Long (Limerick)

Our Annual Convention hasdecided that the Associationshould adopt a more active role inrecruiting new members.

As part of this strategy we hadan information stand at the recentINTO Congress. Activists from the

Kerry Branch joined members ofthe NEC in scouting for newmembers!

Pictured: Ms. Bríd Cronin,Ms. Sheelagh Coyle and

Ms. Máiread Uí Bhrosnacháin.

Pay equalisationConvention notes:(i) that all teachers appointed

since 1 February 2012 are on alower pay scale than teachersappointed prior to that date;

(ii) that significant progress hasbeen made in addressing thisissue but nonetheless a two tierstructure remains in place;and calls on the NEC to supportthe INTO campaign for therestoration of a single pay scale.

Private Health InsuranceConvention calls on the NEC to demandthat full income Tax Relief be allowableon Private Health Insurance Premiums.

Private PensionsConvention instructs the NationalExecutive Committee to make repre-sentations to Government seeking areduction in the imputed distributionrates (currently 4% and 5%) which areapplied to Approved RetirementFunds (ARFs) and Approved Minimum

Retirement Funds (AMRFs) forIncome Tax, PRSI and USC purposes.

Convention instructs the NEC to makerepresentations to Government seek-ing improved transparency and greaterregulatory control with regard to thehigh cost of commissions and manage-ment fees applied to private pensionfunds including Additional VoluntaryContribution (AVC) Funds, PensionRelated Savings Accounts (PRSAs) andApproved Retirement Funds (ARFs).

A léitheoirí, a chairde,An mbeadh cóipeanna ag éinne agaibh deleabhairíní áirithe a chuir an tAthair PádruigBreathnach CM (1848–1930) in eagar doscoileanna siar sna 1920í?

Tá Taisce Cheol Dúchais Éireann( ag iarraidh cnuasach iomlána dhéanamh des na 1,000 amhrán agus tuil-

leadh, idir amhráin i nGaeilge agus amhráinmBéarla, a chuir sé i gcló do Brún & ÓNualláin idir 1904 agus 1926. Ach tá roinntdes na foilseacháin sin nár bhailigh anLeabharlann Naisiúnta nó leabharlannamóra eile na tíre, agus nach bhfuil teachtagainn orthu.

Na leabhairíní atá i gceist ná: Music of

the Gael uimh. 1–3 agus an leaganméadaithe de Mo Cheólaidhe. Ba mhór linné dá bhféadfaimís iasacht des nafoilseacháin sin a fháil chun iad a scannáil.Buíochas,Nicholas Carolan, Irish Traditional MusicArchive, 73 Merrion Square, Dublin 2(086-805 1761 or [email protected])

Ceol na nGael

Recruitment of members

RTAI Annual Convention 2018

Kindling the Flame: 150 Years of theINTO chronicles and marks the life ofthe INTO since its formal beginningsin 1868. It is a major contribution tothe INTO 150 celebrations.

Bans on organisingThe publication traces the INTO’shistory as Ireland’s longest-estab-lished, largest and only all- islandteachers’ union. From the start,organisation of teachers wasopposed and even forbidden. Boththe Education Commissioners andthe Catholic hierarchy put bans inplace at various times. Despite this,and with the assistance of Vere Fosteras an external president in its early

days, the INTO survived andgrew in strength throughoutthe 19th century.

Into the 20th century,teachers took on a new andmore varied, child-centredschool programme. Between1912 and 1920, the INTO alsohad its first female president,registered as a trade union,elected its first full-timegeneral secretary and foughta wide range of campaignsboth on individual cases andon pay and conditions.

Marriage ban and strikesIn the early years of Irish

independence, the INTO had to fighton several fronts, against themarriage bar on women teachers andopposing pay and pensions cuts inthe new state. The struggles laterculminated in significant INTO eventssuch as the lengthy 1946 strike, thecampaign for pay parity with post-primary teachers, and opposition tothe take-over of school principalshipsby members of religious orders (theissue in the famous Ballina dispute).

Niamh Puirséil’s book goes on toanalyse events in more recent historyincluding the John McGahern sacking

17Spring/Summer 2018

Kindling the FlameINTO 150 Year History (1868 – 2018)

John Coolahan, Professor Emeritus of Education, National University ofIreland, Maynooth, Niamh Puirséil, historian and author, and Noel Ward,

INTO Deputy General Secretary

Kindling the Flame – 150 Years ofthe Irish National Teachers’

Organisation (Dublin: Gill Books,2017) is available from Easons and


Comhar Linn Prize Winners DrawTwo retired

teachers havewon the top

prize of a newcar in recentComhar Linn


to Ms. RoseSullivan (Co.

Louth) and Mr.Peadar ÓFearghaill(Tallaght)pictured.

18 RTAI Comhnasc

(1960s), the introduction of degreestatus for teachers (1970s) and thera of education reviews (1980s).Significant INTO leaders are coveredas are disputes including the 1985pay campaign under the banner of‘Teachers United’.

Today’s position and northerneventsThe story of the INTO is brought up todate in the context of the financial

crisis of recent years, with a briefoutline of challenges facing theOrganisation today.

A unique feature of the book is thatit contains two chapters tracingINTO’s work in Northern Ireland sincepartition and the particular challengesfaced by the Organisation for its verysurvival, and then progress, there.

Tribute to the studyProfessor John Coolahan acted as

advisor throughout the researchingand writing of Kindling the Flame.

In paying tribute to Niamh Puirséiland her work he said of the publica-tion: “The study is very wellresearched and is objectively written.In a succinct form, it covers a hugecanvas of events, and is located wellwithin the political, economic, socialand cultural context of its era. Itslaunch should be a major celebratoryevent for the INTO”.

Members’ Competition – Kindling the FlameTo win a copy of the new history of the INTO please answer the following question:

The longest serving INTO General Secretary was in officefor almost 33 years. Who was he ?Answers by email to [email protected] or by mail to RTAI, 35 Parnell Square, Dublin 1by Fri 18 May 2018.

19Spring/Summer 2018

The Alexander Technique gets its namefrom Frederick Matthias Alexander(1869-1955). It is a self-help, mind/bodyapproach to the way in which we use ourbodies to stand, sit and move andperform everyday activities with greaterease. It is a method for developingconscious ‘use’ of ourselves in all theactivities of living. Alexander believedthat the mind and body work together ina unified way, which nowadays is a well-accepted fact, but not so at the end of

the 19th century!It is not a therapy or a treatment but a

re-education. It teaches self-awarenessof habits and suggests choices in howbetter we can ‘use’ ourselves to relievestress, strain, tension, pain etc as we goabout our everyday lives. It improvesposture, balance, poise and co-ordina-tion and has proven helpful to sufferersof a wide range of ailments includingvoice and breathing related disorders,stress induced illnesses e.g. headaches.When practised regularly it promotescalmness in mind and body. It appeals tosingers, actors, dancers and musicians,as it helps greatly with performance.

I started lessons in the AlexanderTechnique in 2006 due to long termchronic back pain. I had spent the previ-ous 27 years trying to get relief fromconventional medicine and every type ofcomplementary medicine I came across.While I got great support and relief fromsome wonderful people, I wasn’t fullyaddressing what I was doing to

contribute to my pain. In full timeteaching and rearing a family andmost of the time in pain, I decided tojob share in 2006. It was then I cameacross a teacher of the AlexanderTechnique and I began taking privatelessons.

I experienced pain relief from thefirst lesson and more importantlyguidance and knowledge in how tohelp myself. Within a short time I haddecided to plan for early retirementand train as an Alexander Technique

Rewiring – not Retiring,with the

Alexander Technique!By Margaret Maher (Tipperary Branch)

Where thehumanmachinery isconcernedNature does notwork in parts,but treatseverythingas a whole

F.M. Alexander

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21Spring/Summer 2018

teacher. I retired in Feb 2015 andstarted my training in September ofthe same year. I am now in my 3rdyear and hope to graduate in March2019.

What I love most about the tech-nique is that it has given me the ‘tools’to help myself e.g. the semi-supinelying down position which helpsrelease muscle tension and pain,learning to sit/stand and do everydayactivities with more ease. I can use itanytime/anywhere and it has put memore in control of my own healing. It’snot a magic cure all (what is!) but I amnow living a fuller life with much lesspain. I am more energetic and feel acalmness that permeates mind andbody. I had a serious injury to my necka few years ago and I believe were itnot for the technique I’d still be ingreat pain.

The Alexander Technique couldand should play a role in our educa-tion system, not least in helping to

make our school furniture more suit-able for children who have to remainseated for so much of the school day.It would also help them to becomeaware of how they ‘use’ themselves intheir everyday lives and make themconscious of any harmful habits andhow they could help themselves. Iwould like to do some work in thisarea when I am trained.

I attend the Alexander TechniqueTeacher training college in Galway, theonly one of its kind in Ireland. It wasestablished in 1998 and attractsstudents and visiting Alexanderteachers from across theglobe. It’s a full timecourse taking1600 hours tocomplete butit’s no chore as Iabsolutely love it.Far from being‘retired’, I feelrenewed and ‘rewired’.

For more please visit

Alexander established not only thebeginnings of a far reaching science of

the apparently involuntary movements wecall reflexes, but a technique of correctionand self-control which forms a substantialaddition to our very slender resources inpersonal education.

“ “

George Bernard Shaw

…give the child poise and thereasoned control of his physicalbeing, and you fit him for any and everymode of life; he will have wonderfulpowers of adapting himself to any andevery environment that may surroundhim F.M. Alexander

22 RTAI Comhnasc

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23Spring/Summer 2018

A draw for €100.00 will be made from all correct entries. Simply complete the crossword and send to: Comhnasc,R.T.A.I., Vere Foster House, 35 Parnell Square, Dublin 1, before close of business on 18 May 2018


1 Measure speed or quality. (4)3. With animals its husbandry,

but with humans its just class!(8)

9. A way to listen into privatephone calls. (7)

10. Put this on before going out. (5)11. A good or bad smell. (5)12. Finally get there! (6)14. This magazine’s boss! (6)16.What is 10 Across made from?

(6)19. Supernatural? (6)21. Behaviour unbecoming! (5)24. May refer to the hip bone but

sounds almost like it belongsto Homer! (5)

25. Subatomic particle that canalso be a star! (7)

26.When in Rome, not one of thehoi polloi! (8)

27. Spin around rapidly. (4)

Down1 Gauntly built. (8)2. The main part of a body. (5)4. One of the rougher cutting

tools. (6)5. Not a younger lemon! (5)6. Freeze Solid! (3,4)7. Flow or speak rapidly.(4)8. It makes sound seem to come

from all around you! (6)13. Can be a ship or a sherry glass.

(8)15. A bit of a slope. (7)17. An ancient calculator. (6)18. Averse. (6)20. Not my Auntie! (5)22. One measurement that we all

might appreciate beingreduced! (5)

23. Not a lot! Tiny even! (4)

Comhnasc Crossword 24

Scribble Pad


Winner ofCrossword No. 23Mairéad MhicChraith, Castlecomer,Co. Kilkenny.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


9 10

11 12


14 15 16 17


19 20 21 22


24 25

26 27


Branch Secretaries’ ConferenceSave the date 20 Sept 2018

A meeting of RTAI branch secretaries will take place in the Gresham Hotel O'Connell Street, Dublinon Thurs 20 September 2018.

Further details will be issued to participants in August.

* Source: Cornmarket customer feedback, December 2017. Cornmarket Group Financial Services Ltd. is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. A member of the Irish Life Group Ltd. which is part of the Great-West Lifeco Group of companies.


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