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January 2019

Dear Sir

The 114th

Annual General Meeting of Lisburn Golf Club

will be held in the Clubhouse

on Monday 21st January 2019 at 8.00pm.


1. Apologies (Please submit apologies to the Club Office prior to meeting or when signing meeting attendance register)

2. Minutes of the 113th

Annual General Meeting held on Monday 22nd

January 2018. (Appendix 1, pages 4–6)

3. Minutes of the Special General Meeting held on Tuesday 13th

November 2018. (Appendix 2, page 7)

4. 2018 Council Report (Appendix 3, pages 8–15)

5. 2018 Annual Accounts (Appendix 4, pages 16–20)

6. Recommendation of Council for 2019 Annual Subscriptions (Appendix 5, page 21)

7. Resolutions proposed by Council (Appendix 6, pages 22-23)

8. Resolutions proposed by Members (Appendix 7, page 23)

9. Election of Captain

10. Election of Vice Captain

11. Election of Honorary Secretary

12. Election of Honorary Treasurer

13. Election of Assistant Honorary Treasurer

14. Election of Council Members

15. Any other Business.



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Appendix 1

Minutes of the 113th Annual General Meeting of Lisburn Golf Club Held in the Clubhouse on Monday 22nd January 2018 at 8.00pm

The Captain, Mr. Ivor Walker welcomed all attendees and asked that the Notice convening the meeting should be taken as read. This was proposed by R. Hope, seconded by I. MacDonnell and agreed.

1. APOLOGIES: The following apologies were received: A. Crawford, F. McDonnell, S. Moore, C. Scott, S. Jeffers, C. Black, T. Parker, R. Watson, T, Parkes, D. Tully, J. Roulston, D.B. Wilson, J. Kelso, J. Cunningham, F. Frayne, M. Cockram, B. Patterson, J. Gilliland, P. MacDonnell, T. Hague, S. McElrea, J. Burns, H. Shellard, S. Szymura, P. Pim, G. Harper. The attendance register was signed by 101 members.

2. MINUTES: The Minutes of the 112

th Annual General Meeting, which took place on Monday 22

nd January 2017, were accepted and approved

on the proposal of D. McAlpine, seconded by R. Stewart.

3. COUNCIL’S REPORT: The Captain referred members to the 2017 Council Report which had been included in the AGM Report Document. The report was adopted on the proposal of J. Dale, seconded by E. Taylor.

4. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: The Honorary Treasurer, Joe Davey referred the members to the statement of Club accounts in the Annual Report. As per previous years, these were presented in a format which was more detailed and transparent than the statutory requirement and a comprehensive commentary was also included for the benefit of members. A correction was advised to Note 3 – Cash resources. The Honorary Treasurer provided an accounts overview as follows: The Club achieved a surplus of £147.8K for the 16/17 financial year. This included the VAT refund on Green Fees (£101.4K fees & £34.6k interest) and two exceptional items: insurance claim proceeds of £14.3k and compensation of £4.2k from N.I. Water for pipe laying across Club property. Excluding these items, the trading position for the Club was a £6.8k deficit. Deficit causal factors included subscription and entrance fee income £20k down on budget and Bar contribution down by £10.9k compared to last year. The Cash flow plan for the year had been to generate £143.5k with capital expenditures of £185k and debt repayments of £19.8k, thus reducing cash deposits by £61k to finish at £82k. The actual outturn was £256.3k cash generation with £193.3k capital expenditure, which included a Compliance Levy offset of £29k for compliance work content on the ‘old house’ project. Hire Purchase of £50.7k was taken out to fund some of the expenditures and this reduced to a balance of £44.7k by end of year. Debt repayment of £13.6k reduced the term loan for the Greenkeeper’s shed to £190k and the Carbon Trust Loan was paid off at £6.8k. The Club’s cash deposits increased in the financial year from £143.1k to £248.4k leaving the Club in a strong position. The Honorary Treasurer advised members the 2017/18 budget included allowance for wage increases through the term, but this may come under pressure due to possible minimum wage legislation. The Honorary Treasurer further advised under the terms of the Levy Scheme approved at the 2014 AGM, the levy charge of £50, being the fifth instalment of the five year agreement, will be included on subscription invoices. The Social Supplement will remain at £0 and the discretionary family discount rate will remain at 0% due to recent reductions in youth subscriptions. In conclusion, the Club has a strong cash position but in order to produce a small surplus, there must be a focus on meeting the budgeted income for subscriptions and entrance fees. Other factors may also affect the Club in the future such as the possible reduction in the percentage of rate rebate currently applied to the Club and the outcome of the RHI enquiry. In response to a query from G. Bailie regarding potential VAT on retained competition entry fees, the Honorary Treasurer agreed this matter was still to be resolved, however he had written to HMRC stating that under VAT rules, Lisburn G.C. as a properly constituted sports club qualified as an exempt ‘eligible body’ and this is where the matter stood at present. On the proposal of the Honorary Treasurer, seconded by T. Dougherty, the Club Accounts were approved by the meeting. The Honorary Treasurer recommended the re-appointment of Maguire & Farry as Club Auditors and this was agreed.

5. RECOMMENDATION OF COUNCIL FOR ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS 2018. The Honorary Treasurer outlined the proposed changes to annual subscriptions for the coming year under Club Rule 11. These were as detailed in the annual report. The proposal was seconded by D. McAlpine and passed by the meeting. A summary of the annual subscriptions approved for 2018 is as follows:

Category Member Associate Ordinary / Concession £970 £720 Ordinary (Under 30) £873 £648 Ordinary (Under 29) £776 £576 Ordinary (Under 28) £679 £504 Ordinary (Under 27) £582 £432 Ordinary (Under 26) £485 £360 Ordinary (State pension age & 10 years membership) £725 £565 Ordinary (State pension age + 15 years & 40 years membership) £210 £160

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Five Day Members £585 Veteran Members £200 Country £500 £350 Under 25 Members £350 £350 Junior & Juvenile Members £150 £150 Non-Playing Members £ 90 £ 90 House Members £ 10 £ 10

6. RESOLUTIONS PROPOSED BY COUNCIL. The Captain referred the members to the resolutions as advised in the Annual Report. Resolution 1 – To introduce a new juvenile ‘Cadet’ category. The Captain referred to the recent success of the juvenile ‘cadet scheme’ organised by the Juvenile Convenor G. Walsh. The Captain summarised the rationale behind this resolution to introduce a new membership category so the Club could capitalise on the success of the scheme. The resolution comprised changes to several rules and the Captain sought permission of the meeting to take these changes en-bloc. This was agreed and the resolution was proposed by the Captain on behalf of Council. The resolution was seconded by M. Jamieson and passed by the meeting. Resolution 2 – To introduce an age and service related discount for members who joined after 5

th March 2006.

The Captain referred members to the rationale stated in the AGM booklet and to the changes in golf and golf membership during the period since the removal of discounts for members who joined after the specified date. Membership levels had declined, waiting lists were of the past, the high discount differentials had been addressed and the Club wanted to pro-actively address the situation before any adverse membership effects were experienced. This proposal was therefore to restore the normality of age discounts and enhance the potential retention of future affected members. In response to a query from K. Smyth, the Captain confirmed two of the first three members affected by the current rule had since left the Club. In response to a query from P. Cairns, the Honorary Secretary advised the current level of age related discount would not be granted as some of the reasons for removing the discount still had residual effects. The resolution was then proposed by the Captain on behalf of Council. The resolution was seconded by D. Wightman and approved by the meeting.

7. ELECTION OF PRESIDENT: Captain Ivor Walker addressed the members and stated the next item was to elect a new President. The Captain expressed thanks to outgoing President David Tinsley. He had been a great help representing the Club at various matches and his support, friendship and social contact was much appreciated. The Captain then invited the President to address the meeting and propose the new President. The outgoing President congratulated the Captain on a very successful year and it had been his honour and privilege to serve the Club. He had appreciated the support and courtesy extended by members and Club staff and he was delighted to have served with Ken Haslem and Ivor Walker who were both dedicated Captains and to have worked with Councils who always made decisions with the member’s best interests in mind. He was pleased to see the Juvenile section thriving with some currently outstanding players. He concluded by expressing thanks to prior President Andrew Crawford for his nomination in 2016 and thanked all the Officers, Council members, staff and members for their support during his term of office. The outgoing President then nominated Alan Lowry as President for the term 2018-2019. Alan had been a member of the Club for over 40 years and had achieved a handicap of 3. He had played in the Ulster Boys and had represented the Club on many teams including the Ulster Cup. He had served Council including a term as Membership Convenor and was elected Club Captain in 2002. Alan’s nomination was seconded by R. Stewart MBE and with the approval of the meeting, the Captain declared Alan Lowry elected as President. The new President thanked the outgoing President for his nomination, R. Stewart for seconding and the members for their approval. He looked forward to serving the members in his new role. The President then recalled D. Tinsley and presented him with his Club portrait as a memento of his term in Office.

8. ELECTION OF CAPTAIN The Captain Ivor Walker congratulated Alan Lowry on his appointment as President. The Captain then addressed the members and said he had thoroughly enjoyed his term of office and would miss his role serving the Club. He had been made very welcome when visiting other clubs and had been shown respect and courtesy by Club members. He had particularly enjoyed following and supporting Club teams and expressed his sincere thanks to his fellow Officers, Council members, members and staff of the Club. The Captain then declared all Offices vacant and invited the President to conduct election of the new Captain. The President expressed thanks to the outgoing Captain on behalf of the Club and invited the Captain to nominate his successor. The outgoing Captain said it gave him great pleasure to nominate his Vice Captain, David McDowell as incoming Captain. David had joined the Club in its early years at Blaris but due to work, had taken a five year break and then re-joined in around sixteen years ago. He had since been very active in Club teams both captaining and playing. He was a good all round sportsman having also been involved in local football and cricket teams and would prove an excellent Captain of the Club. The proposal was seconded by C. Jeffers and with the approval of the meeting, the President declared David McDowell elected as Captain 2018.. The incoming Captain thanked his proposer and seconder and said it was an honour and privilege to have been elected and looked forward to serving and representing the Club to his best ability. He referred to the support of his family, particularly his wife Sandra and to his parents for the encouragement they had always given him. He also referred to his close sporting friends and mentors. He concluded by wishing good luck for the teams and team Captains, congratulated the new Juvenile Captain Kyle Patton and to the Ladies Section particularly Julie Robinson as the incoming Ladies Captain. The Captain then recalled I. Walker and presented him with his Club portrait as a memento of his term in Office and a Past Captain’s tie.

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9. ELECTION OF VICE CAPTAIN The Captain advised it was his pleasure to propose the election of Chris Davis as Vice Captain. Chris was also an excellent sportsman having played cricket as well as golf. He had first met Chris at Woodvale Cricket Club and they had enjoyed competing against each other over many years. Chris was well known as a local Bank Manager and has been a member of the Club for around 14 years. He has also played on Club teams and had served on Council including a term as Bar Convenor. The proposal was seconded by Derek Gallagher and after a short commentary by J. Dale, the meeting approved the nomination and the Captain declared Chris Davis elected as Vice Captain for 2018. The incoming Vice Captain congratulated the Captain on his appointment. He thanked the Captain for his nomination and thanked D. Gallagher for seconding this. It was a huge honour for him and he would be delighted to support the Captain through the coming year. Following election of the Vice Captain, at this junction, the Captain sought permission to carry out the voting procedure for new Council Members and this was approved by the meeting. 10. ELECTION OF HONORARY SECRETARY The Captain stated the incumbent Honorary Secretary was a dedicated Officer and few could understand the work he carried out for the Club and his knowledge of Club affairs. It was therefore his great pleasure to propose the re-election of Noel Robinson as Honorary Secretary. This was seconded by T. Scott and with the approval of the meeting, the Captain declared Noel Robinson re-elected. The Honorary Secretary congratulated the President, Captain and Vice Captain on their election and thanked the meeting for his re-election. 11. ELECTION OF HONORARY TREASURER The Captain stated the incumbent Honorary Treasurer was a also a dedicated member and although he had only served one year in the post, had already made an outstanding contribution to the Club’s financial affairs. It was therefore his pleasure to propose the re-election of Joe Davey as Honorary Treasurer. This was seconded by J. Millward and with the approval of the meeting, the Captain declared Joe Davey re-elected. The Honorary Treasurer also congratulated the prior officers on their election, thanked the meeting for his re-election. 12. ELECTION OF ASSISTANT HONORARY TREASURER The Captain announced as per recent custom, Council recommended the post of Assistant Honorary Treasurer would not be filled and this was agreed by the meeting. 13. ELECTION OF COUNCIL MEMBERS The Captain again thanked the retiring Council Members including the President D. Tinsley, Immediate Past Captain K. Haslem, R. McDermott, S. Moore, N. Patton, R. Stewart and G. Walsh. There were seven Council vacancies to be filled and eleven nominations had been received: Chris Budd, Ken Haslem, Gavin Hawkins, Richard Leathem, Sam Moore, Norman McNellis, Michael Rooney, Neil Roulston, Chris Scott, Roy Stewart and Glenn Walsh. The Captain advised the meeting that the excessive number of vacancies arising this year had to be addressed or a similar situation would repeat in three years. This may require an early stand-down by some of the newly elected members at the end of the year and this had already been advised to and agreed by those involved. At the request of the Captain, this course of action was endorsed by the meeting. A ballot of members in accordance with Club Rules was held and on receipt of the result from appointed tellers, the Captain stated Ken Haslem, Gavin Hawkins, Richard Leathem, Sam Moore, Norman McNellis, Neil Roulston and Glenn Walsh had been duly elected. The Captain extended congratulations to the incoming members of Council and appreciated the commitment made by all those who had stood. It was hoped that those not elected would stand again in the future. 14. ANY OTHER BUSINESS Maurice Henderson addressed the meeting with regard to the Compliance and Development items noted in the Council report. In response, the Captain assured the meeting that the items concerned were still very much in the planning stage and that Council would not be making any financial or other commitments before members were fully consulted and informed. Nor would any major works commence without the formal agreement of members at a General Meeting. Being no further business, the Captain declared the Meeting closed at 9.30pm and in time honoured tradition, invited members to join him at the Bar for refreshment. __________________________ ________________________ N.R.F. Robinson I.R. Walker Hon. Secretary. Captain

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Appendix 2

Minutes of the Special General Meeting Held in the Clubhouse on Tuesday 13th November 2018 at 8.00pm

The Chairman Mr. Ivor McCandless welcomed all attendees and asked that the Notice convening the meeting should be taken as read and this was agreed. This was a Special General Meeting convened after requisition by Clive Black. The Chairman advised attendees there were copies of four documents on the seats for member’s attention. These included the meeting requisition, Council's response and the Minutes of two Special Council meetings held in September. The Chairman then invited Mr. Black to address the meeting. Mr. Black advised members the purpose of the meeting was to find out the procedures taken by Council to deal with the incident that took place on 31

st August involving the restaurant Manageress. He stated a petition

raised by John Dale caused Council to review their original decision, however he felt that members had a right to have a full explanation on what had happened. He stated he would like to see changes made to procedures so that things like this are dealt with properly and believed the meeting was the right course and after tonight the divisions in the club will begin to heal. The Honorary Secretary then read the Council's response to the requisition and advised an event had occurred at the Club when the Restaurant Manageress had been unprofessional and disrespectful to the Captain. The Captain subsequently advised the Honorary Secretary that the attitude and behaviour of the Manageress was unacceptable and he wished to pursue the matter. A meeting was arranged with the General Manager and her employer, Albert Neely trading as Greenview Restaurant. Mr. Neely was advised of events and although Mrs. McCambley was a member of the Club, she was acting as an employee of Greenview. As such, the Club had no right or recourse to address her directly in any capacity. Mr. Neely was advised a special Council Meeting would be convened urgently to make Council aware of the event, the current meeting and to consider if Mrs. McCambley remained acceptable as Manageress as required under the Catering Contract clause 3e). Implementation of clause 3e) would then be ratified or rejected by Council. A Council meeting was convened the same evening and the implementation of Clause 3e) was confirmed by Council. Implementation of this clause meant that Mrs. McCambley could no longer act as Manageress but may still be employed by Greenview Catering. This decision was advised to Mr. Neely by the General Manager the following morning. The Minutes of this Meeting on 4

th September were duly approved and published and were available to

the members at the SGM for their information. Following implementation of Council’s decision, concerns regarding Mrs. McCambley’s status had been expressed by a number of members and a requisition to call a Special General Meeting seeking the reinstatement of the Manageress had also been submitted. Although the procedures followed by Council were in accordance with the contract which had been agreed and signed by Greenview Catering and there had been no objection to Mrs. McCambley’s continuing employment with Greenview, Council acknowledged the member concerns expressed. Another special Council meeting was convened on 12

th September to review the situation. At this meeting, a letter from Albert

Neely requesting mediation on the matter was read. In the interest of Club harmony and all concerned, Council agreed a delegation would attend a meeting with Mr. Neely, facilitated by a neutral party. The Minutes of the Extraordinary Council Meeting on 12

th September were also approved and published for the record and were also now presented to the members at

the SGM for their information. A meeting was subsequently held on 18th

September and after detailed discussion, an agreement was reached with Greenview Catering enabling Jane McCambley to resume her position as Manageress. As a result and as agreed at that meeting, a notice was posted on the Club notice board confirming to members that the matter was resolved.

Following the Honorary Secretary’s statement on behalf of Council, Mr. Black then asked a number of questions and these were responded to by the Honorary Secretary as the nominated Council representative. Several queries were also raised by the floor and these were responded to by the Honorary Secretary. At this point the Captain came to the front. In response to some of the earlier member questions, he stated there was never any question of Jane’s continuing employment or her membership status. The Captain described the events on the evening of 31

st August and although it had been dealt with as a contractual matter, he

admitted that things could have been done better and following Jane’s reinstatement on 22nd

September, he agreed with Mr. Black’s opening statement and hoped that following this meeting, the Club would move forward in a positive way. The Chairman asked Clive Black to sum up. Mr. Black stated he was disappointed that Albert has since resigned and the future of catering at Lisburn G.C. was under question. He stated the Club rules were not adequate to cope with this situation and a satisfactory conclusion would be a review of the rules by a Committee made up from Council members, possibly Trustees and other members from outside the council. Nothing that he had heard tonight would change his opinion and he had no confidence in the Honorary Secretary or the Captain. He wanted honesty, truth and humility and things to be done in an honourable way. The Captain then spoke of his honour in being Captain of the Club and stated that he always tried to do what was in the Club's best interests. Although legal advice had been taken and the issue handled with integrity by those involved, it was acknowledged it could have been handled better. It was agreed procedures would be reviewed, lessons would be learned and the conclusions would be published to members. After determining no further attendees wished to speak, the Chairman concluded by stating lessons had been learned over the weeks since the incident and being no further business, declared the meeting closed at 9.30pm. __________________________ ________________________ N.R.F. Robinson G.I. McCandless Hon. Secretary. Chairman

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Appendix 3


There were 12 ordinary and 2 extraordinary meetings of Council during the year. Attendances were as follows: J.D. McDowell (Captain) 14; A.J. Lowry (President) 13; C. Davis (Vice Captain) 14; I.R. Walker (Imm. Past Captain) 13; N.R.F. Robinson (Honorary Secretary) 14; J. Davey (Honorary Treasurer) 13; K.J. Haslem 14, G. Hawkins 13; R.I. MacDonnell 12; R.A. Leathem 11; S Moore 13; N. McNellis 12; S. Shaw 13; N. Roulston 13; G. Walsh 14. Council Members Retiring: I.R. Walker, N.R.F. Robinson, G. Hawkins*, R. Leathem* * Council members served 1 year but retiring after a Council ballot to ensure vacancies for election to Council. These members are eligible to re-stand .

CAPTAIN’S REPORT Club Captain 2018 – J.D. McDowell As the golfing year comes to a close I would like to offer my thanks to everyone who gave me the opportunity to represent Lisburn Golf Club as your Captain for 2018. It was a great privilege over the year to share many golfing woes and triumphs with other clubs across the province and beyond. Representing LGC at member’s funerals is a duty which occurs sadly too often and I want to pass on my condolences to all those who lost family and friends last year. When the main playing season approached our greens staff had to combat prolonged wet weather and significant staffing issues, June and July provided another set of challenging conditions as we enjoyed a wonderful extended period of dry weather. Through all these conditions our greens staff coped admirably. My thanks to Robert Nelson and his team for a job well done. Our teams enjoyed a terrific season with the Fred Daly team becoming Irish Champions, a moment of history for Lisburn Golf Club. The Jimmy Bruen team became Ulster Champions. Our Senior Cup team also qualified for the Ulster Finals and not forgetting our Seniors winning the Cowdy Seniors Cup and the MUSA team retaining the Morton Trophy. A victory in the Bradbury Cup was also secured. Congratulations to all our juveniles who achieved representative honours. A special mention for Paula Grant who reached the pinnacle of ladies amateur golf when she represented GB & Ireland in the 40

th Curtis Cup played at Quaker Ridge Golf

Club in New York State. Captains Day was held in June in the middle of a terrific spell of dry weather, there was a tremendous turn out with 278 competitors. The Captains prize was won by Mark Crothers with a brilliant score of 46 points. The Captains Charity this year was the Air Ambulance and thanks to all those who supported this worthy cause. I want to offer my thanks to our Officers, Convenors, Council Members and Committee members for their contribution over the year. To our Office, Bar, Catering, Greens and Professionals staff, their hard work and dedication is greatly appreciated. A special mention to our Honorary Treasurer Joe Davey, Competitions Convenor Dr. Sam, and Juvenile Convenor Glenn Walsh, for their unstinting dedication to LGC. My thanks also to Ivor Walker as he steps down from Council and his work as Greens Convenor. To our Honorary Secretary Noel Robinson, a special mention and thanks for the dedication and professional manner he brings to the Club. He stands down after serving on Council for eighteen years, including Captaincy and five years as Honorary Secretary. My best wishes to he and Kathy for some well earned holiday time. To incoming Captain Chris Davis and Vice Captain Stephen Shaw I hope you have an enjoyable year. Finally I want to thank my family and in particular Sandra for her unstinting support over the year and wish you all a happy and healthy 2019. HONORARY SECRETARY’S REPORT Honorary Secretary – N.R.F. Robinson Fuller details regarding Club activities through the year are provided in the Captain’s and other Convenor reports therefore this report will only endeavour to provide a brief overview of Club affairs from an administrative perspective. At the start of the year, incoming Captain D. McDowell proposed several changes to the Club Committee structure to focus on items critical to Club activity and these were fully supported by Council. These changes included the introduction of a new Communications Committee, combination of the prior Catering & Entertainments and House & Bar committees into one Social Committee to better assist the coordination of Clubhouse activities and the Membership Development Committee was re-directed to help strengthen the Club’s financial position by more active recruitment of new members. Later in the year a new Sponsorship Committee was convened to better manage that vital income stream in the future. As members have already been advised, the General Manager John McKeown recently elected to tender his resignation following a period of ill health. On behalf of Council and all members, I would express sincere thanks to the Honorary Treasurer Joe Davey who has very kindly covered this role from September to present following Mr. McKeown’s absence. Very sincere thanks are also expressed to the Club Office staff Kathy and Linda for their dedication in supporting the Club over this period. On the playing side, more details will be included in other reports and highlights have included; All Ireland success in the Fred Daly Tournament, Ulster success for the Jimmy Bruen Team and the Seniors success in retaining the Mid Ulster Senior Alliance (MUSA) Morton Trophy under the Captaincy of Jim Burns and winning the Cowdy Seniors event under the captaincy of Mervyn Mawhinney. Another significant event was of course our own Paula Grant being selected for the G.B. & Ireland Curtis Cup Team to play against the USA Team at Quaker Ridge, New York. A very successful night to celebrate this event and to mark Paula’s achievement was recently held in the Clubhouse. Paula very kindly gifted her bag and portrait to the Club for display and will hopefully inspire other young players.

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By the time of the Club AGM, a decision on the formation of a single governing body for golf in Ireland, to be entitled ‘Golf Ireland’ will have been taken. The Communications Committee has circulated the various ‘podcasts’ and videos issued by the GUI/ILGU committees regarding Golf Ireland however the commentary, with regard to this proposed body, provided in my report last year remains unchanged. The overall concept of forming this body is welcome and should benefit Clubs in Ireland however there are a number of issues still causing concern that need to be addressed. We will know the final outcome of GUI & ILGU SGMs, scheduled Saturday 19

th January, by the time of our AGM and any resultant impact on our Club will be advised then.

I am pleased to report our Club remains relatively stable with regard to membership and thanks are extended to Gavin Hawkins for the contributions of the Membership Development committee. Unfortunately, the beneficial impact of the recent ’15 for12’ membership offer is not reflected in the figures below. This increase occurred after the financial year end and will reflect in next year’s report. With regard to other events, I record the Club Juveniles retained the Ferris Shield in the annual Council match, Council were again victorious against the NIAGS team to retain the Whitewash Trophy and in the Bradbury Cup, the Lisburn team secured another away win at Dunmurry. In conclusion, I regret to advise members that I have elected to stand down as Honorary Secretary this year having served on Council in various capacities since 2003 and having fulfilled the Honorary Secretary role for the last five years. In common with all the Council members and Officers I have had the privilege to serve with, I have always aspired to serve the Club and act in the interest of all members and hope I have made a positive contribution over the years. I have always been particularly dedicated to recording and preserving the history and heritage of the Club and if acceptable, to continue this for the benefit of future members. Finally, I also take this opportunity to wish the incoming Council every success over the coming year. MEMBERSHIP Honorary Secretary – N.R.F. Robinson During the 2017/18 financial year, 68 Members were admitted to the Club in the following categories:

Ordinary : (15) Associate : (2) Five Day : (13) Under 25: (2), Junior (U.18) : (9), Juvenile (U.15) : (3) Cadet : (38) Non Playing : (5) House : (2)

The Club had the following members at 30

th September 2018:

Playing Members Adult 2018 2017 Change Playing Associates Adult 2018 2017 Change

Honorary Members Ordinary Members Special Category Members Five Day Members

Country Members Concession Members Veteran

2 328 107

66 5 0


2 342 109

58 3 1


0 -14

-2 +8

2 -1 +3

Honorary Associate Ordinary Associate Members Special Category Assoc. Members Country Associate Members ‘Give Golf a Go’ Associates

2 50 91

1 0

2 33 92

0 24

0 +17

-1 +1


530 534 -4 144 151 -7

Playing Members Under 25 Playing Associates Under 25

Under 25 (Student & Youth) Junior Members (U18) Juvenile Members (U15) Cadets (M&F)

41 35 25 42

48 43 31


-7 -86

-6 +42

Under 25 (Student & Youth) Junior Members (U18) Juvenile Members (U15)

2 2 6

2 2 6

0 0 0

143 122 +21 10 10 0



TOTAL PLAYING 827 817 +10

Non Playing Members

Non Playing Members & Associates Non Playing (Spouse)

103 49

107 46

-4 +3



It is with regret that we record the death of the following members and past members: Mr. D. Irwin, Mr. A. Gibb, Mr. C. Kirkwood, Mr. M. Law, Mr. D. Wightman, Mrs. M. Gilmore, Mr. D. Craig, Mr. J. Hasley, Mrs. M. Reaney. Mr. W. Truesdale, Mr. S Creighton and Mr. M. Leathem. MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Convenor – Gavin Hawkins The main focus from the committee in 2018 was to attract new members and retain the ones we have at the club. During the season we looked at several incentives which included an introductory 9 holes of golf with the club professional or 3 free golf lessons. For a brief period, we displayed the membership banner on the A1 carriageway which did bring in at least 2 new members. We also looked at the advance payers as this represents less than 30% of the total membership. We offered a sleeve of Pro V1 balls to the first 6 members to move into this payment scheme.

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The main driver was the ‘15 months for 12’ incentive which enables new members 3 months free golf. This has been very successful, and I am glad to report during November and December we have enrolled over 14 new members. We have worked closely with the Communications team to promote all our incentives on social media like Facebook, Twitter & the club Website and we have displayed posters around the club and in fact other sports clubs in the area to promote new membership. 2019 will be another challenging year so if you have any friends who would like to join our club please encourage them to contact me or the office. Finally I would like to thank all the team for their help and support in what has been my first year on Council. I would also like to welcome all the new members to the club and thank them personally for joining Lisburn Golf Club. COMPETITIONS COMMITTEE Convenor: S. Moore We have 563 adult playing members eligible for competition golf. Of these, 22 members have not got a golf handicap. The handicap categories and status of the remainder is as per the following table.

Cat 1 Cat 2 Cat 3 Cat 4 Cat 5 & 6 Total

5 or less 6-12 13-20 21-28 29 or more

Non- competition hcp 4 17 43 51 7 122

Competition hcp 22 110 183 84 20 419

26 127 226 135 27 541

Only 412 members played in more than 2 competitions during 2018 as follows:- Competitions played 3-9 10-19 20 - 29 30 or more Total

Members playing 80 135 119 78 412

The winter league played during January, February and March attracted an entry of 122 players. Unfortunately the weather reduced the number of our competition rounds to 8 out of a possible 10. The winter league finals were played on a windy cold day at Clandeboye where our team trailed into third place behind Clandeboye and Portstewart.

The main playing season ran for 28 weeks from 17th

March to the end of September. Thanks to the excellent weather we did not have to cancel any of our week-end competitions. We continue to offer competitors the choice of playing most competitions from either the white or yellow tees. On days of medal play competition, a separate competition is offered from the yellow tees with an average of 23% opting to play from the yellow tees. In 2018 we introduced a regular Friday 9 hole qualifying competition. Average competition uptake was as in the table below showing comparisons with 2017 and 2016.

2018 2017 2016 Week-end competitions 208 225 237

Wednesday Competitions 86 89 87 Friday 9 hole competitions 27 - -

From October – December we held a 9 hole matchplay competition with round-robin matches in 5 time zones in October & November and the knock-out stages in December. This competition attracted 78 competitors. The winners were D. McDowell and G. Stephens. In addition to the Captain, President and Professional, I would like to thank the following for their sponsorship of Men’s competitions in 2018: Briggs Equipment UK Coyle Agencies Draynes Farm DB Tiles & Bathrooms Danske Bank Johnston Campbell Lagan Valley Steels Eddingtons McCalls Menswear Leathem Centra Petticoat Lane Bridal Shellard Tiles Sportsturf Solutions Balmoral Furniture Anonymous x 2 Inter Club Competitions. GUI Competitions. In the Belfast and District Cup, we lost to Galgorm Castle in the first round by 8 matches to 6. In the Barton Shield our team beat Holywood in first round but lost to Kirkistown in second round. In the All Ireland fourball, we lost in the first round to Tandragee by 7 matches to 3. The Ulster Cup team won their first 3 rounds over Edenmore, Cushendall and Portsalon before going down to Cloverhill in round 4 We failed to get through the qualification stage in both the Pierce Purcell & Junior Cup. The mixed foursomes team qualified for the matchplay stages but lost in the first knock-out round to Balmoral G.C. In the Senior Cup we qualified second out of 19 teams at Bangor. Then defeated Shandon Park and Knock to reach the semi-final stage at Castlerock. Here we lost narrowly to Royal Portrush who went on to beat Slieve Russell in the Ulster Final. Our best adult team performance was by our Jimmy Bruen Team who qualified for the matchplay stages at Down Royal. They then chalked up wins against Antrim, Fortwilliam, Co. Armagh and Portadown to reach the Ulster final. In the final, played at Concra Wood, they defeated Castlehume to win the pennant and Ulster Section of the Jimmy Bruen Shield. This gave them qualification for the all Ireland semi-final. This was played at Thurles where they lost to the eventual winners Kinsale.

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Cowdy Competitions Our Junior Cowdy team lost to Clones in the first round. In the other 3 Cowdy matchplay Competitions we reached the quarter final stage losing to Spa in the Rossmore, to Rockmount in the Sam Rutherford, and to Silverwood in the Senior Cowdy. The Cowdy Seniors Team came top of 22 teams competing to win the trophy by the narrowest of margins, returning the best fifth card after three teams had tied with the best 4 cards. The mixed Foursomes team came 12

th out of 14 teams competing for the Jack Craig Trophy played at Dungannon..

Other Competitions. In the Holt Shield, our team were runners up in their qualifying section but lost in the last 16 to Donaghadee. The Seniors MUSA Team led their league from start to finish, thus winning the Morton Cup for a second successive year. The Club also retained the Bradbury Cup which was played at Dunmurry golf club in September. Our best overall Team performance of any in the Club came from our U18 Fred Daly Team. See Juveniles section for this report. Seven club members recorded a “Hole in One” in Qualifying competitions during the year. These were Tom Scott, Chris Moulds, Gavin Alderdice, David McDowell, Andy Campbell (Snr), Jim Burns and Gary Hewitt. I have already paid tribute to the sponsors of our competitions. I would like to conclude by thanking all of the officers in the club for their contributions to the competitions committee in 2018 and also to the members of that committee listed below. Thanks also to John, Kathy & Linda in the office, Stephen, Philip & Michael in the professionals shop and Robert Nelson and his green keeping staff for their preparation of the course for our competitions. Competitions Committee 2018: Council: S. Moore, K. Haslem, G. Hawkins, I. MacDonnell, N. McNellis, N. Roulston, S. Shaw. Co-opted: C. Budd, K. Hutchings. CLUB COMPETITION WINNERS 2018 March Stableford G. Walsh Rover Cup W. Murphy Easter Stableford S. Ingram Captain’s Prize M. Crothers Hilden Cup Qualifying G. Smiley N.o.W. Fred Daly Trophy J. Mulholland Dun Laoghaire Trophy J. Patterson McCandless Rose Bowl S. Wilkinson McKee Cup Qualifying G. Smiley Robert Wilson Trophy S. Leathem Craig Cup Qualifying A. Cooke September Stableford C. Smyth Mary Peters Trust N. Price Autumn Stableford P. Beatty Sam Wilson Trophy C. McGuigan Ellis Williams Trophy I. Walker Blaris Lodge Trophy I. Suffern 55

th Infantry Cup R. McCoosh

Briggs Perpetual Trophy I. Murphy Whitlock Cup P. Grant Long Kesh Cup R. Symington Wednesday Cup B. Kirkwood Postle Cup B. McQuillan Mooney Cup J. Leathem Lindsay Mazda Trophy C. Lyness Tom Crawford Cup J. Burns George Donaldson Trophy L. Murdock Seniors Shield M. Markey Professionals Prize D. Galway R. Brooks Rosebowl W. Murphy Hanna Rose Bowl G. Maxwell McKee Cup G. Smiley July Stableford A. Lowry Craig Cup D. Kerr PGA Tankard D. McDowell Scratch Cup not played Law Trophy L. Kennedy Musgrave Cup G. Alderdice President’s Prize W. Brown Hilden Cup R. Chambers Barbour Cup P. Sanaghan E. Press Memorial Trophy A. Symington Mark McKinstry Memorial Cup R. Chambers & W. Friars BTNI Cup J. Bell & B. Patterson Betterball Shield N. McNellis & S. Harper Cooper Rosebowl J. Moore & Mrs. J. Moore GREENS COMMITTEE Convenor: I. Walker The three major factors that affect the condition and the presentation of our golf course is the weather, staff level and the investment we can commit. All three factors this year have proved to be challenging. Weather - 2018 was one of extremes - wettest, driest, coldest and warmest weather of many years with a few major storms thrown in for good measure. The 1st quarter had above average rainfall and snowfall with below average temperatures. In the summer, we had 12 - 14 weeks with almost no rain and higher than normal temperatures. Late summer and autumn was back to normal temperatures with general long period with little rain. The start of the winter has been mild with average rainfall. All these weather combinations have influenced how our course has been during the year and which projects the Greenkeepers have been able to complete. The storms throughout the year brought down about 70 - 80 trees. Fortunately no one was injured and none were integral to the course.

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Greens Staff - this year we had a considerable movement in our staff. At the start of the year Steven Kelly, the Assistant Head Greenkeeper, moved to Warrenpoint G.C. to take the position of Head Greenkeeper and we wish him all the best in his new job. Terry Tennyson resigned in the same month and this unfortunately left us very short handed for a period at the start of the growing season. To the Greens staff credit and thanks to their hard work during this period, our course was always very playable and well presented. The Assistant Head Greenkeeper role has now been filled by promoting Jonny Burns to this position. Gareth Johnston previously from Massereene G.C. also joined the team this year. Jordon Black first came to the Club for six month work experience position and within that time he proved to be a hard worker and a very useful member of staff. As a result, Jordan has now been given a full-time job. Course/ Machinery Investment - this year we have continued to improve our course with various projects. These have included sanding of the fairways, drainage projects, reshaping drains in bunkers and a start was made on a long-term project to tarmac the course pathways. The autumn course maintenance started with scarification of all fairways and tee areas, verti-draining and sanding with a total for 400 tons of sand applied to the fairways. Greens were lightly graded (scarified), top-dressed (sanded) and verti-drained with around 5 tons of sand per green. The drainage projects included new lateral drains on the 10th, 11th, 14th, and 15th fairways plus gravel banding on the 1st, 2nd, 9th, 10th, 11th, 14th, & 15th fairways. All the bunkers on the 2nd hole were reshaped with additional drainage added. To help manage this work, investment in new machinery included the purchase of a John Deere Gator, a Trimax Snake Mower and a Kubota quick attach loader. Many thanks are extended to Robert Nelson and his Greens staff for all their hard work and commitment this past year in preparing and presentation of our course. JUVENILE SECTION COMMITTEE CONVENOR: G. Walsh U18 CAPTAIN: Kyle Patton The Juvenile section in Lisburn Golf Club continued to strive in 2018, cementing its position as the most successful club for Junior Golf in Ulster presently, by retaining the prestigious Fred Daly Trophy at Knock Golf Club in September. Winning the trophy for the first time last year was a tremendous achievement. Retaining the Ulster title and then becoming All Ireland Championships at Tramore and bringing home that GUI green pendant meant we surpassed last year and ensured the Club had its most successful year ever for Junior Golf. Congratulations to Team Captain Neil Patton and his team. We also ensured a new breed of young golfers coming through at the Club by introducing a cadet membership for 7 – 10 year olds. 42 cadets became members and enjoyed the coaching and competition throughout the year. Our hope is when they reach post primary school age they will become full juvenile members. Starting in early July, we ran stableford competitions for the juvenile section every Thursday and also at weekends. Competitions ran until September and gave all golfers a chance to get some competition experience and handicap revision. The Finals Day was a great success. A huge ‘Thank You’ to all our faithful sponsors, who enabled us to run these competitions and provide such excellent prizes. Juvenile Section Prize Winners Morton Cup Max Gillespie Lady Captain’s Prize Katie Magee E.N. Williams Memorial Cup Elliott Reid Lady Presidents Prize Francesca Jones Snoddon Quaich Tom Glover Girls Perpetual (Grant) Trophy Kathryn Murphy McMurtry U18 Capt’s Cup Matthew Shellard White Horse Trophy Michael Rocks Presidents Cup Matthew Shellard Dexter Cup Luke Holden MS Order of Merit Aaron Marshall Most Improved Juvenile Salver Michael Rocks Juvenile Cup Elliott Reid McClintock Trophy Elliott Reid Val Gough Memorial Trophy Josh Robinson Team Performance Fred Daly Trophy - Ulster Champions 2018 All Ireland Champions 2018 (defeated Holywood G.C. in final) (defeated Galway G.C. in final) Individual Performances Aaron Marshall - 2

nd in Peter McEvoy Trophy (English Boys Open)

Represented Ireland U18 throughout the season finishing 2nd

in Home Internationals Josh Robinson - Last 16 British Boys Amateur (Royal Portrush) / 5

th Irish Boys Amateur (Belvoir Park) / Top Ulster Player

Josh Black - 2nd

Irish Boys U16 (Castle Dargan) / 2nd

Ulster Boys U16 (Donaghadee) Represented Ireland throughout season at U16 level, promoted to U18 squad next year Kyle Patton - Represented Ulster U18’s in Interprovincial Championship / Captain of Winning Fred Daly Team In conclusion we would like to thank all those who assisted and supported us throughout the season especially the Lady Captain and Lady Vice Captain who turned up each Thursday to help and encourage our new cadet golfers. We would also like to thank Stephen Hamill and his team for all their coaching and input throughout the year. Finally I would like to thank the outgoing Juvenile Captain, Kyle Patton for his efforts in 2018 and congratulate Aaron Marshall, being appointed Juvenile Captain for 2019.

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SOCIAL COMMITTEE Convenor: C. Davis The Bar turnover remains a concern as it has fallen from £204k in 2015/16 to £187k in 2016/17 and to £184k for this year 2017/18. However, the gross margin of 55.9% is an improvement on last year at 52.4% and gross profit is £103.1k (up from £98.9k in 2016/17). The net profit after charging the usual overheads of wages, bar maintenance, stock taking fees, Sky TV, cleaning and depreciation also improved to £10.8k ( £7.8k in 2016/17). Nevertheless and despite efficiency improvement in the Bar operation, the continuing drop in the number of members supporting the Bar and attending Club functions remains a concern as this directly affects the bar turnover. To help address some concerns previously expressed by members and to potentially re-invigorate the bar activity, Council undertook a review of beer suppliers and initiated a competitive tendering process. As a result, Tennents were selected as the new supplier of draught beers with an associated significant financial benefit to the Club. It is hoped this change will continue to improve the Bar finances but unless members support the Club and make use of this facility, other actions such as restricting bar hours out of the playing season may need to be considered. On the social and entertainment side, the Captain’s Night, Presidents Night and the Club Annual Dinner were all well attended. We had several special events later in the season including a celebration evening in honour of Paula Grant and her selection for the GB & Ireland Curtis Cup Team and a very enjoyable Gin Tasting evening arranged by Bar Manager Jim Guiney. During December, the successful Christmas party nights were again run and the Children’s Christmas Party and Christmas Draw nights were also well supported. In conclusion, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Social Committee for their support this year, the Bar Manager and his staff and thanks are also extended to Kathy and Linda in the office for all their assistance. Thanks are also expressed to Albert and Jane and the staff of Greenview Catering for their contributions and for the excellent food always served through the year. COMPLIANCE REPORT Convenor: N. Roulston The Compliance Committee for 2018 was engaged primarily with the ‘vision’ for a significant Clubhouse re-development coupled with the on-going issues considered as being deemed as Non-Compliant with the Disability Discrimination Act and highlighted in the ‘Dornan Report’ of August 2010. The most critical item of the Non-Compliance agenda remains the provision of a suitable accessible Front Entrance to the Clubhouse. It is widely agreed that all disabled and able bodied members and guests should enter the Clubhouse via the main entrance. An earlier proposal to provide disability access had been developed in July 2014 but this proposal was revisited in more detail and was rejected as it was considered inappropriate as simply creating a secondary entrance. Therefore, the focus of the new Compliance Committee was to explore the most cost effective solution for dealing with the Non-Compliance issues but using these significant matters as an opportunity to develop a template for a comprehensive phased upgrade of the Clubhouse itself and a vehicle for finally solving the Front Entrance issue once and for all. An Architect and Cost Consultant were engaged by the Committee at very low expenditure to help to develop a viable design and cost effective template for the Works. The developed scheme now arrived at, easily splits into 3 distinct phases: - Phase1 –

Complete Refurbishment of the Main Ground Floor Social Areas New Floor to Ceiling Glazing System on the course facing elevation. Complete Refurbishment of the Toilets New Accessible Toilet & Baby Changing Facilities

Phase 2 – New Level Access Front Entrance New Access Lift New Lower & Upper Lobby Area New Keg & Spirit Store New Chair & Table Store New Cleaner’s Store

Phase 3 – New First Floor Bar & Balcony New Floor to Ceiling Glazing System on Course Facing Elevation New Snooker Room New Council Room New Dumb Waiter and Food Holding Room New Fire Escape Corridor and External Staircase

The Works listed above have been phased in such a way as to allow the Clubhouse to remain functioning as best as possible during the construction and a robust Cost Plan has been drawn up for each individual phase to support the ‘project’ proposals. It may well be the case that the Regulatory Bodies concerned with accessibility become more rigid in their enforcement of the guidelines pertaining to the Disability Discrimination Act and as a result the Golf Club could well find itself having to push ahead with many items of work regardless of the member sentiment. The Committee feels that this route, enforced or otherwise, would simply lead to a plethora of work items being undertaken in isolation and providing could an unwanted ‘patchwork’ appearance. To assist with the development plans and to keep Members completely informed, the Committee recently arranged an ‘Information Evening’ on January 9

th and a comprehensive presentation explaining the plans was delivered to the Members. After

general publication of these proposals, the Committee shall take all Members responses into consideration and if the proposals go on to achieve Member support, they will be updated, financing options will be further explored, and a further information evening scheduled. Subject to a satisfactory outcome, a Special General Meeting would then be convened to approve the project. In the interim, a reinstatement of the current Compliance & Development Levy will require being voted for at the AGM and if successfully reinstated, it is proposed to approach the bank in the Spring to explore the financing options in more detail for each phase or phases that the Members wish to proceed with. It is felt that that through the Information Evening on 9

th January, the

Members of Lisburn Golf Club may well now see the new development plans as the ideal opportunity to deal with the access & disability issues and eliminate them completely through a significant upgrade of facilities. In closing, this year the Committee has worked up a cost-effective template of development work to upgrade the Clubhouse and successfully provided the Members an opportunity to understand and appreciate the proposals. This significant upgrade of work addresses many, if not all, of the latent issues that remain regarding accessibility to the Clubhouse for persons with mobility difficulties.

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FINANCE REPORT Honorary Treasurer: J. Davey Overview: The accounts for 2017/18 financial year show a deficit of £54K. The main contributing factors to this deficit are as follows: Membership income (£515.7K) is down £3K on last year and Entrance fees (£27K) were down by £15.5K giving a total drop of £18.5K on last year. Significant increases occurred in a number of key cost areas such as tree maintenance (£15K) up £10.4K on last year and the cost of heating and electricity (£20.7K) up £11.5K on last year plus depreciation costs (£157.7K) which increased this year by £20K due to the high capital expenditure over the past few years. Cash generated for this year was £74.2K (deficit of -£54K add back depreciation of £128.2K). The capital expenditure was £94.7K and the club made borrowing repayments of £13.8K against our term loan and £12K against our two finance agreements. There was £6.2K movement in our working Capital of which £29.5K is the compliance levy collected for this year but as yet unspent. The Cash resources for the year have ended at £222.3K Course Costs: Course Maintenance is down by £3K but as stated, tree maintenance is up by £10.4K. The plan this year is to spend money only on essential tree maintenance costs such as storm damage or if there is a perceived danger to either members or staff. The planned autumn maintenance sanding has been completed and spending on the course will always have priority. Competitions and Club Team Costs: Competitions Income is up by £4.4K and Team Costs are up by £4.3K which is to be expected in what has been a very successful golfing year for the Club. Green Fees have seen a fall of £8.2K a major part of this being down to poor weather conditions early in the year. The level of Societies has been fairly consistent over the last three years but is hoped that this figure will improve in the coming year. Clubhouse Costs: Bar Sales were down £4K which follows last year’s fall of £15.6K. The Club changed beer supplier in the summer to avail of a better deal and in line with comments from members. The signs at the end of the financial year were encouraging and hopefully this move will tempt more members to use the bar. The Club has seen a significant increase (£10K) in the cost of heating and electricity due to the limits on the RHI scheme and the maintenance costs associated with the boilers. Administration Costs: The cost of Audit and Accountancy has been deemed to be high at £16.5K (plus vat) per annum in the past and the Audit was reduced this financial year by £1.5K. It is hoped that the figure could be further reduced by bringing more of the operation in house. That is currently ongoing and it is hoped to make a significant saving on this figure in the coming year subject to staffing levels. Financial Activity: The term loan taken out on the Green keepers Shed is now £176.2K and £32.7K remains outstanding on the two finance agreements. The £4.9K of profit on sale of an asset is for the old mower traded in when the club purchased the new ‘Snake’ for cutting the rough. Compliance Income and Expenditure: Compliance income was £29.5K. This money remains unspent. It is the intention of Council to present the members with a number of options for development of the Clubhouse in the future. It would be up to members to decide which if any of those options that they would like and are prepared to fund. Should the members decide that none are worthy of support then there are still a number of areas that need urgent attention such as the toilet block and the glazing in the lounge. That is why Council will be asking for a further year extension of the £50 levy for development of the areas mentioned, should a more significant Clubhouse project not go ahead. Capital Expenditure 2017/18: Course Improvements: Drainage 10



th and 16

th Fairways £16,383

Pumps for Ponds £ 3,969 Tarmac Paths £10,706 Course Equipment ‘Gator’, sprayer and loader £11,970 Replacement Turf Cutter £ 3,950 ‘Snake’ for cutting rough £19,132 Clubhouse Improvements: Fixtures and fittings, tables and lounge chairs £13,133 Fibre communication to Pro’s Shop £ 1,270 Earney Contracts and Gifford & Cairns £ 3,105 Kitchen Equipment Oven and Salamander Grill £ 8,131 Dishwasher £ 3,037 Total Expenditure £94,786 All Capital Expenditure and Banking arrangements undertaken during the year were within the Council’s power delegated to it under paragraphs 19(iv) and 19(v) of the Club’s Rules.

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Audit: The accounts presented to the members in this report have been audited by the Club’s Auditors, McGuire and Farry, Certified Accountants, and a clean audit certificate has been given. Under the Registration of Clubs Order, the Club is required to file audited annual financial statements with the PSNI in a prescribed format. The accounts included in this Annual Report are in a different format, but the Auditors are satisfied that the accounts provided to members agree in all important respects with the accounts prepared and certified by them to comply with the Club’s Order. Budget 2018/19: At its December meeting council approved its Budget Plan for 2018/19. The plan envisages a deficit of £20.4K with cash generation of £106.8K and capital expenditure of £40K. These figures are exclusive of any levy. Debt repayments in 2019 will be £26K. Consequently it is anticipated that cash resources will increase by £40K. This will allow council time to make changes to the income and expenditure to return as soon as possible to a surplus instead of a deficit. This is essential as there will be a requirement to make Capital Expenditure decisions on further Course Improvements and Course Equipment. The Capital Expenditure plan for 2018/19 is as follows: Course Improvements: 11

th and 15

th Fairway: Drainage £ 4,761

9th and 15th Lateral Drainage £ 7,360 Pumps for Pond £ 2,447

Gravel Band Drainage 1st

, 2nd

and 9th

£10,102 Gravel Band Drainage 11

th, 14

th and 15

th £ 5,416

Kitchen Equipment Refurbishment £10,005 Total Expenditure £40,091 Proposed Subscriptions for 2018 Season: A full list of proposed subscriptions is laid out in Appendix 5 for members approval and includes the following changes:

Gents Ordinary & Concession increase of £20.00 (last year £25.00) Gents Ordinary (SPA + 10 years) increase of £20.00 (last year £25.00) Gents Five Day increase of £20.00 (last year £20.00) Associates Ordinary & Concession increase of £20.00 (last year £20.00) Associates (SPA + 10 years) increase of £20.00 (last year £20.00)

Pro-rata increases will be applied to Ordinary & Associate U26 to U30 categories. All other categories remain unchanged. The Family Discount rate will remain at 0% due to recent reductions in Juvenile & Junior subscription rates. The rationale for the above will be advised at the General Meeting. The Social Supplement remains set at £0. A Building / Development Levy will also be proposed under Agenda Item 7 as a Resolution of Council In Conclusion The significant deficit must be addressed going forward by either improving income streams or reducing costs. In the meantime the Council must ensure that cash resources within the Club are maintained to ensure stability. This will be achieved by keeping Capital Expenditure below the level of cash generated after debt repayments. Therefore the Club will be constrained in the projects that can be undertaken and while this is the case priority needs to be given to the course. Appointment of Club Auditors Council recommends the re-appointment of : Maguire and Farry Chartered Certified Accountants Emerson House Ballynahinch Carryduff Belfast BT8 8DN

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Lisburn Golf Club Annual Accounts for year ended 30th September 2018

Year End 2018

Year End 2017




542,801 100 561,178 100


298,660 130,505 172,128 (4,496)

55 24 32 -1

288,510 110,068 173,353 (3,942)

51 20 31 -1

TOTAL CLUB COSTS 596,797 110 567,989 101


(53,996) 0

10 (6,811) 0




SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR (53,996) 147,883


SURPLUS / (DEFICIT) FOR YEAR (53,996) 147,883

Add Back DEPRECIATION 128,232 108,476


Lisburn Golf Club Annual Accounts for year ended 30th September 2018

Year End 2018

Year End 2017



CURRENT ASSETS Stock and Debtors (Note 2) Cash Resources (Note 3)


19,509 222,388


26,718 250,553

TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 241,897 277,271

TOTAL ASSETS 1,427,974 1,496,795

CURRENT LIABILITIES /EXTERNAL CREDITORS External Creditors – Suppliers etc (Note 4) External Creditor – Finance Leases and HP Contracts (Note 5) External Creditor – Bank Overdraft – Danske Bank






MEMBERSHIP CREDITORS Subscriptions in Advance Unexpired Subscriptions

127,487 217,926

127,329 215,040


TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES Long Term Bank Borrowings Danske Bank Term Loan (Note 6)





NET ASSETS EMPLOYED 742,877 796,873


796,873 (53,996)

648,990 147,883


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Lisburn Golf Club Annual Accounts for year ended 30th September 2018

Year End 2018


Year End 2017 £


Accounts HP & Lease

Carbon Trust Term Loan


CASH GENERATED Profit / (Loss) for Year Add Depreciation

(53,996) 128,232

(53,996) 128,232

147,883 108,476

TOTAL CASH GENERATION 74,236 74,236 256,359

LOANS TAKEN OUT IN YEAR HP Loans taken out in year



CASH UTILISED Capital Expenditure Working Capital Movement Term Loan Repayments HP / Leasing Repayments


6,231 (13,846) (12,025)







TOTAL CASH UTILISED (114,425) 12,025 13,846 (88,554) (175,303)

NET CASH FLOW (40,189) 12,025 13,846 (14,318) 81,056


OPENING BALANCES Current Accounts Asset Finance Term Loan





143,107 (6,823)


TOTAL OPENING BANK BALANCES 250,553 (190,068) 60,485 (67,439)

CLOSING BALANCES Current Accounts Asset Finance Term Loan





143,107 (6,823)


TOTAL CLOSING BANK BALANCES 222,388 (176,221) 46,167 13,617






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Annual Members Subscriptions Entrance Fees

515,750 27,051

518,638 42,540



Course Costs Greenkeeping Staff Costs Greenkeepers Protective Clothing Course Maintenance Course Equipment Lease Course Machinery Repair and Maintenance & Fuel Depreciation – Course Improvement and Machinery Tree Maintenance


1,985 67,604

3,103 39,438 62,915 15,010


1,535 71,140 13,032 36,781 57,471


Total Course Costs 351,889 (348,027)

Competitions and Club Team Costs Competitions Income Competitions Vouchers and Prizes Club Team Costs Membership Cards (Scorecards) Minibus Expenses


12,246 19,367

983 1,707


11,490 14,979

879 1,647

Net Income from Competitions and Team activities 11,639 12,472

Other Sponsorship Income Juniors Income Juniors Expenses Golf Buggy Rental Income Green Fees Professionals Commission

(7,428) (2,560)

5,062 (8,932)

(48,732) 21,000

(6,700) (4,663)

8,584 (8,780)

(56,986) 21,500



Restaurant Catering Energy Costs Catering – Overhead Catering Depreciation

9,260 4,947



7,260 1,252

Restaurant Cost 14,986 18,823

Bar Bar Sales Cost of sales





Gross Profit from Bar Bar Gross Margin % Bar Wages & Salaries Bar Repair and Maintenance Stocktaking Fees Sky TV and Licence Costs Cleaning Bar Equipment Depreciation

(103,174) 55.93% 75,249

3,845 1,946 5,858 5,232


(98,926) 52.43% 73,645

4,858 1,540 5,505 5,389


Surplus from Bar Operations 10,850 7,795

Functions Activity Function Income Function Expenses





Function Cost 5,466 6,438

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Gaming Machine Activity Gaming Income



Gaming Machines (Income)/ Cost (2,075) (1,595)

Other Clubhouse Costs Cleaning Contract Fund Raising Income Fund Raising Expenses House Members Subscriptions Locker Room Income Rates (inc. refuse disposal) Insurance Utilities – Light / Heat Building Maintenance Depreciation of Clubhouse Assets

15,697) (1,719)

1,719 (9,456) (8,721) 20,811

7,986 20,735 11,582 64,344

16,166 (2,013)

2,013 (8,456) (8,820) 8,411) 7,252 9,241

10,846 49,557



Office Wages and Salaries Telephones VAT Disallowed Accountancy and Audit Bank Charges Officers Expenses Printing, Postage and Stationary Computer Costs & maintenance Entertaining Human Resources General Expenses Ground Rent and Garage Rent

78,034 9,202

39,964 15,000

6,019 11,839

3,452 7,566 2,451

368 2,925


74,480 9,415

43,678 16,500

6,200 8,683 4,121 7,749 1,872

367 4,355




Overdraft Interest Profit on Sale of Assets Term Loan Interest Loan Interest Subsidy (ex-Diageo)

- (4,950)

5,313 (4,859)

100 (4,000)

5,17) (5,217)

TOTAL FINANCE COSTS (4,496) (3,942)

TOTAL CLUB COSTS 596,797 567,989



Compliance Programme Compliance Levy Income Development Levy Income Deferred







Insurance Claim Proceeds N.I. Water Pipeline Payment VAT received on Prior Year Green Fees Interest received on VAT Refund Corporation Tax Provision on Interest

(14,300) (4,250)

(101,467) (43,346)



DEFICIT / (SURPLUS) FOR THE YEAR 53,996 (147,883)

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Note 1 Tangible Fixed Assets Land &

Buildings £

Greens Facilities


Plant & Equipment


Furniture & Fittings


Motor Vehicles


Website Capitalised





st October 2017

Additions Disposals





35,052 (35,606)








94,785 (35,606)

At 30th

September 2018 1,826,892 359,629 968,606 221,447 16,535 1,840 3,394,949

DEPRECIATION At 1st October 2017 On Disposals Charge for the year


- 70,726


- 5,233

777,631 (35,606)



- 11,827


- -


- -


(35,606) 128,232

At 30th

September 2018 1,133,203 103,219 782,471 171,604 16,535 1,840 2,208,872

NET BOOK VALUE At 30 September 2018








At 30 September 2017 730,252 261,643 191,529 36,100 - - 1,134,721


Greenkeeping Facilities Building Improvements Course Equipment Course Improvements Office Equipment Fixtures, Fittings & Equipment

- 4,374

35,052 31,058 11,168 13,133

- 39,849

108,495 41,503

- 3,432


Note 2 Stock and Debtors This Year £ Last Year £

Bar and Sundry Stocks 9,232 9,744

Debtors Trade and other Debtors Prepayments and Accrued Income

1,223 9,054



TOTAL DEBTORS 10,277 16,974


Note 3 Cash Resources This Year £ Last Year £

Danske Bank No 1 Account Danske Bank No 2 Account- Advance Subscriptions Danske Bank-No 3 Entrance Fees Cash and Floats

- 220,288


105,420 127,328

15,705 2,100

TOTAL CASH RESOURCES 222,388 250,553

Note 4 External Creditors – Suppliers etc This Year £ Last Year £

Trade Creditors Other Creditors PAYE and National Insurance Compliance Levy Deferred Other Accruals and Deferred Income

31,010 18,362

6,533 29,525 45,290

62,214 21,666

6,232 -



Note 5 External Creditors – Finance leases and HP Contracts This Year £ Last Year £

Falling Due within One Year Falling Due after more than one year

12,025 20,718

12,025 32,744


Note 6 Long Term Bank Borrowings This Year £ Last Year £

Danske Bank Term Loan Falling Due to within One Year Falling Due after more than One Year






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Appendix 5


Rule 11 - Council recommends the Annual Subscriptions shall be set as follows:-

MEMBERS SUBSCRIPTION Ordinary………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………. £990 Ordinary Concession……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………. £990 Ordinary (Under 30) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………. £891 Ordinary (Under 29) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………. £792 Ordinary (Under 28) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………. £693 Ordinary (Under 27) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………. £594 Ordinary (Under 26) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………….………………. £495 Ordinary Members elected to membership of the Club after 5

th March 2006, who have attained state pension age before

commencement of the Club year, i.e. 1st day of March, and who have paid the Annual Subscription appropriate to Ordinary Membership, or Five Day Membership and Ordinary Membership, for a total of 10 consecutive years immediately prior to that date... £910 Ordinary Members who have attained state pension age before the commencement of the Club Year, i.e. 1

st day of March, in any

given year and who have paid the Annual Subscription appropriate to Ordinary Membership, or Five Day and Ordinary Membership for a total of 10 consecutive years immediately prior to that date………….………………………………………………………………………………………..….. £745 Ordinary Members who have attained state pension age plus fifteen years of age before commencement of the Club year i.e. 1

st day of March, in any given year and who have paid the Annual Subscription appropriate to Ordinary, Five Day, Veteran or Country

Membership for a total of 40 consecutive years immediately prior to that date………………………….……………………………………………….. £210 Five Day Members..………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………... £605 Veteran………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………… £200 Country………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………… £500 Under 25………..................................................................………………………………………………………………………………………..….…..... £350 Junior…………………................................................................................................................................................................... £150 Juvenile ……..……….................................................................................................……..………………………………………………..….… £150 Non-Playing.…………………………............................................................................................................................................... £ 90 House …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….…. £ 10 ASSOCIATES Ordinary Associate…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………. £740 Ordinary Associate (Under 30) …………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………….………………. £666 Ordinary Associate (Under 29) ……………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………. £592 Ordinary Associate (Under 28) ………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………. £518 Ordinary Associate (Under 27) …….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………. £444 Ordinary Associate (Under 26) ……….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………. £370 Ordinary Associates elected to membership of the Club after 5

th March 2006, who have attained state pension age before

commencement of the Club year, i.e. 1st day of March, and who have paid the Annual Subscription appropriate to Ordinary Associate Membership for a total of 10 consecutive years immediately prior to that date…..……………………………………….…………….…….... £680

Ordinary Associates who have attained state pension age before commencement of the Club Year, i.e. 1st

day of March, in any

given year, and who have paid the Annual Subscription appropriate to Ordinary Associate Membership, for a total of 10 consecutive

years immediately prior to that date………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..….………… £585 Ordinary Associates who have attained state pension age plus fifteen years of age before commencement of the Club year i.e.


day of March in any given year and who have paid the Annual Subscription appropriate to Ordinary or Country Associate

Membership for a total of 40 consecutive years immediately prior to that date……………………………………………………………………..…….. £160 Country……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…… £350 Under 25………..................................................................………………………………………………………………………………………..….…..... £350 Junior…………………................................................................................................................................................................... £150 Juvenile ……..……….................................................................................................……..………………………………………………..….… £150 Non-Playing.…………………………............................................................................................................................................... £ 90 House …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….…. £ 10

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Appendix 6

RESOLUTIONS PROPOSED BY COUNCIL These resolutions are proposed as a result of matters that have arisen during Council business: A copy of the current 2018 Rules can be viewed in the Club Website / Members section. Each resolution detailed below includes the rationale behind each proposed change and for conciseness, only the relevant section(s) of Rule(s) which include any proposed change(s) is shown.

RESOLUTION 1: INTRODUCTION OF A ONE YEAR BUILDING LEVY. Rationale: As advised to members at the recent information meeting held on Wednesday 9

th January.

Following completion of the agreed five year levy plan (approved in 2014) and subject to a final decision on Clubhouse Development plans, the need to sustain additional income for upkeep and repairs to the Clubhouse or to assist funding of any approved development plan, remains. Resolution: In accordance with Rule 12(2) Levies - the Council propose a £50.00 Levy is implemented for a period of one year. RESOLUTION 2: PROPOSED RULE CHANGES TO INTRODUCE AN ASSOCIATE VETERAN CATEGORY Rationale Council is seeking to address a concern raised by the Ladies Branch regarding older Associate Members of the Club who no longer wish to participate in competitive golf. It is recognised that cost is a factor and such members find that paying a full subscription for an occasional round of social golf does not provide value for money and they may elect to resign their membership. Council therefore hope to address this concern with a new category of ‘Associate Veteran’ Membership, similar to that existing for male members. Similar age qualification criteria will apply. This category will also be open to past members who may have already resigned or changed their membership, providing they satisfied the 10 year qualification, prior to resignation. The proposed annual subscription rate for ‘Associate Veteran’ membership will be set at a rate of £160 per annum. Play will be restricted to weekdays (Monday-Friday). with the ‘pay per play’ rate set from time to time by Council – currently £5 for 9 holes or £10 for 18 holes. As this new category is solely for the purpose of social golf, members in this category will not be permitted to play in Club competitions or any Open competitions where an official handicap is required. Council recognise that although a limited number of Associates have currently expressed interest in such a category, this package may be attractive to many more Associate Members than expected. The admittance or transfer to this new category will therefore be closely monitored and will be subject to a category limit as provided for under Rule 6. The following changes to Club Rules are therefore proposed to accommodate this new category:

a) Rule 4 - Change to category definitions b) Rule 11 - Provision of opportunity for Associate Veterans to regain Associate Ordinary special category status and the

inclusion of related subscription rate Other Club Rules referring to ‘Veteran Category’ remain unchanged. Current Rule 4: (Only proposed changed sections are detailed) 4. Membership of the Club shall comprise Ordinary Members (Male) and Ordinary Associates (Female) and the following special classes, for both Members and Associates, unless otherwise stated:- Honorary, Five Day (Male), Veteran (Male), Country, Under 25, Junior, Juvenile, Cadet, Temporary, Non-Playing, House and Concession, all of whom shall be subject to the Rules, Regulations, Orders, Local Rules and Bye-Laws of the Club from time to time in force…………………… A Veteran Member is one who, has attained state pension age plus 5 years, before commencement of the Club year, i.e. 1st day of March, in any given year and who has paid the Annual Subscription appropriate to Ordinary Membership, Country Membership or Five Day Membership, or any combination of same, for a total of 10 years prior to that date. On payment of an annual subscription and the specified playing subscription fee, a Veteran member may play on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Proposed Rule 4: 4. Membership of the Club shall comprise Ordinary Members (Male) and Ordinary Associates (Female) and the following special classes, for both Members and Associates, unless otherwise stated:- Honorary, Five Day (Male), Veteran (Male), Country, Under 25, Junior, Juvenile, Cadet, Temporary, Non-Playing, House and Concession, all of whom shall be subject to the Rules, Regulations, Orders, Local Rules and Bye-Laws of the Club from time to time in force……………….. A Veteran Member is one who, has attained state pension age plus 5 years, before commencement of the Club year, i.e. 1st day of March, in any given year and who has paid the Annual Subscription appropriate to Ordinary or Ordinary Associate Membership, Country or Associate Country Membership, Five Day Membership, or any combination of same, for a total of 10 years prior to that date. On payment of an annual subscription and the specified playing subscription fee, a Veteran member may play on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

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Current Rule 11: (Only proposed changed sections are detailed) Ordinary Associates who have attained state pension age before the commencement of the Club year, i.e. 1

st day of

March, in any given year, and who have paid the Annual Subscription appropriate to Ordinary Associate Membership for a total of 10 consecutive years immediately prior to that date…………………………………………………………………………... £565 Proposed Rule 11: (Inclusions for new Associate Veteran category) Ordinary Associates who have attained state pension age plus fifteen years, before commencement of the Club year, i.e. 1

st day of March, in any given year and who have paid the Annual Subscription appropriate to Ordinary, Country or Veteran

Associate Membership for a total of 40 years immediately prior to that date……………………………………………………..……….... £160 Associate Veteran Member……………………………………………………………………………….………………..……….………..………………….... £160

Appendix 7 RESOLUTIONS PROPOSED BY MEMBERS The following resolution to amend Rules 16 & 17 has been submitted by Mr. David McAlpine in accordance with Rule 23(ii): (Only the relevant Rule sections are shown.) Rationale: To encourage members to stand for election to Council providing new ideas and thoughts on taking the Club forward. Also to reduce the number of Past Captains who continue to seek re-election to Council after they have served as Captain etc. Current Rules 16 & 17: 16. (iv) The nine elected Members of Council shall retire after three years service. The vacancies created by those retiring shall be filled by an election at each Annual General Meeting. (vi) A Member of the Council (other than the Office-Bearers) failing to attend at least three meetings in any one year (unless his failure to do so be due to illness) shall vacate his seat on the Council and shall not be eligible for re-election to the Council for the ensuing year. 17. (iii) Retiring Members of Council shall be eligible for re-election except as provided under Rule 16(vi) and shall be nominated in accordance with sub-section (i) of this Rule. Proposed Rules 16 & 17: 16. (iv) The nine elected Members of Council shall retire after three years service and if, having served two terms (three years x 2) shall not be eligible for re-election until the following General Meeting. The vacancies created by those retiring shall be filled by an election at each Annual General Meeting. (vi) A Member of the Council (other than the Office-Bearers) failing to attend at least three meetings in any one year (unless his failure to do so be due to illness) shall vacate his seat on the Council and shall not be eligible for re-election to the Council for the ensuing year. 17. (iii) Retiring Members of Council shall be eligible for re-election except as provided under Rule 16(iv) and Rule 16(vi) and shall be nominated in accordance with sub-section (i) of this Rule. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MEMBERS NOTES:

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