annual general meeting of the congregation 12.00 pm ... · pdf fileannual general meeting of...

St Mary’s Church Dalmahoy Annual General Meeting of the Congregation 12.00 pm, Sunday 19 th November 2017 AGENDA Page 1. Opening Prayer & Remembrance of Departed 2. Apologies for absence 3. Minutes of AGM 20 th November 2016 4. Matters arising 5. Presentation of reports (previously circulated) Rector Rector’s Warden People’s Warden Protection of Children & Vulnerable Groups Treasurer (Accounts Appended) Fairtrade Account Lay Representative Sunday Circle Dalmations Website 6. Amendment to the constitution 7. Elections 2 Ordinary Vestry Members (remit appended) Lay Rep (remit appended) Alternate Lay Rep 8. Any other notified business ANY OTHER ITEMS MUST BE NOTIFIED IN WRITING TO BILL SCOTT OR BOB GOULD BY WEDNESDAY 8 th NOVEMBER Page 1 of 43

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Page 1: Annual General Meeting of the Congregation 12.00 pm ... · PDF fileAnnual General Meeting of the Congregation 12.00 pm, ... Alan Coupe, our Rector’s ... At the end of the meeting

St Mary’s Church Dalmahoy

Annual General Meeting of the Congregation 12.00 pm, Sunday 19th November 2017



1. Opening Prayer & Remembrance of Departed 2. Apologies for absence 3. Minutes of AGM 20th November 2016 4. Matters arising 5. Presentation of reports (previously circulated) Rector Rector’s Warden People’s Warden Protection of Children & Vulnerable Groups

Treasurer (Accounts Appended) Fairtrade Account

Lay Representative Sunday Circle Dalmations Website 6. Amendment to the constitution 7. Elections 2 Ordinary Vestry Members (remit appended) Lay Rep (remit appended)

Alternate Lay Rep

8. Any other notified business



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St. Mary’s Church, Dalmahoy Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

20th November 2016

1. Opening Prayers & Remembrance of Departed: (a) The Rev’d Bob Gould, our Interim Pastor welcomed the attending members of the congregation. This was followed by an Opening Prayer and the remembrance of those who have died in the past year. Mention was also made of those not so closely tied to the congregation who had also died in the last year. (b) Opening Remarks: Alan Coupe, our Rector’s Warden also made a few opening remarks. He asked that people who wanted to speak should use the microphone.

2. Apologies for Absence: Amanda Lady Morton, John Blaber, Richmond Davies, Deryck Henderson, Kate Graham, David Bell, Val Lawrie, Margaret Coupe, Myrtle Burnett, Margaret Hunter and John and Jane Helliwell.

3. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of 20th November 2016: These Minutes were proposed by Ted Tracy-Bower and seconded by Rona Finlayson after the following amendments put forward by Claire Starr were accepted.

(a) It was accepted that John Starr had not been a member of the Ministry LeadershipTeam as indicated in the minutes. (See Section 5 (h) of previous Minutes). (b) The last sentence in Section 5 (h) (iii) of previous Minutes was amended to read. “This help is needed so that we could have a rota, meaning that Sunday Circle leaders can have a chance to come and worship in the main service sometimes – other than just in the holidays”. (c) The last sentence in Section 6 (a) (iii) of previous Minutes be replaced by “We havehad a children’s corner for several years and I wanted this to be more welcoming and contain things that were more connected to the service, not simply random toys”.

4. Matters Arising from Previous AGM Minutes:

(a) Alan Coupe asked if anyone wanted to say anything more about the children’s corner. Jean Tracy-Bower thought it was nice to see the children so involved in our church. Rona Finlayson was delighted to see the banner in the children’s corner and wanted to see more of what the children do shown in this corner. Alan Coupe suggested that we could consider at our next Vestry meeting the proposal to have a children’s service at least once every three months. This was generally welcomed. Bob Gould suggested we call such a service an “all age service” rather than simply a children’s service and that he would be happy to be involved in such a service. Rosie Mann indicated that there was a special Eucharistic book service for children that we could use. (b) On the question of the Ministry Leadership Team Ella Henderson suggested that the Outreach part of the MLT remit had been somewhat neglected. No one was doing it. At this point Alan Coupe asked that those on the existing MLT consider continuing in post for the present.

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5. Presentation of Reports (previously circulated): (a) Rector’s Report: written by the Revd. Deryck Collingwood, our recently retired priest. (See Appendix A). (i) Since Deryck had now retired his Report was taken as read.

(ii) Bob Gould, our Interim Pastor, added a few words of his own (See Appendix B). Bob explained his main task was to ensure services continues. He was especially grateful to the various assisting ministers as well as to the Ministry Leadership Team here in St, Mary’s. Bob had enjoyed his time so far with us and was looking forward to sharing Advent and Christmas with us.

(b) Rector’s Warden Report: presented by Alan Coupe. (See Appendix C). (i) This report was taken as read.

(ii) In addition to his report there were a few points that Alan raised at the meeting.

a. He thanked Margaret King for her 7 years’ service on the Hall Committee. A small token of our appreciation was to be forwarded to her. Margaret also sent Alan an email (See Appendix D) in which he outlined improvements that were required in the kitchen. Her successor, Wilma Brown, was still to get a remit for the post of Convenor. This would be disused at our next Vestry meeting.

b. Alan also raised the question of Stewarding. Too few people were involved and he proposed that a list be put up whereby people could indicate when they would be available to do some of the duties on a Sunday. Jean Tracy-Bower asked if people needed qualifications to help on a Sunday. Bob Gould indicated that a simple list of volunteers sent to the Diocese was sufficient.

c. Alan also thanked Graham McBride for all the excellent work he had done in the church grounds. He was given a voucher for the Bridge Inn for a meal for two as a token of our thanks.

d. Alan also thanked Margaret Scott for all the work she had done in producing the Church magazine over the last few years. She was also given a small gift as a token of our appreciation.

(c) People’s Warden Report: presented by Caroline Gunn. (i) Caroline had nothing to add to her written report. (See Appendix E). (ii) Lord Morton, however, when asked for an update on the acquisition of two

new church bells indicated that they were expected to be installed by February/ March time.

(d) Protection of Children & Vulnerable Groups Report: presented by Caroline Gunn.

(i) Caroline had nothing to add to her written report. (See Appendix F). (ii) No issues were raised about this report. (e) Treasurer’s Report: presented by Denis King. (See Appendix F). (i) Denis informed the meeting that the accounts had now been signed off by the auditor.

Details were contained in an ‘Accounts Update’ distributed at the meeting. (See Appendix G). (ii) Denis also informed the meeting that we are expected to spend a lot of money on refurbishing/repairing the Rectory and Rectory Cottage.

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(iii) Denis also informed the meeting that due to a possible oversight we, like many other churches, may have to return approximately £5,000 to the HMRC which we may have claimed erroneously. (f) Fairtrade Account: Written by Geoff Angell but presented by Steven. (See AppendixH). (i) Steven thanked those who had been involved in the Fairtrade stall at the church. (ii) He also pointed out that, contrary to some opinion, Fair Trade was an intensely political issue.

(g) Lay Representative Report: (See Appendix I) In the absence of John Blaber this report was simply presented to the meeting in addition to an Addendum (See Appendix J) and taken as read. (h) Sunday Circle Report: presented by Claire Starr. (See Appendix K).

(i) Claire had nothing to add to her written report and it was taken as read. (ii) Alan Coupe praised the work of those involved in the Sunday Circle and pointed out the importance we as a church attach to the children in our congregation.

(i) Dalmatians Report. Presented by Denis King. (See Appendix L) (i) This report was taken as read. (ii) Alan took the opportunity to thank all those involved for all the hours and

work they had put into making the Dalmatians a necessary and enjoyable part of our congregation. (iii) This was echoed by Janet Dyer who also pointed out that the Dalmatians was a good social, outreach event attracting people from outside of the church. (iii) Thanks were extended to Denis King who had volunteered to take over the role of chairman of the Dalmatians. (iv) Denis gave out details of a forthcoming meeting of the Dalmatians and hoped as many people as possible would attend.

(j) Website Report. In the absence of John Blaber this report was simply presented to the meeting and taken as read. (See Appendix M).

6. Ministry Vacancy:

(a) Alan gave a brief account of where we were now in relation to the Vacancy arising from Deryck’s retirement. (b) Our Congregational Profile, a requirement of the Diocese, was almost complete and it was hoped to be finished by the middle of January. (c) The Vacancy Committee was keen to involve the congregation as much as possible in the process of selecting a new Rector. Hence, we had issued a short survey available at the meeting. It was also intended to put the survey into the next edition of the church magazine as well as onto the church website. Any member of the congregation was welcome to approach the Vacancy Committee with any issues relating to the Vacancy and the Committee would consider these issues. (d) Bill also pointed out that we had had our mandatory meeting with the Bishop to discuss our Congregational Profile as well as our Financial Viability statement. The Bishop was happy with the state of our finances and saw no reason not to have a full-time priest. At the meeting we also had a brief discussion on some of the

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qualities we were looking for in a new Rector. These ideas would form the basis of a fuller picture when the Rector Profile was to be drawn up.

7. Elections: (a) Alan explained that two new ordinary members of the vestry were required

due to the retirement of Gillian McLennan and Richmond Davies., both of whom were thanked by Alan for their service on the Vestry.

(b) Two candidates were proposed for these vacancies. (i) Jane Russell was proposed by Derrick Henderson and Seconded by Geoff Angell. (See Appendix N) (ii) Gavin Craig was proposed by Rona Finlayson and seconded by Carole MacBride as a member of the vestry. (see Appendix O) (iii) Both candidates were elected to the Vestry.

(c) In addition, the meeting agreed to accept the continued nomination of John Blaber and Rosie Mann as Lay and Alternate Lay Representatives respectively.

8. Any Other Notified Business:

At the end of the meeting Geoff Angell thanked various members of the congregation for all they had done during the past year for the church.

Bill Scott Secretary to the Vestry.

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INTERIM PASTOR’S REPORT 2017 Writing this report at the beginning of October means that I can look back on exactly a year as your interim pastor, and congratulate you all on surviving and flourishing in the uncertain times of a vacancy. While there are many people to be thanked individually for what they have done, a warm thanks needs to go to you all for the positive attitude you have taken in getting things done – and reminding me what I am forgetting! I must particularly acknowledge the role of Alan Coupe, who, as Rector’s Warden, has been a valuable and calming influence. Particular Ministries General: It is too often forgotten that the ministry of a congregation is just what everyone in it does. Put briefly: ministry is what you do. It can be done well or badly, but is certainly not limited to what is done within the walls of St Mary’s or even in the homes of its members. It is clear that many of you do a great deal of Christ’s work in the world, much of it unpublicised. One example that is not often mentioned is the work that Claire Starr does in spiritual direction and prison visiting. Some of the particular ministries within St Mary’s are given below, but they are probably just the tip of the iceberg! The Vestry and the Vacancy Committee: As you will see from their report, this group, both in its normal and extended forms, have had a very busy year, especially in all they did to make what looks like an excellent appointment for Rector. Clearly the inefficiencies of this Canadian didn’t discourage them from appointing another! Ministry Leadership Team: The current composition is: Geoff Angell: Administration/Planning/Communication; Ella Henderson: Outreach; Rosie Mann: Worship; Mandy Smart: Spiritual Nurture/ Education and Growth; and Claire Starr: Pastoral Care. We have had occasional meetings to share information, and will have another before the AGM. Pastoral Visitors: These are a very important part of life at St Mary’s, and many thanks are due to Claire Starr for the organising and overseeing of this group, including a most enjoyable meal together at the Ratho Inn. The others in the group are L-M Donaldson, Janice Goodfellow, Derek and Ella Henderson, Margaret Hunter, Denis King, Margaret King, Carole MacBride, Olive Metcalfe, Rosemary Procter and Jane Russell - special thanks for Denis who joined the PV team during the year, and to Bill and Margaret Scott, who have retired after serving the congregation for many years. Sunday Circle: Claire Starr and Mandy Smart have worked hard to keep our ministry to young people going, with some assistance, particularly by Jean and Ted Tracey-Bower. Among other special events was an “all-age” service in the Hall at the end of the summer term. Work with children is crucial to the future of the Church, and this is an area that needs attention in the coming year. Fair Trade Group: Steve Haigh and his team run one of the keenest groups I have come across. They not only organise a semimonthly stall, they keep all of us aware of what is going on more widely in this important field – it is the care for the poor that is mentioned in the Bible more than any other duty. Dalmations: This group, meeting monthly, has had a very successful year, ably directed by Denis King and his committee. The programme has covered a wide variety of subjects, and is always interesting; it has been a great success story and major thanks go to those who organise, speak, and serve. Worship

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Regular Worship: It is remarkable that in the past year, there has been no significant decline in attendance at worship at St Mary’s. Morning Prayer before the Eucharist on Sunday is a great tradition, particularly as it is taken by lay people who welcome clergy but don’t expect them to be in charge! The Eucharist is our standard service, and there have been 180 celebrations, and just over 2700 Communions made in the past year. I have tried to be with you three to four times a month on a Sunday or a Wednesday, and many thanks are due to to Janet Dyer and Eileen Thompson for the big role they have played in keeping both of these services running smoothly. Thanks are also due to our guest celebrants and preachers: Bishops Bob Halliday and Douglas Cameron,and the Revs Jim Mein, John Richardson, Sarah Kilbey, Tim Tunley, and Tony Bryer, all of whom who have braved the A71 to be with us! We also had two special “in house” sermons by Jane Helliwell and Claire Starr. The team of Assistants, Rona Finlayson, Steve Haigh, Denis King and Claire Starr and all our servers and sacristans, flower arrangers, readers and others have ably eased my problems and those of our visitors in working through the uniquely St Mary’s way of celebrating the Eucharist! The Liturgy is enhanced tremendously too by the quality of our music through Alan Phillips and our often invisible but beautifully audible choir, for the care they put in to planning as well as performance. Special Services: St Mary’s has some very special services not found everywhere. The St Francistide animal blessing had 11 dogs accompanied by 17 humans this year. The remembrance of the departed on All Souls’ Day is always particularly moving. We have decided, with regret, that the list of those being remembered has had to be reduced, but always welcome names of anyone whose memory is dear to people here. Advent was marked by a quiet day led by Revd Fred Tomlinson and the travelling Christmas Crib, and Christmas Day with the irrepressible puppets. Holy Week was very well observed, with a special Eucharist based on the passion on Palm Sunday, daily services including foot washing on Maundy Thursday, Stations of the Cross on Good Friday, and a Vigil on Easter Eve, completed by an early morning service on Easter Day and a very welcome breakfast all before the high point of the year, the main Eucharist of the Resurrection. A very moving Vigil for Peace was organised by Rosie Mann in September. Weddings Baptisms & Confirmations: The wedding ministry is a central part of what St Mary’s offers to others outwith the congregation. In the past year there have been 32 weddings in St Mary’s. This has only been possible because of the stalwart work of Carole MacBride our Wedding Coordinator and Alan Phillips, our organist. Some of these weddings were taken “in house”, but we are very grateful to the ministers and priests of several denominations who have taken the other services. We had 12 baptisms during the year, mostly children of couples who have been married here, but including one adult, Keith Nicol. We welcome the continued link with the families of those whose weddings have been celebrated at St Mary’s. We also rejoiced in the Confirmation of Rosie Fyfe, when the Bishop visited us in September, also presenting the Diocese’s prestigious St Cuthbert’s Award to Carole MacBride. Contacts with other Churches: There have been disappointingly few of these this year. The coincidence of New Year’s Day being a Sunday did give a chance for a joint service (and sermon!) with Revd Nicola Moll and the congregation of St Salvador’s, Stenhouse, whose foodbank we support. The local service for the World Day of Prayer was at the Kirk of Calder on 3 March. And on to the Future The Revd Christine Downey will be instituted as Rector on 14 December, marking the beginning of a new phase of the life of St Mary’s. I have greatly enjoyed my time with you all, and feel sure that you have a good future ahead.

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This year has been a difficult, stressful, and momentous time for us all, although this was perhaps not unexpected at a time of vacancy. We are however still functioning thanks to the sterling efforts of many people (more below) , although the absence of the leadership of a full time on-site rector has had an inevitable detrimental effect , not least in terms of congregation numbers and indeed resultant drop in direct income.

The day to day running of St Mary’s has continued via the voluntary efforts of the Ministry Team and Sacristans, who give us a real focus on worship matters – the recent vigil being a good example. Claire’s work with Sunday Circle has been highly valued.

The stewards have been a great help to me – Val, Wilma, Richmond and Jane. After many years, Val has retired from stewarding, although she will continue to support in her various other roles. Irena has kindly agreed to take her place on the stewarding team. Behind the scenes, there have been invaluable contributions from Maureen (who produces the notes/programmes for each Sunday), and John Blaber, who runs our excellent website. Paula looks after the office, which has been very helpful on the admin side. Thanks also to Frances and Lesley for taking on the flowers.

I could go on and on, and must apologise to all those who I have not mentioned. However, I must put on record our sincere thanks to our interim pastor, Bob Gould, who has involved himself at St Mary’s way beyond the call of duty. We all enjoy his perceptive and lively sermons, and he has organised a rota of clergy throughout the year to run our services. We have been very grateful to these ‘ guest celebrities’ who have visited us over the year – their contributions have been invaluable, thought provoking, and often entertaining. Bob has helped us entirely on a voluntary basis, and has undertaken what sometimes must have been a gruelling task in an ever-cheerful fashion. I am sure that he will be thankful to be able to step aside at the year end.

I must also make special mention of Carole MacBride, who has contributed in very many ways. Her primary job is as wedding co-ordinator, and I know that wedding couples have valued her help enormously. There have been 30 or so weddings this year – an onerous task, and most importantly, these have generated a very substantial and much needed level of income for us. Not only that, she has ‘persuaded’ her husband Graeme to look after the church grounds, which have been looking fantastic – many thanks Graeme. Carole has also taken a leading role in fabric matters at the church, and not least the rectory refurbishment. She also has a strength in organising social events. Thank you, Carole.

The drift of all this is that the church does nor run itself, and I would urge anyone who can spare some time to get involved. This year, Denis is standing down as treasurer after far too long, having done a fantastic job – he will continue in his other roles. Bill Scott is also standing down as Vestry Secretary, also after a longer than normal term. I can’t thank you both enough. In both cases, we are seeking replacements for these important posts. Applications please – training will be provided!

Obviously, through the whole of this year, the main issue in the eyes of most people has been the vacancy. You will know that a Vacancy Committee was formed to deal with this, under the leadership of Bill Scott, to whom we shall be eternally grateful. He has guided us through the complex rules and regulations involved, and it has been very clear to me that this has been a very

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onerous task, involving a clear and analytical mind (which ruled me out!). Whilst we were disappointed at the lack of applicants in the early part of the process, when it came round to interviews, John Blaber organised this brilliantly, and the day went very well. Thanks to Bill and John.

Thank you to Vestry members who have helped me get through Vestry meetings without too many problems.

We have had our problems through the year, but in spite of this, I believe that we are well placed to move forward under the leadership of our new Rector, Christine Downey, who hopefully could be taking up her post earlier than anticipated (originally expected at the start of January). She will find a pretty smart rectory to live in, and there are no significant fabric issues with the church buildings. Obviously there will be challenges and changes as she puts her own stamp on things at St Mary’s, and I am looking forward to working with her. By moving from Canada, she is embarking on a new chapter in her life, and I know that we will all give her a rousing welcome.

I would, however, ask that we should all embrace any changes / new ideas, so that we can ensure a vibrant future for St Mary’s

Alan Coupe

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This time last year, Deryck Collingwood had just retired as Rector of St Mary’s and we welcomed Bob Gould as our Interim Pastor. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Bob, on behalf of everyone in the congregation, for the great work he has done over the past year in leading us all in worship during our vacancy period. We should all feel very grateful that we have had someone with Bob’s vast experience guide us through the past year and to quote the Bishop, “Bob has been exemplary in his work as Interim Pastor”. Bob is leaving us in the New Year and I hope he enjoys a very happy retirement and leaves with happy memories of his year shared with everyone at St Mary’s. We have enjoyed many visiting preachers throughout the year and I would especially like to thank Eileen Thompson for stepping in to take many of our services and conduct weddings and baptisms which are such an important part of our ministry. Obviously the year has been dominated by the task of finding a new Rector and the Vacancy Committee under the chairmanship of Bill Scott has worked very hard to make an appointment. After an interview process which was held in August we were delighted to announce the appointment of Christine Downey as our new Rector. She is moving from Ontario to join us and we look forward to her installation on 14th December. As ever at St Mary’s there are many people who have just got on with contributing so much to the successful running of the Church, and this has been especially important this year during the vacancy period. The major task this year has been the upgrading and redecorating of the Rectory and huge thanks must be extended to Carole MacBride for organising this project. Thanks to the kindness of Lord Morton all the floor tiles in the church were professionally cleaned and polished in February, and special thanks must go to all the volunteers who helped prepare the church for the work and to Carole who organised the task and took the opportunity to clean all the pews before they were returned to the Church. We also had 2 new bells installed at the beginning of the year which were generously commissioned by the Douglas family to commemorate the late Earl and Countess of Morton. I think everyone will agree they are a great addition to the church and grateful thanks to the Douglas family from all at St Mary’s. Carole MacBride also continues as St Mary’s Wedding Co-Ordinator and I know many wedding parties are extremely grateful for the hard work she does in this role. I am sure everyone was as delighted as I was when the Bishop presented Carole with the St Cuthbert’s Award in recognition of everything she has done for the church. Claire Starr and her team continue to run the Sunday Circle and Alan Philipps never fails to entertain us with his wonderful organ playing. The churchyard continues to look spectacular thanks to the efforts of the gardening team and in particular because of the invaluable work Graeme MacBride does by cutting the grass. The new gravel in the car park has been a great improvement. The work that everyone does in so many different aspects of life at St Mary’s is very much appreciated and I have no doubt that this will continue next year. I am certain that life at St Mary’s will continue to prosper in the forthcoming year and we have much to look forward to. I hope everyone feels that they have been kept informed of what has been happening throughout the vacancy period, but if anyone ever has any concerns on this issue or anything else, I hope they will not hesitate to contact me either by email [email protected] or on my mobile 07889 323383 and I will do my very best to help. Caroline Gunn

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There are currently 23 people from the congregation at St Mary’s who have successfully joined the PVG scheme. This includes Pastoral Visitors, Sunday Circle Leaders and members of the Ministry Team. During the year November 2016-November 2017 there have been no issues reported. Caroline Gunn St Mary’s PVG Co-Ordinator

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Solicitors: Morton Fraser, Quartermile 2, 2 Lister Square,Edinburgh EH3 9GL

St Mary's Scottish Episcopal Church, DalmahoyCharity No. SCOl4203

• Accounts for the year ended 30 September 2017

Administrative Information

Principal Address: St Mary's Episcopal church, Dalmahoy, Kirknewton EH27 8EB


Charity trustees: Lord Morton (Patron)Revd. Robert Gould (Interim Pastor)

(Vestry members) Alan Coupe (Rector's Warden)Denis King (Treasurer)Caroline Gunn (People' s Warden)Caire Starr (Alternate People's Warden)John Blaber (Lay Representative)Bill Scott (also Secretary To Vestry)Geoff AngellCarole MacBrideJane RussellGavin Craig

Bankers: Halifax Bank of Scotland57 East Main Street, Broxburn, EH525EE


Michael Marwick

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Annual report of the Members of the Vestry

•The Vestry presents the annual accounts for St Mary's for the year ended 30September 2017.

This annual report and accounts presents a summary of our financial activitiesduring the year and gives an overview of the general activities which have takenplace in the life of our church in the past year.

Hereinafter J/ the church" shall refer to the combined finances of St Mary's churchand St Mary's Trust.

Activities and Achievements

Charitable giving remains at the core of the church's activities. This year thefollowing charities St Columba's Hospice, 5trathcarron Hospice, Beat the BeastChallenge, Palcrafts, Edinburgh Food Project, Bethlehem R-ehabilitation Centre andTamilandu Rehabilitation and Development (through Eileen Thompson) were allgranted £500 by vestry approval. St Mary's also paid £500 as payment for the secondyear of our four year commitment to sponsor an ordinand in Papua New Guinea.

Details of the amounts given are shown in the accounts and notes thereto. Further,our connection with Mary's Meals continues, principally through the demijohns forsmall change in the church and hall. It should be noted that the amount donated thisyear is lower than previous years.

Ifmembers of the congregation wish to propose a cause to be considered forcharitable giving during the coming year, bring this to the attention of a vestrymember. The majority of the charities supported this year came from suggestions bymembers of the congregation.

Energy bills, are very close to 2015-2016 figures. At around £5,000 these contribute avery significant part of the expense of running the church and associated buildings.The rates for the coming year have been negotiated with supplier. As a result nomajor rise in energy bills is expected.

Inthe past year major refurbishment work has been carried out in the Rectory tobring it up to the standard required for our new Rector to live there. This hasincluded rewiring and redecorating the property. Also there has been the purchaseof carpeting and white goods. The cost of this has been met mainly from the StMary's Trust Account.

Some of the smaller Maintenance items in the rectory have been paid from theGeneral Account. The other main Maintenance items paid from this account havebeen Church and Grounds electrics, roof repairs and rodent control for the Rectory.

We are very grateful to Lord and Lady Morton for arranging and funding thereplacement of the church bells and also for paying the cost of the cleaning andpolishing of the church floor. These were done through the Douglas Trust.

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Under the Grounds and Maintenance heading St Mary's continues to be indebted toGraeme MacBride who has cut the grass for the last three years. Having Graemecarrying this out is a big saving as otherwise 5t Mary's would likely have to employsomeone to do it at a considerable cost. So a big thank you to Graeme.

As mentioned above the St Mary's Trust Account has been used to meet most of thecosts entailed in refurbishing the rectory. At present this has amounted to nearly£13,069 with a cheque for a further £1,370 written but not cashed by September 30th•Therefore, the funds available in that account have been significantly reduced, Therewill still be funds required for a large amount of refurbishment work on the RectoryCottage in the foreseeable future.


St Mary's relies chiefly upon the generosity of its congregation for most of its day today funding. Smaller amounts are generated by fundraising activities. One of theseis the money donated on a 5unday morning for coffee/ tea after the service. Thisbrings in around £700 a year.

St Mary's attracts a large number of wedding couples, and the income generatedfrom this remains significant. This ministry is of major importance to the church'sfinances. Many thanks are due again to Carole MacBride for her role as WeddingCoordinator.

Additionally, the Douglas Trust makes a material contribution towards the Rector'sstipend and National Insurance contributions.

Congregational giving has dropped significantly to previous years. The possibility ofthis was highlighted in last year's report. There are known reasons for this. As wehave not had a rector during the year there has been no stipend or pension paymentsrequired. Therefore 5t Mary's financial position looks strong. However once we startpaying these again, when our new rector arrives, our expenditure will be larger thanour income. Action must be taken to rectify this either through increased giving orother initiatives.

The Gift Aid figure for the year is down on that received in 2015-2016. This reflectsthe downturn in congregational giving. We continue to take advantage of thegovernment Gift Aid 5mall Donations Scheme (GASDS) which was introduced inApril 2013. This scheme allows us to claim Gift Aid on the 5unday Open Collectionwithin certain rules.

The reserves of the church are held mainly in bank accounts, one current accounteach for the church and for 5t Mary's Trust, and a deposit account held for the

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Structure, governance and management

church at Triodos Bank. The St Mary's Trust account is reserved for upkeep tobuildings and grounds.

• Within general funds there are specific reserves. A surplus remains in the OrganRestoration Fund for future repairs and refurbishment; the Rector's DiscretionaryFund and a Legacy Fund.

The church's reserves remain sufficient that in the event of a significant loss ofincome, the church would be able to maintain its current level of activities for areasonable period until replacement funding is obtained, as is required in ourconstitution.


St Mary's invested £20,000 in the Scottish Episcopal Church Unit Trust Fund inJanuary 2014. Further investments of £7,500 and £5,000 were made in January 2016and July 2017. Due to our policy of reinvesting any dividends to buy more Units wecurrently own 2680 Units. The Book Value of these Units is £35,800.45. The MarketValue of the Units on September 30th was £17.5445 per Unit making the currentvalue of the investment £47,019.26. Itshould be noted that the market value of theunits can go down as well as up. Therefore the value of the units will be regularlymonitored. Should there be a requirement to sell units in the future any instructionto do so will be actioned at month end with the monies received going directly backinto the General Account.

There is still the possibility that St Mary's may have to make a back payment of£5,000 to H1v1RCto compensate for missed National Insurance payments, a matterknown to the province and not common to St Mary's. We still await the finaldecision. The vestry took a decision to invest a further £5000 in the SEC Unit TrustPool in order that this money is set aside and, hopefully, gaining some value whilethe decision is being made. As mentioned previously this was done in July.

The church is a registered charity in Scotland (SC014203). As a member congregationof the Scottish Episcopal Church, it is governed by Canon Law of the ScottishEpiscopal Church. The management team of the church is known as the Vestry. Forthe purposes of charities law, the members of Vestry are the Charity Trustees of thechurch. Details of the Vestry members are given on the front page.The trustees of St Mary's Trust are the Bishop of Edinburgh, the Dean of Edinburgh,the Earl of Morton and the Rector of St Mary's Dalmahoy.

Full details of Vestry electoral processes, terms of service and other details are givenin other reports to the Annual General Meeting, and in the constitution.

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The Rector appoints one member of Vestry, the Rector's Warden, himself. TheTreasurer is formally appointed by the trustees of St Mary's Trust, on therecommendation of the Vestry.

Vestry responsibilities

These are outlined in detail in the constitution of the church.

Relationship with Diocese and Province

St Mary's is supported by the Diocese of Edinburgh and the Province of Scotlandthrough the pastoral oversight of the Bishop and by central support functionsprovided at Diocesan level. [Note: it is also supported financially by a quarterlygrant from the Douglas Trust, as a contribution towards the Rector's Stipend.]

The church is represented at Diocesan level by the Rector and the Lay Representative.

As a member of the Scottish Episcopal Church, St Mary's has an obligation tocontribute towards the costs of Diocese and Province through payment of the annualquota. This amount is based upon the relative level of income of the church incomparison with that of other churches in the Diocese and Province. Details of thisamount are in the main accounts.

On behalf of the Vestry and Trustees

Denis KingTreasurer08 October 2017

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ChurchAccounts 2016-2017 AR&P Accounts October 2017




Receipts and payments accountsFOR THE YEAR ENDING 30 SEPTEMBER 2017

•Section A Statement of receipts and payments



tOl'lUrest£ tonea_t£

Total funds Total funds lastcurrent period period

to _ £ to neateSI £

Ai ReceiptsDonations


Receipts from fundralslng activities

Gross trading receipts

Income from investments other than land and buildin

Rents from land & buildings

Gross receipts from other charitable activities

38.814 2004.000 ·120 ·· ·

596 -700 4.418








A1 Sub total ....1 __ 56,;..9_50...1 ....1 __ 4,;..6_18... 1 ...1 -...1 ....1 __ .......-1 ...1 __ 61,;.,5_68...1 ...1 __ 83..;.,.7_26....1

A2 Receipts frOm asset & Investment sales

Iproceeds from sele affixed assets -IProceeds from sale af Investments -

A2Subtotal -Total receipts ....1 __ 56,;.,9_50...1 ...1 __ 4....6_18...1 ...1 -...1 ...1 ...·1 ...1 __ 61,;..5_68...1 ....1 __ 83..;.,7_26....1

A3 Payments

Expenses for fundralslng activities · ·Clergy and ministry costs 2.931 -Gross trading payments - ·Investment management costs - -payments relating directly to charitable activities 15.348 -Grants and donations 5.551 -Governance costs:

Audit I independent examination - ·Preparation af annual accounts - ·

Legal costs · ·Other 14.055 13.069

· -2.931 35,474

· -· -

111.348 21,6005.551 6,628

· -- -

·27.12. 15,145

A3 Sub total ...1 __ 37,;..886..... 1 ...1 __ 13,;..06_9... 1 ...1 -...1 ....... __ ....-1 ...1 __ 5O_.95<f....... 1 ....1 __ 78_,84_7...1

M Payments relating to asset and Investmentmovements


5.000 500

55.9541 86,347

5.6141 (2,621)

. I5,6141 (2,621)

!purchases af fixed assets -IPurchase af Investments 11.000

A4 Sub total 11.000

Total payments L.1 __ ~4;;;.:2,~886~L-_......;.1;;;.:3.~06;;.;9;_jL.. '"

Net receipts I (payments) L..I __ 1_4.;.;.064.;.......0 L..-_..:.(8.;.:..450.;..;..;.,)"", L.. ~

AS Transfers to I (from) funds

Surplus I (deficit) for year 14,064 (8,450)

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Section B Statement of balancesSC014203



Total lastperiod


Total currentperiodDetails

81 Cash funds 24,144 30,920 55,064 57,685

14,064 (8.450) 6,614 (2,621)

. -

. -38,208 22,470 - . 60,678 55.064

Cash and bank balances at start of year

• Swplus I (deficit) shown on receipts andpayments account

Cash and bank balances at end ofyear

DetailsFund 10which asset belongs Last yea.M.o1<ol... luaUon

82 InvestmentsIOneareatE tonearestEIScottish Episcopal Church

47,019 36.697

47.019 36,697

6 SEC Unit Trust Pool


DetailsFund to which asset belongs CumtntYilluefof

... Ilable) Last yea.Cost (If .YlIIIabIo)

B3 Other assets

to neareot£ 10 netlrest£ 10 _ £

'----TotaI----' t==j t==jEj6

Details Fund to which Ilablllty'_ Last yea.Amount due


to neal'Hl £ 10 neal'Hl. £'---------',_laaDetails Fund 10which liability relates Amount due

(eotlmata) Last year

85 Contingent liabilities

Signature Print Name Dale ofapproval

Signed by one or two 1rusteeson behalf of aD the trustees t-----------tlf------I-----tIB

ChurchAccounts 2016-2017 A / Statement of balances 1 October 2017

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Section C Notes to the Accounts


C1 Nature and purpose offunds (may be stated onanalysis of funds worksheets)

C2 Grants

C3a Trustee remuneration

C3b Trustee remuneration -details

C4a Trustee expenses

C4b Trustee expenses -details

C5 Transactions withtrustees and connectedpersons

C6 Other Information

General fund: this is the contents of the main church current account aggregated with the deposit account (30 days' notice) held withTriodos Bank, when the balances of the organ restoration, legacy and rector's disaetionaryfunds are netted out.

Organ restoration fund: This is the balance of funds from the organ refurbishment project, and is held in a restricted fund tocontribute towards future repairs and enhancements. Regular tuning and maintenance is paid for out of general funds

Rector'S discretionary fund: There were no payments made from this fund during the year. There was one donation specified to bedirected to this fund.

Legacy fund: This fund contains spedfic legades to the charity, whether they stipulate particular uses for the money or nat.

I StMary's Trust: This fund Is restricted to the upkeep ofthe properties for which we have responsibility. It's main income is the renton the Rectory Cottage. This is the only restricted fund to have a separate bank account.

Investments: A further £5,000 worth of Units were purchased in the Scottish Episcopal Church Unit Trust Pool during the year. Alldividends are re-invested to purchase new Units.


Type of activity or projed supported£

Famine relief

Commu.!lity Inyolvement

Paliative Care

Overseas Aid

Diocesan appeal

Community Involvement

Community Involvement

Paliative Care

Ordinand support

Overseas Aid

Paliative Care

Overseas Aid


Paliative carePaliative Care

IndividualJ In_

Mary's Meals

Ravelrig Riding For Disabled

ST Columba's Hospice


Bishop's Lent Appeal

Edinburgh Food Project

Mission To Seafarers

Beat The Beast Challenge

Papua & New Guinea Trust

Bethlehem Rehabilitation

Alzheimers Scotland

Tamilmandu Development

British Red Cross

Strathcarron Hospice



5 424

1 500

1 500

1 350

1 500

1 200

1 500

1 500

1 500

1 500

1 512

1 500

1 65Total 5,551

Authority under which paid



I NoneIRev'd R Gould

Interim Pastor expenses comprising of petrol costs at approved rates.

Nature of relationship Nature of transaction

Number of trustee. £

Transaction amount Balance(£) outstanding at

period end (£)


ChurchAccounts 2016-2017 Rnall / R&P Notes 1 October 2017

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Additional analysis (1)

• Analysis of receipts and payments


Gift aid offerings

HMRC Gift Aid RetumOther church offerings


Wedding and baptism donations

Mary's Meals collections

U of Edinburgh Dyslexia payments


2 Grants


~ UnrestrictedZ funds



25,075 2008,4843,782

-1,050 -424

-38,814 200



.____IDougIaSTIU_st _--,,19 ~~Total ~ t===J

3 Gross receipts from other charitable activities

Wedding tees

Greetings cards takings

Misc. refundsInsurance claims

lona Payments Incoming

Deryck Retiral Collection


4 Payments relating directly to charitable activities

Diocesan QuotaChurch expensesOrganist honorarium and expensesRetreatsSocial Outgoings

Greetings Cards Income

Sunday Circle

Church Flowers


Deryck Retirement Collection

RSCM SubSCription

Honoraria to outside organists

Flowers Condolence/Get WelVAnniversary

Payments From legacy Fund

Rector's Discretionary fund payments

Inspires subscriptlon


ChurchAccounts 2016-2017 AAddltional analysis (1)


R_cted funds

12,720 -- -- ----

12,720 -

Restricted funds

5,607 -5,2763,420 -· -· -

383 ·- -200 -113 -

- -101 -65 ·184 ·-·· ·

15,348 ·


Total currentperiod

Total lastperiod

25,275 31,7318,484 10n23,782 7,008. 1201,050 3,007424 1189

- 3,415-

39,014 57,242

Total currentper10d

Total lastperiod




Total lastperiod

12,720 10,920· 27· 570· -· 2,446- 2,465

12,720 16,428

5,607 73905,276 2,4253,420 3,500· 2,462· 150

383 350· -

200 225113 113· 2,465

101 9965 55184 15

· 1,585· 645

· 12015,348 21,599

October 2017

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Additional analysis (2)

• Breakdown of unrestricted funds

R .teCIJ>1s .DonationsGrantsReceipts from fundraising activitiesGross trading receiptsIncome from investments other than land andbuildingsRents from land and buildingsGross receipts from other charitable activities

Sub total

Receipts from asset and investment sales

Proceeds from sales of fixed assetsProceeds from sales of investments


Total receipts


Expenses for fundraising activitiesClergy and ministry costsGross trading paymentsInvestment management costsPayments relating directly to charitable activitiesGrants and donationsGovemance costs:

Audit I independent examinationPreparation of annual accounts

Legal costsOther







Totalunrestricte Last periodd funds

38,814 56,5414,000 4,000120 636

- -596 680

700 46012,720 16,42856,950 78,745

s6,9501 1.____;,56.;.;,,9;;.,;;5.;;,toU,-__ 7...;,8,7_4...151






Payments relating to asset and investment movements

Purchase of fixed assetsPurchase of investments


Total payments

Net receipts (payments)

Transfers to/(from) funds

Surplus/(deficit) for year

42,8861 I 42,88611 84,1161

14,06411 14,06411- 5,3711

-I I -II -I14,0641 1 14,06411- 5,3711


- -2,931 35,474'

- -- -

15,348 19,3695,551 6,628

- -- -- --

14,055 15,14537,886 76,616

- -5,000 7,5005,000 7,500

C:\Users\richard\Documents\My Documents\St Marys Treasurer\2016-2017\Church Accounts\ChurchAccounts 2016-2017 APage 21 of 43

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Orpn ,_ration fund: This Is the balance of funds from the organ refurbishment project, and is held in a restricted fund to cOntribute towards future repairs and enhancements.Regulartunlng and maintenance is paid for out of general funds

Reel"", dlscreUonafy fund: There were no payments for the alleviation of urgent need made duri..: the year, and one donation was paid in.

IA!gacy fund: This fund contains specific legacies to the charity, whether they stipulate particular uses for the money or not.



Additional analysis (3)

• 5 Breakdown of restrictvd funds

St Mary'sTrust





Legacy Fund Totalrestricted


Totalrestrictedfunds lastperiod


Donations · 200 200 700Legacies · · · · · -Grants - · · - ·Receipts from fund raising activities · · - - -Gross trading receipts · · - ·Income from investments other then land and -buildings · · -Rents from land & buildings 4,418 - - · 4,418 4,281Gross receipts from other charitable activities - - - - -

Sub total 4,418 - 200 - 4,618 4,981

L._._...__-s .....,§§§§§§I 4,41811 -II 200 II -II 4,61811 4,98dTotal receipts


Expenses for fundrajsing activities - - - · .Gross trading payments - - - - -Maintenance Costs - 13,069 · - . 13,069 -payments relating directly to chaJ1table activities - - - 2,230Grants and donations - - - - · -Governance costs: - - - - -

Audit I independent examination - - - - -Preparation of annual accounts - - · - -

Legal costs - - - - -Other - - - - ~

- - · -Sub total - 13.069 - - · - 13,069 2,230

Payments relating to asset and InvestmentmovementsIPurchases of fixed assets I§§§§§§. Purchase of investments _L-----------S=cU'7b-:-to-:ta-=', _ _ _ _ _ _

Total payments LI'__ .;.;13;.:.;.06.;.;9;_jL .....;..J 1.- .:.1 L .....;..J ~_..:;13::::.069::::.Jl L-_..:2~.2::.:::3O::.J

Net ret*pts / (payments) (8.650) 200 (8,450) 1 L-_..:2:::;,7~51!J

Transfers to I (from) funds

Surplus / (deficit) for year L-_....:(!::;8.t:;650~) L... ...J L __ --=2OO~ L... ~ L_....l:t8.:;:;.450~d L-_..:2::;,7.::,51.:.J

INature and purpose of funds

St Mary's Trust: This fund 15restricted to the upkeep of the properties (or whlch we have responsibmty. It's main income is the rent on the Rectory Cottage. This is the onlyrestricted fund to have a separate bank account.

October 2017ChurchAccounts 2016-2017 AAdditional analysis (3)

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(Incorporating accounts for St Mary's Trust)



These accounts are prepared on a receipts and payments basis, rather than an accruals basis, as Is permlssable for charities with gross Income below £250,000.

I The accounts have been prepared, as far as possible, In accordance with applicable accounting standards, the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005,and the Charities Accounts (Scotland) Regulations 2006.

Giving, donations and other Income

All the above Items are accounted for when received. Gift Aid Is accounted for at the time when received from HMRC. We currently operate on a shemonthly cycle forGift Aid claims.



General Fund This Is the contents of the main church account aggregated with the deposit account (30 Days notice) held withTriodos Bank, when the balances ofthe organ restoration, legacy and rectors discretionary funds are netted out.

Organ Restoration Fund This Is the balance of funds from the organ refurbishment project, and Is held In a restricted fund tocontribute towards future replars and enhancements. Regular tuning and maintenance Is paid for out of general funds.

Rectors Discretionary Fund There were no payments from this fund during the year. There was one Incoming donation

Legacy Fund There were no transactions on this fund during the year.

All of the above funds are In the general church account, with a surplus held in the Trlados Bank deposit account. The only fund held Ina segregated bank account Is :

St Mary's Trust This fund Is restricted to the upkeep of the properties for which we have responsibility. There were payments of£13,069 made from the Trust account this year. These were mainly for refurbishing the rectory. A cheque for £1370 for rectorycarpeting had been written but not cashed on September 30th. This wll now be shown in next year's accounts.

Investments: We continue to hold our Investment In the Scottish Episcopal Church Unit Trust Pool. All dividends received arereinvested to purchase more Units. A futher £5,000 was Invested during the financial year .

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Statement of bank balances

Church curljent account Trlodos Deposit account St Mary's trust Account Total funds

Opening balance 30,162.15 1,127.53 23,774.28 55,063.96

Credits 57,148.23 1.72 4,418.40 61,568.35

Debits 42,885.53 0.00 13,068.70 55,954.23

Closing balance 44,424.85 1,129.25 15,123.98 60,678.08

[ This statement of bank balances Is accurate. As at 30th September there were no significant outstanding payments to be made. -- --- ---,

Statement of fund balances

General funds St Mary's TrustRector's

Organ Refurlshment Discretionary LegacySEC

Unit TrustTotalFunds

Opening balance 24,143.93 23,774.28 1,390.45 912.17 4,843.13 47,019.00 102,082.96

Credits 56,949.95 4,418.40 0.00 200.00 0.00 0.00

Debits 42,885.53 13,068.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Closing balance 38,208.35 15,123.98 1,390.45 1,112.17 4,843.13 47,019.00107,697.08

The figure shown for the SECUnit Trust Is the market value of the 2680 units that St Mary's holds as per September 30th. £5,000 was taken from thegeneral account to purchase extra units. therefore the surplus of credits over debits for the general account is greater than it would appear. It should benoted that the value of these units can go down as well as up. I include them here as should we wish to sell units In the future this can be done relatively


2016-2017 2015-2016

Stipend and NI contributionsPension contributionsFees to other ministersRector's expenses





2.931.20 35,473.85

As St Mary's has not had a rector for the past year there have been no Stipend, National Insurance or Pension costs. Our Interim Pastorhas only taken travel expenses paid at the SECapproved mileage rate totalling £385.20 The other £550 under Rector's Expenses werefor Christine's interview travel. from Canada. Visiting ministers have been offered payment at the standard rate for taking services .

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For special appeals such as the Bishop's Lent Appeal, It Is the policy of Vestry to take donations directly into church funds, claiming Gift Aid thereupon whereappropriate. The total Is then' rounded up and sent to the benefiCiary. Gift Aid is then reclaimed for the church. Were church reserves to run so low as to make this ahazardous practice, this policy would come under review.

The Vestry approved £500 donations to Beat The Beast Challenge, Palcrafts, St Columba's Hospice, Strathcarron Hospice, The Edinburgh Food Project, BethlehemRehabilitation Centre and Tamllandu Rehabilitation and Development (through Eileen Thompson) . The second year of the vestry approved sponsorship of anordlnand In Papua New Guinea at £500 per year over four years was also made. A further £500 payment will be made In each of the next two years.

2016-2017 2015-2016

Mary's Meals 424.00 1,248.75Bishop's Lent Appeal 350.00 501.25Strathcarron Hospice 500.00 0.00Scottish War Blinded 0.00 225.00CHAS 65.00 0.00Edinburgh Food Project 500.00 0.00Papua & New Guinea Trust 500.00 500.00Beat The Beast Challenge 500.00 0.00Mission To Seafarers 200.00 0.00Palcrafts 500.00 0.00British Red Cross Caribbean 511.85 0.00Alzhelmers Scotland 0.00 25.00Tamllandu Restoration 500.00. 0.00Bethlehem Rehabilitation Cei 500.00 0,00Grassmarket Project 0.00 500,00St Columba'S Hospice 500.00 0,00Ravel rig Riding For Disabled 0.00 25,00MacMillan Cancer 0.00 100.00Leuchle House 0.00 1,000.00Aberlour Child care Trust 0.00 80,00HomeStart Edinburgh West 0.00 500,00Breast Cancer Care 0.00 423.00SeaguU Trust Cruises 0.00 500.00Bethany Trust 0.00 500.00Gorgle City Farm 0.00 500,00

5,550.85 6,628,00

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No value is ascribed to church property, which is held in trust. Should the charity cease to use it, the ownership would revert to the estates of the Earl of Morton, hencehas no heritable value to the church.

Beyond the current and deposit accounts, the investments of the church has one other form of investment.:

This the ~nvestment of £20,000 in the Scottish Episcopal Church Unit Trust Fund in January 2014. Further investments of £7,500 and £5,000 were made In January2016. and July 2017 repectlvely. Dividends are paid half yearly and, as agreed, these are reinvested to purchase more Units. St Mary's currently owns 2680 Units. TheBook Value ofthese Units Is £35.800.45. The Market Value ofthe Units on September 30th was £17.5445 per Unit making the current value ofthe investment£47.019,26. It should be noted that the market value of the units can 80 down as well as up. Therefore the value of the units will be regularly monitored. Should therebe a requirement to sell units in the future any instruction to do so will be actio ned at month end with the monies received going directly back Into the General Account.The £5,000 Invested In July 2017 was to put some capital aside to be used in the event of the HMRC reclaiming this amount of underpaid National Insurance. Thismatter Is in discussion between the SECand HMRC.


Quota is payable by St Mary's to the Diocese of Edinburgh to support the work of the Diocese and of the Scottish Episcopal Church as a whole. The amount of QuotaPaid shows as lower in this years accounts than in 2015/2016. This due to the fact that to fit In with diocesan processes Quota Is being paid by 12 monthly payments(Jan-Dec this year. In previOUS years It was paid in 10 installments (Dec- Sep).


Some of the smaller Maintenance items In the rectory have been paid from the General Account. The other main Maintenance Itemspaid from this account have been Church and Grounds electrlcs, roof repairs and rodent control for the Rectory.

In the past year major refurbishment work has been carried out In the Rectory to bring It up to the standard required for our newRector to live there. This has Included rewiring and redecorating the property. Also there has been the purchase of carpeting and whitegoods. The cost of this has been met mainly from the St Mary's Trust Account.

We are very grateful to Lord and Lady Morton for arranging and funding the replacement of the church bells and also for paying thecost of the cleaning and polishing of the church floor. These were done through the Douglas Trust .

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2016-2017 2015-2016

Giff Aid OfferingOther Church OfferingMary's MealsCAF Returns




29,480.05 39,547.40

Gift Aid from offerings are now claimed twice yearly. In 2015/2016 £10,772 was claimed and In 2016/2017 £8,484 was claimed.As can be seen from these figures Congregational Giving Is heavily down this year. There are known reasons for this. It Is however aconcerning fact which St Mary's needs to be aware of and give thought as to how income can be Increased In coming years eitherthrough congregational giving or other new income streams.


There were no Incoming legacies or payments from the legacy fund this year.


The Douglas Trust makes a grant of £1,000 per quarter to the church as a contribution towards the Rector's stipend. This was continued in2016/2017 even though no Rector was In post.


2016-2017 2015-2016

Ceilldh RaffleRussian ChoirTocatta ChoirOrgan RecitalFaith Lunch





120.00 635.30

The Russian Choir and Faith Lunch were the only events this year where money was paid into the General Account. There were nosocial event outgoings.

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2016-2017 2015-2016

Sunday CircleConcert FeesLent MaterialsRetreats



0.00 2,612.40

As there was no Retreat or Concert during the year there Is nothing to report.


2016-2017 2015-2016

UtilitiesTelephone/InternetWedding Co-ordinator ExpenAdministrator Salary/ExpensRectory Fuel CostsOffice ExpensesGreetings cardsWeb Site Costs






9,623.80 9,941.79

Utilities bills were similar to last year mainly due to continuing to negotiate an acceptable charging model from 8rltlsh Gas. TheElectricity 8111sfor the Church and Hall normally paid In September missed the end of month due to September 30th being aSaturday. These would have been around £200 and would explain some of the decrease In costs. The Gas contract for the DouglasHall was also changed for the better late in the 2015/2016 accounting year giving a good savlng,As the rectory has been empty since November Its fuel costs have been paid by the church. For Insurance purposes It was requiredto keep the central heating on at a low level 24/7 during the winter months.Telephone/Internet figure Is not as much lower than It appears. This Is because there are only 3 Broadband payments Included Inthe figures. Due to month end a payment for £85 missed the September 30th end of year,

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Cards £383)

Accounts Extra Information

•In line with what I have done the last five years regarding the Other figure in A3 Payments of the Receipts AndPayments page( £27,124 this year) I have created this breakdown of the figure for the 2016/2017 to make it clearhow this money was spent:

From The General Account

Council Tax on Rectory £2137

Governance costs £9240 (as per section 14 of Notes To Accounts less Greeting

Maintenance and Upkeep £1736 (see page2)

Maintenance Contracts £571 (see page2)

Gifts To Others £371

Total £14055

From 8t Mary's Trust Account

Rectory Cottage Repairs £548

Rectory Roof Repairs £278

Churcb/Rectory Plumbing Repairs £195

Rectory Garden Tidy Up £350

Rectory Rewire £6030

Rectory Redecoration £4408

Rectory New Alarm System £510

Rectory White Goods £310

Rectory Carpeting £440

Total £13069

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Maintenance and Upkeep Higb Level Breakdown

Rectory Misc. Repairs

Rectory Rodent Control

Church and Grounds Electrics

Church Grounds (Lawnmower Petrol, Gravel)

Mise Maintenance Items


Annual Servicing Requirements

PAT Electrical Testing (legal requirement)

Fire Extinguisher Service

Rectory Alarm Check/Service












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FAIRTRADE GROUP REPORT 2017 St Mary’s Fairtrade Group launched in 2012 and, ever since, we have sold Fairtrade goods (from Traidcraft and Hadeel) after church, usually twice a month. Sales have progressively fallen year on year – see below – and this year we have been unable to generate any profit for St Mary’s church. This of course is not our primary concern, but it is a marker of the drop in sales, and hence the money going to the producers of Fairtrade goods. Oct-Sept 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 Income £590 970 1085 1213 Expenses £599 904 905 983 (Traidcraft and Hadeel) Return St M - 100 200 100 Balance in bank £306 It has always been our intention to encourage people to buy Fairtrade goods in their weekly shop – a policy which, if successful, would explain the drop in sales. This years figures also do not include sales of craft items from Hadeel/Oasis workshop for people with special needs, Beit Sahour-Bethlehem on the occasion that Luisi Albadawi spoke to us. Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world, and comes with a guarantee that a Fairtrade Premium is invested in the local community. We hope that the congregation of St Mary’s will continue to support the Fairtrade stall, recognising the true cost of fairly traded and certified goods, and the quality of those goods. I am grateful to all members of the group who help to run the stall, and especially to Mandy who deals with the stock, and Geoff who does our accounts. Steve Haigh

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LAY REP’S REPORT 2017 Up to the date of writing this report, there has only been one Diocesan Synod, and no Area Council Meetings. The Autumn Diocesan Synod will be held before our AGM, on Thursday 26th October 2017 A note regarding this Synod is at the end of this report.

The Spring Diocesan Synod was held at St Paul’s & St George’s Church, Edinburgh on Saturday, 11th March 2017.

Bishop’s Address. Synod opened as usual with the Bishop’s Address at 9:50 am. This is available in full on the diocesan website at: One statistic that he quoted was that in the Edinburgh diocese, our annual census taken on the Sunday next before Advent 2016 reveals that we have lost just under 11% of our attendance since 1996, and that since 1983 we have lost about a quarter of our communicants. Some of our churches have grown significantly since 1983 – this means that others have declined [with several closures] more than those percentages. But, the Sunday next before Advent is a blunt way of assessing our health. What about non-Sunday worship and house groups etc? Therefore, the Province will be introducing a new way of gathering statistics to take account of this variety. However, we should not sink into despondency. Our Mission and Ministry Committee, guided by our Bishop’s Enabler of Mission (Revd Annie Naish), is offering to the whole diocese an opportunity to reimagine and re-envision our sense of God’s calling. To this end, there will be a ‘Growing Together Roadshow’, visiting Bo’ness, Galashiels, Haddington and Edinburgh. All are invited to attend a venue/date to suit. The Bishop approved the use of ‘A Prayer for Growing Together’ and a ‘Dismissal Rite’ for use at our services. Copies are available on the diocesan website at: Bishop’s Lent Appeal. Full details of the two charities for 2017 were given. Administration. General items and various elections were all passed. Revd Ruth Innes was voted in as Synod Clerk to replace Revd Frances Burberry, now diocesan Dean. St Andrew’s Building Fund. Urgent Grants up to £1000 are available for any items not covered by insurance. Provincial Building Fund. To cover any items approved by Canon 35 [Of the Structure, Furniture and Monuments of Churches, and The Due Care Thereof] where sufficient funds are not available. £170,000 are available in 2017. Canons. The following Canons were given readings and voted on (all Canons approved by Diocesan Synod then had to go to General Synod in June 2017 for final readings):

Canon 63 – Of The Office of Lay Representative. The change is that the Alternate Lay Representative shall also become a member ex-officio of the Vestry of that congregation. If approved by General Synod, St Mary’s will have to amend our Constitution to allow for this.

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Passed by majority vote by show of hands of all three houses (Clergy, Laity, Bishops) – only one Clergy voted against and no abstentions. This change was approved at the General Synod 8th-10th June 2017.

Canon 22 – Of Divine Worship and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church. Basically, a slight change in the procedure to approve the introduction of new services both temporarily and permanently. Passed by Houses of Clergy and Bishops unanimously by show of hands. This change was approved at the General Synod 8th-10th June 2017.

Canon 31 – Of The Solemnisation Of Holy Matrimony. Paragraphs 1 and 2 re-written as one paragraph to remove mention of gender of a couple to be married, and to include a statement that no cleric shall be obliged to conduct any marriage against their conscience. Also, that “no cleric shall solemnise a marriage between persons of the same sex unless said cleric shall have been nominated on behalf of the Church to the Registrar General for Scotland”. The Table of Kindred and Affinity in Appendix 26 would also be amended to suit should Canon 31 receive its second reading at General Synod. A secret ballot was held. A 2/3rds majority in all three houses is necessary for this amendment to be approved. Edinburgh Diocesan Synod result:

House of Bishops: Yes – 1: No – 0; Abstained – 0. Passed by 100%. House of Clergy: Yes – 45; No – 17; Abstained – 3. Passed by 69%. House of Laity: Yes – 39; No – 14; Abstained – 1. Passed by 72%.

This change was approved at the General Synod 8th-10th June 2017: House of Bishops: Yes – 4: No – 1; Abstained – 1. Passed by 66.7%. House of Clergy: Yes – 42; No – 20; Abstained – 0. Passed by 67.7%. House of Laity: Yes – 50; No – 12; Abstained – 0. Passed by 80.6%.

Differing views were fully acknowledged, and that no one would be compelled to do anything against their conscience. The General Synod affirmed that the Scottish Episcopal Church was one of diversity and difference, bound together by oneness in Christ. The Church would carry forward in its life two honourable and historic understandings of marriage: one which saw marriage of same-sex couples as an expression of Christ-like acceptance and welcome; another which said that the traditional view of marriage was God-ordained and scripturally defined.

Full text of the above Canons and the General Synod Full Draft Minutes can be seen at: Mission & Ministry. Claire Benton-Evans advised that the ‘Play Church’ was moving around the diocese. If we would like it to visit St Mary’s we need to book right now as already it is booked solidly through to the end of 2018. John Rae gave a talk on how the Diocese and Province Mission Block Grant has been used to bring the Methodists and SEC churches to unite in Dunbar, sharing one priest and able to pay a half-stipend, and still with two church buildings. The diocese continued to give £5000 per annum to the Ecumenical Partnership in Livingston during the time of restructuring and transition. St Hilda’s Fund has given grants to:

St Cuthbert’s, Colinton – for a curate Grangemouth – Dishwasher for elderly people’s social meetings St Peter’s, Linlithgow – towards buildings works, adding a separate hall/annex for the community

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And several others. Revd Annie Naish (Bishop’s Enabler of Mission) covered ‘Growing Together’ (mentioned above) in detail. Note the Prayer and Liturgy Resources ( Dean’s Report. This is traditionally the last item on the agenda before Any Other Business. The Dean gave us an amusing presentation on her first 7 days in office. This is also available on the diocesan website at: The Dean was also elected onto the General Synod.

The Autumn Diocesan Synod is to be held on Thursday, 26th October 2017 at St Michael’s Parish Church, Linlithgow. As usual this will mainly be an administrative meeting. The main subjects on the agenda are:

Diocesan Accounts for 2016 Diocesan Financial Position 2017 Diocesan Budget for 2018

Should there be anything discussed of interest that needs reporting to St Mary’s congregation, I will write a report in the next issue of ‘In Touch’. John Blaber 17th October 2017

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Sunday Circle Report November 2017 In this, the 21st year of Sunday Circle, we would like to start by saying what we hope for the children who come to Sunday Circle and St Mary’s as a whole. We believe the most important thing we can offer the children in our congregation is an experience of God’s love, of knowing they are loved by God and accepted as they are, just as we all are, even with our faults and imperfections. At Sunday Circle we try to help children to encounter God/ Jesus in a way that helps them to be aware of God’s love for them and to encourage their responding and openness to that love. What we do in Sunday Circle responds, we hope, to where the children are, what questions or issues they are raising. We need to respond to the changing needs of those who come regularly, along with being open to anyone joining us. We need to be prepared for any number of children, with varying ages and varying spiritual, intellectual and church experiences, as well as those who have no idea about Christianity whatsoever. Yes, on the whole, we have Holly, Fraser, Murray, Jamie, Molly and baby Jamie, plus occasional other children who have been born and bred at St Mary’s, but we also have children who come because their grandparents are coming to church, or a friend or relative is being Baptised, or a family is visiting.

We have material, based around the lectionary and written in Scotland, called Spill the Beans and we have used this for a couple of years now – it has a variety of ideas of what to do in a session and we adapt what there is to suit who arrives – we hope!! We still, on occasions do something like set up a mystery – clues about what the story is about and then the children have to try to work it out for themselves and then we tell the story, usually over a snack of some sort.

We try to make Sunday Circle an experience of encountering God, encountering Jesus, we us imaginative contemplation, art, baking, drama, mystery solving, quizzes, games and all sorts of other things so that the children’s faith is encouraged, affirmed and, hopefully enlivened.

This year has been quite a challenge, the children, Mandy and Claire miss John’s fantastic gifts with the children, as well as his presence which meant, if one of us was away for some reason, there were still two people left to lead Sunday Circle. What has also been a challenge this year, is that Claire has been away several Sundays working at a retreat house on the Black Isle and this will continue, into the foreseeable future. This has put a huge burden on Mandy who has had help occasionally from Jean and Ted, Marjorie, Wilma and Jane Russell, however, this will need to be looked at by the congregation and Christine, when she arrives, as it is not sustainable over the long term.

It is a great joy to see the children whom we have known since they were babies blossom and become more and more confident. It is still quite hard for the younger ones during the service as they are not fluent enough readers to be able to keep up with the speed of reading in the liturgy and this means they can easily be distracted, but it is noticeable that adults can get distracted too, even if we can read!! We give thanks to God for the children who come to be with us, especially as, often, they come because their parents wish to come to church and they are not old enough to make that decision themselves.

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Thank you Mandy for being such a steady and regular presence, thank you also to Jean and Ted, Marjorie, Wilma, Jane who have so willingly come and helped when needed and thank you to those who run a crèche during the summer holidays.

Claire and Mandy

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Dalmations The Dalmations group continues to be a significant part of worship at St Mary’s. We normally meet on the last Wednesday of the month (May-July). Over the past year we have had a good range of speakers with subjects that included Nursing Ebola in Sierra Leone, Japan, and Dr Thomas Guthrie before the summer break. In the new session we have already had talks from CHAS, Bob Gould (Humour, Parody and Satire in the Church), and Deacon Brodie’s Edinburgh.

Our programme for the remainder of this session is :

November 29th Christine McPherson on the Island of St Kilda.

December 13th Annual Christmas meeting. Readings, carols, and a general good time. This year a buffet Christmas meal will be served.

January 31st Fun day to fill the winter gloom.

February 28th The Castaways singing group coming to entertain us.

March 21st John and Della Rea. ‘Women in Papua New Guinea’

April 25th Feather Finesse a demonstration of Feather Art.

Quite a varied programme and hopefully something for everyone.

In a similar vein to the previous year the numbers attending seemed to drop off after Christmas before picking up again in the new session. We are trying to combat this by adding the fun day in January which can be easily cancelled if the weather is bad.

The range of talks, as seen above, is quite varied and interesting. It is also a great chance to speak with people over lunch and coffee in a more relaxed environment than the hustle and bustle of a Sunday. Dalmations is open to everyone that wishes to come along. You don’t have to be retired or even a member of our congregation to join in. All are welcome. Meeting dates and speakers are displayed on the notice boards, advertised in In Touch and as John Blaber would say ‘look on the Website’ where he has the programme published with some excellent background detail.

Thanks are also due to Jane Russell and Janice Goodfellow who, along with Olive and Blackie, look after the important catering side. They have put a lot of thought this year into ensuring that the clearing up has been made less labour intensive whilst keeping the soup and pudding menu as standard.

If you or someone you know of would like to attend but has difficulty with transport please let me know and I am sure that we can arrange to get them there.

Denis King

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Website Report 2017

Our website is St Mary’s shop-window to the world and continues to evolve and expand. It contains masses of up-to-date information about the workings of St Mary’s Church. Rather than describe its contents in detail I would urge you all to visit our website, and indeed use it. At present it consists of 212 pages (up from 192 in 2016).

The site is updated at least once per week (usually the same day as any news is received) so is the place to visit for the latest information on our church and congregation. There are 7 major headings with many sub-headings, some leading to sub-sub-headings:

Major Headings Sub-Headings

Home: The index page, plus Sunday service times, details of any extras occurring during the coming week or so, prayer for the week, some photographs of the church, leading to:

About Us: All Service Times; Presiding/Preaching/Assisting Rota; Church Open Times; Directions and Maps; New Window; History; Mission Statement; Scottish Episcopal Church; Anglican Communion.

News: Diary Dates; Sunday Readings; In Touch (colour copies back to August 2013); Fairtrade; Mary’s Meals; Connor Link; Our New Rector; Archives (including the 20-page full colour report and photographs of the congregational Pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 2014 and Deryck’s Lent Sermons 2014-2016)

Church Life: Ministry Team; Pastoral Visitors; Vestry; Sunday Circle; Dalmations; Gardening Group; Prayer Chain; Music (Concerts; Organ; Choir; Organ Voluntaries - future and past back to January 2013); Charities.

Weddings: General Information; Registrar; Contacts; Forms and Booklets; Date Availability; Suggested Organ Music and Hymns; Photo Gallery.

Prayer: Why Pray; Prayer Techniques; Celtic Prayers; Other Prayers. Links: Anglican (Including SEC Diocesan Websites with Edinburgh Diocese – The

Communicant and The Edge); Local Churches; Iona & Taizé; Other Religious Links.

Plus, a full ‘Contacts’* list of office-bearers and a ‘Privacy Policy’ statement, both

of which are accessible from every page.

If you have any feedback or comments, suggestions of other items to be included, or constructive criticism, then please let me know personally, or fill in the Feedback form at the bottom of the Home Page

On the next page I give some annual statistics.

John Blaber [email protected] 17th October 2017

*All email addresses here follow the format [email protected]. Our website system enables us to have up to 3000 email addresses in this form, and they can be set up as an actual email address (as used for Paula McCall – [email protected]) or to receive emails and immediately forward them to your private email address. This means that no private email addresses are ever published on our website.

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Annual Statistics: 18 October 2016 – 17 October 2017 AGM 2016 AGM 2017 Page Views 18575 46154 Unique Users 2566 3165 Sessions 3774 5642 (10.34 average/day) (15.62 average/day) Average number of pages viewed per session 4.92 8.18 Figures that help with design decisions:

Browsers used: Chrome 47.9% 35.9% Safari 25.9% 34.8% Firefox/Mozilla 8.8% 9.7% Internet Explorer 12.0% 9.0% MS Edge 3.7% 7.4% Android Browser 0.9% 0.5% Others/Unidentified 0.8% 2.7% Operating Systems used: Windows 36.4% 44.9% iOS (Apple) 22.8% 29.6% Macintosh 28.4% 11.8% Android 8.5% 11.0% Others/Unidentified 3.9% 2.7% Of the 5642 Sessions this year, 2365 (41.9% !!) were via Mobile Phones/Tablets. Top 12 most popular pages in order:

1. Home Page (76% of sessions landed here first) 2. Wedding Photographs/Availability/General Info/Forms 3. Diary Dates 4. Contact Us 5. Rector Vacancy/Rector Pack 6. Service Times/Open Times 7. In Touch 8. Ministry Team 9. Organ Voluntaries 10. Our New Rector 11. Dalmations 12. Sunday Readings

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St Mary’s Church, Dalmahoy

Election of Lay Rep & Alternate Lay Rep November 2017

[see remit over]

If you wish to see a copy of the Scottish Episcopal Church’s official vestry handbook in relation to the above, please ask Bob Gould or Bill Scott. ________________________________________________________


Nomination Form

To be submitted prior to the AGM to Bob or Bill Name: __________________________________ Is nominated as a candidate for Lay Rep / Alternate Lay Rep (delete as app) Signed: ____________________________ Proposer

____________________________ Seconder Date: ____________________ I agree to stand as a candidate Signed: _____________________________ Date: ____________________

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St. Mary’s, Dalmahoy

Remit for the Lay-Representative

(See also Vestry Handbook and Code of Canons) 1. To be elected annually by the constituent members of the Congregation for

a period of one year (and not more than three years in total). 2. To attend all Vestry Meetings (as a voting Ex-officio member) and Vestry

Training Sessions. 3. To represent the Vestry and Congregation at Area Council Meetings,

Diocesan Synod and any Provincial meetings or to inform Alternate Lay Representative of absence and their need to attend.

4. To attend all meetings of an Episcopal Electoral College and to vote on

behalf of the congregation at an Episcopal election. 5. To report at each Vestry Meeting on the work of Area Councils and

Diocesan Synod and to submit an annual report to the congregation at the Annual General Meeting.

6. To be a regular worshipping member of the congregation and a familiar

face at all social events. 7. To enjoy the role and take seriously the responsibilities the role implies.

Remit for an Alternate Lay Representative 1. To be elected for a period of one year and (not more than three years in

total) by the constituent members of the congregation. 2. To support the Lay Representative in the fulfillment of their responsibilities. 3. To act as deputy for the Lay Representative in their absence.

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St Mary’s Church, Dalmahoy Elections 2017

Vestry Member (3 year term)

see remit

If you wish to see a copy of the Scottish Episcopal Church’s official vestry handbook in relation to the above roles, please ask Bob Gould or Bill Scott. ________________________________________________________


Nomination Form

To be submitted prior to the AGM to Bob or Bill Name: __________________________________ Is nominated as a candidate for Vestry Member Signed: ____________________________ Proposer

____________________________ Seconder Date: ____________________ I agree to stand as a candidate Signed: _____________________________ Date: ____________________

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St. Mary’s, Dalmahoy

Remit for a Member of the Vestry

1) To accept and agree to the role of a Vestry member as outlined

in Chapter 1 of the Scottish Episcopal Church Vestry Handbook*.

(see copy kept in the church office) 2) To try to attend Vestry meetings on mutually agreed dates 3) To accept mutually agreed responsibilities for various tasks /

roles decided upon by the Vestry where / when appropriate 4) To try to attend Vestry training sessions, retreats and social

events 5) To always seek to represent the views of the wider congregation

and not one’s individual views alone 6) To share in the Vestry’s vision for the future and seek to co-

operate with other Vestry members at all times 7) To pray for wisdom to know when it is appropriate to say Yes or No

(Revised November 2001)

* Under Charities legislation, Vestry Members must now agree to act as charity trustees of St Mary’s Congregation under the terms of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005, and thereby accept the requirements of the Office of the Scottish Charities Regulator. This includes a willingness to sign a declaration stating that you are not disqualified by reason of certain offences or disqualification from other charitable bodies. The terms of this requirement are available for inspection from either Deryck or Alan Coupe (Secretary to the Vestry).

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