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Annual Report

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Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK (1881-1938) Founder of The Republic of Turkey

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My Dear Countrymen, Kocaeli is developing and being more beautiful every day. We are trying in cooperation to make our city the

most prosperous, developed and modern city of the world. Each administrator of our metropolitan municipality is working and straining night and day. We cannot isolate our companies and associate institutions, which are our subsidiaries, from this working

pace. Without doubt IZAYDAS has a huge role to play in this created surplus value... As a result of these efforts, we are approaching our target of “modern and model Kocaeli” each and every

day. My Valuable Friends, IZAYDAS, one of the most important facilities of Turkey, does not just make sure that wastes are disposed in

an environmentally-respectful manner, it also leads in such areas as recycling and new energy resources. Therefore, in this booklet in your hands, you will not only see the annual, routine activity report of a

municipality economic institution, but also the ideals, targets, and efforts paid for being a pioneer and example. We carefully use environmentally-sensitive technologies at IZAYDAS, which also sets an example in using

alternative energy resources as one of the most important environmentalist institutions of our country... As a result of the works conducted with sacrifice, our institution occupies the highest ranks within the

province, the preparations conducted as regards the disposal of wastes of sea vehicles, and efforts conducted towards chemical wastes of industrial institutions; thus, it approaches to the “clean environment healthy society” target on a daily basis.

I congratulate all IZAYDAS employees, from the General Manager to the workers, and we thank them all for

their effort displayed in this activity report.

İbrahim KARAOSMANOĞLU Kocaeli Metropolitan Mayor Chairman of IZAYDAS Board

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Dear All,

Serving with the awareness of its social responsibility since 1996 when it was established, IZAYDAS

continued its efforts in 2010 with new projects. In line with its vision, continuously developing and renewing itself

in order to be the leader institution and maintain this situation, IZAYDAS finished the year 2010 with a remarkable


As we are leaving behind one year of work, from the early hours of the morning to the end of the day, we

are using our energy with the enthusiasm of the first day, I believe that we have achieved important work and we

will succeed in the future, too. We are filled with the happiness of concluding important work in a short period of

time. When you examine our one year of activity report, you will be able to see all details of our work and

projects under the principle of “transparency”. As we did before, we will bring our projects to life with which we

will display our “healthy environment, healthy society” understanding. As we always say, let no one doubt that

we will work in a customer-oriented manner for public interest and generate essential services.

While submitting our annual activity report, we thank our board of directors’ Chairman of, Mr. İbrahim

KARAOSMANOĞLU, all our customers and co-workers who have supported us, and submit our deepest respect

and love to them.

Muhammet SARAÇ

General Manager

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“To be a leading waste elimination plant in the sector by uniting our experiences with technology, and also with continuous development, being environmentally and industrially friendly, and customer oriented.”


“To develop environmental awareness, produce solutions and effective applications in waste utilization and disposal in order to support sustainable environment and healthy society.”

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To maintain our leadership position in waste disposal in our country.

To assess the waste and scraps in the best manner in order to prevent possible damages to the environment;

to provide disposal services and generate energy from these activities.

To ensure the most suitable waste disposal with minimum costs by applying developing environmental


To meet the expectations and requirements of our clients by strengthening our communication with related

parties together with a participatory management mentality.

To fulfill our responsibilities in all our work for our subsidiary institutions according to the standards and

related regulations.

To ensure continuous development in our Quality Management System and our services.

To execute environmental awareness development activities.


IZAYDAS, whose business basis is to ensure habitable environment and sustainable production in its activity

area by preventing damages of wastes and scraps, adopts the below mentioned Environmental Policy principles:

To keep emission, noise, etc. values, which could result from our activities and might have environmental

effects under the minimum values indicated in the international directives and regulations by continuous

measurement and follow-up principle.

To minimize environmental risks resulting from our activities by following up new environmental technologies

and systems.

To keep minimum of natural sources’ consumption and minimize wastes in our activities.

To develop environmental awareness by arranging social responsibility projects and by supporting

environmental projects especially in training activities.

To issue emergency plans against conditions that might present risk.

To fulfill the requirements of current environmental regulations and standards in all of our activities.

To ensure continuous improvement by regularly reviewing purposes and targets determined for the



To enhance the occupational health and safety awareness of our employees by providing them with training

activities, and give particular importance to the health and safety of our employees in all our activities.

To minimize risks, which cause damages during our activities in terms of occupational health and safety, to

prevent accident and injuries of our employees, subcontractors and visitors by providing them a safety area.

To provide required communication means between the employees and the administration and keep them

open in order to prevent and eliminate risks

To take necessary measures against risks that might occur in terms of occupational health and safety.

To perform all of our activities in accordance with occupational health and safety regulations and standards.

To ensure periodical health controls of employees in order to prevent diseases.

To ensure continuous improvement in occupational health and safety with a participatory understanding.

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IZAYDAS – Izmit Waste and Residue Treatment, Incineration and Recycling Inc.

In order to operate projects in the scope of Izmit

Integrated Environment Project, IZAYDAŞ was founded by Izmit Metropolitan Municipality in May 1996. IZAYDAS is a 100% Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality participation.

IZAYDAS deals with the below mentioned

activities within Integrated Environment Project;

Clinic and Hazardous Waste Incineration Plant and Energy Generation Unit,

Management of landfilling Sites,

Waste collection from vessels within the borders of Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality coasts, and

Management of excavation sites. IZAYDAS provides disposal of wastes by being

the first waste disposal institution in Turkey, and also contributes to national economy by generating electric energy.

In 2010, 21.334 tons of wastes were eliminated

by incineration, and 13.847.100 kWh electric energy was generated in this way.

In 2010, 22.286 tons of hazardous wastes,

442.632 tons of domestic wastes and 54.259 tons of industrial wastes were stored and disposal process was completed at Solaklar Landfilling Sites.

In Dilovasi landfilling site, a total of 42.970 tons

of domestic wastes, 21.041 tons of industrial wastes were stored and disposal process was completed.

IZAYDAS has ISO 9001:2008 Quality

Management System, ISO 14001:2004 Environment Management System and OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management system Certificates.

IZAYDAS is a member of EURITS – European

Union for Responsible Incineration and Treatment of Special Waste, KALDER – Turkish Quality Association and also KSO - Kocaeli Chamber of Industry.

A total of 222.012.575 kgs of hazardous waste

was accepted in the incineration plant between 1997 and 2010, 215.631.326 kgs of it disposed by incineration. 126.609.000 kWh electric energy was generated during the disposal process of these wastes, and 45.624.260 kWh of it sold to TEIAS.

Management Systems

External Audits

IZAYDAS Integrated Management System is audited twice in 2009 by the certification institution KALITEST. In August 2010, KALITEST executed Surveillance Audit in terms of system continuity. As a result of this audit, only one minor inconformity was determined and it has been decided to continue the certificate.

Management Review Meeting (MRM)

The system should be reviewed by the management semi-annually, in accordance with the currently implemented Integrated Management System. These meetings were held in January and July. In July 2010, the first meeting was held at Saklıkoy Country Hotel Club. II. MRM Meeting is planned to be arranged in January 2011.

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In 2010, a total of 4873 training hours was given under 37 titles to 864 people, annual training rate is approximately 18,7 hour/person. Furthermore, these training activities cover the personnel of the subcontractors, additional 49 personnel had a total of 158 training hours. Targeted training hours within the scope of Institutional Development Project for 2010 is exceeding due to heavy schedule.

University –Industry – Education Cooperation

In order to train qualified personnel required in Environment and Cleaning Services, Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality, Kocaeli Universitesy – Hereke Omer Ismet UZUNYOL Vocational High School and IZAYDAS signed a “University – Industry – Education Cooperation Protocol” In the scope of this protocol, IZAYDAS is providing Waste Management, Waste Collection and Handling Methods, Waste Utilization, and Recycling courses.

48 students graduated from The Environment

and Cleaning Services Department in 2009-2010

Academic year. Trainings will be continued in 2010-2011 Academic year.

Training for Environmental Health Technicians

Training for Environmental Health Technicians, who should be maintained in institutions, is arranged between January 18th and February 3rd 2010 with 4 trainees in the scope of Environmental Monitoring Regulations revised and published on the Official Gazette dated October 22nd 2009 with number 27384 by The Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

The exam was completed successfully in March 7th, 2010.


The laboratory of IZAYDAŞ started its activities in

1996, and is still continuing its activities with

independent and impartial service understanding

according to TS EN ISO/IEC 17025 standards.

Customer information and registered rights of its

clients are kept confidential in IZAYDAS Laboratories.

Accreditation studies started in 2010, and are

now in acceleration stage, and their Integrated

Management System is adjusted according to ISO

9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards; and

appropriate documentation infrastructure to TS EN

ISO/IEC 17025 standard is arranged. Required

equipment foundation is created according to

selected analyzing methods by taking into

consideration the related regulations.

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Certificate of competency issued by the T.R.

Ministry of Environment and Forestry, and

harmonization studies for TS EN ISO/IEC 17025

Standard, which are executed in our laboratories,

reached a final stage, and an application to TURKAK

is planned for the January-February period.

Our laboratory concluded its external purchases in 2009, applied improvement principles for its service period in 2010 in order to develop customer satisfaction. In this manner, an Atomic Absorption Equipment, which can work as multi-element with a single lamp, and an Automatic Soxhlet Extraction Equipment purchase was made in 2010 besides current ICP-MS equipment.

In 2010, we participated in tests with a total of 32 parameters of waste water and potable water analysis and obtained successful results. A total of 6980 analyses such as Declaration Analysis, Waste Acceptance Analysis and Operational Analysis, were concluded as of the end of December 2010.

Department of Financial and Administrative Affairs


IZAYDAS’s Sources of Income are as follows:

Income from Incineration

Income from Industrial Waste Storage

Income from Dangerous Waste Storage

Income from Inert Waste Storage

Income from Special Process

Income from Municipal Domestic Wastes

Income from Industrial Wastes

Excavation Incomes

Energy Incomes

Vessel Incomes

Other Incomes


The number of personnel working in our plant as of December 31st 2010 is as follows.

DEPARTMENT 31.12.2009 31.12.2010

General Management 9 9

Deputy General Manager (Administrative)

6 6

Fin.&Admin. Affairs Mngr. 50 42

Marketing Manager. - 12

Deputy Purchasing Manager - 11

Trade and Marketing Mngr. 24 -

Deputy General Manager (Technical)

1 12

Operations Management 65 62

Landfill Area Management 39 34

Technical Services Mngmnt. 56 45

Consultants 4 4

Foreign Duty 19 17

Total 273 254

In 2010, Trade and Marketing Management was

separated into two departments as Purchasing Management and Marketing Management.

01.01.2005 - 31.12.2010 INCOME TABLE OF IZAYDAS 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

GROSS SALES (TL) 16.218.618,70 27.474.544,59 38.105.644,74 44.511.204,13 47.422.413,22 44.169.214,89

COST OF SALES (-) (TL) 14.221.205,34 24.788.853,74 31.805.255,40 37.921.351,74 42.001.387,06 45.320.436,03

PROFIT AND LOSS OF THE PERIOD (TL) 1.997.413,36 2.685.690,85 6.300.389,34 6.589.852,39 5.421.026,16 -1.151.221,14



(-) (TL) 599.403,42 1.896.799,38 1.378.358,49 1.509.669,80

NET PROFIT OR LOSS OF THE PERIOD(TL) 1.997.413,36 2.086.287,43 4.403.589,96 5.211.493,90 3.911.356,36 -1.151.221,14

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01.01.2005 – 31.12.2010 BALANCE SHEET OF IZAYDAS 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

TOTAL CIRCULATING ASSETS (TL) 4.684.998,73 5.697.467,14 6.230.040,05 7.841.178,68 127.099.885,40 23.885.391,50

TOTAL FIXED ASSETS (TL) 17.866.282,66 18.929.933,92 16.732.767,56 19.243.496,52 19.063.731,36 21.982.910,84

TOTAL ACTIVE (TL) 22.551.281,39 24.627.401,06 22.962.807,61 27.084.675,20 146.163.616,76 45.868.302,34

TOTAL SHORT TERM FOREIGN ASSETS (TL) 17.478.382,84 3.615.207,15 5.425.028,17 4.335.401,86 119.502.987,06 20.358.893,78

TOTAL LONG TERM FOREIGN ASSETS (TL) 1.024.996,50 7.878.004,43 0 0 0 0

TOTAL EQUITIES (TL) 4.047.902,05 13.134.189,48 17.537.779,44 22.749.273,34 26.660.629,70 25.509.408,56

TOTAL PASSIVE(TL) 22.551.281,39 24.627.401,06 22.962.807,61 27.084.675,20 146.163.616,76 45.868.302,34

Hazardous Waste Transport

IZAYDAS also provides hazardous waste

transport service with licensed vehicle and certified drivers. As of the end of December 2010, IZAYDAS provided transport service for 2431 tons of hazardous wastes, 812 tons of which was grease waste and 1620 tons of which were hazardous wastes. In addition bilges and sludge carried from Derince port to our facility with 44 companies became 577 tons, whereas the total amount transported from Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality-Transport was 108 tons with 11 companies.

Municipal waste transport

Transfer stations have been founded in order to reduce the transport costs of municipal wastes generated by Kandıra and Karamürsel municipalities which are at considerable distance from regular storing areas. We perform municipal waste transportation from these transfer stations with high waste carriage capacity special vehicles. Since September 2010, transportation has been conducted by a contractor company. Between January and September 2010, 6201 tons of municipal wastewere transported from Kandıra transfer station to our landfill area with a total of 420 campanies, whereas 3180 tons of municipal wastes were transported from Karamürsel transfer station as of the end of December 2010.

Purchasing Department

In 2010, a total of 47 tenders were conducted with total contract price of 21.439.948 TLs + VAT.

In 2010, with direct supply method, the following

have been purchased:

2.988.455 TLs worth of goods,

1.576.032 TLs worth of services,

12.060 TLs worth of construction,

62.750 TLs worth of counseling.

Marketing Department

Customer Information Programmes

Some associations and groups among our customers were invited to our facilities in order to show them our practices in place. These were

Concrete additive producers association

Soap and detergent producers association

Intermediate storing companies


Package industrialists and fibreglass supported plastic producers

BOSCH Group ( Bosch San. A.Ş.- Bosch Rexroth Otomasyon A.Ş.-Bosch Fren Sistemleri A.Ş.)

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The Customer Service Unıt visited 92 companies in 2008, 629 companies in 2009 and 695 companies in 2010.

Evaluation Programmes

Evaluation Meeting with Transport Companies

We came together with the transport companies

which have hazardous waste transport license at a

dinner party conducted at Antikkapı Restaurant.

Very positive reactions were taken from the

meeting with which we aimed to make sure that

transporters, which establish a connection between

waste producers and IZAYDAS, notify the change at


Evaluation meeting with pharmaceutical and cosmetic firms

A meeting was held at Istanbul Grand Cevahir

Hotel with pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies so

that 2009-2010 activities could be evaluated and 2011

applications could be shared.

At the mentioned meeting, the efforts conducted

with IZAYDAS were evaluated in line with the demands

and suggestions of the industry. Participation of 70

companies was ensured.

Evaluation meeting with category A companies

Directors of 40 large companies which send wastes

to IZAYDAS came together at a dinner party at Kocaeli

Grand Yukselis Hotel to evaluate 2009-2010 efforts and

share 2011 activities.

Conducted Improvements conducted to increase amounts of wastes and customer satisfaction:

1. classificaiton of contaminated wastes 2. revision of protocols 3. streamlining of application conditions 4. improvement of waste acceptance conditions 5. development of common transport model for a

low level of wastes

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Sea Services

Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Assembly

transferred sea services task to IZAYDAS with

28.12.2006 dated protocol.

After the transfer of authority, IZAYDAS began its

activities and still continues partial waste purchase

activities; it concluded the infrastructure efforts

needed for the management of wastes under the

scope of MARPOL 73/78 which occurs as a result of

regular activities of sea vehicles which use the port,

shipyard, fishing ports, and yacht ports within the

borders of Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality.

Operating Department

Clinical and hazardous waste incineration and energy generation facility

The operation principle of the facility with 35.000 tons/year incineration capacity is based on the disposal by burning of flammable plastic wastes, used greases, pharmaceutical and cosmetic wastes, petrochemical wastes, PVC, solvent, dye wastes, glues and adhesives, refining sludge and other types of hazardous wastes and clinical wastes.

Incineration facility design parameters

Annual design capacity: 35.000 tons/year (365 days) Annual license border capacity: 33.135 tons/year (330 days) Planned annual capacity: 24.533 tons/year (304 days) Working days: 304 days/year Working hours: 7296 hours/year Planned maintenance days: 35 days/year Possible maintenance situation: 10 days/year Boiler cleaning: 16 days/year

Incinerated wastes

As of the end of 2010, a total of 21.334 tons of

wastes were incinerated and disposed among the wastes accepted fro disposal by incinerating at the incinerator along with the waste acceptance criteria. Within this amount,

solid waste/bunker: 13.441 tons,

barrel feeder: 1023 tons,

clinical wastes: 13 tons,

special liquids: 291 tons,

acquis liquid: 1369 tons,

flammable liquid: 5196 tons. In 2010, 265 tons of fuel oil were used in the incinerator facility as additional fuel.

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Generated Wastes

The amounts of waste generated by our facility at

the end of the incinerating procedure as of the end of 2010 were as follows:

Scum: 6.217 Tons

Wet ash: 350 tons

Filter Press cake: 1.582 tons After the analysis of wastes is done, hazardous

wastes were stored and disposed in waste landfill area.


Total working hours of the facility as of the end of

2010 became 7.183 hours and stand-by hours became 523 hours and planned maintenance stand hours became 1054 hours.

As a result of the conducted analysis, it was

decided that solid waste feeding capacity at the incinerator facility could be increased by 50% and that the D10 incineration disposal (on land) within Statute on General Principles of Waste Management could be replaced with using as the main fuel for the purpose of R1 energy production recycling procedure or in another manner.

It is expected that a new license code for the

incinerating facility and the license that will be reorganized as regards capacity increase will be submitted in January 2011 by The Ministry of Forestry.

As planned, maintenance stand-by was applied

between September 16th, 2010 and October 30th, 2010, incinerating procedure was halted. During stoppage period, maintenance of problematic units was conducted. On October 30th, 2010, heating procedure began for refractor brick drying operation. On November 3rd, 2010, rotating boiler brick operation finished and waste supply was resumed.

Energy Generation

Within the year 2010, in the framework of 49 years

of production license obtained from this, 21.334 tons of incinerated wastes, 13.847.100 kWh electricity was produced, 9.227.580 kWh of which was used in the facility, 5.951.790 kWh of which was sold to SEDAŞ and 1.332.270 kWh electricity was purchased.

Wind Turbines

IZAYDAS also acts as a leader in the area of

renewable energy resources. 132 kW capacity wind turbines which were mounted at Gaziler Mountain at Izmit Solaklar and Gebze Gaziler Mountain showed that electricity can also be produced from wind energy in our city as well. Each of them can produce annually 100.000 kWh energy on average.

Sterilization Facility

Medical wastes generated from all health institutions within the borders of Kocaeli province are disposed by IZAYDAS. Pathological and hazardous wastes generated by health institutions are incinerated and disposed. Infectious wastes are collected in reusable packages and transported to IZAYDAS sterilization facility in licensed vehicles.

As of the end of 2010, the amount of sterilized

medical wastes became 1.224.883 kgs.

Biogas Facility

In 2007, Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality,

TÜBİTAK MAM and researcher institution and four universities launched the project “Biogas Generation from Vegetal and Animal Wastes and Usage in Integrated Energy Generation Facilities” under which Biogas and energy generation facilities are established in IZAYDAS area. It is planned that the facility whose construction started on April 14th, 2007, will be commissioned in 2011.

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When the biogas facility is commissioned,

155 m3/h biogas

350 kwh electrical energy

350KWh heat energy

12 tons/days liquid fertilizers

14 tons/days solid fertilizers will be obtained.

The produced energy will be sold by conducting

connection to the network and the organic fertilizer that is produced will be highly appropriate for agricultural use as it will not include yabancı of seeds, be able to hold water and have rich mineral structure.

DAF Refining Facility

Waste leakage waters collected with the draining

system located on the impermeability layer of regular landfill areas are sent to DAF (preliminary refining facility) unit and subjected to pre-purifying procedure. The waste water which occurs after the refining process is sent to 42 Evler Municipal and Industrial Waste Water Facility through the waste water collector line.

As of the end of November 2010, the amount of

waste leakage waters transported from Dilovası Regular Landfill Area to IZAYDAS was 57.270 m3 and the amount of waste leakage waters transported from Gebze packaging facility and old waste landfill area to IZAYDAS was 23.874 m3.

Waste Acceptance / Planning Office

Wastes sent to incinerating and regular landfill

facilities are accepted according to IZAYDAS waste acceptance criteria.

As of the end of 2010, the data of preliminary

procedures conducted by waste acceptance/planning unit are as follows:

Packaged liquid waste pressing 174.075 kg,

Amount of wastes subjected to Barrel division 177.711 kg,

Amount of plastic packages sent to recycling 39.800 kg,

Amount of metal barrels sent to recycling 274.940 kg,

Amount of isocyanides barrels subjected to incineration 26.810 kg,

Number of barrels used at preliminary procedure stage 4.241 pcs,

Wire cage separation process 3.019 pcs,

Isocyanides barrels subjected to washing process 1.199 pcs.

Department of Landfill Areas

Solaklar Regular Landfill Areas

In the 363.007 m2 of the 800.000 m2 area allocated

by The Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Solaklar municipal and hazardous solid waste regular landfill area has been established in 1997. Municipal and hazardous wastes accepted to regular landfill area are transferred to the working area to appropriate lots according to the type of the waste. For municipal wastes 6 lots with the capacity of 3.163.000 m3 and for hazardous wastes 1 lot with the capacity of 969.919 m3 are allocated. With the help of construction machinery laying/compression processes are applied and intermediate layer soil is used in order to prevent bad smells and negative environmental conditions.

When the landfill process which is anticipated as

25-32 years is completed, this area will be greened and returned to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

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Extension of Hazardous Waste Lot License Term

In order to extend the hazardous waste lot

operation license term which would end on 21.03.2010, operation plan was revised and prepared and an application was filed to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. On 03.03.2010, the additional documents required by the Ministry were submitted and on 24.03.2010 the Ministry sent our new licence as an attachment to the relevant correspondence.

In 2010, 54.259 tons of industrial wastes and

22.286 tons of hazardous wastes were stored and disposed at regular landfill areas.

Storage Gas (LFG) / Energy production process

On 23.06.2010, the tender for the construction and

operation of the electricity production plant from waste gases (LFG) at IZAYDAS Solaklar and Dilovası municipal solid waste regular landfill area. The contract was concluded. Contractor Company performed measurements so as to produce the current situation maps of Solaklar and Dilovası areas. Licensing and project preparation works are underway.

Compactor purchase

The tender was performed on April 28th, 2010. The

machine arrived on July 23rd, 2010. Bottom armour coatings were completed. It was commissioned on September 24th, 2010.

Dilovası Extension of the Present Lot

Material purchase demands were entered so that

the northern section of the current lot can be purchased by us. Excavation works were conducted between June 21st-July 31st, 2010. GCL, geomembrane, geotextile and geonet were laid on the area. Pipe welding was made for draining and connection was made to the draining pipes at the current lot. Then shingles were laid and the facility was ready for operation as of late September.

As of October, acceptance of wastes to the area

began. The wastes which were sent from Gebze resolution and transfer station to Solaklar landfill area after April 2010 were again accepted to Dilovası as of November 29th, 2010.

In 2010 42.970 tons of municipal waste, 21.041

tons of industrial waste were land-filled and disposed in Dilovası.

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Deodorizing activities

Trials have been made for the products of several

firms for the application which will be conducted for deodorizing processes to eliminate the bad scents that occur during summer months at Dilovası and Solaklar municipal waste regular landfill areas. Product purchase and application of technical specifications was prepared and tender was made. In June-November, application was made.

Deodorization is performed by applying special

disinfectant on wastes by means of pulverization machinery.

Waste characterization works

Waste characterization works for the year 2010

were made with KBB-environmental protection and control Department for 12 municipalities in February for the winter period and July for the summer period.

Gebze 154kV Elevation of High Voltage Line

Project approval (TEİAŞ) was obtained for

elevation of 154 kV high voltage which is within Gebze waste area, technical specifications was prepared and tender were made. Site delivery was made by TEİAŞ so that construction works could begin and studies were commenced on June 2nd, 2010. In August, request was made to TEİAŞ Department General for energy outage. The outage was made between 13th and 20th November, 2010, and the elevation of the line was completed.

Derince Transfer Station

• The facility was commissioned as of July 1st, 2010.

• Scales were established. • Environmental organization was made with

construction machinery. • Rainwater canals were opened. • Wire fence was constructed by Derince

Municipality. • Levelling of vehicle entry and exit points was


Gebze Resolution and Transfer Station

• Contract was signed on November 8th, 2010. • Date of commencement: November 23rd, 2010. Equipment renewal and commissioning works of

the facility are underway.

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Upon authorization of Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality, IZAYDAS included the operation of excavation areas. Today IZAYDAS operates the excavation areas in Cayirova, Sarp Deresi, Gebze, Hereke, Uctepeler and Dogantepe areas and is trying to create new areas. Cayirova and Dogantepe excavation areas were full as of March and October respectively; therefore, the works in these areas are now finalized. After these areas are filled, they will be submitted to the service of the public as forestation and sports areas.

As of end of 2010, the following amount of

excavations were accepted by the corresponding excavation areas: ;

17.826 vehicles by Cayirova,

108.035 vehicles by Sarp Deresi,

25.974 vehicles by Gebze,

20.724 vehicles by Hereke,

6.477 vehicles by Uctepeler, 2.132 vehicles by Dogantepe.

Department of Technical Services

OHS Activities

Environmental and work accidents

As of the end of December 2010, 27 work

accidents were witnessed and 96 workdays were lost. No environmental accidents were witnessed in


In the accidents that occurred within 2010, an increase is observed compared to previous years. When the work accidents within the year are examined, carelessness stands out as the most important cause of accidents.

OHS Activities

Within September, a group chosen among our

employees was subjected to a personal exposure

assessment which was made by personal sampling

method from workplace environment through noise

and vibration measurements and by taking dust, gas,

heavy metal and asbestos samples. All results and

suggestions related to examination and measurements

were announced to our employees through e-mails

and by posting on notice boards.

Risk assessment works have also begun and the

risk assessment of work accidents witnessed within

2010 were made on 13th-14th September, 2010.

A high-pressure extinguisher system mounted on

vehicles with the purpose of making the first fire-

fighting response that could break out in our facility

was commissioned as of November.

Evacuation and fire drills were conducted on

December 2nd, 2010 with the purpose of evaluating the

effectiveness of the employees in emergency teams

and ensuring that employees are prepared in urgent

situation and displaying what is needed to be done.

OHS Board Meetings

As a requirement of the 80th article of Labour Act

no. 4857 and “Statute of Occupational Health and Safety Boards” which is based on this act, IZAYDAS occupational health and safety board meetings were held. Board meetings were announced to the board members 48 hours in advance by notifying the date, hour and place of the meeting. The agenda of the meeting was prepared taking into consideration the

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suggestions of board members. Participation of board members as well as the personnel working at different units were ensured every month.

IZAYDAS occupational health and safety board

performs its regular meetings on Wednesdays on the third week of every month. At these meetings the first article of the agenda is the revision of the applications of board decisions taken in the previous month. Another agenda article requires the investigation of reasons for the occurrence of work accidents during the month and revision of the things needed so as to prevent their recurrence.

Training activities in OHS area

PPE inspiration protectors (semi-face masks)

Working with lifting and carrying equipment

Training on LO/TO applications

Training on general occupational health and safety rules

Training of civilian defence and emergency situations teams

Training for protection from radiation

Reasons of work accidents and occupational diseases and workplace risks

A total of 191 personnel received 33,5 hours of training.

Maintenance Office

Within 2010, a total of 1815 general works,

maintenance, manufacturing and revision works were performed by technical services unit.

A total of 6738 periodic and planned maintenance

works were conducted at mechanical maintenance works, electrical maintenance works, electronic-instrument maintenance works, and vehicle maintenance works.

Transfer of periodical maintenances to computer

assisted maintenance management system has been

completed. Management of periodic maintenance

activities is conducted with computer program.

Planned stop maintenance works: completed

between 13th October 2010 – 30th November 2010, and

incinerating facility was commissioned.

Mechanical Maintenance

Biogas R&D facility model and two incinerating facility

models have been prepared.

The models are exhibited at The Ministry of

Environment and Forestry and IZAYDAS Meeting Hall.

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Electrical Maintenance

34,5 kV-6,3 kV system, 34,5 kV cells, transformers,

cutters, airborne line components were subjected to

general maintenance.

34,5 kV + 6,3 kV medium voltage relay

modernization was made.

tr-1, tr-2,tr-3 tr-daf, tr-sterilization, tr main

transformers were subjected to general maintenance.

191GG001.001 ups replacement was made.

191GG002.001 ups replacement was made.

Instrument Maintenance

Preparation was made for the monitoring of

calibration works through QDMS; the work will be

finalized when QDMS is made compatible. Calibration

monitoring is conducted through Excel program. A

total of 243 measurement and control devices have

been calibrated so far.

A contractor company began working on

December 29th, 2010, for the renewal of stack gas

analysis system.

Biogas R&D Works

Development of the R&D facility which was

established under the protocol concluded between

Kocaeli University and IZAYDAS in the areas of biogas

production, organic waste disposal and organic

fertilizer is continuing.

Utility model (patent) applications were filled and certificates have been received for a four-stage biogas production facility and biogas filtration system.

Three-stage biogas experiment system (20lt, 50lt,

80lt) manufacturing and test works have been

conducted, and usage in experimental works have


Kirazdere (Yuvacık) Dam Hydroelectricity Plant Project

IZAYDAS has conducted a feasibility work which includes assessments for the establishment of a hydroelectricity plant at Izmit Su A.Ş. potable water refinery plant.

Tender was made on November 12th, 2010, to prepare a project for canal-type hydro-electrical plant so as to generate energy utilizing the height of drop difference between Kirazdere (Yuvacık) Dam and the refinery plant. Total generated energy will be 10.324.872 kWh/year.

Information Technologies

Scales automation program has been

commissioned and more economic barcode/label

writers have been adopted.

Visitor/security program has been renewed and its

integration with scale automation has been ensured.

Virtualization technology has been adopted and

server capacities have been increased.

Fax/server project has been completed and


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Several procedures which used paper forms have

been transferred to computer environment.

DDI numbers have been adopted and extension

numbers have been made 4-digit.

Waste management system project has been


Excavation management system project has been


The meteorological station has been established

and it has been ensured that current information could

be reached and recorded from the server.

Camera/security project has been completed.

Data back-up system has been commissioned.

VPN connections have been completed.

Public Relations

Organizations That We Attended

Farmavizyon Pharmaceutics Show, 09-11 April 2010

ITC Advanced technologies workshop and exhibition 30 April 2010

16. International Energy and Environment Show and Conference 12-14 May 2010 With IZAYDAS sustainable environment vision, we participated in ICCI 2010 Energy and Environment Show and Conference as a leader institution of the industry in waste and environmental management.

Environmental management workshop in EU process, organized by ministry of environment and forestry, 27-28 May, 2010. In order to make preparation for the workshop, first at units level and then between units and finally by establishing cooperation with Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Environmental Protection and Control Department, preparations were completed for the workshop and active participation was ensured by IZAYDAS.

5 June 2010 World Environment Day

6th International Recycling, Environmental Technologies and Waste Management Show, 10-13 June 2010. At the show which was conducted at Istanbul TUYAP Exhibition and Congress Centre, opinions were exchanged with the national and international visitors who visited our stand. In addition, detailed information was obtained about the works of the companies which attended the show.

KOCAELİ Fair 04 June -12 September 2010

XII. Industrial Polluters Symposium 16-18 June 2010

Health industry, remote education of hospital managers about waste management, 25 June 2010

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Opening and information meeting of the “health industry remote education project of hospital managers about managers”, whose partner institutions is IZAYDAS, was performed.

16. International packaging show 16- 19 September 2010

07-10 October 2010 Türkchem 4. Chemical Industrialists Show 07-10 October 2010

2.IWES International energy from waste symposium 04- 05 November 2010 At the symposium, IZAYDAS delivered the presentations on “Local governments and waste management” and “Hazardous wastes generated by medical institutions”.

8. National Clean Energy Symposium and Exhibition; 03-05 December 2010

A presentation named "Renewable Energy and IZAYDAS Implementations” was made at the Symposium.

EURITS Meetings

EURITS I. General Assembly

IZAYDAS is a member of EURITS (European Union for Responsible Incineration and Treatment of Special Waste), whose I. General Assembly for 2010 year arranged between 29 and 30 April 2010 in Basel, Sweden. As being a member of EURITS, IZAYDAŞ stated its opinions in this General Assembly.

After information note of VEOLIA, who is the host

of this General Assembly and has a dangerous waste incineration plant with 30.000 tons/year capacity, the plant was visited.

EURITS II. General Assembly

EURITS (European Union for Responsible

Incineration and Treatment of Special Waste) has arranged its II. General Assembly for 2010, on October 25th 2010 at Hamburg, Germany.

IZAYDAŞ participated in work group meetings held before the General Assembly, and also the General Assemly. Information Exchange related to the latest activities of member countries was made, developed technologies and application possibilities were shared.

After the meeting, the Incineration Plant of AVG, which is one of the members of EURITS was visited, and information was obtained through applications.

Hydro-Electric Power Plant and Waste Incineration Plant Visits

Kemal ALTUNEL, Manager of Resource

Development and Investment Department of Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality; Muhammet SARAÇ, General Manager of IZAYDAS; Bahattin YANIK, Deputy General Manager of ISU and Salih DEVECİ, Manager of Technical Service have participated to a technical survey in Italy between 25th and 27th April 2010 for Kirazdere (Yuvacık) Barrage Hydroelectric Power Plant


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Monte Casale – Piacenza province has a HES plant, which is similar to Yuvacik potable water treatment plant. Studies were made at barrage, central and control systems.

Milan Waste Incineration Plant was visited on April 27th, 2010. Technical studies were made in the plant.

Domestic Waste Incineration Plant Survey

Mr. Ilyas SEKER, Deputy Mayor of Kocaeli

Metropolitan Municipality; Kemal ALTUNEL, Manager of Resource Development and Investment Department; Necmi KAHRAMAN, Manager of Environmental Protection and Control Department; Muhammet SARAÇ, General Manager of IZAYDAS; Cagatay M. BOZKURT, Manager of Regular Storage Areas; Huseyin KILIC, Manager of Waste Management Department went to the United States between October 30th and November 08th, 2010 in order to inspect domestic waste incineration plants.

In the scope of this visit, four incineration plants

located in the East Coast of United States were surveyed and several meetings were held with their managers.

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Solaklar Köyü Mevkii, P.K. 66 41001 Izmit / Kocaeli- Türkiye Tel: +90 262 316 60 00 Faks: +90 262 316 60 50


Clean Environment, Healthy Society