annual report 2016 - · laura van dyke joe wilcynski (not pictured) is an easy,...

Annual Report We are pleased to once again publish an annual report on St. Cecilia Parish. It has been another year of generous and responsible stewardship on the part of our parish family of St. Cecilia, Bainbridge Island. I am grateful for the way that parishioners have responded to what has become our annual paern of stewardship commitment drives. Each Fall, now, we review and recommit to the stewardship of our treasure. We make decisions about what we can return to the Lord through charitable giving. In parcular we make a specific pledge to our con- tribuons through the regular Sunday offerings. As Lent approaches we are called to assess and strengthen the stewardship of our me that we re- turn to the Lord in prayer. And in late spring we take the me to review, re- new, and celebrate the stewardship of our talent as we submit a talent vol- unteer form that encompasses the vast array of opportunies to assist in the works of St. Cecilia Parish. In Christ, 1310 Madison Avenue North, Bainbridge Island, Washington 98110 206.842.3594 2015-2016 A MERICAN H ERITAGE G IRLS Building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country. FAITH SERVICE FUN We have been building our girls up this year through badge work, social acvies, and service projects. Our girls completed a number of ser- vice projects this year including: making fleece blankets for children in the foster care system; sending leer to veterans thanking them for their service; serving Christmas dinner to the resi- dents of the Ma Talbot house; helping with weeding and landscaping at Bale Point Park; and serving a Lenten Soup Supper at the Church. Thank you so much for the parish’s support of our troop this year. We are excited about the future! Scouts celebrating a great year! * *

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Page 1: Annual Report 2016 - · Laura Van Dyke Joe Wilcynski (not pictured) is an easy, safe, and convenient way to make offertory contribu-tions. As of June 30th, 47 fami-lies

Annual Report

We are pleased to once again publish an annual report on St. Cecilia Parish. It has been another

year of generous and responsible stewardship on the part of our parish family of St. Cecilia, Bainbridge

Island. I am grateful for the way that parishioners have responded to what has become our annual

pattern of stewardship commitment drives. Each Fall, now, we review and recommit to the stewardship

of our treasure.

We make decisions about what we can return to the Lord through charitable giving. In particular

we make a specific pledge to our con-

tributions through the regular Sunday

offerings. As Lent approaches we are

called to assess and strengthen the

stewardship of our time that we re-

turn to the Lord in prayer. And in late

spring we take the time to review, re-

new, and celebrate the stewardship of

our talent as we submit a talent vol-

unteer form that encompasses the

vast array of opportunities to assist in

the works of St. Cecilia Parish.

In Christ,

1310 Madison Avenue North, Bainbridge Island, Washington 98110 206.842.3594


A MERICAN H ERITAGE G IRLS Building women of integrity through service to God,

family, community and country.


We have been building our girls up this year

through badge work, social activities, and service

projects. Our girls completed a number of ser-

vice projects this year including: making fleece

blankets for children in the foster care system;

sending letter to veterans thanking them for their

service; serving Christmas dinner to the resi-

dents of the Matt Talbot house; helping with

weeding and landscaping at Battle Point Park;

and serving a Lenten Soup Supper at the Church.

Thank you so much for the parish’s support of

our troop this year. We are excited about the


Scouts celebrating a great year!

* *

Page 2: Annual Report 2016 - · Laura Van Dyke Joe Wilcynski (not pictured) is an easy, safe, and convenient way to make offertory contribu-tions. As of June 30th, 47 fami-lies

Finance Committee

Tim Cibula

Michael Donahue

Scott Edwards

Laura Van Dyke

Joe Wilcynski (not pictured)

is an easy, safe, and convenient

way to make offertory contribu-

tions. As of June 30th, 47 fami-

lies were taking advantage of

this program. To get started or

learn more about Online Giving,

please visit the parish website:

For the Financial Years Ending June 30

World Youth Day occurs every three years. Fundraising and pilgrims contributions are spread over that three year period.

Painting ($27,000), organ repair ($9,000) and other smaller parish projects ($8,000) were paid for with bequest income. * * *


2015 2016 2017 RECEIPTS

Offertory $521,715 $549,188 $564,600

Education Fees 8,485 8,208 8,800

Fundraising 107,891 69,208 78,415

World Youth Day Receipts * 5,094 28,971 1,935

Gifts and Bequests 54,383 77,534 17,425

Interest 7,764 6,607 6,300

Other Receipts 9,701 8,383 11,540

Total Receipts $715,033 $748,099 $689,015


Salaries and Benefits $324,091 $343,575 $358,130

Supplies 39,043 46,844 40,660

Program Expenses 16,896 17,410 12,345

World Youth Day Expense * 0 36,000 0

Parish Subsidy to SCCS 60,000 60,000 60,000

Operations/Maintenance ** 29,923 74,692 46,046

Contracted Services 9,698 7,781 7,840

Insurance 25,039 22,522 26,000

Other Expense 36,540 30,496 37,560

Utilities 38,067 41,812 42,460

Appreciations 3,305 3,635 3,740

Archdiocesan Assessments 30,565 33,567 36,100

Total Expenses $613,167 $718,334 $670,881

Surplus/(Deficit) $101,866 $29,765 $18,134


Loan Payments 17,875 0 0

Adjusted Surplus/(Deficit) $83,991 $29,765 $18,134

Parish Financial Report The Finance Committee is pleased to report solid financial results for the fiscal year (July 2015 to June 2016). Offertory giving, our primary revenue source, increased just over 5% from the prior year. Increases in recurring operating expenses were about the same. A successful fall fundraiser together with a number of gifts and bequests helped fund several projects while still ending the year in the black. While continuing to exercise careful supervision over operating costs, in the coming year we hope use a portion of the Fall Dinner Auction proceeds for parish improvements. A stable financial base has also helped allow the parish the opportunity to establish a Charitable Outreach Program. The program will be kicked off in September 2016. If you have any questions regarding Parish finances, feel free to ask any finance council member.

Page 2 Annual Report

Scott Edwards, Chairperson

Page 3: Annual Report 2016 - · Laura Van Dyke Joe Wilcynski (not pictured) is an easy, safe, and convenient way to make offertory contribu-tions. As of June 30th, 47 fami-lies

Page 3

Parish Receipts 2016

“I am a little pencil in

the hand of a writing

God who is sending a

love letter to the


~ St. Mother Teresa

Parish Expenses 2016

Annual Report

Page 4: Annual Report 2016 - · Laura Van Dyke Joe Wilcynski (not pictured) is an easy, safe, and convenient way to make offertory contribu-tions. As of June 30th, 47 fami-lies

Susan Kilbane, Principal

St. Cecilia Catholic School

Annual Report Page 4

The 2015-2016 school year was marked with learning for teachers and students alike. Teacher professional development included Sin-

gapore Math, Writers’ Workshop, Differentiated Instruction, Science Curriculum Development and further integration of technology into the curriculum. An all school Prayer Circle was implemented each Monday morning to include a recita-tion of prayers, discussion about the monthly value and celebration of Student Good Samaritans from the previous week. Students communicated their learning through two music concerts, project presentations, original fiction and non-fiction writing, math problem solving, science investigations, reading with our growing multi-level book collection, and a fabulous end of the year performance of ANNIE. A yearlong stewardship project was initiated in each classroom, putting our faith in action. And Principal Kilbane will continue her 20-month Boston Col-lege Leadership program which grows her capacity as an academic, spiritual and financial leader. Great things are happening at SCCS. We are truly blessed!


2015 2016 2017 RECEIPTS

Tuition and Fees $457,370 $366,436 $454,180

Fulcrum Tuition Grants 32,207 21,853 22,000

Local Tuiton Grants 11,120 29,923 10,120

Crusader Care, Bus, Uniforms and Other 47,311 35,591 34,600

Direct Parish Subsidy 60,000 61,858 60,000

SCCS Fundraising 51,121 88,564 92,600

Parish Fall Fundraiser Paddle Call 16,850 28,350 17,000

Restricted Donations 25,163 17,880 0

Unrestricted Donations 37,072 31,201 18,000

Total Receipts $738,214 $681,656 $708,500


Salaries and Benefits $566,841 $554,956 $572,944

Educational and Program Supplies 43,344 47,949 47,595

Technology and Maintenance 28,687 2,277 6,000

Uniform expense 7,584 5,121 5,000

Professional fees and assessments 3,744 3,116 4,670

Fundraising 15,615 16,016 14,650

Administrative Supplies/fees 9,576 14,608 14,360

Facilities Maintenance 4,504 6,520 5,975

Utilities and Insurance 35,883 35,178 40,550

Bus Expense 9,976 9,503 12,210

Total Expense $725,754 $695,244 $723,954

NET RECEIPTS/(DEFICIT) $12,460 ($13,588) ($15,454)

SCCS Receipts do not reflect an annual indirect subsidy averaging $34,000 received in parish

support in the form of personnel and overhead expenses which are reflected in the expenses of the

parish financial statement.



For the Financial Years Ending June 30

SCCS Receipts 2016

SCCS Expense 2016

Page 5: Annual Report 2016 - · Laura Van Dyke Joe Wilcynski (not pictured) is an easy, safe, and convenient way to make offertory contribu-tions. As of June 30th, 47 fami-lies

Annual Report Page 5

The Mary garden was beautifully completed with pavers, benches, and landscaping.

The annual Fall Dinner Auction raised $97,155. Thank you, volunteers!

The Men's Lenten Retreat was enthusiastically re-ceived.

Two scholarships were founded in memory of Patrick Middleton.

Photos were taken for the new Parish Pictorial Directory to be published this fall.

At her retirement, Nancy Dorsey was honored for her service to St. Cecilia. Nancy was active in the

music ministry for 46 years.

Three people joined our parish team: Diana Barrow, Administrative Assistant, Jennifer Cunningham, Choir Director (pictured), and Mary Weed-ing, Pianist/Organist

The Youth Group prepared to attend World Youth Day in Poland.

Parishioners donated $30,000 to build two rooms at the Flower of Hope School in Haiti. These students previously had classes outside.

Fair Trade coffee from The Coffee Oasis is now served at all parish events. The Coffee Oasis serves homeless youth in Kitsap County.

2015-2016 Highlights Fun and Fitness at the Jog-A-Thon



Youthies visiting Saut

d’Eau waterfalls, site

of the Virgin Mary’s

Haitian apparition in


St. Nicholas stops here!

Smiles follow Friday

School Mass

Page 6: Annual Report 2016 - · Laura Van Dyke Joe Wilcynski (not pictured) is an easy, safe, and convenient way to make offertory contribu-tions. As of June 30th, 47 fami-lies

Page 6

YOU H GROUP There are approximately 35 high school Youthies that regular-ly attend weekly meetings. We gather every Sunday for two hours, with ½ hour of fun and a meal prepared by Youthie families, followed by one hour of catechesis. The suppers are wonderful and important in community-building within the group.

We have fundraised by splitting firewood and selling home-made ice cream sandwiches at the annual Fourth of July booth. This year, the funds went primarily to the expenses of World Youth Day in Poland which twelve attended. In addi-tion to helping with various parish activities including the auction, we also helped at the St. Nicholas Festival in Decem-ber.

On December 24th the Youthies’ caroling on the roundabout and their annual walk through Winslow with “Mary”, “Joseph”, and two donkeys did not go unnoticed in our com-munity! The Youthies continued on to spread Christmas cheer to the residents at Island Health and Rehab, finally concluding with a live crèche outside the church at the early Christmas Eve Mass.

In the new year, we began the serious study for Confirmation and utilized much of Matthew Kelly’s Dynamic Catholic Course. As is our tradition, in early spring, an annual week-end Confirmation/Youthie Retreat was held at Camp Indiano-la. Over thirty Youthies attended. Father Mitchell graciously came to camp to celebrate Mass. On April 14, 14 young peo-ple received the Sacrament of Confirmation ministered by Archbishop Sartain and Father Mitchell.

On Good Friday, the Youth Group carried the replica cross they made up Madison Avenue and placed it in the ground at St. Cecilia’s until Pentecost again taking a symbol of our faith into the community.

As the year drew to a close we had an entertaining BBQ at the “farm” for Youthies and families. As a goodbye-for-the-summer outing, the brave youth group leaders and parents took Youthies river rafting and camping on the Wenatchee River. The school year ended with a graduating Senior Mass at St Cecilia’s.

In July, a number of very excited Youthie pilgrims travelled to Poland for World Youth Day where they joined two million other young Catholics from around the world. It was a blessed year once again. Thank you to all who support the Youth Group!

Offerings & Special Collections

394 Households giving on a regular basis on Sunday

47 Households who give online at

$549,188 Sunday/Holy Day Offertory

$90,400 Annual Catholic Appeal (107% of goal!)

$37,961 The Haiti Fund

$31,201 Contributions to SCCS

$17,942 Contributions to St Vincent de Paul Society

$2,191 Catholic Relief Service

$1,771 World Mission Sunday

$1,261 Lenten Rice Bowls

$1,182 Peter’s Pence

$1,108 Catholic Home Missions

$700 Priest Pension Fund

2,651.5 pounds of food donated to Helpline House

857 Registered Households

2369 Registered Parishioners

32 New Families 12 Baptisms

19 First Holy Communions

18 Confirmations

1 Marriage

12 Individual Anointing

13 Funerals

549 Weekend Mass attendance

(average for October 2015)

375+ Masses celebrated

1500 + Hours devoted to


3 Adults in RCIA

10 Preschoolers attending SCCS

73 Scholars in grades K-8

attending SCCS

35 Youthies

59 Students K-8 attending PREP

By the Numbers

Annual Report

And More Numbers

World Youth Day

Pilgrims in Poland

Neill & Patty Raymond

Page 7: Annual Report 2016 - · Laura Van Dyke Joe Wilcynski (not pictured) is an easy, safe, and convenient way to make offertory contribu-tions. As of June 30th, 47 fami-lies

Page 7 Annual Report

Liturgical Ministries

Altar Linens - 13 parishioners

Altar Servers - 29 volunteers

Eucharistic Ministers - 46 parishioners

Lectors - 15 readers

Liturgical décor - 4 volunteers

Cantors - 9 parishioners

Choir/Music Ministry - 20 parishioners

Ushers/Greeters - 20 volunteers

Prayer and Study

Bible Study - 25– 35 weekly attendees

Book Group - 24 weekly attendees

Lenten Book Groups - 10 groups

Spiritual Enrichment Events - 9 volunteers

PREP - 22 volunteers

Centering Prayer Group - 4-6 attendees

Daily Rosary - 4-6 parishioners

Eucharistic Adoration - 35+ participants

Prayer Chain - 78 members


Visiting Eucharistic Ministers - 11 ministers

Welcoming Committee - 20 volunteers

Haiti Fund - 10 volunteers

Coffee and Donuts - 30 volunteer families

Wine and Cheese - 9 volunteers

Funeral Committee - 45+ volunteers

Matt Talbot Dinner - 250+ volunteers


American Heritage Girls - 12 scouts, 5 adults

Cub Scouts - 48 scouts, 9 adults

Cursillo - 52 members

Island Volunteer Caregivers - 17 parishioners

Knights of Columbus - 56 members

Legion of Mary - 6 members

St. Vincent de Paul - 13 members

Respect Life - 10-15 participants


Fall Dinner Auction - 36 volunteers

Super Suppers - 12+ volunteers

St. Nick Festival - 49 volunteers

SCCS Viva St. Cecilia - 49 volunteers

Crop Walk - 15 volunteers

Administration and Other

Finance Council - 5 members

School Commission - 4 members

Parish Library - 8 volunteers

Office Volunteers - 10 volunteers

Knitting Circle - 10-15 needle workers

Parish Council - 10 members

Religious Education

This year our treasure, the Faith, was expressed in many ways. We had 12 young families bringing their children to our community to be baptized. There were 53 children being taught our faith at home and in our regular PREP program. Eighteen children received their First Communion. We started serving Fair Trade coffee from the Coffee Oasis at all parish events. The Coffee Oasis serves homeless youth in Kitsap County. During Lent, we read and discussed Redis-covering Jesus by Matthew Kelly, hoping to deepen our commit-ment and relationship with Jesus and each other. Marilyn Belieu generously took over the Children’s Liturgy of the Word. The day and evening book groups continue their exploration of books on spirituality. The Spiritual Enrichment Events committee had 3 events and a Saturday morning men’s retreat, all focusing on mercy for the Year of Mercy.

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which someone found and hid; then, in joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Matthew 13:44-45

Jesuit Fr. Trung Pham

presenting The Imprint of

Mercy at a Spiritual Enrich-

ment Event (SEE)

Collin Betz

Conrad Carrillo

Rosemary Carson

Maureen Cole

Patrick “Irish” Cole

Conrado Diaz

Eugene Fitzmaurice

Garnet Logan

Richard “Dick” Matthews

Patrick Middleton

Catalina Renteria

Lorraine Tolbert

Yvonne “Bonnie” Yetsko

Those whom we’ve lost but have not forgotten


Tuesday Morning Bible Study

Terry Markuly

Page 8: Annual Report 2016 - · Laura Van Dyke Joe Wilcynski (not pictured) is an easy, safe, and convenient way to make offertory contribu-tions. As of June 30th, 47 fami-lies

St. Cecilia Parish 1310 Madison Ave N Bainbridge Island, WA 98110-1802


PARISH OFFICE (206) 842-3594 SCHOOL OFFICE (206) 842-2017

Father Joseph Mitchell, Pastor x104 [email protected]

Diana Barrow, Administrative Assistant x101 [email protected]

Terry Markuly, Faith Formation x102 [email protected]

Walt Kniginyzky, Facilities x105 [email protected]

Ruth Anne Wolansky, Finance x103 [email protected]

Susan Kilbane, SCCS Principal x106 [email protected]

Scott Edwards, Finance Committee [email protected]

Eoin Dunstan, SCCS School Commission [email protected]