annual report 2018 - fdoh.org2 | 2018 annual report the foundation for the diocese of helena, inc....


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Page 1: ANNUAL REPORT 2018 - fdoh.org2 | 2018 Annual Report The Foundation for the Diocese of Helena, Inc. Father Mavsar holds the chalice he designed and commissioned in the late 1970s to


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Father Mavsar holds the chalice he designed and commissioned in the late 1970s to honor his parents and eight siblings. Each soul is commemorated by a stone embedded in the external presentation of the chalice, burnished in bright red.

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Diocesan Message: Christ is Lord of all times and seasons; the author of creation and its blessings. We are called to be faithful stewards of those graces and blessings shared with us by the Lord. And through His Church, we must always be aware that we are a pilgrim people. We are on a journey together, with shared responsibilities and gifts to be broken open and built upon through prayer and sacrificial love. With that understanding we can address our challenges through faith and reason, so our witness to the Kingdom of God may continue well into a future filled with hope. That is the mission of the Foundation for the Diocese of Helena. Thank you for sharing in its work and providing for its ability to better know, love and serve the Lord. Sincerely yours in Christ, MONSIGNOR KEVIN O’NEILL Administrator, Diocese of Helena

Foundation’s Message: Honoring Our Past, Building Our Future. That’s what we strive to do in our annual reports, by sharing stories of those who have gone before us and encouraging the rest of us to follow their example. “Honoring Our Past” was particularly noteworthy this year as the Foundation accepted ownership of the Roman Catholic Bishop of Helena’s permanent endowments dating back to the 1940s (see page 12). Our feature story on Monsignor Joseph Mavsar reflects on a man who survived the unthinkable and left us with a lesson of faith and forgiveness. In the “Building Our Future” category, this year a new endowment was established with gifts from past and current Foundation board members to support our outreach grants program. We also obtained an independent 501(c)(3) designation from the IRS this year. This requires us to file an annual return with the IRS, making our financial information more visible to donors and their advisors. Thank you for taking the time to read our 2018 Annual Report. We welcome your thoughts, questions, and prayers for our continued success. PETE RIDGEWAY JEANNE SAARINEN Board President Executive Director


Msgr. Kevin O’Neill

Jeanne Saarinen

Pete Ridgeway

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Undated photo of Fr. Mavsar celebrating Mass at the Church of St. Rupert in Slovenia

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“ ‘When they persecute you in one town, flee to another’ (MATTHEW 10,23). Through these Christ’s words I left my diocese in Slovenia on the first Saturday in May 1945 and escaped with 200 Slovenian priests and my Bishop into the country occupied by the Allies.”

his is the opening line of a 23-page document written by Fr. Joseph Mavsar in

1949 titled, The Martyrdom of The Family Mavsar—Slovenia, Yugoslavia, sharing his life story and recorded in diocesan archives. A Peaceful Life Shattered

Msgr. Joseph Mavsar was born in 1919 in Slovenia, the oldest of ten children. The family enjoyed a peaceful and happy life until April of 1941, when the Italian and German armies occupied their country. Joseph’s father was held in high esteem as the

town mayor and a member of the Slovenian Catholic People’s Party. When he refused to support communism, family property was confiscated or destroyed. They were forced to leave their home and farm, and sought safety in a nearby town. At this

time Joseph was in seminary and had traveled to spend Christmas with his family.

“Christmas, 1942, was our most

beautiful Christmas because

[nearly] all of the family

gathered together. Yet we did

not even dream that it was our

last Christmas together.

On the evening of December 26,

1942, on the Feast of St. Stephen,

the first Christian martyr, we

sang our beautiful Christmas

carols before we went to bed.

At ten o’clock in the evening

the rattle of machine guns

awakened us.

My little brother jumped up crying, ‘Daddy, the

Communists are here!’

What happened next was unthink-able. Joseph’s father Jozef (51), mother Terezija Bukovec (49), brothers Darko (21), Ciril (17), Petreck (13), Stanko (9), and sister Marija (16) were captured, tortured, and burned to death. Joseph and his eleven-year-old brother miracu-lously escaped through a barrage of Communist gunfire. In the years that followed Joseph loses three more brothers to the war: Vilko (12), Dolfi (22), and Pavel (21). When the communists were taking over the whole of Yugoslavia, Joseph and Francis escaped into Austria, then Italy. From there, Francis immigrated to Argentina and providence brought Joseph to us. A Home for Fr. Mavsar

“In November, 1947, the Most Reverend Joseph H.

Gilmore, Bishop of the Helena Diocese, sent me

an invitation to come into his Diocese. Since he

enclosed the affidavit and the assurance that he

would pay even the expenses of my transporta-

tion, I obtained a visa for the United States.”

The Life and Ministry of Monsignor Joseph Mavsar


Fr. Joseph Mavsar, ordained June 11, 1944, Diocese of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Fr. Joseph Mavsar, with brothers Vilko and Pavel, 1945

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Fr. Mavsar arrived in the United States a year later and worked hard at learning the English language. In February 1949 he received his first official assign-ment—Chaplain of the Convent of the Good Shepherd in Helena. In the years that followed he served as assistant pastor in Butte, first with Sacred Heart Parish and then St. Ann Parish. In 1960 Mavsar officially became a priest of the Diocese of Helena and was named pastor of Holy Cross Parish in Townsend. Nine years later he was appointed pastor of Holy Rosary Parish in Bozeman. Then, in 1977 he became pastor of Ss. Cyril and Methodius Parish in East Helena, where he minis-tered until his retirement in 1996. It is by the grace of God that this man could go beyond mere survival from such atrocities to thriving as a minister of peace, love, and joy. “Msgr. Joseph Mavsar was first, foremost and al-

ways a man of faith who willingly and steadfastly lifted high the Cross of Christ as a child of God and a priest of Christ,” described Msgr. Kevin O’Neill, Administrator for the Diocese of Helena, who knew Mavsar well. A Legacy of Forgiveness

In his life story Mavsar describes a poor shoemaker whom his father took pity on and financed medical care when a life-threatening illness took hold. Mavsar recalled the shoe-maker saying many times, “I will never forget your kind father, who saved my life.”

In a terrible turn of events, it was the same shoemaker who was instrumental in the communists finding and killing the Mavsar family. In return, he was given the Mavsar family farm. Fast forward to 1969, Mavsar’s 25th anniversary as a priest. He wanted to celebrate in peace and

“reconcile with my enemy,” Mavsar said in an interview with the Helena Independent Record. He wrote the shoemaker a letter, forgiving him for what he had done. Mavsar knew from friends in Yugoslavia that the shoemaker was drinking heavily and had many personal problems. Even though he never heard back from the man, Mavsar shared with the newspaper reporter that writing the letter was

“the most significant event in my life.” Later, when Mavsar visited Slovenia, he returned to the family farm where the shoemaker’s daughter still lived. “I went to the house and we drank a glass of wine to peace,” Mavsar said in the newspaper in-terview. “After that, I pretty much let those things go.” (continues on page 8)

“If you do not know the hardships of my past life you cannot imagine the happiness that I enjoy in this country of freedom and of peace.”

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A Reflection

by Chris Hammen, Pastoral/Youth Minister for Ss. Cyril and Methodius Parish in East Helena My family first knew Fr. Joe through my parents’ involvement in Cursillo during the late 80’s. Over the years we were frequent visitors to each other’s homes—ours in Missoula and his in East Helena. He loved Ss. Cyril and Methodius Parish, and took great joy in showing us the church and introducing us to parishioners. In 1994, he invited my family to travel with him to Slovenia to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of his ordination. It was celebrated in the town of St. Rupert and began with Mass celebrated by the local Metropolitan Archbishop at the church of St. Rupert, a beautiful Gothic church built in the 1400s. This was the same church, as Msgr. had told us, where for several days nuns protected him from the Communists who were still searching for the surviving members of his family. I cannot stress how much his family is remembered, memorialized, and celebrated by that community. He was received as a national hero. In attendance were multiple bishops, the heads of the Franciscan and Dominican orders from Rome, and other national religious leaders and political dignitaries. We then went with him to visit the scene of his family’s martyrdom, and then to his family’s old house that was given to his family’s betrayer and now occupied by his daughter. My family and I waited as Msgr. went into the home. We then continued to the cemetery where his family’s remains were buried. Since all that remained were ashes and various mementos, the family was buried in a single plot with a headstone engraved

with their pictures and names. While the mood had been festive during the celebrations, I remember Msgr. being uncharacteristically withdrawn and introspective as we made these subsequent visits. The loss of his family still weighed heavily on his heart. Much can be said about his survival, escape, and forgiveness. Equally important is the character of the man who rose out of it. Fr. Joe was for me like a grandfather. His warm smile and joyful belly-laugh made his home one of my favorite places to visit as a child. Whenever we went to bed, he would bless us with the sign of the cross on our foreheads: a practice he encouraged my parents to continue at home and which I do now with my daughter. His witness is one of the key reasons that I have remained close to Christ and His Church. It is through a twist of providence that I am blessed to work as youth minister at the Church I visited so often as a young child. Every time I bring my youth group downstairs to the Mavsar Center, we pass his picture and I ask for his intercession. n

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The Mavsar Legacy Continues

Msgr. Mavsar served the people of the Diocese of Helena for over 50 years, and was beloved by those he ministered to. His legacy includes building new churches in Townsend, East Helena, and Canyon Ferry, as well as a new winter chapel and rectory in West Yellowstone. He served as diocesan Vicar General under Bishop Curtiss and was given the title of Monsignor in 1990. Mavsar changed countless lives by sharing his story of loss and forgiveness at Cursillo weekends at Ss. Cyril and Methodius Parish in East Helena during his years as pastor there. Budge Givler participated in those Cursillo week-ends with Mavsar and said that every person who

heard his message was forever changed. “He was a huge influence of many faithful men and women, in-cluding myself. I remain most blessed by Msgr. Joe Mavsar,” shared Givler. A close friend of Mavsar, he told Budge that his priestly ministry was not complete until he forgave as Jesus forgave. In closing, Msgr. Kevin O’Neill said it well: “God truly put the timeless into his soul as he sought time and again to bring souls to the Lord’s mercy and peace in good times and bad; in sickness and in health. He is an inspiration to us all.” Photos and quotes of Msgr. Mavsar courtesy of Diocese of Helena archives.

Monsignor Joseph Mavsar Permanent Endowment Fund

Before he passed away in 2002, Mavsar wanted to continue supporting the same Diocese that gave him a new homeland in 1948. Through planning he established the Monsignor Joseph Mavsar Permanent

Endowment Fund with the Foundation. His stewardship, like his lesson on forgive-ness, continues today and will continue to bless us for generations to come.

If you would like to add to the endow-ment established by Msgr. Joseph Mavsar, simply send your gift to the Foundation and reference the Mavsar fund.

Msgr. Mavsar for his 50th anniversary of the priesthood. An artist’s rendering of this portrait is displayed at Ss. Cyril and Methodius Parish in East Helena, where he served as pastor from 1977 to 1996.

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A Legacy of Love and Faith We plan for the future. We set goals for ourselves, such as advancing our careers, running a marathon, or visiting the world’s great wonders. But the most important plans we make concern the welfare of others, particularly our families. We prayerfully consider what the future may hold and take appropriate action to provide for them.

As Catholics, we are called to plan for the future of our Church— our spiritual family—in the same way. That’s one reason why your parish has a permanent endowment fund with the Foundation.

Gifts in the fund are invested to generate earnings in support of the Church…forever. It has a unique purpose in the life of your parish—to empower ministry beyond what is possible through annual operating funds.

You can contribute to your parish’s endowment fund with the Foundation at any time and in any amount. Give now, or give later through your will. The benefits will carry on from generation to generation.

“A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children…” PROVERBS 13:22

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General Ministry Funds: Aid to Needy Apostolic Mission Bishop’s Pastoral Outreach Catholic Relief Services Catholic Social Services Birthmothers Fund Clergy Senior Status & Security Trust Diocese of Helena Annual Fund Diocese of Helena Communications Diocese of Helena Tribunal Foundation Greatest Needs Good Samaritan Ministries & Thrift Store - Helena Guatemala Mission Lay Ministry & Diaconate Training Legendary Lodge Operations Legendary Lodge Capital Improvements Montana Catholic Conference Parish Community Projects Priestly Formation & Development Seminarian Education Fund Spiritual Growth & Renewal Youth & Young Adult Ministry

Named Funds Established by Donors: <Anonymous> Family Apostolic Mission Fund Alden P. Howell Perpetual Memorial Anna and Charlie Lincoln Fund Charles Lincoln Estate Fund (St. William-Shelby) Chris and Michelle Field Family Fund Clark & Toni Broadbent Perpetual Fund Daughters of Isabella Fund for Seminarian Education Deacon Gerry Kuhl-Msgr. Mavsar Memorial Fund Deacon Robert Lane Perpetual Fund Donald and Mary Shaughnessy Family Endowment *

Donald Andrew Murphy Fund for Good Samaritan Ministries

Dr. Daniel and Mary Ann Fiehrer Family Fund * Dr. George and Helen Dachs Memorial Fund * Dr. Mabel Tuchscherer Fund Elizabeth Maloney Seminarian Burse Fr. Albert N. Kaparich Fund Fr. J.J. O’Kennedy Helena Burse Fr. Mike O’Neill Memorial Fund (St. Matthew-Kalispell) Fr. Oliver Lee Hightower Fund Gary and Susan E. Sundstrom Fund * Helen M. Murphy Catholic Ministries Hilda and Gayle Kramer De La Salle Blackfeet

School Scholarship Fund Hugh M. and Mary Grace Black Fund for Catholic

Relief Services * James & Joan Schneller Seminarian Fund James & Nevada Mansfield Carroll College Scholarship James and Kathleen Cummings Fund James and Rita Brown and Family Fund Joan and Lefty Dowdall Fund John and Elsie Eigeman Dornbos Fund * Joseph & Julia Strnisha Memorial Fund

(St. Francis of Assisi-Hamilton) Joseph W. Slobojan Memorial Fund Josephine McDermott Memorial Scholarship

Fund (St. Margaret-Cut Bank) Kaney Family Fund Katherine K. Helppie Fund (St. Francis of

Assisi-Hamilton) Kathleen Yuhas Murphy Fund Kolitsch Catholic Education (St. Teresa of

Avila-Whitehall) Launer Family Fund (St. Richard-Columbia Falls) Lillian Topp Scholarship

(St. Matthew School-Kalispell) Mary Thomas Memorial Fund for Seminarian Education

Matelich Family Fund Megan Cummings Guatemala Education Fund Moerkerke Family Fund Monsignor Joseph Mavsar Fund Nuebel Family Fund Oblinger-Provost Fund for Seminarian Education O’Sullivan Maloney Fund for Seminarians Patrick Walsh Kelly Legendary Lodge

Scholarship Fund Pearce Family Fund Peter W. and Sheila M. Sullivan Fund Quinn Family Perpetual Fund Raemaeker Family Fund * Ratkowski Fund (St. Francis of Assisi-Hamilton) Ray & Arlene Anderson Fund Resurrection Cemetery Fund Rev. Eric Gilbaugh Fund for Religious and

Charitable Needs Rev. Francis J. Shevlin Memorial Fund for

Seminarian Education Rick and Rhonda Booth Fund * Robert & Victoria Dieringer Fund for

Major Seminarians Samuel A. and Margale R. Prestipino Fund * Simons Apostolic Mission Fund St. Ann’s Catholic Cemetery Fund (East Helena) Thelma Billerbeck Perpetual Memorial Fund

(Our Lady of the Lake-Canyon Ferry) Thomas W. Cahill Memorial Fund (Immaculate

Conception-Polson) Trustee’s Endowment for the Grants Program Vincent Simons Fund (St. Francis Xavier-Missoula) Wall Family Trust (Our Lady of the Valley-Helena) William G. Myers, Jr. Fund * Wunderlich Fund (St. Ignatius Mission)


FOUNDATION*To be funded with a planned gift.

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Catholic Parish and School Funds: Anaconda Catholic Community Blessed Trinity Parish - Missoula Butte Catholic Community North Cathedral of St. Helena Cathedral of St. Helena Preservation Christ the King Parish - Missoula De LaSalle School - Browning Divine Mercy Academy (Belgrade) * Guardian Angel Mission - Power Holy Cross Cemetery - Townsend Holy Cross Parish - Townsend Holy Family Altar Society Scholarship - Three Forks Holy Family Parish - Three Forks Holy Rosary Parish - Bozeman Holy Spirit Parish - Butte Immaculate Conception Parish - Deer Lodge Immaculate Conception Parish - Polson Libby / Troy Catholic Community Little Flower Parish - Browning Living Water Mission - Seeley Lake Madison County Catholic Community Our Lady of Lourdes - Marysville Our Lady of Mercy Parish - Eureka Our Lady of Swan Valley Mission - Condon Our Lady of the Pines Parish - West Yellowstone Our Lady of the Valley Parish - Helena Resurrection Parish - Bozeman Risen Christ Parish - Kalispell Sacred Heart Mission - Wolf Creek Sacred Heart Parish - Ronan Spirit of Christ Mission - Lolo Ss. Cyril & Methodius Parish - East Helena

St. Albert the Great Mission - Alberton St. Andrew School - Helena St. Ann Parish - Bonner St. Ann Parish - Butte St. Anne Parish - Heart Butte St. Anthony Parish - Missoula St. Bartholomew Parish - White Sulphur Springs St. Catherine Parish - Boulder St. Charles Borromeo Parish - Whitefish St. Francis of Assisi Parish - Hamilton St. Francis Parish - Valier St. Francis Xavier Parish - Missoula St. Ignatius Mission Parish St. James Parish - Plains St. John Paul II Parish - Bigfork

St. John the Baptist Parish - Frenchtown St. John the Evangelist Building - Fairfield St. John the Evangelist Parish - Butte St. John the Evangelist Parish - Fairfield St. John Vianney Parish - Belgrade St. Joseph Catholic School - Missoula St. Joseph Mission - Florence St. Joseph of Big Sky Mission St. Joseph Parish - Choteau St. Joseph Parish - Harlowton St. Jude Mission - Lincoln St. Margaret Parish - Cut Bank St. Mary Catholic Community - Helena St. Mary Parish - Stevensville St. Mary, Queen of Heaven Mission - Superior

St. Matthew Parish - Kalispell St. Matthew Parish School - Kalispell St. Michael Parish - Drummond St. Michael the Archangel Parish - Conrad St. Philip Parish - Philipsburg St. Richard Parish - Columbia Falls St. Richard Parish Cemetery - Columbia Falls St. Rose of Lima Parish - Dillon St. Teresa of Avila Parish - Whitehall St. Theodore Mission - Avon St. Thomas Aquinas Mission - Sunburst St. Thomas the Apostle Parish - Helmville St. William Parish - Dutton St. William Parish - Shelby St. William Parish - Thompson Falls

“My parents had a strong faith and always supported their church and community. It’s who they were. While my sisters and I had no idea they established an endowment, we weren’t surprised. They were very specific about where they wanted the money to go and pleased about their choices.”  —RAELENE ANDERSON

The Anderson fund supports St. Joseph Parish

in Choteau, clergy retirement and right to life

activities in the Diocese.

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What’s Old is New Again hen the idea was explored for the Diocese of Helena to transfer ownership of their $4 million permanent endowment asset to the Foundation, it started a journey into the past reaching as far back as the 1940s.

It’s not easy to transfer a permanent endowment fund, especially in the Catholic Church. Vatican approval is required under Canon law, and state law requires approval by the Montana Attorney General. Diocesan consultative groups and the Foundation board of trustees also had to agree that the transfer was a good idea. The first step was to conduct a thorough review and examination of records to verify gift values and donor instructions. This is where the depths of diocesan archives enters the story, because most of the endowment donations were made way before computerized accounting and electronic files. Jeanne Saarinen, the Foundation’s executive director, described it this way:

“Hours turned into weeks of digging in old archive files to find the missing pieces of a very old puzzle. In the midst of stagnant air and the smell of carbon copy paper, a beautiful thing happened. A relationship is built with these donors and their stories and legacies come to life again.” With due diligence satisfied and required approvals obtained, the endowment transfer from the Diocese to the Foundation was completed in March 2018. It joins the Foundation’s pool of nearly $32 million in endowed funds already serving the parishes and ministries of our diocese. “The Foundation is an expert at managing permanent endowments that support our parishes and diocesan ministries. It’s their mission, and it made sense to have all of our permanent funds housed within the Foundation. I believe the donors and parishes would agree,” said Jim Carney, Diocese of Helena Finance Director.


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Please join us as we pray for those who contributed

to this permanent fund. Most have long passed,

but their stewardship continues today through

their endowed gift.

1947: Mrs. H.A. Topel (Missoula)

1948: John L. Hamill (Anaconda) in memory of his deceased parents

1950: Bernard A. Koenig (Conrad)

1953: Rev. James McCormick (Butte) and Ethel McCormick

1955: Blanche Beaudette (Anaconda) in memory of her mother Janet Beaudette

1955: Francisca O’Sullivan (Hayard, CA) in memory of Emmet O’Sullivan

1964: Loraine and Bernard Mehren (Rancho Santa Fe, CA) in honor of Bishop Gilmore

1968: Fr. John J. O’Kennedy (Polson)

1970: Rev. James English (California) and Msgr. Michael English (Butte)

1972: Catherine Campbell

1975: Mr. and Mrs. Gabin Wagner (Bozeman)

1975: Mrs. John A. Rogers (Drummond)

1976: Rev. Emmet J. Shea (Helena)

1980: Msgr. Ed Gilmore

1980: Nicholas Herak Jr. and Viola Herak (Charlo)

1986: Joseph A. Maierle (Helena)

1992: Joseph Edgar Daigle (Missoula)

1996: Margaret Quinn (Boulder Valley)

1998: Marilyn Kasperick (Mentone, CA) in memory of her late husband David Kasperick

1998: The three children of Anthony J. and Mary H. Hoffman (Glasgow) in their memory

2001: Frances E. Slaight (Seeley Lake)

2006:Ruth Carlson (Townsend)

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Financial report


Cash and Equivalents ....................................................1,680,333 Investments ...................................................................29,620,861 Pledges Receivable for Legendary Lodge......................48,179 Note Receivable .................................................................555,958 Other Receivables.....................................................................2,175 Charitable Remainder Trusts.........................................679,543 Gift Annuities Held by Diocese .....................................294,665 Legendary Lodge Land and Buildings,

net of depreciation ................................................3,452,502 Other Assets .............................................................................2,635

TOTAL ASSETS ...........................................................36,336,851


Grants and Endowment Distributions Payable ......388,204 In-kind Contribution of Legendary Lodge

to Diocese.................................................................3,559,486 Gift Annuity Obligations..................................................285,944 Other Payables .........................................................................11,725

TOTAL LIABILITIES .....................................................4,245,359 NET ASSETS

Unrestricted ........................................................................359,008 Unrestricted - Board Designated ....................................182,101 Unrestricted - Board Designated for

Legendary Lodge .......................................................(113,531) With Donor Restrictions .............................................31,663,914

TOTAL NET ASSETS..................................................32,091,492

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS ..............36,336,851


Contributions ...................................................................6,164,329 Investment Gains and Income ..................................2,258,434 Miscellaneous Revenue ........................................................3,856 In-kind Contribution Revenue -

Legendary Lodge..........................................................113,453 Change in Cash Surrender Value of

Life Insurance .................................................................17,608 Change in Value of Split Interest Agreements .......(34,482)

TOTAL REVENUE...........................................................8,523,198


Program ..............................................................................3,144,499 Fundraising ..............................................................................20,216 Management and General ..............................................222,358

TOTAL EXPENSES ........................................................3,387,073

Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets ..........................5,136,125

Net Assets – Beginning of Year ............................26,955,367

NET ASSETS – END OF YEAR ..............................32,091,492


2018 2017 2016 2015* 2014 2013 2012 2011

2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994

The Foundation’s financial statements are audited each year by an independent accounting firm. Visit or contact the Foundation for a full financial report.

$0 $5M $10M $15M $20M $25M $30M $35M

*Decrease due to debt incurred from Legendary Lodge purchase.

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$32,091,492 Total Assets $6,164,329 Gifts received $2,876,385 Grants and endowment distributions 156 Number of endowment funds managed 10 Number of endowments to be created with a planned gift 215 Number of charitable gift annuities managed 2 Number of Foundation Staff 17 Number of Board Members

By the numbers: FY2018

$2,101,830 Parish Ministries $351,596 Bishop’s Pastoral Outreach $160,914 Priestly Support $96,943 Youth & Young adult Ministry $47,982 Aid to the Needy/Social Justice $46,214 Guatemala Mission $45,094 Other Diocesan Ministries $25,812 Other (Non-Diocesan)

$2,876,385 TOTAL

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Effective Charitable Giving After Tax Reform With tax reform likely to lead more taxpayers to use the standard deduction instead of itemizing, questions arise. How can we maximize our charitable giving through tax savings if we aren’t deducting our gifts on our tax return? Fortunately, there are still charitable giving strategies that provide tax savings, even if you are taking the higher standard deduction on your federal return.

Montana Income Tax Deduction:

Chances are, you are still itemizing on your Montana return even if you do not on your federal. So keep those receipts!

Charitable Rollover from an IRA:

Those age 70 ½ or older can transfer from their tradi-tional IRA accounts directly to their parish, diocese, or endowment without first having to recognize the distribution as income. Since it’s not income to the giver, there is no charitable deduction—making it particularly beneficial for givers who do not itemize deductions on their tax return. Your first step is to contact your IRA administrator for instructions.

Transfer of Appreciated Securities:

If you have securities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds) that were purchased over a year ago and have in-creased in value, consider donating them to meet your charitable goals. Because the securities are donated, not sold, no capital gains are owed and the fair market value is deductible if you itemize. And it’s easy.

Montana Endowment Tax Credit:

We’re fortunate in Montana to have the Montana Endowment Tax Credit available to us. It’s a dollar-for-dollar reduction in Montana income tax for our donors, making it more valuable than a tax deduction. There are limits and requirements, but the Foundation makes it simple…from making the donation to claiming the credit on your Montana tax return.

“Bunching” Deductions:

To make the most of the tax deductions that still exist, some donors are “bunching.” That means concentrating deductions in a single year so they can exceed the standard deduction, then skipping itemization for one or more years.

Donor Advised Funds:

A bunching strategy works well with a Donor Advised Fund (DAF). A DAF can let you make tax-deductible contributions in a given year, while you recommend grants to charities over several years, allowing you to meet your annual stewardship and offertory giving. Contact your investment advisor to see about DAF opportunities. Please discuss these tax-saving strategies with your tax advisor. While the Foundation does not provide legal or tax advice, we can brainstorm options with you and provide helpful user-friendly resources.

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Catholic Charitable Gift Annuities with The Foundation for the Diocese of Helena, Inc.

The Foundation partners with your parish and diocese to offer charitable gift annuities that support the future of our Catholic Church.

Make a gift in return for fixed income for life. After your lifetime, the remainder interest is permanently endowed with the Foundation to support the parish or Catholic ministry designated by you…forever!

Your gift also qualifies you for the valuable Montana Endowment Tax Credit, and the annuity can be personalized to meet your financial and charitable goals.

18 | 2018 Annual Report The Foundation for the Diocese of Helena, Inc.

Payout Annual Federal MT Endowment Age Rate Payment Deduction Tax Credit

60 4.7% $470 $3,195 $1,278 65 5.1% $510 $3,565 $1,426 70 5.6% $560 $4,016 $1,606 75 6.2% $620 $4,575 $1,830 80 7.3% $730 $4,936 $1,974 85 8.3% $830 $5,577 $2,231 90 9.5% $950 $6,219 $2,488

Want to supplement retirement income for life?

Want to maximize tax savings this year? With the Montana Endowment Tax Credit, a $10,000 gift could save you over $3,600 in Montana income taxes!


Gift Annuity


Income begins immediately. Part of the income is tax free for a number of years

Current Payout Start Payout Federal MT Endowment Age Age ** Rate ** Deduction Tax Credit

45 78 5.0% $9,245 $3,698 50 78 5.0% $9,092 $3,637 55 79 5.0% $9,036 $3,614 60 80 5.0% $8,969 $3,588 65 81 5.0% $8,879 $3,552 70 83 5.0% $8,941 $3,576 75 85 5.0% $8,982 $3,593

$10,000 Deferred Annuity example*

** Income deferred and payout rate reduced to reach the greatest deduction and credit under Montana law.

*Two life annuities also available. Rates are subject to change. This is an illustration only—not legal or tax advice; consult your adviser(s). Your actual benefits may vary depending on the timing of the gift. Additional tax benefits may be available if funded with appreciated securities. To learn more, contact Jeanne Saarinen at the Foundation, [email protected], (406) 389-7051; and visit

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Board and Staff Ex Officio

Reverend Monsignor Kevin O’Neill Diocese of Helena Administrator

Fr. Bart Tolleson Diocese of Helena Administrator’s Delegate

2018-19 Executive Committee Pete Ridgeway | President

Immaculate Conception, Polson

Deacon Doug Cordier | Vice President

St. Richard’s, Columbia Falls

Helen McCarthy | Secretary

Butte Catholic Community North

John Talia | Treasurer

St. Francis of Assisi, Hamilton

Jerry Cashman | Immediate Past President

Holy Rosary, Bozeman

Staff Jeanne Saarinen | Executive Director

Cathedral of St. Helena

Charlotte McMilin | Accountant/Office Manager

Our Lady of the Valley, Helena

2018-19 Trustees Fr. Brian Bergeron Pastor in Choteau, Fairfield, and Augusta

Rod Christiaens St. Francis (Valier)

Rona Davison Holy Rosary (Bozeman)

Ron Johnson Anaconda Catholic Community

Erica Matelich St. Matthew’s (Kalispell)

Pat McCutcheon Cathedral of St. Helena

Jim McDonald Blessed Trinity (Missoula)

Fr. Tom O’Donnell Senior Status, Diocese of Helena

Jennifer Schmitt Cathedral of St. Helena

Dr. Tom Weiner Cathedral of St. Helena

PO Box 1729 Helena, MT 59624 (406) 389-7051 (800) 584-8914, ext. 7051 toll free in Montana

[email protected]

Page 20: ANNUAL REPORT 2018 - fdoh.org2 | 2018 Annual Report The Foundation for the Diocese of Helena, Inc. Father Mavsar holds the chalice he designed and commissioned in the late 1970s to

PO Box 1729 Helena, MT 59624


Our Mission

The Foundation for the Diocese of Helena serves and strengthens the people, parishes, ministries and apostolic mission of the Diocese of Helena