annual review northants study centres

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  • 8/14/2019 Annual Review Northants Study Centres


    Northamptonshire Study Centres

    Annual Review2007/2008

  • 8/14/2019 Annual Review Northants Study Centres


    WelcomeThank you for taking the time to read our annual review for the academic year 2007/2008.

    Study centres are an excellent idea. They are a great way of connecting young people withtheir school work through sport. It has been impressive to see the development of the fivestudy centres at the Saints, Steelbacks, Cobblers, Diamonds and Silverstone. Increasingly,more projects are being offered around the county enabling more children to benefit from thePlaying for Success experience.

    The Study Centres give children the opportunity to visit the sports stadiums and sometimesmeet the players while at the same time, learning new skills and building confidence.

    I would like to thank our committed partners and dedicated staff for their positive contribution towards theeducation of our children and young people.

    Councillor Joan Kirkbride, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People

    Northamptonshire Study Centres have, over the past seven years, become synonymouswith quality and innovative teaching and learning. Playing for Success (PfS) provides alearning experience tailored around the needs of each child and continues to contributeto the five Every Child Matters outcomes for young people in Northamptonshire.

    There is much to celebrate in the strong and sustainable partnerships we have developedthrough working with Northampton Saints Rugby Club, Northampton Town Football Club,Northamptonshire Cricket Club, Rushden and Diamonds Football Club and SilverstoneCircuits. Through community partnership engagement, the interactive sports learning

    environment and personalised learning programmes, the Centres are making a significant contribution to theeducational, social and cultural needs of children, young people and the local community. This reviewprovides an opportunity to reflect on what we have achieved and to look at our future plans.

    During this year we have successfully delivered the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF)PfS programme to over 1800 Key Stage 2 and 3 pupils from 68% of Northamptonshire schools. We haveworked closely with educational learning advisors, school teachers and our community partners in deliveringa wide variety of new courses and programmes that have helped to narrow the educational gap for childrenin greatest need, provide targeted support for National Challenge schools and create opportunities to extendour most gifted and talented children.

    Through Double Club, Classroom Champions and PfS on the Road we have gained local and nationalrecognition for our success in supporting schools in raising standards and pupil achievement, attendance andmotivation. A number of our staff have worked closely with Extended Service colleagues to complete theUniversity of the First Age (UfA) fellowship which will enrich and extend the learning opportunities on offer.

    The innovative Greenfields Clubhouse has achieved an international reputation and is providing the stimulusand inspiration for the design and planning of the new Greenfields School and Sports College as well as

    Special Schools abroad.We have secured funding through the DCSF Quality Development and Sustainability Grant to improve thequality of PfS provision and improve the climate for learning in each Centre. In the future we will continue tobuild on our achievements and seek to extend the family of Study Centres by opening two more centres nextyear that will provide further support to schools, children and young people in Kettering, Corby and EastNorthamptonshire.

    We intend to build on our Quality in Study Support (QiSS) accreditation and our future developments will beguided by the learner voice through pledging our commitment to the principles of the Children and YoungPeoples Partnership Engagement and Active Involvement Strategy Charter Mark.

    The innovative ways in which the Centres environments are designed and the way that they are harnessingtechnology, are already contributing towards the way in which new school buildings and their IT infrastructureare being developed (see Greenfields Clubhouse article). This will help NCC as it moves into the PrimaryCapital Programme and Building Schools for the Future.

    We hope you enjoy reading about our successes and we would like to take this opportunity to thank all ofour partners who have made this last year so successful.

    Rob Dunn and Val Sudlow

  • 8/14/2019 Annual Review Northants Study Centres


    Saints Study Centre

    A word from PeteThe Saints Study Centre supports schools in improving the life chances of childrenthrough developing each students motivation and confidence by improving theirpersonal and social skills and attitudes to learning. The centre assists youngpeople to become more effective learners, focusing on numeracy, literacy andinformation and communication technology (ICT) in a sporting context.

    The centre promotes the value of learning and that it is cool to succeed. This isdone through the Playing for Success programme and by developing the daytimeuse at the centre. At the centre, children explore and experience the latest PC andApple technology in a flexible and independent way using wireless connectivity,broadband technology and RM Community Connect software. Learningopportunities extend beyond the walls of the Study Centre at Franklins Gardenswith children using notebooks, tablet PCs and digital technology on a remote

    network in the stadium.

    The learning programme consists of interactive whiteboard competitions, teambuilding challenges, web design, video editing, interactive workshops such asCircus skills and Shakespeare drama workshops. Schools, parents and pupils valuethe work of the centre identifying gains in pupils self-esteem, confidence andmotivation in addition to basic skill development.

    Circus skills at the SaintsThere is a growing body of evidence to suggest that juggling and related activities canhave a positive impact on a persons ability to learn in a wider context. Research hasconfirmed that circus skills can help children with their co-ordination, concentration,

    balance, posture, creativity, interaction, rhythm and team work.

    As part of the wide variety of bespoke programmes and PfS sessions the children takepart in a fantastic Circus Skills session led by County Jester, Kevin Burke. Kevindemonstrates all the activities including juggling, stilt walking, the diablo, and platespinning. The children are then given the opportunity to practise all these activitiesfollowed by a presentation of their circus skills at the end of the session.

    What a brilliant three days.I have thoroughly enjoyedmyself and would gladly

    return. Thank you to the staffwho made us very welcome, itsa brilliant study centre and

    once again thanks.

    Pete Austen

    Thomas Becket ProgrammeIn consultation with Thomas Becket School staff we have produced a programme of activities

    which is targeted at disaffected pupils in Years 7 and 8 with a view to improving behaviour and

    motivation to learn.This is a five week programme based on PfS activities and includes a practical session with the

    Community Coaching staff each week.

    The weekly visits include a stadium tour, a Shakespeare drama workshop, Robolab technology activity, circus skills and

    healthy living workshops. These activities provide a stimulus for ICT, literacy and numeracy work.

    Gifted and Talented ProgrammesFifteen gifted and talented Year 10 science students

    from Wrenn School are taking part in a pilotprogramme comprised of three fun-filled activity

    days at the Saints Study Centre. Wrenn School is a

    Specialist Science College and is running this event

    in conjunction with the Saints Study Centre as part

    of its Specialist Science status.

    The students, aged 14-15 years old, have

    been chosen for their ability in science,

    and during their stay will be making robots

    using Robolab technology, doing Physicsproblems in conjunction with a stadium

    tour, learning about healthy eating,

    creating their own rugby club using the

    Club challenge activity and taking part in

    some team building activities amongst

    many other exciting challenges.

  • 8/14/2019 Annual Review Northants Study Centres


    Working with our numerous partners

    the Cobblers Study Centre delivers a

    number of programmes in addition to

    PfS. These include, a daytime PfS

    provision for students from The

    Gateway School; Leadership and Self-

    Esteem Building Personalised Learning

    programmes for a local secondary

    school ; the Coaching for Life project inpartnership with Connexions and

    elements of programmes for the

    Princes Trust and Aim Higher.

    Daytime Projects

    Cobblers Study Centre

    Jean LimpitlawA word from Jean

    The Cobblers Study Centre has continued to develop this year. We have

    extended our Playing for Success provision to include Daventry schools for

    the first time. Through our partnership with the county wide Kic.in2.Study

    project, we have included dedicated PfS sessions for Looked After Children as

    part of our core provision. Additions to the dedicated staff team have enabled

    the Centre to develop the PfS curriculum, pilot new projects and develop

    partnership working with the clubs Community Programme.

    Playing With WordsThe Centre has been involved in the Football Foundations Playing with

    Words reading scheme for three years. This year we have worked withthree new partner schools, Upton Meadows Primary, St Lukes Primary

    and Lyncrest Primary School. These schools have all received a

    number of new titles from the Football Foundation. Classes that reach

    their reading targets are rewarded with NTFC rewards and prizes.

    She had a lot of fun and herself-confidence has improved.

    Her awareness of healthy eatingand living has also improved. Sheliked making the things she had

    been shown at the centre athome too.

    The best thing aboutM coming to the Study

    Centre was how it improvedher confidence and


  • 8/14/2019 Annual Review Northants Study Centres


    Diamonds Study Centre

    GCSE Revision daysA group, consisting of four staff and forty-four Year Eleven pupils from The Ferrers Specialist

    Arts College, spent the whole day at the Diamonds Study Centre. The aim of the day was part

    of the schools drive to raise standards in Maths and a target group of students focused on

    their GCSE coursework in preparation for their forthcoming examinations.

    The day was a huge success as students commented on their ability to focus on their work

    within a completely different learning environment and further days have now been planned.

    Alex, aged 16 said, We had a really good time in a very relaxing environment but work wasalways the priority! Sasha, aged 15 said, I thought it was a very interesting approach towards

    Maths and it was a really good day!

    To add to the excitement of the day the group was given a guided tour of the Nene Park stadium and they were also

    served with a buffet lunch by the chefs in the players restaurant, which is adjacent to the Study Centre classroom.

    New look centreFollowing a successful bid to the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCFS) which

    oversees Playing for Success, the Diamonds Study Centre has undergone major refurbishmentduring the course of the year. The centre secured a Quality, Development and Sustainability Fund

    Grant for 20,000 and this QDSF money has been directed into updating the technological capabilities

    within the main classroom.

    The new look centre is equipped with the most up to date server and flip screen monitors,

    which pop up from the brand new computer compatible desks, and now has six additional

    wireless connected laptops. The update has certainly increased the wow factor within the

    centre and will undoubtedly have a major impact on both the teaching and learning

    environment. An added bonus has been that the slim line desks afford far more available space

    within the centre which now means that a whole class of students can make use of the centre.

    Connexions ProjectOver the past year a scheme called Coaching for Life has been running at

    Rushden and Diamonds Football Club. Connexions and Rushden &

    Diamonds joined together in a unique project aimed at young people aged

    between 16 and 19, who are unemployed in the local area. It is aimed at

    those youngsters who wish to make a positive contribution as well as

    keeping fit at the same time.

    Coaching for Life gives young people the opportunity to use the established Playing for Success programme

    at the Rushden & Diamonds Study Centre, which includes basic numeracy, literacy and ICT skills as well as

    raising self esteem and confidence building. Young people also have the opportunity to work on life skills, work

    with others, problem solve, job search, write a CV and gain a first aid certificate. After the hard work in the study

    centre, young people are coached by professional coaches from Rushden & Diamonds in order to improvefootball skills such as shooting, passing and heading, to name but a few.

    Rob Jones

    A word from Rob

    The Diamonds Study Centre continues to serve the needs of schools within the

    Rushden, Wellingborough and Kettering areas of East Northamptonshire and this

    year has been an exciting period in terms of the complete refurbishment

    programme, the onset of several new evening and daytime projects and the

    continuing development of the Playing for Success programme.

  • 8/14/2019 Annual Review Northants Study Centres


    Steelbacks Study Centre

    A word from YvonneThis year marks the start of an exciting time for the Steelbacks study centre.

    I was appointed as the new manager in January and at the same time the centre

    moved to providing full time Playing for Success provision, with totally new

    curriculum models. The aim of the centre is two-fold; to ensure that local schools

    have access to services that will aid them in raising standards and that all the

    children have an opportunity to access enjoyable cricket. In addition to this,

    plans are well underway to facilitate the construction of a state of the art new

    centre here at the County Ground, which will open in April 2009. We will have a

    bigger floor plan and additional computers so that more children have the

    opportunity to participate in the activities offered.

    Brain trainingAs part of curriculum developments in the study centre, we

    have implemented a scheme of work specifically aimed at

    developing the self esteem and motivation of year 8 students

    through a programme of brain training activities based upon

    University of the First Age schemes of work. This has involved

    such things as looking at learning styles, different types of

    intelligence, methods of improving creativity and asking better

    questions. Attendance throughout the programme has been

    high and students have engaged with the topics whole

    heartedly, producing work of an exceptionally high quality.

    Yvonne Starsmeare

    Our new centreIn preparation for the study centres move to the new centre in April 2009,

    a huge reorganisation of resources has taken place in our current setting.

    This has included buying a new computer server to provide more reliable

    internet access and an Xbox360 console to provide match reporting

    activities. In addition to this, we have worked hard to change the physical

    environment of the study centre away from that of a formal classroom.

    This has proved important in allowing children who struggle with the

    rigidity of school to feel comfortable in the centre and therefore have

    greater personal achievements.

    " J has thoroughly enjoyedthe sessions he has had at the

    centre, especially meetingthe player. We could notshut him up about it!"

    Parent, Lings Primary School

    "I was analysing my class resultstoday - and both L and C have

    made tremendous progress,especially in their reading andwriting. I'm sure so much of it isdown to their huge increase in self

    confidence having attended thecentre." Teacher, Headlands.

  • 8/14/2019 Annual Review Northants Study Centres


    Silverstone Study Centre

    A word from PeterSilverstone Study Centre continues to build productive relationships and to

    implement effective ways of working in order to serve the school improvement

    agenda in South Northamptonshire. My first year as Centre Manager has proved

    both challenging and rewarding in equal measure. The highlight has been working

    with such enthusiastic and talented students, teachers and colleagues who, like

    me, have seized the creative opportunities at the Silverstone Circuit for teaching

    and learning.

    Peter Ford

    Gifted and Talented ProgrammeMathematicians from local schools took part in our newly-developed Gifted andTalented Programme. Run over a five month period, pupils from Key Stage One

    and Two were provided with a variety of problem-solving and collaborative

    opportunities that made full use of the facilities in the centre and around the

    circuit - from track trigonometry to computer games design! The open-ended

    nature of many of the activities allowed pupils to be creative in their mathematical

    approach and it was pleasing to see many taking risks in their explorations rather

    than settling for the safety of already-acquired knowledge and outcomes.

    Partnerships work! Enjoyable and effectiveworking partnerships

    between Silverstone,

    the wider Study Centres

    team and other collea-

    gues have paid dividends for local

    students this year. For example, Year Six

    students visited Silverstone to exercise

    creativity and problem-solving skills developed during their PfS on the Road

    experience in the classroom. A number of Kic.in2.Study students spent twodays at Silverstone, capturing and editing photos and video footage. Many of

    the results were professional and spectacular. Marketing Master Class

    sessions, in partnership with the local 14-19 Collaboration, allowed students

    to incorporate work completed during their visit to the centre into their

    examination coursework.

    Each visit produces anevening of conversationaround the tea table at

    home as their child enthusesabout the activities they

    have participated in.

    Blog 101 has challenged Playing for Success students to develop their powers of

    persuasion in both writing for the Blog 101 website, and in interviews before a livestudio audience, with invited viewers also watching and interacting via a live

    internet-television broadcast. Based on the Room 101 television series idea,

    students become the celebrities. They get the chance to banish some of their worst

    nightmares and pet-hates to the depths of Blog 101, never to re-emerge but only

    if they are persuasive enough! As with most media productions, the arguments are

    put to the vote and the audience decides which are the most convincing.

    Blog 101

  • 8/14/2019 Annual Review Northants Study Centres


    Projects had a fantastic first year working with Northamptonshire Study Centres.

    Thirty six young people have attended after school sessions at either

    the Cobblers Study Centre or the Diamonds Study Centre. These sessions have

    been based on the Playing for Success programme but weve also had input from a

    wide range of colleagues including those from Aim Higher, University of the First

    Age, Connexions, Service Six, the Lighthouse Trust and the Leaving Care Team. As

    ever, our aim is to raise the achievement of young people in the care of the local

    authority by targeting literacy, numeracy and ICT skills, as well as improving study

    skills and motivation.

    Weve also offered opportunities to a number of students to attend day time

    programmes at both the Saints Study Centre and the Cobblers Study Centre where

    the focus has been on improving motivation, raising self esteem and developing

    social skills.

    In addition to the term time programme weve been able to offer a range of exciting

    holiday activities. These have included visits to study centres at Silverstone and

    Northampton Saints, to the Leicester Space Centre, the Emirates stadium, Grendon

    Outdoor Education Centre, Longtown Outdoor Education Centre, the pantomime at

    Derngate and to the music studios based at The Stables near Milton Keynes.

    Val Sudlow

  • 8/14/2019 Annual Review Northants Study Centres


    PfS On the Road

    The Double Club is an in-house

    study centre based in secondary

    schools using sport as a vehicle for

    learning and engagement with thecurriculum. The name double

    comes from the projects aim of giving school pupils a

    double experience of learning through sport,

    educationally and physically. Arsenal FC developed the

    project in 1998 as part of an initiative to motivate and

    engage pupils, particularly boys, to read and write.

    Northampton Town Double Club

    The aims of the programme are to:

    improve standards and achievement

    throughout the school

    raise engagement and motivation

    raise the level of attendance

    raise the standards of literacy and numeracy,

    particularly that of the boys

    improve the consistency of teaching and learning

    across subjects to the level of the best

    Three Northamptonshire

    schools are involved so

    far and more schools

    will be able to come on

    board from September

    2008, thanks to DCSF

    commitment to expand

    Double Club provision.

    The National Foundation

    for Educational Research

    (NFER) is carrying out astudy into the impact of the Double Club experience on

    pupils progress in school. This will involve looking at

    Double Clubs linked to 15 sports clubs and local

    authorities across the country we are thrilled to be at

    the forefront of such ground breaking work.

    The lessons are good because we are doingdifferent things than we would do in normal

    lessons. Its fun because its sporty.

    Classroom ChampionsSponne School has been involved in a Classroom Champions style project.

    I visited the school for several days to deliver literacy days to groups of

    disengaged year 7 and 9 students. The focus was on speaking and listening,

    creative and persuasive writing and analytical skills, all using sport as the

    motivating influence. One lesson in each day was spent with a Cobblers or

    Saints community coach and follow up visits to the 3 Northampton based

    Study Centres and sports clubs were thoroughly enjoyed by all.

    This year I have enjoyed taking the Study Centreswork, ethos and teaching and learning styles out into

    schools who want to develop their own PfS style

    projects. PfS on the Roadaims to embed PfS style

    projects within schools, encourage staff to take

    ownership and continue to provide children with high

    quality, innovative and interesting lessons.

    I have been working alongside school staff to deliver avariety of sports based enrichment and extension lessonsin literacy and numeracy, all mapped against NationalCurriculum key objectives. Activities have included pitchmeasuring maths, analysing player performance,

    preparing a stadium scenario role-play and writing sportspoetry. With the older students the focus was onspeaking and listening, creative and persuasive writingand analytical skills, as well as coaching opportunitiesfrom local clubs.

    Northampton Town FootballClub, Saints Rugby Club,Northants Cricket Club andtheir respective StudyCentres support PfS on theRoad by providing clubliterature such as match dayprogrammes, commercialbrochures, player informationand photos, which are usedas a stimulus for activities.

    Students have visited a number of the study centres aspart of the pilot including a visit to Silverstone StudyCentre, where they carried out trackside maths and webblogging. It has been fantastic for them to experiencesport up close and put into practice the skills they havebeen developing in the classroom.

    Anna Letts

    Its really cool as youre learning mathsat the same time as having fun.

  • 8/14/2019 Annual Review Northants Study Centres


    The Saints and Steelbacks Study Centres gained Approved Provider Standard from the

    Mentoring and Befriending Foundation in May 2008.

    This means they have met the required standard of safe and effective practice in mentoring

    and befriending. Approved Provider Standard is an accepted benchmark by Government

    Departments and other funding bodies, and the Saints and Steelbacks Study Centres are twoof only a few Study Centres in the country to gain this recognition.

    The Mentoring and Befriending Foundation is the national

    strategic body offering support to practitioners and organisations

    working across the Mentoring and Befriending field. Supported

    by the Government, it aims to provide programmes with a badge

    of competence and proof of safe practice in mentoring. Anyone

    interested in gaining the standard or learning more about the

    organisation can visit their website at

    Saints and Steelbacks are to be featured in the East Midlands

    Newspage of this site.


    PfS Club House

    Greenfields School

    It has been another busy year for the Clubhouse Project. This PFS linked outreach project based at Greenfields

    School has seen a major extension in its use by in house students and community groups.

    The Clubhouse was initially a complete one off but is now being mirrored across the country and as far away as Sweden.

    This term we have had visits from Scottish schools and members of Sweden's Education Department with a view to rolling

    out a similar set of projects. The activities being delivered within the Clubhouse have diversified from a pure sporting base

    to include a wide range of Science, Music and Drama based lessons, as well as our core literacy and numeracy work.

    The room itself, while being based at Greenfields, has a completely blank timetable at the beginning of each week. This

    allows our community partners to book in sessions as well as ensuring our own staff keep creating new innovative sessions

    to justify using the facility.

    The technology within the room has made such an impact that within the new build for Greenfields every classroom will have

    the same level of facilities including full environmental control of all doors, phones, windows, lights and of course the ICT

    facilities. The impact of the Clubhouse has been profound and it is continuing to influence the way in which we deliver our

    curriculum to a diverse group of young people.

  • 8/14/2019 Annual Review Northants Study Centres


    Summer Challenge 2008

    This year our holiday programme has been funded by Northamptonshire County Council through their Youth Small

    Grant Fund. The learning programme is designed to address the governments Every Child Matters agenda as it

    motivates and encourages pupils to develop skills in numeracy, literacy, ICT, team building and study skills.

    Young people from a number of local schools have attended and taken part in activities at the Saints Study

    Centre. They enjoyed tag rugby with the club community coaches, visited a local swimming pool and took

    part in orienteering at Brixworth country park.

    We are really impressed

    with the efforts of staffmembers to make the fourdays at Saints enjoyable,educational and fun for

    our daughters.

    It has been a wonderfulexperience and chanceto do different things.

    J enjoys feelinginvolved with the

    Saints and has reallyenjoyed himself.

  • 8/14/2019 Annual Review Northants Study Centres


    Your local study centres

    2. Saints Study Centre

    Northampton Saints Rugby Football Club, Franklin's

    Gardens, Weedon Road, Northampton NN5 5BG

    Tel: 01604 599152

    Email: [email protected]

    3. Diamonds Study Centre

    Rushden & Diamonds Football Club, Nene Park,

    Irthlingborough, Northamptonshire NN9 5QF

    Tel: 07771 523422

    Email: [email protected]

    1. Cobblers Study Centre

    Northampton Town Football Club, Sixfields Stadium,

    Upton Way, Northampton NN5 5QA

    Tel: 01604 759864

    Email: [email protected]

    4. Steelbacks Study Centre

    Northamptonshire County Cricket Club, The County

    Ground, Wantage Road, Northampton NN1 4TJ

    Tel: 01604 609278

    Email: [email protected]

    5. Silverstone Study Centre

    Silverstone Circuits, Silverstone,

    Northamptonshire NN12 8TN

    Tel: 01327 320401

    Email: [email protected]

    For further information about Northamptonshire's Study Centres,

    please see our web site at:

    Northamptonshire County Council

    Children & Young Peoples Service, Northamptonshire Study Centres

    PO Box 216, John Dryden House, 8-10 The Lakes, Northampton, NN4 7DD

    This information can be made available in other languages and formats

    upon request, such as large print, Braille and audio cassette.

    Please contact 01604 237150.

    Published 2008