answers for midst

IN THE MIDST OF HARDSHIP by Latiff Mohidin 1. What does the poet mean by the line "brave the horrendous flood"? 2. Which word describes the feelings of the people in the poem? 3. What ind of lives did these people have? !. ow did the people in the poem deal with problems? #. ow has the couple spent the last twenty$four hours? %. "&t dawn they returned home" 'o whom does the word they refer? (. )escribe the mood at the beginning of the first stan*a +. )o you thin the people looing for the buffalo are foolishly wasting their time? ,ive a your answer. HE HAD SUCH QUIET EYES 1. What do women find attractive in this man? 2. What advice should the girl in the poem have followed? 3. What advice does the poet give to young girls? !. -a What ind of partner would you lie to meet? -b Why is that /uality important? #. What does the poet wish the girl had done? %. 0n your opinion what should young girls do to loo after themselves? (. ow has the man in the poem charmed the lady into believing him? +. What do you thin the word paradise in the first stan*a refer to? . Which e pression tells you that the lady is probably filled with regrets over the relati 14. Which e pression tells you that falling in love is a gamble? 11. )o you thin that the lady sincerely loves the man? ,ive a reason for your answer.

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Post on 06-Oct-2015




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literature form 5



1. What does the poet mean by the line "brave the horrendous flood"? 2. Which word describes the feelings of the people in the poem?

3. What kind of lives did these people have? 4. How did the people in the poem deal with problems? 5. How has the couple spent the last twenty-four hours?

6. "At dawntheyreturned home" To whom does the wordtheyrefer?

7. Describe the mood at the beginning of the first stanza 8. Do you think the people looking for the buffalo are foolishly wasting their time? Give a reason for your answer.


1. What do women find attractive in this man?

2. What advice should the girl in the poem have followed? 3. What advice does the poet give to young girls?

4. (a) What kind of partner would you like to meet? (b) Why is that quality important? 5. What does the poet wish the girl had done?

6. In your opinion, what should young girls do to look after themselves?

7. How has the man in the poem charmed the lady into believing him? 8. What do you think the wordparadisein the first stanza refer to?

9. Which expression tells you that the lady is probably filled with regrets over the relationship?

10. Which expression tells you that falling in love is a gamble?

11. Do you think that the lady sincerely loves the man? Give a reason for your answer.


1- The people had to struggle in the horrifying floods.2- Desperately3- They have had hard lives.4- alternative question: Describe the attitude of the couple towards hardship) They accepted problems (hardship) as part and parcel of life, so they did not complain when theyencountered problems (hardship).5- Looking for their son's albino buffalo6- A couple in a village. / A husband and wife in a village7- Bleak / despair8- Yes, because it is impossible to find the albino in the horrendous flood. No, they want to try their best to look for the buffalo because they love their son.

HE HAD SUCH QUIET EYES1- His quiet eyes2- Never compromise with men who are only looking for pleasure.3- Be sure that the man you fall in love with is really nice, that is, he is really sincere.4- A)Someone who is responsible.b) So that my partner will take care of my family and me.5- He wishes that the girl had listened to advice not to compromise with men who were only looking for pleasure.6- They should make friends with only boys/men who are sincere. They should get to know a person better before they jump into a relationship.7- His eyes seemed so sincere.8- A state of bliss/happiness9- If only10- Losing at dice11- No, because she is merely feeling sorry for him. Yes, because she gave herself physically to the man.

a) Transcribe the full speaking practice youve completed just now.b) Analyze your transcript and draw up an error correction table which shows the mistakes youve made, the correction and possibly the kind of error it wasc) Use your correction as your guideline to write a paragraph in which you explain what your biggest challenge was during this practice.

PART 1 :

Im married with 5 kids. My husband is a penangite and Im a Kelantanese. My family is in Kelantan. There are 8 members in the family. Im the 6th. I have 4 sisters and 3 brothers. I love my family very much as they are my soul and my love in this world.

During my free time I like to read and cook for my family. Basically they like to eat nasi lemak (pause) which is a famousfamous err rice in Malaysia. They love to have chicken rice during weekend because Im the expert one in cooking the meal. Emm Im not really like to cook err prepare disease or desserts for family as they dont likes to eat sweets very much so errr during the.

The weather today is err nice err compared to yesterday or the past few days back. It was raining for the past few days but today we can see the sun shines brightly and the morning is not too hot as it is quite cloudy and we can feel the cold breeze and enjoy the weather and err and it is suitable to do the outdoor games especially for the children

PART 2 :The first err first time when I visited a museum it was in Kelantan. I was in form 5. I went to actually I went for extra class but then my classmate asked me to to join her to Kelantan museum. So we went there and we saw many artifacts err artificial things especially I was attracted to mostly the treasures for the the Sultan Kelantan the Kelantans Royal err. Heritage. So its it was err good experience first experience errr experienced for me to be in the dark place because everything must be kept in a very.

I feel that everyone should go to a museum.

PART 3There are 2 pictures of persons playing 2different sports. The first picture shows picture of a person mostly a businessman playing golf in a field and the 2nd picture its a group of people playing netball or basketball. The 1st sport is much related with the rich persons and the cost to buy the golf stick is quite expensive compared to the 2nd sport which is basketball. The 1st is an individual sport and the 2nd is the team you play with friends as you cant play the basketball alone. The

Both of the sports are difficult but the first is much harder because you need to focus on how to swing the stick to make sure the ball drop into the hole but err compared to the 2nd picture it is a teamwork and everybody needs to work on how to shoot the ball into the net. So err ..for me it is much easier to collaborate with your friends to work on the to work oner to work with each other to make sure that the ball get into the net. But as the but in contrast golf demands .your full concentration.

PART 4 :It was a time when I was alone at home because all the members in the family went out for a feast and my kids the 5 lovely kids they went out with their father to the playground. So it was nice day for me to relax and rest for the day. ErrrrI rarely have time to be with myself because I have a very busy schedule with my house chores and also completing my job as a teacher. So when I had a chance to be alone I really appreciate it because its time for me to have a break er at least relax and think of my own needs in this life. (I read the question)Usually when I have time to be with my own myself I really emm .take time to be in the bathroom getting to myself aaa to be in calm and release all my burden for the whole aaa. week. Its time for me to be free from all the noises made by my kids and nobody dares to disturb me.


ErrorType of errorcorrection

Disease- desserts

Using many simple sentences.

Im not really

Basically they like to eat

They dont likes

do the outdoor games especially for the children

repeating the same ideas (part 4)


Sentence structures-Linking words

Types of verb- verb to be / verb to doForms and functions of the linking word

Incorrect pluralisation

Accuracy/word choice/ article

Coherence & cohesion

Use furthermore, besides, in addition

I dont really

Usually they prefer to

They dont like

Play outdoor games especially for children/kids

List down the points inorder.

Reflection Speaking is the most challenging component in the APTIS test. My serious problem is talking to a computer while watching the time moves. I used lots of simple sentences and kept pausing to join some ideas and find precise words to express my thoughts. I did not transcribe some parts of the speaking assessment as I realized that I had misunderstood the question. My next problem is my failure to arrange the ideas accordingly. I tried to include all the points I have in my mind and at the end everything went wrong. I knew how to respond to the questions but I was easily distracted with the requirements that I need to fulfill with which is the cohesive devices