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  • 7/29/2019 ANSYS Mechanical Products


    Mechanical Products

    Realize Your Product Promise

  • 7/29/2019 ANSYS Mechanical Products


    The trusted ANSYS mechanical suite rapidlysolves complex structural problems with ease.

    Confdently predict and optimize how your product

    will behave with ANSYS advanced physics.

    Predictability is Paramount

    Computing the response of a structural systeminvolves analyzing a wide range of physics:stresses, deformations, vibration characteristics,reaction forces and residual strains. To get anaccurate answer, simulation must take into

    account all interactions between the variousparts of a product, its working environment(such as thermal conditions), and the eects ofother forces such as electromagnetics and uiddynamics. And capturing materials is critical. Allof this complexity must be handled eciently byadvanced solver techniques that reliably captureall subtleties, such as material properties changes,contacts status and erosion of parts.

    Structural mechanics solutions from ANSYS set theindustry standard in engineering, providing youand your team with the ability to simulate every

    structural aspect of a product using linear andnonlinear static analyses or mechanisms analysis.Our products incorporate extensive dynamicsolution capabilities, including modal analysis forcalculating natural frequencies and mode shapes,harmonic analysis for determining harmonicallytime-varying load response, linear and nonlineartransient dynamic analysis, and spectrum analysisfor random vibrations.

    Using the ANSYS end-to-end solution, you canmodel any type of geometry, from slender andthin structures to massive parts, using the latestgenerations of beams, shells and solid niteelements formulations. Nonlinear geometriceects assist in performing large deformationsor nonlinear stability analyses.

    Characterizing material behavior is intuitivethrough use of our vast library of mathematicalmaterial models, no matter what your structure ismade of including composites.

    Because complex systems are made of multipleparts, ANSYS tools enable you to capture thecritical interactions between parts. Whetherusing contacts, special connections (includingsprings, dampers and spotwelds) or joints deningthe kinematic relationship between bodies, oursolutions lead to insight into the most complex


    Use of ANSYS compositematerial models canlead to lightweight andstrong products. Oursolutions dene layeredcomposites and help yourR&D team to understand

    potential failure.

    Transient analysis ofrigid/exible suspensionmechanism using kinematjoints, springs and contac




  • 7/29/2019 ANSYS Mechanical Products


    ANSYS structural mechanics solutions oer a range of products that help users meet currentrequirements and plan for a seamless upgrade path for future needs. Designers and experts canshare common databases while using dierent product levels.

    Productivity: In-Depth Understandingin the Shortest Possible Time

    Without the right tools, simulating your mostcomplex products can be beyond challenging.After all, structural engineers should focus moreon the physics of the model than on the underlyingmathematics. The mechanical simulation inter-face based on the ANSYS Workbench platformenables users to model all applications, fromvery simple to very complex. The interface cantake weeks out of a CAE process by eliminating

    manual le transfer, results translation andre-analysis time.

    Within this highly productive environment, youcan take advantage of a wide range of veryadvanced technologies. For example, the bidirec-tional link to all major CAD systems removes theneed for model repair and provides automatedmodel updates upon design changes.

    Nonlinear stabilityanalysis of stienedstructure subjected tointernal pressure

    Submodeling saves time bproviding accurate result

    on a detailed portion of thmodel.

    Automatic meshing capabilities for all types ofgeometries as well as automatic contact detectionsave hours in model setup. Our tools oer a widechoice of loads and boundary conditions, leadingto an accurate prediction of real-world productbehavior.A comprehensive set of post-processing toolsensures in-depth design analysis. Further auto-mation capabilities include simulation reportgeneration to highlight technical data and user-dened gures, data exchange via spreadsheets

    (such as the widely used Microsoft Excel), andengineering knowledge capture though wizardsand templates.

    Finally, parametric capabilities help you toeciently perform sensitivity or optimizationstudies.











    Level of Expertise

  • 7/29/2019 ANSYS Mechanical Products


    Performance to Solve Large Models Faster

    Current trends in simulation show the use ofincreasingly larger models, no matter the industry.Our structural solution incorporates parallel algo-rithms for a faster computation time: The entiresolution phase runs in parallel, including stiness

    matrix generation, linear equation solving andresults calculations in both shared and distributedmemory processing.

    We also oer unique solutions based on GPUboard utilization. The combination of parallelcomputing and performance via GPU can furtherspeed up your simulations.

    Additional advanced techniques such as compo-nent mode synthesis (CMS), submodeling methodsand proprietary acceleration techniques cancontribute to eciently handling large models.

    All these techniques allow you to increase thenumber of design variations you can compute ina given period, therefore leading to better, moreoptimized products. The end result of an ANSYSsimulation is condence that your product willthrive in the real world.

    The ANSYS smoothing algorithms and control tools allow us

    to ensure the quality of the interpolated data as well as the

    robustness of the mapping procedure. Ultimately, this saves

    time in setting up our simulation models.

    Herv ChalonsMechanical and Structural Analysis EngineerTurbomeca

    Automated contact

    detection saves timeduring model setup.


    Comprehensive post-processing capabilities includecolor plots, results scoping or geometries of FEentities, graphs, tables, and regulation checks. Youcan also export capabilities to spreadsheets.

    Gasket material fromadvanced materialmodels library

  • 7/29/2019 ANSYS Mechanical Products


    ANSYS state-of-the-art technology empowers you to simulate

    every aspect of your product, from straightforward to complex.

    Robust Nonlinear Analysis

    The Right Material Model

    To understand and accurately characterizematerial behavior, ANSYS provides a vastlibrary of mathematical material models thataid in simulating materials. You can apply these

    constitutive models to metal, rubber, plastic,glass, foam, concrete, biotissue and specialalloys. ANSYS structural tools include modelcapabilities for moisture diusion as well asinitial strain and stress states.

    Interaction between Parts

    Our robust, complete set of contact capabilitiesincludes surfacesurface, linesurface and lineline contact for exible and rigid bodies. Contactbehavior can account for constant or orthotropicfriction as well as sliding behavior; these areapplicable for structural, thermal and multi-

    disciplinary contact applications. Fast, automaticcontact detection backed by powerful algorithmsleads to fast and accurate solving of modelsinvolving contacts.

    Robust Solvers for Complex Problems

    ANSYS structural mechanics solutions oer alarge library of out-of-the box equation solvers.The compilation contains the sparse direct solver,preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) iterativesolver, Jacobi conjugate gradient (JCG) solutionand others.

    You can be condent of a robust solution, sinceANSYS uses default settings for both elementsand solver. You can override the default options;however, our many years of ne-tuning haveresulted in an ecient solution to your mostcomplex problems without having to manuallyset required controls and options.

    Creating Your Own Elements or Materials

    Very advanced applications and researchactivities require user-dened materials or a newelement formation. With ANSYS tools, you can

    extend native capabilities through user elements,user materials or user routines to create your ownmodels, such as friction.

    Assemblies requiremodeling contact betweenparts as well as specicinterfaces, such as gaskets

    We use ANSYS tools to calculate stress, stiness, deformation and natural

    frequencies of critical vehicle components and subsystems. An important

    capability is advanced analysis of a variety of nonlinear materials.

    Vladimir PokrasAnalysis and Simulation ManagerLiebherr Mining Equipment Co.

    Contact behavior

    strongly impacts lip seal

    performance. ANSYS

    provides a powerful tool

    for gaining insight into

    optimizing seal design and

    improving product quality

    and reliability.

    Zhichao WangManager, AnalyticalServicesEmerson ClimateTechnologies, Inc.

    Large deformations

    and contact analysis ofa rubber seal. ANSYSmaterial models includeelasticity as well asvisco-elasticity, plasticityviscoplasticity, cast-iron plasticity, creep,hyperelasticity, gasketsand anisotropy.


  • 7/29/2019 ANSYS Mechanical Products


    Advanced Solutions

    Rigid and Flexible Bodies

    Mechanical systems can contain complexassemblies of interconnected parts undergoing

    large overall motion, such as in groundvehicle suspension assemblies,

    robotic manipulators inmanufacturing processes,

    and aircraft landing gearsystems. For a faster,

    more ecient solutionto this problem class,

    ANSYS provides arigid multibodydynamics module.With minimalinvestment inmodel setup andcomputational

    resources earlyin development,you gain deep

    understandingof motion and

    stability of

    mechanical systems. Then, if more delity isrequired with detailed designs, you can easilyconvert the model to a partially or fully exiblerepresentation, one capable of capturing largedeformations and material nonlinearities.

    Rotating Structure Dynamics

    Rotordynamics applications serve to identifybehavior and diagnosis of rotating structures. Thecapability is commonly used to analyze behaviorof structures ranging from jet engines and steamturbines to auto engines and computer diskstorage. Rotordynamics can eectively computecritical speeds and the eect of unbalanced loadson a structure.

    ANSYS solutions provide modal and transientanalysis capabilities. They allow creation ofCampbell plots to identify critical speeds ofsingle or multiple spool systems, for beams,

    shells and solid elements. Bearings models areavailable; an interface enables importing bearingcharacteristics from outside sources. For static,modal or harmonic analysis of rotating parts withgeometric patterns, cyclic symmetry modelingreduces computation time.

    We use ANSYS as a virtual laboratory, since ANSYS code

    is really close to the actual physics. It assures you when

    something is a good idea and demonstrates clearly when

    a design fails.

    Benjamin HagegeAssistant ProfessorUniversity of Technology of Compigne

    Vibrationanalysis of abladed disc usingcyclic symmetry


  • 7/29/2019 ANSYS Mechanical Products


    Brake Squeal Analysis: Vibration with

    Complex Contact Conditions

    Brake discs develop large and sustained friction-induced oscillations, referred to simply as brakesqueal, a challenging issue for engineers andresearchers.

    Using ANSYS technology, you can analyzesquealing via complex eigensolvers to identifyunstable modes. Three dierent methods providevarious levels of accuracy and computation

    speed by including various levels of pre-stresson the model.

    Campbell diagrams identify critical speed of rotatingstructures over a range of variations of a systemsrotational velocity.

    Analysis of brake assemblyfor brake squeal: Combiningnonlinear pre-stressing ofstructures and complexunsymmetric eigensolversleads to accurate analysis.

    The ANSYS environment represents a milestone in

    allowing simulation to be perceived as a standard an

    required activity in complex product development.

    Riccardo TestiCAE AnalystPiaggio & C. SpA

    Lufthansa Technik AG leverages ANSYS simulationsoftware to gauge wear and tear of aircraft components.


  • 7/29/2019 ANSYS Mechanical Products


    to match the point cloud data to your model.Visual quality controls check the accuracy of themapped data.

    Powerful Scripting Automates TasksThe unique ANSYS Parametric Design Language(APDL) provides exibility and extends the capa-

    bility of mechanical applications. It serves as thefoundation for accessing sophisticated featuresof the structural mechanics solver. Engineers canleverage APDL to automate common tasks, buildtheir own parametric models, perform designoptimization, and construct adaptive meshing,since the capability oers many convenientfeatures: parameters, macros, branching, looping,and repeating and array features you can applyin everyday analysis.

    REpower relies on thANSYS suite in deve

    oping revolutionarycomposite materialsfor wind energyapplications.

    Acoustics modeling of speakerusing coupled eld analysis

    Friction stir weldingincluding heat generationdue to friction and plastic

    deformation; model usescoupled element withthermal and structuralDOF.

    Beyond Standard Applications

    Combining Other PhysicsTo accurately model a product, you must con-sider its environment. For example, will the

    product experience thermal loads thataect the structure? Will it be part of a

    system controlled by electric orpiezo-electric components?

    ANSYS tools enable you tocompute thermalstructural,

    thermalelectric, piezo-electric andacoustics impacts. Strong couplings use

    coupled elements that carry all necessarydegrees of freedom.

    Easy Data ExchangeIn some product analyses, weak coupling isappropriate; this can entail transferring data

    from one simulation to another. Mapping databetween physics is a painful process withoutthe right tools.

    The ANSYS Workbench platform allows a seam-less data transfer from one physics area toanother, and it automates the mapping betweendissimilar meshes. Workbench easily importsdata from external sources, such as point clouds,and maps them onto your current structure.You can modify scaling, units and orientations


  • 7/29/2019 ANSYS Mechanical Products


    Whether our need is thermal, structural, dynamic

    or static engineering analysis, ANSYS Workbench

    provides the exibility and versatility to accommoda

    our needs as well as the multiphysics capabilities

    to link the results of our various simulations.

    Bob TickelDirector of Structural and Dynamic AnalysisCummins Inc.

    Temperatures mappedfrom point clouds (top);visual controls help usercheck quality of mappingprocess (bottom).

    The ANSYS structural mechanics suite deliversfunctionality depth, breadth, a plethora ofadvanced capabilities and integrated multiphysics providing condence that your simulationresults reect real-world parameters. Thecomprehensive range of engineering simulationsoftware provides access to virtually any eld

    of engineering simulation that a design processrequires. Organizations around the worldtrust ANSYS to help them realize their productpromises.

    Importing and Preparing Geometries

    Creating design models is a core part of theproduct development process. Once you importgeometry from your CAD system through ourunique bidirectional interfaces, you may needto defeature, modify or convert to simpliedcomponents such as beams or plates. ANSYS

    geometry tools allow you to fully prepare themodel for simulation.

    Composites Structures

    Engineering layered composites involvescomplex denitions that include numerouslayers, materials, thicknesses and orientations.Engineers must understand potential productfailure using key indicators of resistance. ANSYS

    Composite PrepPost provides all necessaryfunctionalities for the analysis of layeredcomposite structures.

    Explicit Solutions for Severe Conditions

    When a product is subjected to very largenonlinearities, instabilities, and rapid andsevere loading conditions, explicit solutions canaccurately capture all transient phenomena. Youcan expand your structural solution with ANSYScapabilities that include drop test, impact,explosion or penetration analysis.

    For clarity and insight, look to ANSYS as a single

    resource for your advanced technology needs.


    Automatic meshing of assemblies Debonding of composite beam

  • 7/29/2019 ANSYS Mechanical Products


    NVIDIA, a leader in visualcomputing technology, appliesANSYS tools to printed circuitboard analysis.

    Design Analysis and Optimization

    To understand a designs performance, you mustidentify the eect of all design parameters whichcan easily lead you to all changes required to meetproduct requirements. ANSYS DesignXplorerprovides that in-depth product understanding,illustrating the relationship between design

    variables and product performance.

    Design variations accomplished per day of 4 millionDOF mode with contacts and nonlinear materials.Eight cores can compute nine models. The processhelps designers learn about product variations withmultiple design parameters.










    Number of Cores




    Fatigue Analysis for Life Assessment

    To avoid costly repairs, legal liabilities or recalls or to minimize product failure risks and maintainhigh-quality products, brand and company image product durability is critical. ANSYS Fatiguesolutions integrate durability calculations withyour current simulation tools so you can optimizethe life of your product.

    Managing Simulation Data

    Simulation engineers generate large volumesof data that need to be archived in a searchableformat. ANSYS Engineering Knowledge Manager(EKM) enables capture and management of yoursimulation data along with workows and bestpractices. The tool can improve the eciency andproductivity of simulation teams.


    Fatigue analysis of wind turbine hub subjectedto cyclic loading with varying direction andamplitude

  • 7/29/2019 ANSYS Mechanical Products


    The ANSYS structural mechanics suite is greater than the sum of its parts: a complete set of interdependent tools designed specically to make

    your products stronger, more durable, more innovative at the lowest possible cost and the least amount of time.

    ANSYS Mechanical Suite

    Other ANSYS Engineering Simulation Capabilities

    Geometry Stress Analysis Fatigue and CompositesComposites Tools

    Midsurfacing operations

    on a thin structure

    Drop test of gas container

    using explicit tools

    Composite failure analysis

    of turbine blade

    Erosion eectsDenition of ply layup

    on turbine blade

    Pre-Processing Simulation Post-Processing Archive


    ANSYSDesignModelerprovides modelingand geometry -creation functionsas well as toolsfor importing CADdata from varioussources. In addition,we collaboratewith leading CADdevelopers toensure an ecientworkow.


    ANSYS Workbenchis the frameworkfor the industrysbroadest and deepestsuite of advancedengineering simu-lation technology.It deliversunprecedentedproductivity,enabling Simulation-Driven ProductDevelopmentTM.


    To help ensure asuccessful product,R&D teams mustaccurately predicthow complexproducts willbehave in a real-world environment.The ANSYS suitecaptures theinteraction ofmultiple physics:structural,uid dynamics,

    electromechanicsand systemsinteractions.A single, uniedplatform harnessesthe core physicsand enables theirinteroperability.


    High-performancecomputing enablescreation of large,high-delity modelsthat yield accurateand detailed insight.ANSYS oersscalable solutionsand partners withhardware vendors toensure that you getthe power and speedyou need.

    Design Optimization

    Good design startswith identifying therelationship betweenperformance anddesign variables.ANSYS DesignXplorerenables engineersto perform design ofexperiments (DOE)analyses, investigateresponse surfaces,and analyze inputconstraints inpursuit of optimal

    design candidates.

    Data Management

    ANSYS EKMaddresses criticalissues associatedwith simulationdata, includingbackup and archival,traceability andaudit trail, processautomation,collaborationand captureof engineeringexpertise, andIP protection.


  • 7/29/2019 ANSYS Mechanical Products


    ANSYS is dedicated exclusively to developing engineering simulation software thatfosters rapid and innovative product design. Our technology enables you to predictwith condence that your product will thrive in the real world. For more than 40 yearscustomers in the most demanding markets have trusted our solutions to help ensurethe integrity of their products and drive business success through innovation.

    ANSYS and any and all ANSYS, Inc. brand, product, service and feature names, logos and slogans are registere

    trademarks or trademarks of ANSYS, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States or other countries. All other

    brand, product, service and feature names or trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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