anti-islam film

Worldwide Reaction to Anti-Islam Film, Cartoon 2 3 7 14 22 31 Anti-Islam Film, Zionist False-Flag Operation Lebanon Muslims Protest insulting Film, Cartoons President Urges Reconsideration of NAM Goals Ban: Iran has rich civilization, cultural achievements for mankind Leader, Indian PM Stress Boosting NAM’s Int’l Role Many Killed in Pakistan Protests against Anti-Islam Film, Cartoons 5

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Page 1: Anti-Islam Film

Worldwide Reaction to Anti-Islam Film, Cartoon






Anti-Islam Film, Zionist False-Flag Operation

Lebanon Muslims Protest insulting Film, Cartoons

President Urges Reconsideration of

NAM Goals

Ban: Iran has rich civilization, cultural achievements for mankind

Leader, Indian PM Stress Boosting NAM’s Int’l Role

Many Killed in Pakistan Protests against Anti-Islam

Film, Cartoons 5

Page 2: Anti-Islam Film

The Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said that the fact that

the enemies have failed to keep pace with the Islamic Awakening in the region has prompted them to perpetrate crimes such as insulting Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

The film, which insults Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), was produced in California, costs $5 million, and was financed with the help of more than 100 Jewish donors.

“Nations that have experienced anti-Islam hegemonic and Zionist policies have pointed a finger of blame at the United States and a number of European countries, and the leaders of these countries should prevent such insane actions in order to prove that they are

not accomplices in this great crime,” he noted.“The leaders of hegemonic systems claim that they were not involved in this incident, while they refrain from condemning this crime and do not meet their duties in regard to this great crime,” he added.

Ayatollah Khamenei also said that the claim that preventing people from insulting Islam infringes on their right to free speech is a false statement, noting that the red lines set in the West that prevent questioning hegemonic principles refute such claims.

He said that the protest demonstrations held near political and cultural centers of the United States illustrate the deep animosity of the people of various countries toward hegemonic and Zionist policies.

Iran’s Leader: Enemies’ Chagrin behind blasphemous movie

World wide Reaction to Anti-Islam Film, Cartoon


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The anti-Islam film made in the U.S. is a false-flag operation, led by the Zionist entity and its supporters, author and Islamic

Studies expert Kevin Barrett says.“There has been a coordinated media

campaign slandering Islam ever since the three World Trade skyscrapers were blown up on live television, a snuff film featuring the murder of 3,000 unwitting extras designed to whip up the whole planet into an anti-Muslim hysteria and it hasn’t stopped ever since.

“This campaign is orchestrated by a combination of intelligence agencies and the people who control the Western mainstream media. And their goal, I think, is twofold. Some of them are strategists who believe that the U.S. long-term imperial strategy requires strong mobilization during this period of China’s rise and they wanted to

double the military budget and take an aggressive posture all over the world, add many military bases all over the world, etc. “I think that if this is a false-flag operation designed to influence the course of world events, that it’s part of this larger strategy of tension, which as I said, is a hard-line Zionist strategy from the 9/11 attacks onward, to create a war between Islam and the West and right now. Why would they want to bring this to a boil now?

“Well, as we all know, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is just dying to start a war with Iran and he thinks that the only chance he’ll have is if either he can do it before the election and force President Barack Obama to go along with it, or if Obama can be defeated in the election, then the Romney administration would probably be willing to go along with it.”

Anti-Islam Film, Zionist False-Flag Operation


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Demonstrations were held in Tehran on Thursday and Friday to condemn a French magazine

for publishing a cartoon of Prophet Muhammad.

The worshippers attending this week’s Friday prayers in Tehran held a demonstration and issued a statement in condemnation of the French magazine after the prayers.

In the statement, the worshippers said that the enemies of Islam are seeking to isolate the followers of the Prophet and impede or stop theprogress of current revolutions through publishing such blasphemous cartoons and insulting the Prophet.

The worshippers emphasized that

the blasphemy against the Prophet is a conspiracy hatched by the United States and the Zionist regime.

“The enemies describe any kind of Muslims’ resistance as ‘terrorism’ to unite their allies against it (the resistance),” the worshippers noted.

In the statement, the French Muslims were asked to bring the perpetrators of the blasphemy to justice.

A number of university and seminary students also held a demonstrationin front of the French Embassy in Tehran on Thursday to condemn theblasphemy by the French magazine.

The students shouted various slogans including “Yes to Prophet Muhammad” and “Down with France”.

Protests Held in Tehran to Condemn Insulting Cartoons

India’s Massive Protest against Film Insulting IslamThousands of people held a

massive rally outside the United States Consulate in

Kolkata on September 27 to protest “anti-Islam film”, Innocence of Muslims. According to reports, the protest turned violent when the demonstrators tried to break through police barricades and enter the consulate.

Reports say the anti-U.S. rally was organized by a West Bengal-based Muslim group. The rally turned violent when the protesters clashed with the police on being stopped from storming the consulate.

The consulate was closed for the day following the protest.

The controversial film by U.S. director Sam Bacile has led to violent protests worldwide after first starting in Cairo. It even claimed lives of some Americans, including that of the U.S. ambassador to Libya in a deadly attack at the Benghazi Consulate.

In India, demonstrations were held in Chennai and Jammu and Kashmir in the recent past over the film, which allegedly mocks the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH). Muslim groups in India have called for a ban on the film, with one such group even filing a PIL in the Bombay High Court.

India’s Massive


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Violent crowds furious over an anti-Islamic film made in the United States convulsed

Pakistan’s largest cities on Friday, leaving up to 19 people dead and more than 160 injured in a day of government-sanctioned protests.

It was the worst single day of violence in a Muslim country over the film, “Innocence of Muslims,” since protests began nearly two weeks ago in Egypt, before spreading to two dozen countries. Protesters have ignored the United States government’s denunciation of the film.

Friday’s violence in Pakistan began with a television station employee dying

from gunshot wounds during a protest in the northwestern city of Peshawar, then was amplified through armed protests in the southern port of Karachi that left between 12 and 14 people dead, Pakistani news media reported.

By nightfall Geo, the leading television station, was reporting 19 deaths in the country.

Some protesters tried to reach the city’s heavily guarded American consulate, which has a strong Central Intelligence Agency component.

By evening, hospital officials said at least five people were dead and more than 50 injured.After Friday prayers, more severe violence erupted in

Islamabad, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Multan and Karachi, where normally bustling streets were instead filled with clouds of tear gas and the sound of gunfire.

Protesters in Karachi burned effigies, stoned a Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet and engaged in armed clashes with police that left 14 people dead and over 80 wounded by evening.

Peaceful protests had been approved by Pakistan’s government which declared Friday a national holiday, the “Day of Love for the Prophet Muhammad,” as part of an effort to either control, or politically capitalize on, rage against the inflammatory film, which denigrates Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Many Killed in Pakistan Protests against Anti-Islam Film, Cartoons

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The 57-nation Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has warned that cartoons denigrating

Prophet Muhammad published in a French satirical magazine could trigger a new wave of anti-Western violence, but urged Muslims all over the world to show restraint.

In a statement in Jeddah on Thursday, OIC Secretary General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu expressed “shock and dismay” over the caricatures and warned they would “further exacerbate the ongoing turmoil and violence” created by the release of the anti-Islam film “Innocence of Muslims.”

Angry protests linked to the movie has left tens of people dead since last week, with much of the violence targeting the United States where the film was produced.

The French government fears that the focus could now shift to its overseas missions and cultural centers following the publications of the cartoons in the French weekly ‘Charlie Hebdo.’

“The French weekly should pay

heed to the concerns of the international community on incitement and intolerance of religious beliefs,” he said. “It was time the international community took serious note of the dangerous implications of hate speech and inciting publications and come out of hiding behind the excuse of freedom of expression,” Ihsanoglu was quoted as saying in the Arab media.

The film and the cartoons constituted a “deliberate, motivated and systematic abuse” of freedom of speech and “posed a clear danger to peace, security and stability in the region as well as the global context.” He said and called on Muslims worldwide “to exercise restraint in testing times.”

Embassies, consulates, cultural centers and international French schools in around 20 Muslim countries remained closed on Friday.

Muslim World League Secretary General Abdullah al-Turki urged governments and international organizations to take legal action against blasphemous actions.

OIC Expresses “Shock and Dismay” over Prophet Cartoons

Protests against Anti-Islam Film in GermanyHundreds of people held

peaceful protests in German cities On eptember 22 against

an anti-Islam film that has inflamed tempers around the world, police said.

Around 800 demonstrators marched through the center of the southwestern German city of Freiburg under the banner “I Love My Prophet.”

Freiburg was the first German city to approve such a march but imposed strict conditions including a ban on participants using outlawed slogans, carrying potentially dangerous objects or covering their faces.

Protesters hoisted signs reading “Yes to Freedom of Expression, No to Insults” and “I Am Protesting against the Lack of Respect toward My Beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).”

Another 500 people gathered in the western city of Muenster, police said.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s spokesperson Steffen Seibert had earlier called for the protests to remain peaceful, saying violence was never justified in religious disputes, whether in Germany or abroad.

“That should be our watchword, everywhere,” he told a regular government news conference.

Further protests are expected Saturday in the cities of Karlsruhe and Dortmund. Police said they expected them to remain peaceful.


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Lebanese Muslims, Sunnis and Shias, took to the streets on Friday to vent their anger over

a U.S.-made film and French cartoons mocking Islam. In the southern port city of Sidon, Sunni clerics called “A Day of Rage” against insults to the Prophet Muhammad but urged followers to contain their anger to inside their mosques.

French schools were closed and the army was deployed at French institutions in Sidon, Beirut and the northern city of Tripoli, in anticipation of a backlash against the publication of obscene cartoons of the Prophet

Muhammad in a French satirical magazine.

Separately, thousands of supporters of the powerful Shiite movement Hezbollah took to the streets after Friday prayers in the eastern city of Baalbek.

The Sunni authority for Sidon and several clerics in Tripoli called for Saudi Arabia and Egypt’s Al-Azhar -- the highest authorities in Sunni Islam -- to issue a fatwa condoning the murder of anyone associated with the film and for those who denigrate Islam or its Prophet.

About 300 people gathered at the mosque and that, after Friday’s weekly

Muslim prayers, protesters burned U.S. and Israeli flags while chanting “Death to America, Death to Israel!”

Outside Tripoli, Sheikh Mustafa Malas decried the silence of Arab and Muslim officials toward their American and French counterparts.

“Arab and Islamic countries must take a decisive stand against the United States and France after the insults to our Prophet, and boycott their goods,” he said during his Friday sermon.

“They have repeated these offensive behaviors ... Their actions amount to a war declared on Islam and they must not be surprised by reactions of reprisal.”

Lebanon Muslims Protest Insulting Film, Cartoons

Italian Foreign Minster Giulio Terzi described a French weekly’s

ridiculing of Prophet Muhammad as “irresponsible sensationalism” which has fuelled anger in the Muslim world.

The French magazine Charlie Hebdo Wednesday

published Prophet Muhammad cartoons, exacerbating the outrage in the Muslim world after a US-produced anti-Islam film “Innocence of Muslims” already sparked protests all over the world last week.

“Religions are fundamental, they are

important for many billions of people, and no one should allow themselves to mock them or joke about these values,” Terzi said.

The minister criticized that some people in the West were guilty of “irresponsible sensationalism” by abusing “deep religious sensibilities

that must be respected for personal advantage”.

Pointed out that it was possible to prosecute those who had offended religion under Italy’s criminal code, the French minister said: “I think this should be a common principle to all the countries of the world.”

Italy FM: Prophet Cartoons Irresponsible Sensationalism


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The Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, speaking at the inaugural session of the 16th Non-Aligned Movement Summit, said that the emergence of new powers has coincided with the decline of traditional powers.

Excerpts of his speech are given below. We have gathered here to continue a movement with God’s guidance and

assistance and to give it new life and momentum on the basis of the current conditions and needs in the world. The movement was founded almost six decades ago thanks to the intelligence and courage of a few caring and responsible political leaders who were aware of the conditions and circumstances of their time.

Our guests have gathered here from different geographical locations, far and near, and they belong to different nationalities and races with different ideological, cultural and historical characteristics, but just as Ahmad Sukarno, one of the founders of this movement said in the famous Bandung Conference in the year 1955, the basis of establishing the Non-Aligned Movement is not geographical or racial and religious unity, but rather unity of needs. At that time, the member states of the Non-Aligned Movement were in need of a bond that could safeguard them against

Emergence of New Powers Has Coincided With Decline of Traditional Powers


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authoritarian, arrogant and insatiable networks and today with the progress and spread of the instruments of hegemony, this need still exists.

I would like to point out another truth. Islam has taught us that in spite of their racial, linguistic and cultural differences, human beings share the same nature, which calls them to purity, justice, benevolence, compassion and cooperation. It is this universal human nature which – if it can safely steer away from misleading motives – guides human beings to monotheism and understanding of God’s transcendent essence.

This brilliant truth has such potential that it can form the foundation of societies which are free and proud and at the same time enjoy progress and justice. It can extend the light of spirituality to all material and worldly endeavors of humankind and it can create a paradise on earth for human beings in advance of the other-worldly paradise, which has been promised by divine religions. And it is this common and universal truth that can form the foundations of brotherly cooperation among the nations that do not share any similarities in terms of outward structures, historical background and geographical location.

Whenever international cooperation is based on such a foundation, governments will build their relationships with each other not on the basis of fear and threats, or greed and unilateral interests, or mediation of treasonous and venal individuals, but on the basis of wholesome and shared interests and more importantly, the interests of humanity. In this way, governments can relieve their awakened consciences and put the minds of their peoples at ease.

This values-based order is the exact opposite of the hegemony-based order, which has been upheld, propagandized and led by hegemonic Western powers in the recent centuries and by the domineering and aggressive government of America today.

Dear guests, today after the passage of nearly six decades, the main values of the Non-Aligned Movement remain alive and steady: values such as anti-colonialism, political, economic and cultural independence, non-alignment with any power blocs, and improving solidarity and cooperation among the member states. The realities of today’s world fall short of those values, but the collective will and comprehensive efforts to change the existing realities and

achieve these values, though full of challenges, are promising and rewarding.

In the recent past, we have been witness to the failure of the policies of the Cold War era and the unilateralism that followed it. Having learnt lessons from this historical experience, the world is in transition towards a new international order and the Non-Aligned Movement can and should play a new role. This new order should be based on the participation of all nations and equal rights for all of them. And as members of this movement, our solidarity is an obvious necessity in the current era for establishing this new order.

Fortunately, the outlook of global developments promises a multi-faceted system in which the traditional power blocs are replaced with a group of countries, cultures and civilizations from different economic, social and political origins. The striking events that we have witnessed over the past three decades clearly show that the emergence of new powers has coincided with the decline of the traditional powers. This gradual transition of power provides the non-

aligned countries with an opportunity to play a significant and worthy role on the world stage and prepare the ground for a just and truly participatory global management. In spite of varying perspectives and orientations, we member states of this movement have managed to preserve our solidarity and bond over a long period of time within the framework of the shared values and this is not a simple and small achievement. This bond can prepare the ground for transitioning to a just and humane order.

Current global conditions provide the Non-Aligned Movement with an opportunity that might never arise again. Our view is that the control room of the world should not be managed by the dictatorial will of a few Western countries. It should be possible to establish and ensure a participatory system for managing international affairs, one that is global and democratic. This is what is needed by all the countries that have been directly or indirectly harmed as a result of the transgression of a few bullying and hegemonic countries.

The UN Security Council has an illogical, unjust and completely undemocratic structure and mechanism. This is a flagrant form of dictatorship, which is antiquated and obsolete and whose expiry date has passed. It is through abusing this improper mechanism that America and its accomplices have managed to disguise their bullying as noble

This values-based order is the exact opposite of the hegemony-based order, which has been upheld, propagandized and led by hegemonic Western powers in the recent centuries and by the domineering and aggressive government of America today.


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concepts and impose it on the world. They protect the interests of the West in the name of “human rights”. They interfere militarily in other countries in the name of “democracy”. They target defenseless people in villages and cities with their bombs and weapons in the name of “combating terrorism”. From their perspective, humanity is divided into first-, second- and third-class citizens. Human life is considered cheap in Asia, Africa and Latin America, and expensive in America and Western Europe. The security of America and Europe is considered important, while the security of the rest of humanity is considered unimportant. Torture and assassination

are permissible and completely ignored if they are carried out by America, the Zionists and their puppets. It does not trouble their conscience that they have secret prisons in various places on different continents, in which defenseless prisoners who have no legal representation and have not been tried in a court of law are treated in the most hideous and detestable way. Good and evil are defined in a completely one-sided and selective way. They impose their interests on the nations of the world in the name of “international law”. They impose their domineering and illegal demands in the name of “international community”. Using their exclusive and organized media network, they


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disguise their lies as the truth, their falsehood as true, and their oppression as efforts to promote justice. In contrast, they brand as lies every true statement that exposes their deceit and label every legitimate demand as roguish.

Friends, this flawed and harmful situation cannot continue. Everybody has become tired of this faulty international structure. The 99 percent movement of the American people against the centers of wealth and power in America and the widespread protests of the people in Western Europe against the economic policies of their governments show that the people are losing their patience with this situation. It is necessary to remedy this irrational situation. Firm, logical and comprehensive bonds between member states of the Non-Aligned Movement can play an important role in finding a remedy.

Honorable audience, international peace and security are among the critical issues of today’s world and the elimination of catastrophic weapons of mass destruction is an urgent

necessity and a universal demand. In today’s world, security is a shared need where there is no room for discrimination. Those who stockpile their anti-human weapons in their arsenals do not have the right to declare themselves as standard-bearers of global security. Undoubtedly, this will not bring about security for themselves either. It is most unfortunate to see that countries possessing the largest nuclear arsenals have no serious and genuine intention of removing these deadly weapons from their military doctrines and they still consider such weapons as an instrument that dispels threats and as an important standard that defines their political and international position. This conception needs to be completely rejected and condemned.

Nuclear weapons neither ensure security, nor do they consolidate political power, rather they are a threat to both security and political power. The events that took place in the 1990s showed that the possession of such weapons could not even safeguard a regime like the former Soviet Union. And today we see certain countries which are exposed to waves of deadly insecurity despite possessing atomic bombs.

The Islamic Republic of Iran considers the use of nuclear, chemical and similar weapons as a great and unforgivable sin. We proposed the idea of “Middle East free of nuclear weapons” and we are committed to it. This does not mean forgoing our right to peaceful use of nuclear power and production of nuclear fuel. On the basis of international laws, peaceful use of nuclear energy is a right of every country. All should be able to employ this wholesome source of energy for various vital uses for the benefit of their country and people, without having to depend on others for exercising this right. Some Western countries, themselves possessing nuclear weapons and guilty of this illegal action, want to monopolize the production of nuclear fuel. Surreptitious moves are under way to consolidate a permanent monopoly over production and sale of nuclear fuel in centers carrying an international label but in fact within the control of a few Western countries.

A bitter irony of our era is that the U.S. government, which possesses the largest and deadliest stockpiles of nuclear arms and other weapons of mass destruction and the only country guilty of its use, is today eager to carry the banner of opposition to nuclear proliferation. The U.S. and its Western allies have armed the usurper Zionist regime with nuclear weapons and created a major threat for this sensitive region. Yet the same deceitful group does not tolerate the peaceful use of nuclear energy by independent countries, and even opposes, with all its strength, the production of nuclear fuel for radiopharmaceuticals and other peaceful and humane purposes. Their pretext is fear of production of nuclear weapons. In the case of the Islamic Republic of Iran, they themselves know that they are lying, but lies are sanctioned by the kind of politics that is completely devoid of the slightest trace of spirituality. One who makes nuclear threats in the


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21st century and does not feel ashamed, will he feel ashamed of lying?

I stress that the Islamic Republic has never been after nuclear weapons and that it will never give up the right of its people to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Our motto is: “Nuclear energy for all and nuclear weapons for none.” We will insist on each of these two precepts, and we know that breaking the monopoly of certain Western countries on production of nuclear energy in the framework of the Non-Proliferation Treaty is in the interest of all independent countries, including the members of the Non-Aligned Movement.

The Islamic Republic’s successful experience in resistance against the bullying and comprehensive pressures by America and its accomplices has firmly convinced it that the resistance of a unified and firmly determined nation can overcome all enmities and hostilities and open a glorious path to its lofty goals. The comprehensive advances made by our country in the last two decades are facts for all to see, as repeatedly attested by official international observers. All this has happened under sanctions, economic pressures and propaganda campaigns by networks affiliated with America and Zionism. The sanctions, which were regarded as paralyzing by nonsensical commentators, not only did not and will not paralyze us, but have made our steps steadier, elevated our resolve and strengthened our confidence in the correctness of our analyses and the inborn capacities of our nation. We have with our own eyes repeatedly witnessed divine assistance in these challenges.

Honored guests, I deem it necessary to speak about a very important issue, which though related to our region has dimensions extending far beyond it and which has influenced global policies for several decades. This issue is the agonizing issue of Palestine. The summary of this matter is that on the basis of a horrible Western plot and under the direction of England in the 1940s, an independent country with a clear historical identity called “Palestine” has been taken away from its people through the use of weapons, killings and deception and has been given to a group of people the majority of whom are immigrants from European countries. This great usurpation – which at the outset was accompanied with massacres of defenseless people in towns and villages and their expulsion from their homes and homeland to bordering countries – has continued for more than six decades with similar crimes and continues to this very day. This is one of the most important issues of the human community.

Political and military leaders of the usurping Zionist regime have not avoided any crimes during this time: from killing

the people, destroying their homes and farms and arresting and torturing men and women and even their children, to humiliating and insulting that nation and trying to destroy it in order to digest it in the haraam-eating stomach of the Zionist regime, to attacking their refugee camps in Palestine itself and in the neighboring countries where millions of refugees live. Such names as Sabra and Shatila, Qana and Deir Yasin have been etched in the history of our region with the blood of the oppressed Palestinian people.

Even now after 65 years the same kind of crimes marks the treatment of Palestinians remaining in the occupied territories by the ferocious Zionist wolves. They commit new crimes one after the other and create new crises for the region. Hardly a day passes without reports of murder, injury and arrests of the youth who stand up to defend their homeland and their honor and protest against the destruction of their farms and homes. The Zionist regime, which has carried out assassinations and caused conflicts and crimes for decades by waging disastrous wars, killing people, occupying Arab territories and organizing state terror in the region and in the world, labels the Palestinian people as “terrorists”, the people who have stood up to fight for their rights. And the media networks which belong to Zionism and many of the Western and mercenary media repeat this great lie in violation of ethical values and journalistic commitment, and the political leaders who claim to defend human rights have closed their eyes on all these crimes and support that criminal regime shamelessly and boldly and assume the role of their advocates.

Our standpoint is that Palestine belongs to the Palestinians and that continuing its occupation is a great and intolerable injustice and a major threat to global peace and security. All solutions suggested and followed up by the Westerners and their affiliates for “resolving the problem of Palestine” have been wrong and unsuccessful, and it will remain so in the future. We have put forth a just and entirely democratic solution. All the Palestinians – both the current citizens of Palestine and those who have been forced to immigrate to other countries but have preserved their Palestinian identity, including Muslims, Christians and Jews – should take part in a carefully supervised and confidence-building referendum and chose the political system of their country, and all the Palestinians who have suffered from years of exile should

Now I would like to give a benevolent piece of advice to American politicians who always stood up to defend and support the Zionist regime. So far, this regime has created countless problems for you. It has presented a hateful image of you to the regional peoples, and it has made you look like an accomplice in the crimes of the usurping Zionists.


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return to their country and take part in this referendum and then help draft a Constitution and hold elections. Peace will then be established.

Now I would like to give a benevolent piece of advice to American politicians who always stood up to defend and support the Zionist regime. So far, this regime has created countless problems for you. It has presented a hateful image of you to the regional peoples, and it has made you look like an accomplice in the crimes of the usurping Zionists. The material and moral costs borne by the American government and people on account of this are staggering, and if this continues, the costs might become even heavier in the future. Think about the Islamic Republic’s proposal of a referendum and with a courageous decision, rescue yourselves from the current impossible situation. Undoubtedly, the people of the region and all free-thinkers across the world will welcome this measure.

Honorable guests, now I would like to return to my initial point. Global conditions are sensitive and the world is passing through a crucial historical juncture. It is anticipated that a new order shall be born. The Non-Aligned Movement, which includes almost two-thirds of the world community, can play a major role in shaping that future. The holding of this major conference in Tehran is itself a significant event to be taken into consideration. By pooling our resources and capacities, we members of this movement can create a new historic and lasting role towards rescuing the world from insecurity, war and hegemony.

This goal can be achieved only through our comprehensive cooperation with each other. There are among us quite a few countries that are very wealthy and countries that enjoy international influence. It is completely possible to find solutions for problems through economic and media cooperation and through passing on experiences that help us improve and make progress. We need to strengthen our determination. We need to remain faithful to our goals. We should not fear the bullying powers when they frown at us, nor should we become happy when they smile at us. We should consider the will of God and the laws of creation as our support. We should learn lessons from what happened to the communist camp two decades ago and from the failure of the policies of so-called “Western liberal democracy” at the present time, whose signs can be seen by everybody in the streets of European countries and America and in the insoluble economic problems of these countries. And finally, we should consider the Islamic Awakening in the region and the fall of the dictatorships in North Africa, which were dependent on America and were accomplices to the Zionist regime, as a great opportunity. We can help improve the “political productivity” of the Non-Aligned Movement in global governance. We can prepare a historic document aimed to bring about a change in this governance and to provide for its administrative tools. We can plan for effective economic cooperation and define paradigms for cultural relationships among ourselves. Undoubtedly, establishing an active and motivated secretariat for this organization will be a great and significant help in achieving these goals.


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Leader, Indian PM Stress Boosting NAM’s Int’l Role Iran’s Leader Ayatollah Seyed

Ali Khamenei and India’s Prime Minister Manmohan Singh

stressed here the need for boosting of Non-Aligned Movement’s international role.‘Iran-India relations are historical and this positive background of the two nations is a good potential for expansion of cooperation between the two countries.’

Iran’s Leader emphasized the need for expansion of relations between the two countries in all fields including the fields of trade and infrastructure.

‘US is not a reliable partner for the nations as it is only an assured partner for the Zionist regime.’

Ayatollah Khamenei added that Tehran and New Delhi have similar stance toward Syria and Afghanistan, noting that the two countries can expand cooperation on regional issues.

‘Iran hopes that Non-Aligned Movement would achieve its goals with the collaboration of member states.’

The Indian prime minister for his part called for expansion of relations between Iran and India and in particular in the field of energy.’

‘New Delhi is against foreign interference in Syria and believe that the crisis should be resolved based on a Syrian resolution.’

‘India will do its best in support of boosting the NAM international role during Iran’s presidency over this world body.’

The Non-Aligned Movement, the rotating presidency of which was conferred to Iran, is a major

international organization comprising 120 member states that represent the political, cultural, economic and social interests of the developing world.

The movement which is consisted of two third of the UN member states was established in 1961 in Belgrade and despite the fact that the majority of its members are developing nations, many of them play a defining and determining role in such strategic regions as the Middle East, North Africa and Latin America.

The latest NAM summit was held in Egypt’s Sharm al-Sheikh from July 11-16, 2009 and Tehran will host representatives from 100 of the 120 countries in the forthcoming gathering.

Now, Iranian officials expect that a great number of the member states will attend the summit in high levels and it goes without saying that the presence of so many officials from different world countries in the conference which will be hosted by Tehran may not be pleasant and favorable to those who want to see Iran’s regional dominance and international influence derailed.

NAM enjoys remarkable capacities for shaping a new global order based on respecting the rights of the developing nations which are more often than not treated indecorously by the hegemonic powers. With the active cooperation of the member states, NAM can realize its innumerable potentialities and extricate itself from the domination of the superpowers that are usually after exploiting the precious natural resources of these countries.


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The Non-Aligned Movement is said to be the largest international organization after the United Nations and it has the capability of effectively influencing the international developments if its member states take its mechanisms seriously and are convinced that their participation in the process of decision-making and collaboration will help them have a say in the global political and economic equations. They can assist each other in diplomatic lobbying in important events such as the UN General Assembly,

selecting the non-permanent members of the Security Council and making decisions in the UN Human Rights Council as well as contributing to the progress of entities such as the African Union and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

Although non-association and non-alliance with the western and eastern superpowers is a characteristic feature of the members of the movement, emerging superpowers such as China, Brazil and Mexico serve NAM as observing members.

Moreover, countries such as India, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and South Africa which have strong ties with the United States and are members of the G20 group (the bloc of 20 world major economies) are among the NAM member states.

Iran’s presidency over such a prominent international organization comes while the European Union has just put into effect its intended oil embargo against Iran, banning the European states from importing oil from Iran, the world’s fourth largest oil producer. At the same time, the United States has imposed a fresh round of sanctions against Iran’s banking sector, penalizing the foreign banks which have financial transactions with Iranian counterparts. The United States, Israel and Europe are pressing Iran on multiple fronts so as to isolate the country

and undermine its regional clout: from propagating falsehood and mendacity about Iran and Iranians in the mainstream media to launching malicious cyber attacks against the computers operating in Iran’s nuclear facilities, passing anti-Iranian resolutions in the UN Security Council, relentlessly murdering the country’s nuclear scientists, imposing hard-hitting financial sanctions and beating the drum of war.

However, Iran has persistently and determinedly tolerated all the hardships and is now foiling the mischievous plots one after another.

The upcoming NAM summit in Tehran is an invaluable opportunity for Iran to show its diplomatic prowess and demonstrate that it’s impossible for the bullying powers and their stooges to isolate it. Although it’s an unwritten convention that not all the heads of state will take part in such summits as NAM, it can be predictable that the important event which will take place with the participation of several high-ranking officials from different world countries will mark the spring of Iranian diplomacy and a backbreaking blow to those who want to find Iran isolated, secluded and fragile. The event will unquestionably testify that Iran has not become that lonely and friendless country which the United States and its lackeys want.


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Leader: Common Language, Culture to Boost Ties Among Regional States Leader of Islamic Revolution

Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said that common language and culture of

regional nations provide a proper ground for expansion of bilateral and multilateral ties, helping build a better future.

Speaking to Tajik President Emamali Rahmon, the Leader said honoring traditions, ideas and costumes of people would draw their solid support.

With reliance on popular support,

any government can resist foreign agents disturbing law and order, added the Leader.

Rakhmon for his part thanked Iran for hosting 16th NAM Summit and said the Leader’s speech to NAM Leaders would prepare the ground for dynamism and influence of the Movement.

Pointing to enemy efforts to fan insecurity and keep regional states backward, Rahmon said through joint cooperation the plots can be thwarted.

Leader: Money, Arms Shipment to Opposition in Europe Will Result in Syria-Like Situation

Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said that transfer of money

and arms to opponents of policies of European governments would result in conditions similar to that of Syria.

Speaking to Syrian Prime Minister Wael Nader al-Halqi on the sidelines of the 16th NAM Summit, Leader said The US and Zionist regime of Israel are mainly behind tragic events in Syria.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the Non-Aligned Movement is definitely more eligible than the US, NATO and certain European states to get engaged in Syrian issues politically.

Calling ongoing conditions in Syria and massacre of Syrians unjustified, the Leader said the main culprits in Syria are those who prepared the ground for arms shipment to Syria and finally supported irresponsible groups there.

Ayatollah Khamenei said giving arms to the opposition group in any country and financial and propaganda support for them would lead to conditions alike Syria.

”If money and arms are given to opposition of European governments, who stage demonstrations, the same situation will take place in the European states too.”

The Leader said Syrian government should deprive the opponents of any excuse and continue with reforms, outlining and divulging behind-the-curtain conspiracies for public opinion of Arab nations.

al-Halqi said for his part that Syrian government is determined to fight terrorist groups and is involved in cleanup operations in different areas, while continuing political reforms and conducting national dialogue.


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Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei warned the Muslim states against dangerous plot of certain powers to fan ethnic and religious conflicts.

In a meeting with Indonesian Vice-President Boediono on the sidelines of the 16th NAM Summit of Leaders, Ayatollah Khamenei referred to main aspirations of NAM and to very high capacity of NAM states and said the main goal of the founders of NAM had not been forming a formal institution rather they aimed founding an influential and vibrant movement and the goal should be revived.

The Leader said experience and progress of the NAM member states should be used in the Movement.

“Of course, independent and Muslim states face enemies in their way to progress and they should be watchful of their plans and conspiracies.”

He said fanning differences and religious conflict among Shia and Sunni Muslims is aother dangerous plans.

“Such measures are done under support of certain powers and by certain mercenary elements as their examples are seen in Afghanistan and Pakistan now.”

He said al-Qaeda and Taliban, backed by the US allies, were

created in the region and the US too under pretext of confronting them is bombing such countries as Pakistan and Afghanistan but their main aim is dominating the countries.

Ayatollah Khamenei warned against any dangerous plot of ethnic and religious conflicts in Indonesia, Egypt, and Libya, calling for further cooperation among Muslim countries.

Boediono for his part voiced pleasure with Iran’s successfully hosting the 16th NAM Summit and said there are many grounds for economic cooperation between Iran and Indonesia.

He said in talks held in Tehran, Iranian and Indonesian officials agreed to further activate their private sectors and traders and find ways for more expansion of economic cooperation.

He said NAM states have big capacity to play more roles and have more influence in key international issues.

Commenting on ethnic and religious diversity, he said Indonesian government has always been after preparing suitable ground for peaceful co-existence and integrity of ethnic groups and different religions.

Boediono referred to his expertise in economy and told the Leader, “I studied your Excellency’s view on resistance economy; the viewpoints were highly interesting and genuine.”

Leader Cautions Muslim States Against Plots to Fan Ethnic Conflicts


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Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution met with the Prime Minister of

Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina Wajed and her accompanying delegation. During the meeting, Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the cultural and historical background of Iran and Bangladesh and said that Persian used to be a common language in Bangladesh in the distant past. He stressed that deep cultural relationships prepare the ground for political, international, economic and social cooperation.

He said that Bangladesh has an important position in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Non-Aligned Movement and the D-8, further adding that cooperation among Muslim countries will definitely benefit Muslim nations and will help increase their

power. The Leader of the Islamic Revolution

said that the only way to counter the policies of the domineering powers is for Islamic and independent countries to cooperate and develop close relations with each other. He reiterated that if there had been serious attempts at such cooperation and unity, the tragic events would not have happened in Syria and Bahrain.

the Prime Minister of Bangladesh confirmed the statements of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution and stated: “By deploying their capacities and resources, Islamic and independent countries should prevent the global powers from making decisions for other countries.”

She stressed: “Bangladesh wants to expand its relations with Iran in different areas, particularly in commercial and economic areas.”

Leader: Cooperation among Muslims to Benefit Muslims

Leader Calls for Using NAM Capacities to Fight Terrorism Leader of the Islamic Revolution

Ayatollah ُSُeyed Ali Khamenei described terrorism as a disturbing creature imposed on the regional nations by the West, saying that the US and western powers bring corruption and insecurity wherever they step in.

Convergence among the Islamic states and using NAM capacities to fight terrorism is essential, the Leader said in a meeting with the Pakistani President Asif Zardari.

“We should feel responsibility against bullying and impositions of the big powers and stand up to them.”

Recalling Iranian sentiments and positive attitude towards the Pakistani Muslim, pious, kind and cultured nation, Ayatollah Khamenei hoped that the problems imposed on the nation would go away by reliance on God’s grace.

Zardari, for his part, described bilateral relations as profound and said, “Your wise ideas about unity and resistance are fully acceptable to us.”

He appreciated Iran successful holding of the NAM summit.

Leader: Relying on Inner Might, Only way of Liberation from

Colonial Domination Leader of the Islamic Revolution

Ayatollah ُُSeyed Ali Khamenei received President Thomas Yayi Boni of Benin here.


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Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution met with the Lebanese President Michel

Suleiman. Ayatollah Khamenei said that Lebanon enjoys a particularly important and sensitive position in the region, adding: “Certain foreign countries are trying to spread the problems of some of the regional countries to Lebanon, but cooperation and solidarity of Lebanese groups and tribes and their reliance on resistance as an important value can make these activities unsuccessful.”

Ayatollah Khamenei said that Lebanon is an important country in the region and added: “The leaders and outstanding personalities of Lebanon have had a good performance and by supporting resistance and being steadfast against the efforts to foment sectarian and tribal discord, they have managed to solve many of the problems.”

He referred to the Lebanese domestic negotiations as an appropriate policy and added: “Some people inside and outside Lebanon are developing plots in their minds, but you, the Prime Minister and the Parliamentary Speaker are managing everything well and it is necessary to preserve this harmony.”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution

stressed that Iran is opposed to any kind of foreign interference in Syria and added: “The only way to resolve the issue of Syria is to prevent weapons from being sent to irresponsible groups.”

President Michel Suleiman expressed his gratitude to Iran for holding the 16th Summit of the Non-Alignment Movement in Tehran and stressed the need for further expansion of ties between Iran and Lebanon. He expressed hope that this summit and Iran’s presidency of the Non-Aligned Movement will have positive effects in different areas, particularly the issue of Palestine.

Michel Suleiman referred to the conditions of Lebanon and the Lebanese national defense strategy, saying: “We believe that Lebanon still needs resistance and the Lebanese government is determined to prevent all kinds of foreign tension from spreading into Lebanon by preparing the ground for negotiations, communication and cooperation.”

Michel Suleiman also referred to the issues of Syria and stated: “Lebanon is opposed to any kind of foreign interference in Syria and insists that the issues of Syria should be resolved through negotiation.”

Leader Praises Algerian Anti-Colo-nialism Efforts

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, in a meeting with Algerian parliament speaker Abdul Qader Bin Saleh, praised Algerian anti-colonialism efforts.

He also said the Algerian government, after the victory of the Islamic revolution, has always been a good partner for Iran.

According to the report of Leader office website, Ayatollah Khamenei underlined that Algeria can play an effective role in the NAM and pointed out that there is great capacity for expansion of economic, politic and cultural relations between Iran and Algeria.

The Algerian official, for his part, said that presence of many senior officials and heads of states in Tehran meeting in current situation is very meaningful.

He said that Algeria also wishes to expand ties with Iran, adding that by forming joint commissions this issue should be practical.

Leader Acknowledges Sensitive Situation of Lebanon


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Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution met with the President of Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe. At the meeting, President Mugabe

announced that Iran’s presidency of the Non-Aligned Movement is very good news which has created hope in the hearts of the countries which are after justice, freedom and independence.

Robert Mugabe described Ayatollah Khamenei’s inaugural speech at the 16th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement as excellent and added that the speech contained motivating and deep philosophical points. “We are very happy that the presidency of the movement has been given to a country which

has a brilliant record in fighting the western arrogant powers.”Mugabe said that Iran’s revolutionary orientation and its

avoidance of empty slogans are two of the reasons why freedom-seeking countries of the world are happy about Iran’s presidency of the Non-Aligned Movement. He added: “These conditions have provided a good opportunity for further expansion of bilateral ties.”

The Zimbabwean President severely criticized westerners for their big lies about defending human rights, law and democracy, adding: “The track record of America, England and France and the double standards in their behavior towards the events in the Middle East show that westerners are only after oil.”

Mugabe: Leader’s Inaugural Speech, Excellent


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Robert Mugabe said that the behavior of the west in Syria is indicative of its efforts to weaken the Islamic Republic. He added: “It is extremely ridiculous that westerners accuse Iran of trying to acquire nuclear weapons.”

the Leader of the Islamic Revolution praised the Zimbabwean President for maintaining his revolutionary spirit and stated: “Around 25 years ago, when I was in Harare to attend the summit of the Non-Aligned Movement, you stressed with the same revolutionary spirit that the member states of the movement only talk and that the Islamic Republic of Iran is the only country that acts. And now an opportunity has been provided for us to cooperate with each other and guide and call all the member states to taking action.”

Ayatollah Khamenei said that Iran welcomes expansion of relations with Zimbabwe and reiterated: “We believe that genuine power lies in strengthening national resolve and in scientific and social advances, not in atomic bombs.”

Indian media have widely covered inaugural address of Leader of Islamic revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei.

The two-day summit of the 120-nation grouping was inaugurated by the Leader of Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei.

He said that Tehran would not seek nuclear weapons, but would not give up its quest for nuclear energy.

He said, “The Islamic Republic of Iran considers the use of nuclear, chemical and similar weapons a great and unforgivable sin. We proposed the idea of ‘Middle East free of nuclear weapons’ and we are committed to it. This does not mean forgoing our right to peaceful use of nuclear power and production of nuclear fuel. On the basis of international laws, peaceful use of nuclear energy is a right of every country,” India’s leading English daily “The Times of India” wrote.

Another leading daily Asian Age quoting Ayatollah Khamenei wrote: “Iran’s Leader says his country has never pursued nuclear weapons but it will not abandon its controversial nuclear program”.

Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that Tehran’s motto was “nuclear energy for all, nuclear weapons for none”, wrote Indian Express quoting the Leader.

The Hindu, another English daily, under the title “Khamenei slams U.N., West over nuclear ‘hypocrisy’” wrote that Iranian Leader Ayatollah Khamenei said his country considered the use of nuclear, chemical and similar weapons as a “great and unforgivable sin” but that did not mean Tehran would forego

its right to peaceful use of nuclear power and production of nuclear fuel.

Meanwhile, another English daily The Statesman, covering Ayatollah Khamenei’s inaugural address, under the title “Nukes for energy, not bombs: Khamenei” , wrote Leader told heads of state from developing countries in Iran that Iran has no interest in nuclear weapons but will keep pursuing peaceful nuclear energy,

“Our motto is nuclear energy for all and nuclear weapons for none,” daily wrote quoting Ayatollah Khamenei.

The Leader of Islamic revolution, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei in his inaugural address at the 16th NAM Summit, capital city of Iran, emphasized the issues like NAM’s role in global governance for world peace, UN reform, nuclear issue. He has also drawn the member states attention towards the problem faced by the Palestinians.

The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) is an international organization with 120 member states that is not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc.

Nearly two-thirds of the countries of the United Nations are also NAM members.

NAM is the biggest international organization after the United Nations General Assembly.

The organization was founded in Belgrade in 1961 by Yugoslavia’s president, Josip Broz Tito, India’s first Prime Minister, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, Egypt’s second president, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Ghana’s first president Kwame Nkrumah and Indonesia’s first president, Sukarno.

Ayatollah Khamenei’s Inaugural Address Widely Covered by Indian Media


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President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that the Non-Aligned Movement needs to reconsider

its goals and aspirations to have a part in governance of the international community.

Addressing the inaugural ceremony of the 16th Summit of NAM, the President called for materialization of partnership in global governance and establishing a lasting peace worldwide as ultimate goals of the NAM late founders.

The President said he believed “materialization of the joint global governance which secures a justice-based peace, freedom and human dignity was the ultimate goals of the late founders of the NAM”, dismissing veto powers in the context of the United Nations Security Council as the defunct legacy of the World War II.

When all world countries participated in governing the world then there would be no room for discrimination, aggression

President Urges Reconsideration of NAM Goals


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and hegemony and every nation would have the chance to take advantage of all possibilities, said the president. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that much of the world’s wealth is in the hands of a few countries, Africa and Latin America’s resources controlled by the capitalist powers basic rights of nations under threat.”

President said: “Arrogant powers blatantly supporting terrorism and they allow themselves to humiliate other nations.

Dr.Ahmadinejad said that all powers vested in the hands of a few countries at expense of others.

Dr.Ahmadinejad said that world order has to undergo fundamental changes; he added that rights of people must be respected in global management.

President Ahmadinejad said: We have great of enormous capabilities we can have our own common currency and also we are able to establish a provisional secretariat.

Dr.Ahmadinejad said that this is a turning point in world history. NAM could help UN with its management system.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad lamented that the wrong behavior of the UN Security Council has emboldened the usurper Zionist regime to continue its crimes against Palestinians.

“The UNSC’s behavior has in practice led to the stabilization and expansion of occupation, oppression and crimes of the imposed and bogus Zionist regime,”

Dr.Ahmadinejad said. He also criticized the UNSC for the

situation of different countries in the Middle-East, and said, “People are being killed in large numbers and in organized ways in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan and the UNSC justifies the situation since the main side (culprit) of these events (the US) is the permanent member of the Security Council and enjoys the unfair veto advantage.”

The United States almost never allows UNSC resolutions condemning Zionist regime to go forward and vetoes them.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad strongly criticized the current world order, saying that all nations are discontent at with the status quo and a fundamental change is needed in the world management. President stated that all the world nations are discontent with the current world conditions, and noted, “The historical and common causes and wishes of man, that is, removal of poverty, discrimination, threat, humiliation and war have not materialized yet.”

He lashed out at the world powers’ hegemonic policies and their efforts to prevent other nations’ progress to plunder their wealth.

He said that the present world management is against the interests of the world nations, and noted, “World management should undergo a fundamental change in the interest of nations and in line with justice.”

“The UNSC’s behavior has in practice led to the stabilization and expansion of occupation, oppression and crimes of the imposed and bogus Zionist regime,” Dr.Ahmadinejad said.


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President Ahmadinejad pointing to the establishment of peace, justice, and sustainable security in the world that is in need of cooperation and participation of the entire world nations and governments, and the United Nations and its Security Council play a key role in achieving them, said:

“‘Non-Aligned Movement has great potentials for contributing to establishment of peace and security in world, which are among UN objectives.’

President Ahmadinejad added in his meeting with UN sec gen, Ban Ki-moon, ‘Therefore, during the new round of NAM activities we would try to turn this matter to the shared top priority of the world nations and to take advantage of the entire existing potentials aimed at achieving those objectives.’

Emphasizing the need for expansion of cooperation and public participation aimed at achieving the exalted objectives of the mankind, he reiterated, ‘For sure taking advantage of the potentials of the Non-Aligned Movement it would be possible to take long strides towards the establishment of peace and security in the world.’

The president pointed out that at the international scene there are various issues, such as the economic and political ones, which are in need of being surveyed, reiterating, ‘Today the establishment of peace and security in various parts of the world is the most important issue in need of being surveyed and organized.’

Dr.Ahmadinejad pointed out that the Syrian issue and the developments occurred in that country, are among the issues at the focus of attention today and everyone is annoyed about the ongoing events there.’

He said that the entire nations’ rights must be respected, they should all enjoy

NAM Has Very Vast Potentials for Contributing to World PeaceDr.Ahmadinejad: NAM has very vast potentials for contributing to world peace and security Ban Ki-moon: Iran is a victim of terrorism

peace and security in world, which are among UN objectives.’


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freedom and justice, and everyone should assist the nations in achieving those demands, reiterating, ‘Definitely aggression and massacres are not ways for achieving those objectives.’

The president said that reaching consensus and holding dialogue aimed at achieving a peaceful process is the way for solving the Syrian issue, saying, ‘Everyone must assist so that the dissidents and the government would reach an agreement through a peaceful political process there.’

Dr.Ahmadinejad said that Iran is ready for cooperation with the United Nations within any framework that would contribute to solving the problems in Syria and the establishment of peace and security there based on the will of the Syrian nation and the existing potentials there, adding, ‘Surely the Non-Aligned Movement and its potentials, too, can play a noticeable role in problem solving in Syria.’

He emphasized, ‘The Islamic Republic of Iran would support any move that would end aggressions in Syria and pave the path for dialogue and national consensus, while everyone should contribute to ending the aggressive moves and putting down weapons in that country aimed at preparing the ground for holding dialogue and reaching national consensus, as beyond doubt the Syrian problems would not be solved through military solutions and the first step to be taken is ending aggressive moves there.’

Elsewhere in his remarks, president focused on the Islamic Republic of Iran’s nuclear issue and the 5+1 western countries’ approach towards it, posing the question, ‘If an organization claims that it has conducted technical work, then under political pressure its stands must not be changed, then is it possible that with changing that organization’s manager its stands, too, would be changed?’

Referring to the behavior of the International Atomic Energy Organization Chief Yokia Amano, President Ahmadinejad reiterated, ‘Many of the issues referred to as violations in the reports of the agency are such issues that the IAEA inspectors during the past IAEA chief had approved of them as legitimate and there are documents in this respect.’

Dr.Ahmadinejad pointed out that the Islamic Republic of Iran has thus far cooperated with the International Atomic Energy Organization (IAEA) maximally, saying, ‘It is obvious that the adopted stands regarding Iran’s nuclear program are politically motivated.’

He reiterated, ‘The Islamic Republic of Iran has had broad scale cooperation with the IAEA in the framework of the regulations and the agency’s letter of association, and would continue this cooperation in the future, as well.’

The president pointed out that the entire nuclear activities of Iran are conducted under the cameras of the agency and transferring of even one gram of nuclear material is under their control, reiterating, ‘We believe the United States is determined that the Iranian nuclear issue must remain unsolved, so that resorting to it Washington could launch propagations aimed

at imposing more sanctions and even military invasion against Iran.’

President Ahmadinejad said that the Iranian nation has an ancient culture and it should be noted that the Iranians have never invaded any country, having on the contrary constructively cooperated with the other nations, adding, ‘The question is why is it that the oppressors and the enemies of the Iranian nation are to this great extend after presenting a pessimist attitude towards Iran in the world? We are not happy with the sanctions, but all the same believe standing on the border of justice and rights and moving on that line is necessary.’

Pointing out that we want the laws to be applied evenly for everyone, he said, ‘We also believe in order to solve the problems mutual trust is needed.’

President Ahmadinejad reiterated, ‘In the future everyone must cooperate and this calls for acceptance of justice, the truth, and collective harmony.’

In the meeting the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, too, expressing satisfaction over travelling to the Islamic Republic of Iran, said, ‘The Iranian nation’s culture and civilization has contributed to the human culture noticeably, and definitely the Iranian nation is proud of the cultural services it has presented to the mankind.’

The UN secretary general appreciated the Islamic Republic of Iran for its prestigious and successful sponsoring of the XVI Tehran NAM Summit meeting, reiterating, ‘One of the important issued for the United Nations is interactions with the NAM and the G77, because we believe without cooperation and contributions of this movement and the Group of 77 in many case we cannot achieve success in tackling international problems successfully.’

Ban Ki-moon pointed out that the future presidency of NAM is for Iran, expressing hope that tanks to the management of the Islamic Republic of Iran this movement would manage to have noticeable productivity and influence at the international scene.

The UN secretary general pointed out that today at the international scene we are faced with various challenges and crises, emphasizing on Iran’s significant role on regional and particularly Syrian issue, adding, ‘The Islamic Republic of Iran can as a regional power contribute maximally to peaceful solution of the Syrian crisis.’

Pointing out that the United Nations favors ending the aggressions and the massacre of people in Syria, and beginning of negotiations there, he said, ‘Unfortunately there is differences of opinion at the UN Security Council, and this lead to getting killed of more people in that country, while the focus of attention should be on ending the massacres and the armed engagements in Syria.’

Ban Ki-moon expressed hope that the participating officials at the XVI NAM Summit would manage to present a strong a decisive message aimed at solving the Syrian problem.


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President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his Egyptian counterpart Mohamed Morsi have discussed

global and regional issues in Tehran.Ahmadinejad and Morsi discussed

the Syrian conflict and their nations’ diplomatic ties in their first-ever bilateral meeting, an official said.

“They emphasized the need to solve the Syrian crisis via diplomacy and prevent foreign intervention,” Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian told Iran’s Arabic-language news channel Al-Alam.

“They also discussed ways to boost the

level of Tehran-Cairo relations,” he said. The meeting took place in Tehran

on the sidelines of a summit of the Non-Aligned Movement, during which Egypt handed over the organization’s rotating presidency to Iran.

Mursi’s attendance was the first time a head of state from Egypt set foot in Iran since the two countries broke off diplomatic ties in the wake of Tehran’s 1979 Islamic revolution.

Heading a delegation, Morsi arrived in Tehran accompanied with the Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohammed Kamel Amr.

Iran, Egypt Presidents Discuss Global, Regional Issues

Iran-Pakistan Reaffirm Commitment on IP Project

Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, have reaffirmed

their commitment to complete work on several joint projects.

The projects include the multi-billion dollar Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline, electricity transmission lines and road links, a media report said.

Daily ‘Express Tribune reported that President Asif Ali Zardari talked trade, investment and energy with his Iranian counterpart, Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, on the sidelines of the 16th summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM).

The two leaders also discussed the situation in Afghanistan and Syria.

President Zardari noted that the current volume of trade between the two countries is far below the existing potential and said there is a need to remove tariff and non-tariff barriers and identify alternative arrangements to expand the bilateral trade.

The two sides also reviewed progress on the mega projects, including the IP gas pipeline, the 1,000MW Taftan-Quetta power transmission line, the 100MW Gwadar power supply project, construction of Noshki-Dalbandin section of Quetta-Taftan Highway and up-gradation of the Quetta-Taftan railway track.

The leadership also discussed issues related to visa facilitation and opening of the new border posts to connect Karachi and Gawadar with Chah Bahar and Bandar Abbas through the coastal highway.

The two sides also agreed in principle to operate new flights between Islamabad and Tehran, Peshawar and Mashhad, and Quetta and Gilgit to Mashhad.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here building a world full of kindness and friendship is in need

of contributions of world nations and leaders.

Speaking with Bhutan Prime Minister Jigme Thinley, President Ahmadinejad said that Iran and Bhutan can through joint cooperation build a world free of war, hostili ty and animosity. He said that building of a world full of kindness, friendship and progress, free of bullying and occupation is in need of cooperation of every human being and the world leaders. Elsewhere in his remarks, President Ahmadinejad said that Iran and Bhutan share many

cultural commonalties on peace and justice.

The president hoped that through help of the NAM members effective steps would be taken towards peace and global security. He said economic criteria are not enough to ensure nations’ prosperity. “Real prosperity should be gauged through value criteria and there are many rich countries, seeming developed, but not prosperous really. “

Thinley for his part said during Iran presidency over NAM, Bhutane would not spare any support.

“We have taken part in the meeting to show our solidarity to Iran and help materialization of ideals and aspirations of the NAM.”

Nations Contribution Needed for World Full of Kindness


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President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has met with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on

the sidelines of the 16th Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit in Tehran.

During a meeting, the two leaders highlighted the significance of the gathering as a unique opportunity to discuss ways of countering political unilateralism and protect countries against foreign aggression.

President lauded the growing economic, scientific, and cultural relations between the two countries, and called for a trading system based on the two countries’ national currencies.

Dr.Ahmadinejad also described India as an important stabilizing power in the region.

“India’s cooperation is a major factor in restructuring and creating new opportunities for the Non-Aligned Movement and its accomplishments,” he stated.

The two heads of state also discussed the foreign-fueled unrest in Syria, stressing the importance of resolving the crisis through diplomatic means.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stressed the necessity for resolving the Syrian crisis through non-military

means, underlining that solution to the Syrian problem should be presented and accepted by the country’s people and government.

President said, “Unfortunately, interferences in Syria are too many and we witness that certain states formally render support for the opposition to spread clashes.”

He further blamed the trans-regional actors for aggravating conditions in a number of regional countries, and reminded the dire consequences of the western powers’ intervention in a number of regional states, including Afghanistan.

The president further stated that Iran and India share identical stances on the Syrian issues, and said, “We all believe that the solution to the Syrian crisis should be non-military and rise from the will of the Syrian nation and government.”

He said the ground should be paved for the Syrian government and the opposition to sit to the negotiating table and work out an “agreement over a mutually acceptable national political plan to end the present crisis”.

“Our main concern is over the future of Syria, because this country is comprised of various peoples and all historical rifts and disagreements have now been

provoked in this country and we are concerned that Syria might be stuck with domestic conflicts for a long period of time and, as is witnessed in a number of nations, these conflicts spread to Syria’s neighbors,” the president continued.

He further voiced Iran’s readiness to start joint efforts to restore peace and tranquility in Syria, and mentioned, “I believe that the Non-Aligned Movement’s capacity and umbrella provides a good opportunity for cooperation among the member states on Syria and for efforts to restore clam in that country.”

The Indian premier, for his part, said his country believes that military action cannot resolve the crisis in Syria, “and this problem should be resolved relying on political processes and with attention to the demands of the people and government of Syria.”

“The solution to the Syrian crisis should come from within the country and rise from the interests and demands of that country’s nation,” reiterated Manmohan Singh, who arrived in Tehran earlier today to attend the 16th NAM summit and also meet Iranian officials over the expansion of bilateral ties and cooperation.

Iran, India Discuss Bilateral Ties, Regional Developments

president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the ground should be paved for the Syrian government and the opposition to sit to the negotiating table and work out an “agreement over a mutually acceptable national political plan to end the present crisis”.


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Speaking to Congolese President’s special envoy to NAM Summit, President Ahmadinejad said

since they consider empowerment of independent states as an obstacle on the way of continued plunder of other countries’ wealth, the colonial powers

throw impediments on the way of progress of independent states.

He said security and peace are prelude to development and progress.

“Despite hegemonic powers’ attempt to prevent progress of independent states, the NAM potentials

and wisdom of the officials of the member states as well as cooperation among their people should be used for security and peace.”

The DR Congo envoy for his part said his country is ready to offer any kind of help to Iran to materialize NAM goals.

President: NAM Capacity Should Be Used in Favor of Member States

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that NAM potentials should be used in favor of the member states through cooperation.


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President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said constructive measures will be taken in favor of

NAM member states in the next 3 years, adding that the movement has great capacity to promote peace and brotherhood in the world.

According to the Presidential Office Website , on the sidelines of the 16th summit in Tehran, President Ahmadinejad discussed issues of mutual interest with Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir.

Ahmadinejad described Tehran-Khartoum ties growing adding that bilateral relations, based upon religious beliefs and Islamic brotherhood are desirable, but there is still more capacity for promotion.

Expressing hope for deepening relations between Iran and Sudan, the president stressed that bilateral ties are

expanding at a good speed and every opportunity should be used to promote the relations level.

President al-Bashir expressed pleasure with participating in Tehran summit and thanked Iran for the warm hospitality.

Expressing readiness and desire of his country to expand cooperation with Iran in different fields, the Sudanese president said that we believe bilateral ties and cooperation should be expanded too, because the two countries have common interests and enemies.

Referring to international and regional situation, Omar al-Bashir stressed that the situation requires deepening cooperation between Iran and Sudan and considering existing political intension of both heads of states, we are so optimistic for Tehran-Khartoum relations outlook.

President: NAM Has Great Capacity to Promote World Peace

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that Iran and Cambodia have high potentials for enhancement

of trade transactions and joint investments.

President Ahmadinejad made the above comments in a meeting with the visiting Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen on the sidelines of the 16th Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit in Tehran.

The president said that both Iran and Cambodia should make use of such potentials for further expansion of their bilateral ties.

‘Iran and Cambodia should work for

advancement of their bilateral ties in all areas more than before and the embassies of both countries should become more active than before,’ the president said while referring to the fact that Iran and Cambodia have always had friendly ties.

Referring to the existing potentials in the field of technical and economic investments, President Ahmadinejad expressed hope that a joint technical, economic and trade commission would be formed between Iran and Cambodia as soon as possible in order to pave the way for taking suitable decisions for enhancement of ties.

‘Islamic Republic of Iran faces no

restriction in boosting cooperation with Cambodia and both ountries should work for further cooperation,’ the president added. Referring to the holding of Non-Aligned Movement summit in Tehran, President Ahmadinejad said that participation of all member-states is an effective parameter for success of NAM summit. ‘All member-states should help in order to be able to take better decisions and take more effective measures,’ he added. Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen for his part said that he is happy to be here in Tehran and attending the 16th NAM summit.

President: Iran, Cambodia Have High Potentials for Enhancing Ties

Iranian, Turkmen Presidents Review Ways to Upgrade Ties

Iranian and Turkmen Presidents underlined further upgrading mutual ties.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the meeting called for using all capacities

available to upgrade bilateral ties. Turkmen President Gurbanguly

Berdymukhamedov said that friendship between Iran and Turkmenistan is durable which would repel any impediment on the way of expansion of mutual cooperation.

He said that the NAM summit has special and broad political importance adding that certainly good decisions will be made by the NAM Leaders in favor of the world nations.


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Ban Ki-moon’s presence in NAM Summit a set back for US, Israel: scholar An Indian academician said the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s participation in the 16th NAM Summit in Tehran is a great set back to the US and Israel.

Talking to IRNA, Professor Basir Ahmed Khan, former pro-vice chancellor of Indira Gandhi National Open

University (IGNOU) in New Delhi said, “Once again efforts of the US and Israel to isolate Iran suffered a great blow as Ban Ki-moon reached Tehran to attend the summit of 120-nation grouping”.

Basir, while quoting the reports, said that the strong objections raised by the US and Israelis including a phone call to UN chief by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, is evident that these hegemonic powers wanted to use the world body for their vested interests.

“Ban’s presence at NAM Summit has not only saved the credibility of the world body from diminishing, but also has marginalized the US and Israel.

Indian academician, who is also the former head of the Islamic Studies Department of Hamdard University, further noted that hallow allegations and fabricated claims cannot isolate an influential country like Iran.

Slamming the US and Israel for conspiring against Iran, Basir said that Iran by hosting leaders of the 120 countries at the summit has demonstrated its diplomatic prowess.

“It is a big defeat for the Imperialist powers who wanted to isolate Iran,” concluded the Indian scholar.

Manmohan Singh is in Iran to attend the 16th NAM Summit, which is to open in Tehran.

Talking to IRNA, Yoganand Shastri, Speaker of Delhi Assembly said, “India and Iran share historical and cultural links and in recent times the relationship has expanded in diverse fields”.

He expressed his confidence that the high profile meeting between the two friendly nations will not only strengthen the trade and economic cooperation, but will also boost the cultural ties.

“Certainly this will add a new chapter in Indo-Iran ties. Moreover, this will also spread the message that the civilizational and friendly ties between India and Iran which existed for thousands of years, cannot be weakened by concerns expressed by any third country”, said the speaker.

The Indian politician hoped that the fruitful consultations on important international and regional issues between Prime Minister Singh and the Iranian officials will play a pivotal role for the regional stability.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s on-going visit will add new chapter in Indo-Iran ties, said an Indian Leader in New Delhi.

PM’s visit to add new chapter in Indo-Iran ties: Indian speaker

Speaking to IRNA on the sidelines of the second day of the NAM ministerial meeting, the envoy

said hosting the summit was another

victory for the Islamic Iran at the

international level. “The summit will also prove failure

of hostile policies of the Zionist regime,

the US and its allies against Iran,”

Dehqani said. He added that the 16th NAM Summit

can have great impacts on international

equations. Referring to the fact that

NAM has no secretariat, Dehqani urged

NAM members to try to change the

movement into an organization.

Iran’s Permanent Representative to the Organization of the

Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Hamid-Reza Dehqani said hosting

the ongoing meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) by

Tehran indicated isolation of the US and the Zionist regime.

Iran’s OIC envoy: Tehran Summit shows isolation of US, Zionist regime

for the regional stability. for the regional stability.

Iran’s Permanent Representative to the Organization of the Iran’s Permanent Representative to the Organization of the


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Speaking to Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani here, Mr. Ban said, “My first official visit of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s parliament and

meeting with the Majlis Speaker carries the message that the UN attaches special significance to democracy and democratic institutions, whose true symbol is the Majlis”

Ban said, ‘We congratulate Iran for hosting and chairing the movement. Being an influential country regionally and internationally, Iran should be taken into consideration for its presidency over NAM’.

‘Iran’s chairing of NAM, comprising 120 UN members, in the next three years should be taken as a valuable opportunity for settlement of regional and international tensions.’

He added, “The UN will have broad consultation and cooperation with NAM during Iran’s chairmanship over the Movement.”

Larijani for his part said that Ban’s

presence in Iran to attend the NAM Summit would be a suitable opportunity for dialogue on key regional and international issues.

He added, ‘The UN Chief’s presence in NAM Summit testifies the Movement’s special attention to the movement’s goals and aspirations.’

Elsewhere in his remarks, Larijani said that Iran has always announced that Tehran supports democratic reforms in Syria and would use all its efforts to maintain tranquility and peace in the country.

The Iranian Parliament Speaker added, “Unfortunately, certain big powers and regional countries do not allow Syria rulers to forge drastic reforms.

‘The UN envoy for Syria affaires should try to shut down all military bases in the neighboring states which train terrorists and it should be accepted that mortar launcher can not build democracy there, concluded Larijani.

Talking to reporters after meeting with UN chief, Larijani said that upon arrival in

Tehran, Ban Ki-moon expressed interest to come to Majlis and hold talks with parliamentarians.

“Given the significance of office of United Nations secretary general in promoting peace across the world, it was a good opportunity to hold talks with him on regional developments.”

Larijani said that Iran’s approach in the region is to help boost peace and stability, adding that Iran has excellent ties with its neighbors and disputes, if any, have no impact on its relations.

Unfortunately, certain countries are pursuing adventurism in the region to destabilize it, he said.

Commenting on the issue of Syria, the speaker added that whatever is seen in the Arab state is the result of adventurism by certain states.

Underscoring Iran’s support to democracy in the region, he further stated that the Islamic Republic of Iran followed the same in the case of Libya, Tunisia and other states.

The UN Chief Ban Ki-moon said here Iran has a rich civilization and has contributed great cultural achievements to entire mankind.

Ban: Iran has rich civilization, cultural achievements for mankind


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According to an IRNA Political Desk reporter, Salehi who was speaking at the closing session of

the NAM Foreign Ministers Conference added, ‘At the foreign ministers meeting we had consensus votes over various issues.’

Addressing the foreign ministers present at the meeting he said that the conference is a result of their work, adding, ‘On behalf of the Iranian government and nation I appreciate you for your participation at this conference.’

Salehi added, ‘We appreciate every single one of you for your honest participation during the past four days at the Senior Experts Meeting and at the Foreign Ministers Conference.’

Referring to the bilateral meetings

at Tehran Summit, he said, ‘Over 50 ministers of foreign affairs gave lectures at the Foreign Ministers Conference, whose comments were inclusive of important matters, and beyond doubt such comments would be the guidelines for drafting a roadmap for the future.’

The minister of foreign affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran added, ‘We would see that the members of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) would get more actively involved in international developments as of right now, and we wish to hear the voice of NAM louder than the other voices.’

The Iranian top diplomat added, ‘It is time now for NAM with over 120 member countries to have a voice loud enough to be heard at the international organizations.’

The XVI Tehran NAM Summit Meeting would be held at the Tehran Summits Hall

The Non-Aligned Movement, the rotating presidency of which was conferred to Iran, is a major international organization comprising 120 member states that represent the political, cultural, economic and social interests of the developing world.

The movement which is consisted of two third of the UN member states was established in 1961 in Belgrade and despite the fact that the majority of its members are developing nations, many of them play a defining and determining role in such strategic regions as the Middle East, North Africa and Latin America.

Salehi: Tehran Summit’s Effects to be Evident in Future

IRI Foreign Minister Ali-Akbar Salehi said XVI Tehran NAM Summit is a unique conference that would leave its effects on world developments in the future.


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Talking to IRNA Prof. Dr Hasan Askari Rizvi said that the NAM meeting demonstrates that Iran has wide spread diplomatic interaction in international community despite the US efforts to isolate the

Islamic Republic. “This will help Iran to project its point of view and mobilize

support against western efforts to pressurize Iran over its peaceful nuclear program,” said the analyst.

NAM is an international organization with 120 member states that is not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc. Nearly two-thirds of the countries of the UN are also NAM members.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Ali-Akbar Salehi has said that Iran is an influential and a key-player country in international arena and hence everything in regional and international areas will meet a dead-end in the absence of

the Islamic Republic of Iran. Egypt has handed over the chairmanship of NAM to Iran for

the next three years. To a question Dr Hasan Askari Rizvi said the visit of new

Egyptian President to Tehran is a major development and this is expected to start an era of good relationship between the two countries that had suffered during the period of Hosni Mubarak.

To another question the intellectual said that the NAM will suggest certain ideas to resolve crisis in Syria. “For example NAM countries will voice against foreign interference in Syria and would suggest an internal dialogue,” he said.

“NAM could play a major role for finding a solution to the crisis of Syria,” believed the analyst.

Hasan Askari Rizvi is a scholar of international repute. His articles regularly appear both in National

NAM Summit, a diplomatic success for Iran: Analyst

Pakistani independent analyst said that Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit in Tehran is a diplomatic success for Iran.


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Ayatollah Khamenei the Leader of the Islamic Revolution met with the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and his accompanying delegation. At the meeting, Ayatollah Khamenei said: “Considering

the Iranian nation’s important and outstanding position in cultural and civilizational issues, the Islamic Republic of Iran enjoys very good potential for promoting human culture and civilization originating from Islam.”

He referred to the common concerns of humanity, particularly the issue of nuclear disarmament, and stressed: “The Islamic Republic of Iran insists on its position ‘Middle East free of nuclear weapons’ and the United Nations should make serious efforts to dispel the existing concerns about nuclear weapons.”

Ayatollah Khamenei pointed out that America and certain other powers have equipped the Zionist regime with nuclear weapons, further stating: “This is a great danger for the region and the United Nations is expected to adopt a measure in this regard.”

He added: “Unfortunately, the structure of the United Nations is flawed and the most domineering powers of the world, which possess nuclear weapons and have also used it, have dominated the Security Council.”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to the UN Secretary General’s statements regarding the need for Iran to help resolve the Syrian crisis and added: “The issue of Syria is a very tragic issue, which has resulted in the innocent people of Syria being sacrificed.”

He stressed: “On the basis of its beliefs and religious principles, the Islamic Republic of Iran is prepared to make every effort to help resolve the issue of Syria.”

Ayatollah Khamenei added: “But resolving the Syrian crisis naturally depends on one condition and this condition is preventing weapons from being sent to irresponsible groups inside Syria.”

He said that current conditions of Syria are the result of weapons flooding into Syria and added: “It is natural for the Syrian government to have weapons because the Syrian government, like

Iran enjoys good potential for promoting human culture and civilization


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any other government, has an army.”The Leader of the Islamic Revolution

stressed: “The bitter truth about Syria is that a group of governments have forced the opposition groups into a proxy war with the Syrian government, and this proxy war is the truth behind the current Syrian crisis.”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution reiterated: “The same governments that have started a proxy war in Syria prevented the implementation and success of Kofi Annan’s plan.”

He added: “As long as this extremely dangerous plan is being followed up in Syria by certain governments, the conditions of Syria will not change.”

Elsewhere in his statements, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to the statements of the UN Secretary General regarding Iran’s nuclear issue and added: “The Americans are fully aware that Iran is not after nuclear weapons and that it is only a pretext.”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution

referred to Iran’s cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency and reiterated: “According to its own regulations, the agency has a responsibility to offer scientific and technical help to the Islamic Republic of Iran, but not only has the International Atomic Energy Agency failed to do so, but it has also constantly engaged in obstructionism.”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that westerners have admitted that they have been trying to design computer viruses, including Stuxnet, to sabotage Iran’s nuclear program, further adding: “Why did the International Atomic Energy Agency fail to adopt a position in this regard?”

Ayatollah Khamenei also referred to President Obama’s nuclear threat against Iran and said: “The United Nations was expected to respond to this threat immediately.”

He stressed that the Islamic Republic of Iran is opposed to production and use of nuclear weapons, adding that the

stance is based on Iran’s religious beliefs and that it is not an attempt to please America and western countries.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution advised the UN Secretary General to pursue nuclear disarmament without taking the interests of any power into consideration. “Make the best of the opportunity that has been provided for you.”

At the meeting, the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said that Iran enjoys a very important position in the region and stated: “Regarding Syria, as the UN Secretary General, I ask the Islamic Republic of Iran to use its influence and power to prepare the ground for resolving the Syrian crisis.”

He added: “We believe that it is necessary to stop sending weapons to the Syrian government and the opposition groups.” The UN Secretary General also expressed his concern over Iran’s nuclear issue and asked Iran to increase its cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency and the P5+1.


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World views Tehran Summit as an opportunity: Iraqi premier

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said that the world regards Tehran Summit as an opportunity and all the participating countries will surely attain positive results.

Talking to reporters at Mehrabad Airport, he added that NAM member states should come together once

again to renew their allegiance to principles of the major world body.

He further noted that Iraq like other countries have viewpoints in line with establishing peace and stability in the world and promoting cooperation among the countries.

Creating opportunities for the development of NAM member states and the principle of non-interference in others’ affairs are the major issues which must be raised in the Summit, he said.

Iran signs economic agreements with 30 NAM states

Iran has signed Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) on economic and customs cooperation with 30 member states of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) on the sidelines of the ongoing 16th NAM Summit in the Iranian capital, it was reported.

Director General of Customs International Cooperation Department Mohammad-

Hossein Baghenayat has announced on Government’s official website that a number of Central Asian states as well as African and Latin American countries were among countries which singed the agreements with Iran.

Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Qatar, Kuwait, Lebanon, Ethiopia, Algeria, Kenya, Indonesia, India, Cuba and Ecuador were among countries that inked documents with Iran on bilateral cooperation.

Ghana FM: NAM is an important tool to create peace in the world Foreign Minister of Ghana, by reminding record of the movement in the past 50 years, said that the movement has been one of the most important tools to create international peace, economic and social progress.

Muhammad Mumuni, in his speech in the afternoon session of the summit, said

that elimination of colonialism and apartheid and sovereignty of law are among achievements of NAM in the past 50 years. He said that NAM should have media to express its ideas on challenges.

Mumuni added NAM should promote multilateralism in the world and underline the central role of the United Nations so that no countries are marginalized.

Riyad Mansour, who was in Tehran to attend the 16th NAM Summit, said that speeches of Leader and

President Ahmadinejad about reforming UN were very important for us and member states of NAM in the meeting underlined on this demand.

He said that many of the UN member

states have a large number of population, but they have no role in decision making and this process should be changed.

Concerning Palestine issue, Mansour said that returning Palestinian refugees home was one of the most important issues in the meeting on which member states reached a consensus and it was one

of the goals of the NAM meeting. Referring to presence of Mahmoud

Abbas, Palestinian Authority President, in the NAM Summit, Mansour said that it was for the first ever time that president of Palestinian Authority attend such a meeting and his presence was a confirmation to recognizing Palestine.

Palestine ambassador to the United Nations said that NAM member states want reform in the UN structure and underlined this demand in Tehran summit.

Ambassador: NAM member states call for reform in the UN structure