antibullying prersentation from bscs 17.11.11


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Welcome! Redland Green School Brimsham Green School Downend School Winterbourne International Academy Mangotsfield School Marlwood School Bristol Grammar School Chipping Sodbury School Kings Oak Academy Abbeywood Community School Bradley Stoke Community School

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Agenda 9:45 a.m. Arrival and registration 10:00 a.m. Anti-Bullying Dance Performance by Bradley Stoke

Community School

10:10 a.m. Welcome – expectations of the day and key information

10:15 a.m. School Showcase 1: Redland Green Secondary School

10:30 a.m. School Showcase 2: Brimsham Green Secondary School

10:45 a.m. School Showcase 3: Bristol Grammar School

11:00 a.m. Break 11:15 a.m. Alan Earl, South West Grid for Learning

12:15 p.m. Lunch 12:45 p.m. Joel Adebayo, Development Officer on the Cyber

Mentors programme from Beatbullying

1:45 p.m. School Showcase 4: Chipping Sodbury Secondary School

2:00 p.m. Reflection and prizes! 2:15 p.m. End of event

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Getting you thinking!

Around the room are 3 key questions for you to think about and give your answers to. Q1)Challenging verbal bullying in our schools and communities What is the role of school leaders and staff? What do students need from them?

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Q2) “Schools should take incidents of prejudice-related bullying especially seriously. It is important that they educate children about the differences between different groups of people and create a culture of respect and understanding” The White Paper What ideas do you have about how schools can achieve this?

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Q3) How do you think schools should tackle cyberbullying? What ideas do you have about how schools can do this?

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Redland Green School

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‘Use of Language’ Survey

159 RGS students surveyed

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Racist language

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Homophobic language

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Sexist language

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Disablist language

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Reasons for using offensive language

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What can be done?

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What we already do at Redland Green if there is

an incident of racism, homophobia or disablism

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Report it!

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Help prevent discrimination…

‘Use Another Word’

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Brimsham Green School Sharing ideas that we think help

to stop bullying

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•Friendship Day

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What is friendship Day? A special day when year 7 are off time table together. They spend the day exploring the ways worries about friendships and feeling bullied can get in the way of our happiness and ability to do as well as we might in school. It is a very special day for year 7

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Some of the things that happen during the day

• We watch a year 10 drama production that helps us to understand what bullying is. It is useful to know the difference between bullying and falling out with people.

• We spend time looking at the qualities a good friend should have

• We use drama to explore ways we can become more assertive in different situations

• We use art and a circle time to explore the emotional effects of bullying

• We create a class charter where we commit to being supportive and kind to each other

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• The day is very positive. It is about trying to make us more aware of the importance of having good relationships with each other and helping us to develop the emotional skills to do this.

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•Bully watch map

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Bully watch map • As part of a student voice activity all students

colour coded a map of our school to identify places where they feel safe from bullying and parts of the school where they feel less safe.

• Teachers have used what the map shows to make sure that the areas of the school where students feel at risk of bullying are patrolled by staff. We have added to the map room for students to identify which times of the day they would like staff or Prefects to be aware that this is when some feel most at risk from bullying.

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•Share any worries

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How does this work?

Staff and Pupils carry around a reminder about how to do this.

Staff have it stuck on their ‘key badge’. It reminds them

what to do if a student talks to them about bullying or are

worried about something else.

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Students have a similar sticker on their planner to remind them what to do if they are being bullied or are worried about something. It reminds them of all the people they can talk to in school. Their tutor, Head of Year, School Councillor, Student support coordinator, any one from the behaviour support team, peer mentors, prefects---- They know that all will know what to do next.

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WHEN DO WE NEED HELP AND SUPPORT AT SCHOOL? At times of TRANSITION When we fall out with FRIENDS If we are BULLIED If we have problems at HOME If we are struggling with our ACADEMIC WORK

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SO WHERE DO WE GO FOR SUPPORT? Teachers Parents Siblings Friends PEER MENTORS

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WHAT CAN PEER MENTORS OFFER? Peer Mentors have formal training in counselling skills They are close in age to the pupils they are supporting They are approachable and want to help Pupils know where to find them or how to contact


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OVER TO THE PEER MENTORS Will and Oli..the issues we encounter Annie and we help, some insight and

examples Megan and we are trained Millie and Lucy..the day to day life of the Peer Mentor

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WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME? Give back to your community You learn excellent skills Good for your CV and for your UCAS application Be part of a great team and have fun

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The 2011-12 U6 Team

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South West Grid for Learning

Alan Earl

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CyberMentors – support and

therapeutic intervention online

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Shapingattitudes, changing behaviours

“I don’t know how to say it. It was like she’d hit someone, but in a different

way.” -Girl, 15, on witnessing cyberbullying

1/3 of 11-16 have experienced some form of cyberbullying 1 in 13 children are persistently cyber bullied 1/4 of children have received an unwanted or nasty sexual image or “sext” Pupils with SEN are 16% more likely to be persistently cyberbullied Pupils receiving free school meals are 13% more likely to be persistently cyberbullied Pupils from a white, non-British ethnic background all reported higher incidents of systematic cyberbullying Girls experience twice as much cyberbullying as boys

Why is cyberbullying a problem?

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An online helpline by young people, for young people

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What does a CyberMentor do?

• Support other young people

• Mentor face to face in the school

• Attend events, parents’ evenings and

other school events

• Media ambassadors

• Supporting online using the

CyberMentors platform

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Outcomes for the young person

97% of young people trained as CyberMentors rated the programme as excellent

or very good

97% of registered users who have been mentored on the site have said it helped

92% of mentees said they would return to CyberMentors for further help if needed

How mentoring helped:

– Felt like they had a friend

– Able to tell someone for the first time

– Understood what they were going through

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CyberMentors Training

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Rosie’s Experience

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Safeguarding our CyberMentors projects

• Self-regulation through positive


• Moderation

• Qualified counsellors

• Data Protection

• Partnership

• Child Protection Team

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Long term success

1. Appropriateness of service

a) Evaluation

b) Hearing from your audience

2. Sustainable model

3. Technology

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• For ID = 1 widget picture

Individual and organisation wide benefits

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Direct benefits to Partners

• 88% of schools report a

positive improvement in school


• 96% of teachers have rated

CyberMentors as an effective

intervention one year on.

• 73% reduction in incidents of


• 27% of pupil absence has been

reduced as a result of the


86% of participating schools have

observed an increase in

confidence and self esteem of


• 44% reduction in pupil violence

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Further resources:


[email protected]

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Bullies and Me

By Lauren Avery

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The start

• I was born on the 27th of April 1996 with a condition called Turner’s Syndrome.

• TS isn’t life threatening. It’s to do with something called Chromosomes, and means I’m smaller than other girls, I can’t have children, and struggle with co-ordination.

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A few years pass…

• When I was three, it would become more obvious that I had TS. By this time, girls with the condition start to be smaller than other girls, and later with their milestones.

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The bullying begins.

• When I was seven, it must have become even more obvious I was different.

• I was bullied by a couple of boys who weren’t much taller than me for being a ‘shrimp’.

• My family and I were still unaware that I had TS. They thought I was ‘just little’.

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The bullying gets too much.

• The bullying became so bad that, in Year Five, I moved schools.

• I received some bullying at my new school, but it wasn’t as bad, and I was generally happier, as the teachers did more about it.

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Secondary school.

• When I began Year Seven, bullying continued. I was known as ‘midget’, ‘dwarf’, and ‘oompa loompa’.

• It was in my second year I was to discover, along with my family, that I had Turners’ Syndrome.

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The discovery. • I went to a minor injury and accidents unit, as

I was having breathing troubles. • After checking my chest, I was given the all

clear, but my dad and I were told I was a ‘bit too small’ for my age.

• The doctor emailed my local doctors’ surgery, and, after having my blood tested, it was confirmed not long before Christmas 2008 that I had Turners’ Syndrome.

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The injections. • After my discovery, I was able to give a

reason for my ‘shortness’ when people teased me about it.

• I did a presentation in late Year Eight, and around mid-Year Nine, I made a video. Both were about my condition, and how it affected me, so similar to the presentation you are watching now.

• I began daily growth hormone injections not long before my 13th birthday, and without them, I would be even smaller than I am now.

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Friendship club • In Year Seven, I attended an after school

club called Friendship Club. This gave me a chance to make new friends who would look out for me and make sure I was okay.

• At Friendship Club, we did things like art, crafts, puzzles, games, playing on the Wii, watching films, and generally having fun.

• This built my skills and improved my confidence as a person.

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The bullying stops.

• When people understood my condition, they were less likely to be mean about me, or call me names.

• There will always be a few people who don’t understand, but they aren’t worth worrying about.

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How does bullying effect your life?

• It doesn’t matter whether you’re a bully, or bullied, or a bystander. Bullying must stop, so tell someone.

• You can either let what’s going on continue, or do something to stop it. That choice is yours, so please make the wise one.

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Reflection and quiz prizes!

Please spend a few minutes completing your evaluation form for the day. Thank you