antistatic 16.07.2014

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  1. 1. Shakti Nadar Cavinkare Pvt. Ltd. Anti-Static 1
  2. 2. Glossary Capacitance: A measure of the ability of a substance to hold charge. Conductance: The higher the conductance of a material the easier charge will flow through it. Metals are very conductive. Electron: A small atomic particle with a negative charge (1.6 x 1019 coulombs). 2
  3. 3. Static When a material or object holds a net electric charge, either positive or negative, it is said to have a static charge 3
  4. 4. Types of Static Electricity 4 Volumetric Static charge: imbalance within the body of a material Surface Static Charge: only present in the outer surface of the material
  5. 5. How is Static Created 5 Friction Separation Induction
  6. 6. What factors effect Static 6 Type Of Material (Triboelectric series) Humidity Repetition Battery Effect - Combination of many charged items lead to high charge Change In Temperature
  7. 7. Electrostatic Problems 7 Electrostatic Attraction (ESA) Material Misbehavior Operator / Personnel Shocks
  8. 8. Method of Elimination 8 Movement of Electron through another material in contact with the surface Humidity Passive Ionization Anti-Static External Internal
  9. 9. 9 Example : Plastic Moulding
  10. 10. Introduction 10 Plastic Do not conduct electricity Static electricity accumulates on the surface Due to the change in temp. (high to low) during Moulding Charges remain there till it is neutralized / dissipated This leads to ESA (Dust!!!)
  11. 11. Anti-Static 11 Incorporated to the Polymer during compounding It has limited compatibility with the polymer Migrates to the surface with passage of time It absorbs moisture from the atmosphere & makes the surface conductive Due to the available moisture the surface static charge dissipates
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  13. 13. 13 Thank you!!!
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