“众人拾柴火焰高。” 谈论 - xuexibao.combig table. on the cards, there are some words...

1. 巧学妙记 borrow lend lend borrow keep 借出 借入 保留 责编 相秀丽 美编 英语 八年级 执行主编、终审 学习报·八年级英语人教 2020 年 1 月 15 日 1603 27 印刷/ 河南鑫泽印刷有限责任公司 地址/郑州市马寨工业园先锋路 3 本报四开四版 订阅/ 全国各地邮局(所) 每学期 圆4 单价 1.25 学期定价30.00 广告经营许可证号/员源园园园园源园园园园源源 本报向全国各省(市)级教研员赠报,欢迎来电咨询 随时征订热线 / 0351-3239622 邮政订户服务热线 / 0351-3239623 学习报 八年级英语 山西出版传媒集团主管 山西三晋报刊传媒集团主办 学习报社编辑出版 总编辑 苗俊青 国内统一刊号 CN14-0708/ (F) 邮发代号 21-150 2020 1 15 27 话题阅读 山东 (参考答案见下期 4 版) 习之语 词汇盘点 阅读地带 稿 《学习报》是一份多 学科、多层次、多角度面 向全国大中小学生及教 育工作者的教辅类报 纸。本报的办报方针是 “紧扣课标及教材,针对 年级特点和学科特色同 步辅导”。本报旨在拓宽 学生阅读视野,激发学 习兴趣,培养高尚的人 格和高雅的情趣,提升 综合能力。本报诚征各 学科各类教育、教辅稿 件,撰稿、荐稿者请注意 以下事项: 1援 稿件一经采用,即 视为同意将网络传播权 及电子发行的权利授予 本报。本报一次性支付 的稿酬已包含上述授权 的使用费。 2援 推荐或稿件中选 用他人文章时,请务必 注明原稿件作者姓名和 选文出处,否则不予刊 登。若原出版者注明“未 经许可,不得转载”,请 勿推荐,来稿一律不收。 推荐类稿件一经采用, 本报将依据《中华人民 共和国著作权法》之规 定给原作者和推荐者奉 寄稿酬和样报。 3援 由于部分作者通 讯地址不详,见报后请 与我报及时联系,以便 奉寄稿酬和样报。 电话: 0351-3239626 (总编办)或请与各编辑 部联系咨询 读写提升 READING AND WRITING 文化驿站 in front ofin the front of Your bedroom should be a clean and tidy place, and then you can have a good rest in it. But how can you clean up your bedroom in a short time? It蒺s easy. Step 1: Find right tools for the clean work first. They can help you finish the work easily. Step 2: Put all the dirty clothes together, and then put them in a bag. It is very easy and usually takes you about two minutes to finish it. Step 3: If you have lots of clean clothes to fold, put them on the bed. Then you can do that after you finish the fifth step. You can remind yourself to spend a few minutes putting away the clothes before you go to bed. Step 4: Put all the rubbish together and then put it in the dustbin(垃圾桶). Old newspapers and magazines may be rubbish at home. They may make you uncomfortable. Step 5: Make the bed. It蒺s an important thing. You need to do it at once. Making the bed can make you comfortable and your bedroom beautiful. ( )1. What does the writer think of cleaning up the bedroom? A. It蒺s difficult. B. It蒺s simple. C. It蒺s interesting. D. It蒺s boring. ( )2. We should _____ first when we clean the bedroom. A. throw away old things B. make the bed C. find right tools D. find the dirty clothes ( )3. We can fold the clean clothes _____. A. before the 4th step B. after the 4th step C. before the 5th step D. after the 5th step ( )4. The underlined word itin the passage refers to _____. A. the rubbish B. the bed C. the tool D. the magazine ( )5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. It蒺s not important to make the bed. B. There is no need to look for some tools. C. Old magazines can蒺t be rubbish at home. D. It蒺s very easy to put all the dirty clothes together. 答案角 写作指导 谈论 【话题分析】 本单元的话题是“家务琐事与 许可”。要求围绕这一话题,能用 should/shouldn蒺t 谈论自己对做家务 的看法。写作体裁以议论文为主。 【常用表达】 1. The students of our class have different ideas about... 2. Some parents think... 3. I like... but I hate... 4. In my opinion... 【写作实例】 在现实生活中,有不少父母总怕做家务会浪费孩子的时间,影响 孩子学习,因此宁可自己家务全包也不让孩子动手。你同意这种做法 吗?你认为中学生在家里应该做一些家务吗?请写一篇英语短文,谈谈 你的看法。词数: 员园园 左右。 【思路点拨】 展开论证 孩子做家务 的好处 make us independent, relax ourselves from hard work, understand... well 总结归纳 再次表明自 己的观点 I think students should do some chores. 开篇点题 列出家长的 做法并表明 自己的观点 don蒺t let their kids do any chores, the only thing is to study well, it蒺s good for kids to... 【佳作欣赏】 In our daily life, some parents don蒺t let their kids do any chores. They think the only thing kids need to do is to study well. I disagree with them. I think it蒺s good for kids to do some chores. Firstly, doing some chores at home can make us independent. We can蒺t depend on our parents forever. So we should learn to do some chores. Secondly, we can relax ourselves from hard work at school. Thirdly, when we do chores at home, we can also understand our parents well. In a word, I think students should do some chores in their free time. 26 期第 1~4 1 话题阅读 1. T 2. F 热点直击 two; four 2 课时精讲 1. volunteers to work 2. alone lonely; alone lonely; alone 3. A 4. think it easy makes it possible to travel 5. 藻曾糟蚤贼蚤灶早 藻曾糟蚤贼ed 课时训练 1 课时 I. 1. cheer 2. sign 3. volunteer 4. notice 5. lonely II. 1. handing out 2. put off 3. cheer up 4. called up 5. used to III. 1-5 DGAEB 3 2 课时 I. 1. raised 2. joy 3. feeling 4. Several 5. satisfaction II. 1. come up with 2. caring for 3. putting off 4. to try out 5. to give up III. 1-4 BABB 3 课时 I. 1. disabled 2. blind 3. imagine 4. opened 5. wheels II. 1. excited 2. kindness 3. training 4. difficulty 5. broken III. 1. set up 2. fixed up 3. takes after / looks like 4. give away 5. excited about 4 课时 I. 1. to drive 2. to drink 3. to make 4. to stay 5. to learn II. 1. ran out of 2. takes after 3. give away 4. hand out 5. fix up III. 1-5 DCBAE Self Check I. 1. like 2. in 3. out 4. at 5. away II. 1. none 2. shopping 3. bus 4. enough 5. left 6. owner 7. quietly 8. finished 9. things 10. popular 4 阅读地带 1-5 CABCD 北京 郭海明 (参考答案见下期 4 版) “The flame runs high when everyone adds wood to the fire.” Xi Jinping, Chinese President “众人拾柴火焰高。” Jumping from the high place Just before the New Year, people in Denmark find a high surface and jump from it as the start of New Year. The hope is that they leave behind the bad luck and enter a New Year. Food for good luck In Spain, as the clock strikes midnight, people eat 12 grapes. These 12 grapes represent the 12 months of the year. And eating them all in the first 12 seconds of the New Year means that the year will be filled with good luck. Clothing traditions In Brazil, some people wear colorful underwear (内衣) on New Year蒺s Eve. The most popular colors are red and yellow. Red is supposed to bring you love, and yellow is supposed to bring you money. 【Havea try】根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F) ( )1. Before the New Year, people in Denmark jump from a high surface. ( )2. The 12 grapes in Spain represent the 12 hours of the day. ( )3. The most popular colors are red and white in Brazil. 时文新词 共享祖国繁荣富强 To share the pride of a strong and prosperous motherland 人工智能、无人驾驶汽车、物联网 The artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, and the Internet of Things in front of the car in the front of the car in the back of the car at the back of the car/in back of the car 2. 词形变化 形容词变名词: fairfairness 反义词(对应词)fairunfair lendborrow hatelike 动词过去式: lendlent throwthrew sweepswept 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 Most children don蒺t enjoy doing housework. They prefer to play computer games rather than clean the rooms. But in Australia, Jim and Robert蒺s mother, Mrs Black, has good and proper methods to get their children to do housework. Here is an example. Mom, have you worked out next week蒺s housework? Let Jim and me choose the cards. I can蒺t wait. It蒺s fun! When Robert shouted out, his mother had already put all the cards on their big table. On the cards, there are some words like these, sweep the floor, clean your bedroom, help Mom cook, wash vegetables, make beds, feed the fish, cut the grass, clean the bathroomand many others. Jim and Robert each chose two cards for one day from Monday to Friday. Then they would hang them on the weekday task board. Jim likes to clean the bathroom, so he picked up the card clean the bathroom. Robert loves to make the bed so he picked up his favorite card. Jim picked up wash vegetablesand Robert chose feed the fish. Soon the two boys were happy to take away all the cards. To help the children do housework, their mother thought hard and came up with this idea. Of course, the parents did the housework on the weekend and left Jim and Robert two days free. 【Have a try】根据短文内容,选择正确答案 ( )1. Jim and Robert chose _______ cards for the weekday from Monday to Friday. A. two B. four C. eight D. ten ( )2. The underlined phrase came up within the passage means _______. A. looked at B. gave up C. thought of D. believed in 2019 10 11 日,在对尼泊尔进行国事访问前夕,国家主席习 近平在尼泊尔媒体发表署名文章。他强调,尼泊尔人民常说,“滴水也 能装满缸”,中国人也讲“众人拾柴火焰高”。一起来看看习主席还引用 过哪些外国名句吧。 One can only make progress when he thinks big , and move forward when he looks far. 志向远大方能进步,目光长远才能前行。 He who travels alone goes fast, but he who travels in company goes far. 独行快,众行远。 Treat each other as equals and support each other. 平等相待,相互 扶持。 热点直击 Sunday shopping ban 意大利将推出“周日不购物”政策 The Italian government will introduce a bar ( 禁令) on Sunday shopping. This will be done to encourage more families to spend time together. Only one in four shops will be allowed to do business on Sunday. Stores will take turns being open. However, some people are against this. They say that as many as 50,000 people could lose their jobs because of the ban. It could be bad for the country蒺s economic(经济的) development. In fact, many shops in Europe have a tradition of being closed on Sundays. But in recent years, to develop the local economy and attract visitors, most places now allow shops to open on Sunday.

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Page 1: “众人拾柴火焰高。” 谈论 - xuexibao.combig table. On the cards, there are some words like these, “sweep the floor, clean your bedroom, help Mom cook, wash vegetables,

1. 巧学妙记淤borrow与 lend

lend borrow keep

借出 借入 保留

责编 相秀丽 美 编 马 麟

英 语八年级

执行主编、终审 吕 娜

人 教

学 习 报·八 年 级 英 语 人 教

人 教

2020 年 1 月 15 日



笠印刷/河南鑫泽印刷有限责任公司 地址/郑州市马寨工业园先锋路 3号 笠本报四开四版 笠订阅/全国各地邮局(所)笠每学期 圆4期 单价 1.25元 学期定价30.00元 笠广告经营许可证号/员源园园园园源园园园园源源 笠本报向全国各省(市)级教研员赠报,欢迎来电咨询 笠随时征订热线 / 0351-3239622 邮政订户服务热线 / 0351-3239623

学 习 报

八 年 级 英 语

山西出版传媒集团主管 山西三晋报刊传媒集团主办 学习报社编辑出版 总编辑 苗俊青 国内统一刊号 CN14-0708/(F) 邮发代号 21-150

2020年 1月 15日 第 27期


山东 孙 毅 (参考答案见下期 4版)

习 之 语



















1援 稿件一经采用,即






2援 推荐或稿件中选












3援 由于部分作者通









于in front of与 in the front of

Your bedroom should be a clean and tidy place, and then you can have a

good rest in it. But how can you clean up your bedroom in a short time? It蒺s


Step 1: Find right tools for the clean work first. They can help you finish the

work easily.

Step 2: Put all the dirty clothes together, and then put them in a bag. It is very

easy and usually takes you about two minutes to finish it.

Step 3: If you have lots of clean clothes to fold, put them on the bed. Then

you can do that after you finish the fifth step. You can remind yourself to

spend a few minutes putting away the clothes before you go to bed.

Step 4: Put all the rubbish together and then put it in the dustbin(垃圾桶). Old

newspapers and magazines may be rubbish at home. They may make you


Step 5: Make the bed. It蒺s an important thing. You need to do it at once.

Making the bed can make you comfortable and your bedroom beautiful.

( )1. What does the writer think of cleaning up the bedroom?

A. It蒺s difficult. B. It蒺s simple.

C. It蒺s interesting. D. It蒺s boring.

( )2. We should _____ first when we clean the bedroom.

A. throw away old things B. make the bed

C. find right tools D. find the dirty clothes

( )3. We can fold the clean clothes _____.

A. before the 4th step B. after the 4th step

C. before the 5th step D. after the 5th step

( )4. The underlined word“it”in the passage refers to _____.

A. the rubbish B. the bed

C. the tool D. the magazine

( )5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. It蒺s not important to make the bed.

B. There is no need to look for some tools.

C. Old magazines can蒺t be rubbish at home.

D. It蒺s very easy to put all the dirty clothes together.

答 案 角








1. The students of our class have

different ideas about...

2. Some parents think...

3. I like... but I hate...

4. In my opinion...









make us independent,

relax ourselves from hard

work, understand... well



I think students should

do some chores.





don蒺t let their kids do

any chores, the only

thing is to study well,

it蒺s good for kids to...


In our daily life, some parents don蒺t let their kids do any chores.

They think the only thing kids need to do is to study well. I disagree

with them. I think it蒺s good for kids to do some chores.

Firstly, doing some chores at home can make us independent. We

can蒺t depend on our parents forever. So we should learn to do some

chores. Secondly, we can relax ourselves from hard work at school.

Thirdly, when we do chores at home, we can also understand our

parents well.

In a word, I think students should do some chores in their free time.

第 26期第 1~4版

第 1版话题阅读

1. T 2. F热点直击

two; four第 2版

课时精讲1. 淤volunteers 于to work2. 淤alone 于lonely; alone

盂lonely; alone

3. A4. 淤think it easy

于makes it possible to travel5. 淤藻曾糟蚤贼蚤灶早 于藻曾糟蚤贼ed

课时训练第 1课时

I. 1. cheer 2. sign 3. volunteer4. notice 5. lonelyII. 1. handing out 2. put off 3. cheer up4. called up 5. used toIII. 1-5 DGAEB第 3版

第 2课时I. 1. raised 2. joy 3. feeling4. Several 5. satisfaction

II. 1. come up with 2. caring for3. putting off 4. to try out5. to give upIII. 1-4 BABB

第 3课时I. 1. disabled 2. blind 3. imagine4. opened 5. wheelsII. 1. excited 2. kindness 3. training4. difficulty 5. brokenIII. 1. set up 2. fixed up3. takes after / looks like 4. give away5. excited about

第 4课时I. 1. to drive 2. to drink 3. to make4. to stay 5. to learn

II. 1. ran out of 2. takes after3. give away 4. hand out5. fix upIII. 1-5 DCBAE

Self CheckI. 1. like 2. in 3. out4. at 5. awayII. 1. none 2. shopping 3. bus4. enough 5. left 6. owner7. quietly 8. finished 9. things10. popular第 4版

阅读地带1-5 CABCD

北京 郭海明 (参考答案见下期 4版)

“The flame runs high when

everyone adds wood to the fire.”

Xi Jinping,

Chinese President“众人拾柴火焰高。”

荫 Jumping from the high placeJust before the New Year, people in Denmark

find a high surface and jump from it as the start of

New Year. The hope is that they leave behind the

bad luck and enter a New Year.

荫 Food for good luckIn Spain, as the clock strikes midnight,

people eat 12 grapes. These 12 grapes represent

the 12 months of the year. And eating them all in

the first 12 seconds of the New Year means that

the year will be filled with good luck.

荫 Clothing traditionsIn Brazil, some people wear colorful

underwear (内衣) on New Year蒺s Eve. The

most popular colors are red and yellow.

Red is supposed to bring you love, and

yellow is supposed to bring you money.

【Have a try】根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)( )1. Before the New Year, people in Denmark jump from a high surface.

( )2. The 12 grapes in Spain represent the 12 hours of the day.

( )3. The most popular colors are red and white in Brazil.


To share the pride of a strong and prosperous motherland


The artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, and the

Internet of Things

in front of

the car

in the front

of the carin the back of the car

at the back

of the car/in

back of the


2. 词形变化

淤 形容词变名词:fair—fairness

于 反义词(对应词):fair—unfair lend—borrow hate—like

盂 动词过去式:lend—lent throw—threw sweep—swept


Most children don蒺t enjoy doing housework. They prefer to play computer

games rather than clean the rooms. But in Australia, Jim and Robert蒺s mother,

Mrs Black, has good and proper methods to get their children to do housework.

Here is an example.

“Mom, have you worked out next week蒺s housework? Let Jim and me

choose the cards. I can蒺t wait. It蒺s fun! ”

When Robert shouted out, his mother had already put all the cards on their

big table. On the cards, there are some words like these, “sweep the floor, clean

your bedroom, help Mom cook, wash vegetables, make beds, feed the fish, cut the

grass, clean the bathroom”and many others. Jim and Robert each chose two cards

for one day from Monday to Friday. Then they would hang them on the weekday

task board. Jim likes to clean the bathroom, so he picked up the card “clean the

bathroom”. Robert loves to make the bed so he picked up his favorite card. Jim

picked up“wash vegetables”and Robert chose“feed the fish”. Soon the two boys

were happy to take away all the cards.

To help the children do housework, their mother thought hard and came up

with this idea. Of course, the parents did the housework on the weekend and left

Jim and Robert two days free.

【Have a try】根据短文内容,选择正确答案( )1. Jim and Robert chose _______ cards for the weekday from Monday to


A. two B. four C. eight D. ten

( )2. The underlined phrase“came up with”in the passage means“_______”.

A. looked at B. gave up C. thought of D. believed in

2019年 10月 11日,在对尼泊尔进行国事访问前夕,国家主席习




绎 One can only make progress when he thinks big , and move

forward when he looks far. 志向远大方能进步,目光长远才能前行。

绎 He who travels alone goes fast, but he who travels in company

goes far. 独行快,众行远。

绎 Treat each other as equals and support each other. 平等相待,相互



Sunday shopping ban意大利将推出“周日不购物”政策The Italian government will introduce a bar (禁令) on Sunday

shopping. This will be done to encourage more families to spend time

together. Only one in four shops will be allowed to do business on

Sunday. Stores will take turns being open.

However, some people are against this. They say that as many

as 50,000 people could lose their jobs because of the ban. It could be

bad for the country蒺s economic(经济的) development.

In fact, many shops in Europe have a tradition of being closed

on Sundays. But in recent years, to develop the local economy and

attract visitors, most places now allow shops to open on Sunday.

Page 2: “众人拾柴火焰高。” 谈论 - xuexibao.combig table. On the cards, there are some words like these, “sweep the floor, clean your bedroom, help Mom cook, wash vegetables,

笠各科主编电话(区号 0351) 数学 猿圆猿怨远源园 语文 猿圆猿怨远猿园 英语 猿圆猿怨远远圆 物理、化学、生物、科学 猿圆猿怨远猿苑 政治、历史 3239655 小学 猿圆猿怨远60

学 习 报·八 年 级 英 语 人 教

美编 马 麟

责编 相秀丽

美编 马 麟

责编 相秀丽学 习 报·八 年 级 英 语 人 教

学 习 报

八 年 级 英 语

笠报社地址/太原市三墙路坝陵北街盛世华庭 A1座 21层 邮编/030009 笠E鄄mail/[email protected] 电话/0351-3239672 笠编辑质量监督电话/0351-3239626笠各科主编电话(区号 0351)数学 猿圆猿怨远源1 语文 猿圆猿怨远猿园 英语 猿圆猿怨远远圆 物理、化学、生物、科学 猿圆猿怨远猿苑 道德与法治、历史 3239656 小学 猿圆猿怨远60 高中3239655 笠报社地址/太原市三墙路坝陵北街盛世华庭 A1座 21层 邮编/030009 笠E鄄mail/[email protected] 电话/0351-3239662 笠编辑质量监督电话/0351-3239625

2020年 1月 15日 第 27期 2020年 1月 15日 第 27期八年级人教2019-2020学年下学期编辑计划




I. 根据句意,从方框中选择适当的单词填空(有的需要变换形式)

rubbish, mess, fold, sweep, floor

1. The classroom is in a ___________. Let蒺s clean it up.

2. There is a dog lying on the ___________.

3. The girl ___________ the clothes and put them in the box.

4. There is much ___________ in the park and it smells terrible.

5. The street is clean. Someone ___________ it just now.

II. 根据所给汉语提示,用短语的适当形式填空(每空一词)

1. My aunt usually _________ _________ _________ _________(倒垃圾)

in the evening.

2. The woman often teaches her children how to _________ _________


3. Jim is _________ _________ _________(扫地) at the moment.

4. I always _________ _________ _________(铺床) after I get up.

5. What do you think of _________ _________ _________(洗盘子)?

III. 根据对话内容,从方框中选出恰当的选项完成下面对话(其中有


A: Bob, what are you doing?

B: (1)

A: Oh, no! You made Linda蒺s room untidy. (2)

B: What should I do?

A: Very easy! (3)

B: She will come back soon. Could you please help out with a few


A: No problem. (4)

B: First, help me to clean her desk. Then help to tidy up her room.

A: OK. (5)

B: Oh, no! Please help me first.

A: OK.

1. I think two hours of TV is enoughfor you! 我认为两个小时的电视对你来



语从句中,主语是 two hours,谓语动词用

单数形式 is。表示时间、距离、金额、度量



Ten minutes of break is too short for us.

We are really tired. 十分钟的休息时间太


【练习 1】

淤 I borrowed 20 dollars, and 10 dollars

_________(be) from Jim.

于Twenty miles _________(be) a long way

to walk.

2. The minute I sat down in front of the

TV, my mom came over. 我刚在电视


the minute 意为“一……就……”,用来

引导时间状语从句,相当于 as soon as。


The minute I met him, I gave the book

back to him. 我一遇到他,就把书还给了他。

【注意】the minute/as soon as引导的时间



The minute I get to Beijing, I will call

you. 一到达北京,我就会打电话给你。

【练习 2】


I will call you I hear the


3. For one week, she did not do any

housework and neither did I. 一周的


“neither + 连系动词 be/助动词 /情态动


前面否定的情况也同样适合后者。 如:

She cannot swim and neither can her

sister. 她不会游泳,她的妹妹也不会。

【练习 3】


She doesn蒺t like tea. _______ _______



—I can蒺t drive.

—_______ _______ _______.

4. I 蒺ll finish my homework while youhelp me with the dishes. 在你帮我洗






While we were talking, the teacher came

in. 当我们在说话时,老师进来了。




I like coffee while my sister likes tea. 我


【练习 4】

I was writing a letter she was

making a telephone call.

A. while B. when

C. before D. after

1. They should spend their time on school 鄄

work in order to get good grades and get

into a good university. 为了取得好成绩,并进


音in order to 意为“为了”,后接动词原形,否定

形式是 in order not to。如:

In order to look after his parents, he returned to

work in his hometown. 为了照顾父母,他回到了


音spend... on... 意为“在……(方面)花时间或金

钱”,还可以用 spend...(in)doing sth. 句型。如:

Mr. Brown spent most of his money(in)buying

books. 布朗先生买书花费了他的大部分钱。

【练习 5】


He studies so hard ____________________

get good grades.

于They spent five days on the work. (写出同义句)

They spent five days _________ the work.

2. The earlier kids learn to be independent,

the better it is for their future. 孩子们越早




The more friends you have, the happier you蒺ll be.


【练习 6】


____________ food we eat, ____________ we

will be.


____________ he is, ___________ he feels援


Section B

江西 张静芸 (参考答案见下期 4版)

Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?

(Section A 1a耀Section A 2d)

A. When she sees this, she will be angry.

B. What do you want me to do?

C. Do you often help to clean the house?

D. I蒺m playing with my pet dog in Linda蒺s room.

E. But could I finish my homework first?

F. When do you usually do the housework?

G. Clean her room.

(下转第 3版)广东 郑树珊 (参考答案见下期 4版)

I. 根据句意,从方框中选择适当的单词填空(有的需要变换形式)

fair, depend, lend, rubbish, finger

1. —So much __________ in the park! Let蒺s clean it, OK?

—Good idea.

2. —Could I please borrow your bike, Jane?

—Sorry, you can蒺t. I __________ it to Sam yesterday.

3. —I think parents must do all the chores at home.

—No, I don蒺t agree. You should understand the idea of __________.

4. She let the sand fall through her __________.

5. —Could you please get me my shoes, Mom?

—No, Jim. You should do your own things and learn to be __________.

II. 根据句意,从方框中选择适当的短语填空

take care of, as a result, have no idea, in order to, do one蒺s part

1. We should _________________ in keeping our classroom clean.

2. —I _________________ how to do this.

—Don蒺t worry. Let me help you.

3. Tina studies very hard _________________ get into a good university.

4. He refused to go to a doctor. _________________, he became seriously ill.

5. —Bob, stay here and _________________ your sister.

—OK, Mom.

III. 根据汉语意思和所给的提示词,补全句子

1. 爸爸,为了保持健康,请你不要吸烟了好吗?(in order to)

Dad, could you please not smoke ____________________________?

2. 父母经常告诉我怎样照顾自己。(take care of)

My parents often tell me ____________________________.

3. 尽管家务活又脏又累,我从不介意做它们。(mind)

Though chores are dirty and tiring, I ____________________________.

4. 对我们来说,没有必要携带手机到学校。(There is no need to...)

____________________________ to take mobile phones to school.

5. 你对人越友好,你结交的朋友就越多。(比较级)

you are to others, friends you蒺ll make.

(上接第 2版)

I. 根据句意及汉语提示,写出句中所缺的单词

1. Bill ___________(扔) his schoolbag on the desk and went to bed.

2. The store sells ___________(衬衫) at very good prices these days.

3. Tina cut one of her ___________(手指) when she cut up an onion today.

4. Cindy ___________(借) a bike and rode it to the zoo after lunch.

5. If you work hard, you will ___________(通过) the math test.

II. 根据句意,从方框中选择适当的单词填空(有的需要变换形式)

neither, while, lend, chore, hate

1. Please don蒺t call me up ___________ I am at work.

2. Many people ___________ living in the city because it蒺s too noisy.

3. Ann is kind and she ___________ some money to me yesterday.

4. Mike can蒺t skate and ___________ can Tony.

5. Helen likes doing ___________ like washing clothes.

III. 根据所给汉语提示,用短语的适当形式填空(每空一词)

1. 这里的天气一直很冷。

The weather here is very cold _________ _________ _________.

2. 他一有空就玩电脑游戏。

He will play computer games _________ _________ _________ he is free.

3. 他们正在客厅里喝茶。

They are drinking tea in the _________ _________.

4. 我叫喊时,她吃惊地抬起头来看。

She looked up _________ _________ when I shouted.

5. 你确实应该过来,跟我们一起吃顿饭。

You really should _________ _________ and have dinner with us.

6. 下班后我们经常同朋友一起去闲逛。

We often _________ _________ with our friends after work.

I. 根据句意及首字母提示,写出句中所缺的单词

1. I don蒺t think doing chores is a w__________ of time. It really

helps us a lot.

2. Mo Yan has written some more stories s__________ he won the

Nobel Prize.

3. Most students have much s__________ from their parents.

4. Mr. King is our good n__________. He often helps us with many


II. 根据句意,用所给动词的适当形式填空

1. Could you please __________(pass) me a cup of tea?

2. Our school is trying __________ ( provide ) a better learning

environment for us.

3. I hate __________(depend) on my parents when I do something.

4. Teachers teach us how __________ (develop) into a more useful

person to society.

5. I __________(drop) my wallet somewhere yesterday.

III. 将下列句子先归类,然后按括号内的要求写出答语

淤提出请求: 于表示征得许可:

1. Could you please help me solve the problem? (写出肯定答语)

2. Could we go back late this evening? (写出否定答语)

3. Could I bring some food and drinks? (写出肯定答语)

4. Could you please come over now? (写出否定答语)

I. 用适当的介词或副词填空

1. I don蒺t think doing chores is a waste __________ time. It can

help us a lot.

2. There is no need __________ you to do the dishes. I did it just


3. We shouldn蒺t spend much money __________ snacks and


4. —I think everyone hates chores.

—Well, I don蒺t agree __________ you. For example, I like

them a lot.

5. —Could you please take __________ the rubbish?

—OK. I蒺ll do it right now.

II. 用方框中所给词的适当形式完成短文(有的需要变换形式)

example, enough, able, own, hard, though,

volunteer, share, everything, weekend

My mother is a doctor. She is not (1)_________ to get back

home on time every day. And she has to work on (2)_________

sometimes. So it蒺s (3)_________ for her to do all the chores after


As a teenager, I think it蒺s my duty to (4)_________ some

housework. (5)_________ Mom always says she doesn蒺t need any

help, there are always things I can do. For (6)__________, I can

help do the dishes and set the table. I蒺m sure Mom will be happy

if I (7)__________ to help her.

What蒺s more, I蒺m trying to be independent. I wash my

(8)_________ clothes, tidy up my bedroom and take care of my

things. I蒺m old (9)_________ to do these things. And I can蒺t

depend on my parents forever.

Always show your thanks to your mom for (10)_________

that she does. I believe she will feel sweet. Try it now.

Self Check



25 Unit 1

26 Unit 2

27 Unit 3

28 Units 1-3

29 Unit 4

30 Unit 5

31 Units 4-5

32 期中检测

33 Unit 6

34 Unit 7

35 Unit 8

36 Units 6-8

37 Unit 9

38 Unit 10

39 Units 9-10

40 期末检测

41-48 期末综合复习

(Section A 3a耀Section A 4c)(Section B 1a耀Section B 2b)

(Section B 2c耀Section B 3b)

Page 3: “众人拾柴火焰高。” 谈论 - xuexibao.combig table. On the cards, there are some words like these, “sweep the floor, clean your bedroom, help Mom cook, wash vegetables,

学 习 报·八 年 级 英 语 人 教TESTING5

笠报社地址/太原市三墙路坝陵北街盛世华庭 A1座 21层 邮编/030009 笠E鄄mail/[email protected] 电话/0351-3239662 笠编辑质量监督电话/0351-3239625

Full Marks:120ClassNameMarks

(下转第 6版)

2020年 1月 15日 第 27期学业测评

I. 情景反应(每小题 员分;共 缘分)

这一大题共有 5个小题,每小题你将听到一

组对话。请你从每小题所给的 A、B、C三幅图片


( )1.CA B

( )2.CA B

( )3.CA B

( )4.CA B

( )5.CA B

II. 对话理解(每小题 员分;共 缘分)

这一大题共有 5个小题,每小题你将听到一

组对话和一个问题。请你从 A、B、C三个选项中,


( )6. A. To buy clothes. B. To clean the room.

C. To fold the clothes.

( )7. A. She is cooking. B. She is reading.

C. She is doing the dishes.

( )8. A. To go shopping. B. To go skating.

C. To do some cleaning.

( )9. A. By bus. B. By bike.

C. On foot.

( )10. A. Watch TV. B. Play football.

C. Go out for dinner.

III. 语篇理解(每小题 员分;共 缘分)


内容和所提出的 5个问题,从 A、B、C三个选项


( )11. How old was Jeff?

A. Thirteen. B. Fourteen.

C. Fifteen.

( )12. What did the teachers think of Jeff?

A. He was cute. B. He was kind.

C. He wasn蒺t hard鄄working.

( )13. What did Jeff蒺s mother tell him to do?

A. Do his homework.

B. Do the chores.

C. Get up early.

( )14. Why did his parents look angry?

A. He played football all day.

B. He watched TV too much.

C. He didn蒺t do his homework.

( )15. Who pulled Jeff蒺s ear?

A. His teacher. B. His father.

C. His mother.

IV. 听力填空(每小题 员分;共 缘分)




Name Jim Nancy Mike Joan

Do thedishes


At theweekend


16._____times aweek

Takeout therubbish


a weekOnce amonth

Twice amonth

Makethe bed


Every day NeverThree

times a18._____



Twicea week



Twice aweek

V. 单项选择(每小题 1分;共 15分)

从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选


( )21. —Was Bob playing games all ______ time

last night?

—Yes. I think that it蒺s ______ waste of

time. He should give it up.

A. /; a B. /; the

C. the; / D. the; a

( )22. My father was preparing for his speech

______ my mother was cooking last night.

A. if B. while

C. though D. because

( )23. —What do you think of the computer?

—It蒺s too expensive. And ______, its shape

is a little small.

A. however B. finally

C. anyway D. instead

( )24. —Could you help me ______ the dishes?

—OK, but I want to finish my homework

______ that.

A. with; before B. with; from

C. for; after D. for; to

( )25. Jenny can蒺t come here. She is ______.

A. lonely B. excited

C. fair D. ill

( )26. It蒺s cold outside. Could you please ______

the door?

A. not open B. not to open

C. don蒺t open D. to not open

( )27. Do you think doing chores helps to ______

your independence?

A. waste B. develop

C. throw D. understand

( )28. —Where do you usually have lunch?

—In the school dining hall. It ______

different kinds of food ______ us.

A. provides; for B. adds; to

C. shares; with D. sends; to

( )29. Everyone should learn to think by them鄄

selves because they can蒺t always ______


A. get on B. keep on

C. depend on D. spend on

( )30. Tom lost his bike yesterday . ______ , he

had to walk home from school.

A. For example B. As long as

C. In fact D. As a result

( )31. —Excuse me, may I ______ your diction鄄


—Sorry, I ______ it to Peter yesterday.

A. lend; borrowed B. borrow; lent

C. lend; lent D. borrow; borrowed

( )32. There is no need for the children ______

up early tomorrow, because it蒺s Sunday.

A. get B. gets

C. getting D. to get

( )33. I think that ______ English you practise,

______ your English will be.

A. the more; the better

B. the less; the better

C. the more; the worse

D. the less; the worst

( )34. Would you please teach me ______ the dog?

A. how can I feed B. how to feed

C. what can I feed D. what to feed

( )35. —Could I hang out with my friends?

—______. You have to prepare for your

English test.

A. Yes, sure

B. No, you can蒺t

C. Yes, you needn蒺t

D. That should be OK

VI. 完形填空(每小题 1.5分;共 15分)

阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D


Dear Sir or Madam,

I don蒺t like doing chores. But I have no

choice but to do them, because doing chores is a

36 in our family. When I come back from

school, my mother 37 says,“Could you take out

the rubbish?” or “Could you help me 38

cooking?”I know she is just trying to make me

more independent and 39 me how to look after

myself. But why does she make me 40 all the

housework? OK, I know I am the oldest and I

should do chores. But it蒺s not 41 for me. My

sisters should do them, too.

Yesterday I did all the chores again. My

parents went to visit my aunt with my sisters

yesterday morning. They left me 42 at home

because I had to do my homework. When I

finished my homework, I found it was really a

43 at home. They didn蒺t do any chores. So I

cleaned the rooms, 44 the dishes and watered

the garden. Oh! I must look like a(n) 45 .

What should I do? I hate doing chores all

alone. Could you give me some advice, please?



( )36. A. question B. rule C. sport D. hobby

( )37. A. always B. never C. hardly D. almost

( )38. A. with B. from C. about D. for

( )39. A. believe B. expect C. solve D. teach

( )40. A. to do B. does C. doing D. do

( )41. A. fair B. busy C. new D. heavy

( )42. A. safely B. early C. alone D. sadly

( )43. A. place B. mess C. peace D. way

( )44. A. bought B. sold C. gave D. washed

( )45. A. servant B. actor C. writer D. cook

Unit 3 Could you please clean

your room?检测题



学 习 报·八 年 级 英 语 人 教TESTING5

笠报社地址/太原市三墙路坝陵北街盛世华庭 A1座 21层 邮编/030009 笠E鄄mail/[email protected] 电话/0351-3239662 笠编辑质量监督电话/0351-3239625

Full Marks:120ClassNameMarks

(下转第 6版)

2020年 1月 15日 第 27期学业测评

I. 情景反应(每小题 员分;共 缘分)

这一大题共有 5个小题,每小题你将听到一

组对话。请你从每小题所给的 A、B、C三幅图片


( )1.CA B

( )2.CA B

( )3.CA B

( )4.CA B

( )5.CA B

II. 对话理解(每小题 员分;共 缘分)

这一大题共有 5个小题,每小题你将听到一

组对话和一个问题。请你从 A、B、C三个选项中,


( )6. A. To buy clothes. B. To clean the room.

C. To fold the clothes.

( )7. A. She is cooking. B. She is reading.

C. She is doing the dishes.

( )8. A. To go shopping. B. To go skating.

C. To do some cleaning.

( )9. A. By bus. B. By bike.

C. On foot.

( )10. A. Watch TV. B. Play football.

C. Go out for dinner.

III. 语篇理解(每小题 员分;共 缘分)


内容和所提出的 5个问题,从 A、B、C三个选项


( )11. How old was Jeff?

A. Thirteen. B. Fourteen.

C. Fifteen.

( )12. What did the teachers think of Jeff?

A. He was cute. B. He was kind.

C. He wasn蒺t hard鄄working.

( )13. What did Jeff蒺s mother tell him to do?

A. Do his homework.

B. Do the chores.

C. Get up early.

( )14. Why did his parents look angry?

A. He played football all day.

B. He watched TV too much.

C. He didn蒺t do his homework.

( )15. Who pulled Jeff蒺s ear?

A. His teacher. B. His father.

C. His mother.

IV. 听力填空(每小题 员分;共 缘分)




Name Jim Nancy Mike Joan

Do thedishes


At theweekend


16._____times aweek

Takeout therubbish


a weekOnce amonth

Twice amonth

Makethe bed


Every day NeverThree

times a18._____



Twicea week



Twice aweek

V. 单项选择(每小题 1分;共 15分)

从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选


( )21. —Was Bob playing games all ______ time

last night?

—Yes. I think that it蒺s ______ waste of

time. He should give it up.

A. /; a B. /; the

C. the; / D. the; a

( )22. My father was preparing for his speech

______ my mother was cooking last night.

A. if B. while

C. though D. because

( )23. —What do you think of the computer?

—It蒺s too expensive. And ______, its shape

is a little small.

A. however B. finally

C. anyway D. instead

( )24. —Could you help me ______ the dishes?

—OK, but I want to finish my homework

______ that.

A. with; before B. with; from

C. for; after D. for; to

( )25. Jenny can蒺t come here. She is ______.

A. lonely B. excited

C. fair D. ill

( )26. It蒺s cold outside. Could you please ______

the door?

A. not open B. not to open

C. don蒺t open D. to not open

( )27. Do you think doing chores helps to ______

your independence?

A. waste B. develop

C. throw D. understand

( )28. —Where do you usually have lunch?

—In the school dining hall. It ______

different kinds of food ______ us.

A. provides; for B. adds; to

C. shares; with D. sends; to

( )29. Everyone should learn to think by them鄄

selves because they can蒺t always ______


A. get on B. keep on

C. depend on D. spend on

( )30. Tom lost his bike yesterday . ______ , he

had to walk home from school.

A. For example B. As long as

C. In fact D. As a result

( )31. —Excuse me, may I ______ your diction鄄


—Sorry, I ______ it to Peter yesterday.

A. lend; borrowed B. borrow; lent

C. lend; lent D. borrow; borrowed

( )32. There is no need for the children ______

up early tomorrow, because it蒺s Sunday.

A. get B. gets

C. getting D. to get

( )33. I think that ______ English you practise,

______ your English will be.

A. the more; the better

B. the less; the better

C. the more; the worse

D. the less; the worst

( )34. Would you please teach me ______ the dog?

A. how can I feed B. how to feed

C. what can I feed D. what to feed

( )35. —Could I hang out with my friends?

—______. You have to prepare for your

English test.

A. Yes, sure

B. No, you can蒺t

C. Yes, you needn蒺t

D. That should be OK

VI. 完形填空(每小题 1.5分;共 15分)

阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D


Dear Sir or Madam,

I don蒺t like doing chores. But I have no

choice but to do them, because doing chores is a

36 in our family. When I come back from

school, my mother 37 says,“Could you take out

the rubbish?” or “Could you help me 38

cooking?”I know she is just trying to make me

more independent and 39 me how to look after

myself. But why does she make me 40 all the

housework? OK, I know I am the oldest and I

should do chores. But it蒺s not 41 for me. My

sisters should do them, too.

Yesterday I did all the chores again. My

parents went to visit my aunt with my sisters

yesterday morning. They left me 42 at home

because I had to do my homework. When I

finished my homework, I found it was really a

43 at home. They didn蒺t do any chores. So I

cleaned the rooms, 44 the dishes and watered

the garden. Oh! I must look like a(n) 45 .

What should I do? I hate doing chores all

alone. Could you give me some advice, please?



( )36. A. question B. rule C. sport D. hobby

( )37. A. always B. never C. hardly D. almost

( )38. A. with B. from C. about D. for

( )39. A. believe B. expect C. solve D. teach

( )40. A. to do B. does C. doing D. do

( )41. A. fair B. busy C. new D. heavy

( )42. A. safely B. early C. alone D. sadly

( )43. A. place B. mess C. peace D. way

( )44. A. bought B. sold C. gave D. washed

( )45. A. servant B. actor C. writer D. cook

Unit 3 Could you please clean

your room?检测题



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Page 4: “众人拾柴火焰高。” 谈论 - xuexibao.combig table. On the cards, there are some words like these, “sweep the floor, clean your bedroom, help Mom cook, wash vegetables,

学业测评6学 习 报·八 年 级 英 语 人 教 TESTING

2020年 1月 15日 第 27期

笠5、6版配合同步辅导版使用,学期定价 12.00元 同步辅导版学期定价 30.00元 共计 42.00元

(上接第 5版)

VII. 阅读理解(每小题2分;共 40分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容从每小题所给

的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

ANanny (保姆) with Experience

荫A part鄄time nanny from March 30th to August31st to look after my 7鄄month鄄old baby boy.

荫Work 5 days per week (8:00 am to 1:00 pmeach day).

荫Some easy chores: making the beds, cleaningthe house, folding the clothes. No need tocook.

荫Please call Kate at 78526979.Weekly House Cleaning

荫Someone with house cleaning experience to doweekly cleaning for my home in London. Youmust be able to work 8 hours a week (onWednesday, Friday and Sunday).

荫You can choose your days and time freely.荫Please reply to Sandy by message. The number

is 64587346.

( )46. How long does a nanny work every week?A. For 20 hours. B. For 25 hours.C. For 30 hours. D. For 15 hours.

( )47. What doesn蒺t the nanny have to do?A. Cook. B. Fold clothes.C. Make the beds. D. Sweep the floor.

( )48. The two wanted persons must ______.a. be womenb. have working experiencec. work five days a weekd. do some houseworkA. b-c B. c-d C. a-c D. b-d

( )49. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Sandy comes from America.B. A nanny needs to work for six months.C. You should send Sandy messages to get

the job.D. Kate needs someone to clean her house.

( )50. The passage is ______.A. a diary B. a piece of newsC. an ad (广告) D. a personal letter

BI have a son and two daughters. My son, Jack,

never seemed to understand what he had wasenough, and he always wanted more. I thought itwas necessary to teach him to do something for thefamily.

I told him that he needed to help with choresat home. He didn蒺t like to do them. So I made agame out of chore list and created a website whereeveryone could record (记录) his or her points. Hecould get 10 points for doing a chore, and 20 pointsfor things I wanted him to do as good habits. Thecool thing was that all the chores were listed forthe whole family. I could give chores to one childor another, change the chores or the points, andeven decide the time we do the chores.

One day, Jack and I had the same points. Hewanted to beat me. The only thing left to do wasto bring in the rubbish bin. So he took his coat, ranout of the house and dragged (拖) the rubbish bin,which was as big as him, back with great difficulty.He was so excited by beating his dad when he didthe last thing. In fact, everyone won!( )51. Where did Jack record his points?

A. On a website. B. In his diary.C. On the wall. D. In a notebook.

( )52. How many points could Jack get for doinga chore?A. 30 points. B. 20 points.C. 15 points. D. 10 points.

( )53. The writer could not ______.A. change the choresB. give chores to the children

C. decide who was the winnerD. decide the time they do the chores

( )54. What does the word“beat”mean?A. 打败 B. 袭击C. 保护 D. 检查

( )55. What can we learn from the passage?A. The writer has two sons and a daughter.B. All the family members took part in the

game.C. It was easy for Jack to drag the rubbish

bin.D. At last , the writer felt sad about the

result of the game.

CNo one wants to do housework, especially

children. How can you make chores fun for yourchildren?

Play some music. Music makes people feelrelaxed. It makes everything seem like a party,doesn蒺t it? Play your children蒺s favorite music andlet them listen to it while they蒺re doing chores.

Make it a game. It蒺s a good way when youwould like them to clean the house. Let them knowthat you hide(隐藏) a $5 bill somewhere. If theyfind it, they can keep it.

Change often. If your children keep doing thesame chores for months, they may feel bored. Givethem a new job. They蒺ll feel happy when they get anew task.

Do it together. It蒺s never fun to be the onlyone to work and watch everyone else relaxing. Ifeveryone joins in doing chores, you will finishthem more quickly and have more fun.( )56. The passage is mainly for ______.

A. schools B. teachersC. parents D. children

( )57. The writer tells us ______ pieces of advice.A. three B. fourC. five D. six

( )58. The writer thinks it蒺s better to ______.A. play their favorite musicB. ask them to do the same thingsC. watch them do the choresD. give them lots of housework

( )59. Children may feel ______ if they keepon doing the same chores for months.A. tired B. funC. interested D. bored

( )60. What蒺s this passage mainly about?A. Doing chores is good for children.B. Help children set a good habit.C. Make chores fun for children.D. Everyone should do chores.


文中,使短文完整、衔接自然。其中有两项多余项。Many kids are unhappy to do housework, but

the parents should know how to make them do ithappily.

已(61)________ Begin with saying that there蒺sso much housework to do in our house. And let allof them agree to do the housework after thediscussion.

已(62)________ A four鄄year鄄old child shouldn蒺thave to clean the whole house, and a teenagershouldn蒺t just do the easy chores.

已If your children have a problem, try tomake it a game of“Who can finish chores first”.

已You can check (检查) their work after theydo the chores. (63)________

已Give a gift. (64)________ You can also givethem five dollars at the end of the work.

(65)________ At the same time you developtheir independence.

A. Make sure everyone does it well.

B. You can buy their favorite snacks.

C. Decide who gets what kind of chores.

D. Each person should do some easy housework.

E. Hold a family meeting first with your kids.

F. The kids hate doing dirty and heavy chores.

G. By doing so, your children will get much joy

in doing chores.

VIII. 综合填空 (每小题 1.5分;共 15分)



turn, shape, from, waste, by, develop, why,hate, pass, when, easy, how

Some children (66)________ doing chores.They think doing housework is a (67)________ of

time. However, parents can do something to (68)

________ chores into fun and useful experiences

for their children.

(69)________ parents want to get something,

they can describe(描述) it, such as its (70)_______

and color. Then, parents can let children think what

it is and (71)________ it to them.

There蒺s an (72)________ game for young

children to wash the clothes. Parents can ask

children if the socks are the same or not. (73)________ doing this game, children can learn to

know about sizes and colors.

Cooking can also be fun for children. Tasting

the food is a great way to learn. Children can see

(74)________ food changes during the cooking.

This can help children (75)________ their interestin cooking.

IX. 情景交际(每小题 1分;共 5分)



A: Jasper! (76)________

B: I蒺m watching a music program.A: (77)________

B: OK, Mom. (78)________

A: I have to go to the supermarket to buy some

milk for your little sister. (79)________

B: No problem! Will you come back soon?

A: Yes, in half an hour.

B: OK, I see. (80)________

A: Yes, but don蒺t make her cry and don蒺t let her

get hurt.

B: Don蒺t worry. I蒺ll look after her well.

A. What can I do for you?

B. What are you doing?

C. Could I play games with her?

D. Could you stop watching it?

E. Why do you look so tired?

F. Could you please take care of her?

G. Please pass your sister蒺s cup to me.

X. 书面表达(共 10分)

假设你是 Lisa,某英文报刊就“Should

Teenagers Help Their Parents with Housework?”这




1. 你认为青少年应该帮助父母做家务吗?

2. 你的理由是什么?

Dear Sir or Madam,

I think that ____________________________




安徽 樊传银 江苏 余 占

(参考答案及听力材料请扫描下期第 5版二维码查看)

学业测评6学 习 报·八 年 级 英 语 人 教 TESTING

2020年 1月 15日 第 27期

笠5、6版配合同步辅导版使用,学期定价 12.00元 同步辅导版学期定价 30.00元 共计 42.00元

(上接第 5版)

VII. 阅读理解(每小题2分;共 40分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容从每小题所给

的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

ANanny (保姆) with Experience

荫A part鄄time nanny from March 30th to August31st to look after my 7鄄month鄄old baby boy.

荫Work 5 days per week (8:00 am to 1:00 pmeach day).

荫Some easy chores: making the beds, cleaningthe house, folding the clothes. No need tocook.

荫Please call Kate at 78526979.Weekly House Cleaning

荫Someone with house cleaning experience to doweekly cleaning for my home in London. Youmust be able to work 8 hours a week (onWednesday, Friday and Sunday).

荫You can choose your days and time freely.荫Please reply to Sandy by message. The number

is 64587346.

( )46. How long does a nanny work every week?A. For 20 hours. B. For 25 hours.C. For 30 hours. D. For 15 hours.

( )47. What doesn蒺t the nanny have to do?A. Cook. B. Fold clothes.C. Make the beds. D. Sweep the floor.

( )48. The two wanted persons must ______.a. be womenb. have working experiencec. work five days a weekd. do some houseworkA. b-c B. c-d C. a-c D. b-d

( )49. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Sandy comes from America.B. A nanny needs to work for six months.C. You should send Sandy messages to get

the job.D. Kate needs someone to clean her house.

( )50. The passage is ______.A. a diary B. a piece of newsC. an ad (广告) D. a personal letter

BI have a son and two daughters. My son, Jack,

never seemed to understand what he had wasenough, and he always wanted more. I thought itwas necessary to teach him to do something for thefamily.

I told him that he needed to help with choresat home. He didn蒺t like to do them. So I made agame out of chore list and created a website whereeveryone could record (记录) his or her points. Hecould get 10 points for doing a chore, and 20 pointsfor things I wanted him to do as good habits. Thecool thing was that all the chores were listed forthe whole family. I could give chores to one childor another, change the chores or the points, andeven decide the time we do the chores.

One day, Jack and I had the same points. Hewanted to beat me. The only thing left to do wasto bring in the rubbish bin. So he took his coat, ranout of the house and dragged (拖) the rubbish bin,which was as big as him, back with great difficulty.He was so excited by beating his dad when he didthe last thing. In fact, everyone won!( )51. Where did Jack record his points?

A. On a website. B. In his diary.C. On the wall. D. In a notebook.

( )52. How many points could Jack get for doinga chore?A. 30 points. B. 20 points.C. 15 points. D. 10 points.

( )53. The writer could not ______.A. change the choresB. give chores to the children

C. decide who was the winnerD. decide the time they do the chores

( )54. What does the word“beat”mean?A. 打败 B. 袭击C. 保护 D. 检查

( )55. What can we learn from the passage?A. The writer has two sons and a daughter.B. All the family members took part in the

game.C. It was easy for Jack to drag the rubbish

bin.D. At last , the writer felt sad about the

result of the game.

CNo one wants to do housework, especially

children. How can you make chores fun for yourchildren?

Play some music. Music makes people feelrelaxed. It makes everything seem like a party,doesn蒺t it? Play your children蒺s favorite music andlet them listen to it while they蒺re doing chores.

Make it a game. It蒺s a good way when youwould like them to clean the house. Let them knowthat you hide(隐藏) a $5 bill somewhere. If theyfind it, they can keep it.

Change often. If your children keep doing thesame chores for months, they may feel bored. Givethem a new job. They蒺ll feel happy when they get anew task.

Do it together. It蒺s never fun to be the onlyone to work and watch everyone else relaxing. Ifeveryone joins in doing chores, you will finishthem more quickly and have more fun.( )56. The passage is mainly for ______.

A. schools B. teachersC. parents D. children

( )57. The writer tells us ______ pieces of advice.A. three B. fourC. five D. six

( )58. The writer thinks it蒺s better to ______.A. play their favorite musicB. ask them to do the same thingsC. watch them do the choresD. give them lots of housework

( )59. Children may feel ______ if they keepon doing the same chores for months.A. tired B. funC. interested D. bored

( )60. What蒺s this passage mainly about?A. Doing chores is good for children.B. Help children set a good habit.C. Make chores fun for children.D. Everyone should do chores.


文中,使短文完整、衔接自然。其中有两项多余项。Many kids are unhappy to do housework, but

the parents should know how to make them do ithappily.

已(61)________ Begin with saying that there蒺sso much housework to do in our house. And let allof them agree to do the housework after thediscussion.

已(62)________ A four鄄year鄄old child shouldn蒺thave to clean the whole house, and a teenagershouldn蒺t just do the easy chores.

已If your children have a problem, try tomake it a game of“Who can finish chores first”.

已You can check (检查) their work after theydo the chores. (63)________

已Give a gift. (64)________ You can also givethem five dollars at the end of the work.

(65)________ At the same time you developtheir independence.

A. Make sure everyone does it well.

B. You can buy their favorite snacks.

C. Decide who gets what kind of chores.

D. Each person should do some easy housework.

E. Hold a family meeting first with your kids.

F. The kids hate doing dirty and heavy chores.

G. By doing so, your children will get much joy

in doing chores.

VIII. 综合填空 (每小题 1.5分;共 15分)



turn, shape, from, waste, by, develop, why,hate, pass, when, easy, how

Some children (66)________ doing chores.They think doing housework is a (67)________ of

time. However, parents can do something to (68)

________ chores into fun and useful experiences

for their children.

(69)________ parents want to get something,

they can describe(描述) it, such as its (70)_______

and color. Then, parents can let children think what

it is and (71)________ it to them.

There蒺s an (72)________ game for young

children to wash the clothes. Parents can ask

children if the socks are the same or not. (73)________ doing this game, children can learn to

know about sizes and colors.

Cooking can also be fun for children. Tasting

the food is a great way to learn. Children can see

(74)________ food changes during the cooking.

This can help children (75)________ their interestin cooking.

IX. 情景交际(每小题 1分;共 5分)



A: Jasper! (76)________

B: I蒺m watching a music program.A: (77)________

B: OK, Mom. (78)________

A: I have to go to the supermarket to buy some

milk for your little sister. (79)________

B: No problem! Will you come back soon?

A: Yes, in half an hour.

B: OK, I see. (80)________

A: Yes, but don蒺t make her cry and don蒺t let her

get hurt.

B: Don蒺t worry. I蒺ll look after her well.

A. What can I do for you?

B. What are you doing?

C. Could I play games with her?

D. Could you stop watching it?

E. Why do you look so tired?

F. Could you please take care of her?

G. Please pass your sister蒺s cup to me.

X. 书面表达(共 10分)

假设你是 Lisa,某英文报刊就“Should

Teenagers Help Their Parents with Housework?”这




1. 你认为青少年应该帮助父母做家务吗?

2. 你的理由是什么?

Dear Sir or Madam,

I think that ____________________________




安徽 樊传银 江苏 余 占

(参考答案及听力材料请扫描下期第 5版二维码查看)