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A “Skripsi”

Presented to Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers’ Training

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Degree of S.Pd. (S-1)

in the Department of English Education.



NIM. 208014000074






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Ida Maulida. 2015 Improving Students’ Ability in Using Passive Voice of

Present Progressive Tense Through Contextual Teaching and

Leaning.(A classroom Action Reasearch in the Second Grade

Students of MTs Al- Jauharotunnaqiya) Skripsi, English

Educations Department, the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers’s

Traning, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamis University Jakarta.

Advisor I : Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd.

Advisor II : Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum.

Keywords: Passive Voice, Present Progressive Tense, Contextual Teaching

and Learning.

The objective of this study was to describe about the improvement

students’ ability using of passive voice of present progressive tense through

contectual teanching and learning in the second grade students of Mts

Jauharotunnaqiya serang. In addition. This study is also aimed at describing the

implementation of contextual Teaching and Learning in improving students’

undesrtanding of passive voice of present progressive tense. This study is

categorized as the Classroom Action Reseach (CAR) done to 40 students. the

writer used the Kurt Lewin’s design consisting of four phases: planning, acting,

observing, and reflecting Meanwhile, the data were derived from the test (pretest

and posstest), interview, and observation.The result of the study showed that there

was improvement of the students’ understanding of passive voice of present

progressive tense. Most of students gradually gained good score at the end of each

cycle. The score of minimum Master Criterion- kriteria ketuntasan minimal

(KKM) of english lesson was 70 (seventy) the students’ mean score preliminary

study was 48.63. the mean score in the first cycle was 63.50. the mean score in the

second cycle was 76.88, besides, it showed that were 45 students participation

actively in the first cycle and 82% students participation enthusiastically in the

second cycle. The class condition during teaching learning process was quite

good. In addition that was positive response from the students and the English

teacher about the implementing the action. In conclusion contextual teaching and

learning can improved students’ understanding of passive voice of present

progressive tense and it can increase students’ participation.

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Ida Maulida. 2015 Improving Students’ Ability in Using Passive Voice of

Present Progressive Tense Through Contextual Teaching and

Leaning.(A classroom Action Reasearch in the Second Grade

Students of MTs Al- Jauharotunnaqiya) Skripsi, Jurusan

Pendidikan Bahas Inggris , Fakulta Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan,

Universita Islam Negeri Jakarta.

Advisor I : Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi. M.Pd.

Advisor II : Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum.

Keywords: Passive Voice, Present Progressive Tense, Contextual Teaching

and Learning.

Penelitian in bertujuan menjelaskan kepada siswa di kelas dua MTs Al

Jauharotunnaqiya serang tentang kalimat pasive dengan menggunakan pengajaran

kontextual. Disamping itu, penelitian ini juga ditunjukan untuk mendeskripsikan

pelaksanaan pengajaran konstektual dalam meningkatkan pemahaman kalimat

pasive siswa terhadap Present Progressive Tense.Penelitian ini dikatagorikan

sebagai penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang dilakukan terhadap 40 siswa.

Adapun model peneliyian tindakan kelas yang digunakan menganut pada Kurt

Lewin model. Yang mana terdiri dar 4 tahapan. Perencanaan, pelaksanaan,

pengamatan dan refleksi.data yang di peroleh berdasarkan (pretest dan posstest),

wawancara terhadap guru, observasi di kelas. berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang

didapat menujukan bahwa ada peningkatan pemahaman siswa dalam kalimat pasif

dalam tensis present progressive tense sebagian siswa mendapatkan hasil yang

bagus pada masing masing setiap akhir siklus. Nilai pada kriteria ketuntasan

minimum (KKM) pada plejaran Bahasa Inggris memperoleh 70 (Tujuh puluh).

Pada pretest siswa memperoleh nilai rata rat 48.63. pada siklus pertama siswa

memperoleh nilai rata rata 63.50. dan diakhir pda siklus kedua 76.88. dalam siklus

pertama ada peningkatan 45% an pada siklus kedua partisipas9 sisw meningkat

82%. Selama proses kegiatan belajar mengajar kondisi kelas cukup tenang selain

itu ada respon yang positif baik siswa dan guru dalam menerapkan tindakan.

Sehingga pengajaran kontekstual dapat meningkatkan pemahaman siswa dalam

kalimat pasif dalam bentuk Present Progressive Tense dan meningkatkan

partisipasi siswa dalam belajar.

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In the of Allah, Most Gracious Most Merciful

Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds

Great praise is only for Allah, God of all creation in the universe, which His

rububiyah is witnessed by all creatures without one is forgotten. His uluhiyah is pledged by

every living creature. And we, beings, are to express the very special testimony to our

prophet Muhammad Peace be upen Him that He, Allah’s apostle, is most adoration under

Allah’s mercies which given in a prestigious mandatory on a true religion and its tents.

The writer sends words of regards to all of my family, especially for my parents, and

my husband. They give many things as in learning a lot of aspect in life in order to be better

with their abundant loves and cares including their helps during “skipsi” writing until the

writer could finish the undergraduate study (S-1) at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta on the writer’s major in English


The writer deeply express to her advisor Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd. and Zaharil Anasy,

M.Hum. whos scholarly suggestions and critical remarks have enabled the writer to refine the


All the perfection belong to Allah SWT and the writer only make efforts.Morover, the

writer’s effort in doing “skripsi” may not be separated from the involvement and

contributions of others, so that the writer is to say a lot of thanks and appreciations to:

1. All the honorable lectures who have given their best to the students for more than four

years until the examinations day. All you give are really worthly remebering in our


2. The chairman of English Education Department. Dr. Alek, M.Pd. and his secretary.

Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum, for their outstanding dedicacy.

3. The dean of faculty of Tarbiya and teachers’ Traning Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya,

M.A. and all his staff’s who have already given attentions to theri students for the

sake of fulfilling teaching competence.

4. For his permissions to hold the research and to the teachers, especilally to the english

teachers and the conseling teacher who is so kind to share theri informations, ideas

and experiences.

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5. Nurul Huda, S.Pd. as English Teacher of MTs Jauharotunnaqiya.

6. The all staf of library,the main library of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University,

the faculty Tarbiya and teachers’ traning library. State University of Jakarta (UNJ)

library, the faculty of Psychology library of Universitas of Indonesia (UI), the

Indonesia Catholic university of Atmajaya library and PKBB Atmajaya to their

services to provede the references og the “skripsi”

7. For all of my friends in class A exstension and Departmen of English Education

friends academic year 2008 that the writer can not mentions one by one who always

help and give supports to the writer in accomplishing this “skripsi”.

The words are not enough to say any appreciations for their help and contributions to

this skrips. May Allah SWT protect and give them happiness throught their life. Finally, the

writer realizes that the skripsi is far from being perfect. It is a pleasure for him to receive

constructive critiques and suggestions from the reader.

Jakarta, 3 July 2015

The Writer

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APPROVAL .....................................................................................................i

ENDROSEMENT ............................................................................................ii

SURAT PERNYATAAN KARYA ILMIAH ..................................................iii

ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... iv

ABSTRAK .........................................................................................................v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................viii

LIST OF TABLE ..............................................................................................xi

LIST OF APPENDICES ..................................................................................xii

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTIONS ................................................................ 1

A. Background of the Research ......................................... 1

B. Identification of the Problem ........................................ 4

C. Limitations of the Problem ........................................... 5

D. Formulation of the Problem .......................................... 5

E. Objective of Study ......................................................... 6

F. Significanse of the Study ............................................... 6

CHAPTER II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ........................................ 7

A. Grammar ........................................................................ 7

1. General Concept of Grammar ............................... 7

2. Difficulties in Learning Grammar .......................... 8

B. Passive Voice ................................................................ 9

1. Meaning of Passive Voice ......................................10

2. Use of Passive Voice ..............................................10

3. Form of the Passive ................................................12

C. Present Progressive Tense .............................................17

1. Definition of Present Progressive Tense ................17

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2. Usage of Present Progressive Tense.......................18

D. Contextual Teaching and Learning ..............................20

1. Background of CTL ................................................20

2. Definitions of Contectual Teaching and Learning ..21

3. Component of CTL Method ....................................24

4. Approaches for Implementing CTL ........................30

5. Implementation of CTL ...........................................31

E. Relevant Studies ...........................................................33

F. Thinking Framework .....................................................34

G. Action Hypothesis .........................................................35

CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODHOLOGY .....................................36

A. Time and Place of the Research ....................................36

B. Method of the Research ................................................36

C. Subject of the Research .................................................39

D. Classroom Action Research ..........................................39

1. Planning ..................................................................39

2. Acting Phase ...........................................................40

3. Observing Phase .....................................................40

4. Reflecting Phase .....................................................41

E. Technique of Collecting Data .......................................41

F. Technique of Data Analysis ..........................................42

G. Validity of Data ............................................................44

H. Trustworthhiness of Study ............................................45

1. Discriminating Power .............................................45

2. Item difficulty .........................................................46

I. Criteria of the Action Research Success .......................47

CHAPTER IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION .............................................48

A. Before Implementing the Action ...................................48

1. Result of Pre Interview ...........................................48

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2. Result of Pre Observation ......................................49

3. Result of Pre Test ...................................................50

B. Implementing of CAR ...................................................50

1. Cycle ......................................................................50

a. Planning ..........................................................50

b. Acting ..............................................................50

c. Observing ........................................................52

d. Reflecting ........................................................53

2. Cycle 2....................................................................53

a. Planning ............................................................53

b. Acting ...............................................................53

c. Observing .........................................................55

d. Reflecting .........................................................56

C. Discussion of Data after CAR .......................................66

1. Result of Post Interview .........................................56

2. Result of Post Test..................................................57

CHAPTER V. CONCLUSSION AND SUGGESTION ..............................65

A. Conclussion ...................................................................65

B. Suggestion .....................................................................65

BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................66


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Table 3.1 Schedule of the research......................................................... 40

Table 4.1 The Students’ Score of Pretest 1, and Posttest 2 .................... 58

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1. Schedule of the research

2. Pretest Score

3. Posttest Score of Cycle 1

4. Posttest Score of Cycle II

5. Interview Guidelines for the Needs Analysis (Before CAR)

6. Interview Guidelines for the Need Analysis (After CAR)

7. The Questionnare for Students (before CAR)

8. The questionnare for Students (after CAR)

9. The blue print Test of Pretest

10. The Blue Print Test of Posttest

11. Lesson Plan

12. Syllabus

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A. The Background of the Study

The emergence of globalization era which has caused no distance between

countries in this world, force people to decide an international language to

overcome the communication problems when people from different countries with

different languages meet in some occasions. Today, the first international

language is English, Which makes almost all peoples in this world try to master

English in order to be accepted in this globalization era.

Furthermore, recent trends in English as a Second Language or English as a

Foreign Language (ESL/EFL) curriculum design and pedagogy have stressed on

the importance of teaching communicative strategies and of teaching the

functional use of language1 that the goal of this learning is to be good in English

even in written or orally. Therefore, English teachers are demanded to be as

creative as they can do to make the goal.

In mastering English language, there are several skills should be mastered

by students. Those are; listening, speaking, reading, and writing, besides, the

accuracy of language proficiency is also important to support those skills, the

accury of language proficiency itself refers to mastering language components

that involve pronunciation, vocabulary, and also grammar. Those components are

linked up each other; therefore, it is very important to learn these all in order to

help students Master English, to deal with these statements, basically English

teachers have attempted to teach English as a foreign language that was most

similar to teach students’ first language.


Bruce tilit and Marry Newton Bruder, Speaking Naturally; Communication Skills in

American English, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985)., p. vii.

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However, it seems completely difficult because mastering good English is

only the matter of habit; the more students practice their language the more they

command in it. For instance, in understanding English grammar especially

structure, students need to know how to distinguish between the present tense, the

past tense, and the future tenses, so they can make good simple sentences


Concerning with English grammar, students must understand the use and

the function of each component that involve tenses, word order, modal, and etc. in

making sentence even in simple sentence. So that, Learning grammar is

considered as the most difficult and complicated language sub-skill to be learned

rather that other language sub-skills. It is because; when students producing

sentence they need not only to know the vocabulary but also they have to know

the function of each word, the frequency of time. And how to arrange it together

to become correct sentence based on the tense and proper word order rules.

Discussing more about grammar, there are many valuable parts that should

be learnt by the students, and one of the most important parts is a sentence.

Sentence is an expression in natural language, and often defined to indicate a

grammatical unit consisting of one or more words that generally bear minimal

syntactic relation to the words that precede or follow it. A sentence can include

words grouped meaningfully to express a statement, question, exclamination,

request or command. Therefore in this research the writer tries to analyze and

observe the class with teaching Passive Voice of Present Progressive Tense

through Contextual teaching and learning.

One of the important aspects in learning foreign language is the method of

teaching. The method of teaching can help the teacher to solve the student’s

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learning problem. Teaching methods can best be defined as the types of principles

and methods used for instruction. There are many types of teaching methods,

depending on what information or skill the teacher is trying to convey. For

effective teaching to take place, a good method must be adopted by a teacher. A

teacher has many options when choosing a style by which to teach. The teacher

may write lesson plans of their own, borrow plans from other teachers, or search

online or within books for lesson plans. When deciding what teaching method to

use, a teacher needs to consider students' background knowledge, environment,

and learning goals. Teachers are aware that students learn in different ways, but

almost all children will respond well to praise. Students have different ways of

absorbing information and of demonstrating their knowledge. Teachers often use

techniques which cater to multiple learning styles to help students retain

information and strengthen understanding.

Many methods are used in teaching English language, such as grammar

translation method, direct method, oral approach, situational language teaching,

audio-lingual method, total physical response, the silent way, communicative

language teaching, natural approach, cooperative language teaching, competency-

based language teaching, games method, collaboration, contextual teaching and

learning method and any others method.

One of the methods that the writer will use is ’contextual teaching and

learning (CTL). Contextual teaching and learning (CTL) is a holistic system that

help students sees meaning in the academic material they are studying by

connecting academic subject with the context of their daily lives.

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The writer thinks that it is necessary to find out an alternative way to

create suitable and interesting techniques related to students condition. They need

to be delivered any practices to assist them in increasing grammar comprehension.

For the need of research, the writer choose first grade students at MTs AL

JAUHAROTUNNAQIYA Serang. Therefore, the students’ grammar

comprehension needs to be developed. In this research, the writer focuses on

Passive Voice of Present Progressive Tense. The writer realizes that all of those

problems are impossible to be solved in a time. That is why the writer tries to find

out an appropriate strategy to increase students’ grammar understanding better

that is through contextual teaching and learning which considered as one way of

grammar comprehension method toward Passive Voice of Present Progressive


Based on the description above, the writer wants to propose one teaching




Research at the Second Grade Students of MTs Al Jauharotunnaqiya).

B. The Identification of the Problems

Based on the background of the study above, In this skripsi, the writer

identifies the problem as follows:

1. Many students are not able to write well-structured sentence yet

2. The students’ difficulties in adding –“ing” form passive voice

3. The students’ feel bore in following teaching learning activities

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4. The difficulties of students in learning and understanding Passive Voice of

Present progressive Tense.

5. The difficulties of students in transforming positive statement into

negative statement.

C. Limitation of the Problem

There are many factors that can cause the problems in understanding the

Passive voice of present progressive tense. Those are internal and external factors,

the internal factors that can cause the difficulty in understanding the Passive

Voice of Present Progressive Tense are motivation, intelligence, interest, and etc.

While the external factors are school curriculum, physical condition, the teacher,

learning material, including the teaching approach.

The writer limits only on the external factor that is the teaching method.

Then, she regards Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) as the method in

teaching Passive Voice of Present Progressive Tense.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the above description, the writer put the problem in one question,

which has to be answered after a research, that is:

How does the Researcher improve the students’ understanding in using

Passive Voice of Present Progressive Tense Through Contextual Teaching and


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E. Objective of Study

The aim of the research is to improve whether contextual teaching and

learning (CTL) increase students’ grammar and understanding in using Passive

Voice of Present Progressive Tenses for the first grade students at MTs Al

Jauharotunnaqiya Serang. In addition, the aim of the research is to describe how

the implementation contextual teaching and learning increase students’

understanding in using Passive Voice of Present Progressive Tense.

F. Significance of the Study

There are some elements that will get the significances of the study, they are

expected to be useful for:

1. The writer

This study is expected to give new information to the writer about

how to teach the Passive Voice of Present Progressive tense using

Contextual Teaching and learning.

2. The Further Researcher.

This study is expected to give new knowledge to the further

researcher to do the better research of teaching and learning cases.

3. The Students

This study is expected to describe the effective way or method in

learning the Passive Voice of Present Progressive Tense.

4. The English Teacher

This study is expected to give an input in order that she/he can use

the Contextual Teaching and Learning method in teaching Grammar

(Passive Voice of Present Progressive Tense).

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A. Grammar

1. General Concept of Grammar

Grammar is scared by most of English language learners because of their

pattern or rules. Even for the students who want to become English teachers, it

becomes the most frightened subject they learn. If we talk about grammar, we

will remember some patterns that always make us afraid of making mistakes

either when we are speaking or writing English language.

However, we of course cannot separate grammar from a language,

including English. That is because grammar is an essential component of both

spoken and written languages. It helps you to arrange the right choices of

words and structures to make your communication as effective as possible.1

We learn from it how to combine words into a sentence, so they become

appropriate and well-from. Look at the example, ―The boy ate spaghetti last

night‖. This sentence is grammatical and this is what we call grammar which

consists of rules of syntax. It is a grammar that specifies how words and

phrases are combined to from sentences, and rules of morphology.

On the other hand, grammar also emphasis on semantic and lexis which

specifies meaning of a sentence. It means that grammar organizer not only the

rules of a sentence but also its meaning. So that the sentence becomes

grammatical and meaningful either in spoken or written language. Penny Ur

state in her book ―Grammar may be roughly defined as the way a language

manipulates and combine words (or bits of words) in order to form longer

units of meaning.‖2 Look at the following examples:

The sentence ―The spaghetti ate the boy last night‖ is grammatical and

well formed. The rule of simple past tense in this sentence is in line. The word

1 Howard Jackson, Good Grammar for Students, (London: SAGE publications Ltd,

2005)., p. 3. 2 Penny Ur, Grammar Practice Activities, (Cambridge: Cambridge university Press,

1988)., p. 4.

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―ate‖ is the second form of verb ―eat‖ that is changed in order to be suitable

with the rule of simple past tense. However, if we look at its meaning, it is not

meaningful at all. How can the spaghetti eat the boy? It does not make sense

and is not appropriate and effective for language learners to use.

In line with those definitions, The writer concludes that grammar is one of

the most important parts of a language which orginizes the smallest thing such

as words, phrases and construct them to be well-formed and meaningful

sentences. Grammar also helps the learner aware of using English language

appropriately and effectively in abroader communication.

2. Difficulties in Learning Grammar

Grammar is one thing that essential for the mastery of every foreign

language learning including English, Whether we like or not.

In ― natural Learning‖ Such as the learning of a first language by the

children, the amount of time and motivation devoted to learning is that there is

no necessity for conscious planning of the learning process: sooner or later.

The material is absorbed.3 On the other hand, learning English at school or

such courses has much less time available and less motivation, which means

that learning time has to be organized for optimum effeciency. For this kind of

conscious learning, we need to prepare some effective planning of learning

materials in order the learning activities are effective and efficient.

However, Introduction a new language to the students is not as easy as

teaching their own language. The acquisition of a new language can pose

many learning difficuties to the student streaming from a number source.

Learning difficulty is a term used to describe any one of a number of

barriers to learning that students many experience.4 Therofore, students with

learning difficulties may find activities that involve thingking and

understanding particularly difficult, and of course they need support and help

to solve their problem.

3 Ibid., p. 5.

4 Http: www. Everychildmatters.gov.uk.Learning Difficulty.

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Difficulties in learning a new language such as English commonly happen

to most of the students in the world, including indonesia. The different cultural

backgrounds between their mother tounge and English as a foreign language

may have a considerable effect on students learning difficulties, especially

when it comes to sentence structure in English.

The difference of the two languages will become a negative transfer, and

in this case, errors will result. On other hand, transfer will be positive when

the two language, habits are the same. Those are like what Littlewood state:

―Differences between the two languages lead to interference, which is the

cause of learning difficulties and errors.‖ 5

Another statement also stated by Robert lado. He even summed up the

learner‘s problem in a well-known formulation as follows: ―Those elements

that are similar to this native language will be simple for him, and those

elements that are different will be difficult.‖ (1957, p.2)6

Based on the statements and formulation that are stated by littlewood and

lado, the writer concludes that difficulties in learning English especially

grammar are created by the negative transfer that takes place from the mother

tongue to the second or foreign language. Furthermore, this negative transfer

commits some errors in learning English grammar as a result of the difficulties

they encountered. So that, difficulties and errors are correlated each other.

B. Passive Voice

In this section, the writer will give more explanation about passive voice

which is divided into the meaning of passive voice, the use of passive voice,

the form of passive voice consisting of the rules of passive voice contraction,

the passive voice in the simple present form, simple past, present progressive,

past progressive, present perfect and past perfect, the passive voice with modal

auxiliaries and the passive voice with two objects.

5 Wlliam Littlewood, Foreign and Second Language Learning, (Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 1976)., p. 17. 6 Robert lado, “ Lerner‟s Problemin Language Acquistion” In Understanding Second

Language Acquistion, (Oxford: Oxford university Press, 1985)., p. 19.

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1. Meaning of Passive Voice

According to Marriane Celce- Murcia, The passive is ― a focus

construction that exists to put the patient, the receiver or undergone of an

action, is a subject position. The subject is acted upon and is thus ―Passive‖.

Indeed, Shibitani (1985) has shown that the passive ―defocus the agent‖7

Voice is that property of a verb which makes clear whether the subject of

the verb performs the action or receives the action described by the verb. If the

subject performs the action described by the verb, the verb is said to be in

active voice. If the subject receives the action, the verb is said to be in the

passive voice.8

2. Use of Passive Voice

As it has already indicated in the previous section, that the passive is used

when the writer wants to defocus the agent. According to Gorrel and Laird ―

the passive has vary definite uses, it is properly used when; (1) the agent is not

mentioned, (2) desirable for stylistic reason, and (3) the receiver is so much

more important then the actor‖.9 The following explanations are about the use

of Passive voice:

a. According to Murcia and Freeman, the passive is used when the agent is

not mentioned because:10

1) It is redundant or easy to supply; it‘s meant that the agent of the action

in not to be mentioned because the number of the agent is redundant.

Everyone could be the agent of the action. For example , pineapples

are grown in Hawaii. There was no agent in the sentence above. The

reason for not mentioning the agent is because the agent is redundant.

7 Marriane Celce- Murcia and Diane Larsen- Freeman, The grammar Book, an ESL/EFL

Teachers, Course, 2nd

ed. (New York: Heinle and Heinle Publishers, 1999)., p. 347. 8 Sylviane Granger, The be + Past participle Construction In Spoken English with Special

Emphasis on the Passive, ( New York: Elseivier science publishers B. V, 1983)., p. 3. 9 Robert M. Gorrel and Charlton Lair, Modern English Handbook, 3

rd ed,. (Englewood

Cliffs: Prentice Hall Inc., 19530 p. 289. 10

Celce-Murcia, Op.cit ., p. 353.

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If the agent of the sentence above mentioned. For example, Pineaples

are grown in Hawaii by everyone.

2) It us unknown, it‘s mean that the actor of the agent of the sentence is

unknown. Thus, the agent is not to be mentioned. See the following

example of passive voice: The bank was robbed yesterday. It can be

known that there was nobody knows who robbed the bank yesterday.

Thus, the agent is not mentioned. If the agent of the sentence above is

mentioned For example, The bank was robbed by someone yesterday.

3) It is being tactful; the agent of the action is considered being tactful,

therefore, it is not mentioned. Below is the example of passive voice

where the agent is not mentioned because it is being tactful.

Margaret was given some bad advices about selecting course.

There was no agent in the sentence above, because as stated before the

agent is being tactful. If the agent being is mentioned the sentence will

become: Margaret was given some bad advices about selecting course

by the lectures.

b. A passive Construction is Desirable for Stylistic Reason

One of the elements of the actor- action pattern must be moved from

its normal position for stylistic reasons.11

For instance, when a writer wants to

avoid inserting complicated material between the subject and the verb to make

it easier to understand the sentence, see the following example of passive

voice desirable for stylistic reasons:

The hearing was opened by the chairman of the committee, who was known

for his ruthlessness in smirching the reputation of innocent with essesand for

his cleverness in beclouding the issue by his own witticisms and innuendoes.

In the sentence above, there is nothing between the subject and the

verb. The subject, which is the hearing, is exactly followed by its verb which

is was opened. Thus, it is easy to understand because there is no complicated

material between the subject and the verb.


Gorrel and Laird, Op. cit., p. 288.

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Different from the sentence above, there is a complicated material

between subject and verb in the following sentence.

The chairman of the committee, who was know for his ruthlessness in

smirching the reputation of innocent witnesses and for his cleverness in

beclouding the issues by his own witticisms and innuendoes, opened the


The complicated material between the subject and the verb of the

sentence above is in the bold type. It can make the reader confuse to

distinguish the subject and the verb of the sentence and difficult to understand

the sentence because of its length. Thus, it will better to use the first sentence

than the second one.

c. The passive is used when the receiver of the action is so much more

important that the actor that emphasize properly belongs on the


Besides, passive are ― very common in scientific writing and another

kind of expression where the writers are most interested in events and

processes in things that happen‖. 13

3. Form of Passive Voice

The following are the examples of the transformations of active voice into

passive voice in the simple present tense using the affirmative, negative and

interrogative forms of sentence based on the formulations above, the active

voices are written first then followed by the passive voice, this is done to make

it clear to know the transformations happened on each sentence:


Gorrel and Laird, Ibid,. p, 289. 13

Micheal Swam, Practical English Usage, (Oxford:Oxford university Press, 1980)., p.


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Active Voice Passive Voice

Affirmative Tom opens the window The window is opened by Tom

Negative Tom doen not open the


The window is not opened by


Interrogative Does tom open the


Is the window opened by Tom?

However, those three formulations may only be applied when the sentence

is in the simple present and simple pas form. Therefore, they cannot be applied

when the sentence is in the perfect tenses because it must be has/ have (present

perfect tenses) or had (past perfect tense) before be + Past participle and they

can not also be applied when the sentence contains one modal auxiliary

because be + past participle come after modal. The writer will give more

explanation about this on the next section.

a. The Passive Voice in Different Tenses

In this section, the writer will explain about the passive voice in different

tenses which are divided into the passive voice in the simple present tense.

The passive voice in the simple present tense, the passive voice in the present

progressive tense, the passive voice in the past progressive tense, the passive

voice in the present perfect tense and the passive voice in the past perfect


1. The Passive Voice in the Simple Present Tense.

The Passive voice in the simple present tense can be presented in

affirmative, negative and interrogative forms.

To make a passive voice in the simple present using the affirmative form

of sentence, the following formula is used:

Subject + to be ( am/is/are) + Past Participle + by agent

To make a passive voice sentence in the simple present using the negative

form, the following formula is used:

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Subject + to be ( am/is/are) + not + Past Participle + by agent

To make a passive voice sentence in the simple present using the form of

interrogative sentence, the following formula is used:

To be (am / is /are) + subject + Past Participle + by agent

For a notice, all subject in those three formulations are derived from the

object of the active sentence and usage of be which are in this form am/is/are

must be in line with the subject of a passive voice weather it is singular or

plural. If the subject is first person singular, am is used, if the subject is third

person singular of singular noun (he /she/ it), is is used and if the subject is

plural, are is used. The example for this part has been given in the previous


2. The Passive Voice in Present Progressive Tense

The Passive in the present progressive tense can be presented in

affirmative, negative, and interrogative forms, to make a passive voice in the

present progressive tense using the affirmative form of sentence, the following

formula is used:

Subject + to be (am/ is/ are) + being + Past Particle + by agent

To make a passive voice in the present progressive tense using the

negative form of sentence, the following formula is used:

Subject + to be (am/ is / are) + not + being + past particple + by


To make passive voice in the present progressive tense using the

interrogative form of sentence, the following formula is used:

To be (am / is /are) + subject + being + past participle + by agent

For a notice, all subjects in those three formulations are derived from the

object of the active sentence and the usage of be which are in this form

am/is/are must be in line with the subject of a passive voice weather it is

singular or plural. If the subject is first person and third person singular, am is

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used. If the subject is third person singular or singular noun ( he/she/it), is is

used. If the subject is plural, are is used.

The following are the examples of the transformations of active voice into

passive in the present progressive tense.

Active Voice Passive Voice

Affirmative Tom is opening the


The windows are being

opened by Tom

Negative Tom is not opening the


The windows are not

being opened by Tom

Interrogative Is tom opening the


Are the windows being

opened by tom?

Be used in the examples above is are being because the windows as a

subject is plural. If the subject is singular, for instance: the window, be to

be used is is being.

b. The Passive Voice with Modal Auxiliaries

Someone can use modal auxiliary (will,shall,can,must,may) in the passive

construction. ―be‖ is added after modal and past participle follows after it.

The following are formulations of passive voice construction with modals

auxiliary in the positive, negative and interrogative sentence.

To make a passive voice with modal auxiliary in the positive form of

sentence, the following formula is used.

Subject + modal auxiliary + be + past participle + by agent

To make a passive voice with modal auxiliary in the negative form of

sentence, the following formula is used.

Subject + modal auxiliary + not + be + past participle + by agent

To make a passive voice with modal auxiliary in the interrogative form of

sentence, the following formula is used.

Modal auxiliary + subject + be + past participle + by agent

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Bellow are the examples of the transformations of active voice into passive

voice with modal auxiliary using the affirmative, negative, and interrogative

forms of sentence based on the formulation above, the active voices are

written first then followed by the passive voice, this is done to make it clear to

know the transformations happened on each sentence.

Active Voice Passive Voice

Affirmative You must finish the

report in time

The report must be finished in

time by you

Negative You must not finish the

report in time

The report must not be finished

in time by you

interrogative Must the report finish in


Must the report be finished in

time by you?

c. The Passive Voice with two Objects

Many verb such as give, send, show, lend can be followed by two objects.

The objects are direct and indirect. The direct object usually refers to a thing.

While the indirect object usually refers to a person.14

Below is examples of a sentences which consist of verb that can be

followed by two object:

My mother gave me some advices

In the sentence above, there are two objects which are me as the indirect

object and some advices as the direct object. To change the sentence above

into passive voice there are two possibilities to put the indirect object which is

me as a subject. Thus, the passive voice of the sentence above becomes:

I was given some advices by my mother.

Me, in the active sentence is the indirect object, it is called objective

pronoun. When it is moved to subject position it must be changed become I,

which is called subjective pronoun.


Swam, Op. cit., p. 460.

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Second possibility is to put the direct object which is some advices as a

subject. For a notice, when the direct object becomes the subject of passive

voice of the sentence above become:

Some advices were given to me by my mother.

From the sentence above, it can be seen that the direct object which is

some advices is moved from the object position into the subject. Therefore, it

must be to before the indirect which is me.

According to W. Stannard Allen, it does not matter which of the two

objects is placed first, most often in such cases the person (usually a direct

object) becomes the subject of the passive voice.15

In line with statement above, Jespersen stated in his book that: ―during the

last few centuries there has been a growing tendency to make the indirect

object the subject in the passive. The explanation is that the greater interest

felt for person that for things naturally leads to the placing of the indirect

before the direct object.16

C. The Present Progressive Tense

1. Definition of Present Progressive Tense

Some book use the term Present Continuous and others use Present

Progressive Tense. Basic meaning of the present progressive (present

continuous), taught in every English language teaching textbook, is ongoing

action at the time of speaking.17

a. They are studying for a midterm right now.

b. Her plane is landing right now.

c. They were putting the plan into effect in the course of this



W. Standdart Allen, Living English Structure For School, (London: Longman, 1988 ).,

p. 151. 16

Otto Jespersen, Essentials of English Grammar, (London: George Allen & Unwind

Ltd,1972)., p. 121. 17

Ron Cowan, The Teacher‟s Grammar, p. 362.

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Time adverbs such as right now emphasize the immediacy of the ongoing

action, as in (a), which has an activity verb, and (b), which has an achievement

verb. Ongoing action can be transpiring over a longer period, as the time,

expression in (c) illustrates.

The present progressive express an activity that is in progress at the

moment of speaking. It began in the recent past, in progressing at the present,

and will probably end at some point in the future.18

Uses Examples

Activities at the moment of speaking I am doing my home work now

Activities currently in progress I am talking math this semester

Plans for the future We are not moving tomorrow.

Note : time expressions often used with the present progressive tense include

now, right now, at the moment, today, this week (month, year), these

days, currently, and nowadays.

Based on the explanation above, the writer point out the understanding of

present progressive tense is a sentence to express an activity in progress at the

time of speaking, an action currently moment and plan for the future.

2. Usage of Present Progressive tense

According to A. J Thomson and A. V. Martinet, uses of the present

progressive tense are.19


a. For action happening now:

It is raining

I am not wearing a coat as it is not cold

Why are you sitting at my desk?

What is the baby doing?


Betty Schrampfer Azar, Understanding and using English Grammar, p. 11. 19

A. J Thomson and A.V martinet, A practical English, pp. 154—155.

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b. For an action happening about this time but not necessarily at

the moment of speaking:

I am reading a play by Shaw. (This may mean ‗ at the moment

of speaking‘ but may also mean ‗now‘ in more general sense.)

He is teaching French and learning Greek, ( he may not be

doing either at the moment of speaking.)

When two progressive tenses having the same object are joined

by and,the auxiliary may be dropped before the second verb, as

in the above example. This applies to all pairs of compound


She is knitting and listening to the radio

c. For definite arrangement in the near future ( the most usual

way of expressing one‘s immediate plans):

I am meeting peter tonight. He is taking me to the theatre.

Are you doing anything tomorrow afternoon? – Yes, I am

playing tennis with Ann.

Note the time of the action must always be mentioned, as otherwise there

might be confusion between present and future meanings.

Furthermore, here are some usages of employing present progressive tense

declared by Michael Swam :

a. The present progressive is used to talk about temporary actions

and situations that are going on ―round now‖ before, during and

after the moment of speaking.

Hurry up! We are all waiting for you!

„What are you doing? „I am writing letters.‟

b. The present progressive talks about what is going on around a

particular time that we are thinking of. 20

At seven, when the post comes, I am usually having breakfast.

She does not like to be disturbed if she is working.


Michael Swam, Practical English., p. 461.

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You look lovely when you are smiling.

c. The present progressive is to talk about developing and

changing situations, even, if these are very long-lasting.

That child‟s getting bigger every day.

The climate is getting warmer.

d. The present progressive is often used to talk about the future.

What are you doing tomorrow evening?

Come and see us next week if you are passing through London.

D. Contextual Teaching and Learning

1. Background of CTL

Background of CTL began when there were needs about connecting the

process and result of study with social life. The early 20th

century roots of

career and technical education can be found in the theories proposed by David

Snedden and Charles Prosser, who suggested that the public schools were an

arm of the life social system of our society by contributing to its social

efficiency. Then called vocational education, CTL offered a means of

preparing well-trained, compliant workers for that efficient society. At the

same time, an emerging teaching and learning theory, behaviorism, was

proposed in which E. L Thorndike suggested that learning resulted from links

formed between stimuli and responses through the application of rewards.

Schools should teach students the right work and moral habits. Behaviorism

has served as the basic teaching and learning model for CTL (Doolittle and

Camp 1999).21

Another theory developed at about the same time (1910-1920) was

constructivism. In this teaching and learning model, student construct their

own knowledge by testing ideas based on prior knowledge and experience,

applying these ideas to a new situation, and integrating the new knowledge

gained with preexisting intellectual constructs. Rooted in the theories of John

Dewey (1900), constructivism calls of active participation in problem solving


http://www.bgsu.edu/ctl.Accesed on Desember 17th 2007.

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and critical thinking regarding an authentic learning activity that students find

relevant and engaging, the main point is that students learn well if there is

learning that related to knowledge that they have known.22

Although both theories involve student participations, CTL has not tended

to include constructivist approaches to the extent it has embraced behaviorism.

More specifically, although Prosser and the field of vocational embraced the

engaging element of constructivism, the nature of the curriculum more

appropriately lent itself to the approaches of behaviorism.

As direct instruction followed by practicing specific skills offers a

behaviorist means for teaching and learning, contextual teaching and learning

(CTL) provides a constructivist model. For this service project to represent

constructivism through CTL. Although direct instruction maybe appropriate

for helping students reach certain learning goals, CTL provides the means for

teaching other sets of learning goals that require higher-order thinking skills.

2. Definitions of Contextual Teaching and Learning

A method is a practical realization of an approach. The originators of a

method have arrived at decision about types of activities, roles of teachers and

learners, the kind of materials which will be helpful, and some model of

syllabus organization. Methods include various procedures and techniques as

their standard fare.23

The method used often been said to be caused of success or failure in

language learning, for it ultimately the method that determines the what and

the how of language instructions.24

But there is another idea that methods are

of little importance wherever there is a will to learn, the quality of the learner

is what counts.25


Nurhadi, M. pd, dr. burhan yasin dkk, Pembelajaran Konstextual dan Penyerapanya

dalam KBK, ( Universitas Negeri malang, p. 8. 23

Harmer, jeremy, The Practice of English language Teaching (Longman 2001)., p.79. 24

William Francais Mackey, Language Teaching Analysis, (Longman)., p. 138. 25


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And the other definition about methods is according to Edward Anthony

that defined as an overall plan for systematic presentation of language based

upon a selected approach.26

Johnson has defined that the CTL is an educational process that aim to

help students see meaning in the academic material they are studying by

connecting academic subject with the context of daily lives, that is, and

cultural circumstance. To achieve this aim, the system encompassed the

following eight components: working meaningful connections, doing

significant work, self-regulated learning, collaborating, critical creative

thinking, nurturing the individual, reaching high standard, and using authentic


The Washington state consortium of contextual teaching and learning

sated that CTL is teaching that enables students to reinforce, expand and apply

their academic knowledge and skill in variety of in school and out-of school

setting in order to real world problems. Contextual learning occur when

students apply and experience what is being taught referencing, real problems

associated with their roles and responsibilities as family members, citizens,

students and workers. Contextual teaching and learning emphasizes higher-

level thinking, knowledge transfer across academic disciplines, and collecting

analyzing and synthesizing information and data from multiple source and


And according to project that held by Center of educational and Work at

the University of Wisconsin-Madison that called as TEACHNET, stated that

Contextual Teaching and Learning is a conception of teaching and learning

that help teacher relate subject matter content to real word and motivate

students to make connection between knowledge and its application to their

lives as family members, citizens, and workers and engaged in hard work that

learning requires. Furthermore, there are some perceptions mentioned that

Contextual Teaching and Learning is problem-based, issues, self-regulated


H. Doughlas Brown, Principles of Language Teaching Fourth Edition., p. 116. 27

Nurhadi dkk op. cit, p. 12. 28


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learning, is situated in multiple content, anchor teaching in students‘ diverse

life contexts, issues authentic assessment, and issues independent learning


When we talk about context most people say that it related to the social

life, and the context of learning that stated in the principle of language

learning and teaching is: ―context‖ refers, for example, to the classroom with

its teacher and its material in the case of school learning or the social situation

in the case of untutored second language learning.30

Contextual teaching and learning can be defined as learning concept that

the teacher presenting the real world into the classroom, learning occurs only

when students (learners) process new information or knowledge in such a way

that it make sense to them in their own frames of reference (their own inner

worlds of memory, experience, and response). This approach to learning and

teaching assumes that the mind naturally seeks meaning in context-that is, in

relation to the person‘s current environment-and that is does so by searching

for relationship that make sense and appear useful. In the original text is

―Pendekatan kontekstual adalah salah satu pendekatan pembelajaran yang

menekankan pentingnya lingkunagn alamiah itu diciptakan dalam proses

belajar mengajar agar kelas lebih ―hidup‖ dan lebih bermakna, karena siswa

mengalami sendiri apa yang dipelajarinya. Pendekatan kontekstual merupakan

pendekatan yang memungkinkan siswa untuk menguatkan, memperluas dan

menerapkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dengan penglaman sendiri.31

Contextual teaching and Learning (CTL) helps us relate subject matter

content to real world situation and motivate students to make connections

between knowledge and its application to their lives as family members,

citizens, and workers and engaged in the hard work.

CTL can begin with a simulated or real problem. Students use critical

thinking skills and a systematic approach to inquiry to address the problem or

issues. Students may also have draw upon multiple content areas to solve


Nurhadi, Op, cit., pp. 4–5. 30

Ibid. 31

Nurhadi,Op. cit., pp. 4--5.

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problems. Worthwhile problems that are relevant to students‘ families, school,

experiences, workplaces, and communities hold greater personal meaning for


In the other side CTL also using the multiple contexts, theories of situated

cognition suggest that knowledge cannot be separated from the physical and

social context in which it develops. How and where a person acquires and

creates knowledge is therefore very important. CTL experiences are enriched

when students learn skills in multiple contexts (i.e. school, community,

workplace, and family)

According to contextual learning theories, the writer can conclude that

contextual teaching and learning is the way or concept of teaching and

learning that helps teachers and students to make relate subject matter content

to real world situation and motivate students to make connection between

knowledge and its application to other lives as family members, citizens, and

workers engaged in hard work that learning requires, and also learning occurs

only in such a way that it make sense to them in their own frames of reference

( their own inner worlds of memory, experience, and response). This approach

to learning and teaching assumes that the mind naturally seeks meaning in

context-that is, in relation to the person‘s current environment-and that it does

so by searching for relationship that make sense and appear useful.

3. Component of CTL Method

There are seven main components of Contextual Teaching and Learning,

there are: constructivism, questioning, inquiry, learning community, modeling,

reflections, and authentic assessment.

a. Constructivism

The basic premise is that an individual learner must actively ―build‖

knowledge and skills and that information exist within these built construct

rather than in the external environment. However, all advocates of

constructivism agree that it is individual‘s processing of stimuli from the

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environment and the resulting cognitive structures, that produce adaptive

behavior, rather than the stimuli themselves.32

Constructivism is the basic philosophy of Contextual Teaching and

Learning, it‘s that knowledge is built by human being in step by step, that

enlarging by the narrow context and it‘s not directly.33

There is another theory that constructivism views that knowledge is not

―about‖ the world, but rather ‗constitutive‘ of the world. Knowledge is not a

fixed object, it is constructed by an individual through her own experience of

that object. Constructivist approach to learning emphasizes authentic,

challenging projects that include students, teachers and experts in the learning

community. Its goal is to create learning communities there are more closely

related to the collaborative practice of the real world. In an authentic

environment, learners assume the responsibilities of their own learning, they

have to develop Meta cognitive abilities to monitor and direct their own

learning and performance. When people work collaboratively in an authentic

activity, they bring their own framework and perspective to the activity. They

can see a problem from different perspectives, and are able to negotiate and

generate meaning and solution through shared understanding. The

constructivism paradigm has led us to understand how learning can be

facilitated through certain types of engaging, constructive activities, this

model of learning emphasize meaning-making through active participation in

socially, culturally, historically, and politically situated contexts. A crucial

element of active participation is dialog in shared experiences, through which

situated collaborative activities, such as modeling, discourse, and decisions

making are necessary to support the negotiation and creation of meaning and


b. Inquiry


http://chiron.valdosta.edu/whuitt/col/construct.html, accessed on Desember 17th,

2010. 33

Nurhadi, op. cit., p.45. 34

http://www.edb,utexas.edu/cslstudent/Dhsiao?theories.html#construct. Accesed on

December 17th

, 2007.

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Basically inquiry is a complex idea that means many people in many

contexts. Inquiry is asking, asking something valuable that related to the topic

talked. Inquiry is defined as ―a seeking for truth, information, or knowledge

seeking information by questioning. Individuals carry on the process of

inquiry from the time they are born until they die. This is true even though

they might not reflect upon the process. Infants begin to make sense of the

world by inquiring. From birth, babies observe face that come near, they grasp

objects, they put things in their mouths, and they run toward voices. The

process of inquiring begins with gathering information and data through

applying the human sense seeing, hearing, touching, testing, and smelling.35

Asking something must be valuable and make sense because effective

inquiry is more than just asking questions. A complex process is involved

when individuals attempt to convert information and data into useful

knowledge. Useful application of inquiry learning involves several factors: a

context for questions, a framework for questions, a focus for questions, and

different levels of questions. Well-designed inquiry learning produces

knowledge formation that can be widely applied.

c. Questioning

Questioning is the main point of Contextual Teaching and Learning, the

first step of knowledge, heart of knowledge, and the important aspect of

learning. Sadker and Sadker mentioned that to question well is to teach well.

In the skillful use the question more than anything else lays the fine art of

teaching; for in it we have guide to clear and vivid ideas, and the quick spur to

imagination, the stimulus to thought, the incentive to action. What‘s in

question you ask? Everything. It‘s the way of evoking stimulating response or

stultifying inquiry. It is, in essence, the very core of teaching. The art of

questioning is the art of guiding learning.36


Nurhadi, Op. cit., p.46. 36

Nurhadi dkk, Op. cit., p.47.

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Sometimes the teacher asks to the students before, during and after lesson.

At other times they are posed effectively by the students to focus their own

lesson, keep them engaged, and help them monitor their understanding of what

has learned. To keep students questioning is the best way in learning activities.

Question stimulates research efforts. Question propels us and takes us deeper

into reading. 37

Furthermore Pmela J. Farris, J. Fuhler, and Maria P. Walther

stated on their book Teaching Reading A Balanced Approach for today‘s

Classroom mentioned, asking the right kind of questions, authentic q2uestions,

is behind quality learning. As tools to reaching higher level of comprehension,

they bear some investigation. Good questions aid students as they develop

important concepts, build critical background information, clarify confusion,

and stretch to higher level thinking.38

d. Learning Community

In learning community, result of learning can be gotten from gathering

others. They result of learning can be taken from sharing with friends, other

groups, and between make out person and not.

Charles Curran was inspired by Carl Roger‘s view of education in which in a

classroom are regarded a ―group‖ rather than a ―class‖ a group in need certain

therapy and counseling. The anxiety caused by they educational context is

lessened by mean of the supportive community. 39

In their groups, students

were more active and worked harder at interpreting than I had predicted. They

returned to text again and again, raising points, discussing, uncovering more

layers of meaning, and looking again. For a teacher who believe strongly in

the value of starting hard and long at literacy texts, this was heartwarming.40

It is sometimes forgotten that language classes operates as communities,

each with its own collection of shared understanding that have been built up


Pamela J. Farris, J. Fuhler, and Maria P. Walther, Teaching Reading A Balanced

Approach for today‟s Classroom, (McGraw Hill,2004)., p. 354. 38

Ibi.d 39

Op.cit., p.118. 40

Oxford Jsournal, ETL Journal, Volume 61/3,9 oxford University Press, 2007,. p. 238.

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over time. The overall character or each language class is created, developed

and maintained by everyone in the room. Each class member has specific floe

to play, even those with ostensibly low profile such as ‗onlooker‘ or ‗observer‘

(noticing what is going on), ‗knower‘ (being privy to shared class

understanding) and ‗follower‘ (reacting in the same way as everyone else to

certain teacher or student initiatives). The unique character of each language

class is based on shared understanding about how individuals (including

teachers) typically behave, react and interact with one another within the

confines of the communicative classroom.41

e. Modeling

As stated before the component of learning is the model for other. It mean

that in learning activities there must be a model that can be imitated by

students. Basically modeling is verbalization idea, teacher demonstrates to

students to study, and acting what the teacher need to be implemented by


f. Reflections

Reflection is the ways of thinking about what students have learned just

now, and thinking about what students had done in the past. Reflection is

figuration of activity and knowledge that just received.

Reflection is not an isolated activity of introspection followed by brilliant

insights. Indeed, reflection may be redundant and non insightful on many

occasion. This is why repeated reconsideration of thinking and learning is

necessary as conditions, knowledge, and experience change the ways we

interpret our mental lives. Other people can provide valuable guidance for

reflection because they stimulate us to see thinking from new perspective and

in new ways. This is why collaboration in a community of scholars is so vital


Rose M. Senior. The Experience of language Teaching, (Cambridge University

Press,2006)., pp. 200 – 2001.

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to children‘s intellectual development and teacher‘s professional development

(Brown & Campion, 1990).42

g. Authentic Assessment

Authentic Assessment is a procedure of achievement in the Contextual

Teaching and Learning. Assessment of student‘s performance can come from

the teacher and from the students. Assessment of preferment‘s can be explicit

when we say that was really good or implicit when, during a language drill for

example, when pass on the net students without making any comment or

correction (there is always the danger, however that the students may

misconstrue our silence as something else). Because the assessment we give is

either largely positive or somewhat negative students are likely to receive it in

term of raise or criticism. Indeed on of our role is to encourage students by

praising them for work that is well-done, just as it is one of duties to say when

thing not in successful. Yet the value of this praise and balm is not quite as

clear-out as such a bald statement might imply.

In the process of learning, not only the teacher that can be placed to

provide accurate assessment of students‘ performance, but also students can be

extremely effective.

At monitoring and judging their own language production. They

frequently have a very clear idea of how well they are doing or have done, and

if we have them to develop this awareness, we can may greatly enhance


The principle that used in authentic assessment are:

a. Measuring all of aspects learning, process, work, and product.

b. It is done as long as learning is processed and after.

c. Using all aspects and resources.

d. Testing is only as one of ways in collecting assessment data.

e. The task that given to students must be figuring parts of context.


http://www.sfu.ca/-sbratt/SRL/the%20role%of%20Self .

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f. Assessing is focus on the depend of students‘ knowledge, it‘s not on the

largeness of students‘ knowledge.43

These principles give the brief explanation that assessment is process in

collecting data that can give us the picture of developing students learning.

This data can be taken as the way to make sure that the student is in the right

process of learning. If students get trouble or stuck in the process of learning,

teacher can take the right step to solve it because the view of students learning

development is needed as long as the process of learning.

4. Approaches for Implementing CTL

To implement CTL,a variety of teaching approaches may be used. Over

the years, five teaching approaches have emerged that include context as a

critical component. They engaged students in an active learning process.

These approach are not discrete. They can be used individually or in

conjunction with one or more of the others. Although varying in the literature,

the following definitions are intended to capture the essence of the concepts as

means for implementing CTL.44

Problem-based learning is an approach that engages learners in problem-

solving investigations that integrate skill and concepts from many content

areas. This approach includes gathering information around a question,

synthesizing it, and presenting findings to others (Moffitt 2001).45

Cooperative learning as an approach that organizes instruction using small

learning groups in which students work together to achieve learning goals

(holubee 2001)46

Project-based learning an approach that focuses on the central concepts

and principles of a discipline, involves students in problem-solving

investigations and other meaningful tasks, allows students to work


Nurhadi dkk, Op. cit., p.100. 44

http://www.bgsu.edu/ctl, accesed on december 17th

, 2007. 45

Nurhadi dkk, Op. cit., p.52. 46

http://www.bgsu.edu/ctl, November 29th

, 2007, accesed on december 17th

, 2007.

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autonomously to construct their own learning, and culminates in realistic

products (Buck Institute for Education 2001).

Service learning an approach that provides a practical application of newly

acquired (or developing) knowledge and skills to needs in the community

through projects and activities (Mcpherson 2001). Work-based learning an

approach in which workplace, or workplace-like, activities are integrated with

classroom content for the benefit of students and often businesses (Smith


5. Implementation of CTL

In the process of learning, not only the teacher that can be placed accurate

assessments of students‘ performance, but also students can be extremely

effective at monitoring and judging their own language production. They

frequently have a very clear idea of well they are doing or have done, and if

we help them to develop this awareness, we can may greatly enhance


There are several aspects that very important in learning English use CTL.

The first is Native Language Proficiency that sight learner who are proficient

in their first language will find it easier to acquire a second , also a foreign

language, the assumption being that those learners will positively transfer their

easiness in using their first language into the second or the foreign language49

The second one is Language Attitudes that related to students‘ interest in

learning the language. It is very important to develop good language attitudes

and good language ago on the part of young learners learning the language.

This is made easy as children do not have any pretension whatsoever

associated with likes or dislikes towards the language due prestige, for

example. This can be done by the teacher‘s adopting appropriate techniques to


http://www.bgsu.edu/ctl, November 29th

, 2007. 48

Harmer,Op.cit., p. 102. 49

http://www.ateec.org/curric/ctlinfo.cfm Contextual Teaching and Learning on ATEEC

Fellows 2000 0n December 17th

, 2007.

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teach the young learners, couple with good materials suited to the young

learners‘ need and interest.

It gives the view that teaching English must pay attention to students‘

interest. 50

The third is Peer Groups in learning activities there is differences

in process of learning. Several students are get easy in learning group and

some of them learn the language in isolation, for example, by discussing its

part in grammar class, learners can learn the language only in social contexts

with other. and they do this best in a non-competitive way.51

The fourth is

role models the best role model for the learners is their teacher. The learners

will imitate their teacher in using the language. Children are, after, all, best

imitators. Therefore, the teacher has to be trained first before she can be

considers as eligible to teach. Others model can come from everything that

students can take from many sources in every aspect.52

Home support as the other aspect in CTL this can be best defined as both

parents‘ spending quality time talking to their children at home and all

facilities supporting the children‘s learning at home. Facilities covered here

can be taken to mean such media as print materials (book, etc) and electronic

media (TV, video, etc). This way the children are exposed more to the

language at home and are used to using in their immediate environment that

the children will be more successful in acquiring the language.

Students‘ motivation and classroom interaction should constantly be

motivated to learn English. If this is maintained, it will lead to the learners‘

possessing good attitudes towards learning the language. Interaction in a

language learners‘ classroom is such that the teacher plays with, talks with,

sings to, and plays finger-play with and does other learning games he with

their peers or friends.53


Eric digest. 1992,December). Myths and misconceptions about second langauge

learning, from http://ericadr.piccard.esc.com/extra/ericdigests/ed350885.html on october 5th


2007. 51

Ibid. 52

Ibid. 53


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Before students can use the foreign language in a communicative ways,

they must learn the forms that make up various parts. This various parts is

called as ―skill getting‖ will stage most efficiently. One aspect that important

to overcome these problems is to contextualize textbook material and exercise

in the process of teaching and learning. Because unconnected or non-

contextualized material give strange combinations making meaning harder to


E. Relevant Studies

There were researchers had been done by researchers about Passive Voice.

Firstly, Nurhillah by the title “Some Difficulties Faced by the Students in

Learning Passive Voice‟‟. She used two techniques of collecting data, the

writer used test and interview. Based on the data analysis above, she showed

the results of the research of students‘ difficulties in learning passive voice.

The highest percentage of error from difficulty in changing the correct from of

be of passive voice is 29.43% it means 5 students who still find difficulties.

The second is the difficulty in using appropriate tenses there were 6.06%

students who made an errors. The last was the difficulty in changing object in

active into subject in passive voice there were 22.32% or 29 students made en

errors from 35 students. So, the difficulties faced by the students in learning

passive voice were in using the right form of be and in changing object in

active into subject in passive.55

Second, Lutfiyah by the title “ The Effective of Substitution drills in

Teaching Passive Voice of Present Tense”. Based on the result of study, the

idea of using substitution technique in learning Passive Voice of Simple

present Tense had solved the students‘ problems. It had improved their

motivations and their achievement than before. Those were proved by the

result of interview, questionnaire, observation and the result of the test. The


Joel Walz, The modern Language Journal, volume 73, number 2, (summer 1989)., p.

160. 55

Endah Nurhillah, “ Some Difficulties Faced by the Students in Learning Passive

Voice”. Skripsi at Universitas Islam Negeri, 2008. Unpublished.

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result of post test two there were 26 from 30 students or 86.67% of them

whose score had passed the KKM. It proved 63.34% from pretest which only

gains 23.33% or there were only 7 from 30 students who passed the KKM and

also improved 32.21% from pretest 1 which gains 63.33% or there were about

19 from 30 students who passed the KKM.56

Last, Septiana in her research about “ The Effectiveness of Teaching

Passive Voice of the Present Perfect Tense by Using Intactive Learning” she

concluded that result obtained from M-Pre test of experiment class is 60.00:

M-Post test is 79.71: and M-gained is 20.47. meanwhile, the M-Pre test of

controlled class is 57.6; M-Post test is 69.14; and M-gained is 11.42.

Moreover, T-observation (to) is 5.74 and the T-table is 2.00. So that, to˃ tt this

statement proved that the students who were taught passive voice of present

perfect tense through intactive learning get the higher score than those who

taught without using intractive learning.57

F. Thinking framework

Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing are basic language skills that

the learners have to master them. Being able to master the four basics

language skills, the learner should have the capability of grammar, grammar

is one of the important aspects in teaching and learning english. There are

many kinds of materials should be learnt in grammar, one of them is Passive

Voice of Present Progressive tense.

Furthermore, CTL is one of the method to improve students‘ in learning

Passive voice of Present Progressive tense, because CTL is a holistic system

that help students sees meaning in the academic material they are studying by

connecting academic subject with the context of their daily lives. Hopefully,

this contextual teaching and learning would be helpful for students in

understanding the use of the Passive Voice of Prsent Progressive Tense.


Luthfiyah, “Improving Students‟ Motivation in Learning Speaking by Using Contextual

Teaching and Learning”. Skripsi at Universitas Islam Negeri Jakarta, 2011)., p. 65.

Unpublished. 57

Eka Pratiwi Septiana, “The effectiveness of teaching Passive Voice of the Present

Perfect tense by Using Interactive Learning”. Skripsi at University Islam Negeri

Jakarta,2012., p.43. Unpublished.

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The Researcher assume that students need motivation to learn english, so

that‘s way the researcher wants to used CTL as the method to help student in

learning english.

G. Action Hypothesis

Hypothesis of the action is provisional answer to the problem faced. It is

an alternative action viewed by the writer as the appropriate one used in action

research to solve the problem faced by the teacher and students. The

hypothesis is that Contextual Teaching and Learning can improve students‘

ability in using Passive Voice of Present Progressive Tense.

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A. Time and Place of the Research

This research was carried out for 3 (three) months started from may up to

January 2014. The place located at the Second grade of MTs Al

Jauharotunnaqiya Serang Academic year 2014/2015. The writer held

Classroom Action Research (CAR) in this school, the writer viewed it was

important to improve students’ ability of passive voice in terms of present

progressive tense. It was because passive voice is one of grammar which

should be mastered by senior high school.

B. Method of the Research

The method used in this study was Classroom Action Research (CAR).

According to Michael J. Wallace, Classroom Action Reseach (CAR) is a type

of classroom research carried out by the teacher in order to solve problems or

to find answers toward context-specific issues.1 It means that to begin the

CAR, the researher or the teacher needs to identify any problems real found in

the classroom concerning students’ condition in learning.

In this role, the observer also she made a lesson plan and the assessment

or test before Classroom Action Reseach (CAR) pre-test and after Classroom

Action Reseach (CAR) post-test in each final cycle. Furthermore, the observer

collected and analyzed data then reporting the result of study. On the other

side, the observer carries out the action based upon the lesson plan had been

made. Therefore, the observer works collaboratively with the English Teacher.

The writer used Kurt Lewin Model as reference design in Clasroom

Action Research. The research had 2 cycle and each cycle had 4 phases, they


Michael J. Wallace, Action Research for Language Teachers, (Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 2006)., p. 5.

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were: planning, acting,observing,and the last was reflecting. Here was the


(Adapted from Wijaya Kusuma, 2009)

Figure 3.1

Kurt Lewin’s Action Research Design

Based on the Kurt Lewin’s action research design above, the writer would

like to describe further concerning the implementation of classroom action

research (CAR) in the cycle one and cycle two as following:

Acting Observing









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Figure 3.2 the phases of Classroom Action Research modified by the writer


After interviewing the teacher,observing the

class, and holding the pretest, then the

teacher & the writer collaborate to prepare

the instruments such as; Lesson plan,

observational guidelines, and the post test.


The teacher implements the lesson plan that

has been made, that is teaching passive voice

of present progressive tence through

Contextual Teaching and Learning.


The writer observes the teaching learning

process in the classroom, it includes the

teachers’s performance, the class situation,

and the student’s response, MeanWhile , at

last of cycle 1 the students are given the post

test 1. Furthermore, the writer computes the

passive voice score result to find if there some

students’ improvement score from the pretest

or not.


The teacher and the writer discuss about

the result (drawbacks and superiorities)

of the implementation in the action. Next,

they make some modification strategies

to revise the founded obstacles that will

accur within carrying out the contextual

teaching learning in the first cycle.


The teacher and the writer collaborate

to prepare some instruments such as:

the new lesson plan (with some

modifications of CTL strategy),

observational guidelines and the



The teacher implements the new lesson plan,

where students need to be emphasized on making

passive to active discussing within the entire

group related to student’s work.


The writer obseves the teacher’s performance, the

class situation, and the students’ response. In the

end of cycle two, the students are given the test

(posttest 2). Next, the writer calculates the

students’ passive voice score result all at one the

students’ improvement score from the previous



The teacher and the writer discuss

about the result (drawbacks and

superiorities) of the implementation of

the modified action. If the Clasroom

Action research (CAR) target could

not be achieved yet, the action would

be continued ( moved to cycle 2), but

if the students’ test result has

complited the criterion of the action

success, the cycle would be stopped.

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C. Subject of the Research

The subject of this research was students at of MTs Al Jauharotunnaqiya ,

academic year 2014/2015. The number of students consists of 32 (thirthy

two). It was chosen based upon the unstructured interview result with the

english teacher at that class proving that they had the lowest achievement of

Passive Voice test among the other second grade classes. That is why they

need an appropriate strategy to help them in improving their scores toward

passive voice of present proggressive tense.

D. Classroom Action Research (CAR) Procedures

The main concept of Classroom Action Research according to Kurt Lewin

consist of four phases within one cycle, those were planning, acting, observing,

and reflecting. After accomplising the first cycle, it would be probably found a

new problem or the previous unfinished problem yet. Therefore, it was

necessary to continued to the second cycle in the line with the same concept of

the first cycle.

To make clear what happens in every phase. Here are the explanations:

1. Planning Phase

After identifying and diagnosing students’ passive voice problem occured

in the class proven by observing and interviewing. Furthermore in this phase

the planning was divided into two types. Those were general planning and

specific planning. The general planning was aimed at organizing whole aspects

referred to Classroom Action Research (CAR). Meanwhile the specific

planningwas aimed at organizing the plan related to cycle to cycle. The

organized planning would be formed into lesson planning based on the current

used syllabus. The lesson plan had been prepared to be implemented some

instructions regarding procedures of teaching, media, resources, and


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2. Acting Phase

In this phase, both the observer and the english teacher were collaborating

to carry out the planned action. The teacher used the determined strategy as she

was teaching while the writer observes the class condition during teaching

learning activity. Here, it begins the process of going more deeply into the

issue being researched. Related to the condition of limited teaching learning

period, that was why the writer and the teacher took the action phase during

two weeks within two cycles in which each cycle consists of two meetings in

action. The schedule was as follows:

Table 3.1 Schedule of the research

3. Observing Phase

In this Phase, the writer carries out observation toward implemantation of

the action using field note or unstructured observation sheet. The writer

observed the outcomes of the interventions and reflecting on its effectiveness.

When observing, the observer should notice and note all of activities in the

physical classroom. It may be about the teacher’s performance, class situation,

students’ response, etc. In this phase, it also collects the data derived from

evaluation or post-test.

NO Activities

Month and Week 2014

May June July

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4








Interview X

Observation X X

Proposal X X X X X

Instruments X

Cycle I X

Cycle II X

Report X

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4. Reflecting Phase

This phase was aimed to reflect the completely done ction based upon data

that had been collected, and then it is necessary to hold evaluation for

completing the next cycle. This phase was carried out collaboratively, that was

to discuss further some problems occured in the class. Thus, the reflection was

able to be determined after implementing the action and observation outcomes.

If there still might have found some problems. So it needs to move to the next

cycle concerning re-planning, re-acting, and re-observing. Therefore, the

unfinished problems yet could be solved.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

Technique of collecting data in this research using qualitative data

(experience-based) and quantitave data (number-based). The qualitative data

consists of observation within the physical activity in the classroom and

interview to be presented for the teacher. On the other side, the quantitative

data uses pre-test and post-test. 2The completely explanation as follows:

a. Observation

In this case, the writer uses the unstructured or opened observation, to

know the occurrences within learning process. It may be about the teacher’s

performance during Classroom Action Research (CAR), Class situation as

Passive voice activity, and students’ response concerning the use of

contextual teaching learning techniue. In general, all of the need aspects that

should be noticed is to make sure whether the teaching learning process in

line with the lesson plan or not. Furthermore, the data that took in that

observed would be written in the field notes, there are about the good point

from the students and the teacher side and things to consider for the next


2Suharsimi Arikunto, Penelitian tindakan kelas, (Jakarta: Bumi Aksar, 2009), pp. 127—


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b. Interview

Before implementing Classroom Action Research, The writer asks the

teacher to know students’ difficulties in learning passive voiceof present

progressive tense, and the method or kinds of strategies usually used by the

teacher in teaching grammar. the interview also will be carried out after

accomplising Classroom Action Research (CAR) to know the teacher’s

response toward the idea of CTL method.

c. Test

The test used in this study is pre-test and post-test. The pre-test is done

before implementing contextual teaching learning technique. It is to measure

students’ passive voice comprehension at first. Meanwhile, the post-test is

implemented after using contextual teaching lerning technique. In this study,

the test is done in form of multiple choices. The test used is based contextual

teaching learning principle.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

The analysis qualitative data used in this study is the observation of

students’ activities during teaching learning process, and the interview before

and after Classroom Action Research (CAR). In this case, the writer collected

the entire data which have gained. In analyzing the numerical data, first the

writer tries to get the average of students’ passive voice score action within

one cycle. It is used to know how well students’ score as a whole on

grammar skill. It uses the formula:3

X : Mean

X : Individual Score

N : number of students

3 Sudjana, Metoda Santika, (Bandung: PT.Tarsito 2002)., p. 67.

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Second, The writer tries to get the class percentage which pass the

minimal mastery level criterion (KKM) considering English subject gains

score 70 (seventy) it uses the formula:4

P : the class percentage

F : Total Percentage Score

N : Number of Students

Third, after getting mean of students’ score per actions, the writer

identifies whether or not there might of students’ improvement score on

passive voice from pre-test up to posttest score in cycle 1 and cycle 2, in

analyzing that, the writer uses the formula:5

P : Percentage of students’ improvements

Y : Pre-test result

Y1: Post-test 1

P : Percentage of students’ improvements

4Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada,

2008)., p. 43. 5David E. Meltzer, The Relationship between Mathematics Preparation and Conceptual

Learning Gains in Physics: A Possible Hidden Variable in Diagnostic Pretest Scores, (lowa:

Department of Physics and Astronomy,2008)., p. 3.

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Y : Pre-test result

Y1: Post-test 2

G. Validity of Data

Validity is an essential criterion for evaluating the quality and acceptable

of the research. Regarding validity in action reseacrh, the writer adopts

Anderson, Herr, and Nihlen’s criteria that mention the validity of action

research including democratic validity, outcome validity, process validity,

catalytic validity, and dialogic validity. 6 In this study, the writer uses

democratic, process, and dialogic validit. Anderson defines outcome validity


Outcome validity requires that the action emerging from a

particular study leads to the succesful resolution of the problem

that was being studied, that is, your study can be considered valid

of you learn something that can be applied to the subsequent

research cycle.7

Based on the explanation above, the outcome validity could be seen from

the result of the test. When the result of cycle two is better than cycle one, it

means that the study is successful. Then, process validity is ―the validity that

requires a study has been conducted in a ― dependable‖ and ―competent‖

manner.‖ 8 it could be seen from the outcome of observation. In this case, the

writer notes all events happening during the CAR. When there might have

some mistakes in the method of teaching, then the writer discusses with the

teacher to modify the further strategies. Next, the dialoge validity; ― it

involves having a critical conversation with peers about research findings and

6 Geoffrey E. Mills, Action Research: A Guide for the teacher Research, ( Ohio: Merrill

Prentice Hall, 2003)., p.84. 7 E. Mills, Op.cit., p. 84.

8 Ibid.

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practices.‖9 In this case, the writer and the teacher discuss and assess the

students test result of cycle one and cycle two together. It is done in order to

avoid invalid data.

H. Trusttworthiness of study

To analyze the examined test items, the writer implements the

trustworthiness of the test. There are some phases including.

1. Discriminating Power

The analysis of discriminating power of test items is to know the

performance of the test through distinguishing students who have high

achievement and low achievement. Discriminating power provides a more

detailed analysis of the test items than does item difficulty, because it shows

how the top scores and lower scores performed on each item.10

The computing of discriminating power uses the formula as following:11

In which, D: The index of discriminating power

U: The number of pupils in the upper group who answered the item


L: The number of pupils in the lower group who answered the item


N: Number of pupils in each of the groups

9 Ibid, p. 85.

10 Kathleen M. Bailey, Learning about language Assesment: Dillemas, Decisions,and

Direction, (London: Heinle & Heinle Publisher, 1998)., p. 135. 11

Wilmar tamburan, Evaluation of students Achievement, (Jakarta: Depdiknas, 1998)., p.


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Next, the discriminating scale uses: 12


0.6 – 1.0 Very Good

0.4 – 0.6 Good

0.1 – 0.3 Ok

-1 – 0.0 Bad

2. Item Difficulty

The difficulty item analysis concerns with the proportion of comparing

students who answer correctly with all of students who follow the test. Item

dofficulty is how easy or difficulty is how easy or difficult an item is form the

view point of the group of students or examinees taking the test of which that

item is a part.13

The formula is following:14

In which, P : Index of difficulty

R : The total number of students who selected the correct answer

T : The total number of students including upper and lower


The Criteria using as follows: 15


0 – 0.30 High

0.30 – 0.79 Medium

0.80 – 1.00 Low


J.B. Heaton, Classroom Testing, (New York: Longman Inc, 1990)., p. 174. 13

John W. Oller, Language test at school, ( London: Longman group Limited, 1979 )., p.


Norman E. Grondlund, Construction Achievement Test, ( New York: Prentice Hall,

1982)., p.102. 15

W. Oller, Op. cit., p. 247.

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I. Criteria of the Action Success

Classroom Action Research (CAR) was able to be called succesful if it can

exceed the criteria which had been determined, and fail if it was cannot

exceed the criteria which had been detained. In this study, the research will

succed when there was 75% numbers of students could achieve some

improvement scores from the pre-test until the second post-test in cycle two

and or they could passthe target score of minimal mastery level criteria


The KKM that must be attained considering English subject was

70 (seventy). If the criterion of the action success achieved, it means yhat the

next action of the Classroom Action Research (CAR) would be stopped, but

if this condition had not been reached yet, the alternative action would be

done in the next cycle.


Syaiful Bahri Djamaroh dan Aswan Zain, Strategi Belajar mengajar, (Jakarta: PT

Rineka Cipta, 2006)., p. 108.

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A. Before Implementing the Action

In this part, the writer presents the data that have been collected in order to

know the detail condition of the class that would be researched. Those were: pre

observation, pre interview, and pre test. Those explanations are as following:

1. Result of Pre Interview

Pre interview conducted in this study was the unstructured interview. It was

held on Thursday, May 16th

2014 started at 09.00 A.M and finished at 10.10

A.M. Here, the writer asked to the teacher some questions which divided into

three catagories, those were the general condition in English class and the most

difficult skill in English that students faced, the difficulty faced the students and

their participant, and the strategy used by the teacher when she taught passive

voice of present progressive tense before Classroom Action Research (CAR) in

solving the students’ difficulties in passive voice of present progressive tense.

First category discussed about the general condition in English class and the

most difficult skill in English that students faced. The teacher said the most of

students who did not like English class; they gained low competence in English.

Besides, they still faced obstacle in following the English lesson. They thought

English as a complicated then considered that speaking and writing were the

most difficult to be learned whereas the students must achieve. Morever, the

teacher stated that most of them were hardly to pass the criterion of minimum

completeness (KKM) concerning the school policy.

The second category discussed about the students’ difficulties in Passive

Voice of Present Progressive Tense. Most of them gained the low score in

examination because since the lesson was begun, they didn’t understand the


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The third category is related to the teacher’s strategy or technique in teaching

Passive Voice of Present Progressive Tense. The writer concluded that the

teacher explained the material of Passive Voice of Present Progressive Tense

deductively. As it was stated before that teaching English grammar deductively

was less effective. Here, the writer tried to give the solution in teaching Passive

Voice of Present Progressive Tense, the solutuin was through Contextual

Teaching and Learning. It was hoped to improve the students’s understanding in

Passive Voice of Present Progressive Tense and also to improve their score. The

teacher agree with the technique which would be used by the writer.

2. Result of Pre Observation

Pre observation was conducted to observe the process of teaching learning in

Passive Voice of Present Progressive Tense activity before implementing the

action. It was held on at the second grade of MTs Al – Jauharotunnaqiya Serang

Banten academic year 2014/2015. There consisted of 40 students in the class.

The pre-observatio was conducted on the 20th

May 2014. It was started at 07.00

A.M and finished at 09.25 A.M.

In general, during the teaching learning process in the classroom, the teacher

explained the material about Passive Voice of Present Progressive Tense

deductively. It means that the she firstly gave the formulation or pattern of

Passive Voice of Present Progressive Tense and then she made some examples

based on the formula. Basically, this technique was less effective because the

students were hoped to remember the formula, cosequently if they didn’t

remember it they wouldn’t be able to make the sentences of the material was

being tought.

Besides, the teacher also told too much during teaching learning process,

therefore the students just listening to the teacher’s explanation without having a

chance to give their opinion or even bto ask the questions. This technique made

them difficult to understand the materal was being taught. As the result, they got

the low scorein examination.

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3. Result of Pre Test

The Pre Test had done before the Classroom Action Research (CAR). It was

conducted on Tuesday, May, 21th

2014. It started at 13.35 P.M. There were

actually 20 questions in multiple choice form in which the students carried out

the test during 30 minutes.

Based on the result of the pre test, the data showed that the mean score of

pretestwas 48.63. there were only 8 students who derived the score above the

minimum master criterion (KKM) meanwhile the other 40 students were below

that criterion. The lowest achievement gained score was 20. It could be seen that

almost of the second grade os MTs Al-jauharotunnaqiyyah had low ability in

Passive Voice of Present Progressive Tense.

B. Implementation of Classroom Action Research (CAR)

1. CYCLE 1

a. Planning

In this phase, the writer and the teacher made a lesson planning for the action

based upon the problems faced by students toward Passive Voice of Present

Progressive Tense. In this case, the writer determined the selected material and

exercises into a lesson plan for each meeting.

Besides of making lesson plan, the writer also prepared unstructured

observation sheet to observe the students’ and the teacher’ activities in teaching

learning process whether it was in line with the lesson plan had made before or

not. And the writer also prepared the post test 1 to collect the data; to know

whether there are some students’ improvement scores from pretest to posttest.

b. Acting

In this cycle, the action was done based on the lesson plan. In the first cycle,

the action was carried out in two meetings, on May 27th

and 28th

2014. In

addition, the writer used a marker and a book as a media. Those were described

more detail in three steps as follows:

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1) First activity

Reading Basmallah and then, the writer motivated the students such as

addressing, calling roll, remind them to the last lesson, they were asked to turn

of the mobile phone, they might not to do other activity then they had to focus

on the material that was being explained.

2) Main activity

Including the presentation and evaluation. In this case were 2 meetings. In

the first meeting, the writer used a marker as a media as it was stated before. In

the presentation, she asked to the students about Passive Voice of Present

Progressive Tense but no one of them gave their opinio. Then, she told them to

give attention to what she was being done. So, the writer asked them to make a

sentence based on what she had just done. After she repeated the sentence that

had been made by the students and followed by them directly, so they were

asked to change that sentence into negative form. The writer repeated those

sentences again and followed by the students.

Next the students were asked to change the sentence into negative form. The

writer repeated again those sentences and followed by the students too.

Afterward, the writer began to change the verb which became the cue word of

those sentences by other relevant verb. The last, students were asked to make a

formula of Passive Voice of Present Progressive Tense from sentences.

In exercise, the students make a group based on the desk ranks. So, some of

them came forward to answer the questions that given by the writer on the

whiteboard. The rule was that they had to change the “to be and the verb” by

using other relevant word.

In the second meeting, the writer used the same technique. But, the media

was a book and the material was also dfiferent. In this meeting the writer would

teach about Passive Voice of Present Progressive Tense in in interogative form

and object form. First, the writer asked one students to lend her/his book to

he/his friends, the writer asked students to make a sentence based on what their

friend just had done, this sentence was in active sentence, and then she repeated

what the students said and also followed the teacher said. So, the students asked

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to make an interrogative sentence, and then repeated that sentence which was

followed by the students.

The students were asked to make sentence of those sentences with the

writer’s help. The writer changed those verbs by other verb and the writer also

asked them to change the verb. The last, they were asked to make formuola of it.

In exercise, the students made a group based in their absent. Then, they were

asked to answer the questions correctly in wrting form.

3). Last Activity/ evaluation.

In the first meeting the teacher asked the students about their difficulty in

learning Passive Voice of Present Proggressive Tense. While, in the second

meeting each group was asked to make 2 sentences. Then, they had to present

the sentences which have to be answer the question. The writer asked the

students about their ubderstanding and gave the evaluation orally. Finally, both

in the first and in the second meeting she concluded the material.

c. Observing

In the observing phase, the teacher was suggested to observer the teaching

and learning process in the classroom, such as the writer’s performance, the

students activity and the class condition during the teaching and learning process

by using the structured observation sheet.

Related to the writer’s performance the teacher said that the class

condition was not running well. The students didn’t understand what the teacher

said because the writer’s direction and explanation was to fast. It could be seen

when they were asked to answer the question they just silent and did not know

what they had to do.

In the second meeting, the students are looked more enjoyed to follow the

teaching learning process. It could be seen when they were asked to tell their

opinion in answering the writer’s question, most of them are more active and

more enthusiastic. After teaching learning process of cycle one, it was carried

out post test 1. It was used to measure whether there were any improvements or

not from pretest to posttest 1. Based on the result of post test 1 there was 14, 87

point of improvements. Because, the mean score in pretest was 48.63 and the

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mean score of posttest 1 was 63.50 which were 18 students or about 63.33% of

them who passed the KKM.

d. Reflecting

After analyzing the data of observation result toward teaching learning

process in this cycle, the writer and teacher concluded that :

- The students did not understand what the teacher said

- The students’ score was still bellow the KK. It was proven by the

percentage of the student in pretest was only 20% and 45% in posttest 1.

From the reflecting above, there must be more effort to improve student’s

understanding in passive voice of Present Progressive Tense by using contextual

teachind and learning. Besides, the writers also should give more exercises and

give the explanation slower than before. Therefore, it needed next cycle in order

to improve the students’ ability in Passive Voice of Present Progressive Tense.

2. CYCLE 2

a. Planning

This cycle was carried out to solve the problem which was found in the

cycle 1. In the planning phase of the second cycle the writer and the teacher

rearranged lesson plan, there were different media and exercises. It was used to

avoid the students’ saturation. The writer also asked the students to answer the

question on the whiteboard one by one using their own verbs in order to improve

their participation and self confidence.

Besides, the writer also prepared the structured observation sheet, field

note, and posttest 2 to know the improvement of students’ understanding in

Passive Voice of Present Progressive Tense.

b. Acting

This phase was carried out on june 4th

and 5th

2014. Teaching learnining

process in this cycle based on the lesson plan. The implementation of the action

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was same as the cycle 1. It has three steps: first activity, main activity and

evaluation. Those were described as follows:

1) First Activity

In the first meeting of cycle 2, the writer and the students sang a song in

order to motivate them. Because, at that time they were looked lazy. After that,

the writer continued to address them, remind them to the last lesson, reading

Basmallah, asked to turn off the mobile phone, they might not to do other

activity then they had to focus on the material that was been being explained. In

the second meeting the writer addressed the students directly because it was still

early as the result they were so fresh. Then did the activity as the first meeting.

2) Main activity

While teaching learning process, as usual, she review the material at the

last meeting. After that, she began to explain the lesson. She took a pen from the

table. She asked the students to make a sentence based on what she just did, then

she said what students said and the students repeated what she said. One of the

students was asked to change that sentence into negative form, thewriter said

what the students also said what the teacher said.

Next, students made a passive sentence from the first sentence that was

begun by the word “ a pen” and wrote it, the students repeated what the teacher

said based on the students said before. After that, one students was asked to

make passive voice in negative form of that sentence. Then, the teacher repeated

that sentence and followed by all students.

After making sentence, the studentswere asked about the formula of those

sentences which was helped by the writer. Implementing the technique, firstly,

the writer as a model who changed the verb by using another verb. After that,

she asked them to do like what she had done. For second meeting of cycle 2, she

did like at the first meeting of this cycle. But, the cycle of the exercise was

different. For the first meeting the students made a group based on the desk

ranks. While, for the second meeting the students made a group based on absent.

But, after discussing wiith their friend in doing the exercises, both in the first

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meeting and in the second meeting thestudents were asked to answer the

questions on the whiteboard one by one by using their own verbs.

3) Last Activity / Evaluation

The last is evaluation, before concluding the materila, she asked the

students some questions orally in the first and in the second meeting it was

aimed to know their understanding of Passive Voice of Present Progressive


c. Observing

In the second cycle, generally the class condition in learning process was

better than the previous cycl. It could be seen from many aspects of students’

participations that had been observed during teaching learning process, most of

them were anthusiastic to answer some questions given by the teacher. In doing

task of contextual teaching learning, they enjoyed doing the individual exercises.

They were actively to participate within their group. Furthermore, when they

were given exercises by the teacher, they did it individually without cheating one

another. Related to the teacher’s performance, she show some progresses. It

meant that students could understand easily and could note the key words easily

because the teacher’s explanation was explicit and not so fast. Automatically,it

led a good feedback from students’ response in conveying their opinions.

Shortly,most of students seemed quite active in the calssroom and in doing


In this cycle the writer gave the post test 2.the class consists of 40

students. Based on the result of the posttest 2, the mean score of the class was

76.88 in which there were 33 students who passed the KKM 70 (seventy). And

the percentage of the student who passed the KKM was 82.5%

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d. Reflecting

The reflecting of Classroom Action Research (CAR) was carried out after

getting the score result of passive voice test. The writer and the teacher felt

satisfied in as much their efforts to improve the students’ understanding of

passive voice of present progressive tense by using contextual teaching and

learning had been realized. The students could understand the passage easily. It

was proven by their improving scores from the pretest 1. Furthermore, they

could easily to analyze the past from of verb regular verb or irregular verb and

using to be in different subject. Indeed, they seemed more interesting during the

teaching learning process.

After achieving the target research of where minimally 75% students who

passed the KKM, therefore the writer and the teacher decided to stop the

Classroom Action Research (CAR) because it had already succeeded. Hence, the

writer and the teacher did not have to revise the plan.

According to the result of the evaluation between the writer and the

teacher, it could be assumed that the implementing of Classroom Action

Research in improving students’ understanding of Passive Voice of Present

Progressive Tense by using Contextual Teaching and Learning strategy was

appropriate with the planning that had been discussed by the writer and the

teacher previously. In this case, every action was planned as good as possible so

that the writer and the teacher did not have to revise the plan and did not the next


C. Discussion of the data after Classroom Action Research (CAR)

The discussion of the data after implementing the action consisted of two

parts. Those were the result of post interview and the result of posstest. For

further descriptions as following:

1. Result of Post Interview

The writer did this post interview on Monday, 6 July 2014 and it was

started at 11.30 AM and finished at 12.10 P.M in interviewing the teacher, there

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were three categories. First, the condition of English class. The teacher said that

the students were not only happy and enjoy in teaching learning process but also

they could more focus on doing the exercises. Furthermore, the condition of

class was more controlled than before.

Second, the improvement of students’ understanding in learning Passive

Voice of Present Progressive Tense by using Contextual teaching and learning.

The teacher said that the students could more understand the passive of present

progressive tense, it could be seen from their answer when they were being

asked to make sentence in passive voice of present progressive tense by the

writer. Most of them could answer questions. Even, they could also differentiate

the pattern of active and passive voice. It was also proved from the result of

posttest 1 and 2 and the teacher said that this technique was very good to be

aqpplied to her students.

Whereas, in interviewing the students, the writer asked them about their

interesting in learning passive voice of Present progressive tense by using

contextual teaching and learning. They said that there were so happy and enjoy

ed the teaching and learning process.

The writer also asked them about their understanding in passive voice of

present progressive tense. The students said that they could more understand

than before. It can be proved from their answers in doing the question both oral

and wrtten questions in the class. Most of them answer the question by the right

answers. Besides, they also said that the condition of the classroom was more

controlled, because all of them listened to the teacher’s explanation, so that they

did not have time to talk with another except discuss about the lesson.

2. Result of Post Test

In the end of implementing every cycle, the writer gave a test. They were

posttest 1 and possttest 2. In anther word post test is a test which was given to

the students in the end of ever cycle. The students’ score of prestest, posttest 1

and posttest 2 could be seen in the table below:

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Table 4.1

The Students’ Score of Pretest 1, and Posttest 2







1 75* 80* 85*

2 25 70* 75*

3 75* 80* 95*

4 35 60 75*

5 25 30 60

6 30 40 70*

7 20 45 60

8 60 75* 85*

9 65 75* 90*

10 45 60 70*

11 65 70* 80*

12 50 60 70*

13 25 50 65

14 20 40 60

15 60 70* 85*

16 80* 85* 95*

17 25 80* 95*

18 60 65 75*

18 30 45 60

20 55 70* 70*

21 60 70* 70*

22 60 65 90*

23 75* 70* 70*

24 30 55 70*

25 30 50 70*

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27 40 60 70*

28 60 65 75*

29 35 55 70*

30 60 65 95*

31 55 65 70*

32 80* 80* 80*

33 75* 80* 100*

34 20 40 65

35 75* 75* 90*

36 80* 85* 85*

37 50 60 80*

38 60 85* 90*

39 25 35 55

40 25 85* 90*

∑× 1945 2540 3075


48.63 63.50 76.88

*: The student who passed the KKM (70)

To compare the test result between pretest and posttest of each cycle, the

writer used some steps. Those were conculating the students mean score of the

test, calculating the class percentage, and calculating the students’ improvement

score from pretest to posttest 1 and 2 into percentage.

In analyzing the data of pretest, the first step is to get the mean score of the

class. It is calsulated as following:

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From that calculation, the mean score of the class in pretest is 48.63. it

means that the students’ mean score before using contextual teaching learning or

before implementing Classroom Action Research (CAR) is 48.63

The second step is to know the percentage of students’ score who passed

the KKM (70). It is calculated by using as follows:

From that computation, the students’ score percentage in the pretest is

20%. It means that there are 8 students who pass the KKM and there are 32

students are below the KKM

Next in the cycle 1 of Classroom Action Research (CAR), the writer

calculates the result of posttest 1 to know the students’ score improvement from

the prestest to posttest 1 result. There are three steps to get this improvement.

Those are calculating the students’ mean score of the class, calculating the

students’ improvement score into percentage and calculating the class percentage.

The first step is to calculate the mean score of posttest 1. The calculation

as following:

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From that calculation, the students’ mean score of posttest in cycle 1 is

63.50. it proves that there are some improvements from the pretest mean score. It

could be seen from the pretest mean score (48.63) to the mean score of posttest 1

(63.50). it improves 14.87 (63.50 – 48.63 ).

The second step is to get the percentage of students’ improvement score

from pretest to posttest 1. The writer computes by using as follows:

P = 30.58%

Based on that computation, the percentage of the students’ improvement

score from pretest to posttest 1 is 45%. It shows that the score in the cycle 1 has

improved 20% from the pretest score.

The third step is to know the percentage of students who pass the KKM.

The calculation by using as follow :

P = 45%

From that calculation, the class percentage which passed the KKM was

45%. It means that in the cycle 1 of Classroom Action Research (CAR), there

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were 18 students who passed the KKM and there were 22 students whose score

improvement of the class percentage in the pretest (20%). The students’

improvement which passed the KKM was 25% (45% -20%). Even though it was

still needed more improvement because it could not achieve yet 75% as the target

of success Classroom Action Research.

Furthermore, in the cycle 2 of Classroom Action Research (CAR) the

writer also calculates the result of posttest 2 to know further the score

improvement either from the result of pretest of posttest 1. There were three steps

to know this improvement. Those were to calculate the mean score of the class, to

calculate the percentage which passed the KKM (70%).

Firstly was to calculate the mean score of the class in posttest 2. The

calculation using as follows:

= 76.88

From that calculation, the mean score of posttest 2 was 76.88. it means

there were some students’ improvements score 13.38 (76.88 – 63.50) from the

mean score of pretest 1 (63.50).

The second step was to know the calculation of the percentage of students’

improvement score. Here, the writer computes by using the formula:

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Based on that computation, it could be seen that the posttest 2 improves

58.09% from the pretest or 27.51% (58.09 – 30.58) from the pretest 1.

The last step was the writer tries to get the class percentage whose score

passed the KKM. It used the calculation as following :

From that calculation, the class percentage was 82.5%. it means that in the

cycle 2 there are 33 students who passed the KKM and there were only 7 students

were below the KKM. The class percentage of posttest 2 obviously shows some

improvements from the previous test, the improvement was 62.50% from the

pretest (20%) or 37.5% from the class percentage of posttest 1.

As a whole, the interpretation of the data results among the pretest, the

posttest of cycle 1 and the posttest of cycle 2 were as following :

In the pretest, the mean score of students test before carrying out

classroom Action Research (CAR) was 48. 63. It was the students’ score before

they used Contextual Teaching and Learning technique. Meanwhile. The class

percentage which passed the KKM was 20%. It means that were only 8 students

who were able to pass the KKM (70) and there were 32 students were out of the


Furthermore, the mean score in the posttest of cycle 1 was 63.50. it means

that there were some students’ score improvement from the previous test (pretest),

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taht was 14.87 (63.50 – 48.63) or 30.58%. Meanwhile, the class percentage which

passed the KKM in posttest 1 was 45%. It shows there were 18% students who

passed the KKM and there were 22 students whose score still under KKM.

However, it was still needed more improvement because it could not achieve the

target yet of succes CAR, that was 75% (or at least 30 students) from the class

percentage. That is why the writer and the teacher continue to the second cycle.

Next, the mean score in the possttest of second cycle was 76.88. it shows

the students’ improvement score 13.38 ( 76.88 – 63.50) from the posttest 1

(63.50) or 30.58% students’ improvement in the score percentage from the pretest

or 27.51% students’ improvement from the pretest 1. Meanwhile, the class

percentage which passed the KKM and there were 7 students were under the

target of KKM. This class percentage shows some improvements 62.50% from

the pretest (20%) or posttest 1 (45%) in the class percentage. The posttest of cycle

2 had fulfilled the target of Classroom Action Research (CAR) succes, that was

above 75% students could passed the KKM. Automatically, it could be said that

the Classroom Action Research (CAR) was success and the cycle was stopped.

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A. Conclusions

Based on the research conducted at the Second grade students MTs Al

Jauharotunnaqiya academic years 2014/2015, it can be concluded that Contextual

Teaching and Learning can improve students’ understanding of Passive Voice of

Present Progressive Tense. It referred to the test result; there were some

improvements of students’ understanding in learning Passive Voice of Present

Progresive Tense. It can be proved from the score of pretest to the posttest 2. In

the pretest, there were only 20% or 8 students whose score passed the KKM and

mean score of pretest was 48.63. So. In the result of posttest 1 is still below the

KKM. But, in the result of posttest 2 which was held in cycle 2, there were 33

students or 82,5% whose score passed the KKM and the mean score of posttest 2

gained 76,88.

B. Suggestions

Based on the conclusion above, the writer gives some suggestions as follows :

1. In teaching learning process, the teachers are hope to be more creative in

selecting appropriate methods or techniques in order to make an interesting


2. Contextual Teaching and Learning can be implemented in English teaching

learning process, especially to help students understand the Grammar.

3. The writer hopes that the student can improve their understanding in

English Grammar.

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Grammar, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988.

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Farris, Pamela j. And Carol J. Fuhler, Teaching Reading : A Balanced Approach

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Englewood cliffs, Prentice-Hall press 1972.

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Special Emphasis on the Passive, New York : Elsevier science publishers

B.V, 1983.

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Harmer Jeremy, The Practice of English Language Teaching, New

York : Longman, 1983.

Heaton, J. B. Classroom Testing, New York: Longman Inc, 1990.

Jackson, Howard, Good Grammer for Students, London: SAGE Publications Ltd,


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Sudijono, Anas, Pengantar Statistis Pendidikan, Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo

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Interview Guidelines for the Needs Analysis (Before CAR)

(Thursday May 16nd


R : The researcher

T : The teacher

A. Katagori kondisi umum kelas

R : Bagaimana tanggapan siswa Ibu selama ini dalam proses

Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

T : Cukup baik dan antusias dalam belajar bahasa inggris

R : Berapa standar nilai KKM untuk pelajaran Bahasa Inggris? Dan

bagaimana hasil perolehan nilai Bahasa Inggris siswa ibu?

T : KKM di Sekolah ini 70 dan untuk mencapai nilai tersebut

masih banyak siswa yang belum mencapai KKM.

R : Skill Bahasa Inggris apa yang dianggap paling sulit oleh


T : Listening karena sarana dan prasarana di sekolah ini belum


R : Dari keseluruhan kelas yang Ibu ajar. Kelas manakah yang

kemampuan pemahaman grammar-nya sangat rendah?

T : Selama saya mengajar di sekolah ini yang sangat lemah

dalam belajar bahasa inggris yaitu kelas XI-IPA.

R : Untuk semester ini, jenis materi apa saja yang harus mereka


T : Untuk saat ini mereka harus menguasai Narative text dan

Simple past tense.

R : Darimana Ibu mendapatkan sumber materi tersebut?

T : Dari LKS dan buku paket

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B. Katagori kesulitan siswa yang dialami dalam hal pemahaman

(Passive Voice of Simple Present Tense)

R : Ketika mempelajari Passive Voice of Present progressive tense,

kesulitana apa yang kiranya dialami oleh siswa?

T : Yang paling sering saya temukan siswa kesulitanmenempatkan

To be + V3

R : Menurut ibu, apa saja penyebab kesulitan yang dialami oleh siswa?

T : Kesulitannya seperti kata kerjaIrreguler Verb dan to be

C. Katagori strategi pengajaran didalam grammar

R : Teknik mengajar sperti apa yang Ibu gunakan dalam pengajaran


T : Saya terbiasa menggunakan metode ceramah, saya

menjelaskan materi kemudian siswa mendengarkan dan bertanya.

R : Untuk mengatasi kesulitan siswa dalam pengajaran

grammar, apakah ibu mempunyai rencana lain untuk mengatasi

kesulitan tersebut?

T : Saya sudah merencanakan metode baru dalam pengajaran

grammar supaya siswa termotivasi dalam proses belajar mengajar.

R : Apakah guru – guru di sini pernah menggunakan telnik dalam

pengajaran kontektual teaching and learning?

T : Iyapernah ada beberapa guru yangmenggunakan teknik

tersebut namun saya sendiri belum menerapkannya.

R : Apa pendapat ibu tentang pengajaran dengan menggunakan

kontektual teaching and learning?

T : Cukup menarik karena teknik tersebut menghubungkan materi

dengan kehidupan sehari-hari.

R : Bagaimana pendapat ibu jika ada penelitian tindak kelas tentang

teknik kontektual teaching and learning?

T : Cukup bagus, karena saya juga ingin mengetahui teknik-

teknik dalam CTL.

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Interview Guidelines for the Needs Analysis (After CAR)

(Thursday May 16nd


A. Katagori kondisi umum kelas

R : Bagaimana kondisi siswa Ibu dalam pembelajaran Passive Voice of

Presentprogressive tensesetelah mengguanakan Contextual

teaching and learning?

T : Kalau saya perhatikan mereka sangat semangat ketika

Belajar bahasa Inggris dengan teknik Contextual

Teaching Learning.

R : Apakah Ibu merasa termotivasi untuk menggunakan Contextual

teaching and learning dalam pembelajaran di kelas?

T : Iya jelas sekali, setelah melihat hasil tersebut siswa lebih

memperhatikan dalam pengajaran bahasa inggris dalam materi


R : Bagaimana kemampuan pemahaman Passive Voice of Present

progressive tensesiswa Ibu setelah menerapkan strategi Contextual

teaching and learning?

T : Setelah saya perhatikan dan mengetahui strategi tersebut siswa

lebih mudah memahami materi kalimat passive dalam bentuk

present progressive tense.

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B. Katagori kesulitan siswa yang dialami

R : Apakah Ibu mengalami kesulitan dalam menerapkan teknik

Contextual teaching and learning?

T : Sejauh ini saya tidak ada kesulitan dalam penerapan teknik ini,

karena teknik sangat mudah.

R : Apa penyebab dari kesulitan dalam menerapkan teknik

Contextual teaching and learning?

C. Katagori strategi untuk mengalami kesulitan

R : Setelah mengetahui beberapa kesulitan yang Ibu hadapi dalam

penggunaan teknik Contextual teaching and learning maka

bagaimana cara Ibu mengatasi kesulitan-kesulitan tersebut?

T : Mungkin lebih memperhatikan pengaturan waktu dalam kelas.

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The Questionnaire for Students.

Nama : .............................. Kelas : .....................

Cara Pengisian :

1. Berilah check list pada salah satu jawaban Ya atau Tidak

2. Jawablah dengan jujur sesuai keadaan!

3. Periksa kembali jawaban sebelum diserahkan kepada guru!

Pertanyaan Ya Tidak

1. Saya merasa puas dengan nilai pelajaran

bahasa inggris yang saya peroleh.

2. Saya Menyukai aturan bahasa Inggris

3. Menurut saya pelajaran bahasa Inggris

adalah pelajaran yang penting

4. Kadang kadang saya merasa jenuh

dengan pekajaran bahsa inggris

5. Saya merasa bersemangat ketika mengikuti

pelajaran bahsa inggris materi Passive

Voice of Present Progressive Tense.

6. Saya selalu aktif dalam mengikuti pelajaran

bahasa inggris materi Passive Voice of Present Proggressive Tense.

7. Saya dapat memahami materi Passive Voice

of Present Progressive tense dengan baik

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8. Saya hapal dan mengerti formula dan rumus

passive Voice of Present Progressive Tense

9. Saya mengetahui cara memakai kalimat

Passive Voice of Present Progressive Tense dalam kehidupan sehari hari.

10. Saya memahami materi Passive Voice

of Present Progressive Tense

11. Saya dapat membuat kalimat passive voice

of Present Progressive tense dengan benar

12. Saya mengalami kesulitan dalam membuat

kalimat passive voice of present progressive tense

13. Saya dapat mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan

guru tentang Passive Voice of Present

Progressive Tense.

14. Saya mengerjakan tugas bahasa inggris

secara individual

15. Saya mengerjakan tugas bahsa inggris

secara kelompok

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N : 40 MG : 20

UG : 10 LG : 10


No Group

Options DIF

(%) DES Status


1 UG 0 8* 0 2

60% 0,4 Used LG 2 4* 3 1

2 UG 2 3 0 5*

30% 0,4 Used LG 3 6 0 1*

3 UG 0 7* 1 2

40% 0,6 Used LG 6 1* 0 2

4 UG 7* 3 0 0

45% 0,5 Used LG 2* 6 1 1

5 UG 4 6* 0 0

35% 0,5 Used LG 5 1* 4 0

6 UG 1 1 8* 0

50% 0,6 Used LG 3 3 2* 2

7 UG 2 7* 1 0

45% 0,5 Used LG 2 2* 5 1

8 UG 3 3 1 3*

20% 0,2 Used LG 1 5 3 1*

9 UG 0 10* 0 0

80% 0,4 Used LG 3 6* 0 1

10 UG 0 1 9* 0

45% 0,9 Used LG 1 7 0* 2

11 UG 1 1 8* 0

50% 0,6 Used LG 0 6 2* 2

12 UG 1 4* 4 1

25% 0,3 Used LG 5 1* 0 4

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No Group

Options DIF

(%) DES Status


13 UG 8* 0 1 1

60% 0,4 Used LG 4* 0 5 10,6

14 UG 0 2 1 7*

40% 0,6 Used LG 8 0 1 1*

15 UG 0 8* 1 1

70% 0,2 Used LG 0 6* 3 1

16 UG 0 1 9* 0

45% 0,9 Used LG 1 7 0* 2

17 UG 1 1 8* 0

50% 0,6 Used LG 0 6 2* 2

18 UG 1 4* 4 1

25% 0,3 Used LG 5 1* 0 4

19 UG 8* 0 1 1

60% 0,4 Used LG 4* 0 5 1

20 UG 0 2 7* 1 40% 0,6 Used

LG 8 0 1* 1




0% - 30% 30% - 79% 80% - 100%

High Medium Low



0,4 – 0,6 Good USED USED USED

0,6 – 1,0 Very Good USED USED USED

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N : 40 MG : 20

UG : 10 LG : 10


No Group

Options DIF

(%) DES Status


1 UG *10 0 0 0

60% 0,8 Used LG *2 3 2 3

2 UG *9 0 1 0

50% 0,8 Used LG *1 5 2 2

3 UG 1 *8 1 0

40% 0,8 used LG 4 *0 4 2

4 UG 1 1 0 *8

50% 0,6 used LG 3 3 2 *2

5 UG 2 1 *7 0

50% 0,4 Used LG 4 2 *3 1

6 UG 0 *10 0 0

80% 0,4 Used LG 2 *6 2 0

7 UG 3 3 1 *3

20% 0,2 used LG 1 5 3 *1

8 UG 0 *8 2 0

40% 0,8 Used LG 2 *1 5 2

9 UG 0 0 *8 2

60% 0,4 Used LG 4 0 *4 2

10 UG 0 *10 0 0

85% 0,3 Used LG 0 *7 3 0

11 UG 0 0 *10 0

65% 0,7 Used LG 0 4 *3 3

12 UG 2 0 *8 0

60% 0,4 Used LG 4 0 *4 2

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No Group

Options DIF

(%) DES Status


13 UG 0 *10 0 0

70% 0,6 Used LG 1 *4 4 1

14 UG *9 1 0 0

45% 0,9 Used LG *0 4 1 5

15 UG 4 0 *5 1

30% 0,4 Used LG 3 0 *1 6

16 UG 0 *10 0 0

85% 0,3 Used LG 0 *7 3 0

17 UG 0 0 0 *10

65% 0,7 Used LG 0 4 3 *3

18 UG 2 0 *8 0

60% 0,4 Used LG 4 0 *4 2

19 UG 0 *10 0 1

70% 0,6 Used LG 1 *4 4 0

20 UG *9 1 0 0

45% 0,9 Used LG *0 4 1 5




0% - 30% 30% -79% 80% - 100%




0,4 – 0,6 Good USED USED USED

0,6 – 1,0 Very Good USED USED USED

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Nama sekolah :MTs Al Jauharotunnaqiyah

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Skill : Writing/ Grammar

Kelas/ semester : VIII/ 8

tahun akademik : 2014/2015

Alokasi waktu : 2 x40 menit

Standar Kompetensi : Memahami makna dalam transaksional dan interpersional

pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan


Kompetensi Dasar : Mengungkapkan kata makna dalam bentuk teks tulis

Fungsional pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam

bahasa tulis.

Indikator :

1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi kalimat Passive of present progressive tense

2. Siswa dapat mencirikan kalimatpassive voice of present progressive tense

3. Siswa dapat menuliskan kalimat passive voice of present progressive tense

4. Siswa dapat menunjukan kalimat passive voice of present progressive


5. Siswa dapat membedakan kalimat passive voice of present progressive


Materi Pembelajaran

1. Present Progressive Tense

Present progressive tense indicates continuing action, something goingon

now. This tense is formd with the hlping “to be” verb in the present tense

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S + Tobe + Ing form of the verb + object. Example : I am Drinking juice

2. Passive Voice of Present Progressive Tense

Passive sentence in the present continuos tense have the following

structure. Object of the active sentence + is/are/am + being + past

participle form of the verb + by + subject of the active sentence.

Example : I am reading a story

A story is being Story by me

Metode Teknik Pembelajaran

Contextual Teaching and Learning

Langkah Langkah Pembelajaran

No Langkah Langkah Waktu

1 Kegiatan Awal

Menyapa Siswa

Mengabsen Siswa

2 Apresiasi:

Meningkatkan siswa pada pelajaran yang telah di

pelajari pada pertemuan pertemuan sebelumnya

3 Persyaratan

Memiliki pengetetahuan secara umum tentang materi

yang akan disampaikan

4 Rambu rambu belajar

Pelajaran di mulai setelah siswa setelah siswa siap

belajar dan membaca basmallah

Meminta siswa untuk menonaktifkan alat kimunikasi

seperti hp dll

Siswa tidak mengobrol atau melakukan kegiatan lain

ketika materi di berikan

Perhatian siswa fokus pada materi yang diberikan

10 menit

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Kegiatan Inti

1. Presentasi

Guru menanyakan materi kembali tentang passive voice

of present progrwssive tense

Guru meminta salah satu siswa untuk memberikan buku

kepada temanya

Guru meminta siswa uuntuk memuat kalimat sesuai

dengan apa yang telah dilakukan oleh temanya

(kaluimat aktif)

Guru menyebutkan kalimat tersebut dan diikuti oleh


Guru mengoreksi kalimat siswa jika da kesalahan

2 Latihan

Siswa membuat kelompok sesuai dengan absen

Siswa menjawab soal yang di berikan guru

Siswa maju satu persatu menjawab soal tersebut

Mengoreksi jawaban siswa

60 menit

3 Penutup /evaluasi

Guru menanyakan pemahaman siswa

Guru menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran

10 menit

Alat dan sumber belajar

- Whiteboard - buku teks english fokus grade VIII

- Marker - LKS

- Buku - internet

- Penilaian - internet

- Memberikan nilai dari hasil jawaban siswa.s

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Name : Class :

A. Put a cross on the a, b, c, or d to give the best answer !

1. Ratu is reading a magazine.

A magazine........... by Ratu

a. Are being readed c. Is being readed

b. Is being Read d. Are being read

2. Is a novel being ....... by Raka?

a. Telling c. Telled

b. Told d. Tells

3. The class ..... now (clean)

a. Is being clean c. Is being cleaned

b. Are being cleaned d. Are being clended

4. Now repaired is being the bridge not

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

a. 5 – 2 – 3 – 7 – 4 – 6 – 1 c. 5 – 6 – 3 – 7 – 4 – 2 – 1

b. 5 – 6 – 3 – 4 –7 – 5 – 1 d. 4 – 2 – 3 – 7 – 5 – 6 – 1

5. Q : ........................................

A : Yes, the grammar lesson is being studied by students.

a. Is being the grammar lesson studied by students?

b. Is the grammar lesson being studied by students?

c. Is students being the grammar lesson by studied?

d. Is being the grammar lesson students by studied?

6. The candy is not .......... by Ana ( eat)

a. Being eat c. Being eaten

b. Being eat d. Being eated

7. Rainbow cake ......... by my sister in the kitchen now (make)

a. Is being made c. Is being maked

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b. Are being make d. Are being made

8. Q : ......................................

A :No, the wall is being painted by Bayu

a. Is the wall being painted by Raka?

b. Is the wall being painting by Raka?

c. Is the wall being paint by Raka?

d. Is the wall being painteded by Raka?

9. The liked explained by the teacher now lesson is being which all


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

a. 5 – 10 – 2 – 8 – 9 – 3 – 4 – 1 – 7 – 6

b. 5 – 10 – 3 – 8 – 9 – 2 – 4 – 1 – 7 – 6

c. 1 – 7 – 10 – 2 – 8 – 9 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6

d. 1 – 7 – 10 – 3 – 8 – 9 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 6

10. The skirt which has yellow color ............. by Assya this time (wash)

B. Identify one word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to

be grammatical correct in pasive voice of present continuos tense.

11. The Streets is being repaired this month


12. My hair is not being Cutted by Rita.


13. The Boy who has two cars is be suggested by the police.


14. English is being studyed by them


15. Is the windows being cleaned by Bayu


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C. Change these active sentence below into passive sentence!

16. Brian is Watching the movie now

17. Yoga is not playing football

18. Muslims are performing shalat on time

19. Hafizh and Azra are waiting a letter for their nephew in Bogor

20. Is Naysilla drinking a cup of coffe now?

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Name : Class :

A. Put a cross on the a, b, c, or d to give the best answer !

1. Mr Bayu is teaching English now. English ............. by Bayu now.

a. Is being taught c. Is being teach

b. Are being teaching d. Are being teaching

2. Is my apple being .......................... By Assya.?

a. Eating c. Eated

b. Eaten d. Eat

3. My Handphone ......now (fix)

a. Is being fix c. Is being fixed

b. Are being fix d. Are being fixed

4. Strawberrycake in the kitchen is made not being

1 2 3 4 5 6

a. 3 – 1 – 6 – 4 – 5 – 2

b. 1 – 3 – 6 – 4 – 5 – 2

c. 3 – 1 – 4 – 6 – 5 – 2

d. 1 – 3 – 5 – 6 – 4 – 2

5. Q : ....................................................

A : No, the party is being prepared by me

a. Are the party being prepared by your mother?

b. Are being the party prepared by your mother?

c. Is the party being prepared by your mother?

d. Is the party prepared being your mother?

6 . the playstations is not ...... by Assya Today (Play).

a. Being played c. Being playded

b. Being played d. Being playded

7. the walls of my room ......... by my father now.(paint)

a. is being painted c. Is being painted

b. are being painted d. Are being painting

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8. Q : ..........................................

A : Yes a cup of coffe is being drunk by adzra.

a. Are a cup of coffe being drunk by Adzra ?

b. Are a cup of coffe drunk by Adzra ?

c. Is a cup of coffe drunk by Adzra ?

d. Is a cup of coffe being drunk by Adzra ?

9. Being Balqis’s garden flowers grown in are which has many colors.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

a. 3 – 7 – 6 – 1 – 4 – 5 – 2

b. 2 – 6 – 4 – 1 – 5 – 3 – 7

c. 3 – 6 – 1 – 4 – 7 – 5 – 2

d. 2 – 6 – 1 – 4 – 5 – 3 – 7

10. The window which has blue color .................. by Balqis this time ( clean )

a. Are being clean c. Is being clean

b. are being cleaned d. Is being cleaned

B. Identify one word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to

be grammatical correct in pasive voice of present continuos tense form.

11. Orange Juice is being drink by Balqis


12. Pancakes are not being maked by Assya


13. The Novel are being read by me


14. the women who has three childrens are being persuaded by her husband.


15. Is the Televison being watch by Assya.


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B. Change these active sentence below into passive sentence!

1. My Mother is holding my toys.

2. Assya is not writing the homework

3. The workers are renovating the school this week.

4. Balqis and Adzra are playing card by in my house

5. Are Assya and Shilla painting the house for coming lebaran day.

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