“joyfully growing and moving with the...

St. Philip Presbyterian Church Hurst, Texas www.stphil.org (817) 282-9181 (817) 282-6690 (fax) Rev. Dr. Greg Garis, Pastor Rev. Alissa King, Assoc. Pastor Vol. 70 May, 2016 No. 61 “Joyfully Growing and Moving with the Spirit” From the desk of Rev. Garis... A few weeks ago, at the Town Hall meeting, I reminded those present of some of the points we learned when many of us read and studied the book Unbinding Your Heart, by Martha Grace Reese. This book outlined the results of her study on evangelism in mainline churches. I believe that these points may help us as we continue to hear Jesus’ call to move out into the world to share our faith with others. One point Reese makes is that “Evangelism is faith sharing and building relationships.” We can share our faith in ways that can help others know that we might not know all the answers but that we do sense and feel that God is working in our lives and in our church. Another point Reese makes in her book is that we are to “allow God to work and remember to pray.” Sometimes we want to do all the work and put God in second place, but God is working and has a plan for us. And when we pray asking God to reveal how we can be more faithful, God will help us and show us the way. Reese also notes in her book that “Growing churches are made up of growing people.” We must continue to grow in our faith, read the scriptures and develop a spiritual life. When we grow in our faith and our knowledge of the Bible, and grow in our own spirituality, people can sense it and be more drawn to St. Philip. In Reese’s study on evangelism in churches like St. Philip she found that what gets visitors to come back to church is the “warmth, the love and realness of church members – not the pastor.” It is very important that we extend ourselves to visitors that come to church. Another study found that visitors must be warmly greeted by at least 5 individuals. If only 3 or 4 people warmly greet them they will leave the church thinking that the church is not very welcoming or warm. Please help by going out of your way to greet visitors and tell them how happy you are that they are visiting and that you hope they will come back. Make sure you mention to them that they should stop at the “connection point table” to receive information about St. Philip. Reese also noted in her book that “A church’s biggest barrier is that long-term members can’t see their churches with fresh eyes.” We are so used to our building and facility that we often look beyond the paint peeling off the soffits of the church, or the cob webs above the doors going into the sanctuary. But it is not only appearance that we may not notice; Do we notice that visitors are not invited into the conversations taking place after the service in the entry way. Do we ignore newcomers after church and not say a word to them, because we are so focused on catching up with friends. I hope and pray that we continue to work at sharing our faith, growing in our spiritual lives and being warm and welcoming to those who come through our doors. I invite you to pray too for God to work in and through us to be the church God wants us to be. If you have questions about these things or if you have concerns about the church, please come and talk with me. Let’s put our heads together so that our church can continue its vital ministry and mission. Blessings and Peace, Greg

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Page 1: “Joyfully Growing and Moving with the Spirit”storage.cloversites.com/stphilippresbyterianchurch... · We will resume the program in August. Announcing the arrival of Max Alan

St. Philip Presbyterian Church

Hurst, Texas www.stphil.org

(817) 282-9181 (817) 282-6690 (fax)

Rev. Dr. Greg Garis, Pastor

Rev. Alissa King, Assoc. Pastor

Vol. 70 May, 2016 No. 61

“Joyfully Growing and Moving with the Spirit”

From the desk of Rev. Garis...

A few weeks ago, at the Town Hall meeting, I reminded those present of some of the points we learned when many of us read and studied the book Unbinding Your Heart, by Martha Grace Reese. This book outlined the results of her study on evangelism in mainline churches. I believe that these points may help us as we continue to hear Jesus’ call to move out into the world to share our faith with others. One point Reese makes is that “Evangelism is faith sharing and building relationships.” We can share our faith in ways that can help others know that we might not know all the answers but that we do sense and feel that God is working in our lives and in our church. Another point Reese makes in her book is that we are to “allow God to work and remember to pray.” Sometimes we want to do all the work and put God in second place, but God is working and has a plan for us. And when we pray asking God to reveal how we can be more faithful, God will help us and show us the way. Reese also notes in her book that “Growing churches are made up of growing people.” We must continue to grow in our faith, read the scriptures and develop a spiritual life. When we grow in our faith and our knowledge of the Bible, and grow in our own spirituality, people can sense it and be more drawn to St. Philip. In Reese’s study on evangelism in churches like St. Philip she found that what gets visitors to come back to church is the “warmth, the love and realness of church members – not the pastor.” It is very important that we extend ourselves to visitors that come to church. Another study found that visitors must be warmly greeted by at least 5 individuals. If only 3 or 4 people warmly greet them they will leave the church thinking that the church is not very welcoming or warm. Please help by going out of your way to greet visitors and tell them how happy you are that they are visiting and that you hope they will come back. Make sure you mention to them that they should stop at the “connection point table” to receive information about St. Philip. Reese also noted in her book that “A church’s biggest barrier is that long-term members can’t see their churches with fresh eyes.” We are so used to our building and facility that we often look beyond the paint peeling off the soffits of the church, or the cob webs above the doors going into the sanctuary. But it is not only appearance that we may not notice; Do we notice that visitors are not invited into the conversations taking place after the service in the entry way. Do we ignore newcomers after church and not say a word to them, because we are so focused on catching up with friends. I hope and pray that we continue to work at sharing our faith, growing in our spiritual lives and being warm and welcoming to those who come through our doors. I invite you to pray too for God to work in and through us to be the church God wants us to be. If you have questions about these things or if you have concerns about the church, please come and talk with me. Let’s put our heads together so that our church can continue its vital ministry and mission. Blessings and Peace, Greg

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St. Philip Presbyterian Women


17th Tuesday 6:30 p.m. Birthday & Installation (dinner provided by the Chicken Place. Please reserve spot by Sunday, May 15th.)

June & July

Note: Please continue to bring non-perishable food items (canned goods and dry goods) throughout the year and place them in the NEED bin on the Oak Terrace. Thank you.

Moms Group Sunday, May 22nd at 5:15 pm

Cheddars 1937 Airport Freeway


Childcare provided at the church. Drop off your children at 5 pm and meet us at Cheddars

All Moms Welcome!

Annual Presbyterian Women Birthday/Installation Dinner

May 17th, Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. Dinner will be catered by The Chicken Place

Tickets are $10 and can be purchased on Oak Terrace. The officers for next year will be installed at this dinner

and also we will take the annual Presbyterian Women Birthday Offering. Since 1922, the Birthday Offering has provided and continues to provide much-needed financial assistance to numerous worthwhile programs not included in ongoing General Assembly mission support. Each year, as many as five new projects-domestic and international-are selected to help meet a crucial need for persons who are hurting or are disadvantaged.


Saturday, May 21st 5 P.M. (please note the time change)

Mariners will meet for a cookout at George and Lee Larkin's house. The meat will be supplied, and everyone attending should bring a side dish or a dessert.

The address is 520 Circleview Dr. N, and the phone number is 817-268-0398.

Come join us for a fun evening.

You can contact Joe or Paula at 817-284-2771 if you have any questions.

We look forward to seeing you!

May 15th Pentecost Offering Giving to the Pentecost Offering makes it possible for PC(USA)

to encourage, develop, and support young people, and address the needs of at-risk children.

This annual offering is an opportunity for us to invest in the church’s greatest resource—our youth—and join in ministries that address their needs. (Your bulletin insert this Sunday gives some specific examples.) We will retain 40% of the St. Philip offering to benefit youth in our own community.

Your thoughtful generosity is appreciated.

Mission Outreach Committee

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15th Grace Presbytery Youth Worship Service 21st Youth Car Wash 29th 12:00 p.m. Youth Senior Appreciation Fellowship Hall


12th 9:00 a.m. Youth Mission Trip

In the month of May the St. Philip Sunday School children and youth will be studying:

Birth-Age 2 will hear Bible stories that are designed for young learners.

Ages 2 & 3 are studying “Worshipping God” from the Hands on Bible curriculum.

Ages 4-5th Grade will be studying “Re-New” focusing on being good stewards of God’s creation. Classes in June/July will be at 9:00.

Jr. High & Sr. High will be using Feasting on the Word, which provides opportunities for this age group to explore their personal and communal identity in Jesus Christ through meaningful community-building experiences, engaging Bible study, and relevant learning activities. Biblical stories will come alive in new and creative ways. In response to God’s amazing, unconditional love, youth will be challenged to put their faith into action as they grow to understand themselves as Christ’s disciples.

Youth Car Wash May 21st! 9:00 am—1:00 pm

The youth will be working hard to make your vehicle spick and span. Come and get your car washed. All proceeds go to support the youth mission trip and youth events. This year the youth will be going to Little Rock. They will learn about mission around the world, put together food bags, learn about how to be good stewards of creation, and more. The youth depend on your support and are grateful for all that you all do.

Reception for our Graduating Senior

Stephanie Minta-Jacobs is our graduating senior this year. Please sign the Bible located on the Oak Terrace and wish her well. We will hold a reception on May 29th.

Please come and show your support for Stephanie!

Youth Mission Trip

The youth will be headed to mission trip in June! Your support of them makes this trip possible. All of the youth have been working hard to fundraise to ensure that all of the youth that would like to participate can participate. This year all the expenses will be paid by their fundraising.

They are headed to Arkansas and will be working to help serve and prepare meals, working in the habitat re-store, and learning about sustainability and being good stewards of what God has given us. The youth have a true heart for mission and look forward to the opportunity to serve and learn. Thank you for your continued support.

Page 4: “Joyfully Growing and Moving with the Spirit”storage.cloversites.com/stphilippresbyterianchurch... · We will resume the program in August. Announcing the arrival of Max Alan

Spring Creek Barbeque Spirit Night Monday, June 6th

5 pm - 8 pm.

Proceeds benefit VBS. Come join us for good food, and some fun fellowship,

while supporting our VBS! Location is 183 and Forest Ridge.

Summer Sunday School for ages 4 - 5th grade will be studying "Re-New", focusing on being good stewards of God's creations. Classes in June/July

will be at 9:00. Preschool class will be available for ages 2 and 3.

Children's Sunday has been rescheduled for Sunday, June 5th at 10:00.

No Children's Church for June and July. We will resume the program in August.

Announcing the arrival of Max Alan Luper. Adopted son of Kevin and Katie Luper of Dallas

Grandson of Randy and Karen Luper, Born March 9, 2016.

Another St. Philip child of God, Kendal Agee, has grown from a toddler into a bride! Kendal and Will Minich will marry on July 2, 2016 with a wedding in the tradition of an old fashioned 4th of July picnic. We, at St. Philip, would like to honor Kendal and Will with an old fashioned wedding shower on Saturday, June 4, 2016 from 1:00 until 3:00 in the afternoon in our church parlor. Please make plans to attend as we remind Kendal of the love and support from her family of faith and encourage Kendal and Will as they journey into a life of wedded bliss. When you check her registry you will need the following information…

Kendal Agee Lincoln, NE

Wedding date: July 2, 2016

Registered at Bed Bath and Beyond & Target (Select the link above to visit their registry page)

For more information, please contact Mitzi Cimino, Marcey Mullins, Kay Lynn

Newlon, Susan Riley, Sherri Siler or Kathy Taylor.











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Note of the Week………………

The Chancel Choir went “on tour” May 1st to Christ the King & All Saints Episcopal Church in Ft. Worth! We performed the same concert that we sang for St. Philip in Fellowship Hall on April 24th. The Regal Opera Chorale also sang with the Chancel Choir as we performed Schubert’s Mass in G. It is hard to describe what a “glorious” sound the choirs made that Sunday night in the Christ the King & All Saints sanctuary! The church is more than 100 years old and was moved to Ft. Worth from Parker County. It has wooden floors and wooden pews and was formerly a Methodist church. The acoustics are wonderful, and we have a great recording made by Tom Demer if you are interested in a CD. (I will try to get some excerpts of the concert on our Face Book page and website!) I want to thank both the Chancel Choir and the Regal Opera Chorale for their long hours of rehearsals, and thanks to the soloists—Jennifer Stark, Sonya Hood, Joe Davisson, Luis Rodriguez, Monica Dane and Kelly White. Everyone performed at the top of their ability! And, of course we could do nothing without our wonderful accompanists—Mirai Yi, Dorenda Green, and Tom and Melanie Demer! God blessed us all, and we were able to deliver God’s message to his people! I believe that as Christians, we learn the story of Christ, and it becomes our own story. Then we tell others the story of Jesus. We go out into the community to share the story of Christ. The Chancel Choir not only told the story of Christ to you on April 24th, but also went into the world touching the lives of strangers and spreading the “good news” of the gospel. I hope the choir continues to tell you the story of Christ in worship and makes connections out in the world. Go into the world so that the stranger you meet finds a friend in you. This Sunday I will be on vacation, and Bernadette Vigiletti will direct the choir as they sing “I will Sing with the Spirit” by John Rutter. Since it is Pentecost Sunday, Mike Ellis will be singing his own song—“Breath of Your Spirit.” And as a Prelude, the Hand Bell Choir will be playing “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” by J. S. Bach. See you in church on Sunday. Joyfully Singing in Christ, Pam Cochrane

Special Covenant Group Beginning

A Covenant Group focused on Spirituality is being formed by Rev. Garis and Rev. King.

A covenant group is a group committed to read, study and discuss together their thoughts and reflections.

This covenant group will study together a book called “Devotional Classics.”

If you are interested in this please speak with

Rev. Garis or Rev. King.

Summer worship through June and July

Beginning Sunday June 5 and continuing through July we will worship together on Sunday mornings at

10:00 am.

Please remind others of our summer worship schedule.

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Join the Happy Slackers on May 12th

at 12 noon at Ernie’s

If you are retired, unemployed, preach or work part time, you are eligible to join the Happy Slackers for lunch.

Leave your aches, pains and worries at home and have a great time with

new and old friends.

Good food and fellowship!

Men’s Coffee Fellowship

Meets Wednesdays at 8:30 am

Men’s Coffee Group meets every

Wednesday at 8:30 am in the Parlor. This is for all men of the church,

no age limits or requirements!

1st Robert Clee 1st Ruth Lucas 1st Satchel Koenig 2nd Carol Sanders 2nd Grace Bosworth 2nd John Jaynes 2nd Jennifer Hunter 3rd Ann Brice 4th Kay Lynn Newlon 4th Red Freeman 4th Kossi Senagbe 7th Roger Smith 9th Cheryl Stewart 13th Wilma Larwood 14th Aaron Perez 14th James Moffett 16th Tom Demer 19th Matt Taylor 19th Susan Alcala 20th Gail Anderson 21st Savannah Skodak 22nd Dean Shipp 22nd Diane Hamos 24th Joyce Williams 25th Marla Aldridge 27th Ellen Ellis 27th Ashley Perez 29th Mary Peters

1st Ron Bennett 1st Ryan Stark 2nd Joe Kuykendall 3rd Phyllis Kuykendall 5th Gabor Nagy 5th Katy O’Brien 6th Joe-Dean Shipp 7th Robert Snell 11th Oma Allsbrooks 12th Carl Brockway 13th Kwasi Frempong 13th Midge Wellman 13th Linda Elliott 14th Isabella Lininger 15th Vaughn Corneby 16th Van Grimes 21st Barry Poff 22nd Cindy Burt 22nd Hal Shane 22nd Larry Taylor 24th Don Jester 24th Susan Riley 24th Scott Saunders 27th Jim Houston 29th Gayle Shiffer


Emily Mares 3rd Alice Hallberg 3rd Marie Stark 4th Janice Whitwell 4th Janet Travis 5th Ann Simmons 6th Audrey Calaty 7th Bernie Petty 7th Bonnie Brockway 9th Caden Trevino 10th Julie Starr 11th Brian Ellis 14th Rick Patterson 14th Steve Belknap 15th Lynette Belknap 15th Julia MacLeod 18th Irene Frempong 18th Pat Collins 18th Ryan Lininger 19th Robert Lemmon 20th Kofi Adzaku 20th Ruth Poff 20th Mark Clee 21st Beverly Cox 21st Linda Sprinkel 22nd Michael Gatch 23rd Joy Wallace 23rd Mary Jo Shaunty 23rd Mary Gyarfas 24th Christian Senagbe 26th Rosemary Zimmer 26th Rachael Moffett 26th Cori Trevino 26th Jacob McLain 28th Carolyn Churchwell 28th Vivian Adzaku 28th Elaine Stokes 29th Betty Little 29th Fred Barney 29th Wendy Thompson 29th Julie Toler 31st Gloria Carrier 31st Randy Luper

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Session approved the following items at its April stated meeting: The summer worship schedule of holding one worship service at 10:00 am during June and

July. A general pattern of communion service: First Sunday of each month being traditional tray

service, and any other scheduled services being by intinction.

Engaging Any Time Electric to complete three electrical projects: Replace outdoor west side cross flood lights with photocell activated LED flood lights. Replace four of the outside building-mounted security light fixtures with photocell activated

LED fixtures. Current fixtures are obsolete, broken and inefficient. Install another power circuit to service the newly-built platform area in the sanctuary.

The existing circuit cannot handle the additional power load. Scheduling Children’s Sabbath for May 29, 2016. Childhood Education using “Re-New” (an out-of-print VBS Curriculum by Spark House

Publishing) as the curriculum for Summer Sunday School Session, supplemented with the books Our World of Water by Hollyer, and God’s Blue Earth by Blokland and Hammer.

Childhood Education holding a Spring Creek Barbecue Spirit Night on Monday, June 6, 2016,

to benefit VBS.

Youth and Families putting a poster on the Oak terrace advertising the youth car wash from May 8 – May 22, 2016.

A letter of transfer for the Fullerton’s to McKinney, Trinity.

Electing John Buckalew, Mike Ellis and Bitsie Welch as Commissioners to the May 26, 2016th

Presbytery meeting at Tyler, First.

Our pastor and associate pastor serving home Communion without prior Session approval.

The pastors beginning a weekly Covenant Group which will study the book “Devotional

Classics: Revised Edition: Selected Readings for Individuals and Groups” edited by James

Bryan Smith and Richard J. Foster.

Inviting Cornerstone Assistance Network, to come to an All-Church Potluck Lunch (perhaps

October) and speak about the Senior Corps’ Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) for

Tarrant County.

Please speak to any session member or to Rev. Garis or Rev. King if you have questions or

concerns about these session actions.

Financial Report

April Year to date Income $43,025.25 $165,510.08 Expenses $39,430.01 $182,781.99 $3,595.21 ($17,271.91)

Thanks to everyone for their contributions. If you are not current on your pledge, please attempt to catch up as soon as possible.


This month the following requests have been made:

Deodorant Oatmeal Canned Milk Cake Mix BBQ Sauce

Hamburger Helper

Thank you for your continued support, Your Mission Outreach Committee

As we close out the school year for the Preschool, all I can say is “Praise God from whom all blessings flow”! The Lord has truly blessed us through your support, love, & generosity. I can give all praise to God for providing for the resources we need. Thank you church for your caring spirit. May you have a wonderful summer! Cindy Baren, Director of St Philip Preschool

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St. Philip Presbyterian Church Adult Education

Sunday School Hour 9:45-10:45 a.m.

The Joy Class is for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We combine instruction, music and crafts to teach adults the basics of the Christian faith. This class uses shared leadership and is studying compassion. Parlor

In May & June the Alpha Class is using the Present Word and will study May 15, Humble Faith, Luke 18:9-14, May 22, Childlike Faith, Luke 18:15-17; Mark 10:16, May 29, Joyous Faith, Luke 19:1-10. June 5, The Day of the Lord, Zephaniah 1:4-6, 14-16; 2-3, June 12, The Consequences of Disobedience, Zephaniah 3:6-8, June 19th, Assurances and Joy for the Faithful, Zephaniah 3:9-14; 20, June 26, Resurrection Faith, Mark16: 1-8. Room A

In May & June the Feasting on the Word Class will be studying the following topics: May 15, Emboldened by the gift of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2, adults will affirm the Spirit’s unifying power in the world. Acts 2:1-21. May 22, adults will study the relationship between hope and faith in Romans 5 and respond to God’s faithfulness. Romans 5:1-5. May 29, adults will address the meaning of humility found in Luke 7 as they enumerate the ways God’s mercy extends beyond their community. Luke 7:1-10. June 5, adults will consider the possibilities of God’s transformative power altering their lives in light of Paul’s renovation in Christ. Galatians 1:11-24. June 12th, Following Paul’s line of argument, adults will articulate the implications of justification by faith rather than by works of the law. Galatians 2:15-21. June 19th, adults will celebrate our radical unity in Christ given witness by Paul’s memorable litany of unity in our diversity. Galatians 3:23-29. June 26th, adults will wrestle with Paul’s challenging mandate to balance Christ-given freedom with Christ-modeled and Spirit-led love. Galatians 5:1, 13-25. Class led by Patty O’Brien. Room 11

Men’s Coffee Fellowship meets each Wednesday morning, 8:30-9:30 a.m. for coffee & donuts, visiting, discussing and staying connected. Led by Rev. Dr. Greg Garis. Parlor


Sunday, May 15 9:45 – 10:45 am Fellowship Hall

The Adult Christian Education Committee is hosting an All Adult Gathering – “What is Church?” with special guest Melinda Veatch

Come see and hear Melinda’s presentation and enjoy fellowship with brothers and sisters in faith.

Real brewed coffee!! Doughnuts served

Even if you don’t attend a Sunday School class regularly, come join us during this hour on May 15.

Pat Collins 8813 The Briers Court Granbury, TX 76049


Coffee Shop Feasibility Task Force

Last November Rev. Garis and Rev. King recommended that the Session establish a Feasibility Task Force to see about the possibility of St. Philip opening a Coffee Shop across the street from the church in the new shopping center. The Task Force was established and has met a number of times to discuss how this could happen. At the March meeting of the Session this task force reported back to the Session. More discussion was needed and the session is planning a special meeting to discuss this type of ministry. Most of the task force members believe that the church’s ministry needs to consider ministry outside the church building to reach people (especially younger people) with the good news of the gospel. If you have questions regarding this please speak to the task force members: Chuck Lucas, Glenn Mullins, Bill Parmelee, Elaine Stokes, Rick Patterson, Rev. Garis or Rev. King.

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New Build Date

We are building in May instead of

October this year.

Contact Dave MacGregor for more information

"Please join us for an evening of live, original music with Arlington songwriter and worship leader

Graham Jones

Friday, May 27 at 7:00 PM.

Trisha McNeill will be opening the show, with Paul Demer on guitar.

Admission and refreshments are free,

but donations to support the artists are encouraged.

“Bring a friend"

Tue May 10, 8 am to 4 pm Thu May 12 -- we don't work on this day Fri May 13, 8 am to 4 pm Sat May 14, 8 am to 2 pm plus neighborhood celebration afterwards Thu May 19, 8 am to 4 pm; lunch: EPC Fri May 20, 8 am to 4 pm; lunch SS

Sat May 21, 8 am to 4 pm; lunch SPPC

Fri June 3, 7:30 am to 1 pm Sat June 4, 7:30 am to 1 pm

Sat June 11, 7:30 am to 1 pm Sat June 18, 7:30 am to 1 pm Sat June 25, 7:30 am to 1 pm

*Here is how to sign up:* (a) Visit http://trinityhabitat.volunteerhub.com/events/index (b) Find the date on the calendar (c) Select 1332 Dreiss address. (d) Click "Sign Up" and register as a new user (e) When asked for a join code, put in FWP

(If you have previously created an account without a

join code, please contact [email protected]

so she can add you to the list.)


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St. Philip on Social Media Calling all Facebook Friends: come join our SPPC Facebook and Twitter community! Stay updated on all the latest events and news in our church community. Do you have information or pictures that you want to share with the rest of the congregation? You can now email all your details to [email protected]! Like us, follow us, join us!



REMEMBER IN PRAYER: Klaus Krahl, great nephew of Bonnie Skodak. CONTINUE IN PRAYER FOR: The family of Ron Horan...Bailey Atchley...Jennifer Hunter…Shelly Blevins…Donna Koenig…Johnny Wallace...Gloria Carrier...Jimmy Taylor…Don Williams…Terri Caniford...Kathryn Hanson…John Dietz...Andrew Dietz...John Negronida…Doris Clark…Randy Welch…Madelyn Glass…Al Moreira…Merlin Carstenson…Jim Toler…Marie Borland…Cindy Simmons...Mary Ann Nicholson…Mary Jo Wood…Pat Carlson…Kelly Frazure…Ellis Rogers…Lu and Sara Brewer…Elma Lee Mulkey…Ben Cross…Brenda Petersen…David Moore…Colby Steddum…Sally Starr REMEMBER IN PRAYER THOSE IN THE MILITARY: Michael Simmons, grandson of Ann Simmons...Joshua Bosworth, son of Curt & Grace Bosworth…Jesse Dean Swanzy, Grandson of Wayne & Pat Swanzy…Philip Govan, nephew of Max & Ann McKee…Tanner Sprinkel, grand-son of Ray & Linda Sprinkel…Zach Saunders, Tom & Lynette Mercer’s son…John Calhoun Mil-ler, Ruth Calhoun’s grandson & Elaine Stokes’ nephew…Matt Kiser & David Kiser, sons of Hele-ne Kiser…Josh Peck, son of Sherri Siler…Jennifer Reynolds, daughter of Margaret Reynolds…Matt & Cosmo Romo, great-nephews of Liz Hailey…Andrew Norman, grandson of Stella & Bob Urban…Sarah Willett, granddaughter-in-law of Bob & Stella Urban…Ben Temple, grandson of Tal & Jaylon Buie…Austin MacLeod, grandson of Lillian MacLeod…