aoes - plan now to attend aocs' annual...

560 1994: 1995: 1996: Atlanta, Georgia San Antonio, Texas Indianapolis, Indiana .....I May 8-12 May7-11 CALENDAR Aoes Annual Meetings, Exposl- tions 1994: May 8-12, Atlanta Marriott Marquis. Atlanta, Georgia. 1995: May 7-11, San Antonio Conven- non Center, San Antonio, Texas. 1996: April 28-May 1, Convention Center and Hoosier Dome, Indi- anapolis, Indiana. {For information concerning AOeS Annual Meetings and Expositions. educational courses or internation- al conferences. contact: Education Department, AOeS, PO Box 3489, Champaign, IL 6/826-3489 (fax: 217-35/-809/), or the information source cited with the listing. AOeS course topics, locations and dates may be changed after deadline for this issue a/INFORM.} Aoes World Conferences and Exhibitions 3rd World Conference and Exhibition on Detergents: Global Perspec- tives. Sept. 26---30.1993, La Mai- son des Congres, Montreux, Switzerland. Lauric Oils: Sources, Processing and Applications, Feb. 20-25. 1994. Westin Philippine Plaza Hotel. Manila, The Philippines. ''''U"ltiO''"' N•• s 0" FII~. Oili 11,,4_•• ,.4 "'"",Nb (ISSN: 0897-3(26) is po.oblished mondtly by Ihe Americln Oil Chcmi.I5' Sociely. 1608 Bro.dmoor Dr .. Chlmpailn.IL 61121. USA. Phone: (2\1) 3,59·2344. Second clas! posII&C II Champalln. IL. IIId odIiitionai mailing I)fftcu. POSTMASTER: Send .ddre55 chanlel II) INFORM. PO BOK 3489. Champaign. IL 61826- 3489, USA. Su.blCr\pUoIIS for individu.als who arc mcmbcn: of the American Oil OIcmilt$' Society are SlS of the $9S annual dl.lCl allocated for a su1m:riplion 10 INFORM. IRilitUlional sub$criptiom w INFORM arc S1U whid! iIIo;!udcs" subscription ID TheJOW'· IIDl ofrhe "-rica" Oil CMmisu' Sodar. Add $30 for fcnilll oo.u mail or odd $1 SO for faman air mail. Plcuc COIUKI Sandy BUTT.AOCS. PO Box 3439. Champtlip,1L 61826-)489. CIIIl_ for copies lo6t in the mail mllSl be reccived wllhin 30 days (90 day, foreian) of ce dale of iuue. NOI;ce of chllnge of IIdc:b"e5a must be ~;vcd 1_ WCCQ befcn date of i,.,...,. AOCS Mfm~1p informaliDII IIId AOCS memo benohip applications CM be obrained from Myni HaJI, AOCS. PO Owl; 3489. Champaign. It 61826-3489. 1993 by dlc Amcri~an Oil Chemislll' Society. Fonncrly publi._ as Chcm;~'~' Sff,l"n. COfU}If 0/1 Prut, 1911-1924; JOllr1lD1 of r~Oil ""d p", IndIlSIr/e~. 1924-1931: Oil & S,,"p. 1932-1947: ~ .... pOrtion <>f Jltocs. 1948-1989. - Plan now to attend AOCS' annual meetings AOCS Short Courses, Symposiums Lipid Analysis Lab Course, June 21-24, 1993, University of Illinois/Radisson Suite Hotel. Champaign, Illinois. New Trends in Analysis of Lipids and Lipoproteins, Sept. 15-17, 1993, La Grande Motte, France. Agricultural Polymers and Their Use in New Industrial Products Sympo- sium, October 13-15, 1993. Adam's Mark Hotel, SI. Louis, Missouri. Lipid Nutrition, Nov. 4-5,1993, Hyatt Regency on the Inner-Harbor. Bal- timore. Maryland. The American Oil Chcmiw' Sodely U5umH no retpon$ibility for S\alemeOIll or opioiDllli of con- tribulon 10 ill columns.. Nolin to tilplf,.. AUlhorinllion 10 pholocopy i\C!1T\I for Inteflllll or pet"S<>IIII use. or !he in,eflllll or petsonal UiIC of ~pecific client ... i. grlllled by Ihe American Oil OIcmisu' Society for libraries and other U.Kr. fC8i,lere<i with the Copyri"'l Clear· IlI\oU Celll~r (CCC) Tlllnuc:tional Reponing s..r. vice, pr<)vio;led thaI the base fcc of $3.00 lind I pase charge of SO.SO per copy i. paid dirwly to CCC. 21 ConI-"'" sc, Salem MA 01910. A.dyft1w.,I.....--uo. ..... o-tlllles. Cosinl datc .ppro~im.tely flnl of !he month preceding date of iss...,. Insertion ordc-n received lifter clm· ing will be subj«1 10 IKCCpllIllCC at IIdvertisers' riok. No cancellation KCqIIcd .tier clooina date. Ad mAlerial5 mIlS!. be in final form Tor pres!! upon maleri"I.· dOilln. ~ Film !eC"Civai .tltr dead- liM or m"lerials ~uiring changes will be pub- H,hed .1 IIdvc"ilen' risk. Send insenion <><den and mechanical nwcrials 10 IIdvcnising offices II 1608 Broadmoor Drive, PO Box 3489. Cham· p.ign.1L 61826·3ot89, USA. Phonc: (217) 3S9· 2344. T~lefa.o;: (211) 3SI-8091. Itdvm;siltg Mon· ogt,; Arleen WIITd; ...dvtrrisifl8 Rtp"untoriu; sce« Narug: Clas.;fied "'''''(r/iS;''8: Came T\lmer. NOlO: AOCS ","""1'.$ !he right to ,.,ject IIdvenisinl eopy which in its opinion i. unethical. misleadi"l. unTair, or OI""",,ise in.oppropriatc or incompo'ibk wilb the ch.,...",r of INFORM. Adv~rti..,n.nd advert].I", .. ~iet AUUmIOli.bility (or .U con· Unit Oper ing, N Island, Frying Fa of 199 Surfactant for Us Produ Georgi AOCS Sections and Dtvfsions Canadian Section Annual Meeting. Sept. 26-27,1993, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. [continued on poge 629) Icnl (includins 1tJ.1. rq>TCSCnl.lion ud· 1;0Il$) of IIdverl.Uemo-nu prinled, ...-:\ abo uaUlllC responsibility for a~)' d"ims .risinllhefCfrom m.IIdo "."il\ll the publisher. AOCS~: PffsidtlU. PJ. Whitt. 10 .... Swe UnivenilY in Amel. 10..... ; Vict·Pnsidefl'. R.M. Bu"",n, Bu"on Internalional Biomed Ltd .. 51. Loui., Miuouri: SUnlory. EJ. Campbell, An:hcr Daniell Midl...-:\ Co .. Decalu., Illinois: Trr"J~""" MJ. Boyer. Applied Engineering and 5dmce Inc .. Ailiola, Georgia; £Xu~,lvcDi,tCIOT'.James C. Lyon. AOCS. o..mptlip, Illinois, INFO_M SLlrr: Editor·j,,·Chic!: T.L. Mounts; 1t.uI:>rlm~ &1il(Jf's: Regioald E. 8acclIus, Thomas I. 8ach. Wolr.lnS J. BaumlllUl (advisor). Tbomu BR'IIU. Kenneth F. Culsoo. Kenneth K. Carroll, Michael Chry ........ Party [)ilion. Wllter E. Fur, Tomu HartJen, Man ... Hardin. RobeTt Klcimlln, 1.M. lily, Ocorac U. LiepII. Raben M_. Williorn Morgenthaler. AIti .. Mon. Gary NcI-. W. Dlvid Nca. Fnri; T. 0rth0cfC!T. JIIIDeS B.M. Ranny. K.C. Rhee IItId Vijai K.s. ShukIL PidJ(icalWnsOi,,",_: Muy C. /.M>c; Staff £dUor: Gccqc WiUhile; Stn/or EditOl"IWrittr: BltbanI Filch Haumann: Ed/,orl· Writer: C...,y Croy; ProductiOll Managtr.. Mtli ... BIAllkCll5hip: Grop/Ucslt..ayor.': Renee B. ~he: SlqlfCop'fldiIOl"J: ElICII aut IIId Deborah S.lter Orcen: Ci",~lo'iOll ",anagtr: Sandy Burr. .... "'.(,.,;/. Ing Chair: Raben Edmond&OJl: Itdvtnis{"8 Stoff: Afleer> Ward and Sc<Jn; BtJOk Reo-iroooEdilOf": E.O.~ins. INFORM, Vol. 4, no. 5 (May 1993)

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Atlanta, Georgia

San Antonio, Texas

Indianapolis, Indiana .....• I

May 8-12



Aoes Annual Meetings, Exposl-tions

1994: May 8-12, Atlanta MarriottMarquis. Atlanta, Georgia.

1995: May 7-11, San Antonio Conven-non Center, San Antonio, Texas.

1996: April 28-May 1, ConventionCenter and Hoosier Dome, Indi-anapolis, Indiana.

{For information concerning AOeSAnnual Meetings and Expositions.educational courses or internation-al conferences. contact: EducationDepartment, AOeS, PO Box 3489,Champaign, IL 6/826-3489 (fax:217-35/-809/), or the informationsource cited with the listing. AOeScourse topics, locations and datesmay be changed after deadline forthis issue a/INFORM.}

Aoes World Conferences andExhibitions

3rd World Conference and Exhibitionon Detergents: Global Perspec-tives. Sept. 26---30.1993, La Mai-son des Congres, Montreux,Switzerland.

Lauric Oils: Sources, Processing andApplications, Feb. 20-25. 1994.Westin Philippine Plaza Hotel.Manila, The Philippines.

''''U"ltiO''"' N•• s 0" FII~. Oili 11,,4_ •• ,.4"'"",Nb (ISSN: 0897-3(26) is po.oblishedmondtlyby Ihe Americln Oil Chcmi.I5' Sociely. 1608Bro.dmoor Dr .. Chlmpailn.IL 61121. USA.Phone: (2\1) 3,59·2344. Second clas! posII&C po.idII Champalln. IL. IIId odIiitionai mailing I)fftcu.POSTMASTER: Send .ddre55 chanlel II)INFORM. PO BOK 3489. Champaign. IL 61826-3489, USA.

Su.blCr\pUoIIS for individu.als who arc mcmbcn: ofthe American Oil OIcmilt$' Society are SlS of the$9S annual dl.lCl allocated for a su1m:riplion 10INFORM. IRilitUlional sub$criptiom w INFORMarc S1U whid! iIIo;!udcs" subscription ID TheJOW'·IIDl ofrhe "-rica" Oil CMmisu' Sodar. Add $30for fcnilll oo.u mail or odd $1 SO for faman airmail. Plcuc COIUKI Sandy BUTT.AOCS. PO Box3439. Champtlip,1L 61826-)489.

CIIIl_ for copies lo6t in the mail mllSl be reccivedwllhin 30 days (90 day, foreian) of ce dale ofiuue. NOI;ce of chllnge of IIdc:b"e5a must be ~;vcd1_ WCCQ befcn date of i,.,...,.

AOCS Mfm~1p informaliDII IIId AOCS memobenohip applications CM be obrained from Myni HaJI,AOCS. PO Owl; 3489. Champaign. It 61826-3489. 1993 by dlc Amcri~an Oil Chemislll'Society. Fonncrly publi._ as Chcm;~'~'Sff,l"n.COfU}If 0/1 Prut, 1911-1924; JOllr1lD1 of r~Oil""d p", IndIlSIr/e~. 1924-1931: Oil & S,,"p.1932-1947: ~ .... pOrtion <>f Jltocs. 1948-1989.

- Plan now to attend AOCS' annual meetings

AOCS Short Courses, SymposiumsLipid Analysis Lab Course, June

21-24, 1993, University ofIllinois/Radisson Suite Hotel.Champaign, Illinois.

New Trends in Analysis of Lipids andLipoproteins, Sept. 15-17, 1993,La Grande Motte, France.

Agricultural Polymers and Their Usein New Industrial Products Sympo-sium, October 13-15, 1993.Adam's Mark Hotel, SI. Louis,Missouri.

Lipid Nutrition, Nov. 4-5,1993, HyattRegency on the Inner-Harbor. Bal-timore. Maryland.

The American Oil Chcmiw' Sodely U5umH noretpon$ibility for S\alemeOIll or opioiDllli of con-tribulon 10 ill columns..

Nolin to tilplf,.. AUlhorinllion 10 pholocopyi\C!1T\I for Inteflllll or pet"S<>IIII use. or !he in,eflllll orpetsonal UiIC of ~pecific client ... i. grlllled by IheAmerican Oil OIcmisu' Society for libraries andother U.Kr. fC8i,lere<i with the Copyri"'l Clear·IlI\oU Celll~r (CCC) Tlllnuc:tional Reponing s..r.vice, pr<)vio;led thaI the base fcc of $3.00 lind I

pase charge of SO.SO per copy i. paid dirwly toCCC. 21 ConI-"'" sc, Salem MA 01910.

A.dyft1w.,I.....--uo. ..... o-tlllles. Cosinldatc .ppro~im.tely flnl of !he month precedingdate of iss...,. Insertion ordc-n received lifter clm·ing will be subj«1 10 IKCCpllIllCC at IIdvertisers'riok. No cancellation KCqIIcd .tier clooina date.Ad mAlerial5 mIlS!. be in final form Tor pres!! uponmaleri"I.· dOilln. ~ Film !eC"Civai .tltr dead-liM or m"lerials ~uiring changes will be pub-H,hed .1 IIdvc"ilen' risk. Send insenion <><denand mechanical nwcrials 10 IIdvcnising offices II1608 Broadmoor Drive, PO Box 3489. Cham·p.ign.1L 61826·3ot89, USA. Phonc: (217) 3S9·2344. T~lefa.o;: (211) 3SI-8091. Itdvm;siltg Mon·ogt,; Arleen WIITd; ...dvtrrisifl8 Rtp"untoriu;sce« Narug: Clas.;fied "'''''(r/iS;''8: Came T\lmer.NOlO: AOCS ","""1'.$ !he right to ,.,ject IIdvenisinleopy which in its opinion i. unethical. misleadi"l.unTair, or OI""",,ise in.oppropriatc or incompo'ibkwilb the ch.,...",r of INFORM. Adv~rti..,n.ndadvert].I", .. ~iet AUUmIOli.bility (or .U con·

Unit Opering, NIsland,

Frying Faof 199

Surfactantfor UsProduGeorgi

AOCS Sections and DtvfsionsCanadian Section Annual Meeting.

Sept. 26-27,1993, Saskatoon,Saskatchewan, Canada.

[continued on poge 629)

Icnl (includins 1tJ.1. rq>TCSCnl.lion ud·1;0Il$) of IIdverl.Uemo-nu prinled, ...-:\ abo uaUlllCresponsibility for a~)' d"ims .risinllhefCfromm.IIdo "."il\ll the publisher.

AOCS~: PffsidtlU. PJ. Whitt. 10.... SweUnivenilY in Amel. 10..... ; Vict·Pnsidefl'. R.M.Bu"",n, Bu"on Internalional Biomed Ltd .. 51.Loui., Miuouri: SUnlory. EJ. Campbell, An:hcrDaniell Midl...-:\ Co .. Decalu., Illinois: Trr"J~"""MJ. Boyer. Applied Engineering and 5dmce Inc ..Ailiola, Georgia; £Xu~,lvcDi,tCIOT'.James C.Lyon. AOCS. o..mptlip, Illinois,

INFO_M SLlrr: Editor·j,,·Chic!: T.L. Mounts;1t.uI:>rlm~ &1il(Jf's: Regioald E. 8acclIus, Thomas I.8ach. Wolr.lnS J. BaumlllUl (advisor). TbomuBR'IIU. Kenneth F. Culsoo. Kenneth K. Carroll,Michael Chry ........ Party [)ilion. Wllter E. Fur,Tomu HartJen, Man ... Hardin. RobeTt Klcimlln,1.M.lily, Ocorac U.LiepII. Raben M_. WilliornMorgenthaler. AIti .. Mon. Gary NcI-. W. DlvidNca. Fnri; T. 0rth0cfC!T. JIIIDeS B.M. Ranny. K.C.Rhee IItId Vijai K.s. ShukIL PidJ(icalWnsOi,,",_:Muy C. /.M>c; Staff £dUor: Gccqc WiUhile; Stn/orEditOl"IWrittr: BltbanI Filch Haumann: Ed/,orl·Writer: C...,y Croy; ProductiOll Managtr..Mtli ...BIAllkCll5hip: Grop/Ucslt..ayor.': Renee B. ~he:SlqlfCop'fldiIOl"J: ElICII aut IIId Deborah S.lterOrcen: Ci",~lo'iOll ",anagtr: Sandy Burr. ...."'.(,.,;/.Ing Chair: Raben Edmond&OJl: Itdvtnis{"8 Stoff:Afleer> Ward and Sc<Jn; BtJOk Reo-iroooEdilOf":E.O.~ins.

INFORM, Vol. 4, no. 5 (May 1993)



(continuedfrom page 56())

Latin American ACeS Section 5thCongress on Fats and Oils Process-ing, Nov. 17-18. 1993, MargaritaIsland. Venezuela.

1993MayNational Cottonseed Products Associ-

ation Annual Meeting, May 9-11,1993, Corpus Christi, Texas. infor-mation: NCPA. PO Box 172267.Memphis, TN 38187-2267 (fax:90 1-682-2856).

Feeds Extrusion Short Course, May9-14, 1993, Food Protein R&DCenter. Texas A&M University,College Station. Texas. Informa-tion: E.W. Lusas, Food ProteinR&D Center, Texas A&M Univer-sity, College Station, TX 77842-2476 (fax: 409-845-2744).

AACC Introduction 10 Food Chem-istry Short Course, May 11-13.1993, Chicago, Illinois. lnforma-lion: American Association ofCereal Chemists, 3340 Pilot KnobRd., SL Paul, MN 55121-2097(fax: 612-454-0766).

Contaminants in Oils, May 12, 1993,Natural Resources Institute,Chathan, England. Information:Conference Department, Society forChemistry and Industry, 14/15 Bel-grave Square. London SWIX 8PS.England (fax: 44-71-823-1698).

Journees Chevreul, May_12-13, 1993,Paris, France. Information: Associ-ation Francaise pour lEtude desCorps Gras, 118 Avenue AchilliePeretti, 99200 Neuilly-sur-Seine.France (fax: 46-37-1560).

AACC Introduction to Cereal Scienceand Technology Short Course, May17-20, 1993, Minneapolis, Min-nesota. Information: AmericanAssociation of Cereal Chemists,3340 Pilot Knob Rd.. SI. Paul. MN55121-2097 (fax: 612-454-0766).

Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids,Eicosanoids and Antioxidants inBiology and Human Diseases, May24-28, 1993. Scandia Hotel, H0jeTasstrup. Denmark. Information:International Food Science Centre,PO Box 44, Sendeskovvet 7, SK-8250, Lystrup. Denmark (fax: 45-

86-22-99-96).15th International Symposium on

Capillary Chromatography, May24-28, 1993, Palazzo dei Congrcs-si. Riva del Garda, Italy. lnforma-tion: International Organization forthe Promotion of MicroColumnSeparation. Kennedypark 20, B-8500 Kortrijk, Belgium (fax: 32-56-204859).

2nd European Symposium on Analyti-cal Supercritical Fluid Chromatog-raphy and Extraction. May 27-28.Palazzo dei Congressi , Riva delGarda, Italy (in conjunction with15th International Symposium onCapillary Chromatography). Infor-mation: International Organizationfor the Promotion of MicroColumnSeparation, Kennedypark 20, B-8500 Kortrijk. Belgium (fax: 32-56-204859).

JuneBiotransformation Workshop, June

1-2, 1993, Radcliffe House, Uni-versity of Warwick, Coventry,United Kingdom. Information:M.C. Vaughan, C424, Departmentof Chemistry, University of War-wick. Coventry, CV4 7AL, UnitedKingdom (fax: 44-203-524429).

Society of Chemistry & Industry Oilsand Fats Group, June 10, 1993,SCI. Belgrave Square, London,England; topic: Natural Antioxi-dants. Information: ConferenceSecretariat, SCI, 14/15 BelgraveSquare. London SWIX 8PS, Unit-ed Kingdom.

17th Nordic Lipid Symposium, June13-15, 1993, Valtionhotelli, Imatra.Finland. Information: 17th NordicLipid Symposium Secretariat, VlTFood Research Laboratory. PO Box203, SF~02151 Espoo. Finland (fax:358-0-455-2103).

Third International Safflower Confer-ence, June 14-18, 1993. Beijing.China. Information: OrganizingSecretary Dr. Li Dajue, BeijingBotanical Garden, Institute ofBotany, Chinese Academy of Sci-ences, Beijing 10093, China (fax:01-861-259-1672).

AACC Short Course on Low CalorieFood Product Development. June15-17. 1993, Chipping, Campden.England. Information: American

Association of Cereal Chemists,3340 Pilot Knob Rd .. St. Paul, MN55121·2097 (fax: 612-454-0766).

Soybean Processing for Food Uses,International Soybean Programannual processing course, June23-July 22, 1993, University ofIllinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illi-nois. Information: D. Erickson,INTSOY Training officer, Office ofInternational Agriculture, Universi-ty of litinois, 1301 W. Gregory Dr.,110 Mumford Hall, Urbana, IL61801 USA (fax: 217-333-5838).

1st International Congress of theInternational Society for the Studyof Fatty Acids and Lipids, June30-July 3, 1993. Lugano, Switzer-land. Information: Fondazione Gio-vanni Lorenzini, ISSFAL '93, ViaAppiani 7,20121 Milan. Italy.

International Symposium on Antioxi-dants and Disease Prevention, June30-July 3, 1993, Stockholm, Swe-den. Information: Symposium Sec-retarial, International Life SciencesInstitute Europe Symposium, 13Rue du Coltege Saint-Michel, B-1150 Brussels. Belgium.

JulyInternational Symposium on The

Lipid Triad (Triglycerides, HDL,LDL) and Cardiovascular Diseases,July 5-8, 1993, Milan, Italy. Infor-mation: LT'93, Fondazione Gio-vanni Lorenzini, ISSFAL '93. ViaAppiani 7. 20121 Milan, Italy.

Institute of Food Technologists'Annual Meeting. July 10-14, 1993,Chicago, Illinois. Information: IFf,221 N. LaSalle SI.. Chicago, IL60601 (fax: 312-782-8348).

Sixth International Symposium onPolymer Analysis and Characteri-zation, July 11-14, 1993, Crete.Greece. Information: J.A. Sjoberg.PAM, 815 Don Gaspar, Sante Fe,NM 87501 (fax: 505-989-1073).

5th International Symposium on liteHarmonization of Internal QualityAssurance Schemes for AnalyticalLaboratories, July 22-23, 1992.National Academy of Sciences.Washington, D.C. Information:George Heavner, AOAC Interna-tional. 2200 Wilson Blvd., Suite400. Arlington, VA 22201-3301(fax: 730-522-5468).

INFORM, VOl. 4.1'\0. 5 (May 1993)



Eighth Crucifer Genetics Workshop.July 22-24, 1993. Saskatoon,Saskatchewan. Canada. Informa-tion: Rosemarie GaUays. Informa-tion Officer, Plant BiotechnologyInstitute, National Research Coun-cil of Canada. 110 GymnasiumPlace, Saskatoon. Saskatchewan,Canada 57N OW9.

Controlled Release Society 20th Inter-national Symposium on ControlledRelease of Bioactive Materials.July 25-28. 1993. Washington.D.C. Information: CRS Adminis-trative Office. 1020 Milwaukee.Suite 235. Deerfield. lL 60015(fax: 708·808·7073).

1071h Annual International Meetingand Exposition of AOAC Interna-tional, July 25-29. 1993. RamadaRenaissance Hotel-Techworld,Washington. D.C. Information:Margaret Ridgell. AQAC Interna-tional. 2200 Wilson Blvd., Suite400. Arlington. VA 22201·3301(fax: 730·522·5468).

American Soybean Association annu-al meeting, July 30-Aug. 2, 1993,Denver. Colorado. Information:ASA, PO Box 419200. SI. Louis,MO 6301 1.

AuguslIUPAC Commission on Oils, Fats and

Derivatives, Aug. 6-8. 1993. Lis-bon. Portugal. as part of 37th Gen-eral Assembly of the InternationalUnion of Pure and Applied Chem-istry. Information: IUPAC Secre-tariat, Bank Court Chambers. 2-3Pound Way. Templars Square,Cowley. Oxford OX4 3YF, UnitedKingdom (fax: 44-865-747510).

Practical Short Course on MembraneSeparations in Food Processing.Aug. 8-12, 1993, Texas A&M Uni-versity. College Station. Texas.Information: S. Sefu Koseogtu.Engineering Bioscience ResearchCemer. Texas A&M University.College Station. TX (fax: 409-845-2744).

Third International Symposium onSeparation Technology, Aug.22-27. 1993. University ofAntwerp, Antwerp, Belgium. Infor-mation: M. Stalmans, University ofAntwerp (UIA), Department ofChemistry. Universiteitsplein 1. B-

2610 Antwerp-wilfijk. Belgium(fax: 32-3-820-2374).

9th International Symposium onAdvances and Application of Chro-matography in Industry, Aug.29-Sept. 3, 1993. Bratislava. Slo-vakia. Information: J. Polonsky,Department of Analytical Chern-istry. Slovak Technical University.Radlinskeho 9,81237 Bratislava.Slovakia (fax: 0042-7-49-3198).

SeptemberDGF (Deutsche .Geseuschaft fur Fer-

rwissenschaft) 49th Annual Meet-ing. Sept. 1-2, 1993, Karlsruhe.Germany. Information: DGF.Soestersrrasse 13. 4400-MUnster.Germany (fax: 49-251-67674).

International Symposium on Deliveryof Protein Drugs-The Next 10Years, Sept. 2-4. 1993, Kyoto,Japan. Information: CRS Adminis-trative Office. 1020 Milwaukee.Suite 235, Deerfield. Il 60015(fax: 708-808-7073).

62nd European Atherosclerosis Soci-ety Congress. Sept. 5-9. 1993.Jerusalem. Israel. Information:United Stares-cGil-Kencs. 1617JFK Blvd. Suite 946. Philadlephia.PA (fax: 215-568-0696): else-where-62nd EAS Congress Sec-retariat, PO Box 50006, Tel Aviv.61500 Israel (fax: 972-3-660-325).

Euroanalysis VIII-European Confer-ence on Analytical Chemistry.Sept. 5-9. 1993. University ofEdinburgh. Edinburgh. Scotland.U.K. Information: P.E. Hutchinson.The Royal Society of Chemistry.Analytical Division. BurlingtonHouse, Piccadilly. London W IVOBN, United Kingdon (fax: 71-734-1227).

2nd East-West Feed Industry Confer-ence. Sept. 7-10. 1993. Budapest.Hungary. Inforrnaticn: lntemation-al Feed Industry Federation. StokesRoad, Bishop's Cteevc. Glos.GL52 4RW. United Kingdom (fax:44-242-676645).

ISEC '93: Solvent Extraction in theProcess Industry. Sept. 9-15. 1993.York University. York. England.Information: SCI ConferenceDepartment. 15 Belgrave Square.London SWIX 8PS (fax: 071-235-9410).

Second National Symposium on Pla-nar Chromatography: ModernThin-Layer Chromatography. Sept.19-23, 1993. Sheraton ImperialHotel & Conference Center,Research Triangle Park. North Car-olina. Information: Planar Chro-matography Symposium Manager.c/o Barr Enterprises. PO Box 279.Walkersville. MD 21793 USA.

12th International Corrosion Congress,Sept. 19-24. 1993, Houston. Texas.Information: 12th ICC/NACE. POBox 218340. Houston. TX 77218(fax: 713-492-8254).

1993 PORIM International Palm OilCongress "Update and Vision,"Sept. 20-25, The Istance. KualaLumpur. Malaysia. Information:PORIM, PO Box 120620.50720Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia.

Biocosmetics-Skin Aging. Sept.21-23. 1993. Platja d'Arc. CostaBrava. Spain. Information: Secre-taria General. 1993 IFSCCBetween-Congress Conference.Sociedad Espanola de QuimicosCosmeticos. Pau Claris 107. princi-pall. 08009 Barcelona. Spain (fax:34-3-488·3210).

11th Antwerp Oils and Fats ContactDays. Sept. 29-0ct. I, 1993.Antwerp. Belgium. Information:Association of the Port of Antwerp,Brouwersvliet 33, bus. 5; B·2oooAntwerp, Belgium (fax: 03·231-2752).

OctoberAmerican Association of Cereal

Chemists' Annual Meeting. Oct.3-7, 1993. Fontainbleau HiltonHotel. Miami Beach, Florida.Information: AACC. 3340 PilotKnob Rd.. SI. Paul. MN 55121-2097 (fax: 612-454-0766).

ASA Outlook '93, Oct. 6---7. 1993,Sheraton Airport Hotel. Brussels.Belgium. Information: AmericanSoybean Association, 20-22 Ruedu Commerce-Box 4. 1040 Brus-sels. Belgium (fax: 32-2-502-6866).

American College of Nutrition 34thAnnual Meeting. Oct. 8-11. 1993.Holiday Inn-Mart Plaza. Chicago.Illinois. Information: AmericanCollege of Nutrition, 722 Robert E.lee Dr.. Wilmington. NC.

INFORM, VOl.4, 00.5 (May 1993)



Mediterranean Congress of ChemicalEngineering. Oct. [8-23, 1993.Barcelona, Spain. Information:Industrial Chemical Society ofSpain. c/o Expoquimia '93, Avda.Reina M~rilina. 08004 Barcelona,Spain (fax: 93-423-8651).

Commercial Aspects of Fats and Oils.OCI. 20. 1993, Society of Chem-istry and Industry. BelgraveSquare. London. Information: Con-ference Secretariat, SCI. 14/15 Bel-grave Square, London SW IX 8PS.United Kingdom.

60th Annual Convention of theNational Renderers Association(NRA). o«. 20--23. 1993. LoewsL'Enfanl Plaza. Washington. D,C.Information: NRA. 1101 Connecri-cut Ave .. Suite 700; Washington,DC 20036.

6th International Colloquium on Phos-pholipids: Characterization,Metabolism and Novel BiologicalApplications. OCI. 25-27. 1993.Hamburg. Gennany. lnforrnation:6th ICP Secretariat, PO Box261665.0·2000 Hamburg 26. Ger-many (fax: 40-789-8329).

NovemberWorld Congress on Alternative and

Animal Use in the Life Sciences:Education, Research and Testing,Nov. 14-19, 1993, Stouffer Har-borplace Hotel, Baltimore. Mary-land. Information: World Congress.1101 14th SI. NW. Washington, DC20005·5601 (fax: 202-371-1(90).

Second European Symposium onIndustrial Crops and Products.Nov. 22-24. 1993, Tuscany, Italy.Information: Gerda A. Wolzak.Elsevier Science Publishers BV.PO Box 52 \, 1000 AM Amster-dam. The Netherlands (fax: 31-20--5803-270).

DecemberFree Radicals, Antioxidants. Lipids

and Health. Dec. 15. 1993. Societyof Chemistry and Industry. Bel-grave Square, London. England.Information: Conference Secretari-at, SCI. 14/15 Belgrave Square.London SWIX 8PS. United King·dom.

1994 2nd Eurolipid Congress and 50thanniversary meeting of the DGF.Sept. 26-28, 1994, MUnster. Ger-many.

1994 Jojoba and New Crops Confer-ence (9th International Conferenceon Jojoba and Its Uses and 3rdInternational Conference on NewIndustrial Crops and Products).Sept. 26-30. 1994, Catamarca.Argentina. Information: Confer-ence Secretariat, Flora Technolo-gies Ltd., 2295 South CoconinoDr., Apache Junction, AZ 85220(fax: 602-982-4183).

American Association of CerealChemists' Annual Meeting, Oct.23-27. 1994. Opryland Hotel.Nashville, Tennessee. lnformarion:AACC, 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., 51.Paul. MN 55121-2097 (fax: 612-454-(766).


Third International Symposium onHyphenated Techniques in Chro-matography, Feb. 22-25. 1994.University of Antwerp. Antwerp.Belgium. Information: Royal Flem-ish Chemical Society. WorkingParty on Chromatography. c/o R.Smits. BASF Antwerpen N. V..Central Laboratory. Scheldelaan.B-2040 Antwerp. Belgium (fax:32-3-568-3250).

International Symposium on VolatileOrganic Compounds. April 17-19.1994, Montreal. Quebec. Canada.Information: Wuncheng Wang.U.S. Geological Survey. WRD. POBox 1230, Iowa City. IA 52444(fax: 319-354-0510).

36th International wfk Krefeld Con-ference on Detergency. April27-28, 1994, Krefels ConferenceCemen Seidenweberhaus. Krefeld.Germany. Information:wfk-c-Forschungsinstitut fUr Reini-gungstechnologie e. V.. 36 Refer-atetagung, Postfac 13 06 72, 0-4150 Krefeld. 13. Gennany (fax:49-2151-77(075).

67th World Congress of the Interna-tional Association of Seed Crush-ers, May 1994 (specific dates 10 beannounced). Seville, Spain. Infor-mation: Federaci6n de Asocia-ciones del Molluradores y Refi-nadores de Aceites Vegetables delReino de Espana, Calle Diego deLeon 34_3°A., 28006 Madrid.Spain (fax: 1-562-1424).

Institute of Food Technologists'Annual Meeting, June 25-29.1994. Atlanta, Georgia. Informa-tion: 1FT, 221 N. LaSalle SI..Chicago. IL 60601 (fax: 312-782-8348).

American Soybean Association 1994Annual Meeting. July 29-Aug. 1.1994, Kansas City. Missouri. Infer-mation: ASA. PO Box 419200. SI.Louis. MO 630 II.

4th European Rheology Conference.Sept. 4-9, 1994. Seville. Spain.Information: Crfspulo Gallegos. 4thEuropean Rheology Conference.Departrnento de Ingenieria Quimica,Universidad de Sevilla (Edificio deQufmica). 41071 Seville. Spain (fax:34-5-455-7134).

Institute of Food Technologists'Annual Meeting, June 3-7, 1995.Anaheim, California. Information:IFf. 221 N. LaSalle St .. Chicago.IL 60601 (fax: 312-782-8348).

21 st World Congress of the Interna-tional Society for Fat Research,Oct. 1-5, 1995, The Hague, TheNetherlands. Information: 21st ISFCongress Secretariat, PO Box3489. Champaign, IL 61926-3489USA.

American Association of CerealChemists' Annual Meeting, Nov.5-9. 1995, San Antonio Conven-tion Center, San Antonio. Texas.Information: AACC. 3340 PilotKnob Rd., SI. Paul, MN 55121-2097 (fax: 612454-0766). •

INFORM. Vol. 4. no. 5 (May 1993)