apache jena elephas and friends

COMPUTE | STORE | ANALYZE Apache Jena Elephas and Friends RDF and the Hadoop Ecosystem Rob Vesse Twitter: @RobVesse Email: [email protected]

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C O M P U T E | S T O R E | A N A L Y Z E

Apache Jena Elephas and Friends

RDF and the Hadoop Ecosystem

Rob Vesse

Twitter: @RobVesse

Email: [email protected]

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About Me

● Software Engineer at Cray Inc● Working on:


● Big Data Analytics

● Active open source contributor● Apache Jena

● dotNetRDF

● Minor contributions to other Apache projects

● Assorted other bits and pieces on my GitHub and BitBucket

● Primarily interested in intersection of RDF/SPARQL world with rest of Big Data world

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Talk Overview

● What's missing in the Hadoop ecosystem?

● What's already available?● Apache Jena Elephas

● Intel Graph Builder

● Other interesting projects

● Getting Involved

● Questions

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What's missing in the Hadoop ecosystem?

Apache, the projects and their logo shown here are registered trademarks or trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation in the U.S. and/or other countries

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Where's RDF?

● No first class projects

● Some very limited support in other projects● Giraph can support RDF by bridging through the Tinkerpop 2


● Few existing projects● Mostly academic proofs of concept (POC)

● Some open source efforts but often task specific● e.g. Infovore targeted at creating curated Freebase and DBPedia


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What's needed for RDF?

● Minimum Viable Product● Standard Writable implementations for primitives

● Input and Output support

● Would be nice to have:● Tools for translating data to and from RDF

● Integration with the common analytic frameworks● e.g. Spark, Giraph, Hive, Pig

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What's already available?

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Apache Jena Elephas - Background

● Started as a POC at Cray

● Donated to the Apache Jena project 1st April 2014● JENA-666

● Originally known as Hadoop RDF Tools

● Renamed to Elephas in December 2014● Name was suggested by

Claude Warren

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Apache Jena Elephas - What is it?

● Set of modules part of the Apache Jena project

● Currently only developer SNAPSHOT builds available● Will be included as part of upcoming Jena 2.13.0 release

● Aims to fulfill all the basic requirements for enabling RDF on Hadoop

● Built against Hadoop 2.x APIs

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Apache Jena Elephas - How do I use it?

● Read the documentation● http://jena.apache.org/documentation/hadoop/

● Add appropriate Maven dependencies to your code● http://jena.apache.org/documentation/hadoop/artifacts.html

● Will also need to declare relevant Hadoop dependencies as "provided"

● Use the APIs as-is for basic tasks or use as starting point for more complex applications

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Apache Jena Elephas - Common API

● Provides Writable types for the RDF primitives● NodeWritable● TripleWritable● QuadWritable● NodeTupleWritable

● An arbitrarily sized tuples of RDF terms

● Backed by RDF Thrift● A compact binary serialization for RDF using Apache Thrift

● See http://afs.github.io/rdf-thrift/

● Extremely efficient to serialize and de-serialize

● Allows for efficient WritableComparator implementations that perform comparisons directly on the binary forms

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Apache Jena Elephas - IO API

● Provides Hadoop InputFormat and OutputFormatimplementations for RDF● Covers all RDF serializations Jena supports

● Easily extended with custom formats

● Splits and parallelizes processing of input where the RDF serialization allows it● Blank Nodes can be awkward

● Transparently handles compressed IO

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Apache Jena Elephas - Blank Nodes

● Blank Nodes can be problematic

● Need to consistently assign IDs in parallel

● However you will typically produce multiple intermediate output files in multi-job workflows● Thus need to allow for

document versus globally scoped IDs

● Configuration setting controls this● See documentation for

more information

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Apache Jena Elephas - Map/Reduce API

● Various reusable basic Mapper and Reducer implementations

● Covers common tasks:● Counting

● Filtering

● Grouping

● Splitting

● Transformation

● Mostly intended for use as a starting point

● Some of these are bundled into a RDF stats demo application

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Apache Jena Elephas - Example Job

● Node Count (aka word count for RDF)

● All the classes referenced (bar Example.class) are provided by Elephas

Job job = Job.getInstance(config);job.setJarByClass(Example.class);job.setJobName("RDF Triples Node Usage Count");

// Map/Reduce classesjob.setMapperClass(TripleNodeCountMapper.class);job.setMapOutputKeyClass(NodeWritable.class);job.setMapOutputValueClass(LongWritable.class);job.setReducerClass(NodeCountReducer.class);

// Input and Outputjob.setInputFormatClass(NTriplesInputFormat.class);job.setOutputFormatClass(NTriplesNodeOutputFormat.class);FileInputFormat.setInputPath(job, new Path("/inputs/rdf"));FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path("/outputs/rdf"));

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Apache Jena Elephas - Node Count Demo

See end of slide deck for steps to run the demo and screenshots

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Apache Jena Elephas - Performance Notes

● For NTriples inputs we compared performance of a Text based node count versus RDF based node count

● Performance typically as good (within 10%) and sometimes significantly better● Heavily dataset dependent

● Varies considerably with cluster setup

● Also depends on how the input is processed

● Be aware YMMV!

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Intel Graph Builder - What is it?

● Tools for transforming/creating large graphs

● Developed by Intel● Cray has some proposed improvements that are awaiting

merging at time of writing

● Open source under Apache License● https://github.com/01org/graphbuilder/tree/2.0.alpha

● 2.0.alpha is the preferred branch

● See https://github.com/cray/graphbuilder for the version discussed here

● Allows graphs to be created/transformed from arbitrary data sources using Apache Pig

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Intel Graph Builder - How do I use it?

● REGISTER the Graph Builder JAR in your Pig script● May optionally want to IMPORT the pig/graphbuilder.pig

script which aliases some of the provided UDFs

● LOAD your data

● Use the provided UDFs to generate a graph● Can create both property graphs and RDF

● Currently data must be mapped to a property graph and then into RDF

● STORE the resulting graph

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Intel Graph Builder - How it works?

● Uses a declarative mapping based on Pig primitives

● Has to be explicitly joined to the data● Limitation of Pig UDFs

● RDF mappings operate on property graphs● Must map data to a property graph first

● Direct mapping to RDF is a possible future enhancement

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Intel Graph Builder - Pig Script Example


-- Rest of script omitted for brevity

-- Declare our mappingspropertyGraphWithMappings = FOREACH propertyGraph GENERATE (*, [ 'idBase' # 'http://example.org/instances/', 'base' # 'http://example.org/ontology/', 'namespaces' # [ 'foaf' # 'http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/' ],'propertyMap' # [ 'type' # 'a',

'name' # 'foaf:name', 'age' # 'foaf:age' ],

'uriProperties' # ( 'type' ),'idProperty' # 'id' ]);

-- Convert to NTriplesrdf_triples = FOREACH propertyGraphWithMappings GENERATE FLATTEN(RDF(*));

-- Write out NTriplesSTORE rdf_triples INTO '/tmp/rdf_triples' USING PigStorage();

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Intel Graph Builder - RDF Generation Demo

See end of slide deck for steps to run the demo and screenshots

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Other Projects - Infovore

● Framework developed by Paul Houle

● Open source on GitHub● https://github.com/paulhoule/infovore/wiki

● Apache License 2.0

● Produces a cleaned and curated Freebase dataset using Hadoop for the processing● Designed to be easily self-deployed on Amazon EC2

● Also some related projects for working with Wikipedia● https://github.com/paulhoule/telepath

● Currently unclear what direction these projects will take after the Freebase shutdown at end of March this year

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Other Projects - CumulusRDF

● Academic project from Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods● https://code.google.com/p/cumulusrdf/

● RDF store backed by Apache Cassandra● Reasonable performance compared to native RDF stores

● See NoSQL Databases for RDF: An Empirical Evaluation● Philippe Cudre-Mauroux et al

● http://exascale.info/sites/default/files/nosqlrdf.pdf

● Reasonably active development

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Getting Involved

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How to contribute

● Please download and try out these projects

● Interact with the communities and developers involved● What works?

● What is broken?

● What is missing?

● How could the documentation be better?

● Contribute● Open source ultimately lives or dies with community


● If there's a missing feature then suggest it

● Or better still contribute it yourself!

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Personal Email: [email protected]

Apache Jena User List: [email protected]

These slides will be posted to my SlideShare:


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Apache Jena Elephas - Node Count Demo

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Environment Pre-requisites

● Hadoop 2.x cluster● Assumes hadoop command is on your PATH

● Download the latest JAR file● Or build youself from source

● jena-hadoop-rdf-stats-VERSION-hadoop-job.jar

● Upload some RDF data to a HDFS folder

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Run the Demo

● --node-count requests the Node Count statistics be calculated

● Assumes mixed quads and triples input if no --input-type specified

● Using this for triples only data can skew statistics

● e.g. can result in high node counts for default graph node

● Hence we explicitly specify input as triples

> hadoop jar jena-hadoop-rdf-stats-0.9.0-SNAPSHOT-hadoop-job.jar org.apache.jena.hadoop.rdf.stats.RdfStats --node-count --output /user/output --input-type triples /user/input

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Intel Graph Builder - RDF Generation Demo

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Environment Pre-requisites

● Pig 0.12● Should work with higher but not tested

● Assumes pig command is on your PATH

● Clone the Cray version of the Graph Builder code● https://github.com/cray/graphbuilder

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Run the Demo

● Running Pig in local mode for simplicity

● Output goes to /tmp/rdf_triples/

> pig -x local examples/property_graphs_and_rdf.pig

> cat /tmp/rdf_triples/part-m-00000