apostila ingles instr tania

SUMMARY 1. Introduction......................................................................... ................................................................................. 2. Grammar........................................................................... .................................................................................. ...... 5 3. First Text ................................................................................ .............................................................................. 14 3.1 One Man in a Boat............................................................................... ................................................................... 14 4. Second Text............................................................................... ............................................................................... 15 4.1 Tips............................................................................... ................................................................................... ....... 15 5. First Music.............................................................................. ................................................................................. 16 5.1. Lucky.............................................................................. ................................................................................... ... 16 6. Third Text............................................................................... ................................................................................ 17 6.1. Reverse Logistics ……………………………………………………………………........................................ 17 7. Fourth Text ................................................................................ ......................................................................... 19 7.1. Logistic.......................................................................... ..................................................................................

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1. Introduction............................................................................................................................................................. 4

2. Grammar................................................................................................................................................................... 5

3. First Text ................................................................................................................................................................. 14

3.1 One Man in a Boat.................................................................................................................................................. 14

4. Second Text.............................................................................................................................................................. 15

4.1 Tips......................................................................................................................................................................... 15

5. First Music............................................................................................................................................................... 16

5.1. Lucky.................................................................................................................................................................... 16

6. Third Text............................................................................................................................................................... 17

6.1. Reverse Logistics ……………………………………………………………………........................................ 17

7. Fourth Text ............................................................................................................................................................ 19

7.1. Logistic................................................................................................................................................................. 19

7.2. Origins and definition.......................................................................................................................................... 19

7.3. Main logistics targets........................................................................................................................................... 19

8. Game....................................................................................................................................................................... 20

8.1. Love Letter.......................................................................................................................................................... 20

9. Fifth Text................................................................................................................................................................ 22

9.1. Welcome to the world of logistics ..................................................................................................................... 22

10. Game…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24

10.1 Termos Técnicos……………………………………………………………………………………………… 24

10. Second Music....................................................................................................................................................... 25

10.1 Accidentaly in Love.......................................................................................................................................... 25

11. References .......................................................................................................................................................... 26

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The goal of discipline is to learn the basic techniques of reading and interpretation of texts in English related to Mining. Preparing students for the challenges of the globalized world and provide them with necessary tools in English.







A importância da Língua Inglesa:

Sabe-se, hoje em dia, a importância do Inglês como um diferencial na tomada de decisões. O peso de uma língua estrangeira na hora de arranjar um emprego é muito grande! A quantidade de manuais, catálogos e etc em Inglês, são grandiosos. Então, pensando em adequar os alunos ao mundo concorrido de trabalho, vamos aprimorar o Skimming (leitura superficial de algo) e o Scanning (leitura mais aprofundada de algo) através do Inglês Instrumental. Para tanto, vamos ter algumas aulas de gramática antes de entrar nas aulas de tradução de texto.

Antes de tudo, gostaria que respondessem algumas perguntas:

Porque aprender ‘um pouquinho’ de Inglês?





Escreva cinco palavras que você conhece em Inglês:

1 - _________________________________________________

2 - _________________________________________________

3 - _________________________________________________

4 - _________________________________________________

5 - _________________________________________________

Quais são os países, que vocês sabem que se fala a Lingua Inglesa?



Você gosta de música em Inglês? Se a resposta for afirmativa, escreva o nome da música.




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Agora que já nos conhecemos um pouquinho, vamos começar as nossas aulas de gramática.

LET’S GO!!!!

1 – Personal Pronoun and Verb to be

Pronome Pessoal e o Verbo ser e estar

Usa-se o verbo to be:

Para identificar e descrever pessoas e objetos:

I’m from Brazil. (I am) (Eu vim do Brasil)

It’s a keyboard. (It is) (É um quadro)

They’re Mike and Bob. (They are) (Eles são Mike e Bob)

nas expressões de tempo, idade e lugar:

It is sunny today. (Está ensolarado hoje)

Peter is fifteen years old. (Peter tem 15 anos de idade)

We are in New York. (Nós estamos em Nova York)

A) Underline the correct alternative and translate the sentences:

Sublinhe a alternativa correta e traduza as frases:

1) I (am / are) tired.

_______________________________________________________2) She (am / is a good girl.)

_____________________________________________________3) They (is / are) boys.

______________________________________________________4) He (is / am) a wonderful student.








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5) You (are / is) a teacher.


6) It (am /is) a beautiful dog.


7) We (am / are) playing soccer.


B) Substitute the underlined word(s) for the correct Personal Pronoun and translate the sentences:

Substitua as palavras sublinhadas pelo Pronome Pessoal correto e traduza as frases:

1) The students are at school.


______________________________________________________2) My father is at home now.


______________________________________________________3) Bob and I are talking all the time.


______________________________________________________4) Joana is working hard.



2 - Verb to be - Past Simple

Verbo ser e estar – Passado Simples



Pronome Pessoal Passado Simples



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Negativa – She was not at home. (Ela não estava em casa)

Interrogativa – Was she at home? (Ela estava em casa?)

Formas abreviadas – No passado, só as formas negativas podem ser abreviadas:

Was not – wasn’t

Were not – weren’t

Verbos no passado frequentemente vêm acompanhados por locuções adverbiais de tempo, como ago (atrás),

yesterday (ontem), last night (ontem de noite).

Sally was here two minutes ago. (Sally estava aqui dois minutes atrás)

C) Underline the correct alternative and translate:Sublinhe a alternativa correta e traduza:

1) Jula and I (WAS/WERE) friends at high school.


______________________________________________________________________2) Your exercise book (WAS/WERE) here a moment ago.



3) (WAS/WERE) it very cold last night in the South?


_____________________________________________________________________4) My brother and sister (WASN’T/WEREN’T) born in Brazil.



D) Complete the sentence with the verb to be in the past simple tense and translate:Complete as frases com o Verbo To be no passado e traduza:

1) They ________________ late for school and their teacher ________________ angry at them.



2) Marcela _________________ very happy. Her birthday party ________________ a success.



3) Daniela’s dog is so ugly. It ________________ in the kitchen yesterday.

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4) After school, the children _______________very tired.



5) She _______________ very upset yesterday.


6) Carlos ________________ at home last night.


7) The student at our school ___________________on vacation last week.



8) I ________________ fifteen and my brother ___________________twelve when we moved here.



9) He __________________ in the office when I phoned him.



3 – Subject Pronoun and Object Pronoun

O Pronome Sujeito é usado como o sujeito da oração:





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I am brazilian. (Eu sou brasileiro)

Rodrigo and I go to the gym every day.

O Pronome Objeto é usado como:

Objeto direto ou indireto

Julio loves her. (Júlio a ama)

Objeto de preposição

I talked to him yesterday. (Eu conversei com ele ontem)

E) Write Subject or Object Pronouns in the gaps and translate:

Preencha as lacunas com os pronomes objeto ou sujeito e traduza:

Hi, my name is Tiago. ___________ am 16. My family lives in Rio de Janeiro. __________

have a brother called Daniel and a sister called Patrícia. __________ live in a big house. __________ has

3 bedrooms. My sister and __________ like swimming. __________ go swimming every day at a pool

near my house. __________ is an Olympic-size pool and __________ have swimming lessons there. Our

swimming teacher gives __________lots of practice, but __________ have fun too.















_______________________________ .

4 – Possessive Adjective and Pronouns

Adjetivos Possessivos e Pronomes

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Adjetivos possessivos antecedem os substantivos:

This is my bike. (Esta é a minha bicicleta)

His hair is brown. (O cabelo dele é castanho)

Pronomes possessivos substituem substantivos:

This is my homework. Where’s yours? (your homework)

(Este é o meu dever de casa. Onde está o seu?)

Os pronomes possessivos concordam com o possuidor:

I love my girlfriend, you love yours.

(Eu amo minha namorada, você ama a sua?)

Os pronomes possessivos podem ser usados depois de of:

She is a friend of mine. (one of my friends) (Ela é amiga minha)

They are friends of yours. (some of our friends) (Eles são amigos nossos)

D) Complete these sentences with Possessive Adjective and Possessive Pronoun and translate:

Complete as frases com Adjetivos Possessivos e Pronomes Possessivos e traduza:

1) Tatiana gave ________________ friend a CD.


2) Marcelo and I are going to meet _______________ friends at the movie theater.


3) Give me your address and I will give you _______________!


4) We really like _______________math teacher. Do you like _______________?


5) Dan is riding _______________ bike. Rebecca is riding _______________.






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6) Diego and Luciana are our neighbors. _______________ apartment is near ______________.


7) Do you know Rafaela? She’s a friend _______________. We’re in the same class.


8) Márcia and Paulo are visiting some of ________________ relatives.


5 - Verbo no passado (REGULAR):

Passado Simples:

Verbos terminados em: X, Z, S, SS, SH, CH = ED

TO WATCH = WATCHED (assistir)

Verbos terminados em Y precedidos de consoante se acrescenta IED sem o Y

TO STUDY = STUDIED (estudar)

Verbos terminados em Y precedidos de vogal se acrescenta ED com o Y

TO PLAY = PLAYED (jogar, brincar)

Verbos no passado (IRREGULAR):

Os verbos irregulares no passado não têm regra e podem mudar por completo ou não mudar nada.




Nas formas negativas e interrogativas, usa-se o verbo auxiliar DID

e o verbo principal fica no infinitivo sem o TO.

Negativa – She did not work yesterday. (Ela não trabalhou ontem)

Interrogativa – Did she work yesterday? (Ela trabalhou ontem?)

Forma abreviada – Did not = didn’t

Quando usarmos o DID nas frases com verbos irregulares, os verbos voltam para o infinitivo.

He made a cake. (Ele fez um bolo)

Negativo – He didn’t make a cake.

Interrogativo – Did he make a cake? O verbo voltou para a forma infinitiva

Esta regra serve para o

passado regular e irregular.

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E) Complete the sentences with the simple past of the verbs in the parentheses and translate:Complete as frases com o passado simples dos verbos e m parênteses e traduza:

1) Priscilla ____________________ (talk) to her friends all day.



2) We ______________________ (walk) to school yesterday. Dad couldn’t drive us.



3) We ____________________ (enter) the class late. The teacher was upset.



4) Those students ______________________ (work) hard last semester.



5) Daniel _____________________ (wait) a long time for you. Then, he _________________(decide) to go home.



F) Complete the sentences with the simple past of the irregular verbs in parentheses and translate:Complete as frases com o passado simples dos verbos irregulares nos parênteses e traduza:

1) She ______________________ (bring) a lot of friends to our party.



2) They ______________________ (leave) hme very early yesterday.



3) I _____________________ (have) a terrible headache and I ______________________ (take) an aspirin.



4) My dad ____________________ (catch) a cold when he was in Bahia.


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5) Bob _______________________ (come) home from school late.



6 – Presente Continuous

O Presente Contínuous é formado pelo presente do verbo to be (am, is , are) + verbo principal + ing

She is working. (Ela está trabalhando)Negativa – She is not working. (Ela não está trabalhando)Interrogativa – Is she working? (Ela esta trabalhando?) Formas abreviadas – AM = ‘M AM NOT = ‘M NOT ARE = ‘RE ARE NOT = AREN’T IS = ‘S IS NOT = ISN’T O Presente Contínuos é usado para expressar ações que: Acontecem no momento da fala Look! It’s raining. (Olhe! Está chovendo) O Presente Contínuo é geralmente usado com advérbios de tempo: at the moment (no momento), at present (no presente), now (agora) e etc. Lucas is studying at the moment. (Lucas está estudando neste momento) Para se fazer o Passado Contínuo é só colocar o verb to be no passado (was, were) He was playing. Negativo - He wasn’t playing. (WAS NOT) Interrogative – Was he playing?

G) Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous in parentheses and translate:Complete as frases com o Presente Contínuo nos parênteses e traduza:

1) My sister and I ________________________________ (do) our homework now.



2) My neighbors _________________________________ (travel) around the world.



3) The cat __________________________ (sleep) in the garden.



4) The children ___________________________________ (watch) TV in their room.



5) The teacher _________________________________ (correct) our exercises now.

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Agora que já estamos sabendo um pouco da gramática da Língua Inglesa, vamos traduzir o texto a seguir:

Leia o texto abaixo e responda às questões de 1 a 4:

3.1 .One Man in a Boat

Fishing is my favorite Sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything. But yhis does not worry me. Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. I am even less lucky. I never catch anything – not even old boots. After having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. “You must give up fishing¹” my friends say. “It’s a waste of time.” But they don’t realize one important thing. I’m not really interested in fishing. I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all!

Do livro: Practice and Progress – An Integrated Course for Pre-Intermediate Students, L. G. Alexander, Longman Group Limited, London









1 – Embora o homem pesque com freqüência, ele:


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a) Só pega botas velhas e lixob) Sempre pega lixoc) Nunca pega coisa algumad) À s vezes pega um peixe

2 – Depois de passar manhãs inteira no rio, ele vai para casa:

a) Com a sacola quase cheiab) Com as botas velhas que pegouc) Com o lixo que pegoud) Com a sacola vazia

3 – Os amigos dele costumam dizer que:

a) Um dia ele será um bom pescadorb) Ele deve tentar continuandoc) Ele tem que desistir de pescard) Ele precisa se esforçar mais

4 – De fato, o homem só está interessado em:

a) Fugir do barulho da cidadeb) Passar o dia no barco para lerc) Poder fumar em pazd) Passar o dia no barco sem fazer nada


4.1. Tips - Pay attention in this text and look the tips: (Preste atenção no texto e olhe as dicas)

“ The fast changes in the logic levels of CMOS ICs cause current spikes that propagate throughout the

circuit. If the sensitive elements of this circuit are not decoupled, these spikes can affect their operation, which

causes them to go to undeterminated states. When designing printed circuit board for CMOS applications, the

designer must take care with the trails that supply power for the Ics and, when necessary, must decouple the


(Do livro CMOS Sourcebook – Newton C. Braga – Prompt Publications)

VocabulárioFast changes – mudanças rápidas

Spikes – picos

Throughout – através

Sensitive – sensível, sensiveis

Decoupled – desacoplado, desacoplados

Printed Circuit Board – Placa de circuito impresso

Supply Power – tensão de alimentação

Devices – dispositivos, componentes

 Diversos são os termos técnicos utilizados em eletrônica que merecem um comentário mais profundo neste


O termo “fast changes” normalmente é indicado para expressar mudanças rápidas de tensão num circuito, quer

seja, uma mudança de nível lógico como também transientes. De qualquer forma, o termo “fast” (rápido) se


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aplica nos casos em que os fenômenos envolvidos ocorrem num intervalo de tempo muito curto. O termo “spike”

é definido como “objetos ou pontas de metal agudas”, o verbo “spike” significa “picar”.

No entanto, na literatura técnica, principalmente relacionada com a eletrônica o termo spike se refere aos picos

de corrente ou tensão muito agudos, como por exemplo os transientes.

O termo Printed Circuit Board, significando placa de circuito impresso e que na literatura técnica em inglês é

abreviado por PCB, não deve ser confundido com Integrated Circuit (Circuito Integrado) que é abreviado por IC.

Assim, se levarmos em conta as abreviações em português para os dois termos (Circuito Impresso = CI) e

(Circuito Integrado = CI), a confusão não é muito difícil de se estabelecer.

Finalmente temos o termo “supply power” que envolve o termo “power” que já comentamos em outro artigo

desta série. Em inglês o termo “power” é usado para designar a alimentação dos circuitos, e “supply” significa

fornecer, prover, suprir quando na forma de verbo. Assim, “power supply” pode ser traduzido tanto como “fonte

de alimentação” como na forma inversa “supply power” como “suprimento de energia ou alimentação”, como é o

caso de nosso texto. Outro termo que aparece neste circuito é “sensitive” para designar “sensível”, devendo não ser confundido com

o termo “sensible” que indica “sensato”. As duas frases abaixo mostram a diferença no uso dos dois termos:

“I think that the most sensible thing to do is ask him what had happened”

“The author is sensitive to criticism...”

Com todas essas dicas, vamos agora traduzir o texto:



Let’s translate this music: (Vamos traduzir esta música)


Jason MrazDo you hear me, I'm talking to youAcross the water across the deep blue oceanUnder the open sky oh my, baby I'm tryingBoy I hear you in my dreamsI feel you whisper across the seaI keep you with me in my heartYou make it easier when life gets hardI'm lucky I'm in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againOooohhhhoohhhhohhooohhooohhooohooohThey don't know how long it takesWaiting for a love like thisEvery time we say goodbyeI wish we had one more kissI wait for you I promise you, I willI'm lucky I'm in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againI'm lucky we're in love in every wayLucky to have stayed where we have stayedLucky to be coming home someday


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And so I'm sailing through the seaTo an island where we'll meetYou'll hear the music, feel the airI put a flower in your hairAnd though the breeze is through treesMove so pretty you're all I seeAs the world keep spinning roundYou hold me right here right nowI'm lucky I'm in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againI'm lucky we're in love in every wayLucky to have stayed where we have stayedLucky to be coming home somedayOooohhhhoohhhhohhooohhooohhooohoooh


6.1. Reverse Logistics

Retail and returns online The volume of returns made by the online North American consumers will total 90 million in 2005 - representing approximately 5.8 billion dollars. These numbers were estimated by the new research infrastructure, retail performed by Jupiter Media Metrix, the market intelligence company with international operations, which also shows that as you increase the volume of discards, lost significant opportunities for cost savings those retailers that focus solely on improving the processes associated with those returns. According to analysts at Jupiter, to realize the financial benefits, companies must maximize the value of returned products, improving all their reverse logistics systems, including collection and analysis of consumption data. "Several third-party solutions have emerged to address consumer concerns about the convenience and speed up the processing of returns," said Darren Bien, an analyst at Jupiter. "While these solutions address the grievances and desires of consumers, retailers must look beyond the process of returning to see the significant potential for cost reduction. They should focus on the benefits in cost reduction of an enhanced reverse logistics system, including three main elements: data collection, distribution of products and effective reporting. " The main findings of the latest research and forecasts of retail infrastructure conducted by Jupiter were discussed at the Jupiter Retailing Forum in Chicago, 21-22 May, which concentrated on the problems faced by online retailers, a sector of U.S. $ 36 billion, and Ground Zero 5 Conference in Boston, 22-24 May, which examined how the corporate world is developing and expanding its B2B strategy to capture the full power of the digital


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revolution. Below are some important items:

The first step in creating an effective reverse logistics program is to collect the data needed to understand the reason why the consumer to make the return of the product. Even when the return policy is "do not ask questions", according to Jupiter analysts, retailers must collect data consistent and well structured with regard to the reason for the return and the condition of the product. Companies that fail to do this also fails to analyze trends in product categories and specific consumer segments, or correct the source of the problem by reducing or eliminating certain types of returns.

Jupiter analysts warn companies to maintain policies that address all returns uniformly, otherwise run the risk of jeopardizing the quality of data collected. For example, Jupiter analysts have found that after a well known retailer changed its return policy, restricting the payment of the freight only to damaged goods, damaged product returns have risen significantly, while the returns associated with consumer behavior decreased proportionally.

The effective reporting and analysis of data provided by consumers is critical to quickly identify trends in reverse logistics process and are a way to reduce the number of returns.

"Companies need to better understand the reasons that lead consumers to return their products," said Bien. "Data collection is the only alternative for these companies to reduce discards, identify trends and, more importantly, redistribute faster products."


A) Circle all the words known. Circule todas as palavras conhecidas.

B) Underline all the phrases that you can build. Sublinhe todas as frases que você consiga formar

C) Construct a text with the main ideas of the text. Construa um texto com as idéias principais do texto

D) Translate the text of a more appropriate way as explained. Traduza o texto de uma forma mais adequada conforme foi explicado


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7.1. Logistics

Logistics is the management of the flow of goods between the point of origin and the point of destination in order to meet the requirements of customers or corporations. Logistics involves the integration of information, transportation, inventory, warehousing, material handling, and packaging, and often security. Logistics is a channel of the supply chain which adds the value of time and place utility.[clarification needed]

Today the complexity of production logistics can be modeled, analyzed, visualized and optimized by plant simulation software, but is constantly changing. This can involve anything from consumer goods such as food, to IT materials, to aerospace and defense equipment.

7.2. Origins and definition

The term logistics comes from the Greek logos (λόγος), meaning "speech, reason, ratio, rationality, language, phrase", and more specifically from the Greek word logistiki (λογιστική), meaning accounting and financial organization[citation needed].

Logistics is considered to have originated in the military's need to supply themselves with arms, ammunition and rations as they moved from their base to a forward position. In ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine empires, military officers with the title Logistikas were responsible for financial and supply distribution matters[citation needed].

The Oxford English Dictionary defines logistics as "the branch of military science relating to procuring, maintaining and transporting materiel, personnel and facilities." Another dictionary definition is "the time-related positioning of resources." As such, logistics is commonly seen as a branch of engineering that creates "people systems" rather than "machine systems". When talking in terms of human resources


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management, logistics means giving inputs, i.e. "recruiting manpowers", which ultimately work for the final consumer or to delivery.

According to the Council of Logistics Management, logistics contains the integrated planning, control, realization and monitoring of all internal and network-wide material-, part- and product flow including the necessary information flow in industrial and trading companies along the complete value-added chain (and product life cycle) for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements.

7.3. Main logistics targets

Logistics is one of the main functions within a company. The main targets of logistics can be divided into performance related and cost related. They are high due date reliability, short delivery times, low inventory level and high capacity utilization. But when decisions need to be made, there is always a trade off between these targets. This is what makes being a logistician challenging and interesting.


A) Circle all the words known. Circule todas as palavras conhecidas.

B) Underline all the phrases that you can build. Sublinhe todas as frases que você consiga formar

C) Construct a text with the main ideas of the text. Construa um texto com as idéias principais do texto

D) Translate the text of a more appropriate way as explained. Traduza o texto de uma forma mais adequada conforme foi explicado


8.1 Love Letter

Once there __________ a boy who loved a girl _____________________. The girl's father,

________________, did not _____________ the boy and did not _________________ their love to

_______________. The boy wanted to ______________ the girl a _________________, but he was

________________ that the girl's _________________would ________________ it

_________________At last he ____________________this letter to the


The great ______________ I said I _________________ for you is gone, and I__________________ my

_________________________for you

__________________ every day. When I ________________ you,

I do not even like the ______________ you ______________________;

the one ________________ I want to ________________is to look the____________________ way. I

____________________wanted to

marry you. Our ______________________conversation was very _______________________ and in no

_____________________ has


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_____________________me anxious to see you _________________________.

You _______________________ only for _____________________________.

__________we were married, I _____________________ that I would find ___________________very

______________________, and I would have no

pleasure in living ___________________you. I have a _________________________ to give,

____________ it is not a heart

I want to __________________ to you. No one is ______________________ demanding or

_______________________than you, and_______________________

____________________ to care for me and be of _________________________ to me.

I _____________________________ want you to __________________________________that

I _________________________ the __________________________. You ______________________do

me a ________________ if you _______________________ this the _______________________. Do


to ______________________ this. Your letters are ________________________of things that do not

_____________________________me. You have no

________________concern for me. Good-bye! ______________________________me,

I do not _________________________ for you.______________________________ do not think

I am __________________________your loving _____________________________.

_____________________girl's father read the letter. __________________ was pleased, and then gave

the letter to his _____________________. The girl read the letter and was very_________________. The

boy still loved her!

Do you know_______________________she was pleased? She and the boy had a

___________________way of writing to each other. She read _____________________ the first

_____________________of the letter, and then the ___________________line, and then the

__________________________ line, and so on, to the end ____________the letter.

This text was taken from the book 'The Love Letter' by Collier-Macmillan English Readers

Comprehension –

The Love Letter

1. Did you think this was a love letter when you read it for the first time?

2. Is this letter about a married couple?

3. Why did they have to find a way to avoid the girl's father?


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4. Is it true that her father got very upset when he read the letter? What was his reaction?

5. Do you think their secret way of writing is a good one? Why?


9.1 Welcome to the world of logistics...

Logistics World is a directory of logistics resources on the internet. Find logistics companies, logistics providers, supply chain consultants, supply chain management, freight forwarders, freight companies, trucking companies, moving companies, movers, shipping companies, air freight, air carriers, ocean freight, ship lines, rail freight, third party logistics providers, warehouses, freight transportation and more. Logistics World is your guide to sites related to logistics, logistics management, freight, transportation, supply chain management, warehousing, distribution, maintenance, manufacturing, management, travel, tourism, reliability, business, and quality sites on the web.

Logistics World provides businesses and professionals in the field of transportation, logistics, and supply chain management the opportunity to enter their business or company information in the Logistics World Logistics Directory.

You can also take advantage of any of Logistics World's Internet Advertising Packages. Target your products and services to the freight transportation, logistics, travel, tourism, and supply chain management industry!

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Dependable Logistics Services - a one-stop logistics service provider. From receiving raw materials, to warehousing and distribution, to setting down product on your customers' doorstep, Dependable can manage all or any part of your supply chain. Our professional teams can evaluate your logistics requirements and recommend the optimal strategy for your business and timeframes. We offer a wide array of freight services and logistics solutions and cover nearly all segments of the logistics industry.

Business Logistics - Reduce your company's costs, improve your customer service quality, and increase the synchronization of activities throughout your supply chain. Offering both consulting and hands-on management support to deliver the results you want. Exclusive auditing and cost benchmarking tools can identify opportunities to generate savings in your transportation, warehousing, and private truck fleet operations. Supply Chain Management, Freight Transportation, and Logistics Services: Boost Your Profits with 3PL Management and Consulting from Business Logistics.

Transportation Services . CA - a Canadian trucking company that can help you with all your transportation needs. Here you have many trucking companies brought under one roof. Working with over 150 owner operators has allowed us to become competitive in the North American market. Providing excellent service in flatbed trucking, LTL shipping, rail transportation, expedited shipping, reefer trucking and over the road trucking service.

Road King Freight Logistics - an established transport service specializing in the transportation of trucking freight throughout Canada and the U.S. market. Our staff strives to meet all of your transportation logistics needs. Our company goal is to provide you with quality freight service at a fair price. With over 1,700 carriers, we are in an excellent position to offer you "one-call" trucking solutions - This will save you time and money. All of our trucks have state of the art satellite equipment. This means that your freight can be tracked from the time it is loaded until it reaches the final destination.

World-Link International Logistics & Freight Forwarding - World-Link International Logistics is one of Australia's largest independently Australian owned and operated freight forwarders. Operating since 1986 World-Link is developing a solid reputation within the Australian import and export community as a capable can-do outfit, no matter what the task.

FreightCare International Shipping Specialists - Australia’s most trusted low cost International Air Freight and Sea Freight Forwarder. With over 20 years experience, FreightCare delivers Global logistics solutions. With an accredited International network, we are perfectly positioned and equipped to meet even the most demanding International Transportation project.

A-1 Auto Transport - Car transport services. A-1 Auto Transport has been moving Americas cars for over 22 years! Use A-1 Auto Transport to compare auto transport companies price quotes & ship your car or motorcycle both domestically or internationally. Visit their website online or call 1-800-452-2880 for free auto transport quotes!

uShip Car Shipping - uShip is an online market place that provides car shipping to any state in the US. Our process is pretty much just like a load board mixed with an API bidding system. People needing to ship their vehicle place it online and then transporters bid on those shipments. This provides truckers access to thousands of car loads all over the US and shippers a more efficient way to transport their car. uShip also provides a free load board search for basically any type of load you can think of: car loads, full truck loads, livestock transport, even entire households.



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A) Circle all the words known. Circule todas as palavras conhecidas.

B) Underline all the phrases that you can build. Sublinhe todas as frases que você consiga formar

C) Construct a text with the main ideas of the text. Construa um texto com as idéias principais do texto

D) Translate the text of a more appropriate way as explained. Traduza o texto de uma forma mais adequada conforme foi explicado

E) Let’s make a list of the techniques terms in mineralogy (Vamos fazer uma lista dos termos técncos em mineralogia que estão presentes nos dois textos)

10. Game

10.1 Let’s translate the tecniches terms:

Activity Based Costing -________________________________________________________________

Aftermarket- _________________________________________________________________________

Automated Guided Vehicle System- _______________________________________________________

Automated Information System- __________________________________________________________

Alternate Feedstock- ___________________________________________________________________

Automated Negotiation Protocol- _________________________________________________________

Advanced Planning Scheduling-__________________________________________________________


Advanced Shipment Notification- ________________________________________________________

Air Waybill- _________________________________________________________________________


Back Order – _________________________________________________________________________

Back Scheduling – _____________________________________________________________________


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Back to Back- _________________________________________________________________________

Backlog- _____________________________________________________________________________

Bar Code – ___________________________________________________________________________

Batch Pick – __________________________________________________________________________

Batch Processing- ______________________________________________________________________

Bonded Warehousing- __________________________________________________________________

Brainstorming- ________________________________________________________________________

Break-Bulk- __________________________________________________________________________

Break-Even Point- _____________________________________________________________________

Brokerage Houses-_____________________________________________________________________

Bulk Carrier-__________________________________________________________________________

Business Intelligence- __________________________________________________________________

Bunker- _____________________________________________________________________________

Chamber of Commerce-________________________________________________________________



Let’s translate this music: (Vamos traduzir esta música)

11.1. Accidentally In Love

Counting Crows

So she said? What's the problem baby?What's the problem I don't knowWell maybe I'm in love (love)Think about it every time I think about itCan't stop thinking about itHow much longer will it take to cure thisJust to cure it cause I can't ignore itIf it's love (love)Makes me wanna turn around and face meBut I don't know nothing about loveCome on, come onTurn a little fasterCome on, come onThe world will follow afterCome on, come onBecause everybody's after loveSo I said? I'm a snowball running?Running down into the springThat's coming all this loveMelting under blue skies


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Belting out sunlightShimmering loveWell baby I surrenderTo the strawberry ice creamNever ever end of all this loveWell I didn't mean to do itBut there's no escaping your loveThese lines of lightning meanWe're never alone, never aloneNo! No!Come on, come onMove a little closerCome on, come onI want to hear you whisperCome on, come onSettle down inside my loveCome on, come onJump a little higherCome on, come onIf you feel a little lighterCome on, come onWe were? Once upon a time? In loveWe're accidentally in loveAccidentally in loveI'm in love, I'm in love (3 times)AccidentallyCome on, come onSpin a little tighterCome on, come onAnd the world's a little brighterCome on, come onJust get yourself inside her loveI'm in love11. REFERENCES

Material adaptado da obra: Introductory mining engineering. Por Howard L. Hartman,Jan M. Mutmansky

The Richmond – Simplified Grammar of English – Amos and Prescher

Disponível em: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logistics

Disponível em: http://translate.google.com.br/translate?hl=pt-BR&langpair=en%7Cpt&u=http://www.logisticsworld.com/

Disponível em: http://translate.google.com.br/translate?hl=pt-BR&langpair=pt%7Cen&u=http://www.supplychainonline.com.br/modules.php%3Fname%3DNews%26file%3Darticle%26sid%3D28

Compact English Book – Wilson Liberato - FTD

Disponível em: http://letras.terra.com.br/counting-crows/85673/traducao.html

Disponível em: http://translate.google.com.br/translate?hl=pt-BR&langpair=pt%7Cen&u=http://www.guialog.com.br/dicionarioi-l.htm


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