appendix 4

APPENDIX 4 Transcription of Interview Interviewee: Nazroul Me: Assalamualaikum. Nazrou l: Wa’alaikumussalam Miss Aina. Me: Alright, how are you? Are you ready for the interview? Nazrou l: I am fine, thank you. Ready… hehe… Me: Okay… let‘s start now… Now in class I use the token system right? Do you like the token system I use? Nazrou l: Yes. I like the tokens. Me: Very good… you like the token, why you like the token? Nazrou l: Because it fun! It is fun… (giggle) hehe… Me: Okay… good answer. Next question. I have asked your group to choose the present you want right? So, you choose Marrybrown, kan? Do you like to choose your own present? Suka pilih sendiri ke? Or you want me to give the present as I like? Or saya pilih? Nazrou l: Hmm…I like to choose. Because I like the food. Me: Haha… okay. Next, you have to behave well to get the token right…? Nazrou l: Yes… Me: And you need to fight with other groups to behave well right? Do you enjoy competing with other groups? Suka tak lawan dengan group lain untuk dapat token? Nazrou l: Suka. (I like). Me: Why? In English! Nazrou l: Hehe… because I can enjoy with other groups. Ha, I can eat! Menang, dapat hadiah.

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Transcription of Semi-Structured Interviews


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APPENDIX 4 Transcription of Interview

Interviewee: Nazroul

Me: Assalamualaikum.

Nazroul: Wa’alaikumussalam Miss Aina.

Me: Alright, how are you? Are you ready for the interview?

Nazroul: I am fine, thank you. Ready… hehe…

Me:Okay… let‘s start now… Now in class I use the token system right? Do you like the token system I use?

Nazroul: Yes. I like the tokens.

Me: Very good… you like the token, why you like the token?

Nazroul: Because it fun! It is fun… (giggle) hehe…

Me:Okay… good answer. Next question. I have asked your group to choose the present you want right? So, you choose Marrybrown, kan? Do you like to choose your own present? Suka pilih sendiri ke? Or you want me to give the present as I like? Or saya pilih?

Nazroul: Hmm…I like to choose. Because I like the food.

Me: Haha… okay. Next, you have to behave well to get the token right…?

Nazroul: Yes…

Me:And you need to fight with other groups to behave well right? Do you enjoy competing with other groups? Suka tak lawan dengan group lain untuk dapat token?

Nazroul: Suka. (I like).

Me: Why? In English!

Nazroul: Hehe… because I can enjoy with other groups. Ha, I can eat! Menang, dapat hadiah.

Me:Alright, very well. I continue to the next question k? If your group, your group ek, lose token, I pulled down your token because you ke, or your friends misbehave, what will you do?

Nazroul: Aaa…

Me: You got me? Do you understand?

Nazroul: Yes… I will marah, marah ape Miss Aina?

Me: Scold.

Nazroul: Ha…I will scold. I will…behave well.

Me:Good answer! Okay, next. Will you…and your friends…cooperate to complete tasks without token? Meaning, I don’t give token. You do your work or not with your friends?

Nazroul: No. haha…

Me: Hurmmm!!! Why?

Nazroul: Because I cannot get the present.

Me: I know already you won’t do my work without token… okay, next. Will you listen to

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teacher’s instruction and obey the classroom’s rules without token? And why? Faham tak? Will you listen to my arahan…and ikut rules class if I don’t give token?

Nazroul: No… haha…

Me: Why?

Nazroul: Because you not give the present.

Me:Ooo…so, you behave well because of the present je la? Aaa… now I know, very disappointing. Never, mind, we continue to the next question. You are in what group?

Nazroul: Cobra.

Me: Okay, you want your group to collect the most number of tokens or not? Collect many token?

Nazroul: Want!

Me: Why?

Nazroul:Because can win. Teacher can get present. Eh, group can get present. (my group can get present)

Me:Okay…last question… does the token, motivate you, and your friends to behave well in class? Why? Meaning, you and your friends rasa nak berkelakuan baik tak dalam class because of the token?

Nazroul: Yes. Hmm… teacher tanya sebab kan tadi? (you asked what is the reason right?

Me:Yes, why you and your friends want to be good in class? Kenapa nak jadi baik dalam class? Why?

Nazroul: Because teacher give (gives) token. Hmm…lepas tu dapat hadiah… (then got present)

Me: Alright, very good! Thank you very much Nazroul.

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Transcription of Interview

Interviewee: Syafikah

Me: Alright, assalamulaikum and good morning Syafikah.

Syafikah: Wa’alaikumussalam Miss Aina. Good morning.

Me: How are you?

Syafikah: I am fine, thank you.

Me:Okay, if you are fine… let‘s start our interview now… first of all, do you like the token system I use in class now?

Syafikah: Yes… I like a token.

Me: Okay…so you like the token right? Why you like this token system?

Syafikah: It is fun.

Me:Very good…Next, do you like to choose your own present? For example I asked your group to choose the present you want right? You like it or not?

Syafikah: No. Because not surprise. I like surprise.

Me:Okay…very good answer. Haha… me also like surprise. Okay, we continue k. Do you enjoy competing or fight with other groups to get token? Meaning you…and your friends...fight with other groups to get token. Do you enjoy it or not?

Syafikah: Yes…

Me: Why?

Syafikah: Because my group is winner. (her group won the reward from the token system)

Me:Okay… next question. If your group, lose token, because you, or your friends misbehave in the class, what will you do?

Syafikah: I will…marah…

Me:Okay, angry… then? Angry only cannot get back your token, what will you do to get back the token?

Syafikah: I and my friends behave well to get token.

Me:Very well! So…you have to behave well…berkelakuan baik, then only you get back the token. Okay, next. Will you…and your friends…cooperate to complete tasks without token? You and your friends will do work or not if I don’t give token?

Syafika: Yes.

Me: Very good! Why?

Syafika: I do work without token because I can study.

Me:Excellent! Next question. Will you listen to teacher’s instruction and follow classroom’s rules without token? Do you understand? Will you follow what I say…and patuh peraturan class if I don’t give token?

Syafikah: Hmm… no…

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Me: No? why?

Syafikah: Because teacher not give a token.

Me:Okay, next question. You want your group to collect the most number of tokens or not? Meaning collect many token?

Syafikah: Yes… I want many token.

Me: Why?

Nazroul: Because teacher give (gives) present to my group.

Me:Okay, good. Alright, my last question… does the token, motivate you, and your friends to behave well in class? You and your friends want to be good or not in class because I give token?

Nazroul: Yes.

Me: Okay, why you and your friends want to behave well? Why nak jadi baik dalam class?

Nazroul: Because teacher give (gives) the present.

Me: Okay. Thank you very much Syafikah. Have a good day. Friday I give the present ya.