appendix final project

Appendix Project final 1 I have more than 3 covariates, so I do not need to add any other variables to get higher correlation. <- read.csv("C:/Users/dell1/Desktop/bike new.csv") bike.new1<[,c(-1,-2,-3,-4,-5)] cor(bike.new1) library(corrplot) corrplot(cor(bike.new1),method = "number") pairs(bike.new1)

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Page 1: Appendix final project

AppendixProject final1I have more than 3 covariates, so I do not need to add any other variables to get higher <- read.csv("C:/Users/dell1/Desktop/bike new.csv")bike.new1<[,c(-1,-2,-3,-4,-5)]cor(bike.new1)library(corrplot)corrplot(cor(bike.new1),method = "number")


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We found that temp and atemp have a high correlation



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Temp and atemp might be more appropriate.

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3The mean should be made constant. This can be achieved by removing the windspeed and thehumidity component, or by taking the difference of the series.

4x <-arima.sim(model=list(ar=c(0.7),ma=c(0.7)),n = 200)plot(x)



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library(forecast)auto.arima(x,max.p = 10,max.q=10)Series: xARIMA(1,0,1) with zero meanCoefficients:

ar1 ma10.6499 0.7323

s.e. 0.0582 0.0571sigma^2 estimated as 1.175: log likelihood=-300.99AIC=607.98 AICc=608.1 BIC=617.88

5library(leaps)regfit.full <- regsubsets(temp~.,bike.new1,nvmax=13)summary(regfit.full)Subset selection objectCall: regsubsets.formula(temp ~ ., bike.new1)3 Variables (and intercept)

Forced in Forced outatemp FALSE FALSEhumidity FALSE FALSEwindspeed FALSE FALSE1 subsets of each size up to 3Selection Algorithm: exhaustive

atemp humidity windspeed1 ( 1 ) "*" " " " "2 ( 1 ) "*" " " "*"3 ( 1 ) "*" "*" "*"

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regfit.summary <- summary(regfit.full)names(regfit.summary)[1] "which" "rsq" "rss" "adjr2" "cp" "bic" "outmat" "obj"plot(regfit.summary$rsq)


The lowest BIC is achieved by the 2nd model, which includes all of the variables excepthumidity.coef(regfit.full,2)(Intercept) atemp windspeed-1.82858449 0.85009266 0.09934351

backward stepwise selectionregfit.bwd <- regsubsets(temp~.,bike.new1,nvmax=13,method="backward")summary(regfit.bwd)Selection Algorithm: backward

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atemp humidity windspeed1 ( 1 ) "*" " " " "2 ( 1 ) "*" " " "*"3 ( 1 ) "*" "*" "*"

MSElibrary(boot)CVmse <- rep(0,3)for(i in 1:3){tempCols <- which(regfit.summary$which[i,-1]==TRUE)tempCols <- c(tempCols,4)tempCols <- as.numeric(tempCols)tempGLM <- glm(temp~.,data=bike.new1[,tempCols])tempCV <- cv.glm(tempGLM,data=bike.new1[,tempCols],K = 4)CVmse[i] <- tempCV$delta[1]}plot(CVmse)

The model with the lowest cross validation error is the 3rd model which includes atemp,humidity and windspeed.

generalized least squareslibrary(nlme)bike.new1.gls <-gls(temp~atemp+humidity,data=bike.new1,correlation=corARMA(p = 1,q=1))bike.new1.glssummary(bike.new1.gls)testMSE <- c(); MAX_POLY=3for(i in 1:MAX_POLY){

tempLm <- lm(temp~poly(atemp,i),data=bike.new1)testMSE[i] <- mean((bike.new1$temppredict(tempLm,newdata=bike.new1))^2) }

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plot(testMSE,xlab="Degree of Polynomial",ylab="Test MSE",type='l', ylim=c(50,150))splinesplot(gam(temp~s(atemp+humidity,bs="tp"),data=bike.new1))

interaction termsremember that temp and atemp had high correlation.ggplot(aes(x=bike.new1$temp,y=bike.new1$atemp))+stat_density2d() <- gam(bike.new1$temp~s(bike.new1$atemp,bike.new1$humidity)+s(bike.new1$temp),data=bike.new1)

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CVgam(formula(,bike.new1,nfold = 10)

6lm1<-lm(bike.new1$temp~bike.new1$atemp+bike.new1$humidity+bike.new1$windspeed )summary(lm1)p-value: < 2.2e-16as p-value: < 2.2e-16, humidity,windspeed,atemp have liner regression relationship withtemp.plot(bike.new1$atemp,bike.new1$temp,xlab = " atemp",ylab="temp",main="bike",abline(lm1))


plot(bike.new1$windspeed,bike.new1$temp,xlab ="windspeed",ylab="temp",main="bike",abline(lm1))

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lm1<-lm(bike.new1$humidity~bike.new1$temp+bike.new1$atemp+bike.new1$windspeed )summary(lm1)p-value: 0.3597As the p-value is 0.3597, they do not exist linear regressionlm1<-lm(bike.new1$temp~bike.new1$humidity+bike.new1$windspeed+bike.new1$atemp+bike.new1$windspeed )summary(lm1)p-value: 0.1421As the p-value is 0.1421, they do not exist linear regressionlm1<-lm(bike.new1$atemp~bike.new1$humidity+bike.new1$windspeed+bike.new1$temp+bike.new1$windspeed )summary(lm1)p-value: < 2.2e-16As the p-value is 2.2e-16, they exist linear regression.plot(bike.new1$windspeed,bike.new1$atemp,xlab ="windspeed",ylab="atemp",main="bike",abline(lm1))

plot(bike.new1$humidity,bike.new1$atemp,xlab ="humidity",ylab="atemp",main="bike",abline(lm1))

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plot(bike.new1$temp,bike.new1$atemp,xlab ="temp",ylab="atemp",main="bike",abline(lm1))

From the plots above, we found that temp and atemp exist liner relationship.

7 Bonus

We can also use accrual package: Bayesian Accrual Prediction, brglm package: Bias reduction inbinomial-response generalized linear models,bestglm package: Best Subset GLM andBayesBridge package: Bridge Regression to predict the datasets.