application of the marine ecosystem services approach in the … work on maritime spatial planning...

Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management ISSN: 2151-3732 (Print) 2151-3740 (Online) Journal homepage: Application of the marine ecosystem services approach in the development of the maritime spatial plan of Latvia Kristina Veidemane, Anda Ruskule, Solvita Strake, Ingrida Purina, Juris Aigars, Sandra Sprukta, Didzis Ustups, Ivars Putnis & Andris Klepers To cite this article: Kristina Veidemane, Anda Ruskule, Solvita Strake, Ingrida Purina, Juris Aigars, Sandra Sprukta, Didzis Ustups, Ivars Putnis & Andris Klepers (2017) Application of the marine ecosystem services approach in the development of the maritime spatial plan of Latvia, International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management, 13:1, 398-411, DOI: 10.1080/21513732.2017.1398185 To link to this article: © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. Published online: 14 Nov 2017. Submit your article to this journal Article views: 234 View related articles View Crossmark data Citing articles: 1 View citing articles

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    International Journal of Biodiversity Science, EcosystemServices & Management

    ISSN: 2151-3732 (Print) 2151-3740 (Online) Journal homepage:

    Application of the marine ecosystem servicesapproach in the development of the maritimespatial plan of Latvia

    Kristina Veidemane, Anda Ruskule, Solvita Strake, Ingrida Purina, JurisAigars, Sandra Sprukta, Didzis Ustups, Ivars Putnis & Andris Klepers

    To cite this article: Kristina Veidemane, Anda Ruskule, Solvita Strake, Ingrida Purina, JurisAigars, Sandra Sprukta, Didzis Ustups, Ivars Putnis & Andris Klepers (2017) Application of themarine ecosystem services approach in the development of the maritime spatial plan of Latvia,International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management, 13:1, 398-411,DOI: 10.1080/21513732.2017.1398185

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    © 2017 The Author(s). Published by InformaUK Limited, trading as Taylor & FrancisGroup.

    Published online: 14 Nov 2017.

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    Application of the marine ecosystem services approach in the developmentof the maritime spatial plan of LatviaKristina Veidemane a, Anda Ruskule a, Solvita Strake b, Ingrida Purina b, Juris Aigars b,Sandra Sprukta b, Didzis Ustups c, Ivars Putnis c and Andris Klepers c

    aBaltic Environmental Forum – Latvia, Riga, Latvia; bLatvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology, Riga, Latvia; cInstitute of Food Safety, AnimalHealth and Environment, Riga, Latvia; dVidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Valmiera, Latvia

    ABSTRACTThe Maritime Spatial Plan for Internal Waters, Territorial Waters and Economic Exclusive Zone ofthe Republic of Latvia is a long-term spatial planning document, which defines the permitteduses of the sea and conditions for development. Work on maritime spatial planning (MSP) inLatvia was a novel process from different aspects including incorporation of the concept ofecosystem services (ES) into MSP. In the course of the MSP process, marine ES were mappedand assessed, and impacts of proposed spatial solutions for the use of the sea were assessed.The scope of mapping and assessment of ES was limited by data availability and expertknowledge on marine ecosystems. MSP in Latvia was an open and transparent process withan active involvement of different stakeholder groups. Marine ES assessment results werevisualized and used during the public consultations to highlight the marine areas providingthe most significant social benefits as well as to facilitate debate about potential impactsarising from proposed uses of the sea. The marine ES approach, in a spatially explicit manner,provided stakeholders and policymakers with a strategic framework to address a complexsocial–ecological system.

    ARTICLE HISTORYReceived 31 December 2016Accepted 24 October 2017

    KEYWORDSEcosystem services;maritime spatial planning;impact assessment; Latvia;Baltic Sea

    1. Introduction

    Comprehensive marine planning is a process used todefine a coherent and more efficient use of marinespace and resources. With the adoption of theMaritime Spatial Planning (MSP) Directive(Directive 2014/89/EU), Member States of theEuropean Union are required to establish a formalprocess by which human activities in marine areas areorganized and managed to achieve ecological, eco-nomic and social objectives (EU 2014). The necessityto organize human activities in marine areas arosefrom the growing competition between economicinterests, such as maritime transport, offshore energy,port development, fisheries and aquaculture togetherwith social and environmental concerns (Douvereand Ehler 2009; Domínguez-Tejo et al. 2016).Nowadays it is widely recognized that ‘healthy marineecosystems and their multiple services, if integratedin planning decisions, can deliver substantial benefitsin terms of food production, recreation and tourism,climate change mitigation and adaptation, shorelinedynamics control and disaster prevention’ (EU 2014,recital 13). The contribution of healthy marine eco-systems to human well-being has been demonstratedby several research studies published over the lastdecades (e.g. Holmlund and Hammer 1999; Wormet al. 2006; Outeriro and Villasante 2013; Börger et al.2014). At the same time, human activities (e.g. –

    shipping and fisheries, marine aquaculture, mineraland oil extraction, off-shore constructions includingwind-farms) and related pressures (e.g. marine pollu-tion and habitat destruction, marine invasive species,etc.), together with nutrient runoff from land, areimpacting the structure and function of marine eco-systems and consequently reduce their capacity toprovide ecosystem services (ES) (Lotze et al. 2006;Halpern et al. 2012; Outeriro and Villasante 2013;Rivero and Villasante 2016).

    MSP is a decision-making process that appliesscientific data and geospatial information to addressconflicts and organize human activities in order toavoid negative impacts on marine health, functionsand services (Center for Ocean Solutions 2011). Thus,integration of ES assessment in both MSP and in thestrategic environmental assessment (SEA) of mari-time spatial plans can support the sustainable use ofthe marine ecosystems and their services (Guerryet al. 2012; Slootweg 2016). A conceptual frameworkfor such integration is established by the ecosystem-based approach (EBA) for the management and plan-ning of human activities endorsed by the Conventionof Biological Diversity (CBD) within the operationalguidance and 12 principles (known as the Malawiprinciples) on the application of the ecosystemapproach (SCBD 2004; CBD 2007). The MarineStrategy Framework Directive (Directive 2008/56/

    CONTACT Kristina Veidemane [email protected]


    © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permitsunrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

  • EC; EC 2008) requires the application of EBA to themanagement of human activities, recognizing MSP asa measure for ensuring that the collective pressures ofsuch activities are kept within levels compatible withthe achievement of good environmental status andenabling the sustainable use of marine goods andservices. Coupling of the EBA with MSP processesis recognized as an emerging paradigm in sustainableocean management (Domínguez-Tejo et al. 2016).This has been also promoted by the JointHELCOM-VASAB MSP Working Group (acting inthe Baltic Sea region), within its ‘Guidelines for theimplementation of ecosystem-based approach inMSP’, where identification of ES is included as oneof the key elements for operationalizing of EBA inMSP (HELCOM-VASAB MSP WG 2015).

    Implementing EBA in spatial planning and manage-ment of marine ecosystems complies with the objectivesof the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2020 which, inter alia,sets a target to maintain and enhance ecosystems andtheir services by establishing green infrastructures andrestoring at least 15% of degraded ecosystems (EC2011). Concomitantly, the European Commissiontogether with EU Member States established an initia-tive under Action 5 of the EU Biodiversity Strategy onMapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and theirServices (MAES). The aim of MAES is to create aknowledge-based system on ecosystems, includingtheir condition and the services they provide. Suchknowledge is essential for advancing biodiversity objec-tives as well as supporting the development and imple-mentation of other EU policies, including water,climate, agriculture, forestry, marine and regional plan-ning (Maes et al. 2014).

    Despite the established policy framework forenhancing the use of MAES in marine areas, aswell as the generated knowledge pool on the func-tioning of marine ecosystems, practical experiencein the mapping of marine ES as well as integrationof this information in MSP is still limited(Domínguez-Tejo et al. 2016; Beaumont et al.2017; Drakou et al. 2017). The main challengesthat hinder this process are related to: (i) thethree-dimensional nature of marine ecosystemsand related ES as well as their dynamics in timeand space; (ii) limited data availability and accuracyon the distribution of habitats; (iii) insufficientunderstanding of the ecological functions and pro-cesses behind many ES or difficulties to quantifythem; (iv) defining the link between bio-physicalfeatures of ecosystem and cultural ES such asrecreational, educational or aesthetic value, whichare assessed based on human experience and per-ception; and (v) sensitivity of data on some ES withhigh commercial value (Drakou et al. 2017). Thisleads to a high level of uncertainty in marine ESmapping and assessment, thus making questionable

    the applicability of the results in policy- and deci-sion-making.

    Implementation of the EBA, including identificationand mapping of ES, is a topical issue in all countriesaround the Baltic Sea. These countries are at differentstages of MSP. In fact, approved maritime spatial plansexist only in Germany (BSH 2016) and Lithuania(Lietuvos Respublikos aplinkos ministerija 2017).However, approved plans do not yet include ES assess-ment. Implementation of the EBA, including the MAESand the SEA for proposed spatial solutions of sea uses,was set as task for the development of the MaritimeSpatial Plan for Latvian marine waters (subsequentlyreferred to as – the Plan). This was the first attempt inthe Baltic Sea region to apply the MAES in an officialMSP process at the national level. This paper presents theLatvian approach, namely the application of MAES inspatial planning of marine areas, and discusses its mainchallenges.

    2. Characterization of the Latvian MSPprocess

    The development of the Plan was carried out in2015–2016 under the supervision of the Ministry ofthe Environmental Protection and RegionalDevelopment of Latvia according to national legisla-tion (Ministru kabinets 2012). The BalticEnvironmental Forum – Latvia coordinated the ela-boration of a draft Plan with strong involvement ofmarine researchers, experts and stakeholders repre-senting relevant sectors and interests (HELCOM-VASAB MSP WG 2017). Parallel to the developmentof the Plan, a SEA of the draft Plan was undertakenaccording to Directive 2001/42/EC (EC 2001).

    The following objectives were defined for the inte-gration of MAES in the Latvian MSP process:

    ● to map areas important for the provisioning ESin the Latvian marine waters;

    ● to apply MAES results in the SEA of the LatvianMaritime Spatial Plan by assessing possibleimpacts of different sea use scenarios and pro-posed spatial solutions of the Plan on marineecosystem and related services; and

    ● to raise stakeholder awareness concerning theimportance of ecosystems in the provision ofvarious societal benefits in Latvia.

    The results of MAES contributed to differentstages and outputs of the Latvian MSP, includingstocktaking of the current status of marine condi-tions, assessment of scenarios and proposed optimalsolutions and their impacts on provisioning environ-mental ES (Figure 1). The subsequent section pre-sents in detail the methodological approach that wasfollowed in this study.


  • 3. Methods

    3.1. Study area

    The study area (Figure 2) includes all marine watersunder the jurisdiction of Latvia including internalmarine waters, territorial waters and the exclusive

    economic zone (EEZ) as delineated by the MaritimeAdministration of Latvia (MALHS 2015).Accordingly, the study area covers about 7% of theBaltic Sea area – 28,518 km2 of which 10,861 km2 areterritorial waters. Based on existing natural conditions,marine waters are divided into two sub-regions – the

    Figure 1. Framework of the Latvian MSP process and links to ES.

    Figure 2. Study area including internal marine waters, territorial waters and EEZ of Latvia.


  • Gulf of Riga and the Baltic Proper. According tonational legislation, marine waters are also sub-divided for the purposes of managing fishing activitiesand fish resources – coastal waters (to a depth of 20 m)and open marine waters (deeper than 20 m) (Ministrukabinets 2007).

    3.2. Identification and mapping marineecosystems

    The marine ecosystem consists of two main intercon-nected sub-systems – pelagic and benthic (Olenin andDucrotoy 2006). Their structure is formed by theabiotic environment (e.g. sea bottom substrate,depth, differences in the light intensity within thewater column), as well as the biotic or living environ-ment (e.g. populations of plankton, benthos, fish,birds and marine mammals). For the purposes ofMSP and ES assessment, ecosystems of Latvian mar-ine waters were identified and mapped using theHELCOM Underwater Biotope and Habitat(HELCOM HUB) classification system (HELCOM2013a). The HELCOM HUB classification describesstructures up to six levels for benthic habitats andfour levels for pelagic habitats. Level 1 defines theregion for which the habitats are classified – theBaltic. The regional split was introduced byHELCOM aiming at the transferability of the systemto other marine regions in Europe and compatibilitywith the European Nature Information System(EUNIS) (Schiele et al. 2014). Level 2 splits habitatsinto the main vertical sub-systems – benthic (asso-ciated with the sea bottom) and pelagic (associatedwith the water column) – and further sub-divides thevertical zone based on availability of light – photicand aphotic zones. Level 3 applies different environ-mental factors to classify pelagic (delineated by halo-cline) or benthic habitats (associated with substrate).Level 4 uses community structure as a split factor forbenthic habitats and availability of oxygen for pelagichabitats. Level 5 divides benthic habitats according totypical communities, and finally level 6 according todominant species groups. All Latvian marine waterswere classified as HELCOM HUB benthic habitatsbased on a coastal survey and monitoring data aswell as a sea bottom sediment map (MoEPRD2016). The latter was specifically prepared usingexisting geological survey data during the MSP stock-taking exercise. Habitats were delineated at levels 3–5depending on the availability of field data. In total 26benthic habitat types were identified and mapped forLatvian marine waters.

    Benthic habitat types were used mainly to map andassess regulating services (see next section) whileother spatial units (grid network) were used to assessprovisioning and cultural services. Detailed mappingof pelagic habitats was not feasible in the frame of the

    Latvian MSP due to a lack of information and knowl-edge on spatial patterns (VARAM 2016). Coastalwaters were considered as a single ecosystem (orcultural space) when assessing cultural ecosystemservices (CES). Specific habitats or ecosystems haveseldom been assessed as suppliers of CES (Martinet al. 2016).

    3.3. Selection of relevant ES and indicators forassessment

    The Common International Classification ofEcosystem Services (CICES, version 4.3; Haines-Young and Potschin 2013) was used to map andassess the supply of marine ES in Latvia. CICES wasdeveloped as a framework to structure the ES conceptand assist in the exchange of information about ESacross regions and different countries (Haines-Youngand Potschin 2013). Meanwhile CICES has beenwidely applied in studies and assessments at differentscales including several pilot studies at the pan-European level (Maes et al. 2014). The hierarchicalstructure up to class level (Potschin and Haines-Young 2016) was applied to identify relevant ES formarine waters.

    The choice of ES to be included in the assessmentwas influenced by data availability as well as the levelof knowledge of local experts on processes in marineecosystems underlying the ES supply. In accordancewith CICES, the assessment included:

    ● two provisioning services (the only service actu-ally supplied – ‘wild animals and their outputs’and the potential stocks of ‘wild plants, algaeand their outputs’);

    ● four regulating and maintenance services (‘bio-remediation by micro-organisms, algae, plants,and animals’, ‘filtration by animals’, ‘maintain-ing of nursery population’ and ‘global climateregulation’); and

    ● one for cultural services, combining experientialand physical use of land-/seascapes (Table 1).

    The choice of relevant indicators for regulatingservices was based on a review of literature (Hattamet al. 2015) and local expert knowledge, while theindicators for provisioning and cultural serviceswere determined by the availability of data sets. Inthe context of the ES framework, indicators can char-acterize different aspects of the ES delivery: (1) acertain potential to supply services based on theirfunctioning (stocks) or (2) actual flow of ES (realsupply) which is determined by demand by society(Burkhard et al. 2014; Maes et al. 2016). Most ESstudies having a spatial dimension focus on ES supplyestimating the hypothetical maximum yield ofselected ES (Burkhard et al. 2012). ES indicators


  • should be understandable to stakeholders as they area tool for communication. The indicators should beresponsive to changes in the environment and relatedhuman activities (Layke et al. 2012; EEA 2014).During the assessment, it was necessary to ensurethat the selection of indicators was flexible and con-sistent across different scales and over time.Consistency in the collection and treatment of statis-tics and monitoring data ensured comparabilitybetween areas. As diverse sets of indicators wereavailable, those most relevant for MAES wereselected. Information and data availability wasanother important criterion for the selection of ESindicators as has been recognized previously in otherstudies (van Oudenhoven et al. 2012; Kandziora et al.2013; Maes et al. 2016).

    3.4. Assessment of marine ES

    Methods for assessment of the selected seven ES varieddepending on the type of ES, knowledge and availabledata. Nevertheless, the same spatial units, a grid networkof 3 km × 2.8 km or 0.05° longitude × 0.025° latitude,were applied to ensure coherence in visualization of allES assessment schemes and assessment results.

    A simple qualitative assessment using a binary scale(yes/no) was used for the assessment of regulating andmaintenance services. A matrix was created to evaluatecapacities of marine benthic ecosystems to provide ES.This method was used due to limited quantitative infor-mation and expertise onmarine ecosystems, including alack of direct measurements on the supply of ES. Asmall expert group composed of key marine biologistsin Latvia was established to assess the potential supplyof ES by habitat type. Assessment results were compiledon ES maps generated in ArcGIS 10.4 software. Thisapproach has been widely tested and applied previously(Maes et al. 2012; Englund et al. 2017).

    Red algae Furcellaria lumbricalis is one of thecommon perennial macroalgae species in Latviancoastal waters as well in the Baltic Sea. Red algaehave gel-forming abilities that are relevant to thefood industry (Tuvikene et al. 2010). A few countriesaround the Baltic Sea, for example, Denmark andEstonia, are exploiting the species for commercialpurpose. In Latvia, several pilot projects have beenimplemented; however, industrial scale production isexpected in the future. Provisioning services – algaeand their outputs – were assessed using a tieredapproach (Maes et al. 2014). Tier 1 included theidentification of benthic habitats that are related tothe distribution of key species (e.g. F. lumbricalis)based on expert judgement (i.e. habitat type suitablefor growth of the species). Tier 2 included data fromfield surveys on the coverage of red algae withindefined spatial units. The assessment results werepresented on a scale of 1–3, where 1 refers to habitatsTa

















































































































  • suitable for the species (based on expert knowledge),but where none have been observed so far; 2 – lowoccurrence observed; 3 – high occurrence observed.Low occurrence means that the coverage of red algaeis less than 30% of the monitored site, whereas highoccurrence means that the coverage of red algae isabove 30%.

    Data on fish landings of four commercial species(sprat, herring, cod and flounder) were used as aproxy indicator to assess the flow of the provisioningservice – fish for food. Data from fishery logbooks ofLatvian fishermen were processed with R StatisticalSoftware to estimate the total value of fish landings ina grid cell per species in the period 2004–2013.Values of the cells were visualized on a scale of 1–5.Pelagic fish (Baltic herring and sprat) dominate catchin terms of the quantity of total landing in Latvianwaters (close to 90%). Therefore, the spatial distribu-tion of the fish provisioning ES was determined basedon pelagic rather than benthic species.

    Assessment of cultural services was carried outwith regard to physical and experiential interaction.An indicator of marine tourism and leisure opportu-nities along the coast was computed based on expertjudgement and empirical data from 2015. The indi-cator combined several criteria: (i) number of visitors;(ii) suitability of the area (or best place) for a parti-cular tourism or leisure activity (e.g. angling, birdwatching, kiteboarding, etc.); (iii) accessibility – pre-sence of parking lots and public access roads near thecoast; and (iv) data on settlement pattern and popu-lation size. Each criterion was scored on a scale of1–3. The scores of the criteria were summed for theES assessment on a scale of 1–5, where 1 means verylow suitability for tourism and leisure activities and 5means very high suitability.

    3.5. Assessment of impacts of spatial sea usescenarios and MSP solutions on ES

    During the MSP process four distinct scenarios (alter-natives) were developed, evaluated and optimum spa-tial solutions elaborated ([MoEPRD 2016). Thescenarios were formulated to support planners inoutlining a long-term vision, objectives and prioritiesfor spatial sea use as well as to assess possible effectsof each scenario. The scenarios approach was a parti-cularly practical method to facilitate discussions withstakeholders regarding respective strengths, weak-nesses, opportunities and threats. Identification,description and evaluation of alternatives is also amandatory requirement of SEA when a policy docu-ment is assessed with regard to significant environ-mental effects on biodiversity, fauna, water, climaticfactors, material assets, cultural heritage and land-scape (EC 2001). In the Latvian MSP process, scenar-ios (alternatives) were assessed against multiple

    criteria: (1) economic, social, environmental and cli-mate change and (2) policy relevance on a relativescale of −2 to +2 (−2: significant adverse effects; −1:slight negative effect; 0: no effect; +1: slight positiveeffect; +2: substantial positive effect). Spatially, thescenarios were assessed against different componentsof marine ecosystems (benthic habitats, birds, fish,marine mammals). Expert judgement (hydrobiolo-gists, ornithologists, ichthyologists) was used toassign impact values to each type of sea use andrespective ecosystem component and related services.The results of MAES were overlaid on scenarios andproblem issues and areas identified. Based on theresults of the impact assessment and discussionswith stakeholders, optimum spatial solutions wereproposed as part of an iterative assessment process.Subsequently, the proposed MSP solutions were re-assessed against impacts on marine ecosystems andservices using the same multiple criteria method asfor scenarios.

    4. Results

    4.1. Assessment of marine ES

    A set of the multiple ES maps was created represent-ing the diversity of provisioning, regulating and cul-tural ES. Composite maps have been included hereinfor illustration purposes – ES assessment results andsea uses having significant impacts on ecosystems andtheir services (Figure 3–6).

    The results of MAES demonstrate distinct spatialpatterns in the distribution of ES in Latvian marinewaters (Figure 5). The deeper part of the Baltic Seahaving aphotic benthic habitats on muddy sedimentshas a higher number of regulating and maintenanceservices. According to local expert judgement on ESsupply by benthic habitats, these deeper open seaareas provide an eutrophication control functionthrough denitrification and the storage of nutrientsand control of other pollutants. They also act as asink for carbon. Assessment results show that coastalareas (photic benthic habitats) contribute to thereduction of eutrophication as soft sandy, hard rockand mixed bottom habitats with associated macro-fauna (mussels) that filter nutrients (Petersen et al.2014). Benthic coastal habitats also maintain nurserypopulations of fish. These services are provided byreef habitats ‘Baltic photic rock and boulders charac-terized by macroscopic epi-benthic biotic structures’(types AA.A1 and AA.A2, HELCOM 2013a). Thesehabitats are highly important for almost all commer-cial fish species, especially Baltic herring (Šaškov et al.2014).

    Mapping and assessment results of provisioningservices – algae and their outputs (Figure 3) – revealthe importance of coastal areas, in particular coastal


  • Figure 3. Impacts of spatial solutions on the provisioning service – algae and their outputs. ES indicator: area covered by redalgae Furcellaria lumbricalis.

    Figure 4. Impacts of spatial solutions on the provisioning service – fish for food. ES indicator: total landing of commerciallyimportant fish species (excluding coastal fishery).


  • Figure 5. Impacts of spatial solutions on regulating services provided by benthic habitats. ES indicator: number of regulatingand maintenance services.

    Figure 6. Cultural services – physical and experiential interaction. ES indicator: marine tourism and leisure possibilities at thecoast.


  • habitats. The highest coverage of red algae is observedon reef habitats in the coastal waters of the southwestpart of Latvia.

    Fish for food is the most common good deliveredby marine ecosystems. This provisioning service hasbeen measured and assessed quantitatively as statis-tics are readily available. Figure 4 shows the spatialdistribution of the total landing of commerciallyimportant fish species in the open Baltic Sea duringthe period 2004–2013. Baltic herring and sprat, repre-senting pelagic species, are the dominant landing inLatvia. Baltic herring is the typical species in the Gulfof Riga, whereas sprat in the Baltic Proper. Bothspecies are caught predominantly by trawling vessels.While the coastal or deep water areas are more sig-nificant in relation to other types of ES, fishing ofpelagic species is more significant offshore.

    Latvia has a 500-km coastline. Like elsewhere, thecoastal area is the most popular tourism destinationand provides space for recreational and leisure activ-ities during the summer season (Veidemane 2011).The flow of cultural ES along the Latvian coastal areavaries depending on ecosystem structures and func-tions (sandy beaches, cliffs, coastal meadows, etc.)and accessibility to particular areas in order to benefitfrom ES. Infrastructure (roads, parking lots, piers,observation towers, etc.) is a key pre-condition forthe provision of this ES as people must be able toreach recreation sites (Paracchini et al. 2014). About35% of Latvian coastal areas, where public infrastruc-ture is not available, scored low (1–2) for this ES.Spatially there is also a difference between the valuesalong the Gulf of Riga and the open Baltic Sea. Thelatter scored lower on suitability for marine tourismand leisure (Figure 6). The highest scoring (5) areaswere those with a large number of visitors, mainly inthe vicinity of large cities and towns with good publicaccess. Areas providing specific marine tourism andleisure activities (scuba-diving, bird watching,angling, kiteboarding, sea kayaking) related to uniquefeatures of the marine environment also scored high(4). These sites are typically located closer to smallersettlements.

    4.2. Application of MAES results in SEA anddefining optimum spatial solutions for sea use

    SEA is one of the legally established tools in EUMember States for integrating environmental consid-erations into development planning documents thatare likely to have significant effects on the environ-ment in Member States (EC 2001). Internalization ofthe ES concept in spatial planning processes throughSEA is particularly feasible, however, not so widelyapplied – and this includes MSP (Geneletti 2011;Slootweg 2016). The ES approach enriches the per-spective of the SEA as it covers all relevant

    ecosystems, cultural aspects as well as economic con-siderations. The relevant results in relation to impactson ES are presented below. They illustrate how theresults of MAES have been integrated into the envir-onmental impact assessment and the MSP process.

    4.2.1. Assessment of impacts on provisioningmarine ESExploitation of red algae F. lumbricalis by the foodindustry is very unlikely as the richest areas aredesignated as marine-protected areas in order to pro-tect reefs which are habitats of EU importance(HELCOM 2013b). Moreover, these areas are alsoimportant for other sea uses such as fishing andtourism. Although new information and knowledgewere generated on the availability of potential provi-sioning ES that could serve as new resources foreconomic innovation, Latvian planners and stake-holders were of the opinion that the Plan shouldnot promote the direct use of red algae during thecurrent cycle of MSP.

    As described above, fish for food is the only pro-visioning ES that is presently directly assessable in aquantitative way. Considering the exclusionary con-ditions existing between fisheries and the majority ofnew sea uses (Berkenhagen et al. 2010) identificationof areas with lowest environmental impact on fishresources was essential in the Latvian MSP processand corresponding SEA. Figure 4 shows that twoareas identified as suitable for wind park and aqua-culture development in Latvian marine waters over-lap with areas having very low or low fish landingvolumes during 2004–2013. Moreover, these potentialdevelopment areas are areas where mainly pelagictrawling takes place. Benthic fish (flounder, cod) arefished by bottom trawling and therefore are morebound to certain areas compared to pelagic fishing.To maintain benthic fishing activity, a number ofareas were identified and classified as key prioritiesfor protection in the Latvian Plan. In areas importantfor the provisioning of fish resources, new stationaryconstruction (e.g. off-shore wind turbines) is notplanned to avoid negative impacts to living condi-tions of benthic species.

    4.2.2. Assessment of impacts of regulating marineESProposed spatial solutions for new sea uses – off-shore energy production and aquaculture – do notspatially overlap with those areas providing the high-est number of regulating and maintenance ES(Figure 5). Two areas identified as suitable for off-shore wind energy production would have the effectof reducing denitrification services which are impor-tant for maintaining nutrient balances and thus influ-ence eutrophication which is the main environmentalissue in the Baltic Sea (HELCOM 2009). However,


  • the size of the areas (c.a. 207 km2) is relatively small,representing an insignificant share (less than 1%) ofthe total Latvian marine space.

    Areas that are already licenced for exploration andextraction of hydrocarbons occupy a larger share ofspace and assessed ES. Decisions on licencing theseareas were taken before the launch of the MSP pro-cess and thus were not rescinded despite the potentialsignificant impact on identified ES. The current leg-islation does not allow issued licences to be termi-nated; therefore, the SEA could only recommend thatmitigating measures be considered during the plan-ning phase of any upcoming development proposaland related environmental impact assessment.

    Two areas suitable for aquaculture – mussel andalgae farming – were identified in the Gulf of Riga.MAES results show that these areas are locations wherebenthic habitats support the reduction of eutrophica-tion. As farmed mussels and algae perform in a similarway with respect to the reduction of eutrophication, theassessment concluded that aquaculture will provide thesame services as existing natural benthic habitats.

    4.2.3. Assessment of impacts of cultural servicesCES – physical and experiential interaction – wereassessed within the MSP process (Figure 6). Areasassessed high and very high were identified as priorityareas for marine tourism development in the Plan.This means that future development of public infra-structure will be targeted to these areas having poten-tially higher social benefits.

    Although cultural services – intellectual and repre-sentative interactions – were not explicitly mappedand assessed, the MSP process and correspondingSEA considered recent research results on the aes-thetic value of sea/landscapes (Veidemane andNikodemus 2015). This research focused on theimportance of visual changes in coastal landscapesfor tourists, beach users as well as local residents inLatvia. Research results revealed that the distance toan offshore wind park can have a significant impacton tourism and recreation. Furthermore, stakeholderconsultations organized in the ambit of the MSPprocess and corresponding SEA confirmed thatcoastal residents oppose the siting of any wind parkat a visible distance. Therefore, a distance of at least20 km from the coast was among the criteria foridentifying suitable areas for wind park developmentin the Plan.

    5. Discussion and conclusions

    Although during the past decade MAES and theapplication of the EBA and SEA in MSP have becomea relevant research issue and are high on the marinepolicy agenda, the integration of MAES into MSP stillcan be regarded as a novel approach facing

    managerial, methodological as well as conceptualchallenges (Lester et al. 2013; Börger et al. 2014;Domínguez-Tejo et al. 2016; Drakou et al. 2017).For the Latvian case these are described below.

    Managerial challenges: One of the major limita-tions for the proper application of MAES in MSPprocesses is the rather short time frame allocated forthe development of maritime spatial plans (Börgeret al. 2014). This was also the case with respect tothe Latvian MSP process, which was implemented ina 16-month period, including stocktaking, consulta-tions with sectors, scenario building, formulation ofproposed MSP solutions, assessing impacts to theenvironment and public hearings. The short timeframe was even more challenging due to data scarcityon marine ecosystem structure and functions. Toovercome this challenge the best available data andexpert knowledge were applied. Even so, thisincluded the time demanding activity of developinga sea bottom sediment map used as the basis for thebenthic habitat map. Distribution of benthic habitatswas in some cases used as a proxy for ES mapping.However, a proper assessment of the economic andsocial value of ES, which would require extensivesocial surveys, was not feasible in the given timeframe and budget limitations. Less time-consumingand costly methods, such as benefit transfer, wouldnot be appropriate in this case either due to a lack ofstudies from similar marine sites with comparableecological and socio-economic conditions (Börgeret al. 2014).

    Methodological challenges: One of the majormethodological challenges was the multi-dimensionalcharacter of the marine environment (including thesea bottom, the water column above it, the watersurface as well as the temporal dimension) andrelated difficulties to define appropriate spatial assess-ment units to which various marine ES can be attrib-uted (Drakou et al. 2017). Similar to terrestrialecosystems where land use/land cover data layersare used for input or proxy for the assessment ofES, marine habitat maps can be applied to the map-ping and assessment of marine ES (Guerry et al.2012). This approach was also applied in theLatvian MSP process, where benthic habitat mapswere used as a proxy for mapping the distributionof regulation and maintenance services as well as oneprovisioning service – algae and their outputs. Thevulnerability concept could enhance mapping andassessing a habitat’s ability to deliver ES.Vulnerability is calculated as a function of exposure(nature and degree to which an ecosystem is exposedto the change), sensitivity and adaptive capacity ofthe habitat (Cabral et al. 2015).

    However, not all marine and coastal ES depend onthe distribution of benthic habitats. For example, thelargest share of commercial fish landing in Latvian


  • marine waters (e.g. sprat and herring) is related topelagic habitats, and thus requires a different map-ping method. Furthermore, the distribution of fishpopulations is influenced even more by temporalfactors – e.g. seasonality, yearly fluctuations of phy-siochemical water conditions including nutrients, aswell as climate change (Olsson et al. 2015). In relationto the MSP process in Latvia, the mapping of ESprovided by pelagic habitats was undertaken byaggregating a 10-year data set on the total landingof fish. However, more recent fishery data show thatthe chosen 10-year period might be insufficient torepresent the spatial and temporal variability of thedistribution of pelagic fish populations.

    Conceptual challenges: The capacity of an ecosys-tem to supply ES depends on the state of its structure,processes and functions determined by interactionswith socio-economic systems (Maes et al. 2013). Inorder to support the MSP process, the ES assessmentshould be able to evaluate how the anticipatedchanges in marine ecosystem structure and functionswould affect the flows of services (i.e. to apply the so-called ecological production function approach)(Guerry et al. 2012). However, as noted by Riveroand Villasante (2016), the quantitative relationshipbetween the structure, processes, functions and ser-vices of the marine ecosystem is still poorly under-stood, as are the cumulative effects of various humanuses on the marine ecosystem and a variety of ES.Consequently, at this stage it is difficult to carry out aproper trade-off analysis of the impacts of differentscenarios and solutions for sea use for the provisionof ES and human well-being. Similarly, communicat-ing MAES results as a justification for preventinghuman uses with adverse impacts on marine ecosys-tems and services is also problematic (Albert et al.2017).

    Uncertainty of MAES results: A lack of directmonitoring data, low accuracy of spatial data sets thatare used as proxies in the ES assessment, as well asinsufficient understanding of natural processes leads touncertainty in the quantification and mapping of ES(Schulp et al. 2014). This problem was faced whenmapping the regulating and maintenance serviceswithin the Latvian MSP process. For example, due toa lack of relevant field data, the benthic habitats mapand expert knowledge were used to identify the poten-tial distribution of services related to bio-remediation,filtration of nutrients, maintaining of nursery popula-tions and global climate regulation. The precision ofthe benthic habitat map of Latvian marine waters variesconsiderably depending on the level of HELCOMHUBclassification applied in different zones of the sea. Areasmapped in the coastal zone (up to level 5 of HELCOMHUB classification) are based on biological data from afield survey, whereas the remainder of the area is coar-sely mapped (up to level 3) using only bathymetric and

    substrate data. Furthermore, the specificity of ecologi-cal conditions in the Baltic Sea does not allow for thetransfer of monitoring data from other marine regionsfor the assessment of ES supplied by different Baltichabitats. The situation differed regarding mapping ofselected provisioning services (total landing of com-mercial fish and area covered by red algae) as well ascultural services (tourism and leisure opportunities incoastal areas), where data on actual service use wereapplied.

    Thus, the level of detail of available input data aswell as limitations of human and time resourcesdictated the use of a tiered approach (Maes et al.2014; Grêt-Regamey et al. 2017) to MAES withinthe Latvian MSP process. As suggested by Grêt-Regamey et al. 2017, the appropriate tier shouldbe defined according to the goal of mapping exer-cise. The highest possible accuracy in ES mapping(tier 3) would be required in MSP because it isessential not only to gain an overview of the dis-tribution of ES but also to provide appropriateinput to SEA and management decisions on theuse of marine ecosystems. However, taking intoaccount the limitations of the data and resources,the best available data sets and knowledge wereapplied, resulting in a tier-1 approach for mappingof regulating and maintenance services, whereas atier-2 approach was possible in the case of provi-sioning and cultural services.

    Considering that MSP is an adaptive process(Börger et al. 2014), this provides an opportunity toinclude new MAES findings within the next planningcycle, which would require development of integratedES modelling approaches and establishing linksbetween ecosystem conditions, processes, humanimpacts and related ES outputs expressed as eco-nomic and social benefits.


    The MAES and MSP were carried out within the projectco-funded by the European Economic Area FinancialMechanism, activity ‘Research for Maritime SpatialPlanning’ (project No.4.3-23/EEZ/INP-001). This paperwas prepared within the frame of the project“ESMERALDA” funded by the EU Programme forResearch and Innovation Horizon2020 [642007].

    Disclosure statement

    No potential conflict of interest was reported by theauthors.


    The MAES and MSP were carried out within the projectco-funded by the European Economic Area FinancialMechanism, activity ‘Research for Maritime Spatial


  • Planning’ [project No.4.3-23/EEZ/INP-001]. This paperwas prepared within the frame of the project“ESMERALDA” funded by the EU Programme forResearch and Innovation Horizon2020 [642007].


    Kristina Veidemane Ruskule Strake Purina Aigars Sprukta Ustups Putnis Klepers


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    Abstract1. Introduction2. Characterization of the Latvian MSP process3. Methods3.1. Study area3.2. Identification and mapping marine ecosystems3.3. Selection of relevant ES and indicators for assessment3.4. Assessment of marine ES3.5. Assessment of impacts of spatial sea use scenarios and MSP solutions on ES

    4. Results4.1. Assessment of marine ES4.2. Application of MAES results in SEA and defining optimum spatial solutions for sea use4.2.1. Assessment of impacts on provisioning marine ES4.2.2. Assessment of impacts of regulating marine ES4.2.3. Assessment of impacts of cultural services

    5. Discussion and conclusionsAcknowledgementsDisclosure statementFundingReferences