applications of m16c/62 flash cpu rewrite modejmconrad/ecgr4101common/skp16...m16c/62 applications...

APPLICATION NOTE M16C/62 Applications of M16C/62 Flash CPU Rewrite Mode 1.0 Abstract The following article accompanies the “flashapp” program. It describes using the CPU rewrite mode on the M16C/62 within a user program. A set of flash device drivers is included and four application examples are identified: copying variables to flash, using flash for hours of operation, defining and writing “constants” to flash, and copying one flash block to the other. Certain techniques may be specific to the Renesas NC30WA C compiler. 2.0 Introduction The Renesas M16C/62 is a 16-bit MCU, based on the M16C CPU core, with 256k bytes of user flash. The device can erase and program the on-chip flash memory under control of a user's program with no external programming devices required. This feature is called “CPU Rewrite Mode”. The M16C/62 has two other flash programming modes: Parallel I/O Mode, and Standard Serial I/O Mode. Because these modes are mainly for programming the application code into the flash, details are not discussed in this article. To use CPU Rewrite Mode, the memory structure and the control registers need to be identified. The memory map of the M16C/62 is shown in . Note that the flash is divided into blocks such that certain erase/programming functions are done on a block basis. The boot flash area is used for serial I/O mode and is not available for CPU Rewrite mode programming. Figure 1 The “Flash Memory Control Register” (FMCR) is shown in Fig . Normally, only the first three LSBs are used for CPU rewrite mode. ure 2 Beyond CPU registers, the flash memory has its own logic to handle erase and programming procedures. This is the flash's “Write State Machine” (WSM). The WSM commands are given in . Table 1 REU05B0014-0100Z June 2003 Page 1 of 22

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Page 1: Applications of M16C/62 Flash CPU Rewrite Modejmconrad/ECGR4101Common/SKP16...M16C/62 Applications of M16C/62 Flash CPU Rewrite Mode 4.2 Demonstrating the Program The program was developed


M16C/62 Applications of M16C/62 Flash CPU Rewrite Mode

1.0 Abstract The following article accompanies the “flashapp” program. It describes using the CPU rewrite mode on the

M16C/62 within a user program. A set of flash device drivers is included and four application examples are

identified: copying variables to flash, using flash for hours of operation, defining and writing “constants” to flash,

and copying one flash block to the other. Certain techniques may be specific to the Renesas NC30WA C


2.0 Introduction The Renesas M16C/62 is a 16-bit MCU, based on the M16C CPU core, with 256k bytes of user flash. The device

can erase and program the on-chip flash memory under control of a user's program with no external

programming devices required. This feature is called “CPU Rewrite Mode”.

The M16C/62 has two other flash programming modes: Parallel I/O Mode, and Standard Serial I/O Mode.

Because these modes are mainly for programming the application code into the flash, details are not discussed

in this article.

To use CPU Rewrite Mode, the memory structure and the control registers need to be identified. The memory

map of the M16C/62 is shown in . Note that the flash is divided into blocks such that certain

erase/programming functions are done on a block basis. The boot flash area is used for serial I/O mode and is

not available for CPU Rewrite mode programming.

Figure 1

The “Flash Memory Control Register” (FMCR) is shown in Fig . Normally, only the first three LSBs are used

for CPU rewrite mode.

ure 2

Beyond CPU registers, the flash memory has its own logic to handle erase and programming procedures. This is

the flash's “Write State Machine” (WSM). The WSM commands are given in . Table 1

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External area

SFR area

Block 0: 16K bytes

Fixed vector

Internal RAM area

Block 6: 64K bytes


Block 1: 8K bytes

Block 5: 64K bytes

Block 4: 64K bytes

Block 3: 32K bytes

Block 2: 8K bytes





FC000H8K byte boot flash areaFFFFFH


The boot flash is not in the 1M linear address spaceand can only be accessed by coming out of reset in Boot Mode.

Figure 1 M16C/62 Memory Map

b0b7 Symbol Address AtFMRCX X 0

FMR00 RY/BY * flag 0: flash busy 1: flash ready

FMR01 CPU rewrite bit0: Normal mode1: CPU rewrite mode

FMR02Lock bits disable bit 0: flash block lock bits in effect(allow lock bit erase) 1: over-ride flash block lock bits

FMR030: normal operation

Abort Current command 1: reset flash

FMR05 ROM area select bit 0: boot ROM area is selected(effective in boot mode only) 1: User ROM area is selected

03b7H XX000001

Figure 2 Flash Memory Control Register

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Table 1 Flash Memory Control Register

2.1 Compatibility This program is compatible with M16C/6x microcontrollers with page write (256 bytes) flash memory. It is NOT

compatible with word write MCUs such as the M16C/62P series. The driver is compatible with the above noted

MCUs on any Starter Kit/evaluation system running under the KD30 debugger. It CANNOT be evaluated or

demonstrated on any emulator using RAM to emulate flash (i.e., Renesas’ PC4701, Nohau, or Ashling emulator


2.2 Flash Programming Basics The M16C/62's flash must be programmed in 256-byte pages on page boundaries (A0 – A7 = 00 – FEh), 16 bits

at a time. Attempts to program 8-bit data are ignored and even commands must be set as 16-bit words. The flash

can be “bulk” erased ('erase all unlocked blocks' command) or erased one block at a time (see memory map). Bit

erase state = 1. Once a block is erased, individual pages can be programmed at any time. The CPU rewrite

program can be stored in the flash, but because the WSM is common to all flash (all blocks), the CPU rewrite

code cannot execute out of flash. The rewrite code must be transferred to RAM before it can be executed.

3.0 Application The example program includes 6 basic flash commands:

1. Erase a block

2. Program a page

3. Read flash status (SRD)

4. Clear flash status (SRD)

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5. Read a block lock bit

6. Lock a block

The program uses these commands to illustrate a few basic applications:

1. Save variables to flash & read them back into RAM

2. Copy the data in one block to another block

3. Write “constants” to flash

4. Use the flash for hours of operation

3.1 Methodology

3.1.1 Section Definitions

The most “transparent” method to manipulate the flash within a C program is to define specific memory sections.

The C language uses sections to distinguish between initialized variables, un-initialized variables, constants, and

so on. The NC30 compiler allows user-defined sections in RAM or ROM. For this example, the standard NC30

start-up file “” is modified and renamed to “”. This new file contains two extra sections: a

“flashsave” section for saving variables to flash, and a “parmblock” section for writing “constants” within a user

program. is the MAP view of the example program. Note that the “flashsave” section is not given an

absolute address so it starts right after the “bss” section.

Figure 3

Once the section is defined, placing the directive “#pragma SECTION” in a file redirects all constants or variables

to the new section until the next “#pragma SECTION” or the end of file is reached. For efficiency, the compiler

puts all integers at the start of each section (“even”) and the characters (“odd”) at the end of each section. This is

why the labels for the start and end of the “flashsave” section are integer and character respectively.

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Figure 3 Example Program MAP View

3.1.2 Writing Relocatable Code in C

As noted previously, CPU rewrite code cannot execute out of flash but must be moved to RAM. The M16C can

produce 100 percent relocatable code within a +/- 32k-address space. The NC30 C compiler generates

relocatable code for all functions in the same file within the +/- 32k-address restriction. This example program

utilizes these facts and the source code that executes out of RAM is written in C. The C code is compiled and

downloaded to flash, then the “copy_flash_code(void)” copies the code into RAM where it is executed.

3.1.3 Writing a Word to Flash

While the command to write to flash requires programming a complete page (256 bytes or 128 words), it does not

suggest that it is impossible to program a word at a time. The 'hours of operations' and 'write constant'

applications are examples of how to write a word at a time to flash. When programming a page, if all the data for

the page is not available, write blanks (1's) to the unused memory in that page.

4.0 Demonstration Program

4.1 General Notes The demonstration program is designed to run on the MSV1632/62 board running under KD30 in “free run” mode,

but the drivers (see RAM62.c) are meant for implementation within a user’s project. Figure 4 shows the flowchart

for the main demo function; flowcharts for the commands and application calls and given in section .

The program minimizes passing absolute addresses because it could lead to accidental corruption of flash. The

7.0 Appendix

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main() function is in file “flashmain.c”. The applications operate on blocks 2, 3, and 6 of the flash because block

1 is not available running under the ROM Monitor.


initialize MSA0654 display

get saved operating hours

time = operating hours

give variables values

write variables to Flash

restore CPU clocksettings

copy saved variables toRAM

write "00" to display

copy CPURW code toRAM

write a "constant" to flash

start hour timer

initalize CPU clock forflash operations

time > operatinghours?

operating hours = operating hours + 1

initalize CPU clock for flash operations

write hours to flash

restore CPU clock settings


copy one flash block to another

Figure 4 Demonstration Program (Main) Flowchart

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4.2 Demonstrating the Program The program was developed to run on the MSV1632/62 Starter Kit, but it also works with any M16C/62 flash

system running the KD30 debugger in single chip mode. If using a different platform, it may be necessary to

remove the code that toggles Port P7-7.

Follow these steps to run the Demonstration (assumes user has a general understanding of the KD30


1. Connect the MSV1632/62 board to a power source and the host PC.

2. Start KD30. In the “INIT” screen, click on the tab “run mode” and select “free run mode”.

3. Load the “flashapp.x30” file.

4. Open three memory windows to view the flash (Basic Window -> Dump Window).

5. Configure the windows to view the flash addresses used in the demo (click on any number in the address

column, and enter F0000h, F8000h, and C0000h for each window). Note the F0000h and C0000h flash

blocks are blank (all FF's) and the constants are in the F8000h block (scroll down to see the character


6. Insert a breakpoint in the main() function at the “getvarfromflash();” line.

7. Run the code: debug-> go free.

8. Hit the red “stop” button on KD30 (in “free run” mode, KD30 does not respond automatically to breakpoints).

9. View the memory at F0000h and C0000h. Note the test variables were saved to the beginning of the F0000h

block and that block was copied to the C0000h block.

10. Open a “memory window” (Basic window -> memory window) and find the 'testdata' in the “flashsave”

section (check your 'map viewer' in Tool Manager). Double-click on the variables and clear them.

11. Click “go”. Each time the LED (D6) toggles, the “hour meter” is updated (about every 5 seconds for demo).

12. Right after a toggle, click the “stop” button (i.e., you do not want to attempt to stop while writing to flash).

13. Open a C watch window (Basic Window -> C watch window -> global window) and note the 'testdata' has

been copied back from flash and the “oper_hrs” equals the number of LED toggles.

5.0 Implementing the Flash Drivers in a User Program

1. The “RAM62.c”, “fdevice.h”, “fl_util.c”, and “flash.h” files form the driver. Include “flash.h” in any project file

that requires driver functions. Add “RAM62.c” and “fl_util.c” to your project. These files require the “fdriver.h”

header file. Review the demonstration program and determine if the application requires user-defined


2. Before using any CPU rewrite commands, call “cpurw_ini()” and “copy_flash_code()” to set the flash

operation environment. The CPU rewrite code resides in the 512-byte array 'cpu_rw [ ]'. The actual code is

approximately 400 bytes. The extra array bytes allow the user to modify the CPU rewrite code.

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3. lists the callable functions and describes how to use them. The functions do not return any error

codes and it is up to the user to supply the functions with valid parameters.

Table 2

Table 2 Function calls

cpurw_ini() Saves the current clock settings of the CPU, then changes the CPU frequency to f/2, and adds a wait state. Not required if operating the CPU below 6 MHz.

restorestate() Returns the CPU’s clock settings to the state before calling the function cpurw_ini().

copy_flash_code() Copies the CPU rewrite code ( all of file “RAM62.c”) to RAM.

writeconstw(long ,int) Writes a word to flash. Supply the address, long (must be an even address) and the value to write, int.

copyvartoflash(int *, char *) Writes variables in RAM to flash. Supply the starting address of the variables to copy in RAM, int* and the ending address in RAM, char*. The differences in pointer types (int and char) are due to the C compiler putting the integers at the beginning of a section (“even”), followed by the characters (“odd”). The destination flash block is erased before the copy. The destination written in flash is fixed in the function at the start of block 3 (F0000h).

getvarfromflash(int *ramptr, char *endvars)

Reads the saved variables from the start of flash block 3 (F0000H) and writes them to RAM. Basically, it is the reverse of “copyvartoflash()”.

copyblock(void) Copies all of block 3 (F0000h) to the start of block 6 (C0000h). Block 6 is erased before the copy. The blocks and addresses are fixed within the function.

ramcode (void); This is the CPU rewrite code that executes out of RAM. The code must be copied to RAM using “copy_flash_code()”. First, set the global variable “command”, then call “ramcode()” to execute one of the following flash commands (see flash.h for command codes)

• erase a block • program a page • read flash status (SRD) • clear flash status (SRD) • read a block lock bit • lock a block Note that the command codes used are the same as those for CPU rewrite codes. If a command requires an address, put the 32-bit address into the global union “uaddr” (alias “addrvar”). After executing the ‘read SRD’ command, the value is stored in global “SRD”. After reading a block lock bit, the value is stored in global “lockbitstor”. The “program a page” command will write the 256 bytes in the global “flashbuff [ ]” to the address in “addrvar”.

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6.0 Reference

Renesas Technology Corporation Semiconductor Home Page

E-mail Support

[email protected]

Data Sheets

• 62AEDS.pdf - M16C/62A Specifications

User’s Manual

• cpurw62.pdf appnote - Programming the M16C/62 Flash in CPU Rewrite Mode

• 6020esm.pdf (Software Manual )

• 6020ec.pdf (C Manual )

• 6020easm.pdf (Assembler Manual)

• NC30ue.pdf (Compiler Manual)

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7.0 Appendix

block erase

clear statusregister

page program

read statusregister

program blocklock bit

read block lockbit



CMD =41H

CMD =20H

CMD =77H

CMD =71H

CMD =50H

CMD =70H

turn on CPUrewrite mode

wait for flashready

wait for flashready

send readarray

command toflash.

(note 2)

turn off CPUrewrite mode





note1: turning off CPUrewrite mode, disablesflash block C0000hnote2: read arraycommand resets the flashmemory.

turn c0000h flashblock back on (note 1)

Figure 5 Code in RAM Flowchart

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page write

ramcode startup sequence

word[address] <-progbuff[progptr]

progptr = progptr + 1address = address +2

ramcode exitsequence

page done?



code in ROM

code in RAM

code in ROM

code in RAM

progptr = 0word[address] <- 41h

Setcommand =

41hSet address= flash page



calling function

flash ready?


unlock all blocks

Figure 6 Page Write Flowchart

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block erase

code in RAM

ramcode startupsequence

write erase command to block addresswrite confirm command to block address

code in RAM

code in ROM

code in ROM

ramcode exitsequence

unlock all blocks

Set command= 20h

Set address =last word

address ofblock

Call ramcode()

calling function

Figure 7 Block Erase Flowchart

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block lock read

M[address] <- 71hlockbitstor = lockbit status

code in RAMramcode startup


ramcode exit sequence

code in RAM

code in ROM

code in ROM

Set command =71h

Set address =last word

address of blockCall ramcode()

calling function

Figure 8 Block Lock Read Flowchart

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block lock write

code in RAM

ramcode startupsequence

ramcode exit sequence

code in RAM

code in ROM

code in ROM

M[address] <- 77h

Set command= 77h

Set address =last word

address ofblock

Call ramcode()

calling function

Figure 9 Block Lock Write Flowchart

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clear SRD

code in RAMramcode startup


write 50h to M(F0000H)

code in RAM

code in ROM

code in ROM

ramcode exitsequence

Set command =50h

Call ramcode()

calling function

Figure 10 Clear SRD Flowchart

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read SRD

code in RAMramcode startup


write 70h to M(F0000H)SRD <- M(F0000H)

code in RAM

code in ROM

code in ROM

ramcode exitsequence

Set command =70h

Call Ramcode()

calling function

Figure 11 Read SRD Flowchart

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get variables fromflash

M[rampointer] = M[rompointer]increment rampointerincrement rompointer

rampointer = start of variable sectionrompointer= start of flash block

all variablescopied?


Figure 12 Get Variables from Flash Flowchart

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copy variables toflash

flashbuffer[copypointer] = M[rampointer]increment rampointerincrement copypointer

erase destinationblock

set command = PAGE_PROGRAM

rampointer = start of variable sectionflash address = start of flash block

copypointer = 0

flash buffer full?

flash address = flash address + 256

all variablescopied?



Call ramcode()

Code in RAM

Figure 13 Write to Flash Flowchart

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Write constant toflash

flash buffer[buffer offset] = value

Call ramcode()

buffer offset = address of constant & FFhflash page address = address of constant &


Fill flash bufferwith blanks


Set address ofconstant to write

Set value towrite

Code in RAM

Figure 14 Write Constant to Flash Flowchart

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copy block

flashbuffer[copypointer] = M[source]increment source

increment copypointer

erase destinationblock

flash address = destinationset command = PAGE_PROGRAM

Call ramcode()

point to start of source block (source)point to start of destination block


copypointer = 0

flash bufferfull?

destination = destination + 256

all of blockcopied?



Code in RAM

Figure 15 Copy Block Flowchart

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operating hours = 0

get next wordfrom flash hour


all flash hour bitprogrammed?

operating hours =operating hours +

16is it 0?

is it FFFFh?


Read hours ofoperation



LSBit = 0?

operating hours =max # of hours

operating hours = operating hours + 1shift word 1 bit right


Figure 16 Read Hours of Operation Flowchart

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determine word in flash hourblock to program

determine bit in word to program

all flash hour bitsprogrammed?

insert word into buffer at offset


determine flash page to write buffer to


Write Hours

determine offset of word frompage boundary

fill buffer with blanks

set command = PAGE_PROGRAMCall ramcode()

Code in RAM

Figure 17 Write Hours of Operation from Flash Flowchart

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• Renesas Technology Corporation puts the maximum effort into making semiconductor products

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