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Post on 31-Jul-2015




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• In theses days, We have interesting methods that help us to develop the concentration and attention in the learners.

•  these are some methods that can be used in the classroom:

*Grammar – Translation

* Audio – Lingualism

*Cognitive – Code

*The Direct Method

*The Natural Approach

*TPR (Total Physical Response)


Andrea C. Jiménez R. 2

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A brief explanation about each method,

based in the requirements for optimal input.• Grammar – Translation .- is useful in

order to teach grammar rules or a bilingual list of vocabulary.

• Comprehensible: the sentence is usually understandable, but this is focus on form and not in meaning. Interesting / relevant: the topics are interesting, but not provide information. Not grammatically sequence: in this case the grammar sequenced is present. Quantity: this method fails to provide an optimal input. Affective filter level: to encourage a low filter.

Andrea C. Jimenez R. 3

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•   Cognitive – Code Activities:

• The objective of this method help the student to work out the four skill (Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking.) in contrast with audio-lingualism that only work out on reading literature. • The activities to develop the method is focused on games, role playing activities, dialogues. REQUERIMENTS FOR OPTIMAL INPUT 

• Comprehensible:  It provides very little input, it is focused on the form not in the meaning. • Interesting/relevant: It depends on the activities chosen, the objective is learn a specific structure. • Not grammatically sequenced • Quantity: The structure of the day dominates the class so it is grammatically sequenced. • Affective filter level: It asks for effective production. • Tools for conversational management: Some of the activities meet this requirement.

Andrea C. Jiménez R. 4

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•  Audio – Lingualism :

• The lesson begins with a dialogue and it is pretended leaner memorize the dialogue by drill and mimic technique REQUERIMENTS FOR OPTIMAL INPUT.

• Comprehensible: The dialogue presented is understood by most of the students. • Interesting and relevant: It doesn`t make relevant to meet this requirement. • Not grammatically sequenced: The focus of the class in this case is the structure of the day. • Quantity: The class is spent with just few sentence or patterns. • Affective filter level: It adds anxiety to the students, they can`t write at early stages. • Conversational management: The manage of the language may be limited and don`t let negotiate meaning.

Andrea C. Jimenez R. 5

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•  The Direct Method:

•  the purpose is that students guess, or work out, the rules of the language. This insist on accuracy and errors are corrected in class.

• Comprehensible: all the time it uses the target language, provide in this form a great comprehension. Interesting / relevant: in most of cases the topic is interesting for student. Not grammatically sequence: is strictly sequenced. Quantity: filling the entire hour with comprehensible input. Affective filter level: the insistence on grammar and error correction produce anxiety, creating a great filter.

Andrea C. Jimenez R. 6

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•  The Natural - Approach:

• this provide input for acquisition, the errors are not correct immediately, correction is use in review homework.

• Comprehensible: purpose is provide a good comprehension, using regalia, pictures and previous knowledge. Interesting / relevant : capture attention of the students with acquisition activities. Not grammatically sequence: the focus isn´t the presentation of grammar, instead is not sequenced. Quantity: all the class provide a good comprehension. Affective filter level: this predict lower filter.

Andrea C. Jimenez R. 7

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•  TPR (Total Physical Response):

• Is based in commands that the teacher say and the student realize the activity.

• Comprehensible: this method required the comprehension of the students. Interesting / relevant: it attempts to make the class interesting. Not grammatically sequenced: all classes have a grammatical focus in TPR. Quantity.- TPR can fill entire class with comprehensible input. Affective filter level: contribute to lowering student anxiety.

Andrea C. Jimenez R. 8

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•  Suggestopedia:

• is good work with groups of 12 students in an intensive way. This not include the use of a language lab. New material is really important, also the environment the class. 

• Comprehensible: it is designed to aid comprehensibility of input. This involve the first language of the students and your familiar situations. Interesting / relevant: the dialogues are designed based on the needs or interest of the students. Filter level : its primary focus and greatest apparent success is here. the purpose is develop the confidence in the students..

Andrea C. Jimenez R. 9

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Andrea C. Jimenez R. 10

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1.Review of method comparison studies .- is used for compare the methods and can establish some differences.

a. American studies of AL, GT and CC: found that males are goods in AL and female are goods in CC and GT. The thing is, each method result in some cases depend on the situation.

b. The GUME project: this was based on compare LA with Cognitive methods, the groups take in a count for this project were adults and adolescents. The difference are not large, both groups make progress.

2. Some preliminary conclusions.- the studies show only small differences, the main point is encourage language acquisition, also that these approaches don’t develop the subconscious language acquisition.

3. More recent method comparison studies.- this studies involve new methods as: TPR and Suggestopedia. The studies found that these methods provide input for correct acquisition.

a. TRP series: these studies show that students progressed nearly five times faster!, the results are clear and consistent.

b. Other input methods compared: the purpose is develop the

understanding of a second language, these methods have a

great advantage over the old methods.

c. Suggestopedia research: students learn 1000 words per day,

they develop the reading skill too, the students discovered new

capabilities in himself.

Andrea C. Jimenez R. 11

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Are methods that help to the students to develop the acquisition in a real way. These methods as:

conversation, readings, academic subjects in a second language, immersion programs, etc.. Help to the

developing of the skills in a natural context.

Andrea C. Jimenez R. 12

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 Function of the classroom .- create and environment when the student can bring the outside world for further second language acquisition.

The second language classroom and requirement #2 .- the natural approach attempt to be interesting and relevant focusing on personal topics. While it is true if one topic is interest for some ones for others no. Other example is with Communicative Language Learning that promote personal growth. The problem is that students and teachers see the class as an artificial environment and this don’t allow the real communication.

The alternatives.- we have a number of possible alternatives and supplements • Conversation with native speaker is a good idea.

Pleasure reading.- students read books or

articles of their interest.

• Using subject matter for language teaching .

- is real important mixing second language students

- with native speakers.

• The immersion programs.- is dictate the academic

subjects in a second language, the results are goods.

In this way the students to become bilinguals..Andrea C. Jimenez R. 13

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We take in consideration some variables: • Normal considerations in a test evaluation and selection.- has to do with standard literature in the test. Test are classified according to the modality they use. Another kind of test is integrative test that attempt to focus on one aspect of language at a time. • Instructional value: test have a great impact on the environment of the class and for this reason is necessary create activities that encourage the students abilities. • Language requirements: many universities and high schools establish parameters or requirements for the test, that they expressed as the necessity of studying a foreign language. • University level ESL: the purpose is know how much? The students know about English. The main exam is TOEFL.

Andrea C. Jimenez R. 14

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Thank You

Andrea C. Jimenez R. 15