approaches to people with challenging behaviour – revised edition

Book Reviews Pretending to Be Normal: Living with Asperger's Syndrome By Liane Holliday Willey London Jessica Kingsley 1999 Pp. 144 ISBN 1-85302-749-9, £12.95 pbk) Discovering My Autism: Apologia Pro Vita Sua with Apologies to Cardinal Newman) By Edgar Schneider London Jessica Kingsley 1999 Pp. 128 ISBN: 1-85302-724-3, £12.95 pbk) Both these books are ®rst-person accounts of what it is like to live with an autism spectrum disorder in a non-autistic or `neurologically typical' world. From very early in their lives, these authors were aware that they were both different from everyone else and that they experienced the world differ- ently from everyone else. Both accidentally discovered the diagnostic label which helped them to make sense of this difference much later in life: Liane Holliday Willey after her daughter was diagnosed as having Asperger syndrome; and Edgar Schneider through reading an article on the condition in a magazine after a history of mistaken diagnoses of and treatments for) various types of mental illness. Nevertheless, the two books are very different ± as different as the people who wrote them, who have only some shared features of the disorder in common. In this respect, these accounts are even more illuminating when read together than if read apart. Pretending to Be Normal begins with the power of an autobiographical novel and keeps you turning the pages to ®nd out what happens to the storyteller as if it were written by one of the Bronte sisters. This is not to say that it is melodramatic, but rather, that the writing is so compelling that the reader identi®es very strongly with the central character ± so much so that her different ways of perceiving and reacting to the world come to seem perfectly natural and comprehensible. After the account of the writer's unhappy college years and her successful marriage, the pace and tone change somewhat. The book becomes less an autobiography, and more a `survival guide' for people with Asperger syn- drome and their families. Indeed, there are seven very useful appendices giving practical advice on topics such as coping with college, employment and sensory perception problems. However, as a professional whose experience is mostly with people whose disabilities are more severe, I thought that the book's greatest strength is the way that it makes perfect sense of unusual perceptions and behaviours. By describing what it feels like to be revolted by quite ordinary foods, to react to certain types of fabric in the way that other people respond to the sound of ®ngernails on blackboards or to get great comfort from the shape of a bed's headboard, this well- educated and literate writer gives voice to people who have much more limited communication, but feel things in a similar way. Discovering My Autism does not have the same narrative power. In the ®rst chapter, Edgar Schneider says that his adult-onset attention de®cit disorder which he has in addi- tion to his autistic spectrum disorder) made him tangential in thought and conversation, and his book mirrors his condi- tion. It consists of 33 short chapters re¯ecting on his disorder, on art, on music, on religion, and on ways of experiencing or not experiencing) emotions such as love, pity and vanity. The ®rst impression is of a lack of cohesion and that the book is not particularly illuminating about what it is like to experi- ence the writer's disabilities, but each chapter in itself gives some important detail which is well worth remembering. Whereas Liane Holliday Wiley's book is explicit, the insights which this book gives are often more implicit. Reading the book is like spending time with someone who perceives and reacts to the world in a very different way, as well as being told what it is like to experience the world in this fashion. Yet Edgar Schneider's central message comes across very clearly: those living and working with people with autistic spectrum disorder should recognize that the central feature of the disorder is an emotional de®cit and that they should not # 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 29, 37±40 37

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Page 1: Approaches to People with Challenging Behaviour – Revised Edition

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