approved projects by the programme monitoring committee

New Project Lead Partners Combined Main Projects Presentation Lead Partner Seminar 8 th September 2010 – Bunratty Co. Clare, Ireland Rachel Burn

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New Project Lead Partners Combined Main Projects Presentation Lead Partner Seminar 8 th September 2010 – Bunratty Co. Clare, Ireland Rachel Burn. Approved projects by the Programme Monitoring Committee. Priority One Objective: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Approved projects by the Programme Monitoring Committee

New Project Lead Partners

Combined Main Projects Presentation

Lead Partner Seminar8th September 2010 – Bunratty Co. Clare, Ireland

Rachel Burn

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Approved projects by the Programme Monitoring Committee

Priority One


To promote competitiveness by increasing and developing the capacity for innovation and

networking in rural and peripheral areas.

1.2 Sustainable hunting tourism - business opportunity in the Northern Europe – NPP HUNT

1.6 Solutions for competitive pellet production in medium size enterprises - PELLETime

1.21 Environment friendly fish farming and use of cleaner fish – Eco Fish

3.4 Retail in Rural Regions – RRR

4.4 New Plants for the Northern Periphery Market – NPNP

5.4 RIBS

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Approved projects by the Programme Monitoring Committee


To facilitate development through the use of advanced information and communication

technologies and transportation in the programme area

1.8 Competitive Health Services in Sparsely Populated Areas

1.12 Digital Age in Rural and Remote Areas – DARRA

1.13 Northern Creative Youth – No-Cry

1.15 Climatic

2.3 Connected Mobile Communities in the Northern Periphery, CMC@NP

2.4 Co-Safe


4.5 Rural Transport Solutions – RTS

5.1 TransTourism

5.2 MoVe

5.3 TN-Mobile

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Approved projects by the Programme Monitoring Committee

Priority Two


To strengthen the synergies between environmental protection and growth in remote and

peripheral regions.

1.3 Northern Environment Education Development (NEED)

1.16 Developing Scots Pine

2.8 Assessing sustainability of forest based activities in rural areas of the Northern Periphery-

Northern ToSIA

2.12 Sustainable Aquaculture of Arctic Charr – Northcharr

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Approved projects by the Programme Monitoring Committee

Priority Two (continued)


To strengthen the synergies between environmental protection and growth in remote and

peripheral regions.

3.7 Warning of Algal Toxin Events to support aquaculture in the NPP coastal zone Region (WATER)

3.6 Micro Waste to Energy Business: micro energy to rural enterprise - MicrE

3.11 The Sea as Our Neighbour: Sustainable Adaptation to Climate Change in Coastal

Communities and Habitats on Europe’s Northern Periphery – Coast Adapt

4.2 Regional Approach to Stimulating Local Renewable Energy Solutions - RASLRES

4.8 Solutions for Micro-generation to allow Energy Saving Technology - Smallest

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Approved projects by the Programme Monitoring Committee

Priority 2 (continued):


To improve sustainable development in peripheral regions by strengthening

urban-rural relations and enhancing regional heritage.

1.4 Older People for Older People – O4O

1.10 My Health @ Age

1.19 Economusées Northern Europe

2.11 Our Life as Elderly implementation – OLE II

4.7 The Thing

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NPP Products and Services Project Examples.

NPP Products and Services Definition:

All projects should develop a tangible product or service, which is what the concept of added value refers to. Each project must make a distinctive contribution and add value by developing concrete, tangible and innovative new products or services. In programme terms, this is defined as:

by working together to produce a new product that has a transnational or transregional character.

by working together to produce a new service that has a transnational or transregional character.

- This means to produce an item/product or to develop a service that can be used widely within the programme area and if possible beyond.

- In addition to outlining the type of products or services to be developed, applicants must describe the functionality of the product or service and its future after the funding ends.

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The definition of products and services will be widened for the Sixth Call. From 3rd of February 2010, the wider definition already applies to preparatory projects. The wider definition includes in addition to the previous slide:

Transfer and adaptation of existing products and services from one region into transnational or transregional solutions

Update and adaptation of existing transnational or transregional products and services with additional features

NPP widening the definition of Products and Services

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Projects and Products!.... The WATER project (Warning of Algal Toxic Events). Product/Services... Not all of them!

Establishing sample testing facilities on local level Bespoke transnational training in the use of ‘ELISA’ Kits enabling rapid water toxin detection

for SMEs in the shellfish industry product and service particularly useful for Shetland and The Faroe Islands.

HAB prediction(Harmful Algal Blooms): Sensors to predict the occurrence of algal blooms.

Why the products are needed in the NPP...

1. Monitoring biotoxins in shellfish is very important! However... Peripheral regions suffer from ‘time lags’ between offshore testing and results reporting = recall of harvested shellfish, loss of earnings, and economic development barriers.

2.The Northern Periphery coastal zone is ideal for Shellfish aquaculture.

3.The industry provides employment and economic development in remote coastal regions. (It is a fast growing industry).

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Warning of Algal Toxin Events (WATER) continued..

It is innovative because.... SPATT technology utilised New prediction model on occurrence and type of toxic event developed Analytical kits tailored for conditions of the shellfish industry in NPP area Local test centres; results within 24 hours, less disruption of shellfish harvest Provision of chemical testing methods instead of common biological tests.

Knowledge transfer: Earlier projects funded by FP 6 and INTERREG NW Europe Planned connections to i.e. UNESCO project in harmful algal blooming Direct involvement of SMEs in development and implementation of products and services planned

Organisational learning and partnership constellation: Marine Science Institutes, Fisheries Laboratories, Universities, Interest organisation, representing 43

companies involved in fish processing and shellfish growing Transnational impact:

New approaches to efficient and sustainable management of natural resources in Norway, Scotland, Faroe Islands, Ireland

Clearly addressing issues of remote coastal areas in the NPP region Development of surveillance systems to supervise marine ecosystems and toxic alleges; Products and

services to be developed transnational and made available across the region

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WATER Products and Services.

Deployment of a sediment sampler off Ireland.

SPATT bags deployed to allow evaluation of this early warning mechanism of potential shellfish toxicity. 

Training members of the shellfish industry.

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Cooperation for Safety in Sparsely Populated Areas, Co-safe

Product/Services... Not all of them!

The “GUIDE System” (online mapping of recue equipment based on Google map) Pre Hospital therapy in harsh weather conditions. The “Katie Stretcher” Tool Kit for major accident response, planning, and managing.

Information DVD (how to get out of cold water when involved in an accident)

Why the products are needed in the NPP...

1. Increasing preparedness of managing major accidents in rural areas, identifying related risks to climate, cold, darkness, and weather conditions is important!

2. Identifying risks relating to changing climate, cold and harsh weather, and darkness

1. The Northern periphery is remote with vast distances, extreme weather, and natural barriers for rescue operations.

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Cooperation for Safety in Sparsely Populated Areas, Co-safe continued... It is innovative because...

New enhanced safety products and services covering different perspectives and the full spectrum from scene of the accident via- pre-hospital care to full hospital care, suitable for the special conditions in NPP area (harsh climate, sparsely populated)

Knowledge transfer: Based on knowledge from project in INTERREG IIIB NPP and Barents Rescue Interactive VR-based training simulators for collaborative international accidents and disaster

management and steering

Organisational learning and partnership constellation: Hospitals, Universities, Rescue Services, Research Institutes, Municipalities

Transnational impact: Joint NPP strategy for increased safety in sparsely populated areas Risk analysis for international purposes International preparedness service solution for major traffic and aircraft accidents in sparsely

populated areas

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Co- Safe Products and Services

Disaster management tool kit in action

Pre hospital therapy in harsh weather

Oxygen administration testing in cold weather.

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New Projects 5th Call approved applications.

Rural Innovation and Business Systems (RIBS)

Sustainable Transport in Rural Tourism Areas (Transtourism).

Mobile Visitor Experience (MoVe)

Tourism Navigation Through Mobile Phones (TN Mobile)

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Rural Innovation and Business Systems (RIBS)

Priority: 1 Budget: €1,129,281.51 Project Duration: From1st July 2010 to 31st December 2012. Synopsis: The aim of the RIBs project is to develop a system which will specifically help SMEs

in rural area. The system will address effects of the economic downturn, strengthen SME competitiveness and growth potential. 4 x business growth programmes (Products) will be developed in the areas of: 1. SME Growth, 2. SME Internationalization, Entrepreneurship, and Rural Clustering.

Objectives: To develop business support products through pilot study testing on 120 SMEs. All products for business support will be bespoke, and tailored to the needs of SMEs in the Northern Periphery (NP), and

Expected outcomes not exhaustive: For these products to be adopted by key regional partners accross the NP and beyond. Creation of a new technology transfer model. Implementaion of prototype SME growth products in five regions with the view of becoming

sustainable methods of bespoke business support

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Rural Innovation and Business Systems (RIBS)

Partnership Lead Partner: Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Inverness, Scotland Partner 2: Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden Partner 3: Iin Micropolis Oy, Ii (Oulu region), Finland Partner 4. West Iceland Regional Development, Borgarnes, Iceland Partenr 5. Shannon Development, Limerick, Ireland

Contact Details

Project Manager- Laura Dingwall

Tel: 0044 1463 234 171

Email: [email protected]

Responsible Desk Officer: Rachel Burn

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Sustainable Transport in Rural Tourism Areas (Transtourism)

Priority: 1 Budget: €924,245,89 Project Duration: From 1st September 2010 to 31st August 2010 Synopsis: The project will develop innovative long term & sustainable solutions for

transport services adapted to rural tourism area in the Northern Periphery. Achieved through implementing new and improved public transport and related services.

Objective: Identification of new and improved public transport and transport information solutions and partnerships for sustainable services in rural tourism areas, implementation and documentation of the transport solutions and information solutions. Giving policy advise on transport planning in rural area, dissemination of transtourism best practice.

Expected outcomes: not exhaustive

Implementation of new transport services i.e. Sustainable tourist bus service operating to meet local and seasonal demand integrated with long distance transport. Food delivery and recycling pick up services for rental properties, mobile phone based transport information systems, policy advice on the integration of transport tourism planning.

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Sustainable Transport in Rural Tourism Areas (Transtourism)

Partnership: Lead Partner: The Swedish Transport Administration, County of Jämtland, Sweden Partner 2: Municipality of Härjedalen, Härjedalen, Sweden Partner 3: Lofsdalen turism ek för, Municipality of Härjedalen, Sweden Partner 4: Destination Funäsdalen, Municipality of Härjedalen, Sweden Partner 5: The Icelandic Tourism Research Center, Akureyri, North Iceland, Iceland Partner 6: HITRANS, Highlands and Islands, Great Britain

Contact Details: Project Manager- Gudrun Lindberg Tel: 0046 611 44 020 Email: [email protected]

Responsible Desk Officer: Rachel Burn

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Mobile Visitor Experience - MoVe

Priority: 1 Budget: € 1 245 745,40 Project duration: from 1 September 2010 to 28 February 2013 Synopsis: The aim of the MoVE project is to support tourism industry of peripheral

regions by enhancing the visitors’ experiences in cultural and natural heritage destinations with the help of multimodal mobile information services

Objectives: Development of innovative cooperative model interconnecting cities with sparsely populated rural areas by using social media. Optimization and further development of applicable technology use in order to collect, preserve, present and disseminate cultural knowledge and data related to the regional natural resources.

Expected outcomes (examples): Internationally sustainable, transferable and exploitable mobile tourism services

based on participatory planning, which can be with modernizing technology Constantly developing and upgrading technology used by tourism companies,

inhabitants and users from sparsely populated areas.

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Mobile Visitor Experience - MoVe

Partnership Lead Partner: Regional Council of North Karelia, North Karelia Finland Partner 2: North Karelia University of Applied Sciences, North Karelia, Finland Partner 3: Kemi Tornio University of Applied Sciences, Lapland, Finland Partner 4: ERNACT, Donegal, Ireland Partner 5:Luleå University of Technology, Norrbotten,Sweden

Contact details Project manager: Risto Poutiainen Telephone: +358 132674700 E-mail: [email protected]

Responsible Desk Officer: Christopher Parker

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Tourist navigation through Mobile Phones Priority: 1 Budget: € 1 014 982,09 Project duration: 1 September 2010 to 30 August 2013 Synopsis:. The core of TN-Mobile is to implement and provide tourism-related value

added mobile services across mobile and fixed networks and to develop design solutions that deliver performance on robust, scalable and accessible wireless services.

Objectives: Establish a mobile location information service, locally adapted for the integration of future and current web services with the use of mobile phones, as an added value to visitors in rural and remote areas. The project will extend access to and provide the effective use of ICT as a means of developing tourism in the partner areas.

Expected outcomes (examples): A mobile-facilitated information system focus on fishing as a form of activity-based

tourism within the region. Mobile-facilitated information system to both tourist information and retail services. Maximise the tourism potential in the region and enhance the visitor experience

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Tourist navigation through Mobile Phones


Lead Partner: City of Skelleftea, Sweden Partner 2: Collage Ltd, Garvagh, Northern Ireland Partner 3: Icelandic centre for retail studies, Borgarnas, Iceland Partner 4: The University of Ulster, Colerine, Northern Ireland Partner 5: West Regional Authority, Galway, Ireland

Contact details Project manager: Ms.Ellinor Berglund Telephone: + 46 910 71 26 8 E-mail: [email protected]

Responsible Desk Officer: Christopher Parker

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