approximation of protein structure for fast similarity measures

Approximation of Protein Structure for Fast Similarity Measures Itay Lotan Fabian Schwarzer

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Approximation of Protein Structure for Fast Similarity Measures. Itay Lotan Fabian Schwarzer. Comparing Protein Structures. Same protein:. vs. Analysis of MDS and MCS trajectories. Graph-based Methods. Structure prediction applications. Evaluating decoy sets - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Approximation of Protein Structure for Fast Similarity Measures

Approximation of Protein Structure for Fast Similarity


Itay LotanFabian Schwarzer

Page 2: Approximation of Protein Structure for Fast Similarity Measures

Comparing Protein Structures

vs.Same protein:

Analysis of MDS

and MCS


Structure prediction applications• Evaluating decoy sets

• Clustering predictions (Shortle et al, Biophysics ’98)

Graph-based Methods

Stochastic Roadmap Simulation (Apaydin et al, RECOMB ’02)

Page 3: Approximation of Protein Structure for Fast Similarity Measures

k Nearest-Neighbors Problem

Given a set S of conformations of a protein and a query conformation c, find the k conformations in S most similar to c.

Can be done in

N – size of S

L – time to compare two conformations

(log )O N k L

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k Nearest-Neighbors Problem

What if needed for all c in S ?

2 (log )O N k L - too much time

Can be improved by:

1. Reducing L

2. A more efficient algorithm

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Our Solution

Reduce structure description

Approximate but fast similarity measures

Efficient nearest-neighbor algorithms can be used

Reduce description further

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Description of a Protein’s Structure

3n coordinates of Cα atoms (n – Number of residues)

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m-Averaged Approximation Cut chain into pieces of length m Replace each sequence of m Cα

atoms by its centroid

3n coordinates

3n/m coordinates

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Similarity Measures - cRMS

The RMS of the distances between corresponding atoms after the two conformations are optimally aligned



1( , ) min


T i ii

cRMS P Q p Tqn

Computed in O(n) time

Page 9: Approximation of Protein Structure for Fast Similarity Measures

Similarity Measures - dRMS

The Euclidean distance between the intra-molecular distances matrices of the two conformations


2 1

2( , )

( 1)

n iP Qij ij

i j

dRMS P Q d dn n

Computed in O(n2) time

Page 10: Approximation of Protein Structure for Fast Similarity Measures

1. Decoy sets: conformations from the Park-Levitt set (Park et al, JMB ’97), N =10,000

2. Random sets: conformations generated by the program FOLDTRAJ (Feldman & Hogue, Proteins ’00), N = 5000

Evaluation: Test Sets

8 structurally diverse proteins of size 54 -76 residues:

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Decoy Sets Correlation






3 0.99

0.98 – 0.990.92 – 0.990.81 – 0.980.54 – 0.92

0.96 – 0.980.94 – 0.970.78 – 0.930.65 – 0.960.52 – 0.69Higher Correlation for random


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Speed-up for Decoy Sets

9x for cRMS (m = 9) 36x for dRMS (m = 6)with very small error

For random sets the speed-up for dRMS goes up to 81x (m = 9)

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Efficient Nearest-Neighbor Algorithms

There are efficient nearest-neighbor algorithms, but they are not compatible with similarity measures:

cRMS is not a Euclidean metric

dRMS uses a space of dimensionality n(n-1)/2

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Further Dimensionality Reduction of dRMS

kd-trees require dimension 20m-averaging with dRMS is not enough

Reduce further using SVD

SVD: A tool for principal component analysis. Computes directions of greatest variance.

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Reduction Using SVD

1. Stack m-averaged distance matrices as vectors

2. Compute the SVD of entire set3. Project onto most important

singular vectors

dRMS is thus reduced to 20 dimensionsWithout m-averaging SVD can be too costly

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Testing the Method

Use decoy sets (N = 10,000) and random sets (N = 5,000)

m-averaging with (m = 4) Project onto 16 PCs for decoys, 12

PCs for random sets Find k = 10, 25, 100 NNs for 250

conformations in each set

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Results Decoy sets:

~77% correct Furthest approximate NN off by 10% - 15% ~4k approximate NNs contain all true k NNs

Random sets: 71%, 76%, 84% correct respectively Furthest approximate NN off by 5% - 10% ~3k approximate NNs contain all true k NNs

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More Results: N = 100,000

1CTF decoys: ~70% correct Furthest approximate NN off by ~20% ~6k approximate NNs contain all true k NNs

1CTF random: 46%, 48%, 60% correct respectively Furthest approximate NN off by ~16% ~7k approximate NNs contain all true k NNs

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Running Time

N = 100,000, m=4, PC = 16

Find k = 100 for each conformation

Brute-force: ~84 hoursBrute-force + m-averaging: ~4.8 hoursBrute-force + m-averaging + SVD: 41

minutesKd-tree + m-averaging + SVD: 19 minutes

kd-trees will have more impact for larger sets

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Structural ClassificationComputing the similarity between structures of two different proteins is more involved:

The correspondence problem:

Which parts of the two structures should be compared?



Page 21: Approximation of Protein Structure for Fast Similarity Measures

STRUCTAL (Subbiah et al, ’93)

1. Compute optimal correspondence using dynamic programming

2. Optimally align the corresponding parts in space to minimize cRMS

3. Repeat until convergence

O(n1n2) time

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STRUCTAL + m-averaging 256 protein domains (180 – 420 res) 3691 good matches (Sandelin’s PROTOFARM) 6375 random pairs Compute SAS scores (cRMS/length*100)

m correlation3








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OK (P < 0.005) BAD (P > 0.005)

SAS score






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Page 25: Approximation of Protein Structure for Fast Similarity Measures

MisclassificationP ≤ 0.005 P ≤ 0.001

Total FP FN Total FP FN


176 225457


215 242


274 528660


262 398


(10%)248 745


)282 588


186 14161129(11%)

148 981

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Random Chains








The dimensions are uncorrelated Average behavior can be

approximated by normal variables:

1 (0,1)i i N l c c

Page 27: Approximation of Protein Structure for Fast Similarity Measures

1-D Haar Wavelet Transform

Recursive averaging and differencing of the values

Level AveragesDetail Coefficients

[ 9 7 2 6 5 1 4 6 ]

[ 8 4 3 5 ]

[ 6 4 ]

[ 5 ]

[ 1 -2 2 -1 ]

[ -2 -1 ]

[ 1 ]





[ 9 7 2 6 5 1 4 6 ]

[ 5 1 -2 -1 1 -2 2 1 ]

Page 28: Approximation of Protein Structure for Fast Similarity Measures

pdf of the detail coefficients is:

Coefficients expected to be ordered!

Discard coefficients starting at lowest level

Transform of Random Chains


Discarding lowest levels of detail coeeficients


( ) 0, 4j jd N O

Page 29: Approximation of Protein Structure for Fast Similarity Measures

Random Chains and Proteins

Protein backbones behave on average like random chains Chain topology Limited compactness

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Page 31: Approximation of Protein Structure for Fast Similarity Measures


Fast computation of similarity measures

Trade-off between speed and precision Exploits chain topology of proteins and

limited compactness Allows use of efficient nearest-neighbor

algorithms Can be used as filter when precision is
