appsec sql injection case study

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Appsec SQL injection case study


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Application Security

Mohamed Ridha Chebbi, CISSP [email protected]

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Almost every web application employs a database to store the various kinds of information that it needs in order to operate. For example, a web application deployed by an online retailer might use a database to store the following information:

■ User accounts, credentials, and personal information

■ Descriptions and prices of goods for sale

■ Orders, account statements, and payment details

■ The privileges of each user within the application

The means of accessing information within the database is Structured Query Language, or SQL. SQL can be used to read, update, add, and delete information held within the database.

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Exploiting a Basic Vulnerability

Consider a web application deployed by a book Store. When a user searches for all books published by ADB, the application

performs the following query: SELECT author,title,year FROM books WHERE publisher = ‘ADB’ Now, consider what happens when a user searches for all books published by

L’ADB. This causes the application to perform the following query: SELECT author,title,year FROM books WHERE publisher = ‘L’ADB’ Here, the expression ADB’ is not a valid SQL syntax and so generates an error: Incorrect syntax near ‘Reilly’. Server: Msg 105, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Unclosed quotation mark before the character string When an application behaves in this way, it is wide open to SQL injection.

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Exploiting a Basic Vulnerability

The attacker can modify again the query to return every single book in the retailer’s catalog, by entering the search term:

ADB’ OR 1=1-- This causes the application to perform the following query: SELECT author,title,year FROM books WHERE publisher = ‘ADB’ OR 1=1--‘ Because 1 is always equal to 1, the database will return every record within

the books table.

NOTE : The double hyphen “--” in SQL means that tells the rest of the line is a comment and should be ignored. In MySQL, you will need to include a space after the double hyphen “-- “, or use a hash “#” character to specify a comment.

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Bypassing a Login

In some situations, a simple SQL injection vulnerability may have an immediately critical impact. Many applications that implement a forms-based login function use a database to store user credentials and perform a simple SQL query to validate each login attempt. A typical example of this query is:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ‘marcus’ and password = ‘secret’

An attacker can inject into either the username or the password field to modify the query. For example, if an attacker knows that the username of the application administrator is admin, he can log in as that user by supplying any password and the following username:


This causes the application to perform the following query:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ‘admin’--‘ AND password = ‘blablabla’

which because of the comment symbol is equivalent to

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ‘admin’

So the password check has been bypassed.

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Bypassing a Login

Suppose that the attacker does not know the username of the administrator.

- In most applications, the first account in the database is an administrative user, because this account is normally created manually and then used to generate all other accounts via the application.

- Further, if the query returns the details for more than one user, most applications will simply process the first user whose details are returned.

An attacker can often exploit this behavior to log in as the first user in the database by supplying the username:

‘ OR 1=1--

This causes the application to perform the query

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ‘’ OR 1=1--‘ AND password = ‘blabla’

which because of the comment symbol is equivalent to

SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ‘’ OR 1=1

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Finding SQL Injection Bugs

- In the most obvious cases, a SQL injection flaw may be discovered and conclusively verified by supplying a single item of unexpected input to the application.

- In other cases, bugs may be extremely subtle and may be difficult to

distinguish from other categories of vulnerability or from benign anomalies that do not present any security threat.

NOTE : In your application mapping exercises (see Chapter 4), you should have identified instances where the application appears to be accessing a back-end database, and all of these need to be probed for SQL injection flaws.

This includes all URL parameters, cookies, items of POST data, and HTTP headers.

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Finding SQL Injection Bugs - String Data

When user-supplied string data is incorporated into an SQL query, it is encapsulated within single quotation marks. In order to exploit any SQL injection flaw, you will need to break out of these quotation marks.

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Finding SQL Injection Bugs - String Data


- One way of confirming that the application is interacting with a back-end database is to submit the SQL wildcard character % in a given parameter.

- For example, submitting this in a search field often returns a large number of results, indicating that the input is being passed into an SQL query.

SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE City LIKE '%nes%'

- Of course, this does not necessarily indicate that the application is vulnerable — only that you should probe further to identify any actual flaws.

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Finding SQL Injection Bugs – Numeric Data

- In most cases, numeric data is passed directly to the database in numeric form and so is not placed within single quotation marks.

NOTE : the application may still handle this as string data, by encapsulating it within single quotation marks !!

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Finding SQL Injection Bugs – Numeric Data

These encodings are necessary whether you are editing the parameter’s value directly from your browser, with an intercepting proxy, or through any other means. If you fail to encode problem characters correctly, then you may invalidate the entire request, or submit data that you did not intend to.

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Injecting into Different Statement Types - INSERT Statements

INSERT statements are used to create a new row of data within a table. For example, an application may allow users to self-register. INSERT INTO users (username, password, ID, privs) VALUES (‘daf’,‘secret’, 2248, 1) If the username or password field is vulnerable to SQL injection, then an attacker can

insert arbitrary data into the table. For example, injecting into the username field, the attacker can supply the following: adm’, ‘adm’, 9999, 0)-- INSERT INTO users (username, password, ID, privs) VALUES (‘adm’,‘adm’, 9999, 0)--

’secret’,2248,1) ignored This will create an account adm with ID of 9999 and privs of 0. Assuming that the privs field is used to determine account privileges, this may enable

the attacker to create an administrative user.

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INSERT Statements

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UPDATE Statements

UPDATE statements are used to modify one or more existing rows of data within a table.

A typical UPDATE statement works in a similar way to an INSERT statement, except that it usually contains a WHERE clause.

For example, when a user changes his password, the application might perform the following query:

UPDATE users SET password=’newpass’ WHERE user = ‘admin’ and password = ‘secret’

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DELETE Statements

DELETE statements are used to delete one or more rows of data within a table

As with UPDATE statements, a WHERE clause is normally used to tell the database which rows of the table to update, and user-supplied data is most likely to be incorporated into this clause.

Subverting the intended WHERE clause can have far-reaching effects, and the same caution described for UPDATE statements applies to this attack.

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The UNION Operator

The UNION operator is used in SQL to combine the results of two or more SELECT statements into a single result set.

The Books Search Query Example :

SELECT author,title,year FROM books WHERE publisher = ‘ADB’

An attack would be to use the UNION operator to inject a second SELECT query and append its results to those of the first. This second query can extract data from a different database table altogether.

For example, entering the search term

ADB’ UNION SELECT username,password,uid FROM users—

will cause the application to perform the following query:

SELECT author,title,year FROM books WHERE publisher = ‘ADB’


SELECT username,password,uid FROM users--‘

This returns the results of the original search

followed by the contents of the users table:

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The UNION Operator

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The UNION Operator

Let’s look a little deeper at the first of these provisos. Suppose that the attacker attempts to inject a second query which returns an incorrect number of columns.

He supplies the input : ADB’ UNION SELECT username,password FROM users— The original query returns three columns, and the injected query only returns two

columns. Hence, the database returns the following error: ORA-01789: query block has incorrect number of result columns Suppose instead that the attacker attempts to inject a second query whose columns

have incompatible data types. He supplies the input ADB’ UNION SELECT uid,username,password FROM users— This causes the database to attempt to combine the password column from the second

query (which contains string data) with the year column from the first query (which contains numeric data). Because string data cannot be converted into numeric data, this causes an error:

ORA-01790: expression must have same datatype as corresponding expression

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The UNION Operator

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The UNION Operator

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The UNION Operator

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The UNION Operator

When you have identified the number of columns required in your injected query, and have found a column which has a string data type, you are in a position to extract arbitrary data. For example, if there are three columns, and the first column can take string data, you can extract the database version by injecting the following query on MS-SQL and MySQL: ‘ UNION SELECT @@version,NULL,NULL--

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The UNION Operator

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Fingerprinting the Database

We have seen how you can extract the version string of the major database types. Even if this cannot be done for some reason, it is usually possible to fingerprint the database using other methods

One of the most reliable is the different means by which databases concatenate strings

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Fingerprinting the Database

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Extracting Useful Data

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Extracting Useful Data

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Extracting Useful Data

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Extracting Useful Data

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Extracting Useful Data

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Extracting Useful Data