apresentação aicep carlos_pacheco_eacd_lisboa2012

Rebuilding trust in times of economic crisis, the case of Portugal. A New Competitive Identity for Portugal joining forces between public and private sectors. Rebulding trust

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9º Debate Regional EACD Lisboa 15 de Maio, Hotel Altis Lisboa (sponsor do evento), dedicado ao tema “Territorial Reputation Management: leveraging the Portuguese Experience”, centralizado na necessidade de reforço das Marcas glocais, melhoria da imagem externa e desenvolvimento de uma estratégia reputacional que integra todos os stakeholders e cria valor para o País, suas regiões / clusters e principais activos nacionais (história, gastronomia, cultura, estilo de vida, paisagem, segurança, qualidade de vida, investigação científica e tecnológica…) com o objectivo último de moldar a experiência dos que nos visitam e incrementar a atracção e diferenciação em fortes relacionamentos e preferências por parte de congressistas-visitantes, turistas e investidores, contribuindo desta forma para o crescimento económico e social do país.


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Rebuilding trust in times of economic crisis, the case of Portugal. A New Competitive Identity for Portugal joining forces between public and private sectors.

Rebulding trust

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What’s in people’s minds about Portugal ?

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Foreign Media analisys Survey to 372 exporting companies Inquiries to Multinational Executives International indexes mapping Exports, Investment and Tourism analysis

performance Empirical observation Studies Bibliography Comparisons to other countries

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Adapted from Anholt, 2000

A brand analisys trough the hexagon model

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* Goods and services

** Result of a survey among 372 portuguese exporting companies held in November of 2011.

*** In 2010

Exports* increased by 13,3% in 2011. Exporting companies claim that the crisis did not affect their performance**. Exporting companies forecast a good exporting year in 2012**.

A brand analisys trough the hexagon model

Adapted from Anholt, 2000

What happened in Ireland and Greece? *** Exports rose.

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10,4% increase of overnight stays of foreign citizens*. 7,2% increased revenue from tourism**. 6,5% increase of arrivals to domestic airports**.


*INE. **Turismo de Portugal. *** In 2010

A brand analisys trough the hexagon model

Adapted from Anholt, 2000

What happened in Ireland and Greece? ***

Rise in Greece. Decline in Ireland.

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Increase in net investment. Stagnation in new inflows. High debdt, taxes and poor economic outcome are key inhibitors to investment. Good country image favors investment.

A brand analisys trough the hexagon model

Adapted from Anholt, 2000

What happened in Ireland and Greece? * Increase in Ireland. Decline in Greece.

* In 2010

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High attention on portuguese Human Capital.

Bad press on educational indicators.

More qualified Human Capital than ever.

A brand analisys trough the hexagon model

Adapted from Anholt, 2000

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High debt, deficit and unemployment, poor economic outcome. Rating downgrades. Default upgrades. Powerfull images: PIIGS, Trash, “begging bowl”.

A brand analisys trough the hexagon model

Adapted from Anholt, 2000

What happened in Ireland and Greece? * High debt and deficit. Recession.

* In 2010

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International Press High salience on Economy

Occurrence 1 Occurrence 2 Occurrence 3 Occurrence 4 Occurrence 5

Spain Bailout (1036) Crisis (908) Sport (565) Austerity (362) Culture (190)

Germany Bailout (439) Crisis (206) Sport (204) High indebtedness (97) Diplomacy (79)

United Kingdom Bailout (738) Crisis (159) Diplomacy (109) Austerity (90) McCann Case (80)

France Bailout (400) Crisis (329) Sport (282) Diplomacy (162) Austerity (130)

Angola Sport (285) Diplomacy (188)

Economic Relations (161) Culture (111) Cooperation


Table : Main occurences about Portugal in 5 online Media of the 5 most relevant economic markets Analised Media per country: SPAIN: El País, ABC, El Mundo, RTVE, 20 Minutos. GERMANY: Der Spielgel, Bildt, Welt, Focus, Stern. REINO UNIDO: SKY News, BBC, Daily Mail, Guardian, The Telegraph. FRANCE: Le Monde, TF1, Le Figaro, Le Parisien, L’ Express. ANGOLA: Angop, Jornal de Angola, RNA, Angola Digital, TPA. 10 818 news releases scaned

Carlos Pacheco, 2011

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Government in office was penalised.

High debt suggests poorly run economy . Downgrade in International indexes: Democracy Index, human development index.

A brand analisys trough the hexagon model

Adapted from Anholt, 2000

What happened in countries touched by the euro crisis?

Change in Governments: Spain, Italy, Greece, Iceland, Ireland.

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Brand Equity

Liabilities – Brand erosion because of high debdt, deficit, and poor economic outcome that led to external financial intervention. Erosion on Investment, Economy, Governance and People axis. Assets – High exposure of portuguese products and services. High acceptance of Portuguese tourist product. High attention over skilled and talented people. International respect due to compliance with Troika recommendations and its Diplomacy.

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Where the opportunity begins

Building a Competitive Identity

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High Media attention

High salience in people’s minds.

More than 10 000 news releases in 5 online Media of 5 economicaly relevant Markets.

Sports / Diplomacy / Culture / Tourism.


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Higher presence of portuguese goods and services in peoples lives. Crisis as opportunity. Opportunity to promote Brand Portugal through it’s goods and services.

Where the opportunity begins

Adapted from Anholt, 2000

Innovative. Troubleshooter. Competitive Identity:

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Increased attention over Portugal. Growth in main indicators. Good touristic image. Good value for money.

Where the opportunity begins

Adapted from Anholt, 2000

Competitive Identity: Hospitality, Climate, Gastronomy, Culture and Heritage, Sophistication.

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Privatization of state owned companies.

Structural reforms.

Competitive and skilled workforce available.

Where the opportunity begins

Adapted from Anholt, 2000

Competitive Identity: Friendly business environment.

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Achievements of Portuguese talent abroad. Gentle and peacefull people. Seek for Portuguese Human Capital.

Where the opportunity begins

Adapted from Anholt, 2000

Competitive Identity:

Friendly and highly skilled.

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New behavior and performance towards public spending. Rebound on key economic indicators. Influencers and Markets support.

Where the opportunity begins

Adapted from Anholt, 2000

Competitive Identity: The return of the “good student”.

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Where the opportunity begins

Adapted from Anholt, 2000

Competitive Identity: Compliance and results.

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A coalittion to change perceptions

Public role: Setting a vision. Coordinating efforts. Adopting policies of competitiveness.

Private iniciatives: Dessiminating content. Branding Portugal through exporting companies. Atracting events & investments. Expanding markets and innovating.

Portuguese community abroad. Marketing content.

Wrapping up

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Changing perceptions – The role of AICEP

Trade Missions. Atracting major events. FDI road-shows. International fairs and exibitions. Advertising.

Adapted from Anholt, 2000

“..products make far more effective ambassadors for the national image than promotional campaigns…”

Anholt, 2007

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Adapted from Anholt, 2000

At the end…

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