april 2015 newsletter - western hills church

In This Issue Pastor Jerry Wells - “Mission Month” Paul McKeithan - “Update on the Deacon's Ministry” Brandon Werner - FLOODed Space (the good kind) Britt Clay - College and Career Ministry Jack Clay - “Covenant” Western Hills Church March, 2015

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The April Newsletter for Western Hills Church. Published April 4, 2015.


Page 1: April 2015 Newsletter - Western Hills Church

In This Issue

Pastor Jerry Wells - “Mission Month”

Paul McKeithan - “Update on the Deacon's Ministry”

Brandon Werner - FLOODed Space (the good


Britt Clay - College and Career Ministry

Jack Clay - “Covenant”

Western Hills Church March, 2015

Page 2: April 2015 Newsletter - Western Hills Church

Pastor Jerry - Dear Church Family: April is Mission Month at Western Hills and this year I am more excited

than I have ever been! One reason I am so excited is our theme. Our

theme for the month is “Why We Believe The World Needs A Savior!” In

every service in April there will be a clear presentation of why the world

needs a savior and how God has provided what the world needs. In every

service there will be clear presentation of the gospel and a clear invitation

to receive Jesus and be baptized.

Who are our speakers? On Easter Sunday, April 5, I will be sharing the

story of Passover and how the sacrificial lamb and the blood on the

doorposts of the homes of the Israelites foreshadowed the offering of Jesus

on the cross for the sins of the world. And then for the rest of our services

in April I am very excited to share with you that some of our Mission Teams will be sharing the message

using a bible story and other visual means to present the gospel. Each presentation will be followed by a

clear invitation to receive Jesus and be baptized.

As I prayed this year about our guest speakers I could not find peace in asking anyone outside of our

church. I kept sensing that the Holy Spirit wanted to do something totally different but I did not know what

it was. Brother Jack then shared with me the idea of our Mission Teams sharing the message! I

immediately sensed the joy of the Holy Spirit and heard the Holy Spirit say in my heart, “We are all called

to make disciples.”

For there to be a harvest of souls, each one of us must do our part in inviting family and friends who are

lost to our services to hear the gospel. Let’s work hard at our part in prayer and inviting people and trust

the Holy Spirit to do His part in drawing people and speaking to them about their need for Jesus.

It is a joy to make disciples with you!


1. Ladies Bible Study Tuesday’s 9:00am - 12:00pm

(February 10 - April 14, 2015)

2. Board of Trustees Meeting

April 8 in Pastor Jerry’s office at



April 24 & 25. Be sure and sign up.

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Current Sermon Series…

Why we Believe the World Needs

a Savior...

We invite you to join us on any

Sunday or Wednesday this

April to hear ordinary people

from our congregation share

why we believe the world needs

a savior.

Through stories and other

visual means, our people will

present life changing truths for

your consideration.

Sermon audio is available

online at westernhillschurch.com.

Paul McKeithan

We have had many problems with the roof leaking over the classrooms in the Bible Zone area. It had been ‘patched’ many times. The roof leaked so bad one day the school had to be moved out of those classrooms that had the leaks. The roofing company gave up trying to repair the roof and tore the old roof off and replaced it with a new roof. This was still under warrantee and the work did not cost Western Hills. The roofing company worked with us throughout to stop the leaking; they were true to their word.

Not much else was accomplished by your deacon group this month. We must wait until our church finances improve before we can start on any of our scheduled projects. At this time we are only repairing things that must be done to continue the operation of the buildings.

For your deacons,

Paul McKeithan

From Stephen Ketola... The Board of Trustees meets monthly to discuss the business of the church. All members of the church are welcome to attend these meetings. The dates for the remainder of 2015 are below. Each meeting is currently scheduled to begin at 4:00pm in Pastor Jerry's office. April 8 May 6 June 17 July 15 August 12 September 16 October 14 November 11 December 9

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Brandon Werner - FLOODed Space (the good kind)

I am excited to announce that our Student Ministry has a new meeting location for our weekly Wednesday night FLOOD service!

We recently moved FLOOD from the auditorium to the Family Center. Our goal in the move was to create an intimate environment that is more conducive to students and their learning styles. After having our first successful week, I can honestly say that we are accomplishing our goals – and the credit goes to our great team of volunteers and staff laborers!

The purpose of FLOOD is to connect new students to the gospel, connect students to a small group, and to provide a place for our people to volunteer with students. If you are looking for a place where you can make a difference in the lives of people who are open to the gospel and discipleship, then come and talk to me about joining our volunteer team in the Student Ministry! We certainly have a place for you to serve, minister, and grow.

FLOOD happens every Wednesday night from 6:10pm-7:25pm. There is a community-wide fellowship meal every Wednesday before FLOOD from 5:00pm-6:00pm. After FLOOD, we have Connect Rec – a time of games and connecting – from 7:30pm-8:00pm. Please feel free to join us for our next meeting!

If you have any questions or if you want to get involved, please email me at [email protected] or call me at 405-634-1454.

Pastor Brandon

Britt Clay - “College & Career”

My family has been in a season of life recently that has really taught me more of what being content looks like. I am learning more and more that no matter where God has me in this life I can be content in Him. The whole purpose and goal for my existence is to bring Him glory and if I walk in contentment in times that are difficult He is made big through my life.

Philippians 4:11 “Not that I am speaking of being in need for I have learned in whatever situation I am in to be content.”

As I seek the Lord and try to find what it means to be content and how to be content I am challenged in my walk and strengthened in my faith. Elizabeth Elliot said it well when she said, “Don’t dig up in doubt what you planted in faith.” The thought that no matter where I am, even if it is not what I thought life would look like, I can share the gospel and advance the kingdom and God can use me in other people’s lives.

What season in life are you in or what is God asking you to do that is making it more difficult for you to be content? I want to challenge you that no matter where God has you He can and will use you to make Him known. Don’t let being discontent get in the way of Gods bigger plan.

-Britt Clay

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Jack Clay - Covenant The marriage covenant is the most important covenant that two people can enter into on this earth. The Lord first established the home when stated that "for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." Genesis 2:24

Interestingly enough, however, it is not intended to be a two-way covenant, but, a three way covenant, between one man and one woman and the Lord God Himself. Covenants have one distinct characteristic that is different than contracts. Contracts are made to be broken. We live in a world of broken contracts today. If someone wishes to break their contract, they may do so with little or no consequence. Everyone expects a contract to be broken at sometime and a departure to take place. A covenant is a forever commitment, never to be broken or violated in any way. Sickness? Doesn't matter. Poverty? Doesn't matter. Hard times, miscommunication, lack of loyalty, my needs not being met? Doesn't matter. Those who enter into a covenant relationship with their mate and with the Lord have sworn their love and allegiance till death does part them.

Is that the way you view your marriage? Or, are you one that, if things just don't happen to work out, if hard times come, if conflicts arise you feel like you have an "out" because things didn't turn out the way you thought they should. The mar-riage covenant is a serious thing with the Lord. May we be guardians of the covenant that we have with the Lord and with our mate. This brings an indescribable joy to us as we walk with the love of our life and with the Lord. Praising Our Savior - Bro. Jack

April 2015

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Contact Us

Western Hills Church

401 SW 44th Street

Oklahoma City, OK 73109

P: 405.634.1454

F: 405.634.1477

E: [email protected]

Visit us on the web at


Western Hills Church

401 SW 44th St.

Oklahoma City, OK 73109

“Go into the world and make disciples…”