aprisa sr brochure v1.1.pdf

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  • 8/11/2019 Aprisa SR Brochure v1.1.pdf


  • 8/11/2019 Aprisa SR Brochure v1.1.pdf


    M E E T I N G S C A D A S

    F U T U R E - P R O O F ,

    Designed to cope with market pressures

    Emission reduction, energy efficiency and renewable energy:

    environmental pressures are greater than ever. Performance

    monitoring is essential to improve efficiency, inform decisions and

    minimise downtime. Financial pressures are also growing: equipment

    and maintenance costs need to be minimised without impacting


    How can your drive for continual improvement and cleaner energy be

    supported without negatively impacting costs? By choosing a SCADA

    radio solution that provides a low total cost of ownershipwithout

    compromising the quality and quantity of the data monitored; that is

    simple to install, provides high visibility display information for rapid

    decision making, provides simple over-the-air upgrades, control and

    diagnostics, has minimal attack and turnaround time to maximise

    network efficiency, and is easy to manage and configure via an

    intuitive GUI. Maximum performance, minimum overhead.

    Designed to managesecurity

    Security is now the industrys greatest concern: government bodies are

    becoming involved in specifying security performance; remote access

    for employees, contractors and vendors is the norm. SCADA systems

    need protecting from inherent vulnerabilities and malicious attacks,

    ensuring data integrity and validating devices and users

    How can you ensure your SCADA networks are safe and secure, now

    and into the future? By choosing a SCADA platform that embodies

    a defence in depthapproach, with comprehensive layered security

    including licensed spectrum bands, AES encryption, authentication,

    address filtering, access control, segregated traffic flow and firewall

    protection; that is fundamentally well designed, manufactured to

    exacting quality standards, and robust enough to perform reliablyover varying distances and conditions.

  • 8/11/2019 Aprisa SR Brochure v1.1.pdf


    Aprisa SR

    G R O W I N G C H A L L E N G E S

    B A C K W A R D S - C O M P A T I B L E

    Designed to meet compliance targets

    Governments are becoming increasingly involved in industry

    regulation: equipment standards, spectrum refarming, mandatory

    SCADA radio channel sizes; and the future direction of standards is still

    not known. Addressing these requirements and uncertainties makes

    SCADA network design and deployment even more complex

    How can you be confident that your SCADA solutions will meet

    relevant industry standards, not become obsolete as standards evolve?

    By choosing a flexible, future-proof, standards-based product,

    designed to be easily upgradeable as your needs and the industrys

    regulatory standards evolve; that meets all relevant ETSI technical and

    performance standards, supports industry-standard communications

    protocols, provides support for serial and IP/Ethernet data, is flexible

    in terms of frequency bands and channel sizes, and is upgradable


    Designed to handlecomplexity

    SCADA is becoming increasingly complex: growing scale and diversity

    of monitored infrastructure, increasing data quantity, the need for real

    time operational data, closer integration with IT and business processes,

    aging infrastructure, plant refurbishment, new infrastructure, mix of

    traditional serial data and new IP-based monitoring devices

    How can you benefit from the best that todays modern SCADA

    products have to offer, while still supporting legacy requirements

    and preparing for future challenges? By choosing a flexible, future-

    proof radio platform designed with this very issue in mind; that

    supports both serial and IP data, supports a variety of spectrum bands

    and channel sizes, integrates with all types of monitoring inputs and

    devices, comes in various form factors and multiple architecturalconfigurations, and gives you full control of an easy-to-manage

    SCADA network.

  • 8/11/2019 Aprisa SR Brochure v1.1.pdf


    For more information please contact

    EMAIL [email protected]

    URL www.4rf.com


    Operating in more than 110 countries, 4RF solutions are deployed by utilities,

    oil and gas companies, transport companies, telecommunications operators,

    broadcasters, international aid organisations, and public safety, military and

    security organisations. All 4RF products are optimised for performance in harsh

    climates and difficult terrain, and support legacy analogue, serial data, PDH

    and IP applications.

    Copyright 2009 4RF Communications Limited. All rights reserved. This

    document is protected by copyright belonging to 4RF Communications

    Limited and may not be reproduced or republished in whole or part in any

    form without the prior written consent of 4RF Communications Limited.

    While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this literature,

    4RF Communications Limited assumes no liability for errors or omissions, or

    from any damages resulting from the use of this information. The contents

    and product specifications within it are subject to revision due to ongoing

    product improvements and may change without notice.

    Why choose the Aprisa SR?

    Future-proof platform: theAprisa SR supports traditional serial

    and Ethernet / IP traffic in a singlesmall form-factor box, with no

    need for external interfaces or data


    Secure: with its defence indepth approach, the Aprisa SR

    provides comprehensive, layered

    security including AES encryption,

    authentication, address filtering and

    access control

    Flexible: the Aprisa SR integratesinto any network topology, with each

    unit configurable as a multipoint

    base station, remote station or


    Easy to configure and manage:over-the-air control and diagnostics

    are enabled via a simple PC interface,

    with low level control from the

    central office. SNMP support enables

    management via third party network

    management systems. Remote units

    can be managed and configured

    without needing to be powered


    Reliable and robust: the Aprisa SRrequires no manual component

    tuning and maintains its high power

    output over a wide temperaturerange

    Long-distance operation: withits high transmit power, low

    noise receiver and immunity to

    interference, the Aprisa SR ensures

    reliable, long distance operation in

    noisy environments

    Who uses the Aprisa SR?

    Water and waste utilitiesuse

    the Aprisa SR to monitor and

    regulate a variety of performance

    parameters across multiple sites

    in their supply and distribution

    network, including water flow,

    tank and reservoir levels, pipe

    pressures and alarm status.

    Electric utilitiesuse the

    Aprisa SR throughout their

    generation, storage and

    distribution networks, including

    monitoring current flow, line

    voltage, fault indicators, circuit

    breaker operation and other

    substation equipment.

    Oil and gas companiesuse

    the Aprisa SR for both onshore

    and offshore applications

    throughout their pump jacks,oil rigs, refineries and storage

    tanks, including monitoring flow,

    status, pressure, valve position,

    temperature, tank levels, and

    alarm and security status.