apuntes de ingles.docx

Phrasal Verbs.................................................... 1 Take............................................................1 Medical procedures Medicine......................................2 Dental emergencies..............................................2 Symptoms........................................................2 Medical procedures..............................................2 Phrasal Verbs Take Take up= begin a new activity Take after= resemble somebody Take off= leave de ground Tak e up aft er out off

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Post on 14-Sep-2015




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Phrasal Verbs1Take1Medical procedures Medicine2Dental emergencies2Symptoms2Medical procedures2

Phrasal Verbs


Take up= begin a new activityTake after= resemble somebodyTake off= leave de groundTake off= take somebody on placeBrake

Break in= enter by forcBreak out= escapeBreak down= stop operatingBreak up= end a relation shipThe taxi broke down so they missed their flight.Paul and Liz are no larger together. They broke up last week.Burglars broke in and stole all her jewellery.The prisioner broke out of jail but the police arrested him soon after.Medical procedures MedicineDental emergencies I have a toothache . Yo tengo dolor de muelaI broke a tooth.Yo me rompi un dienteI lost afilling.Perdi la amalgama My crown is loose.Mi corona se rompioMy bridge came out.Mi Puente se salioMy gums are swollen.Mis encias estan inflamadasI have a pain in my chest.Yo tengo un dolor en mi pechoI have a chestacheI have a pain in my ribs.Tengo dolor de costillasSymptoms

I feel dizzy.Me siento mareadoI feel nauseous.Me siento con nauseasI feel short of breat. Me falta el aireI feel weak.Me siento debilCoughing.TosiendoSneezing.EstornudandoWheezing.Desvariando, alucinandoCance.CncerAids.SidaChest.PechoMedical procedures

An X-rayAn check up/ an examinationAn EKG (electrocardiogram)A shot/ an injectionA blood testMedications

Dosage.DosisWarningsSide effects.Efectos secundariosFever.FiebrePainkiller.AnalgesicCold tablets.Tabletas para el resfriado