architecture with cutting edge paradigm in paradigm in an

Architecture with Architecture with Cutting Edge Cutting Edge Paradigm in Paradigm in an an Integrated Integrated Collaborative Collaborative Environment Environment Environment Environment Monday, May 11, 2015 Workshop W10 Afternoon Session Vinu Jade Ambassador and Chapter Lead, IASA India [email protected] Information Systems Strategy Advisor

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Architecture with Architecture with

Cutting Edge Cutting Edge

Paradigm in Paradigm in an an

Integrated Integrated

Collaborative Collaborative


Monday, May 11, 2015

Workshop W10 Afternoon Session

Vinu Jade

Ambassador and Chapter Lead, IASA [email protected]

Information Systems Strategy Advisor

Architecture with Cutting Edge Paradigm in ICEArchitecture with Cutting Edge Paradigm in ICEModuleModule 11 30 Min30 Min

Business and Its Strategy

Cutting Edge Paradigm

Module Module 22 1 Hour1 Hour

Integrating Business and Technology

Strategies &

Drive Cutting Edge

ModuleModule 3 & 3 & 44 1 Hour1 Hour

Architecting & Transformation

Module 5, with Module 6Module 5, with Module 6 1 Hour1 Hour

Strategy Uncovered with Measurement of Valuewith a Case study for reference in Hi-Tech and EA Tools ( Both Optional )


To Speaker VINU JADE

Ambassador and Chapter Lead, IASA India

[email protected]

Information Systems Strategy Advisor

Vinu Jade

Vinu is an expert in providing corporate level practical Enterprise

Architecture Orientation and Training to large number of senior architects

in major System Integrators, Banks and Automotive organizations in India,

United States and APAC, adopting Open Group and Iasa. He is a Certified

Instructor for Iasa Global. He has been a part of Academic Advisory

council for Computer & Software Architecture in universities in United

States and India.

Observations in Core Industry Observations in Core Industry

about Information Systems and


Observations from experience

� Business Professionals and their strategists have lack of clarity in

understanding value benefits – Is IT Worth the investment or is IT a cost center?.

Their priority focus is in improving supply chain or customer retention and product

innovation based on economics and market dynamics for a profitable growth.

� The value of dedicated Business strategists and domain modelers

are not very recognized in organizations,. They are not easily available in the

market . Few internal drivers are executing this role, in each of their own methods within market . Few internal drivers are executing this role, in each of their own methods within

their area. They are unable to perceive an enterprise wide impact on any

changes to their domain, for e.g. Customer acquisition, product innovation, billing,

marketing etc, on overall landscape of enterprises.

Observations from experience

� Technology Professionals and their strategists are in a silo of their own.They lack in understanding the business, to provide value. These professionals are more

focused on software or ‘ware’ sale with newer hype terms – SOA, BPM, Cloud, Big Data to

name a few, which business are not able to comprehend how it benefits them.

� The art of Enterprise Architecture is in an IT wrap, rather than an

enterprise value. There are few experts who provide solutions to domain issues

through architectural transformation, which are tactical in nature. This is limited to Vendorthrough architectural transformation, which are tactical in nature. This is limited to Vendor

product suites or limited to domains. Applicability of this to cross functional domain

solutions, purely enterprise are rare with a transformation or strategic approach.

� Even if direction to adopt right technology is provided,

implementation partners do not seem to understand how best to execute,

especially transformation program.

Observations from experience

� There is lack of strategists group who understand Business to direct or

deliver best value from technology, more so in Information technology. This is often

driven by knowledge shared by IT vendors with conflict of interest in directing business to

adopt the right technology

� The aspect of keeping business alive with low cost of investment has

been one of the factors for IT projects failing 66% of time as per

analysts. The Technology projects rarely have a view of returns of investment paradigm

with Business Valuewith Business Value

� Information technology is taking a big chunk of profit of business,

with no visible returns. The project failures due to lack of understanding of

business needs have forced corporate to either hold or work around the issues due to

economic situations, when actually IT should provide proactive solutions with

conscious view of business growth in the present global context.

Objectives of Workshop

�� ModuleModule 11 -- UnderstandUnderstand Overview of Business, Itsimperatives and Where Technology fits

�� ModuleModule 11 -- UnderstandUnderstand The major impact factors of ITon Business, to be profitable and competitive in the market

�� ModuleModule 22 -- UnderstandUnderstand The key benefits and strategicvalues of Architecture to the business by opting to combine the bestpractices of Architecting with an agile IT and Business Strategy.practices of Architecting with an agile IT and Business Strategy.

�� ModuleModule 22 -- UnderstandUnderstand Key benefits and strategicvalues of what IT Architecture brings to the business.

�� ModuleModule 22 -- ConceptualConceptual POV Accept both businessand IT teams need to handle the challenges by synergy with anenterprise view, within Integrated Collaborative Environment ( ICE)

�� ModuleModule 33 -- AppreciateAppreciate Various architectingtransformation with the business to map the planned organizationalstrategy, processes and governance

�� ModuleModule 33 -- PerceivePerceive How operational needsget simplified with this approach

Objectives of Workshop

�� ModuleModule 44 -- AwarenessAwareness EA is an essential skill -comprehend that important essentialities for future alignment of ITto Business and vice versa is in – Enterprise Architecture Practice –involving both Business and IT brains

�� ModuleModule 44 -- IntrospectionIntrospection Are these skills inherent in you,Do you fit the role, How can you improve the skills to be successful inimplementingimplementing

�� IASA Introduction IASA Introduction –– DiscussDiscuss Possible methods to achieve this skill and expertise, given your exposure to the situation and experience

�� ModuleModule 44 -- AppreciateAppreciate Comparative advantages ofEnterprise Architecture and various Frameworks, in successfullydelivering technology values and

�� Module Module 5 5 -- Understand Architecture Continuum , How to Make a Business Case for EA with Value and Maturity Model and Percieve a Hi Tech Business case for value delivery

� Module 6 – Understand the need and necessity for a EA Tool

�� GoGo backback to Industry and Make IT Simple!

Module 1

Business and Its Strategy

Cutting Edge Paradigm

�� UnderstandUnderstand Overview ofBusiness, Its imperatives and WhereTechnology fits

�� UnderstandUnderstand The majorimpact factors of IT on Business, to beprofitable and competitive in the market

Business and Its Strategy – Cutting Edge Paradigm Defining Strategy and Imperatives

Agile Customer Agile Customer

Experience ( ACE) based Experience ( ACE) based

on Value to Life Styleon Value to Life Style

Financial / Material / Financial / Material /

Service Supply Chain Service Supply Chain

OriginationsOriginations INTERNAL INTERNAL


Product Utilization, Leverage Product Utilization, Leverage

Levels ( Levels ( PULLPULL))

Business Focused Business Focused

Product, Services from Product, Services from




Business and Its Strategy – Cutting Edge ParadigmProcess and Domain Definition Modeling

with Technology Enablement

Vendor RelationshipVendor Relationship

Economic ProfilesEconomic Profiles

Customer Relationship, Customer Relationship,

Demographics, Demographics,


Proactive Proactive

Process Process

Support Support





Variations to be


Reactive Market Reactive Market

& Regulatory & Regulatory

Support Support



Product Agility and Product Agility and


Market Strategic InitiativesMarket Strategic Initiatives




Business and Its Strategy – Cutting Edge ParadigmArchitecting to meet Demand with Effective Supply

Enterprise Architecture

& Strategy Focus

Business and Its Strategy – Cutting Edge ParadigmArchitecting to meet Demand with Effective Supply

Enterprise Architecture

& Strategy Focus

Enables Cutting Edge

Cutting Edge – Positioning

� In a Bank - The issue is regional expansion for a local bank in the area of retail banking and you are expected to provide IT Strategy for the transformation

� In an Automotive – The issue as stated in the governance committee are productivity of the assembly plants is inefficient

Scenario Presenting - You have been assigned as an


committee are productivity of the assembly plants is inefficient due to supply chain issues. You are expected to assess and provide a IT roadmap for reengineering to improve with limited budget in short term

� In a Hi Tech Industry – They are starting in a new market with a JV with a local business group. They have already established in other geography, not similar to this market. Volume is very heavy and local prices must be low. How do you define a IT Architecture for the new company

Cutting Edge – Understanding

� In a Bank - The context is regional expansion for a local bank in the area of retail banking and you are expected to provide IT Strategy for the transformation

� In an Automotive – The context as stated in the governance committee are productivity of the assembly plants is inefficient

Scenario Presenting – Use Cutting Edge to learn

about the Business

committee are productivity of the assembly plants is inefficient due to supply chain issues. You are expected to assess and provide a IT roadmap for reengineering to improve with limited budget in short term

� In a Hi Tech Industry – They are starting in a new market with a JV with a local business group. They have already established in other geography, not similar to this market. Volume is very heavy and local prices must be low. How do you define a IT Architecture for the new company

Business and Its Strategy – Cutting Edge Paradigm

Business with Cutting edge

�� MustMust HaveHave – An Approach and MethodologyMethodology forfor BusinessBusiness StrategyStrategy

Modeling, helping in Agile Business and Agile IT.

– Value thru Strategic Planning?

�� ImproveImprove the SupplySupply && DemandDemand AlignmentAlignment (SAD) with improved Product

Utilization, Leverage Levels (PULL) in market and meet AgileAgile CustomerCustomer

ExperienceExperience (ACE) – Qualitative Domain modeling?

� Technology Strategy ( IT inclusive and NOT conclusive!) to enableenable the

consumerconsumer meetmeet thethe productproduct, with Governance and Process Model (GAP).

- Logical Process Modeling?

�� OperationalOperational StrategyStrategy for SupportSupport, SustainSustain and SucceedSucceed (ICE)(ICE) with agile

Technology enablement? -Adopt Enterprise Architecture?


End of Module 1End of Module 1

Questions, Discussions
