are you courageous worksheet · #ª;Ô pÆ;ÔpÚÀ;#À;Æ ; Ó £;ÀÆp£ ª ;Ú¯Ê;¼ Æ;ª¯Ô...

Courageous Woman WORKSHEET

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Post on 26-Jun-2020




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Page 1: Are You Courageous worksheet · #ª;Ô pÆ;ÔpÚÀ;#À;Æ ; Ó £;ÀÆp£ ª ;Ú¯Ê;¼ Æ;ª¯Ô ;a pÆ;p¼ ;Ú¯Ê; ¯ ª ;Ư; ¯;p{¯ÊÆ;#Æ ;NÆ ¹;pÀ ;¯¼;ÀÆ ¹;ʹ ;;

Friend ,   it 's Important that you know , this worksheet isn 't

meant to shame you or make you feel l ike you are " less-

than . "

You ARE courageous . . .or you at least  have it within you

to be courageous .

I want you to read the following questions and then

write your most authentic , true response . Then look back

over the article , 8 Habits of a Courageous Woman (click

the l ink)

A fter you answer the questions and then look back at

the article , evaluate your response and ask yourself ,

based on the article , am I acting l ike the courageous

woman that is within me?

Then , make the necessary changes to your l i fe of that of

a courageous woman ! Know that you aren 't alone ! I f

you 'd l ike to join a community of l ike-minded women to

help you l ive your l i fe courageously , join us on facebook !

Fiercely His Woman Facebook Group (click the l ink)

Courageous Woman WORKSHEET

Page 2: Are You Courageous worksheet · #ª;Ô pÆ;ÔpÚÀ;#À;Æ ; Ó £;ÀÆp£ ª ;Ú¯Ê;¼ Æ;ª¯Ô ;a pÆ;p¼ ;Ú¯Ê; ¯ ª ;Ư; ¯;p{¯ÊÆ;#Æ ;NÆ ¹;pÀ ;¯¼;ÀÆ ¹;ʹ ;;

Someone In your community has asked you to do something that 's out of your comfort zone and i t

scares you to death , What do you do? Write out Isaiah 40 :28-31 .

You 're facing a huge battle and you feel so alone . What do you do? (Write out Joshua 1 :5 )

Do you automatically encourage others or wait for others to encourage you? (Write out Hebrews 3 :13 )

Courageous Woman

When you feel fearful , weak or insecure , do you know where to f ind scriptures In the Bible to combat those

feelings? (Write out Joshua 1 :9 )

Read the questions below and answer honestly . Then , go back and think about your answers .

Page 3: Are You Courageous worksheet · #ª;Ô pÆ;ÔpÚÀ;#À;Æ ; Ó £;ÀÆp£ ª ;Ú¯Ê;¼ Æ;ª¯Ô ;a pÆ;p¼ ;Ú¯Ê; ¯ ª ;Ư; ¯;p{¯ÊÆ;#Æ ;NÆ ¹;pÀ ;¯¼;ÀÆ ¹;ʹ ;;

In what ways Is the devil stalking you r ight now? What are you going to do about It? Step aside , or step up?

(Wrrite out 1 Peter 5 :8 )

Is there a circumstance In your l i fe r ight now where you just want to give up? I f you chose to give up , what

would ultimately happen? (Write out 2 Timothy 1 :7 )

Be honest . What are you most afraid of r ight now . Write our your fears . Can you , and are you will ing to

surrender them to God? (Write out James 5 :16 )

Who are you? Write out your name , and then write out Romans 8 :14-15 . This exercise may seem si l ly- but I

really want you to think about "who you are . "  

Courageous WomanRead the questions below and answer honestly . Then , go back and think about your answers .