are you ready to unlock - performwell high performance coaching · 2017-07-08 · are you ready to...


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Page 1: Are you ready to unlock - PerformWell High Performance Coaching · 2017-07-08 · Are you ready to unlock your potential and create amazing results? “Hi, my name is Paul Burden
Page 2: Are you ready to unlock - PerformWell High Performance Coaching · 2017-07-08 · Are you ready to unlock your potential and create amazing results? “Hi, my name is Paul Burden

Are you ready to unlockyour potential and create amazing results?

“Hi, my name is Paul Burden. I’m known as the creator of ‘The Big Lever’ success program as well as for working with 1000+ sports professionals and senior level executives could say thousands of high performers in sport and business to help them blast through limitations and achieve true ‘next level’ performance on the field and in the boardroom.

I’ve dedicated my life to answering the following question… “What is it that truly separates winners in any field from countless many who try yet fail?”

This quick report shares one of my models that will help you quickly and easily shift from ‘stuck’ mode, where everything is a struggle and nothing gets accomplished to ‘effortless success’ mode where achievement happens naturally and where success is guaranteed.

Please share your questions, feedback and success stories with me at [email protected]

“I look forward to helping you thrive!”

Paul BurdenThe High Performance Coach

The 5 Building Blocks of Outstanding High Performance(How to Accelerate Success in Sport and Business)

Page 3: Are you ready to unlock - PerformWell High Performance Coaching · 2017-07-08 · Are you ready to unlock your potential and create amazing results? “Hi, my name is Paul Burden

This is one of the first model’s that I teach to my clients It helps themto move from stuck to successful.

The 5 Building Blocks of Outstanding High Performance

The building blocks are:

I’m going to break down each one for you and give you some tips soyou can start immediately making important changes in your life.

Build a Compelling Vision.

Break It Into Goals.

Bypass Obstacles.

Be Resourceful.

Boost Your Circle Of Support.

Page 4: Are you ready to unlock - PerformWell High Performance Coaching · 2017-07-08 · Are you ready to unlock your potential and create amazing results? “Hi, my name is Paul Burden


“In order to carry a positive action we must develop a positive vision”- The Dalai Lama

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality”- Warren Bennis

Everything starts with a vision. Whenever you want to improve your life and your performance you need to set the bar a little higher and create a more compelling, demanding and exciting vision for yourself.

The great athletes create empowering mental movies of themselves pushing past their limits and achieving glory and they play these mental movies over and over until every fibre of their being is saturated with the compulsion to win.

The great business leaders base their day to day decisions on what will take them closer to their ultimate goal. The grand vision of what they want to accomplish over the next 3 - 5 years.

All great achievement starts with leadership and the heart of leadership is vision.

Page 5: Are you ready to unlock - PerformWell High Performance Coaching · 2017-07-08 · Are you ready to unlock your potential and create amazing results? “Hi, my name is Paul Burden


What would you create in your life if you knew you couldn’t fail?

Imagine your life was perfect and describe an average day. [Where would you be, who would you be with, what would you be doing?]

What results are you committed to achieving over the next 12 months?

Why do you want to achieve these things?

Page 6: Are you ready to unlock - PerformWell High Performance Coaching · 2017-07-08 · Are you ready to unlock your potential and create amazing results? “Hi, my name is Paul Burden


“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” - Pablo Picasso

It’s not enough to have vision though. It has to translate into action. There are too many people wandering around with big dreams but unfulfilling lives. This second step is very important as it links our dreams to our future.

Once you have decided upon a vision that is compelling you need to break it down into a series of stepping stones that are SMART…

Specific - don’t be vague with your goals. Write down exactly what you want to do and have.

Measurable - How will you measure success? What is the evidence that the goal is complete and successful?

Achievable - Is the goal actually achievable? Are there any resources that you need in order to achieve it? Is the goal broken down into small enough pieces? - Can someone - anyone - achieve this goal?

Relevant - Does the goal lead to your vision? Is it meaningful to you? Can you see how attaining it moves you forward? - In my approach R is for Realistic (for you personally)? If not a resounding yes what has to happen to make it realistic for you?

Time Based - Is there a deadline for the goal? Keep it realistic and flexible.

When you have a list of goals just keep focused on the soonest ones. Make sure each morning you focus yourself upon the next goals. Print them out and stick them up on your bathroom mirror/ office wall/ car/ wallet etc.

Page 7: Are you ready to unlock - PerformWell High Performance Coaching · 2017-07-08 · Are you ready to unlock your potential and create amazing results? “Hi, my name is Paul Burden


“Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines”- Robert H Schuller

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”- Albert Einstein

When we have our vision and our goals we usually come up against obstacles, challenges, stumbling blocks etc. Call them what you want but this is where most people trip up. The person with diet goals dives headfirst into a cheesecake, the amateur boxer swaps a few days of training for the pub, the business exec decides that he’ll sit on some leads rather than follow them up… these small lapses lead to a snowball effect of missed deadlines, declining enthusiasm and lackluster results.

We can either have insurmountable problems or amazing learning experiences… it’s all in how you look at what stands in your way. High performers have taught themselves to be proactive when faced with challenges.

The number 1 challenge we all face when we set a big vision and goals is ourselves. Our own mindset and current level of thinking.

Page 8: Are you ready to unlock - PerformWell High Performance Coaching · 2017-07-08 · Are you ready to unlock your potential and create amazing results? “Hi, my name is Paul Burden


-Complete the following statement for each big goal. Ask and answer at least 5 times for each goal.

-Notice which belief statements carry the most emotional weight and seem the most prevalent.

-List all the main limiting beliefs and, for each one, ask the following questions…

1. Is this statement 100% true?

2. What evidence do I have that this is the case?

3. What is the consequence of holding this belief? How does it make me feel about myself to believe this?

4. Would a successful person indulge in this belief?

[I can’t beat my personal best because I’m just not good enough, I can’t train every day because I don’t have time, I can’t earn more money this year because I don’t think anyone would buy from me etc.]

“I can’t X because…”

Page 9: Are you ready to unlock - PerformWell High Performance Coaching · 2017-07-08 · Are you ready to unlock your potential and create amazing results? “Hi, my name is Paul Burden


What beliefs would be better to hold? [Start collecting evidence for these new empowering beliefs]

Think of a role model. Someone who is at the level of performance you would like to be at and ask: “what must they believe in order to x?”


“It’s not the lack of resources that cause failure. It’s the lack of resourcefulness that causes failure” - Anthony Robbins

So we’ve set a compelling vision, broken it into achievable goals and started to unhook the obstacles that may come along and take a more proactive attitude towards challenge. The next step is to make sure that we not only overcome challenges but that we full utilise our own strengths and resources.

It’s very easy to get locked into a narrow world-view and forget about the wealth of connections, experience and resources we all carry with us.

The most crucial part of stepping up into the world of the elite performers is taking charge of our own minds. Opportunity to include: Remember, your thoughts give rise to your feelings about your thoughts. Together these determine your actions, which create your results. We started that process by unhooking limiting beliefs but we also need to take charge of building up positive beliefs and engaging in positive self talk.

Page 10: Are you ready to unlock - PerformWell High Performance Coaching · 2017-07-08 · Are you ready to unlock your potential and create amazing results? “Hi, my name is Paul Burden


List your greatest strengths and weaknesses:

List how you can utilize the strengths more and minimize the weaknesses:


“Be strong, be fearless, be beautiful. And believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.”- Misty Copeland

There is one thing that connects all high performers and that is the quality of the people that they surround themselves with. No one can do everything and, especially when you aspire to the highest levels of performance, you need people who will inspire you, motivate you and hold you accountable.

I have spent the last 20 years working with people in the sports and business world who have big ambitions and want to create world class results. This model is just one of many that I utilize to help them.

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If you want to get started on reaching high performance in sport, business or life then why not take advantage of a free 30 minute call?

No pitching.Just High Impact