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  • 8/3/2019 Argumentative Essay1


    NATO Intervention in Syria 1

    Argumentative Essay

    Should NATO intervene or not in Syria? This is a very critical and debatable question

    and like all such issues, there are two groups, one with arguments in favor of sending NATO

    forces in Syria and taking military action against Syrias regime ( like they did in Iraq,

    Afghanistan, and most recently in Libya) and the other group that is totally against it. Now the

    question arises that if NATO can take military action against Libya, then why should they not

    take the same decision in case of Syria? Taking military action against Syria would not be a

    good decision because the previous outcomes of the NATO interventions have not been very

    successful, there would be high risk of casualties, and it is not supported by the Syrian public,

    neighboring countries, and also, it is not in the best interest of the US, NATO, and Israel.

    The current wave of unrest in the Middle East started from Tunisia in the end of 2010

    where people in Tunisia started protests against their authoritarian ruler, President Zine El Abidine

    and finally succeeded in getting rid of him. After this, a 30 year long period of rule by Hosni

    Mubarak of Egypt came to an end, and then the echoes of unrest were also heard from Algeria,

    Jordon, Libya, Morocco and Syria. The main reasons of these unrests and protests were the

    same, namely, unemployment, corruption, unavailability of basic human rights, and hopelessness

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    NATO Intervention in Syria 2

    from their current social, political, economic conditions, and authoritarian style of government

    by their rulers. At present Libya and Syria is facing a similar unrest and handling it with brutality

    by killing and arresting thousands of protestors. If this wave of unrest continues to go on, other

    Middle Eastern countries would not be able to protect themselves from it. The US and NATO

    forces have already taken military action against Quaddafi Regime and now the debate is going

    on regarding whether they should take similar action in Syria.

    First of all, we should keep in mind the outcome of previous military actions taken by the

    US and NATO forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. Critical and unbiased analysis of the outcome of

    their actions reveals that they have miserably failed in establishing peace and restoring normal

    routine life in these countries. Instead, they left the former one in a state of civil war, chaos and

    without restoring any infrastructure.Army historians, in a 696-page account, blamed the US and

    allied military and political leaders for focusing too much on overthrowing Saddam Hussein in

    2003 without any future planning for a broader transition towards a stable society in post war

    period. "The transition to a new campaign was not well thought out, planned for, and prepared

    for before it began," says the history. According to an internal army think-tank, called the

    contemporary operations study team report, "The assumptions about the nature of the post-

    Saddam Iraq on which the transition was planned proved to be largely incorrect" This study also

    states that the Chiefs in Washington were uncertain about the campaign to restore stability, "In

    retrospect, however, the overall effort appears to have been disjointed and, at times, poorly

    coordinated, perhaps reflecting the department's ambivalence towards nation-building"
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    NATO Intervention in Syria 3

    In addition, they are finding ways to get out of Afghanistan in a similar way and for this purpose

    they are even doing negotiations with Taliban, the same Taliban against which they started war a

    decade ago. In the case of Iraq, Bush finally confessed, after taking so many innocent lives, that

    the very reason on the basis of which they started military action against Iraq was not valid and

    no production facilities of chemical and biological weapons had been found in Iraq. In his book,

    Decision points, Bush admits that he was shocked when no weapons of mass destruction were

    found in Iraq. He writes in his book, Decision Points, "No one was more shocked and angry than

    I was when we didn't find the weapons He also writes, "I had a sickening feeling every time I

    thought about it. I still do"

    The only success they achieved in Iraq, which is now considered to be the real reason

    behind the attack on Iraq, was the easy access of their multinational companies to the oil

    resources of Iraq.

    Second, in Syria majority of population is sunni muslim but the rulers are 'Baathists', a

    sort of communist atheists that are representing a small population. To control the majority

    population, the Baath party has been employing an authoritarian style of government for decades

    by depriving the majority of their basic human rights. It is not mainly the difference in sect or

    religion of rebels and the ruling party; it is oppression, fear of being arrested for no crime, lack of

    freedom of expression, absence of justice and the current wave of unrest against the authoritarian

    rulers in the Middle East that has given the courage to Syrian people to start protests against the

    ruling party. Keeping in view this scenario and the fact that the ruling party has no soft corners

    for the majority population, any sanctions on Syrian Regime by UN or military action by NATO

    would not result in anything positive but to increase the plight of Syrian people from both sides
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    that would result in more bloodshed and more migrations of refugees in the neighboring

    countries. We cannot also forget here the ever increasing plight of Palestinian refugees who have

    been living in Syria for past several years. Total population of Palestinian refugees in Syria is

    approximately 460,000.

    There are a total of 13 refugee camps inside Syria, only 10 of which are officially

    recognized by UNRWA. There are seven camps in Damascus, two in Aleppo, and one in each of

    the Homs, Hama, Dara and Latakia governorates. Despite only ten being recognised, the agency

    provides a lower level of services to the unofficial camps.


    Finally, the main difference between situation in Syria and Libya is that in Libya, rebels called

    for foreign intervention right from the start whereas majority of Syrians do not want a NATO

    intervention. Syria is hugely populated compared to Libya. The later has population of

    approximately 6 million people divided mainly between Benghazi and Tripoli, whereas the

    former is packed with approximately 22 million people in relatively small territory. Military

    intervention, therefore, would create large scale damage to the economy, infrastructure and,

    above all, would, endanger the lives of large number of innocent people including children and

    women. Syrians believe that they can handle their problem on their own. On the other hand,

    Asad has good friends and allies in the neighboring Arab countries and therefore, they are not as

    vocal as they were in the case of Quaddafi who was accused of trying to kill Saudi King

    Abdullah in 2003. As a member of NATO, Turkey will also not allow the NATO to repeat the

    history of Bosnia in Syria in which NATO forces were accursed by the international media and
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    public of not being able to prevent 8,000 Muslim Bosnians from being murdered in front of the

    world's eyes. Relationship of Asads Regime with Iran is very important as they are receiving

    help from Iran to curb and defeat the protestors causing unrest in Syria. According to Evelyn

    Scott, Tehran is clandestinely providing training, equipment and reinforcements to the military

    and intelligence services of its only real Arab ally so that they can crush the insurrection, western

    diplomats saidOn the other hand, Syria is the only real Arab ally of Iran and stability and

    continuation ofAsads regime is very important for Iran to continue its proxy war with Israel.

    Evelyn Scott further stated that,

    For Iran the survival ofMr. Assads regime is strategically crucial. It is through

    Syria that it channels arms to Hezbollah, the militant Islamic group based in

    neighboring Lebanon, and conducts its proxy war with Israel. Damascus also

    hosts the leadership of Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that is supported by



    Despite the role of Asads regime that they are playing for Iran, Israel still finds itself more

    comfortable with an autocratic yet predictable regime, rather than face an unknown new

    government in its place. Any instability in Syria would, therefore, not be in the best interest of

    Israel and hence the US.

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    NATO Intervention in Syria 6

    To sum up, ground realities are indicating that the US and NATO should not intervene in Syria

    as they did in the case of Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. There are various logical reasons in

    support of this argument, firstly, past record of the US and NATO proves that they usually have

    no planning or long term strategy for the post war period. Iraq is the recent example where the

    postwar period has proven to be worse than the prewar period. Different groups are still fighting

    with each other, huge investment is required for the reconstruction of infrastructure that has been

    destroyed during the war, and revival of social and political systems is meeting obstacles, and

    US and allied forces are being criticized for their ill planning for post war period. Secondly, high

    casualties are being anticipated in case of any military action by the US and NATO because of

    Syrias high population density. Thirdly, neither Syrian rebellions nor other stakeholders are

    interested in taking any move to intervene in Syria due to their political and ulterior motives.