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Post on 05-Aug-2016




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When a man with an odd yet entertaining ailment hits the road with his doctor, he comes to find fame isn't worth his humanity.


  • Black

    Hum of florescent lights and air conditioner


    A naturally unhealthy looking man, naked except for a hospital gown, sits on the elevated doctors table in silence. The Office, bathed in unforgiving florescent light, has an almost claustrophobic feel to it. Very faint sounds come from outside

    The Man, PHIL, a 30-ish man with gaunt cheeks and sad blue eyes begins to idly let his right heel tap-tap-tap against the table, lightly.

    The sounds of approaching footsteps come quick as the door to the office opens and DR. CUNNINGHAM enters, folder in hand. Neither is he the picture of health A beer gut and bald spot are indicators of that. Together they are a sad extreme of Laurel and Hardy

    DR. CUNNINGHAM sits down on a wheel stool and scoots over to PHIL. DR. CUNNINGHAM asks a question. PHIL responds and points to his head and stomach. Though their lips move we hear no words yet all other sounds in the world seem to still work.

    DR. CUNNINGHAM sets down the folder and stands up in front of PHIL. DR. CUNNINGHAM begins to massage the lymph nods and asks PHIL a question without making eye contact. As PHIL answers, DR. CUNNINGHAM reaches into his pocket and shines a pen light in PHILS eyes. The light throws PHIL a little

    Sitting to make notes, DR. CUNNINGHAM puts his stethoscope on one handed. Standing again, DR. CUNNINGHAM asks PHIL to remove his shirt. PHIL does so and DR. CUNNINGHAM continues on. DR. CUNNINGHAM breaths on the Stethoscope to warm it up and then places it on PHILS chest.

    The Beat of PHILS Heart is heard clear as day, DR. CUNNINGHAM moves the scope a little lower and to the left. The heart sounds fainter. He then moves it farther Right but still lower. The heart is even fainter.

    DR. CUNNINGHAM removes the Stethoscope and walks over to his desk. He speaks to PHIL and ends his statement with a smile. PHIL Halfheartedly smiles and replies.

    DR. CUNNINGHAM open a cabinet and pulls out a wrapped, sterile needle. He takes the needle, a bottle of alcohol and a cotton swab over to PHIL, clumsily.

  • DR. CUNNINGHAM starts to chat with PHIL a little as he soaks the cotton swab. PHIL chuckles a bit and responds. DR. CUNNINGHAM carries on with a smile, rubbing PHILS left arm.

    PHIL nods as DR. CUNNINGHAM takes his needle and sticks PHIL with it. PHIL flinches but DR. CUNNINGHAM doesnt notice and continues to talk as the blood is drawn. The syringe fills with blood.

    DR. CUNNINGHAM removes the syringe and turns his back to PHIL to place a classification sticker on the blood tube.

    Suddenly, Whistling, an up tempo beat. DR. CUNNINGHAM turns to see the opposite of what he expected. PHIL, Mouth closed, gaze fixed to the crux of his arm. The tiny needle hole is whistling.

    DR. CUNNINGHAM Drops the blood tube and slowly approaches PHIL, who has a look of wanting to run away from his own arm. The two look at each other and then down to the whistling wound. PHIL, frightened but inquisitively, slowly lifts his right index hand and puts it over the hole.


    He removes it for a few seconds. It continues to whistle along, happy as a clam. PHIL covers it up again.


    The silence is deafening. PHIL and DR. CUNNINGHAM take a moment and then share a worried look.


    A Band Aid covers the Needle hole.

    DR. CUNNINGHAM approaches PHIL steadily with another syringe in hand. DR. CUNNINGHAM looks at PHIL with worry in his eyes.

    PHILS Right arm, freshly cleaned, lies tense, at the ready for whats to come.

    DR. CUNNINGHAM sticks the needle into PHIL, not drawing any blood and simply removes the it as quickly as he put it in. The ambiance of the room rests in the air as DR. CUNNINGHAM and PHIL hold their breaths.

    The silence holds. Holds. Holds. Finally, PHIL and DR. CUNNINGHAM exhale in relief.

    A lower toned Whistle shatters the calm. DR. CUNNINGHAM Jumps back. PHIL panics, screaming at his arm.


  • Backing away from PHIL, DR. CUNNINGHAM slips on the puddle of blood around bits of broken syringe and collapses to the floor.

    PHIL rips the Band Aid from his arm. The left arm joins in the Whistling. Both left and right punctures preforming a whistle duet. PHIL jumps down off the table and approaches DR. CUNNINGHAM, cowering on the floor.

    PHIL screams questions that DR. CUNNINGHAM cant answer as DR. CUNNINGHAM backs himself into a corner. PHIL grows more frantic and more worried, seeing DR. CUNNINGHAMS reaction to him. Pleadingly, PHIL holds his arm out, asking for help and failing to notice the glass on the floor.



    PHIL and DR. CUNNINGHAM look to PHILs right foot, speechless. The foot seems fine, until PHIL starts to lift it, then blood begins to pool around it. PHIL Raises his heel and finds a chunk of broken glass. A fresh bit of blood spills out as PHIL picks the chunk out from his foot. It Clinks to the ground... Thats when the Banjo begins to play.

    The Banjo sounds is Plucky and happy, like that of an old rag time band, the whistles join in, creating a rather jaunty tune. PHIL gives a You seein this? Look to DR. CUNNINGHAM, both no longer terrified but almost amused. DR. CUNNINGHAM looks at the foot and then at PHIL, His eyes wide but his smile growing even wider



    PHIL and DR. CUNNINGHAM sit on one side of a rather nice looking wood desk in a rather nice looking office. On the opposite side of the desk is a 46 year old man in a rather nice suit with a rather poor hair cut ARTHUR SPITTZ.

    SPITTZ wears a dead pan expression as DR. CUNNINGHAM, wearing a suit an tie, wildly describes the situation of PHIL, wearing a denim suit. SPITTZ seems less than convinced.

    DR. CUNNINGHAM looks to PHIL and they each nod to one another. PHIL begins to remove his shirt as DR. CUNNINGHAM pulls a doctors bag. DR. CUNNINGHAM reaches inside and pulls out a scalpel. SPITTZ looks nervous as DR. CUNNINGHAM moves closer to PHIL, who is looking off, trying not to focus on what is to come.


  • DR. CUNNINGHAM places the scalpel on the top side of PHILs Right Pec. DR. CUNNINGHAM draws a line leaving trickles of blood in its wake. SPITTZ recoils in a bout of disgust just as Violin music begins to play.

    SPITTZ expression changes from Disgust to dumbfounded to confused to amazed. DR. CUNNINGHAM, riding the reaction he got form SPITTZ, makes another long incision along the knuckles of PHILS right hand. PHIL scrunches his face in pain as a Pan Flute joins with the Violin music to create a wondrous song.

    Not looking for encouragement, DR. CUNNINGHAM picks up PHILS Right leg and props it on the rather nice table. DR. CUNNINGHAM pulls back the jeans leg and makes another incision down PHILS shin. Now an upright bass carries on with the music in the room.

    SPITTZ looks over joyed and begins to tell PHIL and DR. CUNNINGHAM what he sees in their future working together, dollar signs practically rolling in his eyes

    SPITTZ stands and extends his hand to DR. CUNNINGHAM. DR. CUNNINGHAM shakes SPITTZ hand and pats PHIL on the back, jumping with joy. PHIL meekly smiles and rolls down his pant leg.


    A sparsely filled theater audience of hipster 20-somethings and a handful of elder theater go-ers sit waiting for their show to start.

    Lights dim as red and yellow stage lights come up. DR. CUNNINGHAM walks out, pushing a cart of medical supplies (Syringe, Scalpel, Pain killers, Stitch wire, Needle, Gauze & Alcohol) and wearing a full white doctors outfit, Doctors mask included.

    PHIL follows behind DR. CUNNINGHAM. Wearing a flanel shirt and a pair of jeans, no sneakers or socks. They both stop and turn to face the audience at center stage.

    A moment passes, PHIL begins to strip down to his tighty whities as DR. CUNNINGHAM Cleans the scalpel.

    PHIL holds out his hand for the scalpel. DR. CUNNINGHAM hands it to him, Handle first. PHIL raises it above his head. The blade shines Yellow, reflecting onto the audiences concerned faces.


  • A slight tilt of the blade and the audiences faces turn red, as PHIL takes the blade and slowly lowers it to his outstretched other arm. He puts the blade against his flesh and holds.

    PHIL looks out to the audience. They are on the edge of their seats.




    3 quick horizontal nicks of the blade down PHILS forearm. A few gasps and murmurs from the audience begin but quickly cease as 3 Violins begins to play.

    PHIL lets the audience sit on this for a few seconds before a long cut across his stomach and then, just as quickly, PHIL makes a vertical Line up his sternum

    A loud Drum Kit begins to play. Members of the audience start to look around to see if they can spot a Band or Speaker system. Not finding anything, the audience turns back to watch the madness on display. A few hipsters pull out their camera phones and start recording

    DR. CUNNINGHAM begins to tend to PHILS wounds. First cleaning them then alternates between pouring alcohol down his limbs or sewing a new wounds shut, not effecting the music. DR. CUNNINGHAM is trying his best to stay out of the way of PHILS rhythmic slaying and swaying

    As PHIL carries on, cutting various areas of his body, new instruments come into the mix until it sounds like a full scale orchestra is in the room.

    The orchestra music carries on through to-


    2 filthy teenagers gather around a laptop in a dark goth room, watching a cellphone video of PHILS Performance on YouTube. The video has 31 views. They look awestruck


    A Young Couple are laying on a blanket, in the midst of a picnic. The two are watching PHILS video on a cellphone. The Video has 1,425 view. The Couple is laughing out of disgust.



    A polo wearing teenager is clicking away at the keyboard of an older PC desktop, standing next to Nana. Nana is watching from the computer chair.


    Nana, shocked, shoos the teen away. The video had 10,452


    Two children are sitting in front of a television. The news is doing a story on DR. CUNNINGHAM and his discovery, PHIL. The kids see clip of PHIL preforming in front of a different crown on a different, nicer stage. They watch in amazement.


    A news woman in the foreground is showing clips of Various performances of PHIL on a tiny screen in the corner. DR. CUNNINGHAM has gotten a lot quicker with his healing plus the addition of 2 assistants doesnt hurt.


    PHIL stands shirtless beside a official podium. From the neck down he is covered in scars. Over all, they are systematic. Variations of long and short, horizontal and vertical with a few rouge cuts healing, here and there.

    DR. CUNNINGHAM walks on stage, attempting to quells the crowd as he approaches the podium. He holds the room.

    DR. CUNNINGHAM reaches into his breast pocket and pulls out a straight razor and bottle of morphine. DR. CUNNINGHAM dunks the blade into the bottle and swings his arm. PHIL anticipates the pain.


    From Nipple to nipple, blood pours in the blades wake. The violin Swells. DR. CUNNINGHAM in the opposite hand of the blade, hold up a projector clicker. A slide comes up behind DR. CUNNINGHAM.


    The crowd cheers. The assistants come from both sides of the stage and attend to PHILS wounds. DR. CUNNINGHAM bows.



    A red dot that blips up over Cleveland, Ohio soon becomes a line traveling across the mid-west, through to Colorado. The line leaves red dots in Gary, Chicago, Milwaukee, Des Moines & Boulder finally landing on Phoenix, Arizona

    Scenes of DR. CUNNINGHAM with loose women and alcohol play over the map. PHIL is smiling so much, his teeth are showing as a busty woman sits in PHILS lap. DR. CUNNINGHAM Cheers PHIL with a bottle of patron.

    Shots of limbs being cut and blood splashing the air over lay the map as the Line makes its trek. The blood falls and soon becomes Rose pedals falling, followed by whole roses and then bouquets of flowers... covered in blood.

    Close up on the final dot over Phoenix. The red dot begins to grow and bleeds across the map growing darker in shade until the map is blood soaked and crimson. The camera continues in as we fade to--


    PHIL, covered form head to toe in blood and cuts with no body hair to speak of, bows along side DR. CUNNINGHAM, Caked in blood wearing a theatrical surgical gown. DR. CUNNINGHAMS 2 assistants bow on either side of the stage. The crowd give a stand ovation, flowers fly.


    A white limo sits outside the dimly lit back alley of the Phoenix theater. DR. CUNNINGHAM and his 2 assistants sit in the limo with PHIL standing outside chatting with DR. CUNNINGHAM.

    PHIL wears a black jacet and hat with sunglasses. DR. CUNNINGHAM beckons PHIL to get inside the limo. PHIL waves his hand, The Hotel is only a few blocks away. DR. CUNNINGHAM Seems a bit hurt but tells the driver to drive on.

    The Limo Drives off, leaving PHIL alone walking the opposite of the limo. He walks a ways, kicking a few bit of debris along the way.

    As he walks past a dumpster, PHIL fails to notice a DISHEVELED MAN, late 40s and bears a resemblance to Charlie Manson, stepping out from behind the dumpster. A knife in the DISHEVELED MANS hand. He takes quick steps to catch up to PHIL and remain silent.



    A TUBA Kicks in as the DISHEVELED MAN cuts the back of PHILS neck, unevenly.

    PHIL spins around and sees the DISHEVELED MAN, laughing.

    The DISHEVELED MAN raises the knife. PHIL tenses, and watches as the DISHEVELED MAN reaches the knife behind his head and cuts the back of his neck, just as he did PHIL.

    The DISHEVELED MAN then takes the knife to his lips and licks the blade. PHILS eyes widen as he grips the back of his neck. The Man Cackles and then runs off, into the darkness of the alley. PHIL reaches into his pocket and takes out his cell phone.


    A pretty nice sized Suite, littered with various Promotional items featuring PHIL and DR. CUNNINGHAM posing in various ways. Posters, banners, All promoting a 1 night only appearance in LA.

    PHIL sits backwards and shirtless in a hotel chair with DR. CUNNINGHAM standing behind him, stitching shut the neck wound. DR. CUNNINGHAMS assistants sit on the other side of the room, reading magazines, not paying much attention.

    Once closed, the wound did not look any different from the myriad of other stitched shut wounds from the performance earlier.

    PHIL is talking, worry in his eyes. DR. CUNNINGHAM is listening a nodding politely until PHIL says something that strike a chord. DR. CUNNINGHAMS constant smile fades slowly to one of concern. PHIL carries on.

    PHIL is talking and seems to be reliving the attack, by how worked up he is getting. PHIL Waves his hands in a No more fashion. DR. CUNNINGHAM turns PHIL around.

    DR. CUNNINGHAM gets right in PHILS face. DR. CUNNINGHAMS face is intense and is slowly turning red. Intense talking, turns into yelling, DR. CUNNINGHAM points to the poster on the wall.

    The poster image depicts PHIL with his arms out stretched, Christ like, in front of a concrete background. Multiple Horizontal cuts run down his arms. The blood trickles down the wall, looking like blood wings. It reads HARMONIC PHIL & the Great Cunningham: ALIVE IN LA... SEE THEM NOW, BEFORE EUROPE RUNS RED


  • DR. CUNNINGHAM Is now spitting with each word. DR. CUNNINGHAM sweeps his arms around the room, showing PHIL the things theyd be without, if he quit. The 2 assistants look inquisitively over their magazines.

    PHIL Stands up and raises his voice. DR. CUNNINGHAM backhands PHIL, who falls to the ground. The Assistants stand up. DR. CUNNINGHAM screams at them to stay away.

    PHIL tries to stand but only succeeds in propping himself up. DR. CUNNINGHAM walks over to PHIL and squats down and gets closer to PHILS face than he did before.

    DR. CUNNINGHAM grabs PHILS face and forces him to look him in the eye. DR. CUNNINGHAM stares PHIL down for a few seconds and then says some slow intense words. Stands up and then walks out the suites door. DR. CUNNINGHAM snaps his fingers and the assistants follow behind, looking back for a brief second, reluctant to leave PHIL before doing so.

    PHIL is left emasculated on the floor.


    A late night talk show host with slicked back hair, BOBBY ZABARO, 31. Theres a nighttime city scape on a cloth curtain in the background with a desk next to a chair and sofa set, where DR. CUNNINGHAM, Wearing his Lab coat with a nicer tie than normal, and PHIL, in an Tailored red dress shirt and black tie with black slacks, are sitting respectively.

    DR. CUNNINGHAM is winning over the audience, telling the same story he told PHIL earlier in the examining room. BOBBY Sneers/smiles as the story goes.



    BOBBY and the audience bursts out into laughter and PHIL looks a bit uncomfortable. The audience, cackling silhouettes backlit by the brighter than normal stage lights. These lights are less colorful, more off-yellows and bright whites.

    PHIL begins to sweat. He doesnt want to be here. DR. CUNNINGHAM and BOBBYS faces have contorted into gross caricatures of themselves. PHIL Looks to the Audience, Though hard to make out their faces, they too have morphed into laughing ghouls


  • The music is growing chaotic. The string section is going so fast, its starting to sound like a swarm of bees. The horns are spewing note after note, growing in calamity.

    PHIL Recoils as the audience begins to advance on him. Worriedly, he looks around only for DR. CUNNINGHAM to Lock PHILS arms behind his back and restrain him as the studio audience rips open his shirt and tears into his flesh..

    The Studio Audience is eating PHIL alive as DR. CUNNINGHAM and BOBBY cackle on. The Audience feasts and feasts until, DR. CUNNINGHAM slashes the throat of PHIL--


    --As PHIL wakes up in his bed, covered in sweat and nearly having a heart attack.

    The music is gone. Rapid heartbeats take over the ambiance.

    PHIL turns on the lap beside his bed and looks about the room. PHIL eases himself and gradually calms down

    The heart beats slowly turn from loud pounding and rapid to softer steady beats.

    PHIL looks around the room and holds his head in his hands. The room is sparse, with only the basic of necessities. Bed, lamp, dresser with a mirror and chair in one corner, a jacket draped over it.

    The heart beats fade completely, leaving the ambient noise of the air conditioning and crickets outside.

    PHIL stands up and walks from the bed to his dresser mirror. The room is lite with a low amber light from the lamp, giving what little is lit a rich golden color

    PHIL looks at what his body has become. PHILs body is riddled with scars. He looks himself over, almost not recognizing the man standing in the mirror. Phil runs his hands over his hairless but ribbed with scars head. As he takes in the severity of whats happened around him he starts to tear up.

    PHILS tears run down his face as his sadness slowly turns to anger. PHIL grits his teeth and looks at himself. Disgusted by what hes become, PHIL punches the mirror. Cutting his knuckles. The Pan Flute comes back, carrying on faintly in the angry, manic orchestra playing over PHILS hardship.

    PHIL looks at his hand, breathing heavily. His anger smolders and hardens.


  • PHIL looks at himself in the cracked mirror as his face changes from pure anger to Cold and emotionless. He has made a decision. PHILS expression holds over to--



    PHILS face remains cold as he stands on a bare massive stage. PHIL stands center stage in a stark white spot light.

    DR. CUNNINGHAM, in theatrical attire, stands beside PHIL, instrument table at the ready. The 2 Assistants stand on the opposite side of PHIL, wearing clean surgical attire.

    The audience is barely visible. Their silhouettes are harder to make out but its plain to see that the audience is much more massive and high class than any other venue before.

    DR. CUNNINGHAM, having dunked the scalpel in alcohol, offers the handle to PHIL. PHIL takes the handle and holds it, not removing it from DR. CUNNINGHAMS hand right away. DR. CUNNINGHAM looks at and locks eyes with PHIL. PHIL holds his stare for a few moments before taking the blade from DR. CUNNINGHAMS hand.

    DR. CUNNINGHAM seems to be a bit put off by this but doesnt dwell. PHIL raises the knife above his head, dramatically, as he did before and has done many times since. PHIL looks out at the crowd, Loath in his eyes. PHIL begins.

    3 Long cuts down his right side. Clean and Crisp Trumpets begins to play.

    4 cuts across his abdominal, Harps begin to play.

    1 cut down each outer thigh, Loud Drums kick in.

    The audience applauds.

    DR. CUNNINGHAM begins to ready his needle and thread. The 2 Assistants start to wipe down the already made cuts. They start with his sides. The 2 assistants begin by wiping and then gradually dabbing the wounds.

    The 2 assistants kneel down to wipe some blood thats trickled down PHILS leg. As the assistants start wiping, something falls into their field of vision. The assistants look at it confused, not sure what it is at first. Some chunk of red spongy material... Flesh.


  • The 2 Assistants look up to find PHIL has cut a chunk of flesh, the size of a playing card, out of his left side by having separate cuts intersect. The music of the Cello grows louder.

    PHIL makes a few more intersecting cuts on his right Bicep. Another chunk falls to the floor. The Oboe swells. The 2 Assistants leap up and start dabbing PHIL like mad. DR. CUNNINGHAM turns and sees whats happening. Another larger chunk falls from PHILS left cheek. A Therimin joins the instruments, adding a creepy undertone not previously there.

    The Audience seems to be getting upset at the sights theyre seeing. A very small pocket of people begin to get up to leave. DR. CUNNINGHAM rushes towards PHIL. PHIL Stops him with a palm to the face and pushes DR. CUNNINGHAM down to the ground.

    With his arm still outstretched, PHIL makes an extremely long incision from his wrist to his arm pit. The string section swells, as PHIL builds off of the last cut and begins to make 2 cuts, 1 around his wrist and 1 around his shoulder, linking the extremely long cut to the both of them. PHIL begins to peel the skin off of his right arm.

    The String section is now starting to dwarf all the other instruments playing. PHIL pushes the 2 Assistants away as they try to sedate him. PHIL then cuts into his left side. The cut starts at his waist, goes up to his arm pit, across both nipples and then diagonal back to the waist start.

    This massive slab of flesh slides off of PHIL and plops on to the floor. The Horn section quickly grows and soon over powers the String section, not making the string section any less loud.

    With the inclusion of the Horns there is now a loud droning tone a underlying endless note being played, swelling slowly but surely.

    The Most of the Audience is not quite put off by this sight as begin to leave but with the horns now ever louder a good handful of the audience are now covering their ears.

    PHIL Now does just what he did to his right arm to the left. The skin on his hands still attached, he now yanks the skin off of his arm. PHIL is clearly in a lot of pain but resentment has pushed him past the point of caring.

    The Music increases again in volume. The music is now starting to sound less like music and more of a loud droning sound, everything is getting too loud to hear anything clearly. Audience members are starting to bleed from their ears.


  • DR. CUNNINGHAM, covering his ears and standing up starts to advance towards PHIL. PHIL seeing this Makes a cut all the way around his waist and up his right side. The other massive front chunk flounders to the ground.

    The Volume increases again. DR. CUNNINGHAM is starting feel resistance as he seems to be trying to push through the sound. His stride is shortened but he continues to try and push through. DR. CUNNINGHAMS Ears are bleeding. The 2 assistants scurry away off stage. Out of the spot light and out of sight.

    PHIL lifts the blade to behind his back and makes a cut from arm pit to arm pit. PHIL starts to flex and tries to shrug off his entire back section. It begins to slowly slide down PHILS back like a wet pickle slice on glass.

    More and More instruments are added but none can be distinguished through the roaring drone of noise. The building is starting to shake. Stage lights begin to fall on the audience, a few bits of ceiling fall to the ground. The Audience is in hysterics. People are fighting for a way out, crawling over people, pushing and punching their way to freedom.

    DR. CUNNINGHAM is now staggering towards PHIL. DR. CUNNINGHAMS eyes are turning bloodshot. After few more step in advance towards PHIL, DR. CUNNINGHAMS eyes are now bleeding. Gravity is starting to take over the back skin as the top portion folds over and rolls down and off PHILS back. The already amazingly loud drone grows twice as loud as it was before.

    DR. CUNNINGHAM, only a few steps from PHIL, is showing strain on his face as it grows redder and redder until for a few seconds, DR. CUNNINGHAM is drooling blood out of his mouth. DR. CUNNINGHAM falls to his knees. He looks up to PHIL who is looking down at him with pure disdain and lack of remorse.

    Nothing left on PHILS upper body in the way of flesh besides his hands and whats from the neck up, PHIL reaches behind him and grasps the back flap of flesh at the base of his neck and begins to pull up.

    Inch by inch, the music grows more and more powerful. The building is positively shaking right now. PHIL looks out to the riot in front of him. Large hunks of ceiling come crashing down as the bottle neck effect takes its toll on the audience.

    PHIL looks back to DR. CUNNINGHAM, Seeing DR. CUNNINGHAM blind and useless. PHIL gives his skin a good long yank, taking the skin all the way up to the base of the skull.



    DR. CUNNINGHAMS eyes burst out of his skull, followed by his skull bursting off of his shoulders, leaving DR. CUNNINGHAM headless. The body collapses to the floor, lifeless. Utter Chaos continues on around them. More lights fall but the spot light on PHIL seems to be still on and fixed to PHIL, unwaveringly by all thats happening around it

    PHIL is now reaching the top of his skull. No longer focusing his attention on anything but the task at hand, PHILS eyes look up and watch as he pulls his mask of flesh down, off his brow and over his eyes.


    No screams, no crumbling ruble, Just droning.

    PHIL, Now nothing but a exposed muscle from the waist up, gets the flesh off his face and moves down to the last section holding to his flesh, the flesh on his throat.

    The entire Head section is all in one piece but seems to be stuck on his throat. PHIL wraps his hands around the fleshy mask and begins to pull with all his might.

    The Pain and strain shows on PHILS face as he continues to pull. The White spotlight on PHIL cracks causing some distortion with the lighting scheme.

    As PHIL is down to the last strands of flesh still holding to his throat, PHIL begins to scream. For the first time, the audience can almost hear his voice. With the Droning getting louder a new sound, almost a high-pitched scream joins in. The Droning is louder but the scream gets higher and higher in pitch the more PHIL comes closer to finally ripping the mask chunk off.

    The Droning is now at its absolute peak, just a loud rumble of noise with an almost faint inhumanly high pitched scream cuts through the drone.

    The last strand releases its grip as the Scream gets just a bit higher in pitch, causing the already cracked stage light to Shatter.



    Over the end credits, the sound of ringing in the ears plays through to the end.
