arkansas forest - southern research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has...


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Page 1: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating
Page 2: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating
Page 3: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

Arkansas Forest

Industries, 1971

Daniel F. Bertelson

Southern Forest Experiment Station New Orleans, La.

Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture

in cooperation w i t h

Arkansas State Forestry Commission

Page 4: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating



Primarg ulood-using plants in Arkansas, 1971

. . 11

Page 5: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

The Report in Brief

Arkansas forests supplied more than 451 million cubic feet of roundwood to forest in- dustries in 1971. Softwoods, mainly pine, made up more than two-thirds of the total. The timber harvest increased 15 percent during the years 1969-1971, while the number of pri- mary wood-using plants decreased. Saw logs and pulpwood comprised 83 percent of the roundwood. Veneer logs made up over 9 per- cent, with more than half of the remainder going into poles and charcoal wood. Figure 1 shows recent trends in output of these products.

cubic feet of wood residues. Seventy-nine per- cent of this volume was used for byproducts, mainly pulp chips. The volume of residues and the proportion utilized have both been increasing.

A total of 499 wood-using plants were in operation during 1971. Some small sawmills have been shutting down, and larger mills are increasing their output. Pulpmills have been expanding their capacities, and development of pine veneer plants has more than offset a declining hardwood veneer industry.

These are among the major findings of a canvass of all primary forest industries in Arkansas. In the past, surveys of forest indus- tries have usually been made on a 10-year cycle. Thus, data for Arkansas were gathered in 1948, 1958, and 1968. Because developments in the State have been proceeding rapidly, however, the Arkansas Forestry Commission saw the need for a new survey in 1971. Under supervision of James G. Barnum, Commission personnel visited all primary wood-using plants in the State. Their data were compiled and analyzed by the Forest Resources Research Unit of the Southern Forest Experiment Sta- tion.

This report tabulates total State production and shows softwood and hardwood output by county. It also lists names and addresses of all primary forest industries; plant locations

Figure l,-Output o f inclust~ial roundmood i n AT- are On page ii. For readers who need

kansas, by product, 1958-1 971. greater detail, a supplementary report, "Ar- kansas Product Output and Timber Removals

In converting roundwood into lumber and by County," is available without charge from veneer, Arkansas mills generated 170 million the Southern Forest Experiment Station.

Page 6: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

SAW LOGS s Arkansas harvested 1 3 billion board feet

of saw logs in 1971, about half of the State's total roundwood production. Softwoods, most- ly pine but including some cypress and eastern redcedar, made up two-thirds of the volume. Oaks accounted for 62 percent of the hardwood saw logs with the gums second in volume har- vested. Some 67 million board feet of saw logs came from out of the State. This was almost three times the amount exported to surrounding States.

For the last 25 years, the trend in the South has been toward fewer but larger sawmills. Thus, 78 Arkansas sawmills shut down in the last 3 years, but average production per mill increased from 2.8 million board feet in 1968 to 3.7 in 1971. Of the mills that closed, only one was large (cutting at least 3 million board feet annually).

Receipts at the 92 large mills now in opera- tion accounted for almost 90 percent of the State's saw log production.

Arkansas still has 278 small sawmills. They vary widely in size and equipment, but for most the annual production is considerably less than 3 million feet. Many lack dry kilns and planers, and only a few have equipment for converting their residues into pulp chips. Ownership changes rapidly, and continued closures may be expected. In contrast to the situation 10 or 15 years ago, however, the great majority of surviving small mills are at fixed locations. In Arkansas, as elsewhere, the portable mill has become a rarity.


Arkansas' harvest of round pulpwood in 1971 totaled 1.9 million cords, an increase of 23 percent since 1968 (fig. 2). Pine bolts accounted for nearly two-thirds of the total. Oaks and gums were the dominant hardwoods.

Although the number of pulpmills in Arkan- sas remained constant, plant expansion raised the combined total capacity of the seven mills from 4,113 tons per day in 1968 to 4,740 tons in 1971. Capabilities of individual mills range from 140 to 1,700 tons daily.

In addition to roundwood the pulpmills used the equivalent of 1.3 million cords of plant

Figure 2.-Pulpwood production i n Arkansas, 1958- 1971.

byproducts in 1971. This volume represents over two fifths of the total pulpwood produc- tion in the State. Use of plant byproducts has increased 69 percent since 1968; almost all of this wood comes from ihe big mills that saw most of the State's pinc saw logs or rnanufac- ture southern pine plywood.


Again in keeping with trends throughout the Midsouth, Arkansas has increased its pine plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating dur- ing 1971, seven manufactured southern pine plywood and one produced only green pine veneer.

Arkansas forests yielded 259 million board feet of veneer logs in 1971, a 14-percent in- crease over 1968. Softwood logs accounted for this increase and also made up for a 20-percent decline in hardwood veneer logs. Softwoods represented 94 percent of the State's veneer log harvest in 1971. Less than 10 years ago, hardwoods accounted for all of it.


The volume of roundwood used for all other products increased by 42 percent since 1968

Page 7: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

and accounted for almost 8 percent of the total harvest. Southern pine poles were the leading item in this category, with charcoal wood sec- ond. The two combined used 23 million cubic feet of wood. Another 12 million cubic feet were cut for miscellaneous products such as commercial posts, piling, furniture stock, han- dlestock, excelsior, miscellaneous dimension, and cooperage.


In the conversion of roundwood into pri- mary products, more than 170 million cubic feet of wood residues was generated. Two- thirds of this volume was in coarse items such as slabs, edgings, cull pieces, and other material suitable for conversion into pulp chips. The rest was comprised of finer particles such as sawdust and shavings.

Over 104 million cubic feet of such plant byproducts went into pulp. Fourteen million cubic feet were burned for domestic and indus- trial fuel. And 17 million cubic feet were used

for miscellaneous purposes such as charcoal animal bedding, and soil mulch.

Thus, Arkansas forest industries convertec 79 percent of their wood residues into plan byproducts in 1971. The unused 35 millioi cubic feet was mostly fine particles with nl present market. In 1968, 65 percent of residue were utilized. Decline of small sawmills, wit1 consequently greater aggregation of residue at large sawmills with chipping equipment explains most of the improvement in utiliza tion.

While converting roundwood during 1971 Arkansas forest industries accumulated 1 .! million tons of bark. Somewhat less than two thirds of this material was burned as industria fuel or-in smaller amounts-utilized for char coal, domestic fuel, animal bedding, and soi mulch. Over one-half million tons of bark wa, unused in the State.

Bark presently has little value, but a t re mendous amount is generated annually. P major need is to devise ways of using it tc advantage.

Page 8: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

Table 1. Volume o f i n d u s t r i a l roundwood, 1971

Saw l o g s M bd. f t . l 1 ,341,352 919,632 421,720 221,581 151,280 70,301 Veneer l o g s M bd. f t . ' 258,581 242,323 16 ,258 42,590 39,862 2,728 Pulpwood S td . co rds 1 ,884,564 1,236,179 648,385 152,001 100,130 51 ,871 P i l i n g M l i n e a r f t . 1 ,142 1,142 ... 855 855 ... P o l e s M p i e c e s 1 ,142 1,142 ... 12,044 12,044 ... P o s t s M p i e c e s 7 ,240 7,240 ... 4,065 4 ,065 ... Misc. p r o d u c t s 2 M cu. f t . 18 ,189 1 ,701 16 ,488 18,189 1 ,701 16,488


T o t a l 451,325 309,937 141,388

i ~ n t e r n a t i o n a l 114-inch r u l e . I nc ludes chemical wood, f u r n t i u r e s t o c k , hand le s tock , e x c e l s i o r , cooperage , misc . dimension, mine t imbe r s , and o t h e r i n d u s t r i a l p r o d u c t s .

Table 2. Industr ial , roundwood, by spec ies , 1971

Volume i n s t a n d a r d u n i t s

Softwood: P i n e s 908,664 242,323 1,236,179 1 ,142 1 ,142 7,189 1 , 7 0 1 Cypress 9,895 ... ... ... ... ... . . . Other softwoods 1 ,073 . . . ... ... ... 5 1 ...

Standard u n i t s

Roundwood volume

T o t a l 919,632 242,323 1,236,179 1 ,142 1 ,142 7,240 1 ,701

/ Softwood / Hardwood s p e c i e s A l l

s p e c i e s

Hardwood : Black and t u p e l o gums 61,158 4,422 221,364 ... ... ... 770 Sweet gum 14,491 1 ,207 ... ... ... ... 1 ,470 Red oaks 188,298 3,876 275,303 ... ... ... 3 ,651 White oaks 74,857 2,682 ... ... ... ... 3,138 Other hardwoods 82,916 4 ,071 151,718 ... ... ... 7,459

- - - -M b d . f t . I - - - - S t d . cords M l i n e a r St. - -M pieces- - M c u . f t . Veneer l o g s Spec i e s group Pulpwood

T o t a l 421,720 16,258 648,385 ... ... ... 16,488 -


Saw l o g s

A l l s p e c i e s 1,341,352 258,581 1,884,564 1 ,142 1 ,142 7,240 18 ,189

l I n t e r n a t i o n a l 114-inch r u l e . lack and t u p e l o combined w i t h sweetgum. 3 ~ e d and wh i t e oaks combined.


Tab le 3. Residues produced by primary wood-using plants , 1971

P i l i n g P o s t s P o l e s

Lumber 134,844 45,350 89,494 101,516 30,694 70,822 33,328 14,656 18 ,672 Veneer 20,173 840 19 ,333 19 ,113 796 18,317 1 ,060 44 1,016 P i l i n g , pol .es,

and p o s t s 3,916 2,435 1 ,481 3,916 2,435 1 , 4 8 1 ... ... ... Misce l l aneous

p roduc t s 11 ,695 6,805 4,890 869 521 348 10,826 6,284 4,542

Miscellanea roducts

Type of i n d u s t r y

A l l p roduc t s 170,628 55,430 115,198 125,414 34,446 90,968 45,214 20,984 24,230 ' ~ x c l u d e s woodpulp i n d u s t r y .

~ -

2 ~ i n e r e s i d u e s i n c l u d e s sawdust , s c r e e n i n g s , and o t h e r m a t e r i a l g e n e r a l l y t oo sma l l f o r ch ipp ing . 3 ~ o a r s e r e s i d u e s i n c l u d e s l a b s , edg ings , tr immings, and o t h e r m a t e r i a l g e n e r a l l y s u i t a b l e f o r ch ippin!

A l l s p e c i e s T o t a l I I?ine2 / c o a r s e 3 / T o t a l ] I?ine2 I c o a r s e 3 1 T o t a l I ~ i n e ' ] c o a r s e 3

So£ twood Hardwood

Page 9: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

Table 4. Volume of primary plant byproducts, 2971

Source i n d u s t r y 1 / Type of u s e I A l l s p e c i e s / Softwood l~a rdwood

Lumber ~ u e l ~ 13,052 9,237 3,815 ~ i b e r 87,149 75,201 11,948 o t h e r 4 12 ,606 8,532 4,074

Tota l

Veneer Fuel 578 422 156 F i b e r 16,953 16,085 868 Other 2,326 2,326 ...

Tota l

P i l i n g , p o l e s , Fue l 3 3 ... and p o s t s F i b e r 301 301 . . .

Other 27 2 7 . . . T o t a l 331 331 . . .

Miscel laneous Fue 1 442 131 311 i n d u s t r i e s F i b e r . . . ... ...

Other 2,182 6 8 2,114

T o t a l 2,624 199 2,425

A l l i n d u s t r i e s Fue l 14,075 9,793 4,282 F i b e r 104,403 91,587 12,816 Other 17 ,141 10,953 6,188

T o t a l 135,619 112,333 23,286 l ~ x c l u d e s woodpulp i n d u s t r y . 2 ~ n c l u d e s a l l r e s i d u e s used a s f u e l by i n d u s t r i a l p l a n t s and domestic

f u e l e i t h e r s o l d o r g iven away. 3 ~ n c l u d e s a l l r e s i d u e s used i n manufa t u r e o f f i b e r p roduc t s , such a s pulp o r hardboard.

4 ~ n c l u d e s r e s i d u e s used a s l i v e s t o c k bedding, mulch, f l o o r sweepings, and s p e c i a l t y i t ems .

Table 5 . Movement of industrial roundwood, by product, 2971

Saw l o g s M b d f t . : 67,106 1,317,683 23,669 1,384,789 1 ,341,352 Veneer M bd. f t . 52,746 258,581 . . . 311,327 258,581 Pulpwood S td . co rds 184,917 1 ,672,361 212,203 1,857,278 1,884,564 P i l i n g M l i n e a r f t . 4 1,142 ,. . 1,146 1 ,142 Po les M p i e c e s 7 1 1,141 1 1,212 1,142 P o s t s M p i e c e s 2 ,921 7,202 38 10,123 7 ,240 Misc. p roduc t s M cu. f t . 712 18,091 98 18,803 18,189 ' I n t e r n a t i o n a l 114-inch r u l e .

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S tandaydun i t s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Logged and shipped Out

of S t a t e Product

Out of S t a t e

r e c e i p t s Unit

Logged and remained i n S t a t e

Total receipts

T o t a l p roduc t ion

Page 10: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

Table 6. Saw-log production by county, 1971

Faulkner Frank l in Fu l ton

Gar land Grant Greene

Hemps tead Hot Spring Howard

Independence Iza rd


Jackson 1,615 127 1,488 J e f f e r s o n 12,979 7,940 5,039 Johnson 10,074 6,714 3,360

Laf a y e t t e Lawrence

A l l s p e c i e s


S t . F ranc i s S a l i n e S c o t t Searcy Sebas t i an Sev ie r Sharp Stone


Van Buren

- - - - - - M bd. f t . l- - - - - - Arkansas 24,529 746 23,783 Ashley 18,182 2,805 15,377

Baxter 1,666 376 1,290 Benton 2,268 9 8 2,170 Boone 1,432 3 1,429 Bradley 49,073 45,202 3,871

Calhoun 57,128 38,974 18,154 C a r r o l l 1,296 291 1,005 Chicot 1,114 6 1,108 Clark 69,115 55,452 13,663 Clay 3,609 503 3,106 Cleburne 2,658 1,230 1,428 Cleveland 77,206 46,648 30,558 Columbia 19,732 16,250 3,482 Conway 1,133 424 709 Craighead 2,111 265 1,846 Crawf ord 1,495 1 3 1,482 Cr i t t enden 317 ... 317 Cross 2,239 . . . 2,239

Dal las 60,420 45,147 15,273 Desha 17,253 1,806 15,447 Drew 13,080 2,126 10,954

Washington 3,148 ... 3,148 White 12,314 380 11,934 Woodruff 10,280 538 9,742


- - - - - - M b d . f t , l - - - - - - Lincoln 11,324 4,981 6,343 L i t t l e River 22,618 19,903 2,715 Logan 13,506 13,080 426 Lonoke 5,335 15 5,320

Madison 6,869 73 6,796 Marion 2,361 768 1,593 M i l l e r 7,297 5,849 1,448 M i s s i s s i p p i 6,429 1,257 5,172 Monroe 9,612 182 9,430 Montgomery 19,635 19,622 1 3

Nevada 35,929 29,207 6,722 Newton 7,780 3,686 4,094

Ouachita 38,249 17,608 20,641

Per ry 16,822 14,781 2,041 P h i l l i p s 5 ,451 78 5,373 P ike 53,811 51,688 2,123 P o i n s e t t 3,991 1 3 3,978 Polk 11,849 10,797 1,052 Pope 16,289 12,873 3,416 P r a i r i e 3,527 72 3,455 Pu lask i 19,869 16,651 3,218

Lee 4,677 2 1 4,656 1 1 A l l count ies 1,341,352 919,632 421,720 I n t e r n a t i o n a l 114-inch r u l e .

Hardwood County A l l s p e c i e s

Softwood Hardwood

Page 11: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

Table 7. Sawlog movement, 1971

Arkansas 6,036 18,493

Bax t er Benton Boone Bradley


C a r r o l l 798 498 Clark 40,859 28,256 Cleburne 2,658 . . . Cleveland 15,174 62,032 Columbia 13,741 5,991 Conway 170 963 Craw fo rd 30 1,465

- - - - -MiZZion board feet2 - - - -

Logged and remained in


Da l l a s Drew

T o t a l l o g r e c e i p t s

Outgoing shipments

F rank l in 580 5,236

Incoming shipments

Grant 57,011 21,021

Hemps tead 6,728 20,798 Hot Spring 10,621 32,752 Howard 93,431 4,799

Independence 2,620 ... I za rd 4,780 590

Johnson 7,616 2,458

Lawrence 4,554 3,895 L i t t l e River 4,676 17,942 Lonoke 5,223 112

Madison 4,451 2,418 Marion 712 1,649 Miller 4,693 2,604

Page 12: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

Table 7. Sawlog movement, 1971 (Continued)

Monroe 8,805 807 8,920 17,725 Montgomery 9,793 9,842 12,398 22,191


Nevada Newton

Ouachi ta 26,164 12,085 39,861 66,025

- - - - - Million board feet2 - - - -

Logged and remained in


Phillips 4,963 488 6,469 11,432 Pike 17,507 36,304 14,552 32,059 Polk 6,353 5,496 10,890 17,243 Pope 14,681 1,608 11,816 26,497 Pulaski 2,878 16,992 13,653 16,531

Randolph 3,999 788 111 4,110

Outgoing shipments

St. Francis 2,990 1,214 5,023 8,013 Saline 11,418 12,775 7,249 18,667 Scott 18,796 7,561 9,256 28,052 Searcy 12,405 ... 5,680 18,089 Sevier 5,669 16,784 4 9 5,718 Sharp 1,008 775 8 4 1,092 Stone 7,948 4,163 1,195 9,143

Union 76,904 3,070 81,482 158,386

Incoming shipments

Van Buren 2,322 2,626 85 2,407

Total log receipts

Washington 2,902 246 2,439 5,341 White 10,116 2,198 . . . 10,116

Yell 39,056 11,770 14,858 53,914

All other counties 49,089 165,208 80,806 129,895

T~tal 696,817 644,535 687,972 1,384,789 >counties with less than three plants are omitted. *~nternational 114-inch rule

Page 13: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

Table 8 . Round pulpwood production, 1971

Arkansas Ashley

Boone Bradley

Calhoun Chicot Clark Cleburne Cleveland Columbia Conway Crawf ord Cr i t t enden

Dal las Desha Drew

county I

Faulkner 257 . . . Frankl in 2,370 2,005 2: / / Garland 12,904 9,560 3,344 Grant 126,285 62,801 63,484 1

A l l

Hempstead 56,450 45,566 10,884 Hot Spring 60,609 37,539 23,070 Howard 43,042 33,118 9,924

s p e c i e s

Independence 7,587 3,878 Izard 2,725 2,264


Jackson 828 78 J e f f e r s o n 55,467 33,505 Johnson 14,546 10,395 4,151

s p e c i e s

Lafaye t te 57,213 43,943 13,270 Lee 3,902 24 3,878 Lincoln 24,083 7,269 16,814 L i t t l e River 42,729 29,622 13,107

'count ies w i t h no pulpwood product ion a r e omit ted.

- - - Standard cords - - - Hardwood

Logan Lonoke

M i l l e r M i s s i s s i p p i Monroe Montgomery

Nevada Newton


Per ry P h i l l i p s Pike Polk Pope P r a i r i e Pu lask i

- - - Standard cords - - - Softwood

S t . F ranc i s 7 4 S a l i n e 44,168 27,806 16 ,36 S c o t t 13,007 11,826 1 , 1 8 Searcy 8 4 Sebas t i a n 880 750 1 3 Sevier 37,920 22,016 15,90 Stone 1,375 1,200 17

county1 Hardwoc

Union 171,958 120,829 51,12

A 1 1

Van Buren 19,298 16,578 2,72

White 12,251 1,626 10,62 Woodruff 6 5 10 5

Yel l 30,346 23,022 7,32

A l l c o u n t i e s 1,884,564 1,236,179 648.38

Page 14: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

Table 9. veneer-log production by county, 1971

Arkansas 758 Ashley 107,087

County 1


M. bd. ft.2

Bradley 4,597

A l l spec ies County I


M. bd. ft.2

Calhoun 17,145 Clark 9,219 Cleveland 21,182 Columbia 6 15

A l l spec ies

Dallas Drew

Faulkner 306

Grant 3,751

Hemps t ead 1,056 Hot Spring 615 Howard 15,128

Lee 10 2 Lincoln 15 3 L i t t l e River 17,511 Lonoke 613



Perry P h i l l i p s Pike Polk Pulaski

S t . Francis 4 5 Sal ine 1,534 Sevier 1,644

I / Union

Je f fe r son 1,073 I 1 Tota l 258,581 l c o u n t i e s wi th n e g l i g i b l e output a r e omitted. 2 ~ n t e r n a t i o n a l 1/4-inch r u l e .

Table 10. Piling production by county, 1971

Clark Cleveland

Dal las

Garland Grant

Hot Spring

Je f fe r son

I / Ouachita 7

Pike Pulaski

Sa l ine



Lincoln 4 1,142

'counties w i t h n e g l i g i b l e output are omitted.


Page 15: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

Table 11. Pole production by county, 1972

M pieces I ' I M pieces

county l

Cleburne Cleveland

Ouachita 1

A l l s p e c i e s (softwood)

Perry Pike Polk

Dal las



A l l s p e c i e s (so£ twood)

Sco t t Sevier Stone

Hot Spring Howard

J e f f e r s o n Johnson

Lincoln L i t t l e River 4 Logan 39 I I Tota l 1,142

Counties wi th n e g l i g i b l e output a r e omitted.

Table 12. CommerciaZ post production by county, 1972

Baxt e r Boone Bradley

Nevada Newton


Ouachita 3 0


county1 A l l s p e c i e s (so£ twood)

C a r r o l l Clark Cleburne Columbia Crawf ord

A l l s p e c i e s (softwood)

M pieces

Perry 100 Pike 4 0 Polk 2,512 Pope 17

M pieces

Frank l in Ful ton

Sco t t Searcy Sevier Stone Hot Spring

Howard Union 11

Van Buren 30 Johnson

Yel l 519 Logan

lcoun t ies wi th n e g l i g i b l e output a r e omitted.

Page 16: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

Table 13. Output o f rnisceZZaneous products by county, 1971

county ' / 1 Softwood 1 Hardwood spec i e s

- - - M cubic feet- - -

Arkansas 40 . - . 40

Benton Boone Bradley

Calhoun C a r r o l l Clark Clay Cleburne Cleveland Columbia Craighead Crawford Cross

Dal las Desha Drew

Faulkner 342 . . . 34 2 F ra nk l i n 1,016 4 7 969

Garland Grant Greene

Hemps t ead 37 . . . 3 7 Hot Spring 330 199 131 Howard 28 . . . 2 8

Independence 1 4 ... 14 I z a rd 1 4 ... 14

Jackson 4 . . . 4 J e f f e r s o n 258 6 0 198 Johnson 24 ... 2 4

La£ a y e t t e 7 ... 7 Lawrence 7 ... 7 Lee 2 2 . . . 22

county ' / / Softwood ( Hardwood spec i e s - - -M cubic feet- - - 1 Logan


Madison 2,793 . . . 2,793 Mar ion 4 ... 4 Mis s i s s i pp i 5 . . . 5 Monroe 489 ... 489 Montgomery 137 9 2 4 5

I I Nevada 7 7 19 5 8 Newton 3,460 . . . 3,460

I I Ouachita 62 . . . 6 2

P h i l l i p s 9 4 ... 94 Pike 2 9 . . . 2 9 Po in se t t 20 . . . 20 Polk 445 445 ... P r a i r i e 352 ... 352 Pu l a sk i 168 61 107

11 Randolph 170 ... 170

S t . Franc is 93 . . . 9 3 Sa l i ne 5 5 2 3 3 2 Sco t t 772 2 770 Searcy 323 14 309 Sebas t i a n 4 3 35 8 Sevier 28 ... 2 8 Stone 64 . . . 64

1 1 Union

1 1 Van Buren 3 . . . 3

Washington 2 34 4 9 185 White 161 ... 16 1 Woodruff 272 ... 272

1 1 ~ l l coun t i e s 18,189 1,701 16,488 ICounties w i th n e g l i g i b l e ou tput a r e omit ted.

Page 17: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

Table 14. Industria2 roundwood production by county, 2971

Arkansas Ashley

Baxter Benton Boone Bradley

Calhoun Carroll Chicot Clark Clay Cleburne Cleveland Columbia Conway Craighead Crawf ord Crittenden Cross

Dallas Desha Drew

Faulkner Franklin Fulton

Garland Grant Greene

Nempstead Not Spring Howard

Independence Izard

Jackson Jefferson Johnson

County / All species 1 Softwood 1 Hardwood I

Lincoln Little River Logan Lonoke

County All species

Madison Marion Miller Mississippi Monroe Montgomery

- - - M cubic feet- - -

Nevada Newton

- - - M cubic feet - - - Softwood



Perry Phillips Pike Poinsett Polk Pope Prairie Pulaski


St.Francis Saline Scott Searcy Sebas tian Sevier Sharp Stone


Van Buren

Washington White Woodruff

tafayette 6,768 5,300 1,468 / Lawrence 1,409 522 887 ~ Lee 1,131 5 1,126 1

Yell 11,483 10,539 84

~ l l counties 451,325 309,937 141,38

Page 18: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

Tab le 1 5 - Plant byproducts by county, 1972

- - - - - - - - -M cubic feet- - - - - - - - - County 1

Arkansas . . . 219 ... 1 .. ., 218 Ashley 675 9,043 376 8,649 299 394

A l l s p e c i e s I Softwood 1 Hardwood

Baxter 5 16 . . . . . . 5 16 Benton 92 7 1 3 4 8 9 6 7 Boone 26 131 ... ... 26 131 Bradley 2,974 6,489 2,100 4,888 874 1 ,601

F ine 1 Coarse 1 Fine 1 Coarse / Fine I Coarse

C a r r o l l Clark Cleburne Cleveland Columbia Conway Craighead Crawford Cross

Da l l a s Drew

Faulkner . . . 5 ... . . . ... 5 F rank l in 276 210 16 1 3 260 197

Gar land 900 2,095 898 2,094 2 1 Grant 3,343 7,898 2,916 6,807 427 1 ,091 Greene 3 3 5 ... 2 3 3 3

Hemps t ead 433 841 321 748 112 9 3 Hot Spring 754 1,894 754 1,894 ... ... Howard 3,716 10,178 3,710 9,743 6 435

Independence 7 480 2 399 5 81 I za rd 4 1 316 10 270 3 1 46

J e f f e r s o n 6 26 1,443 616 1,436 L 0 7 Johnson 3 529 1 521 2 8

Lawrence . . . 12 . . . ... . . . 12 L i t t l e River 154 479 154 479 ... ...

Page 19: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

Table 15. Plant byproducts by county, 1971 (Continued)

- - - - - - - - - M cubic feet- - - - - - - - - Madison 6 7 1 424 2 ... 669 424 ... ... Marion ... 1 ... 1 Miller 158 5 38 158 374 ... 164 Monroe 555 740 5 1 3 550 7 2 7 ... Montgomery 457 1 ,400 457 1 ,400 ... Nevada 1 ,749 4,085 1 ,749 4,082 ... 3 Newton 4 1 2 1 . . . ... 4 1 2 1

Ouachi ta 720 2,433 346 1 ,592 374 841

P h i l l i p s 6 5 34 ... 2 6 532 ... P i k e 873 2,024 873 2,024 ... Polk 670 1 ,398 666 1 ,376 4 2 2 Pope 732 1 ,644 705 1 ,625 2 7 1 9 ... ... P r a i r i e * . . 221 7 214 P u l a s k i 286 752 38 1 4 3 248 609

... Randolph 9 14 ... 9 14

S t . F r a n c i s 80 185 ... ... 80 185 S a l i n e 442 1 ,275 435 1 ,258 7 17 S c o t t 554 1 ,898 363 1 ,745 1 9 1 1 5 3 Searcy 74 671 25 1 4 7 49 524 ... S e v i e r 32 440 3 2 3 1 5 125 ... ... Sharp 3 4 3 4

... ... Stone 576 655 576 655

Union 4,314 12,045 3,742 10,742 572 1 ,303

Washington 195 231 14 9 1 8 1 222 White 64 206 1 11 6 3 195

... ... ... Woodruff ... 5 5

Y e l l 1 ;558 4,690 1 ,504 4,625 5 4 65

A l l o t h e r c o u n t i e s

Omitted c o u n t i e s have e i t h e r n e g l i g i b l e volume o r less t h a n t h r e e p l a n t s .

Page 20: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

Table 16. Unused plant residues by eounty, 1971

- - - - - - - - M cubic feet - - - - - - - -

1 County

Arkansas 245 9 7 2 3 243 94

Baxter Bent on Boone Bradley

A l l s p e c i e s

C a r r o l l Clark Cleburne Cleveland Columbia Conway Craighead Crawf ord Cross

Softwood I Hardwood

Da l l a s 1,800 1,486 1,013 591 787 895

Fine 1 Caarse I Fine I Coarse I Fine 1 Coarse

Faulkner Frankl in

Gar land Grant Greene

Hemps tead 3 0 4 1 2 2 9 2 Hot Spring 136 7 9 91 2 2 4 5 57 Howard 383 165 58 6 7 325 98

Independence 345 150 212 61 133 89 Izard 268 2 30 210 164 58 66

J e f f e r s o n 6 8 4 5 . * . ... 68 45 Johnson 330 131 2 6 1 46 69 8 5

Lawrence 209 250 . . * . * . 209 250 L i t t l e River 165 144 9 3 5 4 f 2 90 Logan 276 4 274 I 2 3 Eonoke $27 12 84 I d. 226 283

Page 21: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

Table 16. Unused plant residues by county, 1971 (Continued)

- - - - - - - - -M eubie feet - - - - - - - -

Mar ion 2 6 31 14 18 12 1 3 Miller 16 1 5 0 10 16 151 3 4 ... Monroe 5 6 60 1 5 5 6 0 Montgomery 277 218 268 200 9 18

Nevada 8 8 107 44 5 5 44 5 2 Newton 3,602 2,391 25 36 3,577 2,355

Ouachita 1,369 1,683 1,029 1 ,591 340 9 2

P h i l l i p s 428 154 3 5 425 149 P ike 196 269 10 1 14 9 9 5 120 Polk 642 423 592 375 50 48 Pope 9 7 15 1 4 6 7 2 5 1 7 9 P r a i r i e 335 136 9 1 3 326 123 Pu la sk i 435 4 34 220 178 215 256

... ... Randolph 229 224 229 224

S t . F ranc i s 24 3 186 4 6 239 180 Sa l ine 14 5 3 4 110 2 3 5 32 Sco t t 908 384 839 321 69 63 Searcy 547 282 178 261 369 2 1 Sevier 655 92 516 44 139 4 8 ... ... Sharp 33 41 3 3 4 1 Stone 8 6 161 56 8 0 30 8 1

Union 7 64 465 36 38 728 427

Van Buren 137 178 48 6 7 89 111

... ... Washington 1 3 1 3 White 272 229 8 4 264 225 ... ... Woodruff 10 4 10 4

Y e l l 259 82 255 7 3 4 9

A l l o t h e r coun t i e s 934 19 6 161 8 5 7 7 3 111

T o t a l 21,185 13,824 7,965 5,116 13,220 8,708 lOmitted coun t i e s have e i t h e r n e g l i g i b l e volume o r less than t h r e e p l a n t s .

Page 22: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

Table 17 . Bark used by county, 1971

county1 / A l l s p e c i e s / Softwood / Hardwood 11 county1 / A l l s p e c i e s / Softwood I Hardwooc


Baxter Benton Boone Bradley

C a r r o l l C l a rk Columbia Conway Craighead Crawford Cross

D a l l a s

Faulkner F r a n k l i n

Garland Grant Greene

Hempstead 4,003 3,845 158 Hot Spr ing 9,740 9,740 . . . Howard 53,446 50,196 3,250

Independence 1,566 ... 1,566 I z a r d 866 222 644

J e f f e r s o n 14,130 13 ,111 1 ,019 Johnson 24 1 23

Lawrence 165 . . . 165 L i t t l e River 68,744 50,383 18 ,361 Logan 7,207 ... 7,207

I Madison Marion

Nevada Newton

Ouachi ta

P h i l l i p s P ike Polk Pope P u l a s k i


S t . F r a n c i s S a l i n e S c o t t Searcy Sev i e r Sharp Stone


Washington White Woodruff

Y e l l

A l l o t h e r c o u n t i e s

Tot a 1

] .omitted c o u n t i e s have e i t h e r n e g l i g i b l e volume o r l e s s t han t h r e e p l a n t s .

Page 23: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

Table 18. B a r k unused by county, 1,071

county1 / A l l s p e c i e s / Softwood Hardwood 1 1 county1 ( A l l s p e c i e s / Softwood / Hardwood

Arkansas Ashley

Baxter Benton Boone Bradley

C a r r o l l Clark Cleburne Cleveland Columbia Conway Craighead Crawf ord Cross

Da l l a s Drew

Faulkner F rank l in

Garland Grant Greene

Hempstead Hot Spr ing Howard

Madison Mar i on Miller Monroe Montgomery

Nevada Newton


P h i l l i p s P ike Polk Pope P r a i r i e P u l a s k i


S t . F r anc i s S l a i n e S c o t t Searcy Sev i e r Sharp Stone


Van Buren

Lawrence 3.586 . . . 3.586 1 1 A l l o t h e r

Independence 4,860 2,530 2,330 I za rd 4,580 3,668 912

J e f f e r s o n 5,929 5 ,909 20 Johnson 5,024 3,815 1 ,209

Washington 2,276 . . . 2,276 White 3,817 79 3,738 Woodruff 7 5 . . . 75

y e l l 16,500 16,378 122

'omi t ted c o u n t i e s have e i t h e r n e g l i g i b l e volume o r l e s s than t h r e e p l a n t s .

L i t t l e River 11;929 8 ,631 3; 298 Logan 3,348 3,296 52 Lonoke 3,942 6 3,936

coun t i e s 24,085 9,734 14 ,351

T o t a l 581,323 305,406 275,917

Page 24: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

Ashley P . E . Barnes Lumbcr Co. ' iiamburg Rt . 3 , Box 7

T a b l e 19 . I c rpc sm.w?-illsl

Bradley P o t l a t c l i F o r e s t s , I n c . Warren Box 190


Cvlhoun Hampton Lumber Co. ilnnlp t o n

Arkansas C. P. Chvney S ~ w n i i l l , i n c ? Dewi t t Box 271

P l a n t

R t . I , Fordyce

Firm L o c a t i o n

C h i c o t J . H. ilomlen 6 Sons


Box X

C l a r k R a r k s d a l e Lumber Co. 3 . A. B a r r i n g e r 6 S o n s 3 J o h n n i e & C u r t Rean Lumbcr Co. ' Milus Bean Lumber Co. 3 D a i l y Lumber Co. F r i z z e l l Lumber Co. Gurdon Lumber Co. 3 Gurdon Lumber Co. 3

i b i t y &?,elen S p r i n g s Amity ~ h i t y A r k a d e l p h i a Girrdon Beiriie Curdon

Rox 56, Curdon

Box 97 Sparkn,nn Box 207 !!ox 8 Box 160

Clay 3. W. Black Lumber Co. 3 Corning Box 107

Cleburne O l i u e t t e Supply Co. Rt . 3 , Higden

Cleveland Kings land Lumber Co. , I n c . 3 S a l i n e Hardwood C o . a

Box 6

Columbia Arkansas-Louis iana 1.umbcr Co. , I n c . ? Magnolia ILumber Co., I n c . 3

Emerson fl;ignol i;i

h'r,st !Jez:?pliis

i:ordyre Fordyrc Sparkm,in

? I n n t i c e l l o Selma

liot S p r i n g s Iiot S p r i n g s

S i le r idnn Si rer idan Sherid,!" I .eola S h e r i d a n 1.~01',



N , i s h v i l l e N a s l r v i l l c D i e r k s

B d t e s v i l l e

C a l i c o Rock

Box 286 Eox 218

1105 Gortli > l i ss i .nr i

R t . 1 Box J l ? ?:nrri: Conneicc

Rrrx 5 1h R t . 2, BOX 6 2 , l i l l n r

E i i v 1265 H t . 6 , Box 515

Kt. 2 , Box 17 C R t . 4 , Box 150 300 Long Re11 Box 125 Box 6H Box 95

Rox F

Box 158

llox 2 19 hox 98

C r i t t e n d e n

D a l l a s

Dacus Lumber Co.

D . J . Barnes Lumber Ca. " L. L. Bruce Co. , I n c . Sparkman Lumber Co.




J. P. P r i c e Lumber Co. Selma Timber Co.

R a t e s Limber Co. 'j

B. C. Wilson Lunbcr Lo . , I nc . ' John 0 . Brown S,irr:~i l I is I o g g l n g ' A. L . E n g l i s h ? l i l i ' W. S. Fox b S o n s ' H . C. T o l e r 6 Sori i.uii.ber Co. , Inc. 3. L . Wi l l iams 6 Son, I n c . ilerman Wil son I iinber Co. 3


liot S p r i n g


iieopsreod Manufac tur ing Co. '

Rot S p r i n g County 1.unlber Co. 3

C l r n r r r e e k T i e Co. .J. D. S c o t t Lumber Co. ' Weyerhaeuser Co. , D i e r k s C i t y P l a n t '


I z a r d


J e f f e r s o n


i..rt .,yet r e

I i n c o l n

liiwLiy Lumber Co. ' Box 206

Box 196

Rax 617

Upst 6 t h

Box 321

!!ayes Brus. !.i~mher Co.

C u r t n c r I.umbcr Co. ' W. S. Fox 6 Sons

Oz,irk Box 6 CrriLing Cn . '

F u l l e r Lumbcr Co. ?

Floyds S a t m i l l , !nc.

l i ~ w p o r t

P i n e R l u f f

C l a r k s v i l l e

i . rwlsv i1 l e

? t a r C i t y

1 . i t t l e i l i v e r G u n t r r liros. 1.iimhcr Co . Wil t o n

Locan Simmons i.iinher Co . l i o o n e v i l l e Box 398

? l i l l e r .Jones Ltimber Co. J u n k i n 1.tln:ber Co. , lnc. '

l e x n r k a n n Boh 954 l e x a r k a n a Box 59

?lotiroe P o t l a ~ c i i F o r e s t s , I n c . Clarendon

Non8gai;cry i \ rkansas Wood Proriticts Cc! K i l l i a n Lumber Co. ' S c o t t 1.iimber Co. ?

3ori;:an Uorrlan ? I t . I d a

Fordyce Lox 98 Box 275

?;ev.~dn l ' o t l a t c l i F o r e s t s , i n c . ? P r e s c o t t

i lunc l i i ta Brarden Lumber Ca . , Inc . ' Rearden Box 155 C t i i d e s t e r Lumber Co. C l i i d r s t p r Box 8 Keynolds-h%ite Lumber Cn. C u l l e n d a l e Box 366, Cnmden Rogers !.umber Co. , I n c . ramden Rt . 3 , Box 213 Yellow P i n e I.t>mbcr Co. , I n c . S~CPIIPI>S Box 486

Page 25: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

Table 19. Large sanniZZsl (Continued)

Pe r ry C. J . P i e r c e Lumber ~ 0 . ~ B. H. S a t t e r f i e l d M i l l


P h i l l i p s Chicago M i l l & Lumber Co Faus t Band Sawmill, Inc. '

Pe r ry P e r r y v i l l e

I---- - --..-

Rt. 2

Firm Locat i on

West Helena Box 2517 West Helena Box T


Pike Murfreesboro Lumber Co. Murfreesboro Box 338

Polk Hatton Lumber Co. Dale Rodgers Lumber Co.

Hatton Mena Box 232

Pope B ib le r Bros. Lumber & Supply Co., 1nc. R u s s e l l v i l l e Box 490

P r a i r i e Mi l l e r -Pa t t e r son Lumber & Timber, Inc . Des Arc Box 310

Pu la sk i 3 . H . Hamlen & Son, Inc . Koppers Co. Pennington & Williams Sawmill Co

Sa l ine Floyd Brown Lumber Co. Hol icer & Jones Lumber Co.

S c o t t Big Pine Lumber Co. D id ie r Lumber Co. S c o t t County L.<vbpr Co. Waldron Lumber Co.

Searcy Buffa lo River F loo r i cg Cr: ' Treadwel l Lumber Co.

L i t t l e Rock Box 327 North L i t t l e Rock Box 3185 P e r r y v i l l e Rt. 2

Hensley Benton

Waldron Mansf i e l d Waldron Waldron

Rt. 1, Box 38 Box 208

Box 248 Rt. 2. Box 190, Fo r t Smith Drawer G

Marshal l Box 386 Morning S t a r Marshal l

Stone Branscum & Harness Sawnil1 Mountain View Marshal l

Union Anthony Fores t Products Co. E. L. Bruce Co., Cal ion Lumber Co . Georgia-Pacif i c Corp. Gunnel1 M i l l Lewisv i l l e F loo r ing Co. O l i n k r a f t Sawmill3 Watson-Davis Lumber Co.

Urbana Junc t ion C i t y Box 370 Cal ion Box 348 Eldorado Box 1511 New Hope Rt. 5 , Box 210, Magnolia Strong Box 267 Hu t t ig Box 317 M t . Hol ly Box 122

White Fred Beaman Sawmill Searcy Box 21

Ye l l D e l t i c Farm & Timber C O . ~ Ola Pla inview Lumber Co . Plainview Box 156 Wilson Wood Lumber Co . , Inc . Ola Box 194

'Output of 3 m i l l i o n board f e e t o r more. 'of £ i c e addres s s p e c i f i e d when d i f f e r e n t from p l a n t l o c a t i o n . 3 ~ r o d u c e d ch ips f o r s a l e t o pu lpmi l l s .

Page 26: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

Table 20. 5haZZ sian?iZZsi

1 1 Location 1 Address2 County

Arkansas A. G. Yarbrough Sawmill #l A. G. Yarbrough Sawmill 12

Dewitt Casscee


Rt. 1, Humphrey Rt. 1, Humphrey

Plant I

Baxter A1 fred Lawson H. L. Pool Mill Dave Tucker Mill

Benton Ted DeGroff Sawmill J. G. Forriester Hurshel Keith Means & Eversole Jack Loyd W. R. Moore Ozark Hardwood Co. Elmer Rusher Chester Scott Sullivan Sawmill Howard Todd James Todd Don W. Webb White & Haden

Shady Grove Mountain Home Gassville

Rt. 2, Mountain Home Rt. 1

Bestwater Gravette iiiwasse

Rt. 4, Rogers Rt. 3 Rt. 1

Box 183 Rt. 2 Benton Box 423

Roaers Bentonville Springdale Roaers Rogers High£ ill Hiahfill

Rt. 1, Gentry Rt. 1, Siloam Springs Rt. 3 ~ravette

Sulphur Springs Gravette Healing Springs Rt. 2, Bentonville

Boone N. B. Cantwell Kenneth Greenhaw Schaeffer Tie & Lumber

Alpena Harrison Omaha

Rt. 2 Box 66

Bradley Braham-Sevier Cn. Banks Box 471, Fordyce

Carroll Dale Buell Lumber Co. Lepley Sawmill Andrew McNeill Sawmill Carroll Minick Sawmill Gary Morrell Sawmill J. E. Parker Sawmill Homer Price Sawmill Ted Scates Sawmill Troy Sietz Sawmill Joe Wilson Sawmill

Green Forest Dry Fork Eureka Springs Green Forest Eureka Springs Grandview Eureka Springs Eureka Springs Berryville Metalton

Re. 3, Berryville Rt. 1 Rt. 3 Rt. 1 Rt. 5, Berryville Rt. 1 Rt. 1 Rt. 3 Rt. 4, Huntsville

Clark Billy McKa Hardwood Mill3 Arkadelpbia Box 474

Clay Octo Smith Sawmill Corning 409 N. Hope

Cleburne Cleburne County Post Co. Martin Lumber Co. Randy Smith Mill Lisle Turney Sawmill

Herber Springs Rt . 3, Box 53 Concord Greers Ferry Edgemont Qui tman Box 3

Cleveland Troy Miller Tie Co. Kingsland Rt. 1, Box 199

Columbia H. F. Efird S. L. Smith Sawmill Tucker Lumber Co. Frank E. Williams Lumber Co.

Village R. 2, Box 449, Camden Waldo Box 191 Taylor Box 515, Springhill, La. Macedonia Box 715, Springhill, La.

Conway Aurbon Heflin Sawmill Willie T. Howard Sawmill E. E. Vaughn Sawmill

Atkins Jerusalem Jerusalem

Rt. 3 Star Route, Hattieville Rt. 3, Atkins

Craighead Slavens Sawmill Tinsley Sawmill

Jonesboro Jonesboro

Rt. 2, Bono Box 1166

Crawf ord Ben Brewers Sawmill M. C. Hopkins Sawmill Glenn Kimes Sawmill Southwestern Manufacturing Co.

Mulberry Rt. 2 Natural Dam Chester Van Buren 113 Lafayette St.

Cross Roy Richardson & Son J. H. Sherman Mill

Giynne Wynne

Box 124 Rt. 1

Dallas Homer & Gean Brazeale Sawmill Henry Draper Mill Garland Gaston Mi113 Dale Givens Sawmill Henry Jackson Sawmill Tedsco

Sparkman Willow Sparkman Sparkman Manning Fordyce

Rt. 1 Rt. 2, Box 240, Malvern

Rt. 1 Box 22 2ox 471

Drew Herman Wilson Lumber Co. ?lonticello Box 577

Faulkner Fred Aycock Sawmill B.B. Heffington Sawmill

Mayflower Vilonia 815 Arum St., Conway

Franklin John Gosset Ozark James Jones Sawmill Cass Star Route 1, Ozark Everett Owen Sawmill Ozark Rt. 2 Gavin Patterson Sawmill Mulberry Rt. 2, Box 241 0. 2. Sturdivant Sawmill Ozark Star Route 2

Page 27: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

Table 20. SmaZt srnJniZZs1 (Continued)

Location ~ d d r e s s ~ County I Firm I Plan t




Edward Baldridge Mill B i l l McCradic M i l l

Hardy Rt. 1 Mammoth Spring Rt. 2

Donald Davis Sawmill S. W. Main M i l l Walker Lumber Co.

Poyen Sheridan Poyen

Rt. 3, Box 200.4 Rt. 1, Malvern



Hot Spring

Cox Sawmill Cupples Sawmill

Paragould Marmaduke

Rt. 7 Box 131

Les te r Fincher Lumber Co. Verdo H o l l i s Sawmill

Washington R t . 1 Patmos

H. A. Chandler Kidder Lumber Co. James Tuggle

Glen Rose Rt. 3, Box 346, Malvern Malvern Box 115 Glen Rose Rt. 3, Malvern

Howard Cohen Davis Tie M i l l Poag Lumber Co. Doyle T o l l e t t Lumber Co. Terry Wax Sawmill

Athens Dierks Athens Dierks

B a t e s v i l l e Cord B a t e s v i l l e B a t e s v i l l e

Sidney Melborne For ty Four Brockwell Melbourne


Hwy. 70 W , DeQueen


Independence Benton Hardwood Inc . Alfred Heyde M i l l Wesley Hipp Lumber Co C. E. T r o t t e r Sawmill

Box 21

Hwy 14 W. Newport Rt.

I za rd Car l Bailey M i l l Bandmill Gin Co. Woodrow Cook M i l l C l i f t o n Dockins Lumber Co. Moss American

Box 35

Box 25861, Oklahoma Ci ty , Oklahoma

James Sanders Mill

Je f fe r son


K. M . Watson Sulphur Springs Rt. 1, Box 312, Pine Bluff

R. L. C u r t i s Sawmill W i l l i s Grace Sawmill Arch G r i f f i n Sawmill Vaughn Selby Sawmill

Hagarv i l l e Lamar Rt. 1 C l a r k s v i l l e Rt. 2, Box 178 Ozone Rt. 1. Lamar

Lafaye t t e


Tyco Lumber Co. Lewisv i l l e Box 10

Lee Edwards & Son Sawmill Dewey E l l i s Ronald Morse T i e M i l l Moss American

Hoxie Ravenden Dovdy Lynn

Box 1 Box 19 S a f f e l l Box 25861, Oklahoma Ci ty ,

Oklahoma Murphy Sawmill H. T. S a f f e l l Smith & Son M i l l Ray Swartzlander M i l l

Ravenden Strawberry Ravenden Ravenden

S a f f e l l Rt. 1 Rt. 1


L i t t l e River

Dale Bennett Sawmill Aubrey

Ryman Bowman Sawmill John Bristow Sawmill Brown Sawmill D & M Sawmill Alvin F e r r e l l Sawmill George G a r r e t t Sawmill Jun io r Green Sawmill M . F. Lisenby & Son M i l l Scarborough M i l l Jack Sco t t Sawmill

Ogden Gravely Arden Alleene Richmond Arden Arkinda Wilton Wallace Arden

1420 Rankin, Ashdown Rt. 2, Box 81, Foreman Rt. 3, Box 175, Ashdown Box 54 Rt. 3, Ashdown R t . 3 , Box 165, Ashdown

Rt. 1, Ashdown Rt. 3, Ashdown Rt. 3, Ashdown



Raggio Sawmill Chismvil le Rt . 2 , Magazine

Lonoke Lonoke Lonoke Lonoke Lonoke C a r l i s l e

Rt. 2, Beehe R t . 2, Beebe Bald Knob Rt. 2, Box 3 C a r l i s l e Cabot

W. W. Chrisp B i l l e Lynxwiler Sawmill Mi tche l l Bros. Allen Neal T ie M i l l C. W. Owens & Son W . E . White T ie S i l l

Madison 3. R. Banks Sawmill Delhert Clark Sawmill C l a r k s v i l l e Wood Products Combs M i l l DHM Lumber Co. Ozark Fores t Products Richland Handle Co. C. L. Thacker Sawmill Alfred Thompson Sawmill Andy Todd Sawmil 1 Ralph White Sawmil 1 i r ' i l lh i t e Sawmill

Marble Harrison Forum Rt. 3 , Huntsv i l l e Combs C l a r k s v i l l e Combs Huntsv i l l e Rt. 1 Pet t igrew Wesley Pe t t ig rew P u n t s v i l l e Rt. 4 Hindsv i l l e Rt. 1 Forum Boston

Page 28: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

Table 20. %aL7 sannilZsl (Continued)

Marion Beal Halliday Humphrey Sawmill H. C. Ormand Supply Co. A. L. Pilgrim Art Purdom


Yellville Flippin Summit Harrison Flippin Dodge City Hollow Rt. 1, Yellville

Miller Bryant & Horn Sawmill


Texarkana 1121 Prince

103 k'. Pine St.

- Plant

Monroe Farrell-Cooper Lumber Co. Roy & Octie Pledger Tie Mill


Brinkley Monroe


Nevada Acorn Lumber Co . Gulley Lumber Co. John L. Saunders Sawmill D. A . Wicker Sawmill

Rosston Prescott Sutton Prescott

Box 341, Camden Box 143 Rt. 2, Emmett Rt. 4

Newton Bowling Sawmill Campbell Bros. Lawrence Carlton A. L. Casey Sawmill Gordon Day Sawmill Fowler Lumber Co . Harold Greenhaw Turney Hughes Bill James Sawmill Lackey Sawmill Lane Bros. Sawmill Etzel Mack

Fallsville Fallsville Fallsville Boxley Piercetown Ponca Vendor Murray Fallsville Low Gap Jasper Fallsville

Salus Mt. Judea Oark Ponca Rt. 1, box 17, Jasper

Parthenm Star Route, Saius Kt. 2, Jasper Mt. Judea Oark

Amy Lumber Co. T. 3. Belt Sawmill Eli Charles Goodwin-White Co. P. W. Strickland Sawmill Joe Walker Sawmill

Amy Rt. 3, Box 134B, Camden Amy Eagle Mills Buena Vista Rt. 2, Box 96, Stephens Cullendale Box 366, Camden Smackover Rt. 4, Box 368, Camden Camden 619 Crestwood



Bill Gulledge Lumber Co. Pearson Lumber Co . J. D. Sweeney

Marvell Clarendon Marvell

Box 132 Box 3385, Memphis, Tenn. Box 662, Brinkley

G. D. Brewer Sawmill Elbert Davis Lumber Co. Inell Jones Sawmill Pinkerton Lumber Co.

New Hope DeQueen Murf reesboro Box 201 Langley Box 311, Clenwood Glenwood

Polk Bowden Sawmill Lewis Lumber Co . C. E. Martin Reese Tie Co. Rosson Sawmill Sanderson Sawmill

Roard Camp Cove Box 95 Hatf ield Cove Jnk Star Rt. 9, Box 82 Mena Rt. 2, Box 216

Pope Jess Austin Sawmill Duvall Sawmill Ennis Sawmill Leon Ford Sawmill Robert L. Johnson Sawmill Loyon Langford Sawmill Elmer Middleton Sawmill Garrison Standridge SAwmill Treadwell SAwmill

Dover Rt. 1 Hector Rt. 4, Russellville Buttermilk Rt. 3, Atkins Dover Pelsor Ben Hur Rector Sand Gap Vendor Scottsville Ben Hur Scottsville Rt. 1, Hector




Jimmie Don Green Tie Mi11 Hickory Plains Des Arc

Eschbach Bros. Sawmill Co. Bigelow Kt. I

Walter Agnew Mill Kavenden Springs Rt. 2 Emory Blevins Pocahontas Kt. 3 I. M. Bounds Mill Warm Springs Hubert Casady Mill Yaynard L . R. Haney Timber Works Pocahontas Rt. 2 Ralph Hill Mill Maynard George Jones Mill Maynard Rt. 1 Hubert Lynxwiller Warm Springs Wayne Moore Warm Springs Arnold Rapport Warm Springs Rt. 1, Maynard Jerry Sullivan Maynard Bill Turner Mill Warm Springs Wilkerson-Lynxwiller Ravenden Springs

Page 29: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating



Stone Cartwright SAwmill Fifty Six W. H. Cartwright Pine Sawmill Mountain View Hwy. 14 E. Chitwood & Adams Sawmill St. James Mountain View Olis Cammell Sawmill Timbo

Table 20. SmaZl sawmills' (Continued)


Union E. L. Goodwin Tie Mill

County , Firm Location

Van Buren Arkwood, Inc . Conway Manufacturing Co. Jerl Hefner Sawmill



St. Francis Alderson Lumber Co. Forrest City A. P. DeMange Lumber Co. Madison Box 171 Grif fith Lumber CO.~ Madison Box 151 Donnie R. Jones Mill Palestine T. C. Ridings Sawmill Hunter Bill Smith Tie Mill Palestine Herman Young Enterprises Forrest City iiwy. 1

Saline D. B. Beck Benton Box 21 Ralph Johnson Sawmtll Co. Paron Kling Sawmill Mabelvale 9800 Kling Road Arthur Lindsey Avilla Rt. 1, Box 137, Alexander George Price Benton Rt. 2, Box 323

Terry Edwards Sawmill Bates Rt. 1, Heavener, Okla. Goddard Bros. Sawmill Waldron Rt. 3 Ted Metcalf Abbott Rt. 2, Booneville Sanders Sawmill Bates Rt. 1, Heavener, Okla. J. W. Vaught Sawmill Mountainburg Waltreak Tie Co. Parks Rufus Williams Sawmill Abbott

Searcy Branscum & Harness Sawmill Marshall Box 14 Bobby Bratton Sawmill Snowball Box 434, Marshall Passmore Sawmill Leslie Rt. 6, Box 27 D. C. Still Sawmill Morning Star Rt. 4, Box 47 White Wood Treating Co. St. Joe.

Sevier Horatio Lumber Co. Horatio Box 155 Poag Lumber Co. fioratio Iiwy. 70 W., DeQueen Poag Lumber Co. Lockesburg Hwy. 70 W., DeQueen C. C. Smith Sawmill Central Winthrop

Bailey Sawmill Ash Flat V. L. Baldridge Mill Hardy Rt. 1 Collins Bros. Hardy Rt. 2 , Mammoth Spring Earnest Green Mill f!ardy Rt. 1 Alfred Oakes Mills Hardy Rt. 1 C. B. Oaks Hardy Rt. 1 llarry Ratliff Williford Dwane Young Mill Willif ord Rt. 1

Washington Roy Lee Drummond Alvis Hampton Hayes Industries Tremon Henson Lawrence Lyons Nationa hardwood Co. Ozark Forest Products, Inc Fay Reed

Wallace Bell Sawmill Calvin Davis Sawmill Ralph Davis Sarmill Bill Giles Sawmill Jack Moore Sawmill Porter & Bratcher Sawmill Roy Rettig Sawmill Ronald Root Sawmill E. D. Strickland Sawmill Elmo Usery Tie Mill J. ir'. Wallace Mill

Woodruff Lolon C. Risler Sawmill Clarence C. Shue

Yell Elmer Gist Sawmill Dick B. Jewel1 Sawnill Vester Neeley Sawmill Plainview Wood Products Otto Potter Mill Bruce Stewart Sawmill


Clinton Clinton Clinton

Winslow Winslow Winslow Winslow Winslow Prairie Grove Fayetteville Winslow

Albion Judsonia Bald Knob Searcy Griffithville Griffithville Beebe Bald Knob Bald Knob Higginson Bald Knob

Pangburn Morton

Yt. George Ola Ola Plainvicw Onyx Danville

Box 2

Box G Rt. 3

Rt. 1 Rt. 1

Rt. 2 Rt. 1

1819 W. 6 St. Rt. 1

Rt. 5, Searcy

Rt. 2

Box 374

Rt. 2, Box 385

Rt. 1

Danville Box 186

Star Route, Steve Box 368

J. D. Winters Sawmill Dardanellr 814 East .I, Russellville Output of less than 3 million board feet. Office address specified when different from ~lant location.

%reduced chips for sale to pulpmills.

2 5

Page 30: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

Conway Arkansas Kraf t Corp. Morrilton

Table 21. Wood puZpmiZ 2s



Weyerhaeuser Co., Dierks Division International Paper Co.

Pine Bluff Pine Bluff

Ashley Georgia-Pacific Corp., Crossett Division-Paper Crossett


Little River Nekoosa-Edwards Paper Co. Ashdown


Ouachita International Paper Co. Camden

Pulaski Superwood Corp. of Arkansas Little Rock

Table 22. Veneer p k t s

Ashley Georgia-Pacific carp .*#13 Georgia-Pacific Corp .* /k3

Crossett Crossett

Plant County

Box 520 Box 520


Bradley Sykes & Wilson Flooring Co., I ~ c . ~ Warren Drawer 520 0


Clark Arkla Chemical Corp . * 3

Dallas Georgia-Pacific carp. *3



Box 43

Box 660

Type2 Location

Garland Weyerhaeuser Co. * Mountain Pine 0


Howard Nashville Crate Co. Umpire Timber products3 Weyerhaeuser Co.*

Phillips Beisel Veneer Hoop Co. McKnight Veneer & Plywoods Inc.

Nashville Umpire Dierks

Box 29

West Helena Box 2338 West Helena Box M

Pulaski Little Rock Crate & Basket C O . ~ Little Rock 1623 E. 14th C

Union Olinkraf t ~lywood*~ Huttig Box 317 0

l0f fice address specified when different from plant location. 2~ = plants producing chiefly container veneer. 0 = plants producing chiefly commercial and other veneer. 3~roduces chips for sale to pulpmills. * Produces southern pine plywood.

Page 31: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

Boone Arkwood I n c . G. H. Widner Pos t Yard

Table 23. Post, pole, and p i z i n g plants

Omaha Omaha


Box 199 Rt . 5 , Har r i son

Bradley Pos t & Pole Co. Hermitage Box 707, Camden

Bent on Timber Trea ted Produc t s Co. Rogers Box 183


C a r r o l l E a r l C l i f t o n Pos t Yard B e r r y v i l l e Rt. 4

Cleburne Cleburne County Pos t Co. Herber Spr ings Rt . 3 , Box 53

P l a n t

Crawf ord Sherman Mar t inda le Van Buren 804 Federa l Road

Loca t ion

D a l l a s Elrod Co. Fordyce M t . Elbo Road, Rison

~ d d r e s s '

Grant I n t e r n a t i o n a l Paper Co., Wood Prese rv ing Div. Leola Box 121

Iza rd S e n t i n e l of Arkansas Ca l ico Rock Box 376

Johnson Arkwood I n c . Lamar

L i t t l e River Franc ies Hubrel Po le Operat ion Al lene

Marion Burleson & Son Y e l l v i l l e

Montgomery Tidwell Co. Caddo Gap

Nevada Ouachita-Nevada County T r e a t i n g Co. R. & A. P o s t P l a n t

Reader Laneburg

Rt. 1, Ashdown

Reader S t a t i o n , Chides te . Rt . 2 , Emmett

P ike I n t e r n a t i o n a l Paper Co., Wood P r e s e r v i n g Div. D e l i g h t Box 116

Polk Cimarron Lumber Co. Hatf i e l d I n t e r n a t i o n a l Paper Co., Wood P r e s e r v i n g Div. Mena Mena Produc t s Co. Mena Reese T i e Co. Cove Three S t a t e s Lumber Co. Mena

Box 1 0 Box 125 Box 736

Box 70

P u l a s k i Kroppers Co. North L i t t l e Rock Box 3185

S c o t t S a r r a t t Lumber & P o s t Southwestern Wood P r e s e r v i n g Co. Southwestern Wood P r e s e r v i n g Co. Three S t a t e s Lumber Co.

Waldron Waldron Ba tes Waldron

Box 172 Box 129

Searcy White Wood T r e a t i n g Co. S t . J o e

Sev ie r Weyerhaeuser Co., Die rks Div., DeQueen T r e a t i n g P l a n t DeQueen

Union Eldorado Po le & P i l i n g Co., Inc . Eldorado Box 7

Van Buren Arkwood Inc . C l i n t o n

Y e l l Midland Supply Co., I n c . Ola Box 128 Wood T r e a t i n g Co. Ola Box 206

l ~ f f i c e address s p e c i f i e d when d i f f e r e n t from p l a n t l o c a t i o n .

Page 32: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

Benton Eversole 6 Son Rogers Box 183

Table 24. MisceZZaneous rjZants

Boone F l e x s t e e l I n d u s t r i e s , Inc . Independent Stave Co. ' Keete r Charcoal Co. Su t ton Produc t s , Inc .


Har r i son Har r i son Omaha Har r i son

Box 1059


Box 176 Box 191

P l a n t I


C a r r o l l Keeter Charcoal Co.

~ d d r e s s l

Green F o r e s t Branson, Mo.

Arkansas Spraton Square M i 1 1 6 Tichnor 702 West 3 , Dewitt

Clark Na t iona l Gypsum Co. " Arkadelphia Box 39

Craighead Angelo Manufacturing Co., ~ n c . ~ Arkansas Dimensions, Inc. B 6 T Dimension M i l l t Clems Sawmill H i l l Lumber Co. T i n s l e y Sawmill

Jonesboro 1106 Hope Jonesboro Box 846 Jonesboro Rt . 5 Jonesboro 213-1/2 S. Main Lake Ci ty Jonesboro Box 1166

Crawf ord Nolen Handle C O ? Mountainburp

Cross Richardson & Son S tave Mi11 Wynne Box 124

D a l l a s Bruner & Ivory Handle Co. L . W. C la rk , Inc.

Sparkman Fordyce

Box 283 Box 728

Faulkner F o s t e r Oar Co. Conway Box 1185

F r a n k l i n Esrmon E l l i s o n S tave M i 1 1 Ozark Charcoal Co.

Cass Ozark

Rt . 2 , Ozark Rt. 2

Grant The LaPie r re Sawyer Handle Co 5 Sheridan Box 32

Greene 3. H. Hamlen 6 Son, Inc . Paragould Wood Produc t s Co., Inc.

Paragould Paragould

709 S. 3rd Ave. Box 31

Hempstead Bruner-Ivory Handle Co. S p l i t Hickory Co., Inc.

Hope Hope

Box 647 Box 625

Hot Spring Bray Lumber Co. Joe Itobbins6

Malvern Malvern

531 Sunset Rt . 2 , Box 49

Independence Bowman Handle M i l l " B a t e s v i l l e Newport Rt.

J e f f e r s o n Brown F u r n i t u r e Manufacturing Co. Wilbanks Wood Produc t s

P ine Bluff Box 5699 P ine Bluff 3rd 6 Willow

Johnson C l a r k s v i l l e Wood p roduc t s3

Lawrence K i f e r M i l l 6

Lee J o s e Lu i s pineda6

C l a r k s v i l l e Box 529

0 ' Kean


Logan Arkansas Charcoal co .2 Sc ran ton Charcoal C O . ~

P a r i s Scranton

Box 66 Rt . 1, Box 1178

Piadiscn Keeter Charcoal C O . ~

Keeter Shavings M i l l W i l l h i t e industries5 Wood Shaving C ~ r p . ~

H u n t s v i l l e Rt . 5 H u n t s v i l l e Box 537 P e t t i g r e w H u n t s v i l l e Rt . 5

Marion Burleson 6 Son" Y e l l v i l l e

Monroe H. L. p a t r i c k s Volner Square M i l l E

Brinkley Br ink ley

Rt . 1, Box 106 Rt . 1

Montgomery M t . I da Stave ~ 0 . ~ 0 . J . ~ u b b $

M t . Ida M t . Ida Box 32

Newton A. L. Casey SawmillS Fowler Lumber C O . ~

George Charcoal C O . ~

J a s p e r Charcoal

Boxley Ponca George p r u i t t


Osage J a s p e r

Ouachita Monarch Wedge C O . ~ Cu l l enda le Box 2155, Camden

P h i l l i p s E a r l B a r t l e t t Square ~i11' Lonnie Moore Square M i l l

Rt. 2, Box 249 Box 458

P o i n s e t t La i r son Square l ill'

Polk Arkansas Charcoal Co.'


H a t f i e l d

P r a i r i e T r e a t Bros. Stave ~ 0 . ~ Des Arc Box 556 White River Square Co. Des Arc Box 214

Page 33: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

Table 24. Miscellaneous pzants (Continued)

I P l a n t Countv i Firm 1

P u l a s k i American Exce l s io r Co . L. D. Johnson Stave M i l l 3

Randolph Hubert A l l i s o n M i l l Char les Gri f f i n 5 Roy Orba r t s M i l l 5 S a l l e e Bros.

S t . F r a n c i s Over tus Br inker Handle & Square M i l l 5 True Temper Corp., Wheatley p l a n t 6

North L i t t l e Rock L i t t l e Rock 11420 Southr idge

Pocahontas Rt . 5 Warm Spr ings Pocahontas Pocahontas Box 9 1

Caldwel l Wheatley

Box 39 Box 95

S a l i n e J . W . Mashburn6 East End Rt. I , Hensley

S c o t t Waldron Charcoal Co . Williams & Son Moulding Co.

Waldron Box 303 Abbott

Searcy T r e a t Bros. Stave Co. Mar sha l l Box 217

Sebas t i an Su t ton product^, l n c . F t . Smith Rt. 4 , Box 219

Stone Hines ley & E v e r e t t E n t e r p r i s e s , I nc . E . W. S tewar t ~ i l 1 ~ Ed Younger Stave C O . ~

Washington Acme Handle Co. Nat ions Hardwood Co.

Mountain View Mountain View Webb S t . S t . James Mountain View

Greenland Box 208, F a y e t t e v i l l e P r a i r i e Grove

Woodruff Clarence C. shue6 Morton

Y e l l P la inview Wood p roduc t s3 Pla inview T o i f i c e a d d r e s s s p e c i f i e d when d i f f e r e n t from p l a n t l o c a t i o n . ' charcoal . k o o p e r a g e . % x c e l s i o r . 5 ~ a n d l e s t o c k . 6 ~ i s c e l l a n e o u s dimension m i l l .

Page 34: Arkansas Forest - Southern Research · 2013. 12. 8. · plywood plants by three since 1968, and has seen a net decrease of three hardwood veneer plants. Of the 13 veneer plants operating

Bertelson, Daniel F

1973. Arkansas forest industries, 1971. South. For. Exp. Stn., New Orleans, La. 29 p. (USDA For. Serv. Resour. Bull. SO-38)

Arkansas forests supplied more than 451 million cubic feet of roundwood to forest industries in 1971. Total timber harvest has increased 15 percent since 1968. Saw logs and pulpwood, ranking first and second, accounted for 83 per- cent of the roundwood harvest. The total number of saw- mills declined, but average receipts per mill increased.