armor of eph 6 r3

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  • 8/12/2019 Armor of Eph 6 r3


    Full Armor of GodEphesians 6:10-20 (Spiritual Tools)

    a!"#roundThe Book of Ephesians starts by demonstrating that our salvation is the work of ourSovereign Godby His grace and plan from before the foundation of time, and not as a result of our works!Ephesians " through #$"%& Having laid this foundation, there are a series of 'therefore( and 'for thisreason( verses which establish logical spiritual growth steps beyond salvation )or instance, Ephesians #$""!we have unity in the body of *hrist&+ Ephesians $" !-aul.s ministry to the Ephesians/Gentiles+ we haveability to understand the mystery of *hrist&+ Ephesians $" !encouragement in spite of dire circumstances&+

    Ephesians $"0 !prayer for those -aul is ministering to+ for our spiritual maturity&+ Ephesians 0$"+ Ephesians0$1+ Ephesians 0$"0+ Ephesians 0$"2+ Ephesians 0$#3+ Ephesians 3$"+ Ephesians 3$2+ Ephesians 3$"3+ andEphesians 4$"% Ephesians 0 through Ephesians 4$5 can be viewed as instruction in being sub6ect to *hristin the *hurch, in oneself, in marriage, in the family, and in secular work relationships Therefore, Ephesians4$"%7#% can be viewed as a capstone argument for the entire book and as practical instruction in applyingfaith in *hrist to each of these relationships in order to live victoriously in *hrist

    8t is true that Ephesians 4$"%7#% is cited as a primary te9t for spiritual warfare :hile it does servethis purpose, it is a serious mistake to interpret this passage in isolation from the prior parts of the epistle:ithout the prior parts of Ephesians, we might think that our spiritual warfare is simply ';ou and me,erse " establishesthe sufficiency of the principles which are laid out in verses "0 through #% There is no presupposition thatlife in *hrist is simple+ rather, there is a recognition of spiritual opposition that is arrayed against us as anarmy besieging a significant city Each one of us is the significant city under attack The principles are God7given responsibilities leading to a successful defense

    8n the broader conte9t of Ephesians and the Bible as a whole, the spiritual warfare is clearly alreadywon for us for eternity by the work of our Savior, ?esus, the *hrist Therefore, we should interpret the@armor. principles as tools for use in this present time *hrist is the source, the only source, of our victoryeither in eternity or in this present time The relationships we e9perience in life can be viewed as differentwalls of our city :e have a relationship with God, with family, with fellow7*hristians, with the world, andwith ourselves !yes, we do have to learn how to live with ourselves& The purpose of our spiritual warfare inthis present time is to conform us to the image of *hrist, to perfect us This tells us that it is good for us inspecific waysto strengthen us in faith in *hrist, to cause us to seek !and to know and to do& His will, andto heal us from the effects of sin !past, present, and future& :e need to be healed of the effects of sin inourselves !ie, receive grace& and also from the the effects of the sins of others !ie, forgiveness& 8f wegrow in *hrist, we also grow in the ability to not be in6ured by the sin of othersto re6oice in persecution

    !see " -eter $"70$"5, but especially verse 0$"&Spiritual attack should be viewed as a positive indication of our life in *hrist After all, if we are not

    under attack, the enemy !the devil& must not see us as a threat :e love the

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    "# ,For our stru##le is not a#ainst flesh and %lood %ut a#ainst the rulers a#ainst the po$ersa#ainst the $orld for!es of this dar"ness a#ainst the spiritual for!es of $i!"edness in the heaenl&pla!es./This verse further identifies the battle as spiritual However, there are specific manifestations of thebattle in this present world The verse gives us a different conte9t by which we can interpret life.s struggles:e do not need to blame a person who sins against us and thereby hold a grudge against that person orreDuire vengeance ather, we can recogni=e that the person is being used as an instrument of the oppositionand deal directly with that opposition This frees us in our attitude to forgive the person, to pray or even to

    work actively to convert the person to the ways of *hrist, and to act in love toward the person This alsofrees us from in6uries that we would otherwise sustain if we attribute the sin against us as a human choicedirected at us through our relationship with the person+ the act against us is from a power far beyond ourcapability or their capability to withstand in the flesh The perspective allows us to deal more effectively withthe immediate physical circumstances and to focus on the spiritual aspects in ways not necessarily connectedto the physical circumstances As we will see, this will be particularly important in using the armor to protectfrom the effects of past sins )rom this perspective, a sword would deal a lethal blow to us if we wereunprotected, but with our armor in place, the blow is no more than bruising and more easily processedtoward forgiveness

    8t is also significant that our struggle is not against flesh and blood since we are often aware of thestruggle against sin in our own flesh *ertainly -aul had these same struggles as we do since he describes thecircumstances so vividly in omans 2 But he also identifies @sin that indwells me. as a spiritual entity that isno longer a part of the real -aul in *hrist ?esus This spiritual entity within each of us is identified inEphesians 4$"# as merely being in agreement with these four types of spirit realms of the adversary -aul.slogic tells us that we will be at peace within ourselves if we successfully put on the armor and stand firm

    Similarly, if our struggle is not against our own flesh and blood, it is also not against the flesh andblood of other humans who share the same spiritual plight of ourselvesor worse, being in bondage to sinbecause they do not know ?esus as their ersion&, and positions of authoritysee Strong.s G2#4+ Goodrick/Iohlenberger number

    G250 ost of the time, this Greek word is used to refer to a beginning or start However, it is also used!with a special inflection& for eathly rulers !kings and governors& !as in Titus $"& 8n Ephesians !"$"#, $"%,and 4$"#&, it specifically refers to rulers in heavenly placesdemonic powers or dominions e9ercised in theworld A similar usage is found in *olossians "$"4+ #$"%+ and #$"3 and in ?ude verse 4 The word is alsoused to refer to the rulership of *hrist in evelations $"0

    The rulers refer to demonic forces that influence people in authority or people who want to be inauthority The worldly proverb, '-ower corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely,( derives from therecognition that this demonic activity e9ists any places in the world suffer because of the corruption ofgovernmental authorities, and it does not seem to make any difference who the people are who occupy thepositions of authority :hyJ Because the demonic power is the ruler The only hope for the people underthis form of authority is for the

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    !Germany&, -ol -ot !*ambodia&, 8di Amin !Kganda&, or Saddem Hussain !8raD& *onsider the manyinstances of fratricide in the world over the past century The activities of demonic rulers can clearly be seenin these e9amples Sometimes it might be as simple as appealing to the pride of the human ruler, and in othercases it might be a fear of a challenge to their power A popular ploy of the demonic influence is for thehuman ruler to have himself worshipped as a godanything to take authority away from God and awayfrom His will Ban the BibleL

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    somebody who happens to disagree The world forces seek to diminish the authority of Scripture in oursociety and in our personal lives These forces pervert the interpretation of rules and laws intended forinstruction in righteousness Anybody who has done much work with foreign cultures !whether in businessor in missions& recogni=es that there are many cultural e9pectations that are ethically challenging )orinstance, oriental cultures often have a tradition of gift e9changes and e9tensive associated rituals anyoccidental cultures regard these gift e9changes as bribes, because a failure to carry out the ritual properlyshows a lack of respect, leading to an end to the realtionship 8n some parts of the world, tips are left priorto obtaining serviceor else the service may not be forthcoming The demonic world forces orchestrate

    these cultural norms 8 was personally blessed by an instruction from my grandfather He taught me, '?ohn,do not be afraid to be different from everyone else emember that the

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    The image is that of a oman soldier defending the ground in combat oman soldiers were trainedto defend the ground directly in front of them to the e9tent of their reach The soldiers, standing side7by7side, would succeed individually resulting in success of the overall campaign ome defeated every enemythey faced to establish their empire

    The Armor. (erses 1-1)The Bible talks about the following types of arms and armor$!"& S$ordis the first offensive weapon mentioned in the Bible !Genesis $#0& Hebrew @hereb., a weapon

    for killing, is the common sword !Genesis #2$0%+ E9odus "2$"&+ a sword for punishment is ascribed to God!E9odus 3$+ ##$#0& )igurative and literal are united in 'a sword for the

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    sin in our lives The truth is that we are utterly sinful and incapable of resisting sin or correcting sin :e havescars in our souls resulting from sins we have committed and from sins committed against us 8n His atoningwork for us, ?esus bore the conseDuences of sin in His crucifi9ion, and provides the healing for our sins inHis resurrection The truth of His righteousness provides a standard for continually revealing our sinfulness,bringing us to confession and healing 8t our !onfession of this truth ($hi!h means that $e are ina#reement $ith the truth) that proides the real prote!tion for our souls. The attitude of !onfessionof +is truth is puttin# on truth.Cur confession of truth applies in at least the following conte9ts$

    in relationship to self :e see ourselves as utterly sinful in the flesh, totally dependent upon the

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    )ailing to recogni=e the truth of God.s being and character will lead to deficiencies in ourrelationships with Him ost commonly, these shortcomings are manifest in ascribing the imperfections ofman to God The immediate results are failing to recogni=e the consistent love of God for the believer,God.s sovereign control of the creation continually implementing His good purposes !in spite of thee9istence of evil, and especially good in behalf of His chosen&, and God.s continual presence with us Eachof these failures to receive truth contributes to barriers to growth in *hrist and to difficulties in facing day7by7day life victoriously !with 6oy and gladness& There may also be residual emotional and psychologicalproblems which cannot be moved into the healing presence of *hrist because of misconceptions about Him

    )ailure to put on truth can also leave one open to the whole range of worldly heresies These rangefrom atheism to acceptance of worldly philosophies over the Bible The practical effect of this failure is tostifle hope of spiritual growth and to virtually eliminate any chance of true service to the

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    Putting on RighteousnessThe battle breastplate was the heaviest piece of armor, and it covered only the front of the torso

    because its mass would be too great if it had been a full front and back piece of armor Since the soldier wase9pected to only be facing the enemy, it put all of the protection between the soldier and his foe 8t protectedthe vital organs ?esus is our righteousness He protects the vitality of our soul for all eternity However, thedevil is constantly trying to attack our heart, trying to tempt us to evil The function of the heart is to makethe decisions of the soul, but it is also the portal through which our emotions are e9perienced and the vessel

    which forms our attitudes So much of our spiritual growth is dependent upon having correct and matureattitudes of faith which result in correct behaviors 8f our heart is corrupted by hate, we will be unable to actin love toward the person we hate 8f we do not adopt the attitudes that God has told us to have, we will actunrighteously The fruit of our lives bears witness to the character of our heart

    7esus is our ri#hteousness :hy is this importantJ Because we do not have the strength ofcharacter in our flesh to continually act in righteousness toward all men at all times How many times aschildren did we act properly toward somebody else because we could hear the instruction of our parents,'ow ?ohnny,( 8n a way, we receive the will to do God.s will when we receive *hrist as our

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    )ailing to put on the breastplate will lead us to making decisions under the influence of e9ternalpressures !normal ungodly influences& rather than listening for or seeking God.s will This will then lead toactions from a corrupt motive and that are not founded in God.s love These actions will then likely manifestone or more of the following sinful attributes$


    idolatry6ealousyenvyunfaithfulness !toward others and toward God&untrustworthinessunethical behaviorstealingcovetedness

    The list could be e9tended indefinitely because there are so many ways to act outside of the love of Godwhen in relationship with others All of the ways of unrighteousness are contrary to personal integrity

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    us to sin Some of the more subtle temptations doubt the validity of God.s word today ':hy keep all thoseold commandments which no longer apply to modern manJ( 'Everybody.s doing it( !Therefore it must beCI& 'Fon.t be sDuare( '8f you won.t, then 8.ll find somebody else who will( !And leave youabandoned, or you will miss the opportunity forever&

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    corrupted by the worldHe was cleaning that up as well so that they might have an effective testimony forHim The act also illustrates the attitude of service we are to have 8t is an attitude of humility and of servicein love 8t is not an attitude of controlling or gaining influence over another The instance also tells us thatour walk is worthless without the work of ?esus to first cleanse our heart ?esus washed the feet of ?udas8scariot, but he was not clean in heart

    8n considering our walk, we should first consider our destination 8n *hrist, our destination is heavenand eternal fellowship and worship in the presence of our

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    away from the submissive walk with the Spirit by which we receive both peace and self7control in the fruit ofthe Spirit

    Ta"in# up the shield of FaithKeywords

    $hield There are two different types of shields named in the Bible The first is a large shield, calleda buckler The buckler was used by the guardthe special troops who protected the king and the camp Thebucklers could be set up side by side to afford a portable wall The buckler, however, is not the type of

    shield referred to in Ephesians The small shield is a lighter, but strong shield capable of deflecting arrowsand sword blows 8t was carried by each soldier to provide protection for all of the areas not otherwisecovered by armor This is the shield of Ephesians The shield was sometimes covered with leather soaked inwater which was effective at putting out flaming arrows and also to catch the arrows so they would not bedeflected into a neighboring soldier The

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    knowledge of God and of the spiritual realm and of our own spiritual being :e need the certainty of thisknowledge any of our temptations have a root in either a deception or a denial of these spiritual facts)urthermore, yielding to the temptations which denying spirituality will also inhibit the growth andapplication of faith, leading to all of the associated problems The conviction of spiritual things buildskeeping our eyes upon *hrist+ keeping our eyes on *hrist builds our conviction of spiritual things Theapproval of God, and our seeking of His approval, is important to our spiritual health, the building of ourcharacter, our integrity, and our ability to receive His blessings+ the breastplate of righteousness protectionsall apply here as well The understanding of GodOs work is really the blessing of understanding truth

    Effectively, the shield of faith works in the same way as the belt of truthThe shield of faith also protects in another important way 8n Genesis "3$", God says to Abram

    !Abraham&, 'Fo not fear, 8 am a shield to you+ your reward shall be very great( This ties together threeimportant concepts of our spiritual health and our relationship with Godliving without fear, God is ourprotection, and the

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    bad company !fellowship with the ungodly& Plead us away from the safe relationships of *hristianfellowshipQ

    false teachings !anything contrary to God.s word, the Bible& Pcause us to discount or ignore God.swordQ

    lustful enticements !sin disguised as good& Pcause us to fall into sinQEach of these things plants doubt and attacks faith 8f we pursue false gods, we will be following powersseeking to kill and destroy us+ we will be trying to make friends with our spiritual enemy 8f we listen to falseteachers, they will try to lead us astray through empty philosophies and doctrines of error )alse ethics, bad

    company, false teachings, and lustful enticements all attack the truth of God.s commandments and will leadus directly to sin )rom these things we will reap the corruption of sin rather than the healing of *hrist ?ustas the shield of faith supplements and magnifies the effectiveness of each other piece of armor, our failure touse it magnifies any faults we have in putting on the other pieces and magnifies the effects of sin in thoseother areas of our life

    Another effect of failing to use the shield is to fall into hopelessness or focusing our hope on the vainthings of the world rather than on *hrist 8f this happens, we can be overcome with despair, depression,suicidal tendencies, compulsiveness or an9iety because each of these can be symptoms of either hopelessnessor misplaced hopes The shield of faith in *hrist assures that our hope is placed in ?esus *hrist and not inthe world The false hope of the world will always lead to disappointment and despair

    )ailing to use the shield will lead to failing to recogni=e the spiritual nature of our being and ourworld 8t will lead us to discount spiritual things !including @everyday. miracles& and thus make us moresusceptible to worldly temptations ot using the shield will blind us to seeing the good works of God in allthings

    Ta"in# the +elmet of SalationKeywords

    %elmet The helmet provides the head7covering of the suit of armor The head !mind& is the spiritualseat of consciousness 8n the Hebrew way of thinking about obedience to God, the same words were usedfor obedience as for hearing The thought process is that hearing in the consciousness led to doing what washeard Similar thoughts are e9pressed in the Greek ecogni=ing that the heart is the spiritual seat ofdecision making, the head hears what the heart is willing to listen to The helmet and the breastplate are,therefore, very closely tied together " Thessalonicans 3$1 refers to the helmet as being the hope of salvation

    This refers to the special perspective on salvationthat of eternal deliverance from sin and all of its effectsote that 8saiah 35$"2 includes the helmet in the armor of the essiah

    $alvation Salvation as defined in Bible dictionaries can be summari=ed as follows$SA*AT89;!Hebyeshuah, Grsoteria& God is called @Savior. !Hosea "$0+

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    death, and e9altation of ?esus, Salvation is a present reality 8t is deliverance from the dominion of sin andSatan+ it is freedom to love and serve God now !Acts 0$"#+ # *orinthians 4$#+ Hebrews #$& Salvation isalso, however, a future hope !omans 3$5+ " -eter "$3+ evelation "5$"&

    The very name&esusmeans 'God is salvation( in Greek even as Yeshuahdoes in Hebrew 8t was part ofGod.s revealed plan that the *hrist, the essiah, should have this name ?esus is our deliverer, ourredeemer, our salvation He is our salvation in every sense of the word As " *orinthians "$% reminds us,He is our sanctification and redemption This is another way of saying that ?esus is our complete and total


    Putting on the %elmetTo put on the helmet of salvation is to be !ons!ious of the sain# $or" of 7esus 5hristin our

    behalf There are several aspects of this consciousness$"& we are in need of salvation and are unable to deliver ourselves#& the work of ?esus accomplished on the cross is both necessary and sufficient for our salvation& our salvation is secure and separate from anything we do Rit is the work of *hrist and not

    ourselves0& the salvation in *hrist applies to eternity and to everyday circumstances3& we recogni=e the love of *hrist in choosing to save us !as demonstrated in the pain and agonyand sufferings He endured for our sake&

    8n each of these perspectives, we grow to remember these things on an ever more freDuent basisAcknowledgment in our heart of each of these things makes us thankful for the saving work of *hrist+ it alsoproduces in us the willingness to listen to the

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    times 8n either case, the *hristian is unable to en6oy the benefits of the personal relationship he has withGod The daily walk will also suffer and will lack the uniDueness that causes the world to take notice

    )ailing to retain a consciousness that salvation means deliverance in this present age, not @merely. foreternity, can produce a susceptibility to feel distanced or abandoned by God This makes a person moresusceptible to pantheistic heresies !God is in everything, but He is not a person but only a force of natureyou can.t have a personal relationship with a pantheistic concept of God& :hen tough times arrive, it makesa person more likely to react in worldly strength rather than turning to God

    )ailing to remember that our salvation is secure for eternity leads to a continual fear of 6udgment and

    unworthiness This in turn leads to evaluating self by worldly standardswealth, power, control, fame,social status The true worth of the *hristian is measured by God.s e9pression of love rather than anyworldly measure

    ot remembering that the work of *hrist is both necessary and sufficient makes us susceptible tolegalism and self7righteousness, as well as all of the aforementioned conseDuences

    )orgetting our neediness of salvation guarantees a carnal walk Tied with a verbal testimony of arelationship with *hrist, it produces a perception of hypocrisy by non7believers The carnal walk will lead tosins that will produce spiritually corrupt fruit This is the most fundamental point of remembering oursalvation, so the cumulative effect on all of the above conseDuences can be even more drastic for the@forgetful. believer than for the non7believer in similar physical circumstances Ksually, a *hristian in thisposition will barely acknowledge the spiritual nature of the surrounding world The person in this position isunable to provide a proper *hristian fellowship in the congregation+ his righteousness and truth protectionwill be @missing. as well, producing a lack of integrity

    ote$ The relationship of the helmet to the other pieces of armor demonstrates the importance of foundingall practical doctrine on the gospel As " *orinthians "3$"7# says, 'ow 8 make known to you, brethren, thegospel which 8 preached to you, which also you received, in which also you stand, by which you are saved, ifyou hold fast the word which 8 preached to you, unless you believed in vain( The ordering of the verseshows that @standing. !victory in our daily walk, standing firm& is of greater importance as a continuing thingthan the initial salvation, a one7time event The admonition to @hold fast. is eDuivalent to @putting on thehelmet of salvation. Believing in vain is a false belief through pride rather than a sincere belief of the heart

    Ta"in# up the S$ord of the Spirit $hi!h is the =ord of GodKeywords

    $word The sword is the only offensive weapon in the armor :ho would want to go into battlewithout a weaponJ There are many kinds of swords mentioned in the Bible -robably all of them arerepresented here, depending on our individual ministry in the

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    -utting on the sword is to adopt an attitude of %uildin# up the %od& of 5hrist and defendin# the5hur!h from atta!"!defending the faith& 8t means having an attitude of overcoming the worldly attacks onthe institutions and doctrines of the *hurch, and especially the Bible !8t does not mean defending thetraditions of men which so dominate some denominations or sects& ote that the world and the spiritualforces of wickedness directly attack the Bible !6ust as an enemy engages sword to sword& by trying to denythe truth, reliability, and applicability of the Bible

    -utting on the sword leads to doing the works of faith, taking the offense against the world 8t meansthat we are obedient to the Bible in the attitude of being obedient to the word of ?esus our

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    arguments, many taken from the Bible itself )or that matter, how many people are enslaved to the traditionsof a denomination and unable to live an effective life as a *hristian This ought not to be :hen somebodyknocks on our door preaching a different *hrist, they should go away converted, or at least fully doubtingtheir own faith, rather than we being shaken 8f a preacher declares something to be true, we should be ableto test his words even as the Bereans tested the words of -aul !in Acts "2&, for which they werecommended 'y people are destroyed for lack of knowledge( !Hosea 0$4& and 'y people go into e9ilebecause of their lack of knowledge( !8saiah 3$"& See how the devil distorted the :ord when he tempted?esus ?esus responded by accurately declaring the word, not in a way of debate but strongly refuting the

    deception with truth :hatever has happened to the admonition of # Timothy #$"3, 'Be diligent to presentyourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word oftruth( Even the world says, 'The best defense is a good offense(

    ere knowledge of the word is insufficient :e must be hearers and doers of the word 8f one doesnot put into practice what one knows the Bible is directing, the state of rebellion will prevent growth andleave one open to attack erely acting on one.s own understanding without regard to the principles ofinterpretation provided by God also leads to disobedience and to susceptibility to error The importance ofour accurately pursuing and doing God.s word is repeated e9tensively throughout the Bible uch of theew Testament is dedicated to principles of avoiding false teachers and false doctrines As we have seen,many of the other pieces of armor help insulate us from the false teachers and doctrines, but our personalcommitment to defending our faith is an essential part of our overall protection

    )ailing to use the sword leaves one vulnerable to attack :hen under attack, the one without thesword will often feel powerless )eelings of powerlessness can lead to depressions and addictions, loss ofhope, and even suicidal tendencies All of us are under spiritual attack, but when we are on the offenserather than defense, we en6oy the power of God working through us

    =ith pra&er and petition pra&..."17#% :ith all prayer and petition, pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert withall perseverance and petition for all the saints, and pray on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me inthe opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, for which 8 am anambassador in chains+ that in proclaiming it 8 may speak boldly, as 8 ought to speak

    The last part of our instruction has to do with using our armor :e are to put on the armor in an

    attitude of prayer and to use the armor in an attitude of prayer:hile the Bible tells us to pray without ceasing, the instruction here goes on to pray for all the saints

    There is a special emphasis on prayer for those who have visible ministriespastors, ministers, missionaries,evangelists, teachers, and so forth otice that -aul makes reDuest on his own behalf that he might befaithful and obedient to *hrist.s calling The more visible the ministry, the more important prayer is to thatperson

    -rayer is communicating with God The phrase 'in the name of ?esus( found in con6unction withinstruction on prayer !?ohn "0 U "3& means to pray in submission to the Spirit of *hrist !the indwelling HolySpirit in the believer& An attitude of prayer involves the following$

    " willingness to pray !a desire to communicate with God, after all, He loves us and is our closestfrienddo we not desire to share ourselves with our closest friendJ&

    # sub6ection to God !recognition we are His slaves, desiring to do His will&There are many different kinds of prayer mentioned in the Bible 8n fact, there are "4 Hebrew words and "%Greek words used for these different forms of prayer in the Bible Some of the other English words used toe9press different forms of prayer include$

    petitiona specific reDuest made to a superior !one who is higher in rank, authority, and power& foroneself

    intercession(intercedinga reDuest made for another, who is not in a position to ask !as the believerpraying for an unbeliever&

    calling uponthis is the most general form of prayer, communicating with God The first mention ofprayer in the Bible could be viewed as Genesis 0$#4, ' Then men began to call upon thename of the *ord(

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    as"ing, )eseeching, entreating, pleading, re!uesting, *ma"ing+ supplication, confessionprayer ofthis sort is not surprising since we are to depend upon the

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    The Armor The Attitudes

    Belt of Truth *onfession !agreement& of the truth

    Breastplate of ighteousness -leasing to God rather than man

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    The armored oman soldier inew Testament times

    " The helmetbron=e with leather padding insideand out

    # The shieldas shown here, a large shield asopposed to the small round shield or the much

    larger buckler

    The breastplatethe version shown here is alight weight type used for duties when not incombat The combat version was larger and thickerin front, but provided no protection in the back 8n

    both cases, a heavy tunic had to be worn under thebreastplate to prevent chafing !not a problem withour breastplate&

    0 The girdle !or belt&a series of leather strapssuspended from a belt The combat version !notshown& also had metal plates fastened to each strapThe design provides mobility and protection

    3 The #7edged broad swordit came in variouslengths The version shown here is effective inclose Duartersgood for both slashing andstabbing The longer version was more effective inone7on7one contests and was more effective atcutting

    4 Sandals are shown here with a short anklewrapping )or combat, the soldier would wear thesandals with a bron=e foot cover, a bron=e anklecover, and a thick leather wrapping running up tothe knee The strapping would run from thesandals all the way up to the knee and would

    provide protection and support for the whole lowerleg, ankle, and foot

    oman Soldier in non7combat attire !used for policing duties&