armored tactical wheeled vehicles - army · system • the follow ng tact cal wheeled veh cle...

ARMY PROGRAMS Armored Tactical Wheeled Vehicles - Army Executive Summary The Army s addng armored cabs to tactcal wheeled vehcles. The urban and non-linear battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan made crews of tactcal wheeled vehcles susceptble to small arms fire, mines, IEDs, and rocket-propelled grenades. Varous tactcal wheeled vehcles are undergong armor upgrade development, which include live fire and operational testng. System The followng tactcal wheeled vehcle systems desgned armor protection kits and began testing in the last fiscal year: - The Heavy Expanded Moblty Tactcal Truck (HEMTT) s a famly of heavy tactcal trucks wth a carryng capacty of 10 tons. - The Palletzed Load System (PLS) s a heavy tactcal truck with a 16.5-ton capacity, capable of self-loading, unloading, and pulling a 16.5-ton capacity trailer. The PLS is basically the same as the HEMTT, but wth a hgher weght capacty and an extra axle n the rear. The armored cabs are dentcal. - The M915A5 Line Haul Tractor is a diesel-powered, 6x4 truck tractor system that will be compatible with the M872 and other legacy tankers and tralers. - The Hgh Moblty Mult-purpose Wheeled Vehcle (HMMWV) s a lght, hghly moble, desel-powered, four-wheel-drive utility vehicle that is configured as a troop carrer, armament carrer, shelter carrer, ambulance, ant-tank guded-mssle carrer, or scout vehcle. The followng tactcal wheeled vehcle systems are n the plannng and development stages of up-armorng ther cabs: - The Expanded Capacity Vehicle (ECV2) is a HMMWV varant that ntends to restore lost payload, performance, and crew protecton. - The XM1160 Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS) Carrier is an extended variant of the Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV). - The Jont Lght Tactcal Vehcle (JLTV) wll consst of three payload categories: A (3,500 pounds); B (4,000 pounds for the Marine Corps and 4,500 pounds for the Army); and C (5,100 pounds). Each variant is equipped with a companion trailer. Each Service will configure the vehicle for general-purpose mobility, infantry carrer, reconnassance, heavy guns carrer, ant-tank guded-mssle carrer, ambulance, and shelter carrer. Mission The Army employs truck systems as mult-purpose transportaton and unt moblty vehcles n maneuver, maneuver support, and Armored Tactical Wheeled Vehicles - Army 57 sustanment unts. The threat to tactcal wheeled vehcles has increased, which has created a need for augmented and flexible msson-based ballstc protecton. The Army ssues HEMTT to dstrbuton companes and general supply sectons of forward support companes of brgade support battalons. These companes deploy unts to a new theater of operatons, relocate unts to new operatng stes, establsh unt areas of operatons, provde supply and transport support, defend assgned areas, and redeploy unts to home staton. The M915A5 is a tractor truck used primarily in active and reserve component transportaton unts for the rapd transport of bulk and contanerzed supples from ocean ports to dvson support areas wthn a theater of operaton. Prime Contractors • AM General • BAE Systems • Oshkosh

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Page 1: Armored Tactical Wheeled Vehicles - Army · System • The follow ng tact cal wheeled veh cle systems des gned ... • Oshkosh. A r M Y P r o G r A M S ... DOT&E will make a live

A r M Y P r o G r A M S

Armored Tactical Wheeled Vehicles - Army

Executive Summary• The Army �s add�ng armored cabs to tact�cal wheeled veh�cles.

The urban and non-linear battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan made crews of tact�cal wheeled veh�cles suscept�ble to small arms fire, mines, IEDs, and rocket-propelled grenades.

• Var�ous tact�cal wheeled veh�cles are undergo�ng armor upgrade development, which include live fire and operational test�ng.

System• The follow�ng tact�cal wheeled veh�cle systems des�gned

armor protection kits and began testing in the last fiscal year:- The Heavy Expanded Mob�l�ty Tact�cal Truck (HEMTT) �s

a fam�ly of heavy tact�cal trucks w�th a carry�ng capac�ty of 10 tons.

- The Pallet�zed Load System (PLS) �s a heavy tact�cal truck with a 16.5-ton capacity, capable of self-loading, unloading, and pulling a 16.5-ton capacity trailer. The PLS is basically the same as the HEMTT, but w�th a h�gher we�ght capac�ty and an extra axle �n the rear. The armored cabs are �dent�cal.

- The M915A5 Line Haul Tractor is a diesel-powered, 6x4 truck tractor system that will be compatible with the M872 and other legacy tankers and tra�lers.

- The H�gh Mob�l�ty Mult�-purpose Wheeled Veh�cle (HMMWV) �s a l�ght, h�ghly mob�le, d�esel-powered, four-wheel-drive utility vehicle that is configured as a troop carr�er, armament carr�er, shelter carr�er, ambulance, ant�-tank gu�ded-m�ss�le carr�er, or scout veh�cle.

• The follow�ng tact�cal wheeled veh�cle systems are �n the plann�ng and development stages of up-armor�ng the�r cabs:- The Expanded Capacity Vehicle (ECV2) is a HMMWV

var�ant that �ntends to restore lost payload, performance, and crew protect�on.

- The XM1160 Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS) Carrier is an extended variant of the Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV).

- The Jo�nt L�ght Tact�cal Veh�cle (JLTV) w�ll cons�st of three payload categories: A (3,500 pounds); B (4,000 pounds for the Marine Corps and 4,500 pounds for the Army); and C (5,100 pounds). Each variant is equipped with a companion trailer. Each Service will configure the vehicle for general-purpose mobility, infantry carr�er, reconna�ssance, heavy guns carr�er, ant�-tank gu�ded-m�ss�le carr�er, ambulance, and shelter carr�er.

MissionThe Army employs truck systems as mult�-purpose transportat�on and un�t mob�l�ty veh�cles �n maneuver, maneuver support, and

Armored Tactical Wheeled Vehicles - Army 57

susta�nment un�ts. The threat to tact�cal wheeled veh�cles has increased, which has created a need for augmented and flexible m�ss�on-based ball�st�c protect�on.• The Army �ssues HEMTT to d�str�but�on compan�es and

general supply sect�ons of forward support compan�es of br�gade support battal�ons. These compan�es deploy un�ts to a new theater of operat�ons, relocate un�ts to new operat�ng s�tes, establ�sh un�t areas of operat�ons, prov�de supply and transport support, defend ass�gned areas, and redeploy un�ts to home stat�on.

• The M915A5 is a tractor truck used primarily in active and reserve component transportat�on un�ts for the rap�d transport of bulk and conta�ner�zed suppl�es from ocean ports to d�v�s�on support areas w�th�n a theater of operat�on.

Prime contractors• AM General• BAE Systems• Oshkosh

Page 2: Armored Tactical Wheeled Vehicles - Army · System • The follow ng tact cal wheeled veh cle systems des gned ... • Oshkosh. A r M Y P r o G r A M S ... DOT&E will make a live

A r M Y P r o G r A M S

58 Armored Tactical Wheeled Vehicles - Army

Activity• In FY08, the Army conducted the following live fire testing:

- All the truck programs are tak�ng a common bu�ld�ng block approach to live fire testing. It begins with ballistically character�z�ng the armor solut�ons, followed by a ser�es of explo�tat�on shots aga�nst the base armor and armor protect�on k�ts of prototype cabs. The focus �s on armor and door seams, w�ndows, latches, and seals us�ng small arms threats. Final testing includes full-up and system-level tests aga�nst product�on veh�cles us�ng real�st�c threats such as m�nes, IEDs, explos�vely formed penetrators, and rocket-propelled grenades.

- The Army completed HEMTT full-up and system-level tests at Aberdeen Test Center, Maryland, in FY08.

- S�nce the PLS truck uses the same cab as the HEMTT vehicle, DOT&E will make a live fire evaluation of the PLS based on the test�ng completed on the HEMTT.

- The Army began M915A5 ballistic armor characterization testing in September 2008.

• In FY08, the Army conducted the following operational test�ng:- The Army conducted a follow-on operat�onal test of the

armored cab-equipped HEMTT light equipment tractor and load handling system variant at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, from October 9 to November 2, 2007.

- The Aberdeen Test Center conducted ongo�ng Product�on Verification Testing of the HEMTT at various locations from June 2006 to August 2008.

Assessment• During FOT&E, the HEMTT did not meet its reliability

or maintainability requirements, which negatively �mpacted HEMTT m�ss�on success s�nce the system was often unava�lable due to repa�rs. The HEMTT scheduled ma�ntenance burden �s a funct�on of the base veh�cle, not the added armor.

• HEMTT prov�des armor protect�on to the crews aga�nst the l�kely threats wh�le st�ll ma�nta�n�ng m�ss�on capab�l�ty.

• Live fire system-level testing of the HEMTT truck revealed vulnerabilities in the floor of the cab. As the PLS cab is �dent�cal to the HEMTT cab, the same vulnerab�l�t�es ex�st.

recommendations• Status of Previous Recommendations. This is the first annual

report for th�s program.• FY08 Recommendations.

1. The Army should incorporate both live fire and opposed force-on-force events �n future operat�onal test�ng.

2. The program managers of the HEMTT and PLS should consider strengthening the floor armor of their cabs.

3. Additional live fire testing will be required if armor upgrades or des�gn changes are developed for any of the currently tested veh�cles.