army of the potomac. f*+* prior lce's surrender. · imwir&pld. #ndhas p:ypn lo tiueto tle...

V0LXXV.N°- 7,493. INEW-YORK, FR1DAY. APR1L 14. 1833. PR1CE FOUR CENT9. ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. -«- Events Prior to Lce's Surrender. -^-.. 19 Guni wd 10,000 Bebel Pruonero Taken on the 6th and 7th. ITTACK BY SHERIDAN ON THE OTH. BOW OUR AO RECEIVED THE NEWS. Doatii of Brijfadicr-Oencral Smytb FbU Detalli by cnr Si?rcial Cormpondfnti. ¦Xme St«ry «f Thru Dayo. ix thk nua wnu maMcra COSr*, > M AK lAt.MVlLLt. Apii|7, 1*03. J Thi» di»y the army rcachcd the AppWBlltPI nt fLte poiat, anu. aftor a tnfliug roaiitciice pii«»ed t'j» tiieaiii TBE AVrCMATTC'X M*o it a nifn abellow cretk lunnluK otbt a wAt >>»n\ iX~«? briditea apaoned il, oi.e being tbe rathosl krtdfe a teoond the CniiiN rlfcuJ, and tb« tbtrii ll," BirV.o. Alltlese w^ro deatn-ytd by the eneiny afier tttj bad |MMi T:.ei fMti nt S a. m. witli n lo <? vafoii traiu. On our m oi^bt of tl.e Appon.ot Bn we iu-.ind the railroad bridge on tire and tbeotlirr |Tw de«troy<d. Tre MMBd Corpa ooon pns*od tbe i*rrrn, eorered by . itroiig «kirniisL 1 nv. W»y ijttie rrtlllery wm ocd, Mt mort tbaa twei.ty tfcot* t>»inj fircd. thi crorvD tMot fbo ApporoHttox here m bil'y, and oflVred good fMitioos fov onr batteriee, vhlch cmld baro awept the .taar bank of tbe ttreaiu U tbe «.<'my bad made n t-tai-d kte* FARVVILLB Bjoanjall town. diTid<»d by the Appomattox. and !.ai BOr'u.p;1 BW inhabiui t». ln alte it a ratbtr tMMh gpi|Mt on the tlopes »>f thr ljttle strcam. It !.at a fcr.rkg look, but vu fuund by our foragera to be very .eor in IkkI. The peoj.le f>ok tboir ibange of tttMtlM Mry qrietly, and, for the mu«t pait. ataycd ln '.oors. tl* pitti e i* about 81 roilte fr< ra T.yL.'hbnrg. THE KFBKL ARMY Ijiald by the p^pip t<> very maoh red'.iued.not to BlBiber ha''of our». It can uot bn»e rnore tban ;i'.'*i> ¦Mr !eft and ln (Tini it n.u»t b< Tfiy deficbnt. By ibe fcaaij "b»j»i'mnde by o* yssteniey.tbe fir»f mttf |aig( hoi^y uf priaoi'»r* tnUtn by at oue tim".<¦« |«« taa ab>o Ust aoice of hi« lf»t (ieaerica, Kw.-l: bclaf ¦u of tbcjt. orB ADVA^CK ( Im Wi r&pld. #nd has p:ypn lo tiue to tLe e:.emy to |MoTer lron tbe heaTy b!«»*y deait at thot, Tbe cav ¦J ard Second and Filih ('Tjiilie cn tLe ot).<r ii.!- 4 ihe Api>omattox. whJIe tbe WaA U io MMM cn tbe IJUa tLla (iJe (eatt) of tbe aiream. The XI..:' mi f>ecty fonitb Corpe. aiid aDiTiiion Cibe Servir! of flti Twentb-flfth are in rtar. Tbe Hrmy it wcO :n !.t...d, .4 kf Um- tht. roAi^. Tbe roadi are tnncb biokt-u cbout a roile back fr«mi iM Avpomattox. and tte rain tO-4«y terder"d tLem Ma;iy in pMMUtt b'jt tbe weather ao fhr hat fatorf-d H. Today the rceoe a!org the lice of ineich im tl ^ae old Virtrii ia oi e o' rn.u. mcd, aud a locg ln e of flgon» fplaahicg tbronjfh a brokec road, drawa by ¦kMcv%ejc«l withojud fn>Ci to t)<e ti;<t "t thf r ¦KHn THK COLT.TBV. The Mi e of march to^ay wue ibr«.:fh a bifly bat fre^h .ULt-y, MM| <f tbe f> rr.if l«'fcr ii. a »tal'.-«)f K^od (Murauiu, uod aoiall atscka of oorn VW i"ii)'. n Mal tL.m. tbongii the l.e-f of !a-t yeii> h»l Inu fcikea Wf tbe Kt tl G..v. rrmert aj a tax. IaJ Mttof tbe bouaee the »oi -l B a.aioed and fotae n. ll.* Mmen. Aa U* tbe yonng men, they were "lu tbe ar- ¦f,"that l< ln tttf RaM imy, v<- :.ttl» live bUh.\. «m to be ae<n, aud tftt l-rwing of a (-ow made our fora- piu p:lch Ui> tLiir oata, so to -.Teak. T :r. TJJJ\BI,5 LOUSr. 0& tho e»st aide of tho Ap|.>mMiox. abont h.:f I n |j frtc :v-i» pt'int, uud cn u flc-' p! .Litiit!'<n Bf |NM4, il SVdtobk u. n n Jo»P> * .' ¦ l^in, Wid ibe family hMghnM .evmil mef. to |kl lAy oneo/nl.oui ll il-j-r I M .»! K on Ocr. [Wfa ¦af 'Jhebouf'ict anolj 0t ofUllUtalWU we BHi.rW- V ¦kr !u tbe foi t «*re.-j > MI Ml .nt.ring Tipf", tbe Hjra: o! onr aimj. liit iaialry piakwppfioMMI hpari.pB. In tko wim«f Hm d-iy « MMM] .ok tr.fn. f a- y f who»« n rtfygM ; .lUair tioudrtge. 11U.ACS A3TI» iHkUAT-C'lTINO. fh*r«r Ml MMSfMl o<ttl af p0MM doi.e by oi.r Mk ai.d tbe conatque'ieo tbut .tome of tbeiu 1 a-.» M* fynad thot, ct throat cut. io the w<^>d». 1- afa Mfct* of pillagera in tbe (or.i.try of ati ei-ii- Uf IVoTodt MarttaJt d:ii mnel to p-jtn-'o; t,. :.m- Mfjti/. laawtwoof tbm d:ub vilh tb< MttffMtl Mir» ¦ ..q-)u.'. (f 11 Ml fil!o«-» WM ren oir aa fii»t na ttfr >|Tt eould carry tbein. tte MM IkOT* only aix loiirV tU't of i,« uni .itf Olgaining in Iklt p»u:.d fi.<>t r'c». 015. I. A. r-MVTH. MB Korry V> ea* tbat ih ¦.- tflic-:. ;n r-n.noi >1 <¦'. -l) TkHrO BrifAUOi Su'Oixl DfrkOM, S*r<:d Corpa, ttl kflad m t.>-dHj'» rlfbr. HIb l<>»* i.« mn< h rtgi' tMl by ¦.a ,D- I»t»K Vtl:r with TH» Ktx.H Oovfl AftHf To-Jay Im Army mH tl o App MMttttK, tuov- .aglr tbrooeotlMM by af Mtl] rotilK vMM coarerg* » App inu'.tox CourvHoaae, on tLe way to IjMi k«a, M>«BTalry a: d J !f';' ' "r," '.'¦¦>)t » road to the Utt of -WbM »!aK>- road. T!.. 'I wti.ty foorth Corj* bj "attorto«d to tLs r.gbt nf tb<m. aiid the ti<>»<r.:4 and *>. Ccrpi tf-uk tho old B'.age r«»ad. Thia I a* the ono ¦¦...4 by tbe e:.e':.y. ' .^.p**'! uf bjoi ant i»for the oaralry ond lifth tnd "..*|-fo-jit). Corpa to bead oll tho enen.y frotn any ***k»toim-T:,. « ehtieo. Lee atill inmi to ooek, ***-j{o.ce ;,n t0 ^ towarj Lyuohburt,*, whk'h loiaid ''..0* if' ^r btndaofCeiL fHonei m *.*.*«« about the A[.;A.n.rtitox>erttrday wanuoro JS?!***»u led toiuppeoo. TLe Iint WgUt *3 ..¦MX loal hl *l r. ai:d t/.;t gaU.t uflicor (_WU*' ""iaday th< S.xtl. (.o.-pn met wilh, .t«oCorj.t BMrtJ 't MMl J'>-¦ ilci ot»» a good ., T, iMr corsTBY. Wt.'' "? of "¦..¦th bj U io.,Kb a flner and t*MN »M LIV*:&'rp''n*J "l»(J M''!' ,e!- A* *e «° ftfMok. 4ra'"''''"*i -wtUfMlt rsl-!», hi:d';e»idrT..,i) M( ' *1,«»twtotBetemopinag»tob*iOiii U>dtJ k*"*! I'U Cht° .*-»|fM)MM» aud IM Mta of ^(j/ eyabowed M ut4r diftie- Mnii rttUrewoanofWBjBi f..r oil Ibli --»¦ 1 l. ..| ..rrw,. 'Lr-¦.. ,',»;»' ratK-HH. W'li ii. tLat'l.-.^ra.n Lavj taken lt M) ¦¦a^ .: (j , *!. .''!,.-») pnooaon, rhji mmmihmm . M«»;:|'l..>ii,t. . Mi ftry ltttl»tja .tBa. * fMoll WOth, M< Wl fjjj**'^ * ;' *' ,;h Cor^n »i,j. »r1(t;. jam -tion \rirji > lh« f>lU ityr* ou togithtx towkid LyBeBMrft on tho btt&t <>\ Um enenv. »Mi<- tt.f camlty and >'ifih autl 1 w.'iu>-Koi,rtl) ('orpe, liy a road to the- left, will tu.ii ili'Tn froia any IMM ti.i t ImJi to Dautiile. *. D Tn tm: TiEiK wi:n th»'. S:xrii CORN, 1 Imnlnimurmi, A>.nifl..n'n m.i A rt'j>ort hMjnttOMM u> ne'tliat Ohi I.eej tina in a nifint'fr of Ug Muff i<> Ml what t<rm» would l,o graated bim if be mmadercd IM titnair.i of lii anuy. Gtn. Kwell in oiir hat.d* h laid to haTO nirr.tioned tbat kteCMtfWMM dotkia. Uo.o tli«D tnl» rejiort I mBMJ Varn at thb hmir, and iou«t fcud it nieagro M it. tlie njeisengor beti g anout toico. ». ». Ml »IM AtiTTFA AfcMY PP TltH I'orOMtC. J Fo. i:\itixe £¦»») OVAJTOKATTOSO. H., A|iily. 3 The wires will havo i-arvicd you tlie glad vtwi of <!n.v brfme ¦] di«p»u h cnn reecb jon. wi',1, ilux fnre, ou!y £ir« UM J ( *»'« nioro bj detiiiL A't<r a R/nrcli of 12 nnlt-a. ilie C"!uinn of th» arrny tr.onng by old llafC nid ll i.rrrbbn-g. mm" to lliix p«,iot. TIk> 8econ<) and fcixth Covjt fotnrd the coluran. and the Sec<ial wbs In iront. wlth iu I ir»t Dh - i'ii I'.' At tld» ,joiiit a fl«K(,f ",l,'«'WBI "°"n In frn.t of the aktrtnivTi itne, nn«l (). n Mi..>, in conv mniid of the divlsion, MBtoM <>f !<l» stnlf, C'pu J. D. Cooi, A. D. ('.. totcert tl 0* gjattg MM, tln» nfBcr t'-mdf:..!. Tayh.r, IJra. I.ce* Chtef ofStiff. wlthawit- icc cotnmunkutioii forGet.. Me.ide Capt. Cook took ir: IktMMjWBiel madf l IMJWH il.nt this a'niy vc.'d Mfr pCBd bwillltlW nr.tii Gcn. Lee conld fully conttdci tl* tennii otfcred lum yesterday br Um fJrar.t. Tn ttiiit thc Conu'.audiiig QmiI lejuicd. tlut N fM not it'i- " r /¦'.) to fttaiit a KUf)[ t-Ti-iot: of bokiiliiicf, but ibut hr VSOll jiivc t»o >.oujm tor Gin. Li<> to ucc^l" to thf teraia. ard If at ibp tai of tbot tlnic h* did not do »<\ tSiii hrii j would cuiitimij lt» adraui^'. 'J'be two 1.0':r» wrrf j)0*ied by nn in a«m*Hl li* si>|n.Dif. Al ibf rnd i,f t(:nt tlmc the ord«T \r-.i niv<-n '" odvuno^. uad the Seooml C'orpn wa^ hardlv ton nilnutm In acttl whfti a «tnffofl!f<r of the *ne:jjy cau.s to witb a notc from 09*. Grnnt. WU hy Grn. Sberldar dirrctlrg UM C'ut*iiLaiid- iiir Getitrral of tbu trp/to *ci<|>cnd boati^tioa ai-til ."urtliT WoVfl n:i,! a'lu.iirf ttat G'H. tirant woul.J bf ¦*:'.} ).iit:);, bV.f an buiir. (ti. reiript of tbia. 1> Mcadc gf.r« the MMNMPJ nr.,der. acd Ihe arny caiuc to at.a'f. AtS30p. ai. Gen. Grant anlt.d nnd hcld aoo:if<^- NM witli t'Jor. Lm, IktMnH ff WkM waa thilt Um "i " r ^r d to'Lder the ren..di.dt-r of Li» artuy, P"* re^uctd to nbont 20.(<X) ii>en. ni priiinneif of n»". »o b.< T>-n".,i<H' a> I mnt hoir.e. not to *ene ntfl dnJy M> ci»*i g('d, and sigi'ct nrtcVc to tbat affaai, A l)AR:XO RU?'"ItTIOH. Froiii theatiff rWi'T «hcfam«lit VI I'arn C,( n. I.<f-ordeifd all ti.t'.r tr»\a» aiid tV.e c<rr!nt-ei of ao<.h f. .h Ihff d d not Ir.t'ixl i«« !«*<..rtrrjt!:in« In fa.t, thot 0"'.ild t.ot 1».> canrk-J od li)r»tb bf l)urn"d in.t '.Rbt. in ordcr t' af ikty mit!i' I- ttM l" >.t t: :r ¦ j iv .ont'lt our ca^a'ry. Tl;» tl.ry tricd t» do to daT !>;.t nn t thc r.f: < '¦.: i> vhMl *»» witb the rava!'T, M a N || Ui wiir I'fl. VMIaf Limaelf thim met. ii>-n. L«t al'itf.d^r.fd hia li.iontlon, wbioh tnlKbt tmeWn . acct i»fn! if 0|m Imd tt. » orl> uatalrj to iigla at ttie poiot wbere hc exi-J-cfd to tlt-d only mralry. CIK. ll.f. < (I liiW, thr C.'.i'fof Ktlffof Oei'. LM b I iii.g»it!i C'apt f-'o^V, .-». iJ tluit the <;«ii<riil. ti"it(il. calm, m ln Iow «^lri!» ut tf c ttraiti U »M » he aa* hu arwy rf J, c*d: «n<l that <or the two! !*t dayiho wh. ,< r> .! »f h.c irai-i e ,1 .:: r. B I TTiorc thah teu n..nute» lUtflHiMf pifMMh ao cloteiy dld t.e na'ch tii^ KOvetiK-ntB o! tl.i* am.y. 'Xh" gfltierM-'id n,. u ,,f tiio Krbe! anny w-ro anitoiu Ifl ke«rwh»t wiit* IMI Vkh <m* I.-'-. Bn.Uhowel Rrant cooi-orn :'i r !..i.., »j)iu|{ MkH t'jey did not MM f.,r t!.<>i/'iel»o^. V1L1T OK OLk orlfE»iio>a. There can *>e only 0M Tie«r tif Ml I j-'Tntlone, ar .1 tt li tbat thrj batf b*<n »hort, hnrp au<1 dertalra. Tbey \t\< MM »§M MUHtlUH IgalMt t:.< rtitoiy. IMI Ml b. n vr»21 mnt 4. Ml >M| t»ree of ca»Hlry xi-d tbo nmlrinff uotivity of Uen. Sh-iidw n ay b-s M>| tlrtNllMI iMtetM MMMI IM4 our arr.rr !ate m^t «ltk| it WMl M »'.'!< J t' ii' II r MttM <f Ibl Mltti |f'orp« oi- tbt:2d it»tTnt, in t«» Tii* t).r Snutixlde Kail lioad. md tM Mffirl tt UMtMMAFlftt m4Twm> tvfourlb I'orv* baw-r .triMMdftMfly tnth» re»'ilt« All our eoryi MMalkn katl dc "ili, 1, ;t (icueiv)* Sn'exidu :;d WrbjM bir, Mriag to ci<mMm |»MrHM BtNYlUl blo«na; tleeiitui) tbua t>.-'.T tlillTh. Ir itoVMMMl tmjt tMM , rat re,« hate l>cen fllfiM\ ^h" lM haVTI IMMJMM I PmbI ourgrcut ii MMMI .tip'nonty. I tkMafM tle MMMdfi would !-¦ i.ver iu 30 daya Md, iu oi»« of tuy letti.r", i6. i:o:j.-1 tbe \r\ of.May H V lm> It worjld lik'b' Ml I to an «-'i'l: bu» .*. ,ir-'' la" **¦ *,f>n .ht'rtrj'- TUi; ABTlfLW Of bt IMBII A I j.T of tMMllMl K> N hail at MM* ,;inrttr» to ii,'i» lat or.e wiil M duubt be MMM0| poWiihedto- morrow. ;<!... ,..i,: ,.". of tJ i fu.itiniofO>u. Lw'i aru>y; wiU tal* i>\-' e. wl^u one of Qaf Co»t »tr»kin(r gMMl *>f thf wiur wi:i M wttaMMi bj ihi*ajn.y. Noeventiu. t|M MaHtf of the l*:it«ij BMtMMM <'nnj.are aitblt Iu lay rUaMi pMl *w» |Mmn <f a mnn 0mi ntwl fjoui tb<; dao|i«r of bi li i um wiil be gf'n!. ooi hbuni are fa iMNlfgMMItWI i«l l.ardly be Imaglt.ed. MM ...«iri tbe Mflfl "ftle tfieat'iet army of the en.'mv an < nd to ti:eir hnrdnhips n;id a rettirn to tbelr l M All t'*)bnnd» arcfiiiii-K tl.o itir wuh aoandi of ¦. «:,d MMt after ch"er MNt ftWJ tbe ranka of tbe briaadi^e th"j file iuto tbe»r Unouao ground for thenight. ^ '. ». A «.« o»nil lie?ie*r. in ¦ Opi IgMbjl MMlMA IMH ARM) OfTftf I'frT.'M'e, ) MMMJ. AjtiI 10, W>\ I Wltk ii tniiK'«-'J mtJ ooBlted aMawof fcctol t,K.T.,ii k "P '*>fore ui*. I fu!ly km;./... iu rtew ff the ttinf all'-tf-d in>-. tr.e iwpoMibd;ty t<\ wilting t\ ociu- pltM iml Miiolly arcurate b:,t< tj (f (;raaf« array f.,r |M »-<-«k LM'l MfltMlltiM The hbjrtatB of obo'-'ire etr'ntra. and stii! OMMTM fOOOA »Wm ou» tWOMOatTI in rMtJ dilinitaa. M»M1*«IM»>» ».l,!.ii:,g crlerity witb »!.'.. ?: brlfc't.d»\ dirljionai'id oorji biT«- bc'i; tl.ronL tnm |->n.t t.» | by tht; gn«| Mll mM dirr-cting aJI our iLo-.tmrnte, pre- ventu at j*»-»ent t)i« mMmUM of fuil d.-t- . au t rtflM <>i ifcow Miwmttu !.. ui'-g ap Im P"">d rt !)..,! tbe oaraj-aiga uiil lx» all 1 at.ail attiaipl at iiivt' ''t t" g:T». F uiuknr. .j(fn,:m(.H!tifnH aud t> ti.e tullitar) plajed in the> ¦HlHwil^ |fc»iMiiM,W»j Mtf c:.lid"'i.t)y .ttribM the p-i-tlie "I thc laat cutL- -, .,;.,. Thi-r. wainoneoftho-ldtlai'An t f,,L ai d OfttyMVI b,.ltii.g afl r tbe r-'.rrat of LM af »ar wa. WiMM» ,o,,r,w> ofMhwrlf Bt>t»iMIOWUMi fc*il Ml rfgtt Mfata and aloiigeida of tbo &***. ,mT("U M IM PM*»* a'"1 n"»l",,lTr;f'1 wl'b n ctkri'* nui eki 1 W !< h ba» a»V"inrbe.d tbe wor.M. i'.ut a imall portW <* »'" "rm.'' 1^,>^. B.1-8"1 ¦ .*. an, vieir ..' Wth^mtg. O.i BIMHbIbIu IM Im .ftbe t»finy'» m*t* »."'. ****** ,,",, ¦. VM rejodly m.fTtng vctward t^ward tbl DMjTillB n>ftd. Mtnal (tolum^i »eil puibe* M rfMf K^ rnrd Hurk'-avllle for tba MffMOaf liieroptliig M* ¦MrtMB), wtth hia ciTHltt, tl.o FiHt Mi t*o |ll iai'.i 1 of tbe S-1¦nn:i (', rp«. f.irin« d < ur Ifllt i.dirnn. while tne mnaiml.-r of iMtMBfa BbbjmI MMJtMMBlfeaoftaf j the Appori'tioT. by «huf i> Lnown hb tbe rivor road to MtMrbUMll Mutioii. MBf wlilch tle ubi'lo aiiny bir- BMatai on tl.e Blfbl of ilouJxy. the 3U inat, having at yet encoi'litt'iod no uppna.tion. TrHBIMY. Tcrid^y mornlng emiie and fonnd everf one a* anxioui to coniinue the pt.rau.t aa erer. Lco Ml tlie marcb for H.o Danulle Uo d. and hed pn>-ii Ir reat'.ed it olremty, m4delay M « nr patt would b. »e beer, Let it be MMMmI tl.nt tt Ihlaliu.e w.iaooutb of. and inaicbmg [.arallol ttt Loe: Bid that, on tbe poaetanion of the ieilnwd inei.tb't.ed. wrrr l) avit our hopea of euVctnally ptaMBtMJ tbe e-cnpe <>f lb« e'i«-my. Al.alagly. .f MM Wl atTHiti in moti.m early M Tu<>«iiHy iroruing. one BMbtog dounthf Southaido RUlMaJ to Stutum. and ui otlwr moving o|> the Nnnorine roml towurd Ame'it Couit Jlotise. ('oiialderiiblo akinr.iebr p in frvnt aftba bwt-iDHuiionpd e<i!nmn MMtMi iaffag Iib ««lv .n.-e. bi-t tae enemy *aa ocntlt.ually bMi baai RfM bk mainl>'Mly with the lo»i of |WMl priaoinra, ai"l. ll tbe ufirinoon uf NVduiad..'. Sbend-.a and il.e l';Mij C..ip« Mi, by dint of bafi nutnhing. reiwhed tbf Dn rlllo lfo.d MM JiU.n«T'lle. «i:d bod alrrady thioan np leiapoiary woika todiepuio tbe paaarge of tbe eu«>tny at tbis point. L.ter M the d«y the furoa waa .trenpthi" "d by the errival of the Sraaai and SUtb Corpa. BTbM ». libtced .n a po*'!i'«n eiippoitiii** Shorvlan imd tbe K:l h Gafaa, Oii'- laottfS ;,rored !be MMMtT of tbe I.'.eui.- 0MVa.1l >ahafcllloM l.e<\ ha-ingfri*»e<l ll.e AfW nm'.toT fli IVti.'j lleud, w Witti hia annv iu tbe ilo.n- uy of AvattaOoatl BMM and bai oonntod on hi» aOil'ty to reuh Iiaiiville. Ms objoctiva puint, xia tbe road oi ibr .anie i.ame, and. on dlaonrering the furiri- Mbbj fotco in Ma fr»nf, and tbe uttcr Inipoa'lbitity of poaetiatllg our Hiiph. ehange'l bi. MteafbM fi"«n aoutb w««t to BTOOi «lth t!ien>t<-ntlon of r<"tcL(r. ( I.vnchbnrg. or p,n«ii.|y of heailii'g ua off, cro»"i»g tne iMlbaMa aentof Ii i!ke«Td!e, ain'-, by a rnjild de;our. BtHklag tbe IVi v .1 Itoml louth i.f tb" Jum tioti. Uut ¦Mtbat bia obJ>T'lve point «ji I.rncM.nrg. or wh'tbrr bo Otl.lMbaral t<> bia OtlgtMl wiU'Ptlun of MMaiag DMI ille, it malfrt Mtl toh«»"]npiit erenta floved hi.i ii"i!'i:.ty to reacb eith> r. and l-fi lum « pri-- aaar, r-itoff mi Mt4aaaat\ byaabbarf aaf i»an» :iw-. in tbe r»('.''ii eround \pp:.:n.ii:«ix Co-itIloua», witb M alteiT.uliTB l'i,i nb«i'ii! auriender. \\) i> >' | Ml 'it «.;', t! lafa ry RtMl named wiie aanblaf inaiIirtamnrlM to aoi*.' tho Mtaaji ai tl.iit DOtata IM <*". '¦. n i f Orl ¦ N ¦.>!¦! n P'd'v douii tl.o laataaUa t<> latfcaMriM vmn H MiMaiboil| on the »anr t.k-M (V.'ciliif».:ay) that MrcbjMVtaf »h« iir.'.u lata aoatdaa mmb th« IbMftai taai .i .!¦ ntriBa. acDyrfDAV |ti( ii r. TLe uosit:en of tM.tb ani'l»»on VfafaaBM/ nlghtti'iy M iptBj ..! y -a>li . ll t i Mf hW* haM one >1dr. tbe ea«t, »f a ttonip'- f. rBMi b] 1*0 JmHIo* of Bh N.jlh ¦Mt a:.<l D.uvil!.' KaroMM Or.lic.bima waa at MMl Ua SbfHduJi witb ib Raaaai Kifih and "iiib f'orpa wia bfajrbrf l;. M KM DMffttt Ko«<l ai J.-iirr» iiii». ValaiLl »l''il ' r. nin ml of bi. aroiT waa »ti'J f.itb r ¦¦ li. IM * icitlt? of Am«-lu» f.^rtlJ.uar. aoartflM bai by a aeri.aof !i»aty aitarka tl»iu..i iMaMj ii | firt of !...'. BBfaMM «! t»f BBi t r. t .ncd. ai.d Mf lOoajraaMi l<i«;rint ia the ^»eIll^(; npr tung tb* ajaBMl Ikat Ifffl Ma\ tbe MMa W lU auireuder. TFIITWDAT. B'jt daili^rbt of Tkatoiay fouod BM er.eaiy on bia wey waataard t..«ard PMaM II*. and tber brca'. th^ grai i race for II.cb Ludge, oo tba KootbaUle Itailroad at tb* jiouit * b<'» it« »be AppoKiBttox. PrfThMi i" fbj ifcaataiyal IMaMatyli »b«rraU.t.i«. I ia .t. r. our lom . ou th« rlght were adranred aen r il r-ilea In tbe direotlon of Au.elia C«nrtMmtfi but. oii Cndint- tt'al t!m riu r y ha.l p.n* »»-atwa*d. tbe dir.c- t.un of Ui* riTjlrt and tMBll aad Sixtb C»rpa «a* loi mrdlately I'bnnred to tbo wo*t ia h * of f>n. I .' i !.<. J- i.'tb cb tuiLnd iia marcb botlLWu/d u>'.aid I'uineanllr. Ia BofM off.rtkfcBj bM r »r<.f BatMaajyH Column. bai wHb tMfMMtlM of a lirpo Matfeai .! »:raggb»ra m»i MtaflBJ to real»t Iia progreaa. aaj aub MMMtly aaafb ! t-> tfie left, oonnecting wltb tbe >eo ond and Siitb i:crpa bii<-m thaday ln tbe fMaHy of liigl. baMJ Mtaunbile «t were i.ot bjattaal of tbe erj*wy> iu trntloti to aaj at ¦Ifft Ilr.d)tr, atid frotn «rril'« oobitiin at Ht:rke»Till»,'j:ul been Bentout adet abmeot rot.«utlnt{ af t' e Mlh I'fl.. btJi Obio, aud two aquadrona of the 4th BJaM (im'ir, tbe aMhl Uliij r MMBMl of I5r«'^n IJii^. (iin. BmA I Lief "f e-taff Io (»»n. Ord. wltbordera io bjtii IM briaM agalntt tht ont my if poB>ible, and U im.I fMtaay it by tire. A B.iD FATB. Tho MfaiMM rnet »»tb a »ad fate, an<,> aftertnBk'Tip ,i dei>|«T»if u-.'l l.rr.i<- a'uiid i.'-ar tb*,>: agaiiiFi lb# BaarvMMMj njnili*ra of tboenemy. wbo afUrwcrd .H.mpletelTCMlif-l'U tl'ni. aaa oJicon literailycut to ylMM or atade ptleorn-re. In tbe ouoounter f»en. R*ad v»f klllf d,«:.ot N Kuld by ibe IUU1 (i«nerai l>eailmr, uboni bt Baaajai in ¦ Limd to-Land ronflii t. TMJ MlMl ivna a abort a d r.nciUHl onr. tlen. I{<'e.d, wloaa tftoiri n>u. bhd bafl diaabled by a «oui.d tbn.u»rb the ¦ bonldrr. ieie'.\ulat OlWyoMrg. *aa BMt by bi» aa tagoniht nhiie rofualng io aurn ader. 'I l.ree cbarca aafttbBa tn'tde by ( ol. Wathbnrne. eomtnandlng tl.e ruvulry d''t<icbincnt, m an ei.dtuvor to out bi* wa» tl rough the aMBBJ fownrd tl.e brldge. but otily aith tbe re-nlt bt-fore autrd.tbe. captnre of tlie wb<«W oi bia (letacLuieiit. THK 8D (ISD roBPfl. And now let ua tum U> tba dlretting Cot\>\ tLe Het-ond. movn.g on tbe tTiftny'a ftar turrard IbroMM rille. f>n tte bfl. and odTuaciag on e. lioe |*rallel wnh it. »ea tbu Suth Corpa abllo atill on the It ft of Wright (lasbrd tl <. indouiltable Hbcridap, bU boraM on tbe f ul- IM, atf3 bbj mea at aboit Inteivala aaiuaii g tlMMBlM) i .1 ni'irdero'it dn^hca opon tiif Ia.ik of tbe iMMlfbi ly deuioralktvi RtbeU, m *birh priaoneia. ganii, colon, t"i wajroTii were reinoreeleasly gobulcd. TM boaoai bad, ib tbe meaattiiH'. atrnok th» *neniy nt Fercuhon 1 oVkifa aeio** a tmnll ttn uo eatt of! lV-ntor.aiillo. and, afler a brief bnfabarp cocounte^ paTBal bnn back. (Tosaed, ard a aa agdiu ln puituu, toward Stu'.or*. Cnek, morinp in lint of txttU M i^arly t\ulv ui M thronjrb a ronntry brnken np Juto IfM] W(Hid<d rmmet. and uiaking in tbat diatauce fire di~ ttaat char(.'(i i.gainht meiiy d< trrmlntd ataod* of tbe ertmy, ai.d ln every iuttwuce r< lupclliuK bia relireinout wilb aeTt'ic lf*a. Kblfldlpg bit rear at niucb at pooatble, tho enemy .aattaaed bkrayai toanrd tBgk IMlM. 1»- t.rraninj{ waaMa.lor'* t.'i'-ok, a tn'uinary of tl 1 Appt^ muttoi, Vbiah he oiiuit croaa ..n hiawnytoll '.-t narord rtfitrn. Hnt tbe lnnoa of Hlie.idaii. Wii^l.t »nd Baajfatty w-ie beariDg npidly down n:a>a blB> ¦ai bttf ¦ tfcj BfK rafc n |m It . J ''"tp-. bam'ng ilif rlyhlof our yataaiaj i"Iuiiim«, cam< np wilb 11* rear Mba/l t'reck, wlitro, to covir Uie pasaogc of l.ia ar- u.I f Bi I wfiKona, be inailo a dotperate aund on a Ligu b.utf ea.-t Bfttw atitaia. a urcofc-nri, ayaAtriT. I i dlng tbe enrn.y pafparal l<> batd ll"lr cr«.»alng at' Mlkar'aCnak. IM Ht»i Mi Tbiri PtTMaai of tbe^ jf, aai Carpa ..*¦ laMalbilBly forued n>r fm BataoaS, of iliaUxl^ing lb<- enetry from bia |>o»lti'ir, uod, if p.>*a!- bkl, of, uptuiii gbl traln, wbicb wae lb<n aMMMf> lboaaanult waa hlgMy MMBMM 'lbo oi.Biny wat , drlTBA f»«Ui aoaillon, oad a Uigu aujabtx of yilaoa-11 era. togoiher *lth 22?> wijrona. » amhtilnimea, and 11 ooli.ra Oupla:ed. and ill lmt UJfjM «j*» M our snEHi>A« ti:s MZTB. Mranwhite IMtUlb Carp and Slu-i idan were engig- lag t eenetuyon tbe left of tbe Srond Cotpi tounnl tbo ?uitrh>idr Kiilroi.i'. Md at BlgkCtbl bad MlMri iu tbe captore of .i.OOO or 7,t Wi BfbSMM. MMJ tt ro *eTcn g.mral otllucri of tha Kehel army. ImMBN Kacll. comiiandlig a t orpa. In tbie iinlilaiit attVr thecavulty had oper,<ted ou IM lelt. ot, »n tbe ri^fbt flank of the wbo aa* ti m BBMBBMftof crot* the tiiallMMB Kctirwrt near Kicc'a StaUoti, M bb WHy to tLe Siith ('.« a In ti e MM »nd tbe fM> ondon t!e> rlglit. Tbe riftb. wt.tch, M bef-r* it«Kd. bad a tl.o Bii>rnltig n-i.Tod o«rth towurde run'tulle, » ai MM blie r> ;umi.n? to il.e poiition of the Sooond audSixtb, MM It IMM It MBattotopaltlrtoali n tbe MMMJMMBwMBMtoMMJ. abwMffUM dey (Ihiireday) fieii. llaya, contmnndJOR t e BWtod DivUIoii of liuri- pbroy* Coipe wai iiiii.iiorlly rclicred irom cominatid f"r tant.i.eae of moT«ree: t, Md MMMM by Gei.. I!»il«w. forii.erly af il.e i-irat Dlviei.n. wro hnd tbat Hay ro- ported Mf d'Jty. Gen. Stnyth In tl e litTita bad co.n- luanded the JIlbleB | reYiou* to the airtrei 01 Marlnw. KthaiiModby th. ir arduooa lab.ra of tlie d.-y. tael Soiord and Siith Corpa imouacked near Kdlor'a Cir.ik on Ttmaday nlgtt, whlle Srn-rdan. with tbo Fifth Coipa. Whii'h had. afUr tba IgM nt BB doi'a C/MB. MMfJ i.iund to the lc!t. ngnli raovi-d we.-twnrd towaid AMMMMMCOBbI lloi.aa. lowoni VlM poiot it bad Ml n MBBtMtoBd tbe fiivtoj »ri MtTM*tB|t> Or.l'a commuud, whl-hon tbeianie inoimnic waa it nur»e»vll)i>. hail BMMBa nptho ruliroad tovard I.ynch- toVfa and. M BfMMag at llh«'» IMJMB w»t the ad- mmeof theeiiemr, wtio waa eti'l |x?rh!««tiii(f In bil at- to BMBB tbe Danrli;| MBtraaj bnt wao. on flnd leg our lonea agan. Inti-nem fj. ct.a-ged bfe MMM Irom »outl. to noith aeat MBMffi AfMBMBBM (arnrt liouae. » «b tbe hopa of there pu»jln< our BAfMM aiid galni. tr tte Mifttd rnlifoad. Hrn- apjo. LM bad jonuttd wttlMM hW hoat »a r.nh- aonucnt eti'ii'i driuoii.truti'd. Oa iMMttaf BairMMl ¦MMJ army nMe !, from >aiior'« ClMBMtfeBI .'¦ I U PrtoN Kdiratd'i Contt-nuuie on tbe l«-ff. to WU< h potnt a detachinont of Sheridf i'a ia\ulry bad alreaii) Imn aent liaiBftBM00»l| nilb tlie ad»Wici ofOiU) roluica np X\i inUrnitd to BtMB MbUMi PMDAT. T r*.' y muni!:.K m. 1 tv,i .1 the en'my .f!','1">n >> rtof t"waid fBlWfUl nnd AffMMaMK C««.K- BMM, kgUt Um ptnauit waa pMNMI anl OfMB M Mrnck the r»-arof ;!.r im«] >t lii«b Hii'lc'i itol th- !!¦ MftMMtM Appotnattox. Ti I rWer Bl IBM B«to| ia about MO futu, ai.ltli, an I apaniud | i\.o bfMfl », Ml tlm t-ilniMd KnVcMIB W '<r it> ... ,u atlMBfl atid of front 1 [gbt, »;.d tbe ot' er an ordinarj bj 'V' I r BM pae- Ml af I BM B H<'' w. re Cr.-d on the crf>ainf of tt.e RaMBi Md fonr apana of IM llVi i d| :. itroji-d o-'fon-our a.|i«i"" conalatiiigof Itaj- !«»'il'.,:t m, IM BMI toBBtaBMtol Mb T"in.i BbtB MBtlBCtiM 'f |BMB bjidgea, Itabi a*i MtW n Md riiui 1,-d toktowMUMMWif . !.!¦. i roiPg iu bttll.i aue. it prtparel to >!> I ,:e ., ir f'trtlmr pnr- .it. A BMIf BMJBgMMBf ."..«" 1 fr ,m »ltiier al'.e >»f t! e Ml oo i:,t BfflVBl of llirb-w. an.l gM arraif itifl fMjfBfto aMtotol h'» BMBlBM. a li^lt Mttt :y "f M!le«,"a It i .. m *a« aWBMJBf up aud p««f"d on tt- «n-t< rn Mi k of the m»«", IU flr.'fM u i>,:n;-!'r .-.tte ICtlWMl f t!.o KeUl Vlitboi ". Ihe rr< <i!'.| i,f IBB llMMl f'o.-pt wai tv,'n B.ade. . »¦ i -r ' bj t .i BllBa t". at agaM *J' \- >-r<\ towi-d »aiir»;iW In tba alaaa.* MM brtfBM .# OM Sir.;tb l.d :be \iw>. iaid fnui the Blfb hUp 18 I arturule MM r..n»UMt4y MfBfMf UM eu. :: » wbo aa bia rhanrra "f r-it|* jr«* fau.Ur U> .jibl thc- v m< d.-aj. r .tt'.j, aod nty r»ur»4 wbv» MMfJI i io»p*ltiooaly. » \LL 09 0t». Mtl rn. It waaaraMit tl.rec mllea fn m KarniTi:;c, mhere, with the flmh of vit t.irj on bl. brek. BBfl t! ¦ ahout af tri uinph mll rif.ri»i« M bli Ipa t. "t OM, Suitth fill MB t il:y Wnniid'-d," badtog "> pvraoo tii. akirmtal. .tn- a^ramnt il.e em roy. And blffl the Ntte w!Il paic'on a lni.f OJtMBtaS. Ibeirriitr l.a.l t^e jrui-l furlui.e to U aMJiiaied «itb tl.ia deail Mm, aa a brother aoldier, In I-' i-' 'ii 1 ia MBMIMjM .I'-b lila inili'.aiy care. r up totMtbMBl bb dta^h. Tht) o<itiutty ai.d the *orid In leard of bb Mbb darlng on it hur.dnd gory tleid<. BfJ ol'.itud r«p ru, abiuh Oi-omlo«al:> do not tie cl U> iimk* aMBtlM of the (1.\ i'v, BBfl fie.j'iintly cou- p..-il Mb MM) »ith SMMBf^Ufb toffi alrra I > MM M MBtMBMMBf of Impartial bIMBf*, OM. Smytu waa iM.rn in Irii^i.d. aud cmi^rated to tbU co mtiy uhrn a bB*. hc atinj in VUtotoftoB\ !». biware. »lier*. ir.iil t: .. It- «*..>¦.< t «¦!.!."» rn, '." puirued tbx l.uai iit-aaof BMBB niaknifc'. It w.iiild p.,rh«|»'1 BB CrBBat able to the MMatrJ of Cen. Smytb to atate, tbat be waa at tiila lime a iMBMMBl of th- HVCkta< ri If a<hool, and tbat at tbo cuioiufi.ovuieui of bwllHfbW bl flBaUBflBi bl» a|!e»ri*nie to tbia fiution and took lua atand umoi.ic tlaw of bb BMfBBd country, who dctermiuid. at all lui/anla, bintandby tbe oal l\n,(. iMMtttog a coaipauy iu Wdtnlngton, »ith tbu imen tiiin affta i oiic,!:.!'».:¦.« wltb tbo Lleluwarc BMMI about b-aviogfor th* wiit, aid chafityr at tha delay whlob MM iued thoir dopurture. bc pratx-ded to ftBBBlMBkba where. ufffrlng bit rxunmand to a reciuient tlrnn leur- ;iik- fo; tbe blcuuudoab Valky, il waa aoecpt«-d, aud aritfc It le marcbi-d aa Ita ca,pt«i". aerTinff trrdnaMy in that BBfBMtJ for IMM oiontba, tba trrm of bia regl aafiit. t»n lia r< turu boiuo be aaa noule niajor of tba Ih laware refrtment tben aliout iMMIttog iBf tbe acat of wiw. and finuily MM front tbnt poaition, by mi-rit asa t:ii«twortly a: d gullantoffloei, totborank ofbugudter- fccneial, \>biib waa BMBMMi aMM blM laM S .ium«r at loftl lliituor, for aolduT llke etUi iiu> y. Ibf a b>ng ilv j rr\ I.j t" !.'.» promotion be bad coinluiindod iful', and ao »i-'i that eTery one wna aatoniah<*tl at the tatdineaa of the War Dflpannieut ia r'iBBfMMMj In elHtma lo ht^her boiiora. Iti a iu. ..Im-i i>I iu p<>' tant engnwemetit* Geo f>rr,yth. d'tring th« abf nte of Gen. Glbhoti, BBMMMMl tbe ImmI iHfbbfl of tbe bMMMMI C'orpe, and aiwaya ao oteditahiy ai to wlofiom bia ndminr. tbu gallunt llnii- i.ik, aiu" 1 of tbo hlgboat pralae. If tl.t r>< waa any f( riiilduble poaito n to be atormcl m wbii'h daiin^ and akill nete requiaite, 8n«yth wltb bia Kri^ud. tm, atBTrJI ae!< ted tnr thn tii.i'.i-rtakin/. Daai ing atid BOldMl lakl in appearaix e, be BMM fnilcd toaii'ura t I riitire <MBtMMM <>f bia BMB\ and wheri BTtth ITM Iftob ju.pelii'/iiiy hc lifieil bi» cap anit ot tbe bead t>f kbMhj umn lacpt Bllh a i.direr do«u, Hhcndeu-like. BfM tbe; MMJJl bia puipoau Wai auru lo bl' iu viuplalird. lie »n ab»t in thf muu.ii by oau of tho enein\> ibnr; ,hocr»ra--a brain'1 »( the ¦ gnftr, by t!n< wny, BraMb haa tnttiitrd n|«m na roori MM M f.'i neial DBMBK tbaii tbe rMMtodM of tbi Hcbel Aiuiy. Tl c balt, p..«?::.£ IWMfjb the n.outl., laMjad lu Itu. paraly/liv lh« whole *a,<h aud r«i.,lcrit p; bim aliin«t! irir-eii«ib:e lo aullriii.g. llu intinned Ml BSMBMB MM MtU bb MBtb farly on Simday iu, rning; ujd, MB hMMMMJB tb" Surgi'on aa t', hie CBBBI M ttl IMMMTfj aud IMJatotofl "o ilrtiiiiie MMff, he ai.d, ' lh 't h. «ii.ite l)o. tor, bat »pc»k tandidly, for I jiii uo oowaid hi -1 ud afiaid todbl" I'mbatily ao ottirer in the I'otoruae Army bad reoraj frifiida and adu.ireia. with fguer eutmiea, than: Hng. tlon. Iboiuaa A. Smjih. Alwuya MM1B0M aud fronk ln bia deueaaor, lie won tba lotaj aud n-ap«<!t of rrery oue approaebiug bim, and to dey I have MM niany aii >-\v K',,v diin on Mmtof of bia deatb. Wlula an aaxntat lighierof MfM agalnat bia adopted nouniry tin,. \ t,»,k no| KvaaWa to Miioiai ba| m Um mbUbt/ wm nioud lol i.for fobisoonneotlon wltb tho Fenlan Brotlerbood. lio « u !'re»idrnt of tl.e IVtomao Clrclo, and horxd at aomo Ikaaai BB) to bo lrttramental in th.- tlisoutbrall ment of bia untirolai.d. Tbat ono ao yaaf, to Boblo and bo (; wltb a.' tbe quaiit: a *Btab go to m«ko npthe tr e genlleman and tho gt-ilint nidler. tboiild Ii .Ve died, and 1 iveh * :ir,e, U l.i.ifed lud, for no one coiild h»ve been mora deeply tbrtlleU by oox croo niag Tlctory tbnn he. Brt to reeome. Il.r'ow §*M\ led the ftdTati.'O wlth rhe Kocon.l I>iri»ton towerd Famrille .ttoupb whicb, nfter makli.g aeteial obatinnie tho euemy re- tn-altd, leat.n,- atevery tieo gnna, W;~oi:a. BLd cimp e,|ijp.;rc in hla aaxe. Oen liumpl.rer, tneanwhi'.", witb tbo Flrtt and Tbird Dirlalon* ot l.ia corpi, wbb pu/bing u>r»..; .1 on tho IgLt toward Lyucbburg, In tbe direcllun of BTbkl it tooD betsme evi leot tbe enemy weio re'lrlng. At 3 p. m., P.arlovr %ue ordered to re- J"in tlie nixin body of Ifuinphiey'a ootumnid. toon afler abaM the Firstat u Third wero directed to again de- n.. i.ntrate a^M;i;. t tba enen y. A Bbargaaf tbo Tirtt Ii. of Mllna'a Dlviaion ia renreaeii'ed aa baving be»n onnauaby gallant. nlthougb BMaaaaafafi «» tbl maln body of tbe t-nemy wanstrock iioitli-ucat of lainiTille. Darkieta tben carue on and pnt ua rai to pjrtbar aaantfaaa taaatfiaMjaJ tbe corpa iL.rlng tbe day were 5iK) pritonera, 19 gni.a, a nuu.ber af color*, besido aagont aad ambult 110*1 ln graat nviubera. BATCBDAT. OnSutarday morning Itaat fonnd that Lee hid apaln ilBappMiai froui our uumediate front, and it »»a bojii iliaaiaiai that li*. waa muving nortU wei.t to r -ach tbe roi.d runai%' B uth-aeat a.ioee the Southaii* Itailwsy from j pporiatt. x Courtllotue. and ngnln wif the ap- par, nt doaire of .' beading ut olf " and u tlmatf y mg tbe DaiiMllo Keiirood. Agaln. an l for the laat lime. dld «e au .ceufiilly prcvent tho ci.sunvxatioo of 1.1*. aaayaratapka foree<ape. Tbaaaauaaaiaf Gaa.Ord had dutlngtharlght tp- aafrai araora Ib BMta rapidly up tho rattraai to Appo- i.i.iti. x r. urf-Jlonae; wl.i'e Sheriil- waa to !»ad tbe mha' >eon iu rigl.t, haring tba aame obje ti e pataB IbcS-cond and Sixth Corpa were ordered t> marcb f»..rt!iwar,J. tatlng M a poiiiion eaat of tb . Coi.rt- ¦aaab and tbuiaUnoBt ".mple*e!y encircllng rern- i.-ntof lA-eiartny. Tbe couniry ktmwa aad eppre- ..luiea t'.e rc«ult. Grom'e asratogr aMBMaV i| tbe !:.¦'«. n.rde waa linnlly lort.ored, ?md uothleg Fl ma!ned for but auirtaiier ..r anaibBuiion by our \ ctorloui .rruy. RDAIulHtlLS tkV&M OF OBASl'H HtM OF SVB- KI.'1-fK. The Intclllpenco that in-^.;iatlor.» were n*nuinK on Safirday f.rtbe anrendrr of tho enerry waa hailed .i " yfaJ d.''noti«trBtW>c* byour n.en. but arMa tbe tiruia .jf tbe aaakalatBM U-fame kriowc. tbeir «t;e tboae ofdMppalatW M ai.d cragrln, and noi a lut;. | uraiurlng «ii heatd oi . rarwaaaa at wbnt they aaaaatoai BBaaabn >ni<n<-y oo the port af ti.o Uaa- tenaatliinrra:. Ewell. Fic'.ott. and acreral other BaTaatl 'f di'tiictlon. BMOBBfl frOBB IM Uuit-'d StiiU'B Mffi i e ai ibe b>-g: m.i g of tbe war. it **. claimed bad no I't'it toexpect the trcatuient a.tordtd thuir nr.oie h..norab:e bn-tbran in Ktb*iiiin. Tli* bru»*l rr.nrdcr oi ibe tbirty nlne mrn bnrg by I'nkett in Nirih Carolina u itUl ieo.*njb«(e.l and atill awakeo a tplrlt of row;nt inoct -, tbe nieu. mt ^^RBr^.I>EB JfOT A FO&MAL ONB. Ifa forrnl myiMolaf t,^k | laoe, and onr tr'»'pt we.e e..n». .,iii¦i.ily n<it grutlfl»d wit.i a lljM of t!:* raggeJ remnanta <>f Lfa*l BMB grcat ai.d f..rir...!abie arroy, ex- BBfli aa tbi y confronU'd eacb otber ln hatt!*. Botli a'ml'B lay bidden from eacb o'ber, for tho n.oat parl. I in ioMB 'MHida. or.d aitUiug') niany of oar nien ,/. : ward atrag'lrd Inlo tl.e enuiy'a canipt. they «<ra uot f .ro.ed by tbe oor»te«l g imp«e of fie wholr atrengtb of L-e ntaaaod ia a coinpact body. Ot'B TBI OXF.KB. O.i the a'jrrerd,.- .¦'. it waa eiilmaud Ibatbll aroiy ceri*.»ted of BMal A9M BMB ll will tb.r. foro h«i«ii i'ii il aaaaatfy ta leaiu tbf.l «t paroled pru-onera aa pi\'bai ly re,ei«<-.| a. tbo auirradrr not aiore tban aOWi TMaaaBaaa naturailT nr.itr. what bec.irae of tho remaini.g '.V.i^OI lie\>n\ oilkiT* arer that on Irarni'ig of L<c'a intfiition to eutrvnder. tbon«aud». among thtin t'ie lleliel Catelry., elilter for thelr or to j«l:i tbo am.y of JobMMi I 'foro ocing pa- ui. 1. nud that the , mrn n tl) doubt., m a.a». be iound ii. t: IgbttBg iank" uf the Kob.-l armlfBelsewhero. A' rui [V.r. ¦ntiiKMikh. The Flfth f'orps n aa BlAffM BB rvn ain for tbe pnr yaM ofaaparintcadlaa tba raakaaal of the aurrendered pr..p*ity. ImfMm r.d tbl MMMBi of <>en. tad l.;.i. e.l I r Dai.M le abBl ibe fVcond nnd Sixth re- turned to Vnrktaiillo f..r ni.ppma. Ti.r. mntii cotr« ti>vk M part if! the | umu.: ot Lc'a army fron; IVtera- burg, but n. belnnu for tbe pm poaeof guar.Liag tba r. r >.! to I'.arkavllb. LEF, it Is in',1, attrlbutea the enpture of blt arinv to hla on- deuTort lo aare Iiib wagon iraln. which greatly dilaycd but prugiooa. llad lo ebaiidui.eU it bo ml?lit pooaihly bave ii-iiob, d tbe I>an iile ltoad before n>. nud eacaped n :tb hla arrny aouthward. He wili doobtleet learn a Ls- J. ui by Btpcrieooe. A* IKCI!»ENT. Xear the Appomattox. and at tbe polnt whjre Shrri- dan and Wrlgbt ucbiend tbe.r brilliant aueoesa of Frl- dar. lay tbo ruins of army w.-igoca, umbulaiinca, furgea, caUtonH, ord tho «V ri$ gencrally of thu Kebcl array- On tbn »l.lte ennraa ooter if an army wagon toiue aag, i^mtlbly a good-uatureJ Jobnny, bad written in glaring .-..p.iala. * " WK CKB HAVE FOCND TltE r,AST DITCH." Kr ir. tbe aerne preaeuted in thegorg.<ieforied toone mlgbi Tery eaaily BaMBM tbat lt vr\% the long\au.U,l " laaiaitch" of |M vxplring " Cmfedtraey. % c. e>. Aaa«clat«d Prraa Ar< oiiat. Wahiiiv«,i..s. Thurnd -y. Apri! 1^, IAJ& iVfiaapoBoaBM Irom Um Army ot Um Pata* BM aayi tnat rery liltl« fihbting took place aj t e 7th |aat. BB Fi.nnille. Tl.eie waa »ome aklrni:«l.lng be- t»<..¦<. tbeel em r'areargnaid and tlieSocond ' orpt.with tl... Baai i.d l'nUion of bafabry, the re»ult he.nj; uni:.i portaat. Loobad kaataaVi io fail baeb lo I).n?il!e, but b.<ing ci.t otf by onr fon-oi gettntg to BurfcearlUa. 1 be rlinnt-'d hia eaafat and ai.ut, d ton-md I.yuvhburg. r,ir: ,.f hH aiajy yaaaad tbrangb ParatFllla ou |M ntnrn. ilig of tbe Ttb. AlU-r araaabaf Ibe Appoumltox. the bii,!nct neie buintd. and bef,.r» our t^^ po cwld gi't \,-:, II. riieinv bad tiiken ii ouaitii'ii a tuilo from the ri»i-i. wl.tie ibererected WorM and mane a alund l.. itder i<> aiiow tindr aaaaM t.» g^t aal of rba way. I Ih.l alde aftho mer.Ju-t ..i.t.-KK' oi tbe tuwn.a d.rwlou i lavatn Bai labvi 'ip n piaxitioa, datf^adMi koaaaoy our adrajaoa wbfla roonnltraeilag ibe bii.lffe. ara BM nd Uiraooii, und.r Ue,.. t rouk. attook.d IBOm rigoronaly, driviaa ib.u. back diatanco. Ki.t the; I.....IH furce ,1 lyina: in atubo b. whi -h |Mii..d .tbv\ «ie tiroiutoour i .m ». MW adTBnecd to tbo anco,!,! itrntck, and they W< f aocafOllod to f.Ul l,a^ k ou »'.¦ irii.pi.oita ... . u TiiaKrbauauia afur retirod. be, g lnd!areiv«! to jaritt tnatbwTfber»r Ti.o |. « m botb laxa aaircry ligkt, 't he! rorpa eooii aulpii riig aa afler tb" BBBBf droie thum liebmd ibeli BOBl) bnOt bnaataork*. deu Smyi.. wi» tO> venlr hiid Ii Ia bollafoi inortally iTuainie.]. in I, ..dii.g IM BMFffa TbiBwasaaad laM to tl.ctoni II Miard £»«r> inan in lt fei-U tho l,.i« e. h per*'l oi.e. A rnuto gallant BoMkfr n-> er aerred bia co;., t, y iBAtaaataBIt ranktd higb for braveiy on tbe nVM. hut na genlleiiion and a fnend bo vra-. belu.od all D ebofcnewbim. The loaa In the *M*ai Corpa aill ba nbuiit i."»i, muatlyofrimytUa bugaile. Jn the bBBuM tl.e enemy rrotaed tho ilv r. Matoa giuia aaM taken from iberu," aud afi'rwirl «.'x bmiv. aiakiug eigbteon durtug tne day and abuut MM . b pfXM Matbar af priMDara takaB m tba <ti> k yat dowa 11 jat 7.700, almoit antlnly ./ KawaaW* and CuetJi l>*1 iDTbi°wrTffpondet.t. afUr girln* fartbtr f*+* MMM bnt wb.oh hava uiai.dy lnvn nublnhed tnroitgb laaMal mmm .¦."» U'« B>W wbeiaiha V'T'a ,. »r 'rlace waa alm. st aOTCfcel w rtb the MMBrll dand, all or tbrin, BMllT. beiDjrHbot in tho baad aud upper p»n or l»' e h.aly. The po-'tion waa « ver? fav.rubla on* »>r them. bnt onr artil,erj had M«l r .nge on an adjolmna* bill, and onr MM BMffMl up fh« aeo*t.t w'th encb lin- petuoaiiy tbat aoroe waw hayineted befora Utoy lin their llgl.t b; eaetwoi ka. Tbe oad for milea waa etrawn witb brokondowa MlMMa. .***.**.« all kliida, pp?aentlng a aceue MMHB wita*aa*d ob tn* partofLoe'aarmy. , .,._* lae loea oo the Cth wlll ium ap abont 1.000 lnk,..«a and woaWpd, the Stith t.ori-e iBJMIiBf th* bearbwt. Another letter, d-tad «n tbe cvanmir of the «"». *a»a: "StiawlTi arc fout.d a.:atier.d all aJonf the lina of marcb, aud aa tbe troope p.taa luoy come Ia and .<»«". der ibeiiiieli ea. .-xpr. a-n.g tb' ir de««>rmluati< n Bghi i.o longer. aa tbcy cocaidex tha Keboilioa at good U " Fonr rnni were hrooght In thta morning, leaid* a laewtnto of auibii,aoi'.-e, many coolalnina; wouiideC, wba were plae-d Ia «nd cured for. OM. Gt.rdon *.nt faur MrfMM throu.-h th* llna t'di afcr- noon, tlmt tbev .>« aliowod to ratnlatcr to tha wanta of tbo*e Int behind on tbe road; bot aa wa bara fpMBty of anch belp LMf wlli ". "'turued t0 Wi"r "rijT jin tl.e uorumg. . . ,k ..Gen. Haya waeralleaod from tb* oomraand or tha Second DiTiatoti of tha Bot ..nd CaVMJ y*ai»rday, for tar dim-ea in moving tho commaod in ohedleiice to onlera Another Usttar. date.t Aprll B, *yat Notwit utnnding tba eunMwadaaea batwae* UeM. Oraat and Ma jest<-rda/. wbi.'h led all t- <-x:hci a formal e.rrrerder tbliMtrttM. tbT brtrr«Btrvd aJI itl» < nrrgi.-a toca- Imm Um net Iftid f, r bim. Ile maich.-] rapldly all IM- llarday uft. nioon and etenn.g, BfcUJ be ran agajuai Isneridivn at tha ABMMMMMJ OMBt-MMBm A inirp bk'ht enaui'd, rfa-.lili.K I" the captnro or a nnmberof arbMltl ai-d Um MMM kiug af ibeir rotreat. ihe I'aontyfouril. aud *. ifi h QufM] were oli*e ap In .upp.irt ortho caTuliy. dnii ig tM uight io.«k up a atrong MMBlM MWM UM mal' r< ud and oa the Boulb aido. tba-Appoiuattoi Itivi-r on UM nortb aida outtiOB* them off fr.iri re tr-at in tbat direction Ka'ly tfcia moriiiog Shfiiaan atiaokad T!K''»ronlly, ar.'l for aotnn tim« a loiak MBMMMm nt JTM cHrriedI oi». Abouia a. ra. aflta-oftri/co app f r.d in fronl of BM line, and bo waa in'onm¦¦) tbat hofin,iira had MM iua- penUt'd ir, or«'.ert<i smMfN t»rmaof aurrender. ^^ li it wa» MMM) by ii»;ra m.tde hyGan.OM, cona.'CtlBK to a casataai f IM flrin« ao at to coibmu- jnicata with (ien. fiiMBj and »u»Coiio, it u aaid. wi»b- toi t propor ntithoelty. (.eii. IberMMa'a Ad^ntai t Ceneral waa allowed ta fuuii- ihn.¦.i»n tbe KoIh I i-o'.iiuid to ooiumonlcute witb aleula, wbo atatotl tnat M knew of no aoeb ar rangcnii'iit, and thm b>- BM bM) to mo\c forward, ib iaccordanco wtth hia ; raVtvBa intentmna. Gen. Le». howeT. r, »'.-ut imotln i uu aaBg*( deairing to l.avo an int .vi.'w witb Uen. <im't to arranga tha lur-jie of au.nnder, ai.u Gaa. M.-ado waa tbaaabHgBi to urai t a two boura ai Miat . iu afMei to i-omuiuiiicaU I wltb Gaa. OrM*. wba hi».i mtbmI btcmm to the In Iduring tl< Di«ht. OtokOtMl MaMwttBf UB*llGtBW I,ro Btid dis.Uaa tha lliatt*', alx-Ut Hj o CWCK Lkut-Col. Wbntier of G«r. tori|M*a fteff cnan in aud r.'port' d tb«- MTaH uiraiH"'d n d the paperasiKaed, wbrn tbe arf o'eet mHIBMBI t riTailed UiroUfcboat o»f Lcp", (ih,..T u|aiu ebaat raawiMji t c air. S>w,n aft' r, Gen. Mca.'m aad .Matf. with othrr oal.era, ... ik the liuea of tbe bocoid and .Six»h t'orpa, and UlOl lllll MIMllJ with tho :n«*t enthueiaatto Jiautt, tbe tuen tbiowmg their batl in tbe air und fulrly dano- linf wiihjoy and tleliirb'. .Voan.'ii "Cfuebaeerer n*en wltneaaed In tbla artsy, aad UmUmbbb of tha vbab BMBtrr af* duet-.tha br.ire cen and tb'ir l.-.oic co.,.iuaadera lor MM a [ graat aad ikartoM wmbU, k ia undciatood tbat thf me- of Gen. Leea Armyara ta Ih> MaraM and aNawwl t<. rMara twltoif bmjmm. i h"\ gara ip etatytaiac ib ihalf ban.ia, but haM night ibeyda tfc'< ^l Mtgw aM»aiit» af r^P«|V M Um bmm ot «igtMB, gaa BBifMgtB, b tirir'«t:«-. Bafsra, A'. ThenmuactafOM L.t:'a t..r-. ia pur down at abaut 20,0fi0 rien, V. iy Ia* gui a «ira in Ll.oir BMMMMM, ai taej a.and' i.ed i.e ntly all tfc«'.. diu uot loel iu wolion. l'lmty-otchi euna were Uoughi lu yiaterdaj, and, i ti-; l"t iM m.,rmniy. .... ¦ Tla lankaii.l filo of L;e*i anny are eald to M w»ll 'tuii^M logive ui. the atiiifgi''. bBMaMMJI IkM IMT h \.- i,.'h<'peof McliM. bat aai UmI if «ien. L-a r. - I ii mnlafhr. ib-y raaMaaaa atuck io himto ... :.«t. 'l b«j uf'cera ara aorewhnt amly and diaconrented. brn thta tt.-ling will aiao' wea- off wlien ili«-y Und h«w [liherallj aad iitdiy out ,jv.j>:« are rtrap"aed to tMal thm. AM4BCT letter frotn the Ar ny of the I'otoauk', daled Apiil It ai.ya: , ... 1!" Cnj. uirangementa for the enrnnder of Iah* arai) vatl coa.pb'U-J laaBflMBf. aud to-.lay khey are at lil*"iy loMMBad MUMtraMMMM UtoVMMl aa tbey eMM*. Tba fimagranted a«-re MfMbaf of a Tcry i.twi'it vhaructur, A largi-ntimhrrof offl< i-r*. 'ogftbfr with thoaMaVM aftbaMM of ilisaruiy. expn-aa their dri»aii«t»oiM>n aotonlvat the uup.ralV^U li'^ral'y p.auted to lio \ra of K«nb*MVirg,.nka.batal ibaMMMM lnwbicb tl erwrn puwlMlaad alb wd u>gwtbr»r way a-Hboal ,in an Ixing |*n nited in. Jay tb« re« ilta of H.^il loi g .trngglo in tL.) uaaaagw tl.r-'Ujrh the Itnea gf Gen. 1^ e ai d hia arny bat .t i* eMhaerl t.'.at thia would uve Im-. n huniiiiatia,' t.. L-eand bia otUeera, endl it ia uot Mm oi.ii >>r daaba or our UeMTBBMM "* MMBMMWI to .tt to*anl ililin H u-v wi» MM t would lei d irritalo ikaBJ > ilBfi ot ui»ka tfcoir poaiiiun more intolerabb Ibaatt laMBfb/M. TawaatMyiMiMMt ih.iv 'ar««bera i<>t tb^ b,«t, «au «;uraoJdlert aillsubia.1 \ t!«i\» do td rbat ¦. ju,!i{fd BMM VMB Umrinf Ssi-daj ud bV uday laigj :,uciberaof tbe llcb. U, aa »al M MMM of t, a odicer*. mado tbeir 0 lepeiroin tbe linep aad aaattrtad tiiron^b Um wtavia, .iiiuv,, iiii.iidiun to T'l-.-n boice IMrMBM ..i-t algbt v»ern t,lud Witb IbBM, b*fsaBg aomothiug ta ,-,i Bl a h <f Ci ¦¦.i»c war. (ra !y tliTei.. TIk imi.oii. t»h<n i,.«k.-d if'liey had b<en parzltO. laratMblj MfttaA *Jlar.MB »d are bMBMM to go » r » r I'b'IVf." Tba BHaMr af men tbat Oeaanl LM e'almed U) b* ¦Msta »enr wm IO.OB0 arrtti nii.-ket", witb asiuaiir 'i tt <. oomuii'Kaiy, qnariei BMBtBK boapital iinuot'a l illlBBITlBII bttoUUan ul.onav N^n per- m 't> d to paM tb:ougb th.-ir bmbb wm tiint not mqra li .in T.iKX) tr ,-,u«.M wiil be MMM M Laro ba*n aar- rand. i'd. ... Iu- cariliy oporatlng *it:. ..""eral Le« Ta« alf) tnrni'dovfr, :-it oiily a au-all f)ic<? an1; brok-o dowa (..ta-aeaaldbafom.d reaatl ai ,ta< tbat tbe Iw^thud b en p'ck.'d niit.l'dN nttot.ui .lobnhlon. ibo ioii.ib.iof gaaagMMi Bf *aathirty# with from tbr«^> t" b>ur bucdred wait""a. \ vi \ little iiniii'.anitioti end no juiipllca were foand. Ai itn (TibM ol the a: itf of tla.r <on.mi»>.aj-T ai ra fhey roachi-d Faimvtlla. tbe r-aidi-nta t«ll ua tbey I.ui t>, en ImoIm aaraaf aan to tbe men tor seTerol da\a pjv»i»ua. bat tbat a iraiu from Lytul.tnrg met t.'.fiii there witb Ikmr «nd PMtfci bnt nf aon-e 2,«aTfl l.,.-> a over to ui t ot rnoi,- thau MBWaMMaM to be aoitha lintftcratioB off.,raee f.,reaob. CaMMMaMMrOatd ai.d .\asi»tH.'.tC.,mmi«sary Ffatoh aaracaptuitd>n iMir mbj f'ou» Kiihruo. >l lamrt iDanrillc, an<t waia braayU Icio eatarp on Sunday. i Mj bu.i a larga RaMbara BiMMM wagon tllia.1 wiib c gara li.p.ora atid other luxuxitH, and by aome uudar- ataBdlng aai* Blbewad 1a g<> into Cu. Lee'a llnea. i ,..y r.turrrd e.cniig. and are Bttfej to hare gona io iin'hui.'tid on tomo bmineaa BBBaMtoi witii tba evc'iange qncatiO'i. ihtr, wem iMUttl laat erening for a morement of tb- triHip« r.ow here. Tbe Seooud aud 6ixtb Corpa ara |a «;ait tl!s monilng tir BaabaavtaVfaaattaak Tba tavalrv ai.d Iwei.ty fonrth L'. ipa «ry to go toward l*.invi>, wbil il.o* t'jitli Ct*BB wiil rerialn to taka MeMMiMI of and bring aw»y ti.e projierty aud BMflM cf I.oc'a Ar.nv. 11 ,. iraiM ar.> i:ow runiitng to BurV'svilla Junotioo, battbaiMVl toiaa In a mther ali.iky coaditkni, no* MM* ITfalarltf ia ai ytt »,btaiuable iu tba tiaia baMa. Krig. <:?n. Sr.rth du-d ou the. 9th Inet from tba MMati afthi aroaaa be raeatred <m t'.e fab. Ui« twdy a, iKjcn IMbalMBd MB Ia IM Ita aay Bi his late bome. Ile lived in Wiltimiirtoii I.«¦!.. and leive* a wifa aiid cliibl to moarn bia io»a. .... Mal <;en Mctt, wkaWM badly woni.rfod In tlie en- raaatnent of tba MB tnM.. widie gajantiy lendinr bia Oien Ia a (.',ar^.- oo a Itehel wagon tralu, h ft for boma tkia BMBBM1 on lo»»e of aKeuce. Obb. Mori'a w.<nu.| ia Jaat b.dow tbe knee, V>e b^.l MMBBfl ttrou^a Lrtwaea, tbe u.juea. A Baieciatl Ov4rt fr»m MeeM..«ea. Craik ¦MJM iuWiBBM tiik t'!tiH:i>sr*TB% » In ru»: »'ir.i.l>. \ IMMU, Apni 11, IBB9, J BriCiAl OBi'Kit, No 74.- Cbouod pampoaJa oftfprvlal OroVra N >. t-, af tl i daie of Marcb ic, il»oA iV.i'ni tbe* B*ado,uarfer». e ii-peiiiiiog tia.'a ope.aiiona withi.t ti- sl 'to of Virginia. ixe< pl thai portion knowB MtbeEiial ru Miore, Bud tbe Siai.a of North Ga/obna iii.I S'nih Caraliiin, aud p-rt'ou of flie Mataof [Morai* Imm (lintHv baraVrtaf on t':" AtbMBM.b> diidingthc Miy af Satanii-b. uutii furiber ordera M j. rebj i, lokau. ltycom:i.nnd ofL'it <>n. fratit. 1. S. ik>wtM, AaaM A<jt.-G*B. Milluarr AHaiira im H.mxekr. OviSNATi, Tbaia.l.y. April 13, '&U. Prtpnratiorti fiH t< c<*lal»raU<*u bara umimb* iu m aia iwilMiad ibi.o a>H to> a gaaaral turuoiitof i)l cla»a.'<. I'itii.'tr l.rt'ftoi, Ky.. <1i»; itcb aayi tbat uua, I'aliier ia a' EBSlMPBM, Kt I'.., tl, |i UTBOM of reocie. k- . |. lid.T of Uil IU CvirJtKHtJorilUlkl&l* neUdingCol. Jeai n aao.l IbaM wba- MM BBJ larrejwUr vi iil l^t Ue«' >riVi atftMra, aud iba paafM wiil .. .itted npon io liunt them do »n. A It.-aienaot and Ml .!> one iu, a aurn-ndeiedye't^rd n a»«r''r». HwOajia. ik* ii itatttnya tkatttea. » arrnipfonat Indiatiaradit. nkarr'-,| wltbhaiflBadei*BM*r»tBaaaioawtol ajo. UO, and alao g-illty of frar.da ic M NfMMflk Tn« UiXENiViCTOBii'A-Tbo pupilaaf Grarmaa* w, >.,i k... 17. aama«MMj t *"". ."."¦' :"'' " ",; «P.'"-"'»«'«I IV r. v>-nt Tbt.,rif. ,.t tha Ara,'r. by aVeoraataJ li.. acli.^1 ,.t.lli,« niih tho natl.'nal talMl IMlMa) !i BM*, aM .ilardaj al e.ucwa BBBMMM lb«'' J '] by mtiaica aloi tUtt* BMMBMi

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Page 1: ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. f*+* Prior Lce's Surrender. · ImWir&pld. #ndhas p:ypn lo tiueto tLe e:.emy to |MoTer lron tbe heaTy b!«»*y deait at thot, Tbe cav ¦Jard Second and Filih ('Tjiilie

V0LXXV.N°- 7,493. INEW-YORK, FR1DAY. APR1L 14. 1833. PR1CE FOUR CENT9.


Events Prior to Lce's Surrender.-^-..

19 Guni wd 10,000 Bebel PruoneroTaken on the 6th and 7th.



Doatii of Brijfadicr-Oencral Smytb

FbU Detalli by cnr Si?rcial Cormpondfnti.

¦Xme St«ry «f Thru Dayo.

ix thk nua wnu maMcra COSr*, >M AK lAt.MVlLLt. Apii|7, 1*03. J

Thi» di»y the army rcachcd the AppWBlltPI ntfLte poiat, anu. aftor a tnfliug roaiitciice pii«»ed t'j»tiieaiii

TBE AVrCMATTC'XM*o it a nifn abellow cretk lunnluK otbt a wAt >>»n\iX~«? briditea apaoned il, oi.e being tbe rathoslkrtdfe a teoond the CniiiN rlfcuJ, and tb« tbtrii ll,"BirV.o. Alltlese w^ro deatn-ytd by the eneiny afiertttj bad |MMi T:.ei fMti nt S a. m. witli n lo <?vafoii traiu. On our m oi^bt of tl.e Appon.otBn we iu-.ind the railroad bridge on tire and tbeotlirr

|Tw de«troy<d.Tre MMBd Corpa ooon pns*od tbe i*rrrn, eorered by

. itroiig «kirniisL 1 nv. W»y ijttie rrtlllery wm ocd,Mt mort tbaa twei.ty tfcot* t>»inj fircd.

thi crorvDtMot fbo ApporoHttox here m bil'y, and oflVred goodfMitioos fov onr batteriee, vhlch cmld baro awept the.taar bank of tbe ttreaiu U tbe «.<'my bad made n t-tai-dkte*


Bjoanjall town. diTid<»d by the Appomattox. and !.aiBOr'u.p;1 BW inhabiui t». ln alte it a ratbtr tMMhgpi|Mt on the tlopes »>f thr ljttle strcam. It !.at a

fcr.rkg look, but vu fuund by our foragera to be very.eor in IkkI. The peoj.le f>ok tboir ibange of tttMtlMMry qrietly, and, for the mu«t pait. ataycd ln '* pitti e i* about 81 roilte fr< ra T.yL.'hbnrg.


Ijiald by the p^pip t<> b« very maoh red'.iued.not to

BlBiber ha''of our». It can uot bn»e rnore tban ;i'.'*i>¦Mr !eft and ln (Tini it n.u»t b< Tfiy deficbnt. By ibefcaaij "b»j»i'mnde by o* yssteniey.tbe fir»f mttf|aig( hoi^y uf priaoi'»r* tnUtn by n» at oue tim".<¦«|«« taa ab>o Ust aoice of hi« lf»t (ieaerica, Kw.-l: bclaf¦u of tbcjt.


Im Wi r&pld. #nd has p:ypn lo tiue to tLe e:.emy to

|MoTer lron tbe heaTy b!«»*y deait at thot, Tbe cav

¦J ard Second and Filih ('Tjiilie cn tLe ot).<r ii.!-4 ihe Api>omattox. whJIe tbe WaA U io MMM cn tbeIJUa tLla (iJe (eatt) of tbe aiream. The XI..:' mif>ecty fonitb Corpe. aiid aDiTiiion Cibe Servir! offlti Twentb-flfth are in rtar. Tbe Hrmy it wcO :n !.t...d,.4 kf Um-

tht. roAi^.Tbe roadi are tnncb biokt-u cbout a roile back fr«miiM Avpomattox. and tte rain tO-4«y terder"d tLem

Ma;iy in pMMUtt b'jt tbe weather ao fhr hat fatorf-dH. Today the rceoe a!org the lice of ineich im tl .¦

^ae old Virtrii ia oi e o' rn.u. mcd, aud a locg ln e of

flgon» fplaahicg tbronjfh a brokec road, drawa by¦kMcv%ejc«l withojud fn>Ci to t)<e ti;<t "t thf r


The Mi e of march to^ay wue ibr«.:fh a bifly bat fre^h.ULt-y, MM| <f tbe f> rr.if l«'fcr ii. a »tal'.-«)f K^od(Murauiu, uod aoiall atscka of oorn VW i"ii)'. n

Mal tL.m. tbongii the l.e-f of !a-t yeii> h»lInu fcikea Wf tbe Kt tl G..v. rrmert aj a tax. IaJMttof tbe bouaee the »oi -l B a.aioed and fotae n. ll.*

Mmen. Aa U* tbe yonng men, they were "lu tbe ar-

¦f,"that l< ln tttf RaM imy, v<- :.ttl» live bUh.\.«m to be ae<n, aud tftt l-rwing of a (-ow made our fora-piu p:lch Ui> tLiir oata, so to -.Teak.

T :r. TJJJ\BI,5 LOUSr.

0& tho e»st aide of tho Ap|.>mMiox. abont h.:f I n |jfrtc :v-i» pt'int, uud cn u flc-' p! .Litiit!'<n Bf |NM4, ilSVdtobk u. n n Jo»P> * .'

¦ l^in, Wid ibe family hMghnM .evmil mef. to |kllAy oneo/nl.oui ll il-j-r I M .»! K on Ocr. [Wfa¦af 'Jhebouf'ict anolj 0t ofUllUtalWU a» we

BHi.rW- V

¦kr !u tbe foi t «*re.-j > MI Ml .nt.ring Tipf", tbeHjra: o! onr aimj. liit iaialry piakwppfioMMIhpari.pB. In tkowim«f Hm d-iy « MMM].ok tr.fn. f a- y f who»« n rtfygM ;

.lUair tioudrtge.11U.ACS A3TI» iHkUAT-C'lTINO.

fh*r«r Ml MMSfMl o<ttl af p0MM doi.e by oi.r

Mk ai.d tbe conatque'ieo S» tbut .tome of tbeiu 1 a-.»

M* fynad thot, ct throat cut. io the w<^>d». 1- afaMfct* of pillagera in tbe (or.i.try of ati ei-ii-Uf IVoTodt MarttaJt d:ii mnel to p-jtn-'o; t,. :.m-

Mfjti/. laawtwoof tbm d:ub vilh tb< MttffMtlMir» ¦ ..q-)u.'. (f 11 Ml fil!o«-» WM ren oir aa fii»t na

ttfr >|Tt eould carry tbein.tte MM IkOT* only aix loiirV tU't of i,« uni .itf

Olgaining in Iklt p»u:.d fi.<>t r'c».

015. I. A. r-MVTH.

MB Korry V> ea* tbat ih ¦.- tflic-:. ;n r-n.noi >1 <¦'. -l)

TkHrO BrifAUOi Su'Oixl DfrkOM, S*r<:d Corpa, ttlkflad m t.>-dHj'» rlfbr. HIb l<>»* i.« mn< h rtgi' tMl by¦.a ,D-

I»t»K Vtl:r with TH» Ktx.H Oovfl AftHfTo-Jay Im Army mH tl o App MMttttK, tuov-

.aglr tbrooeotlMM by af Mtl] rotilK vMM coarerg*» App inu'.tox CourvHoaae, on tLe way to IjMik«a,M>«BTalry a: d J !f';' ' "r," '.'¦¦>)t » road to the Utt of

-WbM »!aK>- road. T!.. 'I wti.ty foorth Corj* bj"attorto«d to tLs r.gbt nf tb<m. aiid the ti<>»<r.:4 and*>. Ccrpi tf-uk tho old B'.age r«»ad. Thia I a* the ono

¦¦...4 by tbe e:.e':.y.'

.^.p**'! uf bjoi ant i»for the oaralry ond lifth tnd"..*|-fo-jit). Corpa to bead oll tho enen.y frotn any***k»toim-T:,. « ehtieo. Lee atill inmi to ooek,***-j{o.ce ;,n t0 ^ towarj Lyuohburt,*, whk'h loiaid

''..0* if' ^r btndaofCeiL fHonei m

*.*.*«« about the A[.;A.n.rtitox>erttrday wanuoroJS?!***»u led toiuppeoo. TLe Iint WgUt

*3 ..¦MX loal hl *l r. ai:d t/.;t gaU.t uflicor

(_WU*' ""iaday th< S.xtl. (.o.-pn met wilh h«,

.t«oCorj.t BMrtJ 't MMl J'>-¦ ilci ot»» a good

., T, iMr corsTBY.

Wt.'' "? of "¦..¦th bj U io.,Kb a flner and t*MN»M LIV*:&'rp''n*J "l»(J M''!' ,e!- A* *e «°ftfMok. 4ra'"''''"*i -wtUfMlt rsl-!», hi:d';e»idrT..,i)M(

' *1,«»twtotBetemopinag»tob*iOiii U>dtJk*"*! I'U Cht° .*-»|fM)MM» aud IM Mta of

^(j/ eyabowed M ut4r diftie-

Mnii rttUrewoanofWBjBi f..r oil Ibli--»¦ 1 M« l. ..| ..rrw,. 'Lr-¦.. ,',»;»' ratK-HH.

W'li ii. tLat'l.-.^ra.n Lavj taken lt M)¦¦a^ .: (j ,

*!. .''!,.-») pnooaon, rhji mmmihmm. M«»;:|'l..>ii,t. . Mi ftry ltttl»tja.tBa.

* fMoll WOth, M<M»Wl

fjjj**'^ * ;' *' ,;h Cor^n »i,j. »r1(t;. jam -tion \rirji> lh« f>lU ityr* ou togithtx towkid

LyBeBMrft on tho btt&t <>\ Um enenv. »Mi<- tt.f camltyand >'ifih autl 1 w.'iu>-Koi,rtl) ('orpe, liy a roadto the- left, will tu.ii ili'Tn froia any IMM ti.i t ImJi toDautiile. *. D

Tn tm: TiEiK wi:n th»'. S:xrii CORN, 1Imnlnimurmi, A>.nifl..n'n m.i

A rt'j>ort hMjnttOMM u> ne'tliat Ohi I.eejtina in a nifint'fr of Ug Muff i<> Ml what t<rm»

would l,o graated bim if be mmadercd IM titnair.i oflii anuy.Gtn. Kwell in oiir hat.d* h laid to haTO nirr.tioned

tbat kteCMtfWMM dotkia.Uo.o tli«D tnl» rejiort I mBMJ Varn at thb hmir, and

iou«t fcud it nieagro M it. tlie njeisengor beti g anout

toico. ». ».Ml »IM AtiTTFA AfcMY PP TltH I'orOMtC. J

Fo. i:\itixe £¦»») OVAJTOKATTOSO. H., A|iily. 3The wires will havo i-arvicd you tlie glad

vtwi of <!n.v brfme ¦] di«p»u h cnn reecb jon.wi',1, ilux fnre, ou!y £ir« UM J ( *»'« nioro bj detiiiLA't<r a R/nrcli of 12 nnlt-a. ilie C"!uinn of th»

arrny tr.onng by U© old llafC nid ll i.rrrbbn-g. mm"to lliix p«,iot. TIk> 8econ<) and fcixth Covjt fotnrd thecoluran. and the Sec<ial wbs In iront. wlth iu I ir»t

Dh - i'ii I'.' At tld» ,joiiit a fl«K(,f ",l,'«'WBI "°"n

In frn.t of the aktrtnivTi itne, nn«l (). n Mi..>, in conv

mniid of the divlsion, MBtoM <>f !<l» stnlf, C'pu J. D.Cooi, A. D. ('.. totcert tl 0* gjattg MM, tln» nfBcrt'-mdf:..!. Tayh.r, IJra. I.ce* Chtef ofStiff. wlthawit-icc cotnmunkutioii forGet.. Me.ide Capt. Cook took ir:

IktMMjWBiel madf l IMJWH il.nt this a'niy vc.'d Mfr

pCBd bwillltlW nr.tii Gcn. Lee conld fully conttdci tl*tennii otfcred lum yesterday br Um fJrar.t. Tn ttiiitthc Conu'.audiiig QmiI lejuicd. tlut N fM not it'i-

" r /¦'.) to fttaiit a KUf)[ t-Ti-iot: of bokiiliiicf, but ibut hr

VSOll jiivc t»o >.oujm tor Gin. Li<> to ucc^l" to thfteraia. ard If at ibp tai of tbot tlnic h* did not do »<\tSiii hriij would cuiitimij lt» adraui^'. 'J'be two 1.0':r»wrrf j)0*ied by nn in a«m*Hl li* si>|n.Dif. Al ibf rndi,f t(:nt tlmc the ord«T \r-.i niv<-n '" odvuno^. uad theSeooml C'orpn wa^ hardlv ton nilnutm In acttl whfti a

«tnffofl!f<r of the *ne:jjy cau.s to witb a notc from 09*.Grnnt. WU hy Grn. Sberldar dirrctlrg UM C'ut*iiLaiid-iiir Getitrral of tbu trp/to *ci<|>cnd boati^tioa ai-til."urtliT WoVfl n:i,! a'lu.iirf ttat G'H. tirant woul.J bf¦*:'.} ).iit:);, bV.f an buiir. (ti. reiript of tbia. 1>Mcadc gf.r« the MMNMPJ nr.,der. acd Ihe arny caiuc toat.a'f.AtS30p. ai. Gen. Grant anlt.d nnd hcld aoo:if<^-NM witli t'Jor. Lm, IktMnH ff WkM waa thilt Um"i " r ^r d to'Lder the ren..di.dt-r of Li» artuy,P"* re^uctd to nbont 20.(<X) ii>en. ni priiinneif of n»".

»o b.< T>-n".,i<H' a> I mnt hoir.e. not to *ene ntfl dnJy M>ci»*i g('d, and sigi'ct nrtcVc to tbat affaai,

A l)AR:XO RU?'"ItTIOH.Froiii theatiff rWi'T «hcfam«lit VI I'arn C,( n.

I.<f-ordeifd all ti.t'.r tr»\a» aiid tV.e c<rr!nt-ei of ao<.hf. .h Ihff d d not Ir.t'ixl i«« !«*<..rtrrjt!:in« In fa.t,thot 0"'.ild t.ot 1».> canrk-J od li)r»tb bf l)urn"din.t '.Rbt. in ordcr t' af ikty mit!i' I- ttM l" >.t t: :r

¦ j iv .ont'lt our ca^a'ry. Tl;» tl.ry tricd t» do to daT!>;.t nn t thc r.f: < '¦.: i> vhMl *»» witb the rava!'T,M a N || Ui wiir I'fl. VMIaf Limaelf thim met. ii>-n.

L«t al'itf.d^r.fd hia li.iontlon, wbioh tnlKbt tmeWn. acct i»fn! if 0|m Imd tt. » orl> uatalrj to iigla at ttie

poiot wbere hc exi-J-cfd to tlt-d only mralry.CIK. ll.f.

< (I liiW, thr C.'.i'fof Ktlffof Oei'. LM b Iiii.g»it!i C'apt f-'o^V, .-». iJ tluit the <;«ii<riil. ti"it(il.calm,m ln Iow «^lri!» ut tf c ttraiti U »M » he aa*

hu arwy rf J, c*d: «n<l that <or the two! !*t dayiho wh.

,< r> .! »f h.c irai-i e ,1 .:: r. B I TTiorc thah teu n..nute»

lUtflHiMf pifMMh ao cloteiy dld t.e na'ch tii^KOvetiK-ntB o! tl.i* am.y.

'Xh" gfltierM-'id n,. u ,,f tiio Krbe! anny w-ro anitoiu

Ifl ke«rwh»t wiit* t« IMI Vkh <m* I.-'-. Bn.UhowelRrant cooi-orn :'i r !..i.., »j)iu|{ MkH t'jey did not MMf.,r t!.<>i/'iel»o^.

V1L1T OK OLk orlfE»iio>a.There can *>e only 0M Tie«r tif Ml I j-'Tntlone, ar .1 tt

li tbat thrj batf b*<n »hort, hnrp au<1 dertalra. Tbey\t\< MM »§M MUHtlUH IgalMt t:.< rtitoiy. IMIMl b. n vr»21 mnt 4. T« Ml >M| t»ree of ca»Hlryxi-d tbo nmlrinff uotivity of Uen. Sh-iidw n ay b-s M>|tlrtNllMI iMtetM MMMI IM4 our arr.rr !ate m^t

«ltk| it WMl M »'.'!< J t' ii' II r MttM <f Ibl Mltti|f'orp« oi- tbt:2d it»tTnt, in t«» Tii* t).r Snutixlde Kail

lioad. md tM Mffirl tt UMtMMAFlftt m4Twm>tvfourlb I'orv* baw-r .triMMdftMfly tnth» re»'ilt«

All our eoryi MMalkn katl dc "ili, 1, ;t (icueiv)*Sn'exidu :;d WrbjM bir, Mriag to ci<mMm

|»MrHM BtNYlUl blo«na; tleeiitui) tbuat>.-'.T tlillTh.

Ir itoVMMMl tmjt tMM , rat re,« hate l>cen

fllfiM\ ^h" *¦ lM haVTI IMMJMM I PmbI ourgrcutii MMMI .tip'nonty. I tkMafM tle MMMdfi would!-¦ i.ver iu 30 daya Md, iu oi»« of tuy letti.r",i6. i:o:j.-1 tbe \r\ of.May H V .¦ lm> It worjld lik'b'Ml I to an «-'i'l: bu» .*. ,ir-'' la" **¦ *,f>n .ht'rtrj'-

TUi; ABTlfLW Of bt IMBIIA I j.T of tMMllMl K> N hail at MM* ,;inrttr» to

ii,'i» lat or.e wiil M duubt be MMM0| poWiihedto-morrow.

;<!... ,..i,: ,.". of tJ i fu.itiniofO>u. Lw'i aru>y;wiU tal* i>\-' e. wl^u one of Qaf Co»t »tr»kin(r gMMl *>f

thf wiur wi:i M wttaMMi bj ihi*ajn.y. Noeventiu.t|M MaHtf of the l*:it«ij BMtMMM <'nnj.are aitblt Iu

lay rUaMi pMl *w» |Mmn <f a mnn 0mi ntwlfjoui tb<; dao|i«r of bi li i um wiil be gf'n!.

ooi hbuniare fa iMNlfgMMItWI i«l l.ardly be Imaglt.ed.MM ...«iri tbe Mflfl "ftle tfieat'iet army of theen.'mv an < nd to ti:eir hnrdnhips n;id a rettirn to tbelrl M All t'*)bnnd» arcfiiiii-K tl.o itir wuh aoandi of

¦. «:,d MMt after ch"er MNt ftWJ tbe ranka oftbe briaadi^e a» th"j file iuto tbe»r Unouao ground for

thenight. ^'. ».

A «.« o»nil lie?ie* ¦ Opi IgMbjl MMlMA

IMH ARM) OfTftf I'frT.'M'e, )

MMMJ. AjtiI 10, W>\ I

Wltk ii tniiK'«-'J mtJ ooBlted aMawoffcctolt,K.T.,ii k "P '*>fore ui*. I fu!ly km;./... iu rtew ff thettinf all'-tf-d in>-. tr.e iwpoMibd;ty t<\ wilting t\ ociu-

pltM iml Miiolly arcurate b:,t< tj (f (;raaf« array f.,r

|M »-<-«k LM'l MfltMlltiM The hbjrtatBof obo'-'ire etr'ntra. and stii! OMMTM fOOOA »Wm ou»

tWOMOatTI in rMtJ dilinitaa. M»M1*«IM»>»».l,!.ii:,g crlerity witb »!.'.. ?: brlfc't.d»\ dirljionai'idoorji biT«- bc'i; tl.ronL tnm |->n.t t.» | by tht;gn«| Mll mM dirr-cting aJI our iLo-.tmrnte, pre-ventu at j*»-»ent t)i« mMmUM of fuil d.-t- .

au t rtflM <>i ifcow Miwmttu !.. ui'-g ap Im P"">drt !)..,! tbe oaraj-aiga uiil lx» all 1 at.ail attiaipl at

iiivt' ''t t" g:T». F uiuknr..j(fn,:m(.H!tifnH aud t> ti.e tullitar)

plajed in the> ¦HlHwil^ |fc»iMiiM,W»jMtf c:.lid"'i.t)y .ttribM the p-i-tlie "I thc laat cutL-

-, .,;.,. Thi-r. wainoneoftho-ldtlai'Ant f,,L ai d OfttyMVI b,.ltii.g afl r tbe r-'.rrat of LM

af »ar wa. WiMM»,o,,r,w> ofMhwrlf Bt>t»iMIOWUMi fc*il

Ml rfgtt Mfata and aloiigeida of tbo &***. ,mT("U

M n» IM PM*»* a'"1 n"»l",,lTr;f'1 wl'b n ctkri'* nui

eki 1 W !< h ba» a»V"inrbe.d tbe wor.M.

i'.ut a imall portW <* »'" "rm.'' 1^,>^. B.1-8"1 ¦ .*.an, vieir ..' Wth^mtg. O.i BIMHbIbIu IMIm .ftbe t»finy'» m*t* »."'. ****** ,,",, ¦.

VM rejodly m.fTtng vctward t^ward tbl DMjTillBn>ftd. .« Mtnal (tolum^i »eil puibe* M rfMf K^

rnrd Hurk'-avllle for tba MffMOaf liieroptliig M*¦MrtMB), wtth hia ciTHltt, tl.o FiHt Mi t*o |ll iai'.i 1of tbe S-1¦nn:i (', rp«. f.irin« d < ur Ifllt i.dirnn. while tne

mnaiml.-r of iMtMBfa BbbjmI MMJtMMBlfeaoftafjthe Appori'tioT. by «huf i> Lnown hb tbe rivor road to

MtMrbUMll Mutioii. MBf wlilch tle ubi'lo aiiny bir-

BMatai on tl.e Blfbl of ilouJxy. the 3U inat, having at

yet encoi'litt'iod no uppna.tion.TrHBIMY.

Tcrid^y mornlng emiie and fonnd everf one a*

anxioui to coniinue the pt.rau.t aa erer. Lco Mltlie marcb for H.o Danulle Uo d. and hed pn>-ii Ir

reat'.ed it olremty, m4delay M « nr patt would b. »e

beer, Let it be MMMmI tl.nt tt w.iaooutb of. and inaicbmg [.arallol ttt Loe:Bid that, on tbe poaetanion of the ieilnwd inei.tb't.ed.wrrr l) avit our hopea of euVctnally ptaMBtMJ tbe

e-cnpe <>f lb« e'i«-my. Al.alagly. .fMM Wl

atTHiti in moti.m early M Tu<>«iiHy iroruing. one BMbtogdounthf Southaido RUlMaJ to Stutum. andui otlwr moving o|> the Nnnorine roml towurd Ame'it

Couit Jlotise. ('oiialderiiblo akinr.iebr p in frvnt aftbabwt-iDHuiionpd e<i!nmn MMtMi iaffag Iib ««lv .n.-e.

bi-t tae enemy *aa ocntlt.ually bMi baai RfM bkmainl>'Mly with the lo»i of |WMl priaoinra, ai"l. lltbe ufirinoon uf NVduiad..'. Sbend-.a and il.e l';MijC..ip« Mi, by dint of bafi nutnhing. reiwhed tbf Dnrlllo lfo.d MM JiU.n«T'lle. «i:d bod alrrady thioan npleiapoiary woika todiepuio tbe paaarge of tbe eu«>tnyat tbis point.

L.ter M the d«y the furoa waa .trenpthi" "d by theerrival of the Sraaai and SUtb Corpa. BTbM ».

libtced .n a po*'!i'«n eiippoitiii** Shorvlan imd tbe K:l h

Gafaa, Oii'- laottfS ;,rored !be MMMtT of tbe I.'.eui.-0MVa.1l >ahafcllloM l.e<\ ha-ingfri*»e<l ll.e AfWnm'.toT fli IVti.'j lleud, w ,« Witti hia annv iu tbe ilo.n-

uy of AvattaOoatl BMM and bai oonntod on hi»aOil'ty to reuh Iiaiiville. Ms objoctiva puint, xia tberoad oi ibr .anie i.ame, and. on dlaonrering the furiri-Mbbj fotco in Ma fr»nf, and tbe uttcr Inipoa'lbitity of

poaetiatllg our Hiiph. ehange'l bi. MteafbM fi"«n aoutbw««t to BTOOi «lth t!ien>t<-ntlon of r<"tcL(r. ( I.vnchbnrg.or p,n«ii.|y of heailii'g ua off, cro»"i»g tne iMlbaMaaentof Ii i!ke«Td!e, ain'-, by a rnjild de;our. BtHklagtbe IVi v .1 Itoml louth i.f tb" Jum tioti.Uut ¦Mtbat bia obJ>T'lve point «ji I.rncM.nrg. or

wh'tbrr bo Otl.lMbaral t<> bia OtlgtMl wiU'Ptlun of

MMaiag DMI ille, it malfrt Mtl toh«»"]npiit erenta

floved hi.i ii"i!'i:.ty to reacb eith> r. and l-fi lum « pri--aaar, r-itoff mi Mt4aaaat\ byaabbarf aaf i»an» tbe r»('.''ii eround \pp:.:n.ii:«ix Co-itIloua», witbM alteiT.uliTB l'i,i nb«i'ii! auriender.

\\) i> >' | Ml 'it «.;', t! lafa ry RtMl named wiie

aanblaf inaiIirtamnrlM to aoi*.' tho Mtaaji ai

tl.iit DOtata IM <*". '¦. n i f Orl ¦ N ¦.>!¦! n P'd'v douiitl.o laataaUa t<> latfcaMriM vmn H MiMaiboil|on the »anr t.k-M (V.'ciliif».:ay) that MrcbjMVtaf»h« iir.'.u lata aoatdaa mmb th« IbMftai taai.i .!¦ ntriBa.

acDyrfDAV |ti( ii r.

TLe uosit:en of tM.tb ani'l»»on VfafaaBM/ nlghtti'iyM iptBj ..! y -a>li . ll t i Mf hW* haM one >1dr. tbe

ea«t, »f a ttonip'- f. rBMi b] 1*0 JmHIo* of Bh N.jlh¦Mt a:.<l D.uvil!.' KaroMM Or.lic.bima waa at

MMl Ua SbfHduJi witb ib Raaaai Kifih and "iiib

f'orpa wia bfajrbrf l;. M KM DMffttt Ko«<l ai J.-iirr»

iiii». ValaiLl »l''il ' r. nin ml of bi. aroiT waa »ti'Jf.itb r ¦¦ li. IM * icitlt? of Am«-lu» f.^rtlJ.uar.aoartflM bai by a aeri.aof !i»aty aitarka tl»iu..i iMaMjii | firt of !...'. BBfaMM «! t»f BBi t r. t .ncd. ai.dMf lOoajraaMi l<i«;rint ia the ^»eIll^(; npr tung tb*

ajaBMl Ikat Ifffl Ma\ tbe MMa W lU auireuder.

TFIITWDAT.B'jt daili^rbt of Tkatoiay fouod BM er.eaiy on bia wey

waataard t..«ard PMaM II*. and tber brca'. th^ grai irace for II.cb Ludge, oo tba KootbaUle Itailroad at tb*

jiouit * b<'» it« »be AppoKiBttox.PrfThMi i" fbj ifcaataiyal IMaMatyli »b«rraU.t.i«.

I ia .t. r. our lom . ou th« rlght were adranred aen r il

r-ilea In tbe direotlon of Au.elia C«nrtMmtfi but. oii

Cndint- tt'al t!m riu r y ha.l p.n* »»-atwa*d. tbe dir.c-

t.un of Ui* riTjlrt and tMBll aad Sixtb C»rpa «a* loi

mrdlately I'bnnred to tbo wo*t ia h * of f>n.I .' i !.<. J- i.'tb cb tuiLnd iia marcb botlLWu/d u>'.aidI'uineanllr. Ia BofM off.rtkfcBj bM r »r<.f BatMaajyHColumn. bai wHb tMfMMtlM of a lirpo Matfeai .!

»:raggb»ra m»i MtaflBJ to real»t Iia progreaa. aaj aub

MMMtly aaafb ! t-> tfie left, oonnecting wltb tbe >eo

ond and Siitb i:crpa bii<-m thaday ln tbe fMaHy of

liigl. baMJMtaunbile «t were i.ot bjattaal of tbe erj*wy> iu

trntloti to aaj at ¦Ifft Ilr.d)tr, atid frotn «rril'« oobitiinat Ht:rke»Till»,'j:ul been Bentout adet abmeot rot.«utlnt{af t' e Mlh I'fl.. btJi Obio, aud two aquadrona of the 4thBJaM (im'ir, tbe aMhl Uliij r MMBMl of I5r«'^n

IJii^. (iin. BmA I Lief "f e-taff Io (»»n. Ord. wltborderaio bjtii IM briaM agalntt tht ont my if poB>ible, and Uim.I l» fMtaay it by tire.


Tho MfaiMM rnet »»tb a »ad fate, an<,> aftertnBk'Tip,i dei>|«T»if u-.'l l.rr.i<- a'uiid i.'-ar tb*,>: agaiiiFilb# BaarvMMMj njnili*ra of tboenemy. wbo afUrwcrd

.H.mpletelTCMlif-l'U tl'ni. aaa oJicon literailycut to

ylMM or atade ptleorn-re. In tbe ouoounter f»en. R*adv»f klllf d,«:.ot N l» Kuld by ibe IUU1 (i«nerai l>eailmr,uboni bt Baaajai in ¦ Limd to-Land ronflii t. TMJMlMl ivna a abort a d r.nciUHl onr. tlen. I{<'e.d, wloaa

tftoiri n>u. bhd bafl diaabled by a «oui.d tbn.u»rb the¦ bonldrr. ieie'.\ulat OlWyoMrg. *aa BMt by bi» aa

tagoniht nhiie rofualng io aurn ader. 'I l.ree cbarcaaafttbBa tn'tde by ( ol. Wathbnrne. eomtnandlng tl.e

ruvulry d''t<icbincnt, m an ei.dtuvor to out bi* wa»

tl rough the aMBBJ fownrd tl.e brldge. but otily aithtbe re-nlt bt-fore autrd.tbe. captnre of tlie wb<«W oi bia(letacLuieiit.

THK 8D (ISD roBPfl.And now let ua tum U> tba dlretting Cot\>\ tLe

Het-ond. movn.g on tbe tTiftny'a ftar turrard IbroMMrille. f>n tte bfl. and odTuaciag on e. lioe |*rallel wnhit. »ea tbu Suth Corpa abllo atill on the It ft of Wright(lasbrd tl <. indouiltable Hbcridap, bU boraM on tbe f ul-

IM, atf3 bbj mea at aboit Inteivala aaiuaii g tlMMBlM)i .1 ni'irdero'it dn^hca opon tiif Ia.ik of tbe iMMlfbily deuioralktvi RtbeU, m *birh priaoneia. ganii, colon,t"i wajroTii were reinoreeleasly gobulcd.TM boaoai bad, ib tbe meaattiiH'. atrnok th» *neniy

nt Fercuhon 1 oVkifa aeio** a tmnll ttn uo eatt of!lV-ntor.aiillo. and, afler a brief bnfabarp cocounte^paTBal bnn back. (Tosaed, ard a aa agdiu ln puituu,toward Stu'.or*. Cnek, morinp in lint of txttU M i^arlyt\ulv ui M thronjrb a ronntry brnken np Juto IfM]W(Hid<d rmmet. and uiaking in tbat diatauce fire di~

ttaat char(.'(i i.gainht a» meiiy d< trrmlntd ataod* of tbe

ertmy, ai.d ln every iuttwuce r< lupclliuK bia relireinoutwilb aeTt'ic lf*a.Kblfldlpg bit rear at niucb at pooatble, tho enemy

.aattaaed bkrayai toanrd tBgk IMlM. 1»-t.rraninj{ waaMa.lor'* t.'i'-ok, a tn'uinary of tl 1 Appt^muttoi, Vbiah he oiiuit croaa ..n hiawnytoll '.-t

narord rtfitrn. Hnt tbe lnnoa of Hlie.idaii. Wii^l.t»nd Baajfatty w-ie beariDg npidly down n:a>a blB>¦ai bttf ¦ tfcj BfK rafc n |m It . J ''"tp-. bam'ng ilif

rlyhlof our yataaiaj i"Iuiiim«, cam< np wilb 11* rear

.» Mba/l t'reck, wlitro, to covir Uie pasaogc of l.ia ar-

u.I f Bi I wfiKona, be inailo a dotperate aund on a

Ligu b.utf ea.-t Bfttw atitaia.

a urcofc-nri, ayaAtriT.I i dlng tbe enrn.y pafparal l<> batd ll"lr cr«.»alng at'

Mlkar'aCnak. IM Ht»i Mi Tbiri PtTMaai of tbe^jf, aai Carpa ..*¦ laMalbilBly forued n>r fm BataoaS,of iliaUxl^ing lb<- enetry from bia |>o»lti'ir, uod, if p.>*a!-bkl, of, uptuiii gbl traln, wbicb wae lb<n aMMMf>lboaaanult waa hlgMy MMBMM 'lbo oi.Biny wat ,

drlTBA f»«Ui W« aoaillon, oad a Uigu aujabtx of yilaoa-11

era. togoiher *lth 22?> wijrona. » amhtilnimea, and 11

ooli.ra Oupla:ed. and ill lmt UJfjM «j*» M our>A« ti:s MZTB.

Mranwhite IMtUlb Carp and Slu-i idan were engig-lag t eenetuyon tbe left of tbe Srond Cotpi tounnltbo ?uitrh>idr Kiilroi.i'. Md at BlgkCtbl bad MlMriiu tbe captore of .i.OOO or 7,t Wi BfbSMM. MMJ tt ro

*eTcn g.mral otllucri of tha Kehel army. ImMBNKacll. comiiandlig a t orpa. In tbie iinlilaiit attVr

thecavulty had oper,<ted ou IM lelt. ot, »n tbe ri^fbtflank of the wbo aa* tim BBMBBMftof t» crot*

the tiiallMMB Kctirwrt near Kicc'a StaUoti, M bb WHyto tLe Siith ('.« a In ti eMM »nd tbe fM>ondon t!e> rlglit. Tbe riftb. wt.tch, M bef-r* it«Kd.bad a tl.o Bii>rnltig n-i.Tod o«rth towurde run'tulle,» ai MM blie r> ;umi.n? to il.e poiition of the SooondaudSixtb, MM It IMM It MBattotopaltlrtoali n tbeMMMJMMBwMBMtoMMJ. abwMffUM dey (Ihiireday)fieii. llaya, contmnndJOR t e BWtod DivUIoii of liuri-

pbroy* Coipe wai iiiii.iiorlly rclicred irom cominatid f"rtant.i.eae of moT«ree: t, Md MMMM by Gei.. I!»il«w.forii.erly af il.e i-irat Dlviei.n. wro hnd tbat Hay ro-

ported Mf d'Jty. Gen. Stnyth In tl e litTita bad co.n-

luanded the JIlbleB | reYiou* to the airtrei 01 Marlnw.

KthaiiModby th. ir arduooa lab.ra of tlie d.-y. taelSoiord and Siith Corpa imouacked near Kdlor'a Cir.ikon Ttmaday nlgtt, whlle Srn-rdan. with tbo FifthCoipa. Whii'h had. afUr tba IgM nt BB doi'a C/MB.MMfJ i.iund to the lc!t. ngnli raovi-d we.-twnrd towaidAMMMMMCOBbI lloi.aa. lowoni VlM poiot it badMl n MBBtMtoBd tbe fiivtoj »ri MtTM*tB|t>

Or.l'a commuud, whl-hon tbeianie inoimnic waa it

nur»e»vll)i>. hail BMMBa nptho ruliroad tovard I.ynch-toVfa and. M BfMMag at llh«'» IMJMB w»t the ad-mmeof theeiiemr, wtio waa eti'l |x?rh!««tiii(f In bil at- to BMBB tbe Danrli;| MBtraaj bnt wao. on flndleg our lonea agan. Inti-nem fj. ct.a-ged bfe MMMIrom »outl. to noith aeat MBMffi AfMBMBBM (arnrt

liouae. » «b tbe hopa of there pu»jln< our BAfMM aiidgalni. tr tte Mifttd rnlifoad.Hrn- apjo. LM bad jonuttd wttlMM hW hoat »a r.nh-

aonucnt eti'ii'i driuoii.truti'd. Oa iMMttaf BairMMl¦MMJ army nMe !, from >aiior'« ClMBMtfeBI .'¦ IU PrtoN Kdiratd'i Contt-nuuie on tbe l«-ff. to WU< h

potnt a detachinont of Sheridf i'a ia\ulry bad alreaii)Imn aent liaiBftBM00»l| nilb tlie ad»Wici ofOiU)roluica np X\i inUrnitd to BtMB MbUMi

PMDAT.T r*.' y muni!:.K m. 1 tv,i .1 the en'my .f!','1">n

>> rtof t"waid fBlWfUl nnd AffMMaMK C««.K-

BMM, kgUt Um ptnauit waa pMNMI anl OfMBMMrnck the r»-arof ;!.r im«] >t lii«b Hii'lc'i itol !!¦ MftMMtM Appotnattox. Ti I rWerBl IBM B«to| ia about MO futu, ai.ltli, an I i» apaniud |i\.o bfMfl », Ml tlm t-ilniMd KnVcMIB W '<r it> ... ,u

atlMBfl atid of front 1 [gbt, »;.d tbe ot' er an ordinarjbj 'V' I r BM pae- Ml af I BM '¦ B H<'' w. re Cr.-d on

the crf>ainf of tt.e RaMBi Md fonr apana of IM llVii d| :. itroji-d o-'fon-our a.|i«i"" conalatiiigof Itaj-

!«»'il'.,:t m, IM BMI toBBtaBMtol MbT"in.i BbtB MBtlBCtiM 'f |BMB bjidgea,

Itabi a*i MtW n Md riiui 1,-d toktowMUMMWif. !.!¦. i roiPg iu bttll.i aue. it prtparel to >!>

I ,:e ., ir f'trtlmr pnr- .it.

A BMIf BMJBgMMBf ."..«" 1 fr ,m »ltiier al'.e >»f t! e

Ml oo i:,t BfflVBl of llirb-w. an.l gM arraif itifl

fMjfBfto aMtotol h'» BMBlBM. a li^lt Mttt :y "f M!le«,"aIt i .. m *a« aWBMJBf up aud p««f"d on tt- «n-t< rn

Mi k of the m»«", IU flr.'fM u i>,:n;-!'r .-.tte ICtlWMlf t!.o KeUl Vlitboi ".

Ihe rr< <i!'.| i,f IBB llMMl f'o.-pt wai tv,'n B.ade.. »¦ i -r ' bj t .i BllBa t". at agaM *J' \- >-r<\ towi-d»aiir»;iW In tba alaaa.* MM brtfBM .# OM Sir.;tbl.d :be \iw>. iaid fnui the Blfb hUp 18 I arturuleMM r..n»UMt4y MfBfMf UM eu. :: » wbo aa biarhanrra "f r-it|* jr«* fau.Ur U> .jibl thc- v m< d.-aj. r

.tt'.j, aod nty r»ur»4 wbv» MMfJI i io»p*ltiooaly.» \LL 09 0t». Mtl rn.

It waaaraMit tl.rec mllea fn m KarniTi:;c, mhere, withthe flmh of vit t.irj on bl. brek. BBfl t! ¦ ahout af triuinph mll rif.ri»i« M bli Ipa t. "t OM, Suitth fill MBt il:y Wnniid'-d," badtog "> pvraoo tii. akirmtal. .tn-

a^ramnt il.e em roy. And blffl the Ntte w!Il paic'on a

lni.f OJtMBtaS. Ibeirriitr l.a.l t^e jrui-l furlui.e to

U aMJiiaied «itb tl.ia deail Mm, aa a brother aoldier,In I-' i-' 'ii 1 ia MBMIMjM .I'-b lila inili'.aiy care. r uptotMtbMBl bb dta^h. Tht) o<itiutty ai.d the *oridIn leard of bb Mbb darlng on it hur.dnd gory tleid<.BfJ ol'.itud r«p ru, abiuh Oi-omlo«al:> do not tie clU> iimk* aMBtlM of the (1.\ i'v, BBfl fie.j'iintly cou-

p..-il MbMM) »ith SMMBf^Ufb toffi alrra I > MM MMBtMBMMBf of Impartial bIMBf*, OM. Smytu waa

iM.rn in Irii^i.d. aud cmi^rated to tbU co mtiy uhrn a

bB*. hc atinj in VUtotoftoB\ !». biware. »lier*.ir.iil t: .. It- «*..>¦.< t «¦!.!."» rn, '." puirued tbx l.uaiiit-aaof BMBB niaknifc'. It w.iiild p.,rh«|»'1 BB CrBBatable to the MMatrJ of Cen. Smytb to atate, tbatbe waa at tiila lime a iMBMMBl of th- HVCkta<ri If a<hool, and tbat at tbo cuioiufi.ovuieui ofbwllHfbW bl flBaUBflBi bl» a|!e»ri*nie to tbia fiutionand took lua atand umoi.ic tlaw of bb BMfBBd country,who dctermiuid. at all lui/anla, bintandby tbe oal l\n,(.iMMtttog a coaipauy iu Wdtnlngton, »ith tbu imentiiin affta i oiic,!:.!'».:¦.« wltb tbo Lleluwarc BMMI about

b-aviogfor th* wiit, aid chafityr at tha delay whlobMM iued thoir dopurture. bc pratx-ded to ftBBBlMBkbawhere. ufffrlng bit rxunmand to a reciuient tlrnn leur-;iik- fo; tbe blcuuudoab Valky, il waa aoecpt«-d, audaritfc It le marcbi-d aa Ita ca,pt«i". aerTinff trrdnaMy inthat BBfBMtJ for IMM oiontba, tba trrm of bia reglaafiit. t»n lia r< turu boiuo be aaa noule niajor of tbaIh laware refrtment tben aliout iMMIttog iBf tbe acat of

wiw. and finuily MM front tbnt poaition, by mi-rit asa

t:ii«twortly a: d gullantoffloei, totborank ofbugudter-fccneial, \>biib waa BMBMMi aMM blM laM S .ium«r at

loftl lliituor, for aolduT llke etUi iiu> y. Ibf a b>ngilv >¦ j rr\ I.j i« t" !.'.» promotion be bad coinluiindod

iful', and ao »i-'i that eTery one wna aatoniah<*tl at

the tatdineaa of the War Dflpannieut ia r'iBBfMMMjIn elHtma lo ht^her boiiora.

Iti a iu. ..Im-i i>I iu p<>' tant engnwemetit* Geo f>rr,yth.d'tring th« abf nte of Gen. Glbhoti, BBMMMMl tbeImmI iHfbbfl of tbe bMMMMI C'orpe, and aiwaya ao

oteditahiy ai to wlofiom bia ndminr. tbu gallunt llnii-i.ik, aiu" 1 of tbo hlgboat pralae. If tl.t r>< waa anyf( riiilduble poaito n to be atormcl m wbii'h daiin^ andakill nete requiaite, 8n«yth wltb bia Kri^ud. tm,

atBTrJI ae!< ted tnr thn tii.i'.i-rtakin/. Daai ing atidBOldMl lakl in appearaix e, be BMM fnilcd toaii'ura t Iriitire <MBtMMM <>f bia BMB\ and wheri BTtth ITM Iftobju.pelii'/iiiy hc lifieil bi» cap anit ot tbe bead t>f kbMhjumn lacpt Bllh a i.direr do«u, Hhcndeu-like. BfM tbe;MMJJl bia puipoau Wai auru lo bl' iu viuplalird.

lie »n ab»t in thf muu.ii by oau of tho enein\>ibnr; ,hocr»ra--a brain'1 »( the ¦gnftr, by t!n< wny,BraMb haa tnttiitrd n|«m na roori MM M f.'i neial DBMBKtbaii tbe rMMtodM of tbi Hcbel Aiuiy. Tl c balt,p..«?::.£ IWMfjb the n.outl., laMjad lu Itu. apir.nlparaly/liv lh« whole *a,<h aud r«i.,lcrit p; bim aliin«t!irir-eii«ib:e lo aullriii.g. llu intinned Ml BSMBMB MMMtU bb MBtb farly on Simday iu, rning; ujd, MBhMMMMJB tb" Surgi'on aa t', hie CBBBI M ttl IMMMTfjaud IMJatotofl "o ilrtiiiiie MMff, he ai.d, ' lh 'th. «ii.ite l)o. tor, bat »pc»k tandidly, for I jiii uo oowaidhi -1 ud afiaid todbl"

I'mbatily ao ottirer in the I'otoruae Army bad reorajfrifiida and adu.ireia. with fguer eutmiea, than:Hng. tlon. Iboiuaa A. Smjih. Alwuya MM1B0Maud fronk ln bia deueaaor, lie won tba lotajaud n-ap«<!t of rrery oue approaebiug bim, andto dey I have MM niany aii >-\v K',,v diin on

Mmtof of bia deatb. Wlula an aaxntat lighierof agalnat bia adopted nouniry tin,. \ t,»,k no|KvaaWa to Miioiai ba| m Um mbUbt/ wm nioud lol

i.for fobisoonneotlon wltb tho Fenlan Brotlerbood.lio « u !'re»idrnt of tl.e IVtomao Clrclo, and horxd at

aomo Ikaaai BB) to bo lrttramental in th.- tlisoutbrallment of bia untirolai.d. Tbat ono ao yaaf, to Bobloand bo (; wltb a.' tbe quaiit: a *Btab go to

m«ko npthe tr e genlleman and tho gt-ilint nidler.tboiild Ii .Ve died, and 1 iveh * :ir,e, U l.i.ifed lud, forno one coiild h»ve been mora deeply tbrtlleU by oox

croo niag Tlctory tbnn he.Brt to reeome. Il.r'ow §*M\ led the ftdTati.'O wlth

rhe Kocon.l I>iri»ton towerd Famrille .ttoupb whicb,nfter makli.g aeteial obatinnie tho euemy re-

tn-altd, leat.n,- atevery tieo gnna, W;~oi:a. BLd cimpe,|ijp.;rc in hla aaxe. Oen liumpl.rer, tneanwhi'.",witb tbo Flrtt and Tbird Dirlalon* ot l.ia corpi, wbb

pu/bing u>r»..; .1 on tho IgLt toward Lyucbburg, In tbedirecllun of BTbkl it tooD betsme evi leot tbe enemyweio re'lrlng. At 3 p. m., P.arlovr %ue ordered to re-

J"in tlie nixin body of Ifuinphiey'a ootumnid. toon aflerabaM the Firstat u Third wero directed to again de-n.. i.ntrate a^M;i;. t tba enen y.A Bbargaaf tbo Tirtt Ii. of Mllna'a Dlviaion ia

renreaeii'ed aa baving be»n onnauaby gallant. nlthougbBMaaaaafafi «» tbl maln body of tbe t-nemy wanstrockiioitli-ucat of lainiTille. Darkieta tben carue on andpnt ua rai to pjrtbar aaantfaaa taaatfiaMjaJ tbe

corpa iL.rlng tbe day were 5iK) pritonera, 19 gni.a, a

nuu.ber af color*, besido aagont aad ambult 110*1 lngraat nviubera.

BATCBDAT.OnSutarday morning Itaat fonnd that Lee hid apaln

ilBappMiai froui our uumediate front, and it »»a bojii

iliaaiaiai that li*. waa muving nortU wei.t to r -ach tberoi.d runai%' B uth-aeat a.ioee the Southaii* Itailwsyfrom j pporiatt. x Courtllotue. and ngnln wif the ap-par, nt doaire of .' beading ut olf " and u tlmatf y

mg tbe DaiiMllo Keiirood. Agaln. an l for the laatlime. dld «e au .ceufiilly prcvent tho ci.sunvxatioo of1.1*. aaayaratapka foree<ape.Tbaaaauaaaiaf Gaa.Ord had dutlngtharlght tp-

aafrai araora Ib BMta rapidly up tho rattraai to Appo-i.i.iti. x r. urf-Jlonae; wl.i'e Sheriil- waa to !»ad tbemha' >eon iu rigl.t, haring tba aame obje ti e pataBIbcS-cond and Sixth Corpa were ordered t> marcbf»..rt!iwar,J. tatlng M a poiiiion eaat of tb . Coi.rt-¦aaab and tbuiaUnoBt ".mple*e!y encircllng rern-

i.-ntof lA-eiartny. Tbe couniry ktmwa aad eppre-..luiea t'.e rc«ult. Grom'e asratogr aMBMaV i| tbe!:.¦'«. n.rde waa linnlly lort.ored, ?md uothleg Fl ma!nedfor but auirtaiier ..r anaibBuiion by our \ ctorloui.rruy.RDAIulHtlLS tkV&M OF OBASl'H HtM OF SVB-

KI.'1-fK.The Intclllpenco that in-^.;iatlor.» were n*nuinK on

Safirday f.rtbe anrendrr of tho enerry waa hailed.i " yfaJ d.''noti«trBtW>c* byour n.en. but arMa tbe

tiruia .jf tbe aaakalatBM U-fame kriowc. tbeir«t;e tboae ofdMppalatW M ai.d cragrln, and noi a

lut;. | uraiurlng «ii heatd oi . rarwaaaa at wbnt theyaaaaatoai BBaaabn >ni<n<-y oo the port af ti.o Uaa-tenaatliinrra:. Ewell. Fic'.ott. and acreral other

BaTaatl 'f di'tiictlon. BMOBBfl frOBB IM Uuit-'d StiiU'BMffi i e ai ibe b>-g: m.i g of tbe war. it **. claimed badno I't'it toexpect the trcatuient a.tordtd thuir nr.oie

h..norab:e bn-tbran in Ktb*iiiin. Tli* bru»*l rr.nrdcr oiibe tbirty nlne mrn bnrg by I'nkett in Nirih Carolinau itUl ieo.*njb«(e.l and atill awakeo a tplrlt of row;ntinoct a¦ -, tbe nieu.


Ifa forrnl myiMolaf t,^k | laoe, and onr tr'»'pt we.e

e..n». .,iii¦i.ily n<it grutlfl»d wit.i a lljM of t!:* raggeJremnanta <>f Lfa*l BMB grcat ai.d f..rir...!abie arroy, ex-

BBfli aa tbi y confronU'd eacb otber ln hatt!*. Botlia'ml'B lay bidden from eacb o'ber, for tho n.oat parl.

I in ioMB 'MHida. or.d aitUiug') niany of oar nien ,/. :

ward atrag'lrd Inlo tl.e enuiy'a canipt. they «<ra uot

f .ro.ed by tbe oor»te«l g imp«e of fie wholr atrengtbof L-e ntaaaod ia a coinpact body.

Ot'B TBI OXF.KB.O.i the a'jrrerd,.- .¦'. it waa eiilmaud Ibatbll

aroiy ceri*.»ted of BMal A9M BMB ll will tb.r. foroh«i«ii i'ii il aaaaatfy ta leaiu tbf.l «t paroled pru-oneraaa pi\'bai ly re,ei«<-.| a. tbo auirradrr not aiore tbanaOWi TMaaaBaaa naturailT nr.itr. what bec.irae oftho remaini.g '.V.i^OI lie\>n\ oilkiT* arer that on

Irarni'ig of L<c'a intfiition to eutrvnder. tbon«aud».among thtin t'ie lleliel Catelry., elilter for or to j«l:i tbo am.y ofJobMMi I 'foro ocing pa-ui. 1. nud that the , mrn n tl) doubt., m a.a». be iound

ii. t: IgbttBg iank" uf the Kob.-l armlfBelsewhero.A' rui [V.r. ¦ntiiKMikh.

The Flfth f'orps n aa BlAffM BB rvn ain for tbe pnryaM ofaaparintcadlaa tba raakaaal of the aurrenderedpr..p*ity. ImfMm r.d tbl MMMBi of <>en. tadl.;.i. e.l I r Dai.M le abBl ibe fVcond nnd Sixth re-turned to Vnrktaiillo f..r ni.ppma.

Ti.r. mntii cotr«ti>vk M part if! the | umu.: ot Lc'a army fron; IVtera-burg, but !¦ n. belnnu for tbe pm poaeof guar.Liagtba r. r >.! to I'.arkavllb.

LEF,it Is in',1, attrlbutea the enpture of blt arinv to hla on-

deuTort lo aare Iiib wagon iraln. which greatly dilaycdbut prugiooa. llad lo ebaiidui.eU it bo ml?lit pooaihlybave ii-iiob, d tbe I>an iile ltoad before n>. nud eacapedn :tb hla arrny aouthward. He wili doobtleet learn a Ls-J. ui by Btpcrieooe.

A* IKCI!»ENT.Xear the Appomattox. and at tbe polnt whjre Shrri-

dan and Wrlgbt ucbiend tbe.r brilliant aueoesa of Frl-dar. lay tbo ruins of army w.-igoca, umbulaiinca, furgea,caUtonH, ord tho «V ri$ gencrally of thu Kebcl array-On tbn »l.lte ennraa ooter if an army wagon toiue

aag, i^mtlbly a good-uatureJ Jobnny, bad written inglaring .-..p.iala. *

" WK CKB HAVE FOCND TltE r,AST DITCH."Kr ir. tbe aerne preaeuted in thegorg.<ieforied toone

mlgbi Tery eaaily BaMBM tbat lt vr\% the long\au.U,l" laaiaitch" of |M vxplring " Cmfedtraey. % c. e>.

Aaa«clat«d Prraa Ar< oiiat.

Wahiiiv«,i..s. Thurnd -y. Apri! 1^, IAJ&iVfiaapoBoaBM Irom Um Army ot Um Pata*

BM aayi tnat rery liltl« fihbting took place aj t e 7th|aat. BB Fi.nnille. Tl.eie waa »ome aklrni:«l.lng be-t»<..¦<. tbeel em r'areargnaid and tlieSocond ' orpt.withtl... Baai i.d l'nUion of bafabry, the re»ult he.nj; uni:.iportaat. Loobad kaataaVi io fail baeb lo I).n?il!e,but b.<ing ci.t otf by onr fon-oi gettntg to BurfcearlUa. 1be rlinnt-'d hia eaafat and ai.ut, d ton-md I.yuvhburg.r,ir: ,.f hH aiajy yaaaad tbrangb ParatFllla ou |M ntnrn.ilig of tbe Ttb. AlU-r araaabaf Ibe Appoumltox. thebii,!nct neie buintd. and bef,.r» our t^^ po cwld gi't

\,-:, II. riieinv bad tiiken ii ouaitii'ii a tuilo from theri»i-i. wl.tie ibererected WorM and mane a alund l..

itder i<> aiiow tindr aaaaM t.» g^t aal of rba way. IIh.l alde aftho mer.Ju-t ..i.t.-KK' oi tbe tuwn.a d.rwlou

i lavatn Bai labvi 'ip n piaxitioa, datf^adMi koaaaoyour adrajaoa wbfla roonnltraeilag ibe bii.lffe. araBM nd Uiraooii, und.r Ue,.. t rouk. attook.d IBOmrigoronaly, driviaa ib.u. back diatanco. Ki.tthe; I.....IH furce ,1 lyina: in atubo b. whi -h|Mii..d .tbv\ «ie tiroiutoour i .m ». MW adTBnecd totbo anco,!,! itrntck, and they W< f aocafOllod to f.Ul l,a^ kou »'.¦ irii.pi.oita ... . uTiiaKrbauauia afur retirod. be, g lnd!areiv«! to

jaritt tnatbwTfber»r Ti.o |. « m botb laxa aaircryligkt, 't he! rorpa eooii aneroroaoeUtbaHroT.ilaulpii riig aa afler tb" BBBBf droie thum liebmdibeli BOBl) bnOt bnaataork*. deu Smyi.. wi» tO>venlr hiid Ii Ia bollafoi inortally iTuainie.].in I, ..dii.g IM BMFffa TbiBwasaaad laM to tl.ctoni IIMiard £»«r> inan in lt fei-U tho l,.i« e. h per*'loi.e. A rnuto gallant BoMkfr n-> er aerred bia co;., t, yiBAtaaataBIt ranktd higb for braveiy on tbe nVM.hut na ,» genlleiiion and a fnend bo vra-. belu.od b» all D

ebofcnewbim. The loaa In the *M*ai Corpa aill banbuiit i."»i, muatlyofrimytUa bugaile.

Jn the bBBuM tl.e enemy rrotaed tho ilv r.

Matoa giuia aaM taken from iberu," aud afi'rwirl «.'x

bmiv. aiakiug eigbteon durtug tne day and abuut MM . b

pfXM Matbar af priMDara takaB m tba <ti> k yat dowa 11

jat 7.700, almoit antlnly ./ KawaaW* and CuetJi l>*1

iDTbi°wrTffpondet.t. afUr girln* fartbtr f*+*MMM bnt wb.oh hava uiai.dy lnvn nublnhed tnroitgblaaMal mmm .¦."» U'« B>W wbeiaiha V'T'a ,. »r'rlace waa alm. st aOTCfcel w rtb the MMBrll dand, all or

tbrin, BMllT. beiDjrHbot in tho baad aud upper p»n orl»' e h.aly. The po-'tion waa « ver? fav.rubla on* »>r

them. bnt onr artil,erj had M«l r .nge on an adjolmna*bill, and onr MM BMffMl up fh« aeo*t.t w'th encb lin-

petuoaiiy tbat aoroe waw hayineted befora Utoy lin

their llgl.t b; eaetwoi ka. Tbe oad for milea waa etrawnwitb brokondowa MlMMa. .***.**.«all kliida, pp?aentlng a aceue MMHB wita*aa*d ob tn*

partofLoe'aarmy. , .,._*lae loea oo the Cth wlll ium ap abont 1.000 lnk,..«a

and woaWpd, the Stith t.ori-e iBJMIiBf th* bearbwt.Another letter, d-tad «n tbe cvanmir of the «"». *a»a:

"StiawlTi arc fout.d a.:atier.d all aJonf the lina of

marcb, aud aa tbe troope p.taa luoy come Ia and .<»«".der ibeiiiieli ea. .-xpr. a-n.g tb' ir de««>rmluati< n t« Bghii.o longer. aa tbcy cocaidex tha Keboilioa at good U" Fonr rnni were hrooght In thta morning, leaid* a

laewtnto of auibii,aoi'.-e, many coolalnina; wouiideC,wba were plae-d Ia «nd cured for. OM.Gt.rdon *.nt faur MrfMM throu.-h th* llna t'di afcr-noon, tlmt tbev .>« aliowod to ratnlatcr to tha

wanta of tbo*e Int behind on tbe road; bot aa wa bara

fpMBty of anch belp LMf wlli ". "'turued t0 Wi"r "rijT

jin tl.e uorumg. . . ,k..Gen. Haya waeralleaod from tb* oomraand or tha

Second DiTiatoti of tha Bot ..nd CaVMJ y*ai»rday, for tardim-ea in moving tho commaod in ohedleiice to onleraAnother Usttar. date.t Aprll B, *yat Notwit utnnding

tba eunMwadaaea batwae* UeM. Oraat and Majest<-rda/. wbi.'h led all t- <-x:hci a formal e.rrrerdertbliMtrttM. tbT brtrr«Btrvd aJI itl» < nrrgi.-a toca-

Imm Um net Iftid f, r bim. Ile maich.-] rapldly all IM-llarday uft. nioon and etenn.g, BfcUJ be ran agajuaiIsneridivn at tha ABMMMMMJ OMBt-MMBm

A inirp bk'ht enaui'd, rfa-.lili.K I" the captnro or a

nnmberof arbMltl ai-d Um MMM kiug af ibeir rotreat.ihe I'aontyfouril. aud *. ifi h QufM] were oli*e ap In

.upp.irt ortho caTuliy. dnii ig tM uight io.«k up a

atrong MMBlM MWM UM mal' r< ud and oa the Boulbaido. tba-Appoiuattoi Itivi-r on UM nortb aida outtiOB*them off fr.iri re tr-at in tbat directionKa'ly tfcia moriiiog Shfiiaan atiaokad T!K''»ronlly,

ar.'l for aotnn tim« a loiak MBMMMm nt JTM cHrriedI oi».

Abouia a. ra. aflta-oftri/co app f r.d in fronl of BMline, and bo waa in'onm¦¦) tbat hofin,iira had MM iua-

penUt'd ir, or«'.ert<i smMfN t»rmaof aurrender.^^

li it wa» MMM) by ii»;ra m.tde hyGan.OM,cona.'CtlBK to a casataai f IM flrin« ao at to coibmu-

jnicata with (ien. fiiMBj and »u»Coiio, it u aaid. wi»b-toi t propor ntithoelty.

(.eii. IberMMa'a Ad^ntai t Ceneral waa allowed tafuuii- ihn.¦.i»n tbe KoIh I i-o'.iiuid to ooiumonlcute aleula, wbo atatotl tnat M knew of no aoeb ar

rangcnii'iit, and thm b>- BM bM) to mo\c forward, ib

iaccordanco wtth hia ; raVtvBa intentmna.Gen. Le». howeT. r, »'.-ut imotln i uu aaBg*( deairing to

l.avo an int .vi.'w witb Uen. <im't to arranga thalur-jie of au.nnder, ai.u Gaa. M.-ado waa tbaaabHgBito urai t a two boura ai Miat . iu afMei to i-omuiuiiicaU

I wltb Gaa. OrM*. wba hi».i mtbmI btcmm to the InIduring tl< Di«ht. OtokOtMl MaMwttBf UB*llGtBWI,ro Btid dis.Uaa tha lliatt*', alx-Ut Hj o CWCKLkut-Col. Wbntier of G«r. tori|M*a fteff cnan inaud r.'port' d tb«- MTaH uiraiH"'d n d the paperasiKaed,wbrn tbe arfo'eet mHIBMBI t riTailed UiroUfcboat o»fLcp", (ih,..T u|aiu ebaat raawiMji t c air.

S>w,n aft' r, Gen. Mca.'m aad .Matf. with othrr oal.era, ... ik the liuea of tbe bocoid and .Six»h t'orpa, andUlOl lllll MIMllJ with tho :n«*t enthueiaatto Jiautt,tbe tuen tbiowmg their batl in tbe air und fulrly dano-linf wiihjoy and tleliirb'.

.Voan.'ii "Cfuebaeerer n*en wltneaaed In tbla artsy,aad UmUmbbb of tha vbab BMBtrr af* duet-.thabr.ire cen and tb'ir l.-.oic co.,.iuaadera lor MM a

[ graat aad ikartoM wmbU,k ia undciatood tbat thf me- of Gen. Leea Armyara

ta Ih> MaraM and aNawwl t<. rMara twltoif bmjmm.i h"\ gara ip etatytaiac ib ihalf ban.ia, but haM nightibeyda tfc'< ^l Mtgw aM»aiit» af r^P«|V M Um bmmot «igtMB, gaa BBifMgtB, b tirir'«t:«-. Bafsra, A'.ThenmuactafOM L.t:'a t..r-. ia pur down at abaut

20,0fi0 rien, V. iy Ia* gui a «ira in Ll.oir BMMMMM, ai

taej a.and' i.ed i.e ntly all tfc«'.. diu uot loel iu wolion.l'lmty-otchi euna were Uoughi lu yiaterdaj, and,

i ti-; l"t iM m.,rmniy. .... ¦Tla lankaii.l filo of L;e*i anny are eald to M w»ll

'tuii^M logive ui. the atiiifgi''. bBMaMMJI IkM IMTh \.- i,.'h<'peof McliM. bat aai UmI if «ien. L-a i.adr. - I ii mnlafhr. ib-y raaMaaaa atuck io himto... :.«t.

'l b«j uf'cera ara aorewhnt amly and diaconrented.brn thta tt.-ling will aiao' wea- off wlien ili«-y Und h«w

[liherallj aad iitdiy out ,jv.j>:« are rtrap"aed to tMalthm.AM4BCT letter frotn the Ar ny of the I'otoauk', daled

Apiil It ai.ya: , ...1!" Cnj. uirangementa for the enrnnder of Iah*

arai) vatl coa.pb'U-J laaBflMBf. aud to-.lay khey are atlil*"iy loMMBad MUMtraMMMM UtoVMMl aa tbeyeMM*. Tba fimagranted a«-re MfMbaf of a Tcryi.twi'it vhaructur,A largi-ntimhrrof offl< i-r*. 'ogftbfr with thoaMaVM

aftbaMM of ilisaruiy. expn-aa their dri»aii«t»oiM>naotonlvat the uup.ralV^U li'^ral'y p.auted to lio\ra of K«nb*MVirg,.nka.batal ibaMMMM lnwbicbtl erwrn puwlMlaad alb wd u>gwtbr»r way a-Hboal

,in an Ixing |*n nited in. Jay tb« re« ilta of H.^illoi g .trngglo in tL.) uaaaagw tl.r-'Ujrh the Itnea gf Gen.1^ e ai d hia arny bat .t i* eMhaerl t.'.at thia woulduve Im-. n huniiiiatia,' t.. L-eand bia otUeera, endl it ia uot Mm oi.ii >>r daaba or our UeMTBBMM "*

MMBMMWI to .tt to*anl ililin H u-v wi» MM t wouldlei d n» irritalo ikaBJ > ilBfi ot ui»ka tfcoir poaiiiunmore intolerabb Ibaatt laMBfb/M. TawaatMyiMiMMtih.iv 'ar««bera i<>t tb^ b,«t, «au «;uraoJdlert aillsubia.1

\ t!«i\» do td rbat ¦. ju,!i{fd BMM VMBUmrinf Ssi-daj ud bV uday laigj :,uciberaof

tbe llcb. U, aa »al M MMM of t, a odicer*. mado tbeir0 lepeiroin tbe linep aad aaattrtad tiiron^b Um wtavia,.iiiuv,, iiii.iidiun to T'l-.-n boice IMrMBM..i-t algbt v»ern t,lud Witb IbBM, b*fsaBg aomothiug ta,-,i Bl a h <f Ci ¦¦.i»c war. (ra !y tliTei..TIk imi.oii. t»h<n i,.«k.-d if'liey had b<en parzltO.

laratMblj MfttaA *Jlar.MB »d are bMBMM to go» r » r I'b'IVf."Tba BHaMr af men tbat Oeaanl LM e'almed U) b*

¦Msta »enr wm IO.OB0 arrtti nii.-ket", witb asiuaiir'i tt <. oomuii'Kaiy, qnariei BMBtBK boapital

iinuot'a l illlBBITlBII bttoUUan ul.onav N^n per-m 't> d to paM tb:ougb th.-ir bmbbwm tiint not mqrali .in T.iKX) tr ,-,u«.M wiil be MMM M Laro ba*n aar-

rand. i'd. ...Iu- cariliy oporatlng *it:. ..""eral Le« Ta« alf)

tnrni'dovfr, :-it oiily a au-all f)ic<? an1; brok-o dowa(..ta-aeaaldbafom.d reaatl ai ,ta< tbat tbe Iw^thudb en p'ck.'d niit.l'dN nttot.ui .lobnhlon.

ibo ioii.ib.iof gaaagMMi Bf *aathirty# with fromtbr«^> t" b>ur bucdred wait""a.

\ vi \ little iiniii'.anitioti end no juiipllca were foand.Ai itn (TibM ol the a: itf of tla.r <on.mi»>.aj-T

ai ra fhey roachi-d Faimvtlla. tbe r-aidi-nta t«ll ua tbeyI.ui t>, en ImoIm aaraaf aan to tbe men tor seTerolda\a pjv»i»ua. bat tbat a iraiu from Lytul.tnrg mett.'.fiii there witb Ikmr «nd PMtfci bnt nf aon-e 2,«aTfll.,.-> a over to ui t ot rnoi,- thau MBWaMMaMto be aoitha lintftcratioB off.,raee f.,reaob.CaMMMaMMrOatd ai.d .\asi»tH.'.tC.,mmi«sary Ffatoh

aaracaptuitd>n iMir mbj f'ou» Kiihruo. >l lamrtiDanrillc, an<t waia braayU Icio eatarp on Sunday.

i Mj bu.i a larga RaMbara BiMMM wagon tllia.1 wiibc gara li.p.ora atid other luxuxitH, and by aome uudar-ataBdlng aai* Blbewad 1a g<> into Cu. Lee'a llnea.i ,..y r.turrrd e.cniig. and are Bttfej to hare gonaio iin'hui.'tid on tomo bmineaa BBBaMtoi witii tbaevc'iange qncatiO'i.ihtr, wem iMUttl laat erening for a morement of

tb- triHip« r.ow here. Tbe Seooud aud 6ixtb Corpa ara|a «;ait tl!s monilng tir BaabaavtaVfaaattaak Tbatavalrv ai.d Iwei.ty fonrth L'. ipa «ry to go towardl*.invi>, wbil il.o* t'jitli Ct*BB wiil rerialn to takaMeMMiMI of and bring aw»y ti.e projierty aud BMflMcf I.oc'a Ar.nv.

11 ,. iraiM ar.> i:ow runiitng to BurV'svilla Junotioo,battbaiMVl toiaa In a mther ali.iky coaditkni, no*MM* ITfalarltf ia ai ytt »,btaiuable iu tba tiaiabaMa.

Krig. <:?n. Sr.rth du-d ou the. 9th Inet from tbaMMati afthi aroaaa be raeatred <m t'.e fab. Ui« twdya, iKjcn IMbalMBd MB Ia IM Ita aay Bi his late bome.

Ile lived in Wiltimiirtoii I.«¦!.. and leive* a wifa aiidcliibl to moarn bia io»a. ....Mal <;en Mctt, wkaWM badly woni.rfod In tlie en-

raaatnent of tba MB tnM.. widie gajantiy lendinr biaOien Ia a (.',ar^.- oo a Itehel wagon tralu, h ft for bomatkia BMBBM1 on lo»»e of aKeuce. Obb. Mori'a w.<nu.|ia Jaat b.dow tbe knee, V>e b^.l MMBBfl ttrou^a Lrtwaea,tbe u.juea.

A Baieciatl Ov4rt fr»m MeeM..«ea. Craik¦MJM iuWiBBM tiik t'!tiH:i>sr*TB% »

In ru»: »'ir.i.l>. \ IMMU, Apni 11, IBB9, JBriCiAl OBi'Kit, No 74.- Cbouod pampoaJa

oftfprvlal OroVra N >. t-, af tl i daie of Marcb ic, il»oAiV.i'ni tbe* B*ado,uarfer». e ii-peiiiiiog tia.'a ope.aiionawithi.t ti- sl 'to of Virginia. ixe< pl thai portion knowBMtbeEiial ru Miore, Bud tbe Siai.a of North Ga/obnaiii.I S'nih Caraliiin, aud p-rt'ou of flie Mataof[Morai* Imm (lintHv baraVrtaf on t':" AtbMBM.b>diidingthc Miy af Satanii-b. uutii furiber ordera Mj. rebj i, lokau.ltycom:i.nnd ofL'it <>n. fratit.

1. S. ik>wtM, AaaM A<jt.-G*B.

Milluarr AHaiira im H.mxekr.OviSNATi, Tbaia.l.y. April 13, '&U.

Prtpnratiorti fiH t< c<*lal»raU<*u bara umimb*ium aia iwilMiad ibi.o a>H to> a gaaaral turuoiitofi)l cla»a.'<.I'itii.'tr l.rt'ftoi, Ky.. <1i»; itcb aayi tbat uua,

I'aliier ia a' EBSlMPBM, Kt I'.., tl, |i UTBOM of reocie.k- . |. lid.T of Uil IU CvirJtKHtJorilUlkl&l*neUdingCol. Jeai n aao.l IbaM wba- MM BBJlarrejwUr vi iil l^t Ue«' >riVi atftMra, aud iba paafM wiil.. .itted npon io liunt them do »n. A It.-aienaot andMl .!> one iu, a aurn-ndeiedye't^rd n a»«r''r». HwOajia.ik* ii itatttnya tkatttea. » arrnipfonat Indiatiaradit.

nkarr'-,| wltbhaiflBadei*BM*r»tBaaaioawtol ajo.UO, and alao g-illty of frar.da ic M NfMMflk

Tn« UiXENiViCTOBii'A-Tbo pupilaaf Grarmaa*w, >.,i k... 17. aama«MMj t *"". ."."¦' :"'' " ",; «P.'"-"'»«'«IIV r. v>-nt Tbt.,rif. ,.t tha Ara,'r. by aVeoraataJ li.. acli.^1

,.t.lli,« niih tho natl.'nal talMl IMlMa) !i BM*, aM.ilardaj al e.ucwa BBBMMM lb«'' J '] by mtiaica aloi tUtt*BMMBMi