aroh foundation

8/8/2019 Aroh Foundation 1/53 AROH Foundation «««««««.a ray of hope Empowering the Less Privileged

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AROH Foundation

«««««««.a ray of hope

Empowering the Less Privileged

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Ou r VisionOu r Vision

A worldwhere peoplelive in dignityand security

and there areequal opportunitiesfor all.

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Empowering People«

Empowering Comm u nities«

Empowering the Nation«

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S tarted in 2000

W ith Focus on Research

Research, S trategy Planning andCapacity b u ilding for Programmes

Gender and Ed u cation

Beginning of AR OHBeginning of AR OH

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ProgrammesProgrammesEarly Childhood careEarly Childhood careS arva S hiksha AbhiyanS arva S hiksha AbhiyanS econdary Ed u cationS econdary Ed u cationH igher Ed u cationH igher Ed u cationUNGEIUNGEIGender sensitisationGender sensitisationS ex ratio aspectsS ex ratio aspects

Women¶s EmpowermentWomen¶s EmpowermentS AARC¶s Regional Capacity B u ildingS AARC¶s Regional Capacity B u ildingprogrammesprogrammes

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Reaching o u t to the grassrootsReaching o u t to the grassroots

In 2004-05,grassroots comm u nity

interventions were started in AR OH Fo u ndation

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O bjectives

Eq u alO pport u nities

for Income


Better S anitation


Better S chooling

& Ed u cationO pport u nities

Mu ltidisciplinaryS kills and Vocational


S u stainable


S elf Reliance

Gainf u l Employment,Micro Enterprises, andMarketing Assistance

Use of Indigeno u s

& renewableReso u rces

Better Maternal andChild H ealth

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Ou r ApproachOu r Approach


MonitoringEval u ation

GovernmentO rganisations


DevelopmentO rganisations&

Mu ltilaterals




Two Pronged Approach


For Comm u nityEmpowerment


GovernmentO rganisations

P S Us

NG O s

InternationalO rganisations

Vol u nteers

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We have

12Programmeswhich are o u r

Bu ilding Blocksfor Comm u nityEmpowerment

These are thespecific initiativesthat have beendesigned by u s for overall comm u nitydevelopmentwhich sometimesoverlap and arecomplimentary.

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UdaanUdaanou r flagship programmeou r flagship programme

Em power m ent for Skills and Vocation

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Traditional S kills for

Illiterate and less ed u catedCu tting and Tailoring,Dress making, S oft ToysBlock Printing, H andicraftsPaper Prod u cts

Market Driven S killsfor o u t of school andu nemployed yo u th in

trades like IT, H ospitality,Retail, Repairs & Maintenance

LifeS kills

N odal TrainingResource


Centreat N OIDA

EnglishS peaking

BasicComp u ter

S kills

Extension Activities in the Commu


H andmadePaper Unit

Mu shroomFarming


Vocation& S kills

FormingS H Gs

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Prod u cts made by o u r beneficiariesProd u cts made by o u r beneficiaries

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S chool Achcha H aiS chool Achcha H aiFor Better S chooling O pport u nitiesFor Better S chooling O pport u nities

Provide better facilities in existingschools

Books and stationery to needy


S cholarships and freeships to needyst u dents

Coaching to poor st u dents

Programmes that enco u rage andbring o u t talents in disadvantagedkids

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Greeting cards made byGreeting cards made by


r less privileged childrenou

r less privileged children

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Padho A u r BadhoPadho A u r Badho

NFE & ou

treach for NFE & ou

treach for Ou tOu t--of of--school and dropo u tsschool and dropo u ts

Padho Aur Badhoaims to bring o u t-of-school children,especially girls intothe fold of ed u cation

by providing non-formal ed u cation andeq u ivalency classes

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K u chch Naya K areinK u chch Naya K areininnovative livelihood optionsinnovative livelihood options

This programme is speciallydesigned to explore anddevelop innovative means of

livelihood like a u diography/videography,

Promoting indigeno u stalent/reso u rces and

developing innovative crafts,etc, also form a component of this initiative.

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S abke Liye K aamS abke Liye K aamplacement and self enterpriseplacement and self enterprise

Sabke Liye Kaa m providesgainf u l employmentopport u nities for thebeneficiaries.

Corporate tie u ps are madefor placement

S elf employment isenco u raged by providingtechnical knowhow andmicrocredit.

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MaaMaa--Bachcha Dono S wasthBachcha Dono S wasthMaternal and Child H ealthMaternal and Child H ealth

Maa-Bachcha Dono Swasthrealises the importance of Maternal and Child H ealthand works towardssec u ring the same thro u ghits efforts like:

1. RC H Camps

2. Vaccinations

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S abka S wasthyaS abka S wasthyaH ealth for AllH ealth for All

Sabka Swasthya promotes better health for all in the comm u nity byproviding:

H ealth campsH ealth h u bs / Vaccinations

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K u chh Alag TakneekK u chh Alag TakneekInnovative Use of Reso u rcesInnovative Use of Reso u rces

Kuchh Alag Takneek devisesinnovative u se of reso u rces s u chas non-conventional energy, tomeet the shortage of f u el andelectricity. This incl u des:

Biogas plantsS olar energy devices

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S aaf a u r H araa BharaaS aaf a u r H araa BharaaClean and Green EnvironmentClean and Green Environment

Saaf Aur Haraa Bharaais the endeavo u r designed for cleanliness,hygiene, sanitation andpollu tion control withinthe comm u nities.Interventions are:

Cleanliness DrivesAwareness Exercises

Tree PlantationsNatu re WalksEmission Control

Meas u res

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Milkar ChaleinMilkar ChaleinMaking S H Gs and CooperativesMaking S H Gs and Cooperatives

Milkar Chalein promotesformation self-helpsgroups for all activities tobe taken u p for comm u nitydevelopment. This isimportant to bringempowerment and

s u stainability in the project.

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K aravan S aath H oK aravan S aath H oS pirit of Vol u nteerismS pirit of Vol u nteerism

The progra mm e tries toinvolve the civil society andcreate social responsibility to

offer volu

ntary help for thewelfare of the u nderprivileged.We motivate all sections of people, both in India andabroad to seek vol u ntary help

for ou

r projects.You ng S oldiers ProjectO verseas Vol u nteers Project

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Governing BodyProject Director


Project Director


Project Director


Vice President


Ex ecutiveCo mm itteee

Patrons and


Think Tank



Sr. ProjectManager






Project Manager Health

Project Manager Volunteers

Project Coordinator Health

Project m anager fundraising

Volunteer Coordinator



Ani m ators

O rganogram of AR OH

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Area¶s Covered Area¶s Covered

Delhi and N CR All parts of Delhi,NO IDA, Greater NO IDA

Uttar PradeshGhaziabadGB Nagar

Bu landshahar

Rajasthan Alwar, Bhiwadi,Jaip u r, Barmer

HaryanaGu rgaon,Rohtak, S onepat,Bahad u rgarh

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Regd Off: Delhi

HO: N OIDACo mm unity Projects:Delhi, UP, Haryana,RajasthanResearch Projects:All India

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Ou r efforts in

Vocational andS

kills Trainingfor Livelihood and Income


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N odal STRC

S u rveys and S tu dies

Vocational Training

Capacity B u ilding


Career Co u nseling


Monitoring of UCCs

Admin & Management

Reso u rce Management








nity Centre

BaselineS u rvey







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UDAA N Institute of Vocational TrainingUDAA N Institute of Vocational Training

(UIVT)(UIVT)UIVT is a dedicated unit carved outUIVT is a dedicated unit carved outfro m AROH Foundation with anfro m AROH Foundation with anobjective to cover the poorest andobjective to cover the poorest andthe m ost m arginalized within thethe m ost m arginalized within theslu m s / rural population in Delhi,slu m s / rural population in Delhi,

U.P., Haryana and Rajasthan for U.P., Haryana and Rajasthan for livelihood e m power m ent.livelihood e m power m ent.

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UIVT acts asUIVT acts as Micro Finance InstituteMicro Finance Institute(MFI) and provides loan co m ponent to(MFI) and provides loan co m ponent tothe m e m bers of Self the m e m bers of Self- -Help Group for Help Group for m icro business enterprises asm icro business enterprises as

facilitating agency.facilitating agency.

UDAA N Institute of Vocational TrainingUDAA N Institute of Vocational Training(UIVT)(UIVT)

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UDAA N Institute of Vocational TrainingUDAA N Institute of Vocational Training


UIVT conducts training progra mm esUIVT conducts training progra mm esand links the beneficiary to productionand links the beneficiary to production& m arketing activities to enable& m arketing activities to enableInco m e Generation for i m provingInco m e Generation for i m proving


ily incom

e .fam

ily incom

e .

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UDAA N Institute of Vocational TrainingUDAA N Institute of Vocational Training


UIVT conducts surveys, collects &UIVT conducts surveys, collects &preserves data on sociopreserves data on socio- -econo m icecono m icissues as an input to review andissues as an input to review andreflect on progra mm es and policies .reflect on progra mm es and policies .

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Vocational Training at UDAAN N O IDA

Ru nning vocational co u rses at UIVT for theu nderprivileged in 20 market-driven trades for the past3 years.

In collaboration with Dr Reddy¶s Fo u ndation, S mileFo u ndation, Jan S hikshan S ansthan GB Nagar andRotary Cl u b N O IDA.

Total beneficiaries abo u t 2000 in three years.

Placement/self employment opport u nities have beengenerated for the passo u ts.

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AROH in DelhiVocational Trainingprogrammes under UDAAN

Computer Literacy



English Speaking

Fashion Designing

Beauty Culture

Office ManagementBamboo Kutir Products

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At present AROHis running

7 N FE centres

Health & N utritionprogra mm es for W o m en& Children

Self-Help Groups for wo m en e m power m ent togrow to 50 nos. withsupport fro m N ABARD

AROH in Delhi

Coverage:N FE for

250 out-of-

school children &skill training for

600 youth &wo m en in a year

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AROH in Uttar Pradesh

Vocational Trainingprogra mm es under UDAA N

Co m puter Literacy

RetailHospitalityE nglish SpeakingFashion DesigningBeauty Culture

Office Manage m ent

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At present in UP AROHis running

10 N FE centres

Health & N utritionprogra mm es for W o m en& Children

Self-Help Groups for wo m en e m power m ent togrow to 50 nos. withsupport fro m N ABARD


Coverage:N FE for

300 out-of-

school children &skill training for

800 youth &wo m en in a year

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AROH in Rajasthan

Vocational Trainingprogra mm es under UDAA N

Cutting and TailoringBeauty CultureSoft toy m aking

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At present AROHis running

3 N FE centres

Health & N utritionprogra mm es for W o m en& Children

Self-Help Groups for wo m en e m power m ent togrow to 12 nos.

AROH in Rajasthan

Coverage:N FE for

100 out-of-

school children &skill training for

350 youth &wo m en

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AROH in Haryana

Vocational Trainingprogra mm es under UDAA N


puter TrainingCutting and TailoringEm broideryBeauty CultureSoft toy m aking

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At present in AROHis running

4 N FE centres

HIV Awarenessprogra mm es for W o m en

5 Self-Help Groups for wo m en e m power m ent

Coverage: skill training for 250 Youth & W o m en, self help groupswith wo m en & adult literacy.

AROH in Haryana

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Advantage Advantage AR OH AR OH

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A q u alified and professional pool of expertsto carry on the implementation works

An eminent and rep u ted think tank for effective planning and g u idance

Dedicated f u nctionaries at field level toens u re s u ccess of the projects

Comm u nity and S take holders s u pportingthe project

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O ptimisation of reso u rcesO ptimisation of reso u rcesThe projects are generally r u n from the Comm u nityThe projects are generally r u n from the Comm u nityCentres.Centres.

With a single programme manager, m u ltiple activities areWith a single programme manager, m u ltiple activities aredesigned.designed.

The Gram Pradhans are the active participants in theThe Gram Pradhans are the active participants in theprojects.projects.

Comm u nity Participation in the project ens u res theComm u nity Participation in the project ens u res theacco u ntability and s u ccess. Trainers are trained withinacco u ntability and s u ccess. Trainers are trained withinthe comm u nity.the comm u nity.

Vol u nteers and yo u th co u ncils are made within theVol u nteers and yo u th co u ncils are made within thecomm u nitycomm u nity

Utilization of agro waste and indigeno u s reso u rcesUtilization of agro waste and indigeno u s reso u rces

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Replicability and s u stainabilityReplicability and s u stainability

The project works on a holistic approach and offerss u stainable livelihood sol u tions to all gro u ps/sectionsin the comm u nity, i.e. the u nemployed yo u th, illiterateand landless and those with backyards and small left-over land holdings.

It is a demand and s u pply model - works o u t itsstrategies aro u nd the demand of the ind u stries.

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Ou r Partners in ActionOu r Partners in ActionWe see o u rselves asFacilitators for the Co mm unity Develop m ent

We work in synergy and with s u pport of the:Government of India and P S Us for welfare schemes.

Corporates for s u pport u nder their C S R agenda.

Foreign and m u ltilateral f u nders for o u r comm u nity¶s needs.

Civil S ociety to draw on the strength of responsible citizens and


th. We have a volu

nteer programme where we welcome allIndian and overseas vol u nteers.O ther NG O s for networking and optimization of reso u rces.

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So m e Ongoing vocational Training Projects in CollaborationSo m e Ongoing vocational Training Projects in Collaboration

Twin eTwin e--learning for Adolescent Yo u ths fromlearning for Adolescent Yo u ths fromUnderprivileged societyUnderprivileged society

S mile Fo u ndationS mile Fo u ndation

Delhi LAB SDelhi LAB S Dr. ReddysDr. ReddysFo u ndationFo u ndation

S ocioS ocio--Economic Empowerment of Marginalized yo u th &Economic Empowerment of Marginalized yo u th &Women thro u gh Vocational TrainingWomen thro u gh Vocational Training

Rotary Cl u b , NoidaRotary Cl u b , Noida

S kill Development Initiatives ( S DI) in Comp u ter S kill Development Initiatives ( S DI) in Comp u ter Applications Applications


S kills Training Center for generating livelihoodS kills Training Center for generating livelihoodopport u nities to u nderprivileged yo u th and women in theopport u nities to u nderprivileged yo u th and women in theslu ms of East Delhislu ms of East Delhi


To set u p a H andmade Paper Prod u ction and TrainingTo set u p a H andmade Paper Prod u ction and Training

Unit to enhance the skills of r u

ral women and you

th andUnit to enhance the skills of r u

ral women and you

th andto generate better income opport u nities for theto generate better income opport u nities for theDallop u ra village of East Delhi.Dallop u ra village of East Delhi.

Moserbear Moserbear

S ocioS ocio--Economic Empowerment of Deprived Yo u th andEconomic Empowerment of Deprived Yo u th andWomen thro u gh Vocational Training in the Villages of Women thro u gh Vocational Training in the Villages of Ga u tam B u dh Nagar District of Uttar PradeshGa u tam B u dh Nagar District of Uttar Pradesh

TATA Power TATA Power

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National LiteracyMission


K armayog

Ou r Partners

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For more details, please visit o u r

H ead O ffice:F-52, Sector 8, N OIDA 210 301

Registered Office:

338, Than Singh N agar,Anand Parbat, N ew Delhi 110 005

Phone: 0120-3088070-079 (10 lines), 9811046517

E m ail: arohfoundation@g m m

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Thank Yo uThank Yo u