arson investigator claudia ortiz 7 th. forensic science forensic science- any science used for...

Arson Investigator Claudia Ortiz 7 th

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Arson Investigator Claudia Ortiz 7th

Forensic Science

Forensic Science- Any science used for purpose in a court of law.What do they do?In General, Forensic Science Technicians help investigate crimes by colleting and analyzing any data.

What Do Arson Investigators Do?

Arson Investigators examine buildings to check for any fire hazards, and make sure that all codes, federal, state, and local, are met. Also, they determine the origin and cause of any fires or explosions.

• Education Needed: -High School Diploma

-2 or 4 year degree in fire science, engingeering, or chemistry.• Experience:

-You need 160 hours total of classrom training, and on the job training.

-Related work experience

(i.e. police officer, firefighter, etcetera)


The easiest way to become an Arson Invstigator is to:• Become a Firefighter.

Starting as a firefighter is a great way to gain experience and will help open new doors to more opportunities.

How To Become An Arson Investigator

• Enroll in an Arson Investigtor Program.

Unlike a basic fire course, the program will focus on fire investigation, research, and analysis.•Get a job and build your


How To Become An Arson Investigator

Facts About This Career

•Arson Investigators can make $33,920-$87,400 annually.• They work regular business hours, 8am

to 5pm. In addition to that they must be ready to respond if a fire occurs, so it’s common to work evenings, weekends, and holidays.•Arson Investigators work at the Crime

Scene, the Fire Department, and the lab.

The Pillow Pyro

John Leonard Orr was found guilty of being an arsonist on September 18, 1998.He killed 4 people, and commited countless acts of arson over a decade. In the ’90s and ‘80s a bunch of fires were happening the only thing linking them was the cause of the fire, a cigarette, a matchbook, and some bedding, all tied up with a rubber band. Orr attended a convention for Arson Investigators and soon after a plague of fires occurred leading Arson Investigators to believe it was one of their own. After a conference, another set of fires occurred, confirming their suspision.

The Pillow Pyro

• They found ten people present on both lists and matched their fingerprints to one found at an earlier crime scene. The fingerprint was Orr’s, and he was put under surveillance. They tracked Orr and found him the one to be commiting the crimes. Investigators also found an autobiography written by Orr, of a man who was an Arsonist and an Arson Investigator. He was found guilty, and was sentenced to life in prison plus twenty years.

• "John Leonard ORR." Murderpedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Aug.


• "How To Become An Arson Investigator." FIRESCIENCEONLINE. N.p., 2015. Web. 29 Aug. 2015. <http%3A%2F investigator%2F>.

• "Fire Inspectors and Investigators." Bureau of Labor Statistics. N.p., 08 Jan. 2014. Web. 29 Aug. 2015. <

%2Fooh%2Fprotective- service%2Ffire-inspectors-and-investigators.htm%23tab-2>.
