art250 unity17autumn13

Plus Dane UNiTY 1 Issue 17 Autumn 2013 PLUS DANE GROUP RESIDENTS’ MAGAZINE Find us on... /plusdanegroup Share your stories: Our new storytelling website Fireside, is a new way in which we are sharing our Neighbourhood investor stories - learn more inside. S t o r y t e l i n A c h i e v e m e n t s S u c c e s s e s C o n n e c t o n S h a r e R e v e a l I n s p i r i n

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Plus Dane UNiTY 1

Issue 17 Autumn 2013

Plus DAne GrouP resIDents’ mAGAzIne

Find us on... /plusdanegroup

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Our new storytelling website Fireside, is a new way in which we

are sharing our Neighbourhood investor stories - learn more inside.

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hellolike us follow us watch us /plusdanegroup

and welcome to the Autumn issue of UNiTY magazine.

Inside this issue...

This edition is packed full of news and stories about how Plus Dane is delivering our seven promises.

With winter fast approaching and the weather turning colder it’s important that we all take steps to stay warm and healthy. This issue has lots of tips and advice on how to cope during the cold winter months and some simple steps that you can take to save energy and reduce your heating costs to help you keep fit and well during the winter.

You’ll also find some useful advice on gas and fire safety checking which are vital all year round but particularly important during the winter. If you are experiencing any problems and need any help or support contact us on the numbers included on the back page of UNiTY and we’ll do our best to help.

This issue also includes lots of signposts to our new storytelling website, Fireside, which we launched earlier this year. We want Fireside to be a place where we can

share all the fantastic stories about the achievements, experiences and success of the tenants and residents we serve and the neighbourhoods in which they live.

Many of the residents featured in this issue have stories to share on Fireside at where you can find out more, and we want lots more! So if you have a story you think should be told we’d love you to share it with us by contacting our Communications Team.

Ken PerryChief ExecutivePlus Dane Group

Des FinlayChairTenants Together Forum

In this issue of UNiTY you’ll see lots of articles telling you that you can read or hear more from the people involved at our new storytelling website Fireside, which is a new way in which we are sharing our Neighbourhood investor stories.

Did you know that stories are more powerful than other forms of communication? We are hard wired to think in story form - research into what happens to our brains when we hear stories has shown that it better ignites our imaginations, and encourages us to anticipate what is coming next.

Stories have been with us since the beginning of human existence. Stories, myths, legends and folktales have been used to pass on wisdom, knowledge and culture for thousands of years. Stories inspire, influence, reveal, connect and motivate us to act.

Fireside is a place where we can all share our stories and achievements and we’d really love you to get involved. If you think you or someone you know has a great story to tell, let us know and we’ll do the rest!












Share your stories

Bromley Farm Inquiry

The Big Benefit Shake Up

Winter Warmth

Fire Safety in your home

Helping Hand

Best Garden Competition 2013

Black History Month Gala

Community Safety

Youth Shadow Board

Alsager Lifestyle Project




Tell us your story

stories about the

people and places we love

Contact the communications team on 0151 703 2064, email us at [email protected] or visit and click on ‘tell us your story’.

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Plus Dane UNiTY

“What is wellbeing and how can

it be improved in Bromley Farm?”

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One of the big changes being introduced by the Government is the replacement of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) to the Personal Independence Payment (PIP).

PIP replaced DLA for new claimants in June this year and from October 2013, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has begun contacting DLA recipients and asking them to make a claim for PIP. As of 28 October 2013, the following DLA recipients will have to claim PIP:

• People reporting a change in their circumstances which might affect their rate of payment, such as an improvement or deterioration in their

condition, but not issues like going into a care home or hospital or changing address.

• People that have reached the end of an existing award of Disability Living Allowance and haven’t already received a DLA renewal letter.

• Anyone approaching the age of 16, unless they are terminally ill.

Your Personal Independence Payment will be assessed individually. The assessment will look at your personal circumstances and any barriers you face for daily living and mobility, rather than at your specific health condition or disability.

From October 2015, the DWP will start to contact everyone else receiving DLA inviting them to claim PIP and expects to have contacted everyone who needs to claim PIP by late 2017.

Claimants will be selected randomly rather than by area or age, although the Department for Work and Pensions say that they will invite claims as early as possible from recipients who have turned 65 after 8 April 2013 when PIP was first introduced.


Have a look at ourBig Benefit Shake Upmovie on NiTV

The Bromley Farm wellbeing inquiry was

set up earlier this year, to answer this

question and find out more about the

issues affecting the community.

The report into what it revealed is now complete, and recommendations made by the residents themselves are being taken forward.

These include the desire to create a hub for residents incorporating a café and community shop, offering cheaper sports facilities for tenants, finding funding for a youth worker to be based on the estate, increased access to computers and the planning of more social activities for younger and older people.

Bromley Farm in Congleton has a diverse population and has been identified as a priority neighbourhood by both Cheshire East Council and Plus Dane Group.

The inquiry wanted to begin a conversation about how we can work together to improve wellbeing outcomes and make a real difference.

There are 1,260 homes in Bromley Farm and all residents were invited to join the

inquiry panel. From that, 47 people applied; 22 tenants aged 16 to 60 made it through an interview stage to become regular attendees of the project.

The inquiry ran for nine weeks, from April to June, in sessions held at Bromley Farm Community Centre. Efforts were made to encourage tenants who normally felt excluded from the decision making process to take part.

Through the weekly sessions, the panel compiled a list of tenants’ problems with the area. The biggest issue discussed was the lack of local jobs; other things that came up included the scarcity of activities for children and young people and community events as a whole.

The group then devised its own recommendations for change which they presented at a special event in July and say they will continue to meet even now the inquiry is finished.

Emma Sneyd, Engagement Manager at Plus Dane said: “This has been a huge project for Bromley Farm that will really bring positive changes to the community in the long term. The enthusiasm and hard work put in by our tenants’ panel has been brilliant and I would like to thank them for making such a valuable contribution to the report.”

Join the Florrie RunnersIf you’re looking for a new fitness challenge in Liverpoolthe Florrie Runners is looking for members.

And thanks to support from Sport England the group is currently able to offer six weeks’ worth of FREE sessions to newcomers.

The group meets at:

The Florence Institute

(the Florrie)

Mill Street, Dingle

Every Thursday 6.30pm - 7.30pm

and Saturday 9am - 10am



Hear from residents and staff involved in the Bromley Farm Inquiry

stories about the

people and places we love

For further information you can download our Disability Living Allowance leaflet on our website

Alternatively, if you would like us to send a copy of this leaflet or any others, please contact us or for further information visit

Personal Independence Payment

Group leader Gary White said: ‘‘The group is very friendly and welcoming to new participants.

The emphasis is very much on the fitness and social side of running and we cater for all standards. We adapt the routes and the running pace to different levels of fitness and can accommodate people who can initially only manage quite short runs.’’

The sessions are led by fully qualified Run England Leaders and are suitable for anyone over 16.

The group was set up a year ago and Gary says the members have made excellent progress, with six runners taking part in the recent Knowsley 5K..

The Florence Institute

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Plus Dane UNiTY

Plus Dane tenants should be aware that service response times can be affected by severe weather in the winter months. For example, high winds may mean we have to reschedule work on roofs; and the kind of cold snap that can bring the region to a standstill may mean in the worst case scenario, we will have to prioritise emergency repairs only, and offer advice over the telephone.

Plus Dane will always be contactable during these times so if we can help call us on 0800 169 2988 (FREE from landlines), 0300 123 4560 (local rate from mobiles), or email [email protected].

Finally, don’t forget to look out for friends and neighbours and check they’re safe and well through the winter.

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There are also some simple steps you can take to ensure that you save energy to keep your fuel costs down while also keeping warm:

• Check whether you can save money by changing your energy supplier. Websites such and offer price comparisons to show you who can offer you the best deal as well as advice on easy ways to switch.

• Set your heating to switch on just before you get up and switch off after you have gone to bed. If it is very cold, set your heating to come on earlier and go off later, rather than turning the heating up.

• Set your hot water to a temperature between 43C and 60C.

• Reduce draughts by keeping doors closed and only heat rooms that you are using. Consider putting a draught excluder, such as cushions, next to drafty doors.

• Use energy saving lightbulbs where possible. Remember to turn lights off when you are not in the room.

• At night, close your curtains or blinds as this helps to keep the heat inside your home.

• When using your kettle, only boil the water that you need to use and when cooking, select the correct saucepan size. Only use the water that you need and use the pan lid.

• Switch off appliances when not in use rather than leaving them on standby.

There may also be benefits you can claim to help you through the winter months. If you need help with your fuel bills or are struggling and would like advice on how to manage your finances or how to get a better deal on your energy supplier, contact us as we may be able to help.

With winter fast approaching, it’s the time of year to make sure that you’re prepared for any cold spells and bad weather that may come our way to ensure that you stay warm and healthy during the cold winter months.

1. Don’t let the cold catch you out - check the forecast and be ready for cold weather.

2. Hot meals will keep you warm so make sure you have food in the house. Tinned, dried and frozen foods are handy as they will keep.

3. Have plenty of hot drinks like tea, coffee or hot water as this will help to keep you warm.

4. Make sure you have enough of your prescription medicines. If the weather turns bad you may not be able to collect or have them delivered, so have enough in stock.

5. Flu is much more serious than a cold; Keep yourself safe and make sure you have your flu jab. People over 65 and people with existing medical conditions get this for free.

6. Make sure you can check the temperature in your living room and bedroom. Ask someone for help if you cannot work your heating controls properly. As a minimum to keep warm and healthy, sitting rooms should be 21C and bedrooms 18C.

7. Wear layers of thin clothing; this will trap the heat better to keep you warm. Socks and hats are a good idea to keep you warm in bed.

8. Cover yourself with a blanket or shawl if you are sitting for long periods and put your feet up if you can; air is colder near the floor.

9. Tuck curtains behind radiators to keep heat in the room.

10. Keep moving if you can. Try not to sit for more than an hour - get up and walk around, make a hot drink and spread housework throughout the day. If walking is a problem try moving your arms and legs whilst sitting or wiggling your fingers and toes.

top 10 tips to keep snug, warm and well this winter

Our services during severe weather

to find out more about getting the

flu jab, talk toyour doctor

Flu is a highly infectious illness that spreads rapidly through the coughs and sneezes of people who are carrying the virus. For most people, flu is an unpleasant illness, but it’s not serious.

However, certain people are more at risk of developing potentially serious complications of flu such as bronchitis and pneumonia and these people should have a flu jab each year.

If you are in an “at-risk” group, you are eligible for a flu jab free of charge on the NHS.

This includes you if:

• you’re aged 65 or over

• you’re pregnant

• you have a serious medical condition

• you live in a residential or nursing home

• you’re the main carer for an elderly or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if you fall ill

• your child is in an at-risk group and is aged six months to two years.

Fire Safety in Your Home

Getting the flu jab

Did you know?• Over half of home fires are caused by cooking accidents.• Three fires a day are started by candles.• Every three days someone dies from a fire caused by a cigarette.

Plus Dane Group takes your safety extremely seriously and we work to promote fire safety to ensure you are safe in your home.

Most fires in the home can be prevented by taking some basic and common sense precautions:

smoke Alarms Most of our properties now have smoke alarms. If your home doesn’t please let us know by contacting us and we will arrange for an alarm to be fitted.

CookingEnsure that all rings and flames are turned off after cooking, keep your grill clean and make sure that ovens are regularly checked for stored pots and pans before switching on.

Don’t be tempted to leave cookers on low overnight and be sure not to leave utensils in them.

electrical It is a good idea to regularly check all plugs and wiring connections to appliances, make sure the plugs and flexes are in good condition and you have the correct fuses in place.

naked flames Candles, tea lights and fragrant oil burners can be especially dangerous. If you are using these, please make sure that you don’t place them on or near anything which can catch fire.

As we approach Christmas, please remember Christmas decorations can be flammable and are often implicated in fires at this time of year. Please switch off Christmas lights, extinguish candles and check your living room carefully before going to bed or going out.

Cigarettes Remember to use a proper ashtray never a wastepaper basket and make sure your ashtray can’t tip over and is made of a material that won’t burn. Housekeeping Don’t leave tea towels or clothes to dry over cookers, cooker handles or pipes near your boiler, as there’s a chance these can catch fire.

If you have a tumble dyer, it is very important to make sure these are emptied at the end of their cycles and that the filters are cleaned out regularly. Don’t leave hot, dry clothes in the dryer.

General • Tour your home last thing at night and close all doors. • Do the press button test on your smoke alarm weekly.• Keep a supply of batteries if needed for your alarm.• Don’t leave battery chargers on for long periods of time.

What to do if there is a fire?• Keep calm and act quickly, get everyone out as soon as possible.• If there is smoke, keep low where the air is clearer.• Before you open a door check if it’s warm. If it is, don’t open it - fire could be on the other side.

Don’t tackle FIre yourself - get out, stay out and call 999

Winter Warmth

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Plus Dane UNiTY

Plus Dane’s Gas Servicing Team is part of our Property Management Team and is responsible for undertaking gas and electrical testing for all the 18,000 homes owned and managed by the Group.

This year alone so far the team has delivered over 10,000 gas services in Merseyside and Cheshire and 86 solid fuel services, and nearly 6,600 gas services and 10 solid fuel services in Ellesmere Port and Neston.

Here, M&E Manager Andy Mason tells us more about the team and the work they do.

“Our team is responsible for gas, electrical testing and solid fuel servicing for Plus Dane homes and so we’re extremely busy!

“We’re a team of 21 that works across all areas, with support from our Administration Team which does a fantastic job assisting all teams within the overall department.

“We’re heading into one of our busier times now that winter is on its way, as it’s an important time of year for ensuring that gas safety checks are up to date. We do a lot of work as well to raise awareness of the importance of these checks as we have a legal obligation to service all our gas appliances each year.

“This is so important to ensure customer safety, and it’s vital that residents allow us access to their homes so that we can

ensure their appliances are safe. We’re very proud of our track record in gas servicing and our gas engineers do a great job.

“Similarly electrical testing is a legal requirement for us and we are currently doing a five year programme across the Group to check the electrics of every home.

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Helping Hand

The Moving On fund is a small bursary available to tenants who are looking to make a difference to their lives, whether that is returning to work or advancing in their careers.

Money can go towards anything from a suit and haircut to make a good impression at a meeting or job interview, to equipment needed for a college course or to pay for additional training.

Tina Davies is one of those who has benefitted from the fund. After being accepted onto a course to take a catering qualification, she realised the kit required would be an expense she wouldn’t be able to cover - and risked losing out altogether.

Congleton-based Tina has worked in a care home for two years and, when her boss asked her to take on more responsibility, she found she needed an ‘adults into catering’ qualification behind her to progress.

“When I was accepted onto the course I was thrilled, but then I realised I would have to fund my own uniform and equipment and I didn’t know how I was going to afford that. I would not have been able to save up in time,” she said.

Tina has been actively involved in a number of Plus Dane tenants groups over the years. Currently a member of the Tenants Together Forum (TTF), she knew of the funding scheme because it was something the TTF itself had approved and recommended to be put in place.

The Move On fund provided Tina with £130 to cover the cost of her uniform and the set of kitchen knives that she would need to get started. She started the Level 2 training in September, and is looking forward to taking on more morning shifts and greater responsibility at work.

“I love the course - every day is different,” she says. “I was lucky to get the fund and I really appreciate it.

“Before I got my job at the care home I had been unemployed for a while. It is hard because there are no jobs out there - you have to keep plugging away even if it gets you down at times, which is what I tell my friends who are still looking for work.

“I always wanted my own flat and a job by the time I was 30 and, looking back,I’m so pleased I achieved my targets. Plus Dane has been so supportive, from getting me out and involved in tenants groups when I was unemployed to making it possible for me to do this course.”

If you’re interested in applying for the fund, contact Plus Dane’s Engagement Team by calling our customer contact numbers, who can give you more information and help you fill in the application form.

Facelift for Churchill Court

Staff from the sheltered housing team, the scheme’s caretaker John Price and contractors from Novus Solutions spent two days painting the lounge; this was followed by the laying of a new carpet and fitting of new window blinds, all chosen by the residents.

Everything needed to spruce up the room, including paint, brushes and the necessary know-how, was provided by Novus Solutions as part of Plus Dane working in partnership.

In addition, the yard at the back of Churchill Court was cleared of overgrown weeds ready for new plants to be grown, including a generous donation from B&Q of £60 worth of flowers and shrubs.

Residents celebrated the new improved community lounge with a tea party. Thanks go to Karen Traynor, Ian Walker, Novus Solutions and B&Q for helping to make the project possible.

Connect to JobsDo you live in the Cheshire West and Chester area?

Have you been unemployed and are now in training that will lead to a

job, or already have a job offer? Is that job at least 16 hours per week?

If the answer to these questions is YES then you may be eligible for either a

subsidised travel card that could save you up to £200 for the

next 6 months, or help towards the hire of a scooter.

Resources have been secured through the Local

Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF) ‘Connect to Jobs’ to

help support those getting back into work.

If you think you may be eligible and would like

further information please contact

Caroline Thomas on 0151 337 6302.

Do you live in Ellesmere Port or Neston?Need a garage?

We have garages available for rent on various sites throughout the area, please contact Maria Lynn on 0151 373 2583 between 10am - 2pm Monday - Friday for further details.



Hear Tina talk about her experience

stories about the

people and places we love

Tina Davies

Introducing…Plus Dane’s Gas servicing team

Residents of Churchill Court in Neston are celebrating the complete refurbishment of their community centre lounge. The final phase of the much needed work has been completed providing a new and improved, bright and comfortable communal space.

Plus Dane tenants needing a helping hand to achieve their ambitions are invited to apply for funding to assist with that next step.

Each inspection takes 2-3 hours, but we always aim to keep any disruption to a minimum and it’s really important that residents allow us access to their homes to enable us to carry out these checks.

“Most customers do, but we do encounter the odd instance where people don’t want to let us in.

“Solid fuel servicing is the other area that we look after. We have 80 homes in Cheshire and 10 in Merseyside where we need to carry out a twice yearly sweep of the chimney, and again we have a responsibility to do so.

“If any customers would like more information about the work of the team or the services we carry out please do get in touch as we’re happy to help.”

Gas safety tips• NEVER use a gas appliance if you think it is not working properly. Signs to look out for include yellow or orange flames (except for live fuel-effect fires, which display this colour flame), soot or stains around appliances

• NEVER cover an appliance or block the convection air vents

• NEVER block or obstruct any fixed ventilation grilles or airbricks

• NEVER block or cover outside flues

• NEVER fit draught exclusion strips to doors of a room that contains a gas appliance

• NEVER allow anyone to carry out work on a gas appliance unless they are a fully qualified, “Gas Safe Register” registered installer

• ALWAYS have your gas appliances checked for safe operation, prior to using any new ceiling or extractor fans

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Best Garden Competition 2013

We had a great response to our Green Fingers competition and there were some impressive gardens to judge.

Best garden

The winner of Best Garden this year is Mrs Ogilvie of William Johnson Gardens in Ellesmere Port.

At 93 years young Mrs Ogilvie doesan absolutely amazing job with her garden. Many of her plants are grown from seeds and cuttings so she truly does have ‘green fingers’.

The front garden is laid to lawn with a formal arrangement of topiary, bedding plants and a background of interesting and colourful shrubs.

The walls at the front of her bungalow are covered with hanging baskets teeming with colour.

Her back garden, complete with pond, is full of acers, ferns, daturas, palms and astilbes. There is a clematis archway and a selection of tomatoes, strawberries and citrus fruits grown in pots.

this year’s winners are:

our winners!

Best communal gardenThe garden at Heath View in Congleton is choc full of shrubs planted around a lovely lawned area.

Through the summer months the gaps are crammed full of colour with surfinias, lobelia, geraniums, marigolds and begonias.

Tubs are dotted around the patio area with ornaments and garden benches set out around the lawn. The middle of the lawn has a lovely water feature with oval bowls pouring into one another.

This is a perfect garden for the residents of the block to be able to sit out and enjoy their beautiful surroundings. A magnificent effort.

Best hanging basket/potWinner in this category is Mr Worrall of Ringway, Ellesmere Port.

The front and side of his house is covered in hanging baskets.

These are dripping with healthy surfinias, lobelia, geraniums and marigolds.

With the glorious summer this year it has been really difficult to keep baskets looking their best but Mr Worrall has managed to produce a superb display.

Heath View Residents - Best communal gardenWinner of £50 gardening vouchersMr Worrall - Best hanging basket / pot

Winner of £50 gardening vouchers

A wonderful effort and a

deserving winner - well done!

outstanding hanging baskets

- well done!

A great team effort - well done!

Mrs Ogilvie - Best garden Winner of £100 gardening vouchers

A BIGthank you to everyone that entered this


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building hopePlus Dane’s fourth annual Fundraising Gala Dinner took place on Friday 11 october and was a huge success, raising over £17,000 so far!

Fundraising Gala a huge success!

The event, which took place at the

Hilton at Liverpool One and was

attended by over 200 people, was

part of Merseyside’s Black History

Month celebrations, which are

now in their 26th year of promoting

knowledge and celebrating black

history, culture and heritage.

This year’s Gala was themed

‘Building Hope’, in a fitting tribute to

the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther

King’s ‘I have a dream’ speech and

the 65th anniversary of the arrival of

Empire Windrush which has seen a

generation of people pave the way for

the young people the event aims

to support.

Through securing sponsorship,

selling tickets and hosting a

fundraising auction and raffle, the

event has raised over £17,000.

This will be used in a wide range

of ways to help support young

people looking for opportunities

to progress into employment or

training, including Plus Dane’s

Young Person’s Independence Fund,

which was established last year and

has supported young people with

everything from buying smart clothes

for interview to buying work uniforms

and paying for training opportunities.

The event was also a fantastic

showcase of the talents of local

young people, featuring a fashion

show by Carol Hasaballa and live

entertainment by Remme Corry,

as well as guest speaker Roger

McKenzie, Assistant General

Secretary of Unison. Our charity

auction raised over £3,500 alone as

guests bid for a wide range of prizes

all donated for free by Plus Dane

staff, partners and local businesses,

including a weekend in Berlin, a

helicopter ride over Liverpool and

much more besides!

The night was our biggest fundraising

event to date and every penny will go

towards supporting young people to

fulfil their potential.

Premier Sponsor

Established in 1972, Frank Rogers is a family operation at the forefront of contracting in the North West.

During the past forty years, Frank Rogers has developed the skills and expertise to undertake a diverse range of construction projects, employing highly skilled local tradesmen.

Working in partnership with housing associations across Merseyside, Frank Rogers continues to support local communities as part of a range of measures including training, employment, one off and long term initiatives.

Gold Sponsors:

At Lovell we build, refurbish, regenerate, maintain and repair homes and communities across the UK.

We have become the nation’s complete housing business, providing our partners with the most comprehensive service in the industry.

We are committed to leaving a positive legacy wherever we work, and each and every one of us wants to play their part in changing people’s lives for the better.

Penny Lane Builders is a family owned company with over 20 years’ experience of working in partnership with social housing providers to regenerate homes and communities.

We are passionate about creating employment and training opportunities for local people and maximising the socio-economic benefit of the communities we work in.

Smiths SD Limited are at the forefront of service provision, operating exclusively in the North West public housing sector. We specialise in reactive and planned building maintenance, grounds maintenance and professional cleaning services.

The company was established in 1935, and has developed to focus entirely on working with housing associations. With 40 years experience in this area Smiths SD have built up long standing relationships based upon a commitment to service delivery as well as excellent client and customer satisfaction.

Silver Sponsors:

Flanagan Group are a multilateral Liverpool based group of companies serving public and private sector interests. We provide high quality

construction, building maintenance, refurbishment, property development and leisure services.

Recently we have entered Liverpool’s leisure market with the Newz Bar, the Sir Thomas Hotel and The Park Hotel. We are committed to the sustained growth of Liverpool, through local recruitment policies and apprenticeship schemes.

Established in 1971 as an independent company, Lacy Roofing is primarily involved in flat roofing, slating, tiling and external refurbishment contracts for local authorities, housing associations, major contractors and private clients.

Liverpool UNISON represents almost 6,000 members employed by Liverpool City Council and many voluntary and private sector organisations.

We campaign, negotiate and lobby for improvements to workplaces, pay and benefits, and support members facing discrimination, bullying and injustice.

A big thank you to everyone that provided their support, and especially to our event sponsors:

Plus Dane Group | Black History Month

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A Proud

Nineteen-year-old Khalile Weaver has lived in Anne Conway House for just over a year. When the apprenticeship opportunity with Penny Lane Builders was offered, Khalile was one of four young people who applied for the position and, after one of the toughest decisions the interview panel had to make due to the outstanding candidates, he was offered the position.

“I was very eager to do work experience and this has been a fantastic opportunity for me,” he said.

“At the moment I can’t tell what area of the business I would like to go into in the future because I am still learning about the trade but I am enjoying every aspect of the job, and working has made me more confident, responsibleand disciplined.”

Through some of the funds raised at last year’s Charity Gala, Khalile has also been able to access additional

financial support to enable him to take up this opportunity while he’s still living at Anne Conway House, which has made all the difference to him.

“I would honestly say that I have received excellent support from Anne Conway House and great support from Penny Lane Builders,” he added. “It has been a brilliant experience and I would encourage others to do the same.”

Last Year’s Success Stories

This year’s event built on the success of our Gala Auction last year, which was

all about raising funds for young people living at Anne Conway House - the only

supported housing accommodation scheme specifically for Black and Minority

Ethnic young people on Merseyside.

The event showcased not only the exceptional talent we have in Liverpool but

also the positive attitudes of young people looking for opportunities to progress

into employment or training.

The generosity shown was overwhelming and, as a result, we raised a total of

£4,200 which has been used in a variety of ways, including establishing the

Young Person’s Independence Fund.

Following the success of last year’s Gala, Penny Lane Builders were so

impressed with the young people on the night that they pledged to do

something a bit different and after already donating iPads to Anne Conway

House, Operations Director Gerard McEvoy decided that the company should

create a practical, lasting opportunity that would directly benefit one of the

young people. They set up a unique three year apprenticeship opportunity

that would see a young person fully supported to NVQ Level 3 standard while

gaining experience from across the business before deciding what career path

to pursue in the long term.

Gerard said: “I grew up in Liverpool 8 and Penny Lane Builders has its roots

firmly placed within the community, so I’m very passionate and aware of the

issues and barriers faced by young people. I was looking to do something that

would show our commitment in creating an opportunity that was of value and

made a real difference.”

Plus Dane’s Anne Lundon, who helped to prepare the young people for

interview with Penny Lane Builders, said: “It was a privilege to work with Gerard

and the young people from Anne Conway House. We were all impressed by

their maturity and professionalism and I know that all staff at Plus Dane were

extremely proud of all of them.”



Hear more about Khalile’sJourney

stories about the

people and places we love

Khalile Weaver

Frank Rogers has been appointed to deliver Plus Dane’s kitchen replacement programme for homes in Liverpool and Ellesmere Port and will be creating new local jobs in the process.

With a commitment to recruit locally, the Liverpool-based contractor is now keen to take on a number of tradesmen from the Ellesmere Port area who will be appointed to carry out works in the town as part of Plus Dane’s housing management contract with Cheshire West and Chester Council.

Dean Rogers, Managing Director of Frank Rogers said: “Frank Rogers support local labour and are keen to attract Wirral-based skilled tradesmen to join

our team and help deliver this fantastic programme.

We have a wealth of experience in planned maintenance and have fine-tuned the model through previous contracts across the North West and Liverpool.

We’ll use this approach in Ellesmere Port where we are set to establish a satellite office from which we can manage the Wirral operation.”

He added: “We are delighted to have been appointed by Plus Dane. Long term framework agreements such as this offer piece of mind and long term security whilst reflecting the confidence our customers have in us.”

Frank Rogers to deliver planned maintenance contract


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One business to have benefitted and grown through the European Regional Development Funded scheme is Healthiness, a health promotion company that works with older people and adults tackling mental health problems.

Healthiness works across Liverpool, providing classes that are a combination of low intensity exercise for improving aerobic fitness, strength training, memory training, balance and co-ordination. It uses multiple exercise levels throughout its classes to ensure

optimum participation, regardless of participants’ fitness levels.

Healthiness director Susannah Arrowsmith said: “For those who cannot stand for long periods of time, we offer chair based exercises to accommodate varying physical abilities.

“We will also use a collection of people’s favourite music and old

time classics to keep them motivated whilst having lots of fun.”

Speaking about ‘Making Business Work’ Susannah said: “The initiative has been efficient in providing our organisation with useful contacts to enable its growth.

“The business advisors have a keen interest in growth and the expansion of Healthiness and their knowledge of the city’s infrastructure and communication networks is invaluable to our business.

“They go above and beyond to ensure our needs are met.”

Healthiness grows in merseyside with help from making Business WorkIn our last issue we looked at the Making Business Work scheme, a consortium of organisations led by Alt Valley Community Trust and including Plus Dane that have joined forces to provide free advice and support to businesses and social enterprises across Merseyside.

Plus Dane continues to work hard to tackle issues such as antisocial behaviour to keep neighbourhoods safe for everyone. We take all reports of antisocial behaviour seriously and investigate all complaints thoroughly to ensure that, where needed, action is taken.

operation EverpineOperation Everpine is a project to help tackle antisocial behaviour and promote community safety in neighbourhoods in Anfield and Everton during the summer months and in particular, the school holidays.

It is being funded by Plus Dane for the second year running and, through strong partnership working between the Group and the local neighbourhood police teams, has been a huge success. Sergeant Dave Whalley tells us more about the project and how it’s making a difference:

“Operation Everpine began on Friday

19th July 2013 and finished on Saturday 21st September.

“The project funded two officers on a Friday and Saturday evening to provide a high visibility presence in two key areas, working during the peak times when instances of antisocial behaviour are more likely to occur. “During this period the officers working on Operation Everpine have submitted, what has now turned into vital intelligence on those operating in a particular area, which was gathered through numerous stop checks by police officers.

“This intelligence also led to warrants being issued in three streets and resulted in an arrest for possession of drugs and suspicion of burglary, issuing a penalty notice and seizing a vehicle for no insurance. This operation has helped Plus Dane’s neighbourhood team to compile evidence for antisocial behaviour orders for the core offenders in the area. “The operation has led to a 22% reduction in antisocial behaviour on one estate in Anfield, compared to the same period last year, and a 44% reduction on an estate targeted in Everton.”

For more information visit

Community safetyuPDAte

Recent cases have included a resident of a sheltered housing scheme in Liverpool causing a nuisance to other residents byhaving groups of friends around, drinking alcohol and shouting into the early hours, as well as causing a noise nuisance from their loud television.

After attempts to curb this behaviour by issuing warnings failed and the tenant refused to accept help from support services, Plus Dane’s community safety team applied for an injunction barring the tenant from having overnight visitors without prior consent, and prohibiting them from having two or more visitors in the flat at any one time.

This injunction was granted in September and was not contested. The tenant is currently adhering to the terms of the order and working with our floating support service and resident feedback has been positive.

Another case involved a resident who was subject to an injunction not to cause a nuisance and annoyance to neighbours. This injunction was breached and the resident’s behaviour continued to cause a nuisance which included playing loud music that was offensive to others in the area.

At Liverpool Civil and Family Courts in September the resident offered no defence and was sentenced to six weeks in prison, suspended until next July.

They were also given a further two week suspended sentence in relation to earlier breaches.

A similar case in Liverpool saw a resident issued with an injunction not to cause nuisance and

annoyance to neighbours after persistent partying at their property was causing noise nuisance.

The injunction, granted in September, was not contested. Our community safety team are continuing to meet with residents and will take further action if needed.

These are just some examples of how Plus Dane works with partners from other agencies to tackle

issues of antisocial behaviour when they arise and ensure that action is taken.

If you are aware of any issues with antisocial behaviour in your neighbourhood, you can help us make your community safer by reporting this to us so that we can investigate and deal with the problem.

You can report issues to us by calling us on 0800 169 2988 (free from most UK landlines) or 0300 123 4560 (local rate from a mobile) or by using the online reporting form on our website at or email us at [email protected]

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Plus Dane UNiTY

Youth shadow BoardWelcomes new membersPlus Dane Group’s youth shadow board is welcoming new members as it goes from strength to strength. The shadow board has only been in place for one year, but has made huge strides in engaging its members and bringing young people together to learn about board membership, develop skills and experience and have input into and influence decisions of the Plus Dane Group.

It was set up so that its members could help Plus Dane better understand the views and wants of the young people it engages with and serves. Tenants aged between 18 to 25 are eligible to join.

Some of the activities the shadow board have been able to get involved in include representing Plus Dane at Black History Month events, appraising funding applications, appointing staff as members of the recruitment and selection panels, inspecting neighbourhoods along with partner agencies, and attending the full board away day to review the 2014 business plan. Along with the board and the Tenants Together Forum, the youth shadow board took part in a group-wide internal review, helping Plus Dane to begin to identify a number of areas that require further attention and development. The skills gained from their participation in the youth shadow board have helped members advance in their education and careers outside of the organisation as well.

Several shadow board members started university this year with practical and financial support from Plus Dane, after successfully applying for bursary funding.

Among them is chair Shellesa Coke, who has just started a course in social work.

She says: “The youth shadow board allows young people to have an influence in housing but also within communities. It’s also a good opportunity to further yourself.”

Youth engagement officer Lesley Dixon says: “Our aim is to train and develop the shadow board members, giving them the skills to be effective members and to ensure the views of the wider community are represented within Plus Dane Group.

“The shadow board has a real chance to make decisions and be advocates for other young people’s thoughts.”

For more information about the Youth Shadow Board, contact Lesley Dixon Youth Engagement Officer 0151 703 2014 [email protected].

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Plus Dane’s Youth Forum meets Prince EdwardMembers of Plus Dane’s Youth Forum have been working hard over the summer to gain their bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award, which involved a number of challenges including taking part in two residential trips, and developing skills such as map reading, first aid and voluntary work.

As a result of their achievements the group were invited to represent the youth forum at the official re-opening of Liverpool Central Library by Prince Edward in September.

Rachel Teare, Emma Teare, Grace Edwards, Marnie Reanney and Lydia Rae-Sibley were the first group from a housing association in the North West to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh programme and enjoyed the challenge so much that they plan to begin work on their Silver award in the new year.

If you would like to get involved with Plus Dane’s Youth Forum contact Lesley Dixon on 0151 703 2014.


Since 2008, we have been working alongside Knowsley Borough Council, as well as other major partners, to secure the massive £200m investment required to ensure the significant regeneration of the town centre.

Work is now underway to deliver more than 160 new homes in the area, and in many cases Plus Dane Group is involved in in-depth consultations with tenants to ensure the schemes are fit for their needs.

This is true of the ongoing development at St Kevin’s Drive, which will see more than 40 tenants moved into brand new houses and bungalows.

They are moving as part of the Destination Kirkby scheme, which aims to transform the town centre for current and future generations, bringing new shops, improved facilities, houses and local jobs to the area.

Work on the £7.1m development at St Kevin’s Drive began in April and is on schedule for the first set of new residents to move into their new homes in spring 2014. Their existing properties will be cleared to make way for a flagship Tesco store.

When you’re settled and happy in a property it can be distressing to have to move if you had no plans to do so - even more if your home has been earmarked for demolition.

This is why Plus Dane has worked with residents to ensure the new houses at St Kevin’s Drive meet peoples’ needs and aspirations as much as possible.

Ann Seary is one of the people moving into a new three bedroom home on St Kevin’s Drive. She said: “I didn’t want to move - I have been in my home for a long timeand it is going to be sad to have to leave. “But I’m happy the new houses are being built after so many years of disappointment and uncertainty for us all. In the new house I’ll only be three doors away from my daughter and grandchildren and be next to the same neighbours I am now, so that will be a good thing.”

Tenants have been attending a number of sessions allowing them to choose the number of bedrooms and type of property they require - even down to picking the bathroom and kitchen fittings - to make sure they are happy with their new homes-to-be.

This way, Plus Dane has also been able to help people affected by the government’s benefits changes by modifying the new builds for each family to make sure they remain affordable.

In addition, the energy efficient photovoltaic cells installed on the roofs of the new homes will not only provide electricity for each household but any excess generated will be fed back into the grid, with suppliers paying each tenant for the contribution under the Feed-in Tariff (FIT).

Plus Dane Project Manager, Mark Hooper, said: “This has been a really challenging project for us and the residents affected.

“However we now have a clear vision and timescale for fantastic new homes that we believe will be a great place to live. This is in no small part down to the perseverance of residents who have worked tirelessly to bring about a positive change.”

Neighbourhood Investment Manager Nicola Andrews added: “Kirkby town centre really needs this regeneration. We would never have chosen to demolish these houses and move tenants who were settled in their homes, but we needed to look at the bigger picture. “It has been a very difficult situation for us to manage - understandably, many people did not want to leave their homes - and we have worked hard to keep residents on board and make sure that there needs were being met.”

Quarry BrookWork is also underway on the new Quarry Brook development in Kirkby, which will provide eight bungalows and 58 two and three bedroom homes.

Expected to be completed by autumn next year, ten of the homes will be available for shared ownership, while the remainder will be on offer for affordable rent.

Built using green materials including solar panels and smart meters, this has resulted in significantly lower fuel bills for all homes in the scheme.

The site neighbours the 25 home development that kick-started the whole Kirkby project, Plus Dane’s award-winning Quarryside Drive (named housing scheme of the year at the 2012 Knowsley Business and Regeneration Awards).

If you are interested in a shared ownership property please apply online at or contact Homeshub for more details on 0151 708 4696 or [email protected] and look out for the show home coming in January 2014.

Shellesa Coke

Lesley Dixon



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Welcome to our new Cheshire Chair and ParentBoard members

This is part of our commitment to strengthening our boards, building on our new approach to governance to ensure we are well placed to tackle future challenges.

Robin, who formally stood down as CIH President earlier this year, will lead the Cheshire Subsidiary Board, where the Group owns and manages over 4,600 homes.

Robin commented: “I am looking forward to working with the Board and staff of Plus Dane Cheshire and hope to help the Group build upon the great work they do across Cheshire.”

Supporting Robin’s appointment, four new members have joined our Parent Board including housing and regeneration sector leaders Mervyn Jones and

Tom Murtha, financial services specialist Gerard Lane and experienced finance professional from the commercial sector, Anthony Barwise.

Plus Dane Chief Executive Ken Perry, said: “Plus Dane recognises that strong governance is crucial, which is why we have worked to strengthen our boards through the appointment of Linda as Chair and two new Board members last year.

“Our new appointments will build on this commitment and help to ensure that not only are we well-placed to tackle the challenges ahead for the sector, but that our work continues to make a real difference for the tenants and residents we serve.”

mervyn Jones“Plus Dane is an excellent organisation with a great track record of making a real difference in neighbourhoods and creating new opportunities through its Neighbourhood investor approach and I am happy to be able to play a part in taking this to the next level.”

tom murtha“I’m excited and delighted to join Plus Dane’s Board because Plus Dane has always shown that they are an association that mixes the traditional values of the sector with innovation and great work, which are both very close to my heart.”

Gerard lane“I am looking forward to being able to contribute to the future of Plus Dane, building on the Group’s heritage of delivering high quality affordable homes and Neighbourhood investment for tenants and residents across Merseyside and Cheshire.”

Anthony Barwise“I am delighted to join Plus Dane’s Board. I can see the passion in the organisation to go beyond providing affordable housing by positively impacting neighbourhoods, and that has motivated me to get involved. With my background in the commercial sector I am looking forward to bringing new experience to Plus Dane and sharing best practice.”


Plus Dane is currently building an apartment block at St Gregory’s of 20 one and two bedroom apartments specifically designed for the over 55’s on Halewood Road in Gateacre Village, Liverpool.

Five of these properties will be for sale through older persons shared ownership. This is a government backed scheme supported by the Homes and Communities Agency. The aim of the scheme is to reduce living costs for people approaching retirement, below the costs of owning a home outright, so that

you have more income to spend on other things.

This means you can buy between 25%-75% share, but if you buy 75% you don’t pay any rent on the 25% you don’t own.

The apartments will be handed over early next year with a show home opening early in December.

If you or a family member are interested in this scheme then please contact Plus Dane’s HomesHub Team on 0151 708 4696 or [email protected] visit the HomesHub website

st Gregory’s Halewood Road, Liverpool L25 3SL

If you are interested please call

Homeshub on 0151 708 4696

Marshall Fields, off Twemlow Lane, in Cheshire’s Twemlow, is a rural exception, affordable housing development, delivered in partnership with the Homes and Communities Agency, Cheshire East Council and MCI Developments.

The new build homes include eight homes for rent and five for shared ownership.

All of the two and three bedroom homes are for local people that have family or work connections to Twemlow and surrounding villages, and all achieve the Code for Sustainable Homes

Level 3 rating, ensuring residents running costs are as low as possible.

The development will be complete in early December 2013 with an open day for the sales units on Saturday 23 November*.

It’s a great affordable option for residents wishing to buy their first home. Prices start from just £45,000 for a 25% share.

For more information call Homeshub on 01260 288 260 [email protected].

marshall FieldsTwemlow

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visit for more information or to apply online.

If you are interested please call

Homeshub on 01260 288 260

*Date correct at time of publication.

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Plus Dane UNiTY

The weekly group began in March with a series of money-saving healthy eating sessions. Now, it has been extended and will be running into the New Year covering more health and wellbeing topics including help and advice about keeping warm over the winter.

Neighbourhood housing officer Lynda Doukanaris ran the first classes, demonstrating recipes and offering hints and tips for healthy eating, avoiding food waste and food shopping on a budget. There was also the chance for attendees to win handy kitchen items like slow cookers.

Plus Dane tenant Charmaine Thacker initially went along to accompany her daughter who had just left home for the first time, and enjoyed the Thursday afternoon class so much she went on to attend them all.

“Even though I know how to budget and how to cook, I thought the sessions were fantastic because they showed you different ways of making things, using different ingredients and making your money go further,” she said. “It was also nice to get out and meet other residents there and do something social - we all got something out of it.”

Lynda added: “We found that people spend roughly £30 a week on food and so we wanted to deliver something fun and engaging to help people learn about improving their health and eating well on a budget.”

The continuation of the cookery course has been made possible by the help of extra funding from Cheshire East Council. Anyone interested in taking part can drop in at the sessions at 12pm every Thursday at Wesley Place Church in Alsager.

22 Plus Dane UNiTY 23

Getting to know our neighbourhoods…

This time, our look at local areas turns to Liverpool. We go back in time to the Liverpool Overhead Railway, otherwise known as “the Docker’s Umbrella”.

A railway raised above the roadway was first suggested in 1852 but Jesse Hartley the dock’s engineer was not in favour. In 1877 ship owner Alfred Holt suggested an overhead tramway, similar to the New York Elevated Railroad.

In 1888 a group of local businessman formed the Liverpool Overhead Railway Company, and the “Docker’s Umbrella” was officially opened on 4th February 1893. It cost nearly £3.5 million (£311 million in today’s money), stood 16 feet (4.9m) above the road, six miles long, dual track and the first electrically powered overhead railway in the world.

There were 11 stations originally and in 1894 and 1896 respectively, extensions to Seaforth and Dingle were completed therefore reaching more residential areas. By 1897 the system was making a profit, having reached eight million passenger

journeys. These peaked in 1919 to 19 million passenger journeys.

Refurbishment took place just after the First World War with the carriages being upgraded and bomb damage during the Second World War was quickly repaired. By the 1950’s the tide was turning.

The way the docks conducted business was changing, therefore passenger figures dropped for the railway. Telephones were used more so there was less use for travelling messengers. The Liverpool Corporation had subsidised fares on trams, therefore the fares were cheaper.

The Liverpool Overhead Railway was not included in the nationalisation of the British Railways in 1948. Another big problem was corrosion of the ironviaducts. A survey revealed it would cost more than £2 million to repair which

the company could not afford. They looked to the Liverpool Corporation, but they could not help.

The company went into voluntary liquidation and closed on 30th December 1956, with demolitionstarting on 23rd September 1957.

Although the overhead railway was only here for 63 years, it made a big impact on the docks and Liverpool.

Did you travel on the railway? What are your memories? We’d love to hear from you, contact details are on the back page.

Docker’s Umbrella

Healthy LifestyleThe Alsager Lifestyle Project was so successful earlier in the year that it is up and running again.

Tuscan Bean soupOne example of a healthy recipe made during the sessions which is also cheap and easy to makeis Tuscan Bean soup, why not give it a try?!

You will need:

1 packet of good quality sausages cut into bite size pieces 2 large potatoes cut up into cubes1 large onion1 can of butter beansHandful of spinach2 good quality chicken stock cubes dissolved in hot waterGrated nutmeg/salt and pepperSmall amount of cream

Method:• Fry the sausages in a little butter with the chopped onion.• Then add the potatoes and fry all together.• Add the stock cubes with the water and the salt and pepper.• Cook until potatoes have started to soften.• Add the butterbeans and spinach and cook for a further 10 minutes. • Finally add a little cream and a generous grating of nutmeg. • Serve with crusty bread.

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Increased investment in existing property

ensure neighbourhoods enjoy good well being

Increased community safety measures

Further supporting vulnerable customers

This time our wordsearch is based on things associated with autumn.

Find the words in the grid. They can appear backwards, forwards, up, down or across. One of our words appears twice. Let us know which one and you could win a prize!

Send your entry to Caron Hunt, Plus Dane Group, 7-9 Civic Way, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire CH65 0AX.

Our winners last time were Mrs D M Potts (wordsearch) from Crewe and Ms J. Brickell-Bowers (wordwheel) from Congleton.

Write to us:

If you have any comments about UNiTY magazine please let us know. We also welcome any ideas for stories that you might have and would love to talk to people who would like to take part in our regular columns or have news to share. You can contact us in the following ways:

Call our Communications Team on 0151 703 2064, or write to Sarah Moston, Plus Dane Group, Communications Team, Rialto Buildings, 90-94 Upper Parliament Street, Liverpool L8 7SY. You can also e-mail us at [email protected]

Visit our websites at or and follow us on Twitter and Facebook. A range of Neighbourhood investor films can also be viewed on our NiTV Youtube channel.

Merseyside172 Park RoadLiverpoolL8 6SJ

CheshireShepherds MillWorrall StreetCongleton CW12 1DT

Ellesmere Port & Neston7-9 Civic WayEllesmere PortCheshire CH65 0AX

©2013 this publication has been written & designed by Plus Dane Communications Team working alongside the Tenants Communications Group. Printed on environmentally friendly paper.

Working with customers, we have established a set of seven neighbourhood investor promises these are:

Working in partnership with residents

Increased creation of local jobs

Increased supply and choice of homes


Plus Dane Group is commited to recycling.



Contact us



Find the nine letter word in the wheel grid and then find as many words as possible using the letters. Clue - something you may need once you switch the heater on!

send your entries in to us for your chance to win a prize

Good luck!








If you are a Cheshire West & Chester Council tenant living in Ellesmere Port & Neston contact 0151 373 2520.

For general information and repairs email: [email protected]