articles evolution of a multisite network information...

P elagic polar marine, temperate coniferous forest, urban watershed, coastal estuary, eastern deciduous forest, tropical rain forest, tallgrass prairie—these are just a few of the ecosystems represented in the 24 sites of the Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network (Franklin et al. 1990). By combining information from the diverse ecosystems represented in the LTER network, participants have a unique opportunity for large-scale investigations of complex phenomena like climate change, biodiversity, soil dynamics, and environmental policy. In 1996, to facilitate data exchange and synthesis from its multiple sites, LTER launched the LTER Network Infor- mation System (NIS), based on an independent site and central office organizational infrastructure. Other organi- zational partnerships provide examples of earlier efforts also focused on communications and data sharing: the Worm Community System, the Flora of North America Project (FNAP), and the Organization of Biological Field Stations (OBFS). The Worm Community System was developed—before Internet connectivity became avail- able—as a collaborative software environment through which its 1400 widely dispersed researchers could share information on the genetics, behavior, and biology of the soil nematode species Caenorhabditis elegans. Insight into the complexity of a network structure was gained through attention to the design and analysis of both the system’s structure and usability (Star and Ruhleder 1996). The FNAP system, in contrast, was developed with Internet technology. The FNAP, with a goal of identifying and cat- aloging all plant species, uses online technology to create November 2000 / Vol. 50 No. 11 • BioScience 963 Articles Karen S. Baker (e-mail: [email protected]) is Palmer LTER Data Manager, University of California, San Diego (UCSD), Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA 92093-0218. Barbara J. Benson (e-mail: [email protected]) is Associate Scientist and North Temperate Lakes LTER Data Manager, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Center for Limnology, Madison, WI 53706-1492. Donald L. Henshaw (e-mail: dhen- [email protected]) is Andrews Forest LTER Data Manager, USDA Forest Service, Pacific NW Research Station, Corvallis, OR 97331. Darrell Blodgett (e-mail: [email protected]) is Bonanza Creek LTER Data Manager, University of Alaska, Forest Soils Laboratory, Fairbanks, AK 99775- 0740. John H. Porter (e-mail: [email protected]) is Research Assistant Professor and Virginia Coast Reserve LTER Data Manager, University of Virginia, Department of Environmental Sciences, Charlottesville, VA 22904. Susan G. Stafford (e-mail: [email protected]) is Professor and Department Head, Department of Forest Sciences, College of Natural Resources, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO 80523-1470. © 2000 American Institute of Biological Sciences. Evolution of a Multisite Network Information System: The LTER Information Management Paradigm KAREN S. BAKER, BARBARA J. BENSON, DON L. HENSHAW, DARRELL BLODGETT, JOHN H. PORTER, AND SUSAN G. STAFFORD THE LTER NETWORK INFORMATION SYSTEM (NIS) IS A COOPERATIVE, FEDERATED DATABASE SYSTEM SUPPORTING MULTI-INVESTIGATOR, MULTISITE ECOSYSTEM STUDIES CREATED IN COLLABORATION WITH LOCAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL

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Page 1: Articles Evolution of a Multisite Network Information · an electronic community of authors who can write, edit, review, and

Pelagic polar marine, temperate coniferous forest,urban watershed, coastal estuary, eastern deciduous

forest, tropical rain forest, tallgrass prairie—these are just afew of the ecosystems represented in the 24 sites of theLong-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network (Franklinet al. 1990). By combining information from the diverseecosystems represented in the LTER network, participantshave a unique opportunity for large-scale investigations ofcomplex phenomena like climate change, biodiversity, soildynamics, and environmental policy.

In 1996, to facilitate data exchange and synthesis fromits multiple sites, LTER launched the LTER Network Infor-mation System (NIS), based on an independent site andcentral office organizational infrastructure. Other organi-zational partnerships provide examples of earlier effortsalso focused on communications and data sharing: theWorm Community System, the Flora of North AmericaProject (FNAP), and the Organization of Biological FieldStations (OBFS). The Worm Community System wasdeveloped—before Internet connectivity became avail-able—as a collaborative software environment throughwhich its 1400 widely dispersed researchers could share

information on the genetics, behavior, and biology of thesoil nematode species Caenorhabditis elegans. Insight intothe complexity of a network structure was gained throughattention to the design and analysis of both the system’sstructure and usability (Star and Ruhleder 1996). TheFNAP system, in contrast, was developed with Internettechnology. The FNAP, with a goal of identifying and cat-aloging all plant species, uses online technology to create

November 2000 / Vol. 50 No. 11 • BioScience 963


Karen S. Baker (e-mail: [email protected]) is Palmer LTER Data Manager, University of California, San Diego (UCSD), Scripps Institution of

Oceanography, La Jolla, CA 92093-0218. Barbara J. Benson (e-mail: [email protected]) is Associate Scientist and North Temperate

Lakes LTER Data Manager, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Center for Limnology, Madison, WI 53706-1492. Donald L. Henshaw (e-mail: dhen-

[email protected]) is Andrews Forest LTER Data Manager, USDA Forest Service, Pacific NW Research Station, Corvallis, OR 97331. Darrell Blodgett

(e-mail: [email protected]) is Bonanza Creek LTER Data Manager, University of Alaska, Forest Soils Laboratory, Fairbanks, AK 99775-

0740. John H. Porter (e-mail: [email protected]) is Research Assistant Professor and Virginia Coast Reserve LTER Data Manager, University of

Virginia, Department of Environmental Sciences, Charlottesville, VA 22904. Susan G. Stafford (e-mail: [email protected]) is Professor

and Department Head, Department of Forest Sciences, College of Natural Resources, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO 80523-1470. ©

2000 American Institute of Biological Sciences.

Evolution of a MultisiteNetwork InformationSystem: The LTERInformation ManagementParadigmKAREN S. BAKER, BARBARA J. BENSON, DON L. HENSHAW, DARRELL BLODGETT,JOHN H. PORTER, AND SUSAN G. STAFFORD








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an electronic community of authors who can write, edit,review, and publish cooperatively (Tomlinson et al. 1998).OBFS, representing a community of more than 150 bio-logical field station members with diverse environmentalconcerns, has introduced plans for an electronic mediumto support community partnerships and pilot projects(Stanford and McKee 1999).

This article describes the evolution of the LTER NIS,highlighting important components and presenting spe-cific examples of software modules that permit the inte-gration of research data from different sites. We alsodescribe how the LTER NIS work style fosters intersitecommunication, technology transfer, and an interactive,participatory approach to information management. TheLTER NIS is a cooperative effort that allows for local siteindependence and a flexible modular design.

Today’s biologists and ecologists are reaping a bounty ofnew data from their research projects, thanks to newinstrumentation and data storage capabilities. But orga-nizing these data and related information poses a chal-lenge: The data must be easily available on a long-termbasis; they must be stored, along with their supportingdocumentation, so that quality is assured and difficultiesin interpretation are minimal; and the data sets must bestructured so that they are comparable (Gurtz 1986, Porterand Callahan 1994, NRC 1995, Stafford et al. 1996). Meet-ing these goals is essential for the success of long-termresearch, multidisciplinary projects, and cross-site studies

—leading funding agencies to focus increasingly on howdata are managed. The quality of LTER sites’ data manage-ment techniques, for example, is among the criteria theNational Science Foundation (NSF) uses in reviewingindividual sites.

How data are managedLTER data flow from individual sites through severalstages to their ultimate destination (e.g., publication, pol-icy report, or media outlet; Figure 1). Management of thedata stresses their accessibility and integration (Stafford etal. 1994).

The data manager is the facilitator, translator, and con-verter (Stonebraker 1994, Bowker et al. 1997, Kies et al.1998) of these data, and must know both the science andthe information technology. A data manager must effec-tively integrate data and metadata (documentation aboutthe data) across studies (see box page 965). The data man-ager is also the attendant for a new vocabulary, which caneither launch or limits efforts (see box page 966), describ-ing changes that are introduced by technology (Kay 1998,Kies et al. 1998).

The site data manager’s second focus involves developinga balance or flexibility that lets the system respond to prior-ities. Balance built into the system must be able to addressspecific scientist versus general-user requirements, short-term versus long-term data handling, and local versusgeneric design methods. The data manager’s participation

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Figure 1. Information flow. Raw data travel through several transformations before providing useful knowledge for a widerange of communities. This information flow begins with the collection of data at an individual site. When data sets arestructured to be intercomparable, a central (often relational) database can be established. Scientific communities then drawdata from this center in formats suited to their analyses. Broader communities turn to interpretations of such analyses toobtain knowledge on pertinent topics. Such synthesis may take various forms: publications for scientists, policy statementsfor government needs, reports for business needs, and media presentations for the general public.

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in the design of the data handling procedures offers a dis-tinct advantage because he or she is familiar with the spe-cific needs of the local scientific community. The manager’sunderstanding of explicit and implicit site informationhelps establish the balances among competing needs whenresources are limited. Without flexibility and balance, datasets and information systems can go unused.

The partnership between science and data managementhas influenced studies in areas such as ecosystem variabil-ity (Kratz et al. 1995), prairie climatology (Strebel et al.1994), vegetation (Riera et al. 1998), climate (Greenlandand Swift 1991), and ice (Magnuson et al. in press). Devel-opment of an ice phenology database by the Lake IceAnalysis Group (LIAG) for over 750 lakes and rivers of theNorthern Hemisphere provides a specific example of howdata management contributes to data structuring andintersite research. This database, used to explore the use-fulness of ice data as a paleoclimate indicator, was devel-oped for a 1996 workshop with 28 international partici-pants organized by the North Temperate Lakes (NTL)LTER site. Before the workshop, project scientists workedclosely with the NTL information management staff toidentify variables of scientific interest as well as formatsfor construction of standard data sets. These often time-consuming activities, requiring close collaborationbetween scientists and data managers, were critical indatabase design and workshop preparation. Discussionsdefining the data set stimulated development of importantdescriptive information about the data, which increasedthe value of individual data sets by providing a broadercontext. Thus, a data set contribution, which might consistof only lake name and annual date of freeze, was aug-mented for submission to the ice phenology database withstandard codes specifying the continent, water body type,latitude, longitude, elevation, mean depth, shore linelength, population of largest city on lake (or river), andancillary weather data.

Whether “ice-covered” meant total or partial cover wasdiscussed, as well as how thawing and refreezing affectedthe definition of duration of cover. Instructions weredeveloped to distinguish between an observation that thelake did not freeze and a case in which no observation wasmade.

In the 1980s, gathering of data by the lead scientistsoften required visits to locations involved in LTER intersiteefforts. For the ice phenology workshop, specificationswere electronically distributed to participants beforehand.Data submissions usually involved communicationbetween contributors and information management per-sonnel. Not all research groups could submit data elec-tronically (e.g., some faxed it) or in the specified standardformat (e.g., the month written as “Jan” or roman “I”rather than numeric “01”). In such cases, informationmanagement staff members transferred the data into stan-dardized formats, and data managers also checked facts toaid scientists’ quality assurance efforts.

By the time of the workshop, a significant portion of thedata was available for on-site analysis. In earlier LTERintersite efforts, scientists spent a significant amount oftime integrating the diverse data sets into Excel spread-sheets, which then supported subsequent analyses. In con-trast, the ice phenology workshop data sets were incorpo-rated into a relational database. Data views provided aninitial point of departure, and the availability of the data-base at the workshop supported the generation of impor-tant research questions as the scientists interacted.

For instance, researchers were able to readily select sub-sets of water bodies with lengths of record or spatial loca-tions best suited to their particular questions, thus maxi-mizing individual productivity. A policy limiting dataaccess addressed researcher concerns on data sharing, andafter the workshop the data were accessible to LIAG mem-bers via the World Wide Web, promoting continuedupdates and communication. The diverse studies possiblefrom this single database resulted in a series of papers pre-sented at the 27th Congress of the International Associa-tion of Theoretical and Applied Limnology in 1998 (Mag-nuson et al. in press). The preparations required to makedata comparable, deal with multiple formats, structuredata in a database form, and provide access to it resultedin a rich body of scientific publication and a robust data-base available for future study. Without an adequate sys-tem and personnel for managing data, the magnitude ofthe effort needed to deal with large and complex data setscan be a substantial barrier to intersite research.

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The term “data manager” developed to describe an individual dealing with specific data sets. A data manager may pre-pare, calibrate, document, and assure the quality of raw data. Additionally, the data manager may develop techniques andformats for exchanging data with a central site and for eventual distribution and/or preservation. Current research oftenrequires data sets to be integrated from multiple projects and sources into intercomparable groups of data sets. In fact, theterm “information manager” may better describe the individual dealing with the broader aspects of data. Scientists, respon-sible for collecting and interpreting data, benefit from working in partnership with data and information managers, toensure optimal data and information availability.

Data Manager or Information Manager?

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Data management developments. Scientificprogress and efficiency increase when data from col-leagues, libraries, and archives are available electronicallybecause individual research units need less time to accessthe data and thus have more time for analysis and synthe-sis (Ingersoll et al. 1997). However, availability does notnecessarily imply utility. Useful data must be of knownquality, well described by metadata. With organizationsspending increasing resources on data collection, there isgrowing attention to the development and implementa-tion of archival metadata standards (Gross et al. 1995). Forinstance, the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC1995) created metadata standards as part of the NationalInformation Infrastructure efforts. National and interna-tional master directory efforts are beginning to catalog thelocation of data sets. The Global Change Master Directo-ry, supported by the National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration (NASA), is one example of an earth sci-ence database directory.

Traditionally, peer-reviewed publications have been thescience community’s data archive, but publications pre-serve only a subset of the authors’ data. Electronicallyavailable complete data sets allow future researchers toaddress alternative hypotheses as well as unanticipatedquestions. Both the high cost of properly documentingdata for electronic archives and the lack of a reward struc-ture for supporting these efforts are significant deterrentsto making data available (Michener et al. 1997). Incentivesfor openly exchanging data among ecologists, such as

venues for publishing data sets and peer-reviewed papersabout data sets, will help reduce this resistance (Olson etal. 1996).

In addition to publication and traditional short-termdata storage by individuals, there are a variety of otherdata archival methods (Olson and McCord 1998). Nation-al scientific data archives emphasize data set identification,lineage, storage, and redistribution. NASA’s Earth Observ-ing System Data Information System, which includesinterconnected Distributed Active Archive Centers, is oneexample of a national archive system. The NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s NationalEnvironmental Satellite, Data, and Information Services isanother example with interconnected centers includingthe National Oceanographic Data Center and the Nation-al Climatic Data Center.

In addition, individual research sites with informationsystems are becoming stewards of long-term data reposi-tories. Local site storage has the advantage of keeping thedata resources close to the scientists who use them. Datastored locally are readily available for updates as analysisand synthesis proceed. A local repository promotes con-tinuing dialogue between researcher and data managerabout database entry, quality assurance, and data analysis.It also may promote inclusion, in addition to data sets, offull data lineage such as literature references and publishedtexts as well as informal documents such as project plans,proposals, newsletters, brochures, and preliminary results.

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Metadata: text describing data, e.g. location, methods, units

Raw data: data as recorded directly in the laboratory or field

Calibrated data: data transformed to have relevant units

Intercomparable data: data put into an agreed upon format in order to be compatible with other related data sets

Data management: system for keeping, handling and making available data

Information management: system making available data pertinent to a selected topic, often derived from intercomparable data

Knowledge management: system making available interrelated information

Module: an independent piece of an information system with a specific function

Prototype: test module

Extensible: able to be modified or augmented

Filter: program code that reads data and converts to data which has a different form

In-reach: process of providing information and knowledge within your immediate scientific community

Out-reach: process of providing information and knowledge to a broader community

Coming to Terms with Vocabulary

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Other countries also have begun to focus on data man-agement and to establish national data sharing networks.Two examples are the Environmental Change Network inthe United Kingdom (Cuthbertson 1993, Lane 1997) andthe Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network inCanada (Canadian Global Change Program 1995). With agrowing recognition of the need to coordinate networkson a larger scale (IGBP 1990), the International LTER net-work promotes development of national ecological net-works and provides an international forum for global net-working as well (Franklin 1994).Data management paradigms. A variety of para-digms address issues associated with the processing andsynthesis of data. Regardless of approach, they are allfaced with the challenges of scaling up (Brown 1994,Stafford et al. 1994, Robbins 1995, Olson 1999) and deal-

ing with both broader spatial data scales (regional andglobal) as well as expanded temporal ones (from short-term time series to paleo records). Scaling up in a networkarena means interfacing successfully with other sites andnetworks. A number of efforts have addressed the inter-face of field science with computer science (Gurtz 1986,Michener et al. 1994, Stonebraker 1994, Strebel et al.1994, Thorley and Trathan 1994, Robbins 1995). Thechallenges associated with data synthesis have beenaddressed by partnerships focusing on discipline ortheme (e.g., ecology, Gosz 1994; oceanography, Flierl et al.1992; worm community, Kouzes et al. 1996, Schatz 1993,Star and Ruhleder 1996; remote sensing in modeling,Vande Castle 1991; prairie climatology, Strebel et al.1998); on region (e.g., Antarctica; ICAIR 1993); on task(e.g., management; Bannon 1996); and on public policy

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Figure 2. LTER Network—Background and nested structure. The Long-Term Ecological Research Network was establishedin 1981 by the National Science Foundation as a collaborative research program bringing together individual sitesmandated to create a data legacy for future researchers. The original vision—coordination into a network of a group ofsites addressing broad ecosystem issues—remains in place today (Callahan 1984). Each site consists of a multi-investigatorresearch team exploring a specific ecosystem. These sites include forest, prairie, desert, tundra, agricultural, lake, river,wetland, estuary, and marine environments—all linked into a network through core study areas, cross-site studies, andongoing collaborations (Franklin 1994, Franklin et al. 1990) as well as through electronic connectivity and informationmanagement (Brunt et al. 1990).

The LTER Network organization may be visualized as nested activities represented by ovals: individual site researchwith a data management component and the network with cross-site research coordination. Each site is represented on acoordinating committee, from which an executive committee is elected, and on a data manager committee, which alsoelects a coordinating committee. The central driver for these nested activities remains the site-funded ecosystem research,while cross-site activities have been supported by establishment of an LTER network office that maintains supportpersonnel and facilities such as a computing center. In-reach activities may take the form of both intrasite and intersitecommunications. The central support mechanism facilitates in-reach of scientists within the LTER community and out-reach to communities such as other scientific networks, technical experts, government agencies, and the public. Thesebroader communities (enclosed by dotted lines) represent another dimension of overlap. The unions of the loops representjoint LTER activities. For instance, there is coordination of LTER data management with LTER scientific pursuits throughdata manager representation at both the annual scientist coordinating committee meetings and cross-site committeemeetings. An annual data manager committee meeting provides an essential forum for information exchange among thedata managers themselves.

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(e.g., Antarctic ocean resources, Commission for the Con-servation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources; Knox1988).

Another pivotal issue in multicontributor databases isthe balance of local versus centralized management sincedata management functions may be designed and imple-mented at either local or central sites. Some multination-al efforts, such as the Global Terrestrial Observing System(Heal et al. 1993) and the Antarctic Data Centers in sup-port of the Antarctic Treaty (SCAR/COMNAP 1996,Agnew 1997), have proposed a networked structure ofsites with relatively centralized management to coordi-nate and distribute data. In this context, an overview ofthe multinational Antarctic Biological Investigation ofMarine Antarctic Systems and Stocks (BIOMASS) dataprogram (Thorley and Trathan 1994) stressed, in hind-sight, the need for better integration of science and datamanagement efforts. Such an integration is the focus ofthe National Atmospheric Deposition Program (Aubertinet al. 1990), a US multiagency group funded to overseethe National Trends Network. The program’s individualsites are responsible for data collection, using well-defined procedures and field form completion, while a

central laboratory is responsible for quality assurance anddata analysis.

The general organizational structure and the specificdata management schema of biology projects are ofteninfluenced by a combination of historical development,user community factors, and scientific goals. In a top-down approach to data management protocols, an initialunifying element can be specified. For example, theHuman Genome Project (HGP; Pearson and Soll 1991,Robbins 1992, Robbins et al. 1995) unified part of themolecular biology community structurally through theadoption of a single relational database software applica-tion to address the well-defined gene sequencing databas-es. Because it could project the type and amount of datainvolved before it started, the HGP carefully planned anelectronic information system using or creating the neces-sary technology. The Sequoia Project (Dozier 1992) isanother example of initial project unification in whichcoordination centered on the design, extension, and adop-tion of an interactive working environment for earth sci-ence projects using specific object-oriented module con-cepts. Elements of the common work environmentflourished past the project end, in contrast with the earth

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Figure 3. NIS. The Long-Term Ecological Research Network Information System facilitates information flow fromindividual research databases through composite relational databases into appropriately formatted out-reach uses bybroader communities. NIS rests on the foundation of research done at individual sites. This example shows how datamanagement interfaces and assembles data into individual data modules such as the climate database or the datacatalog. Using appropriate filters, data managers arrange for these data to be transmitted to the NIS central climatedatabase and the network data catalog. The Web presentation may migrate eventually from its original developmentlocation at a research site to the network office.

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science collaborations that remained dispersed (Stone-braker 1994).

In many situations, an abundance of research questionsare not well defined at the onset. Platt (1988) suggests thatin the life sciences, the individuality of living thingsresponding continuously to past and current events createsan abundance of research questions that simply cannot bewell posed. For example, the LTER encompasses ecologicaldatabases in which the variable definitions themselves areunder development both within the differing site system

environments and at the network level. The definition of asbasic a variable as productivity requires discussion whenconsidering how productivity is measured in a rain forestas compared with a desert or an ocean. Group or projectorganizational structures will differ from the top-downmodel when the research variables and questions are underdevelopment.

Structure influences the behavior and expectations ofresearch participants by defining how decisions are made,in a continuum ranging from autocratic or top-down to

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Figure 4. Module schema. A generic module schema illustrates how data originating at a local site can be posted to eithera dynamic or static URL using exchange filters in an agreed-upon format. Given a set of site-identified URLs, a harvesterfrom a central site can gather data and place it in a relational database. The data can then be displayed for the generalscientific community using distribution filters in a variety of formats.

Statement of Purpose Our goal is to promote ecological science by fostering the synergy of information systems and scientific research.

Vision Statements • Pursue information systems development and implementation from the context of ecological research needs • Conduct information management in a nested context of site, research network, national, and international levels • Emphasize the timely and effective transformation of data into information and the ease of access to that information • Ensure the long-term preservation and availability of information • Ensure appropriate information system development through information management research • Develop human resources necessary for the continuing evolution of LTER information systems

Strategic Vision for the Long-Term Ecological Research Network Information System

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democratic or bottom-up. LTER data management deci-sions are made at many levels, permitting a variety of deci-sion-making strategies and promoting negotiation amonginterested or affected parties across sites, themes, and dis-ciplines. The response to a policy query about productivi-ty may be initiated at the LTER network level while theworking definition of productivity for a research investi-gation may be prompted by both a site-specific questionand a working group question at the multisite level. LTER’sbottom-up organizational structure relies on the collabo-ration of sites to define research priorities as well as to ini-tially unify data management protocols and develop spe-cific network-level tools that synthesize informationacross sites.

Network Information System (NIS)LTER data management focuses on the task of supportinglocal-site science efforts while providing network coordi-nation to aid participants at all levels (Figure 2). Thegroundwork for LTER support of local-site data manage-ment was initiated during two workshops (Gorentz 1992)and further developed at LTER Data Manager Committeemeetings held annually since 1988. Additional technologyissues have been addressed by subcommittees at biannualCoordinating Committee Meetings for scientist represen-tatives from all sites. By 1994, individual-site data man-agement evolved to a point at which LTER data managerscould begin discussing the need for an integrated networkinformation system. However, the primary motivator forcreation of the NIS was a 1994 mandate of the LTER Coor-dinating Committee (the governing body for the US LTERNetwork; Figure 2) that each site make available at leastone online data set. As a result, data management effortson a network level became imperative.

The LTER NIS focus is summarized in a “strategicvision” (see box page 969)—“to promote ecological sci-ence by fostering the synergy of information systems and

scientific research” (LTER Data Management 1995).Using this vision as a guide, a 1996 implementation planoutlined development of the NIS through 2002 (Bruntand Nottrott 1996). Three important features have beenthe balance between responsibilities of the local sites andthe centralized network, the modular design, and theprocess of prototype development.

The considerable diversity of data management systemsacross individual LTER sites reflects their distinct needs,resources, and organizational structures. This rangederives from the critical need to facilitate local researchand publication (Strebel et al. 1994), and results in partfrom the fact that some local data management systemspredate site entry into the LTER network (Gurtz 1986,Briggs and Su 1994, Veen et al. 1994, Baker 1996, 1998,Benson 1996, Porter et al. 1996, Spycher et al. 1996, Inger-soll et al. 1997). Two common organizational structuresare centralized models with a full-time site-designateddata manager supported by staff and student help, and apart-time site-designated data manager who works withindividual research team data managers associated withthe site.

Initial LTER network-wide data management effortsfocused on mail list services, a personnel directory, a dataaccess policy, an all-site bibliography (Chinn and Bledsoe1997), metadata standards (Michener et al. 1997), and datacatalogs (Michener et al. 1990, Porter et al. 1997). Subse-quent cross-site data synthesis efforts—all addressing datacoordination from their inception—have included aremote-sensing sun photometer project (Vande Castle andVermote 1996), a soil roots database (Caroline Bledsoe,University of California at Davis, personal communica-tion), and a climate database (Henshaw et al. 1998). Thegrowing availability of Internet tools (first Gopher andthen the World Wide Web) has played an immediate andsignificant role in catalyzing the vision of an expanded,more integrated network-level information system.

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Table 1. Components of the LTER NIS. The NIS includes operational modules located at the LTER network office inaddition to prototype modules that may be hosted at either individual sites or the network office.

Modules Description Status

Support Personnel Directory Telephone, address, and e-mail for LTER researchers Operational

Electronic Mailing Lists Supports topic-based electronic mailing lists for LTER researchers Operational

Bibliography Free-text searches of LTER site bibliographies Under revision

Data Catalog Free text and keyword access to site datasets Operational

Site Description Directory Basic site characteristics Prototype

Research Climate Consistent interface to meteorological data, with data selection Prototype

and graphical display

Species Diversity Species data Developing

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NIS modulesA modular framework was agreed upon for the LTER NIS(Figure 3) so that individuals and working groups coulddevelop prototypes independently. Modules may be divid-ed into two content groups: support and research. Thesupport modules, consisting solely of metadata databases,contain information about the research sites or theresearch data sets. These modules, such as a personneldirectory, site description directory, bibliography, or dataset catalog, may be designed and developed independent-ly by data managers.

In contrast, research modules, such as intersite databas-es of climate, species lists, and net primary productivity,consist of research data and related metadata. Experiencehas shown that scientific questions are optimum driversfor development of research module prototypes, and thatdevelopment is best accomplished by having lead disci-pline specialists working in collaboration with data man-agers (Stafford et al. 1986). This ongoing collaborationaddresses design questions regarding module goals, vari-able definitions, and data structure. A generic moduleschema, developed originally for climate data (Figure 4),illustrates the interface of the individual site to the gener-al scientific community with the mediating function of acentral site. Table 1 lists prototype and operational com-ponents of the LTER NIS. Examples of both support andresearch modules are discussed below.Climate database. The methodology for collecting cli-matic data at LTER sites is generally standardized, follow-ing guidelines provided by the LTER Climate Committee(Greenland 1997). The LTER climate database was one ofthe first proposed research modules for the LTER NISbecause weather is an important parameter in many siteand synthesis studies. The module objective is to providecurrent and comparable climate summaries for each site(Henshaw et al. 1998). Figure 4 illustrates how all dataremain under local site control, with data involved inintersite exchange being provided in a standard exchangeformat. This approach is well suited to the diversity ofLTER sites because it allows them to store data in anydesired format. A uniform resource locator (URL) for eachsite is required to identify the location of the exchange-formatted data. The method used to produce the exchangeformat, known as the exchange filter, is determined by thesite. The URL may be linked to a periodically updated sta-tic file or to a dynamic script or database program thatgenerates the exchange data from the site’s own databaseupon request.

Web harvesting techniques are used to automaticallycollect the exchange-formatted data from the site-suppliedURL on a periodic basis, with the data deposited into acentral relational database. Although quality assurance forthe data is a local function, subsequent validation is per-formed at the central location to check for errors in datatransmission and composite. A Web interface lets endusers download reports and graphically view the database.

Distribution format views are independent of the data-base storage structure. Distribution filters, often imple-mented through programs known as common gatewayinterface scripts, create the distribution formats andgraphic displays that the end user selects. Distribution fil-ters are invoked through query forms within the Webinterface. Implementing many parallel formats allows formeeting diverse end-user requirements and avoids discus-sions of which distribution format is most appropriate.For example, an initial climate committee forum recom-mended a single-variable matrix format while a subse-quent climate workshop recommended a cross-site multi-variable matrix format (Bledsoe et al. 1996). Both formatshave been implemented, and new distribution filters maybe added without affecting previously established formats.

The climate prototype was developed at the North Tem-perate Lakes LTER site using Oracle relational databasesoftware with access through a Web interface (Stubbs andBenson 1996). The final climate prototype was moved tothe LTER network office where it was implemented in aMicrosoft SQL Server relational database. Portabilityissues, considered during the design phase, affect the easeof prototype transfer from development site to full pro-duction site. The sites participating in the climate modulebenefit by not having to develop similar presentationreport capabilities for their local climate data. Individualsite investigators as well as outside community users canuse this network climate database to access both a singlesite’s data and the data from a group of sites in a commonformat. Such benefits to local sites provide incentives thatpromote participation in research module developmentefforts. There are 15 contributing sites whose minimumdata set includes the years 1991–1995 while ongoingdevelopment focuses on climate metadata.Data catalog. A network-level LTER data catalog createsa table of contents of the more than 2000 online data setsas a method of locating data at the LTER sites. Catalogentries are derived from site metadata documentationforms that were developed independently at individualsites throughout the 1980s (Michener 1986). Over theyears, the LTER data managers have addressed metadataissues together in a sequence of working groups. The his-tory of the LTER data catalog development illustrates howdramatically data access methods have changed. In 1990,site metadata descriptions of selected data sets were com-piled and published in a hardcopy bound volume (Mich-ener et al. 1990) through the network office. In 1993, thesepublished data set descriptions were made available elec-tronically at a network office Gopher Internet site whilethe actual data remained available at the local site. In 1997,the catalog was redesigned by the Virginia Coast ReserveLTER site as a module for the NIS, taking advantage ofWeb search engines and harvesting techniques (Porter1997).

The centralized table of contents of the LTER data cata-log, instead of harvesting the actual data sets, harvests

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metadata: individual site lists of local data sets includingthe data set name, the principal investigators, keywords,and local access number. This list is provided dynamicallyas a script or statically as a file at a local URL and is har-vested regularly into a centrally located database. TheLTER data set lists are then prepared as HTML files pro-viding links to the actual local data sets and accompanyingmetadata from the central site. A Web search engine,WebGlimpse (Manber et al. 1997), generates indexes thatallow site-specific and cross-site catalog searches for datasets. The engine provides keyword searching based on thelocally provided keywords as well as free-text searching oflocal-site metadata descriptions. Though the issues of key-words as part of a controlled vocabulary search and ofaccession schemes have not been centrally addressed, thedata catalog prototype has generated further discussionsillustrating how the design, evaluation, and feedback stepsare an inherent part of module development.

The data catalog was developed predominantly throughexpertise at a local site, but group discussion elicited prod-uct definition and consensus. Four prototypes, ranging intechnical complexity from a simple catalog listing withlinks to local-site data sets to the more sophisticated cre-ation of a new catalog archive, were presented to the larg-er group for consideration. Use of existing catalog archiveswas also considered, but update would be difficult. Eachoption was evaluated by data managers within the contextof her or his site; the consensus choice was the prototypebased on Web-crawling technologies; it is in production atthe network office. The primary selection factors were easeof use and ease of update via automated processing. Thedata catalog includes site-specific as well as network-widesearch capabilities, which benefit the site that does notwant to invest in a locally developed search capability.Bibliography. The LTER all-site bibliography (Chinnand Bledsoe 1997) is an example of an early NIS supportmodule created using a variant of the harvest technique.In this case, individual site filters to convert local biblio-graphic files into a standardized, centrally located database

were centrally developed rather than site developed as inFigure 4. However, this inhibited subsequent developmentbecause updating the database required manual steps,most of them performed at the central database, whichdistanced the site from the exchange filter used to convertits data. Such efforts provided a valuable opportunity forgroup education but also created a legacy of expectationssince both module functionality and content may appearto be complete when this is actually true only momentar-ily. A working prototype can become incomplete as timepasses unless a dynamic update keeps information cur-rent. The design is being modified to move the LTER bib-liographic exchange filter to the local site and ensure thatupdate capabilities can be handled more readily. Original-ly, the LTER database was made available online using thegopher protocol and a Wide Area Information Server(WAIS) search, but it was moved to a network officeMicrosoft SQL Server in 1998. The all-site bibliographycontains more than 12,000 entries, with several indexschemes being tested and a new interface strategy underdevelopment. The bibliography is used for both cross-sitetheme searches and documenting site publication.Site description directory. The goal of the sitedescription module is to provide a uniform presentationof site information about location, personnel, andresearch. In this prototype, information is enteredthrough a Web form and saved to a central database. Toensure control at the site level, the entries can be editedthere and are easily available for download. All users mayview the site descriptions, with the local data manageroverseeing each site’s updates. For security, since pass-words are not limited to local distribution, all input issaved to a temporary storage area and reviewed forintegrity by the database manager before submission tothe online database. A site description support module iscritical for conducting cross-site research since it provideselemental site information such as location (latitude, lon-gitude, elevation), plot size, and biome classification aswell as overview information about climate, vegetation,

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One good approach to start an information system is to identify a common need centering on selected data sets that requireintegration and are pertinent to an ongoing research question. A working relationship between several scientists in additionto an ongoing data exchange creates an environment conducive to future exchanges. Thus, a beginning may involve just twopeople agreeing to put a year of temperature data into a common format. This is the start of a partnership.

Further developments might include the exchange of the data in several different formats with attendant metadata anda web posting to make the data more readily available. With web communication established, the participants might wantto establish a mailing list to let others know about the project and offer comments. This small start can grow into a mul-ti-investigator exchange of temperature data or into a collaboration large enough to require more specialized data handlersat the local site or a central location. Throughout the development of a data system, it is essential to stay focused on facil-itating ongoing research.

How Does One Establish a Network Information System?

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soil, hydrology, geology, and education. Ultimately, it pro-vides an index into cross-site LTER common sciencethemes and a mechanism to link with other site descrip-tion directories and other networks in the future. Thismodule uses Web forms that are most useful for informa-tion requiring one-time entry or very occasional update.

Web form utility depends on how the input is storedand the tools available to work with the information. Forthe site description directory, Web forms interface to arelational database (MiniSQL) on a UNIX platform but isbeing transferred to another database (Microsoft SQLServer) on an NT platform in preparation for beingmoved to the production location. Some modules may usea hybrid mechanism, such as local-site file harvesting sup-plemented with network-level Web form update, untillocal and network efforts interface seamlessly. Forinstance, the site description directory and personneldirectory could require harvesting to accommodate sub-stantial changes for a local entry but might generally beserved by network database Web form edits and additions.

Keys to success of a network informationsystemThe first step in developing a network information systemis understanding its intended use in depth. The conceptsof information management may be addressed initially ona modest scale (see box page 972) as the requirements fordata exchange and aggregation are defined. More compre-hensive design elements used in the LTER NIS are high-lighted in (see box on this page). Design elements may beincorporated gradually to improve the process as itexpands from a few scientists exchanging data to a largergroup establishing a procedure for ongoing exchanges.Elements include establishment of partnerships, defini-tion of site responsibilities, creation of a modular struc-ture, and development of independent prototypes. A sup-port structure is needed to address the challenge oftransforming individual site data into intercomparabledata sets. The designation of a data manager and thedevelopment of a strategic vision at the local-site levelhave important influences on local data administrationand database management. Similarly, a network informa-tion system requires data managers both at each site and atthe network level. Agreement by sites on a strategic visionfor the network-level information system that encompass-es support of both local and cross-site ecological researchis critical.

Communication is a key factor in making a large multi-disciplinary project feasible (IGBP 1990). After all, thesuccess of an enterprise is based on the exchange of infor-mation in support of its participants. There is a develop-ing literature on organizational learning, computer-sup-ported cooperative work, and communities of practice(Jordan 1996). Communication within the LTER networkis promoted through a variety of informal means such asstandardized lists, electronic mail lists, a network Web site,

surveys, working groups, and symposia, in addition to themore formal committees, reports, proceedings, newslet-ters, and publications. Communication is essential toestablishing and maintaining effective partnerships, whichare another key design element for any information sys-tem. A nested structure (Figure 2) facilitates active part-nerships among individual site scientists, data managers, acoordinating office, and the broader ecological communi-ty. Partnerships interlock at many levels, including within-site and cross-site as well as network-to-network. Com-munications specifically within the LTER data managergroup have been encouraged through network office sup-port and annual meetings. The concepts for online datahandling are discussed frequently in working groups aswell as plenary sessions of data management meetings.Surveys have been found to be effective tools for gatheringinformation for group discussion; topics have includedsite overviews, electronic and weather instrumentation,bibliographic software, site software, data access, data pol-icy, Web presentation elements, information systemdesign, and information management support.

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Define focus and establish partnerships • Encourage research-driven data management • Include research, computer, and information sciences • Design project structure to facilitate communication • Consider local autonomy and heterogeneity • Create a vision statement • Balance in-reach and out-reach

Define site responsibilities • Develop internet connectivity • Maintain data electronically online • Provide data documentation • Address data quality issues • Facilitate data update

Create a modular structure • Ensure interoperability • Build upon existing software including web tools • Make use of filters for data exchange and distribution • Establish ease of input/output as a priority • Emphasize dynamic update capability

Develop independent prototypes • Recognize small group development efficiencies • Promote prototype assessments • Evaluate scalability • Ensure sustainability • Enable site module migration to network location

Design Elements for a Network Information System

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Development of modules has been a crucial feature ofthe LTER NIS design. Within the framework of a modularstructure, tasks can be considered independently as long aseach is designed as a module that can interface with theNIS structure without disturbing other modules. An addi-tional strength of modular design is that it is extensible:The information system can be extended or modified eas-ily by adding, replacing, or deleting modules without com-promising the NIS structure. This is made possible by hav-ing separate specifications for each part of the system(Brunt 1998).

Prototypes of modules are individual test designs thatcan be developed and implemented at any site but maymigrate eventually to another location. Several prototypesmay be proposed, tested, and modified in response to theneed for a single module. A working prototype catalyzesdevelopment by providing a functioning product forimmediate review and focuses discussion on concreteissues. Prototypes are developed by individual or collabo-rating sites and implemented by a few cooperating siteswith the understanding that decisions made during devel-opment are subject to further modification. Evaluationwithin a small group strengthens the model before largeinclusive group discussions. Still, the pace of developmentgives a site in disagreement with some aspect of an adopt-ed model the time to create alternative suggestions. A vari-ety of local-site initiatives demonstrating effective newapproaches to data management are considered, but ulti-mately, only those that scale to the full network, as well asbeing generally robust and sustainable, are adopted. Sincethese initial explorations are limited in time investmentand development scale, there is less reluctance to accept analternate, more effective solution in response to feedback.Iterative module development is similar to the concepts ofiterative software interface design (Kies et al. 1998). Thelocal-site contributions to network prototypes expand thepool of technical expertise for the network. In the best ofcases, there is a leveraging of resources that saves any onesite from having to attempt each task individually.

Software tool developments have accelerated and creat-ed an environment of rapid change in data managementtechniques. Network tools have been a dominant integra-tive force in the development of the LTER Network Infor-mation System. Prototype implementations use tools suchas Web pointers, which find Web addresses; Web har-vesters, which provide automatic internet file retrieval;and Web forms, which allow database information to beadded and updated. With site funding support focusedprimarily on science, local computing environments haverelied extensively on existing software. This remains possi-ble as long as visionary tool development in computer sci-ence is funded elsewhere. The LTER data managers havepromoted collaborative exchanges with the computer sci-ence community to identify appropriate new tools and toserve occasionally as a test bed in their development.Adoption of new software is influenced by the consensus

decision-making process employed at the network datamanagement level, which acts as a conservative force inthe adoption of new tools.

Different candidate hardware, software, and methodscan undergo an evolutionary evaluation much like a nat-ural selection process in which pieces that succeed are pre-served and those that don’t disappear over time (Kelly1994, Spink 1997). The process is described by cyberneticsin systems that have the capacity for learning and adapt-ing. Although this feedback model does not promote lin-ear progress, it offers flexibility because it simultaneouslyencompasses both design and evaluation as a part ofdevelopment. Thus, instrumentation and software adopt-ed at one site may be documented in surveys, reportedupon, and discussed. Candidates that have not been dis-carded are refined and may spread through the network byexample, and ultimately may be adopted at the networklevel. When a majority of sites have found a solution use-ful, it confirms the method’s robustness. This feedbacksystem enables sites to learn with and from each other.These communications foster replication of successfulstrategies and modification or avoidance of unsuccessfulones. Software choice will be influenced by the need toensure site participation. Modules must be straightfor-ward to implement as well as beneficial to the participat-ing site. Their design can minimize interface difficultiesand thus maximize the likelihood of site participation.Ensuring ease of input and output of data to the system isa basic priority. Providing a mechanism for data exchangeand distribution is an obvious benefit to each site. The useof translation filters accommodates this exchange withoutdictating any changes in individual-site data management.Alleviating the difficulties of data update by the sites is alsocritical for long-term maintenance and should be a trans-parent part of the database process. Even the simple Webposting of prototype module participants provides a mod-est reward and encourages module implementation atother sites.

Looking aheadAs a community, the LTER may be considered a social sys-tem, or even a cognitive ecosystem, with its own uniqueinfrastructure (Schatz 1993, Star and Ruhleder 1994, Tom-linson et al. 1998). The success of such a community sys-tem depends upon whether important issues can be rec-ognized, communicated, and addressed (NRC 1995,Spasser 1997). In particular, it is critical for planners tokeep in mind the differences between those who work tosupport the system and those who benefit from it (Grudin1989). The LTER structure represents a complex inter-weaving of scientific, political, economic, technological,social, and educational issues. A broadening at selectedsites to include social science and education componentswill bring new expectations and approaches. New devel-opments will require a reexamination of both system sizeand organizational structure.

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In looking ahead, it is important to consider the poten-tial for LTER expansion in light of its history. The NIS hascomfortably accommodated an increase in participantswith initial sites unified by funding from the same Nation-al Science Foundation (NSF) division. The LTER network,which began as a group of six sites funded by NSF’s Divi-sion of Environmental Biology (DEB), reached 16 sites in1990. Several early LTER sites (H.J. Andrews ExperimentalForest, Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, Jornada Experi-mental Range, Niwot Ridge, and Shortgrass Steppe) wereinitiated under the NSF International Biological Program.The network grew to 20 sites with the addition of two inAntarctica funded in 1991 and 1994 through the Office ofPolar Programs and two urban sites funded in 1997through a partnering of three NSF directorates: BiologicalSciences, Social Behavior and Economics, and Educationand Human Resources. In 1998, a 21st site was fundedthrough DEB as a conversion of a former Land MarginEcosystem Research (LMER) site. Consideration of addi-tional coastal sites resulted in the identification of threenew sites this year. Such a diversity of funding brings addi-tional funds but with the added burden to network coor-dination given directorate differences in administration,support, and scheduling.

As the network continues to grow and diversify, partic-ipants must consider how the LTER model of nested struc-tures (Figure 1) and consensus decision-making will beaffected. We must be alert to whether additional commu-nication mechanisms must be identified, whether the indi-vidual site will remain vested in LTER, and whether a con-sistent base of support can be maintained given anincreasing reliance on funding sources with differingrequirements and agendas. We must be aware of both theinefficiency inherent in large group dynamics (Grudin1988) and the progress of computer-supported coopera-tive work (Baecker 1993, McCarthy 1994, Bowker et al.1997) in addition to the balance of opportunistic networkdevelopment against centralized control. The LTER NIS isa multidatabase system (Sheth and Larson 1990) that inthe continuum of federated database systems described byRobbins (1995) is closer to the loosely coupled than thetightly coupled end of the spectrum. What changes willthe NIS undergo? We will need to revisit the evaluationcriteria themselves, which range from “Does the systemsupport local science?” to “Does it promote cross-discipli-nary synthesis?” to “Does it manage long-term data?” Thegrowing need to address global ecological questionsprompts us to ask how well the current LTER data man-agement model will scale to more expansive networks andglobal database concerns, and leads to the question, “Willa paradigm shift occur?”

ConclusionsThe Long-Term Ecological Research Network is a com-munity of more than 1100 scientists and more than 700students in approximately 140 institutions focused on

ecological systems and common goals for the long-termdata the community generates. It is a working modeldemonstrating how a data management structure canfacilitate integrated science. Both the LTER programstructure and the data management approach aim to inte-grate local and cross-site ecosystem research. Althoughearly research methods emphasized the individual effort,contemporary paradigms are broadening to address com-munity constructs (Jordan 1996). As data managementbecomes recognized as an integral part of a group effortand single-investigator personal data systems interfacewith broader data and metadata aggregations, issues suchas documentation and data availability can be addressedin the larger context of integrated science. Unresolvedissues such as module interoperability, data indexes,semantic capabilities, and data policy remain the subjectof community discussion and research.

The LTER development of information management isan adaptive process, not a rigid prescription. It is anapproach that facilitates science in the short term, fosterspartnerships among data managers and scientists acrossthe network, and creates technological interfaces. Thestructure of the LTER NIS allows exploration of rapidlychanging computer science technology, avoiding the needto impose a single solution on an entire network. Proto-type development, carried out by independent subsets ofinterested sites in an arena of group and subgroup discus-sion, has proved to be an efficient mechanism for explor-ing and evaluating new methods. Local LTER site initia-tives, not constrained by network considerations, can alsoidentify emerging technology that will benefit scientificprogress. Yet the system is designed so that this experi-mentation does not impede the momentum of ongoingresearch.

With an emphasis on communication, ongoing feed-back creates a synergy among LTER sites. This dynamicprocess permeates the spectrum of sites regardless of theirstage of technological development. If one site cannotmaintain a Web server initially, as long as it is connectedelectronically, communication is possible and the networkcan provide initial basic services such as Web page, stor-age, or remote-sensing support. Group connectivitymeans that computer-mediated communication is avail-able to create an extended learning environment. Internetconnectivity is not absolutely required for a network, butit has been a determining factor in the success of the LTERnetwork and has been identified as a goal for all sites(Brunt et al. 1990).

Finding an appropriate balance of local development inconcert with network development has guided the evolu-tion of the LTER NIS. Local versus network dynamics canhelp maintain a healthy tension (Star and Ruhleder 1996,Susan Stafford, Colorado State University, personal com-munication) yet promote cohesiveness within the group ofsites because of the participation by all in defining a systemflexible enough to respond to today’s rapid technological

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changes. From an organizational perspective, the decisionsto maintain data management at a site level as well as toestablish a network office that promotes and supports elec-tronic connectivity on the Internet are significant contribu-tors to the LTER program’s success. Successfully identifyingand allocating functions best maintained at the site leveland at the network level is not a trivial assignment. Leader-ship and vision are necessary to ensure long-term viabilityof this complementary functioning.

The LTER NIS approach is appropriate for many groupsof sites or countries faced with addressing both local needsand network cooperation. Such an approach also appliesto a group faced with networking post hoc that wishes tobuild upon existing local data management efforts. EachLTER site has a unique research and administrative struc-ture reflected in the local information system’s balance ofservice, information management, and computer science.This balance is defined by the vision of the organizingbody, the available technical infrastructure, and the exper-tise of the local data manager. The LTER data managementapproach, emphasizing partnerships, communications,and a modular structure developed through independentprototypes that are dynamically updated, has proven pro-ductive and has created a learning environment. The LTERNetwork Information System model permits site develop-ment to continue at the local level while drawing strengthfrom the diversity of the sites in the network.

AcknowledgmentsThis work was funded by NSF Grants (OPP-96-32763ksb/PAL, DEB-96-32853 bb/NTL, DEB-92-11769 db/BNZ,DEB-96-32921 dh&ss/AND, DEB-94-11974 jp/VCR, andDEB-96-34135 NET). The model presented builds uponcontributions from the community of LTER site datamanagers as well as from the LTER scientists and admin-istrators who have worked with vision and patience. Spe-cific recognition is given to Robin Stubbs at the NorthTemperate Lakes site for development of the climatedatabase, to Dawn Rawls for manuscript editing, and toJames Thomas Callahan for undeterred support of datamanagement.

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